Results for 'Michel Broué'

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  1.  4
    Pour voir clair: zigzags entre les mathématiques, l'art, la politique et la vie.Michel Broué - 2024 - Paris XIXe: Éditions du Seuil.
    À quoi peuvent servir les mathématiques pour résister à la confusion ambiante des idées? À apprendre la rigueur de la 'méthode scientifique' mais aussi la liberté de penser. Cette liberté farouche est bien celle qui anime le mathématicien Michel Broué dans cette réflexion 'en zigzags.' Qu'il s'interroge sur son propre parcours - son amour des mathématiques, sa formation trotskyste, ses combats anti-staliniens, ses convictions universalistes-, ou qu'il dénonce les mensonges de l'Histoire, les fausses transgressions en art ou l'usage frauduleux (...)
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    The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception.Michel Foucault - 1972-1977 - Vintage Books.
    In this remarkable book Michel Foucault, one of the most influential thinkers of recent times, calls us to look critically at specific historical events in order to uncover new layers of significance.
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    Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews.Michel Foucault - 1977 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Because of their range, brilliance, and singularity, the ideas of the philosopher-critic-historian Michel Foucault have gained extraordinary currency throughout the Western intellectual community. This book offers a selection of seven of Foucault's most important published essays, translated from the French, with an introductory essay and notes by Donald F. Bouchard. Also included are a summary of a course given by Foucault at College de France; the transcript of a conversation between Foucault and Gilles Deleuze; and an interview with Foucault (...)
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    Abnormal: lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975.Michel Foucault - 2003 - New York: Picador. Edited by Valerio Marchetti, Antonella Salomoni & Arnold I. Davidson.
    The second volume in an unprecedented publishing event: the complete College de France lectures of one of the most influential thinkers of the last century Michel Foucault remains among the towering intellectual figures of postmodern philosophy. His works on sexuality, madness, the prison, and medicine are classics his example continues to challenge and inspire. From 1971 until his death in 1984, Foucault gave public lectures at the world-famous College de France. These lectures were seminal events. Attended by thousands, they (...)
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    Wrong-Doing, Truth-Telling: The Function of Avowal in Justice.Michel Foucault - 2014 - [Louvain-la-Neuve]: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Fabienne Brion, Bernard E. Harcourt & Stephen W. Sawyer.
    Three years before his death, Michel Foucault delivered a series of lectures at the Catholic University of Louvain that until recently remained almost unknown. These lectures—which focus on the role of avowal, or confession, in the determination of truth and justice—provide the missing link between Foucault’s early work on madness, delinquency, and sexuality and his later explorations of subjectivity in Greek and Roman antiquity. Ranging broadly from Homer to the twentieth century, Foucault traces the early use of truth-telling in (...)
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  6.  26
    Penal Theories and Institutions : Lectures at the Collège de France, 1971-1972.Michel Foucault - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    “What characterizes the act of justice is not resort to a court and to judges; it is not the intervention of magistrates. What characterizes the juridical act, the process or the procedure in the broad sense, is the regulated development of a dispute. And the intervention of judges, their opinion or decision, is only ever an episode in this development. What defines the juridical order is the way in which one confronts one another, the way in which one struggles. The (...)
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  7.  28
    Developing Global Leaders: Insights From African Case Studies.Michel Foucault - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    “What characterizes the act of justice is not resort to a court and to judges; it is not the intervention of magistrates (even if they had to be simple mediators or arbitrators). What characterizes the juridical act, the process or the procedure in the broad sense, is the regulated development of a dispute. And the intervention of judges, their opinion or decision, is only ever an episode in this development. What defines the juridical order is the way in which one (...)
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  8. L'essence de la manifestation.Michel Henry - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):458-459.
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    Les anormaux: cours au Collège de France (1974-1975).Michel Foucault - 1999 - Companyédition Gallimard/Seuil.
    Contient le résumé du cours publié dans l'"Annuaire du Collège de France", 76e année, Histoire des systèmes de pensée, année 1974-1975.
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    C'est moi la vérité: pour une philosophie du christianisme.Michel Henry - 1996 - Seuil.
    Le christianisme bouleverse notre conception de l'homme parce qu'il refuse la manière dont celui-ci se comprend depuis toujours à partir du monde, de sa vérité et de ses lois. Selon le christianisme, l'homme ne procède pas du monde mais de Dieu: il est son " Fils ". Or Dieu est Vie, Vie qui ne se montre en aucun monde, qui s'éprouve elle-même dans son intériorité invisible. L'autorévélation de la Vie est l'essence de Dieu. Cette épreuve de soi de la Vie (...)
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  11.  16
    La arqueología del saber.Michel Foucault - 1969 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 30:69-83.
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  12.  15
    Le discours philosophique.Michel Foucault - 2023 - [Paris]: Seuil. Edited by François Ewald, Orazio Irrera & Daniele Lorenzini.
    « Qu’est-ce que la philosophie et quel est son rôle aujourd’hui? Entre juillet et octobre 1966, quelques mois après la parution des Mots et les Choses, Michel Foucault, dans un manuscrit très soigneusement rédigé mais qu’il ne publiera pas, apporte sa réponse à cette question tant débattue.À la différence de ceux qui, à l’époque, s’attachent à dévoiler l’essence de la philosophie ou à en prononcer la mort, Foucault l’appréhende, dans sa matérialité, comme un discours dont il convient de dégager (...)
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  13. La barbarie.Michel Henry - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (3):327-329.
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  14.  10
    Einstein philosophe: la physique comme pratique philosophique.Michel Paty - 1993 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
  15.  30
    Introduction to Kant’s ‘Anthropology’.Michel Foucault - 2008 - Semiotext(E). Edited by Roberto Nigro.
    Foucault's previously unpublished doctoral dissertation on Kant offers the definitive statement of his relationship to Kant and to the critical tradition of philosophy. This introduction and commentary to Kant's least discussed work, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, is the dissertation that Michel Foucault presented in 1961 as his doctoral thesis. It has remained unpublished, in any language, until now. In his exegesis and critical interpretation of Kant's Anthropology, Foucault raises the question of the relation between psychology and (...)
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  16.  24
    Sensory scaling: A paradigm whose time has past.Michel Treisman - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):206-207.
  17.  44
    A multisensory perspective of working memory.Michel Quak, Raquel Elea London & Durk Talsma - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  18.  14
    Le naufrage de l'université: et autres essais d'épistémologie politique.Michel Freitag - 2021 - [Montréal]: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Ce livre de Michel Freitag interpelle "tous ceux qui s'interrogent sur la place qu'ils tiennent ou le rôle qu'ils jouent dans l'aventure de l'Université contemporaine." (Georges Leroux, Spirale) Une des constantes des écrits contenus dans ce livre "réside dans la comparaison systématique que Michel Freitag établit entre les caractéristiques de la modernité et celles de la postmodernité et les conséquences de celle-ci sur le traitement des enjeux et des problèmes actuels." (Louis Guay, Anthropologie et société) "Dans une société (...)
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    The use of procedural knowledge in simple addition and subtraction problems.Michel Fayol & Catherine Thevenot - 2012 - Cognition 123 (3):392-403.
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    Of Problematology: Philosophy, Science, and Language.Michel Meyer - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    Michel Meyer offers a new beginning for philosophy rooted in a theory of questioning that he calls "problematology." Meyer argues that a new beginning is necessary in order to resituate philosophy, science, and linguistic analysis, and he proposes a global view of rationality by returning to the nature of questioning itself. For Meyer, philosophy does not solve problems or give answers but instead shows how propositions are related to a whole field of questions that give them meaning. Reason is (...)
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    The Illusion of the End.Michel Valentin, Jean Baudrillard & Chris Turner - 1996 - Substance 25 (2):128.
  22.  36
    Transdisciplinarity as Relative Exteriority.Michel Serres - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):41-44.
  23.  14
    Habiter.Michel Serres - 2011 - Paris: Éditions Le Pommier.
    "Depuis l'embryon lové dans le ventre de sa mère, jusqu'aux métropoles qui couvrent la Terre de leurs lumières permanentes, les humains ont inventé de nombreuses façons d'habiter. Mais les animaux et, plus étonnant, les végétaux avaient déjà exploré de nombreux modes d'habitat. Michel Serres nous dévoile les secrets de ces architectures séduisantes et multiples, nous en montre le sens et les mots, et esquisse ainsi le monde de demain." Présentation de l'éditeur.
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    Einstein and Spinoza.Michel Paty - 1986 - In Marjorie Grene & Debra Nails, Spinoza And The Sciences. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 267--302.
  25.  65
    How Are Species Discovered?Jan G. Michel - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (3):419-441.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: The general aim is to shed light on the structure of species discoveries new to biology by bringing together a practice-oriented philosophy of science perspective with a philosophy of language perspective. The more specific aim is to argue that and to show how the overall structure of biological species discoveries comprises aspects of both institutional and non-institutional reality. The author proceeds as follows: he shows that placing the focus on the topic of scientific (...)
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  26.  17
    Educação, experiência formativa e pensamento dialético em Theodor W. Adorno.Michel Aires de Souza Dias - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (4):159-178.
    ABSTRACT: In the 18th century, Kant evaluated that his historical period was not a time of enlightenment, but rather minority, because of man’s inability to use his own understanding. Adorno updated this problem, interpreting the minority in our presente in terms of loss of experience. Men are no longer apt to experience, because the technical and economic apparatus prevents the clarification and awareness of reality. From this diagnosis, The aim of this article is to investigate Adorno’s educational thought in its (...)
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  27.  44
    Goods, causes and intentions: problems with applying the doctrine of double effect to palliative sedation.Michel C. F. Shamy, Susan Lamb, Ainsley Matthewson, David G. Dick, Claire Dyason, Brian Dewar & Hannah Faris - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundPalliative sedation and analgesia are employed in patients with refractory and intractable symptoms at the end of life to reduce their suffering by lowering their level of consciousness. The doctrine of double effect, a philosophical principle that justifies doing a “good action” with a potentially “bad effect,” is frequently employed to provide an ethical justification for this practice. Main textWe argue that palliative sedation and analgesia do not fulfill the conditions required to apply the doctrine of double effect, and therefore (...)
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    (1 other version)Rhetoric, Language, and Reason.Michel Meyer - 1993 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Contemporary or postmodern thought is based on the lack of foundation. The impossibility of having a principle for philosophy has become a position of principle. As a result, rhetoric has taken over. Content has given way to the priority of form. Michel Meyer's book aims at showing that philosophy as foundational is possible and necessary, and that rhetoric can flourish alongside, but the conception of reason must be changed. Questioning rather than answering must be considered as the guiding principle. (...)
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  29.  6
    Morales espiègles.Michel Serres - 2019 - Paris: Le Pommier.
    " Pour chanter les vingt ans du Pommier, mon éditrice me demanda d'écrire quelques lignes. Les voici. Pour une fois, j'y entre en morale, comme en terre nouvelle et inconnue, sur la pointe des pieds. On disait jadis de l'Arlequin de mes rêves, bienheureux comédien de l'art, qu'il corrigeait les moeurs en riant. Devenu arrière-grand-père, son disciple a, de même, le devoir sacré de raconter des histoires à ses petits descendants en leur enseignant à faire des grimaces narquoises. Parvenus ensemble (...)
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  30.  12
    Le Passage du Nord-Ouest.Michel Serres - 1980 - Paris: Editions de Minuit.
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    Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature.Michel Grimaud - 1976 - Substance 5 (14):167.
  32.  43
    Literature and the Exact Sciences.Michel Serres & Roxanne Lapidus - 1989 - Substance 18 (2):3.
  33.  35
    The Discovery of Cellular Oncogenes.Michel Morange - 1993 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 15 (1):45 - 58.
    Between 1975 and 1985 a series of experiments demonstrated that cancer, whatever its causative agent, is due to the activation, by modification or overexpression, of a family of genes highly conserved during evolution, called the cellular oncogenes. These genes participate in the control of cell division in every living cell. Their products belong to the regulatory network relaying external signals from the membranes towards the nucleus and allowing cells to adapt their division rate to the demand of the organism. These (...)
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  34.  82
    Semirealism, Concrete Structures and Theory Change.Michel Ghins - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (1):19 - 27.
    After a presentation of some relevant aspects of Chakravartty's semi-realism (A Metaphysics for scientific realism. Knowing the unobservable. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007), this paper addresses two difficulties that appear to be inherent to important components of his proposed metaphysics for scientific realism. First, if particulars and laws are concrete structures, namely actual groupings of causal properties as the semirealist contends, the relation between particulars and laws becomes also a relation between particulars with some annoying consequences. This worry—and some others—are (...)
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    Symbolism, Its Meaning and Effect: The Universal Algebra of Culture.Michel Weber - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):350-377.
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    Borderlands: towards an anthropology of the cosmopolitan condition.Michel Agier - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity Press. Edited by David Fernbach.
    The images of migrants and refugees arriving in precarious boats on the shores of southern Europe, and of the makeshift camps that have sprung up in Lesbos, Lampedusa, Calais and elsewhere, have become familiar sights on television screens around the world. But what do we know about the border places – these liminal zones between countries and continents – that have become the focus of so much attention and anxiety today, and what do we know about the individuals who occupy (...)
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  37.  78
    Scientific realism and invariance.Michel Ghins - 1992 - Philosophical Issues 2:249-262.
  38.  24
    8 Beauvoir, Sartre, and the Problem of Alterity.Michel Kail - 2009 - In Christine Daigle & Jacob Golomb, Beauvoir and Sartre: The Riddle of Influence. Indiana University Press. pp. 143.
  39.  56
    Walter Benjamin e o marxismo.Michel Löwy - 1994 - Trans/Form/Ação 17:07-13.
    This article analyses the relationship between Benjamin and Marxism, without however failing to recognize that the philosopher's thought has at the same time two sides: one Marxist and another messianic.O presente artigo visa analisar as relações entre Benjamin e o marxismo, sem, entretanto, esquecer que o pensamento do filósofo comporta, ao mesmo tempo, uma vertente marxista e outra messiânica.
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    Let the people decide: citizen deliberation on the role of GMOs in Mali’s agriculture.Michel P. Pimbert & Boukary Barry - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1097-1122.
    This paper describes and critically reflects on a participatory policy process which resulted in a government decision not to introduce genetically modified cotton in farmers’ fields in Mali. In January 2006, 45 Malian farmers gathered in Sikasso to deliberate on GM cotton and the future of farming in Mali. As an invited policy space convened by the government of Sikasso region, this first-time farmers' jury was unique in West Africa. It was known as l’ECID—Espace Citoyen d’Interpellation Démocratique —and it had (...)
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  41. Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind.Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.) - 2010 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    This collection opens a dialogue between process philosophy and contemporary consciousness studies. Approaching consciousness from diverse disciplinary perspectives—philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, neuropathology, psychotherapy, biology, animal ethology, and physics—the contributors offer empirical and philosophical support for a model of consciousness inspired by the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947). Whitehead’s model is developed in ways he could not have anticipated to show how it can advance current debates beyond well-known sticking points. This has trenchant consequences for epistemology and suggests fresh and (...)
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    Can Common Sense Realism be Extended to Theoretical Physics?Michel Ghins - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (1):95-111.
    In this paper I argue in favour of a moderate and selective version of scientific realism with respect to the existence of some physical theoretical objects and the truth of some statements about them. The analysis of common sense or ordinary experience reveals that existence and truth assertions concerning familiar objects are warranted if they satisfy what we call the criteria of presence and invariance. Ordinary objects exemplify a form or a structure determined by constant and changing features with respect (...)
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    Le contextualisme sémantique en perspective : Au sujet de Literal Meaning, de François Recanati.Michel Seymour - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (1):249-262.
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  44.  31
    Philosophy and the Passions: Toward a History of Human Nature.Michel Meyer - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    For the passions represent a force of excess and lawlessness in humanity that produces troubling, confusing paradoxes.In this book, noted European philosopher Michel Meyer offers a wide-ranging exegesis, the first of its kind, that ...
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    Psychiatry After Virtue: A Modern Practice in the Ruins.A. A. Michel - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (2):170-186.
    Contemporary psychiatry maintains the myth that it is value neutral by appeal to modern medical science for both its diagnostic categories and its therapeutic interventions, leaving the impression that it relies on reason—that is to say, reason divorced from tradition—to master human nature. Such a practice has a certain way of characterizing and defining humanity's lapses from acceptable human behavior—a lapse from human being. The modern practice of psychiatry applies a particular notion (largely influenced by Enlightenment ideals) of scientific instrumentation (...)
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  46.  69
    What will result from the interaction between functional and evolutionary biology?Michel Morange - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (1):69-74.
    The modern synthesis has been considered to be wrongly called a “synthesis”, since it had completely excluded embryology, and many other disciplines. The recent developments of Evo-Devo have been seen as a step in the right direction, as complementing the modern synthesis, and probably leading to a “new synthesis”.My argument is that the absence of embryology from the modern synthesis was the visible sign of a more profound lack: the absence of functional biology in the evolutionary synthesis. I will consider (...)
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  47.  99
    The Concept of Being as Production.Michel Henry - 1985 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 10 (2):3-28.
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    The Plural States of Recognition.Michel Seymour (ed.) - 2010 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    Critical reflections by established academics on the crisis of multiculturalism that occurred in Great Britain, Netherlands and Canada. It provides an occasion to develop a sophisticated understanding of societies characterized by religious, ethnic and cultural diversity.
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  49.  29
    A gênese da causalidade física.Michel Paty - 2004 - Scientiae Studia 2 (1):9-32.
  50.  20
    Vers une stratégie de formalisation de la rupture dans l'interaction verbale.Michel Musiol & Frédéric Verhaegen - 2002 - Philosophia Scientiae 6 (1):125-161.
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