Results for 'Michal Dobrzanski'

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  1.  78
    (1 other version)Schopenhauer Diagrams for Conceptual Analysis.Michał Dobrzański & Jens Lemanski - 2020 - In Ahti Veikko Pietarinen, P. Chapman, Leonie Bosveld-de Smet, Valeria Giardino, James Corter & Sven Linker (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12169. pp. 281-288.
    In his Berlin Lectures of the 1820s, the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860) used spatial logic diagrams for philosophy of language. These logic diagrams were applied to many areas of semantics and pragmatics, such as theories of concept formation, concept development, translation theory, clarification of conceptual disputes, etc. In this paper we first introduce the basic principles of Schopenhauer’s philosophy of language and his diagrammatic method. Since Schopenhauer often gives little information about how the individual diagrams are to be understood, (...)
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  2. Diagrammatic Representation and Inference 11th International Conference, Diagrams 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, August 24–28, 2020, Proceedings.Michał Dobrzański & Jens Lemanski (eds.) - 2020 - Basel: Springer.
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    Schopenhauer Diagrams for Conceptual Analysis.Michał Dobrzański & Jens Lemanski - 2020 - In Ahti Veikko Pietarinen, P. Chapman, Leonie Bosveld-de Smet, Valeria Giardino, James Corter & Sven Linker (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12169. pp. 281-288.
    In his Berlin Lectures of the 1820s, the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860) used spatial logic diagrams for philosophy of language. These logic diagrams were applied to many areas of semantics and pragmatics, such as theories of concept formation, concept development, translation theory, clarification of conceptual disputes, etc. In this paper we first introduce the basic principles of Schopenhauer’s philosophy of language and his diagrammatic method. Since Schopenhauer often gives little information about how the individual diagrams are to be understood, (...)
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  4. Renesansowa interpretacja cnoty stoickiej – „stałość” u Justusa Lipsiusa.Michał Dobrzański - 2011 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 13.
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  5. Reism, Concretism and Schopenhauer Diagrams.Jens Lemanski & Michał Dobrzański - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3/4):104-119.
    Reism or concretism are the labels for a position in ontology and semantics that is represented by various philosophers. As Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz and Jan Woleński have shown, there are two dimensions with which the abstract expression of reism can be made concrete: The ontological dimension of reism says that only things exist; the semantic dimension of reism says that all concepts must be reduced to concrete terms in order to be meaningful. In this paper we argue for the following two (...)
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  6. Epistemic Functions of Replicability in Experimental Sciences: Defending the Orthodox View.Michał Sikorski & Mattia Andreoletti - 2023 - Foundations of Science (4):1071-1088.
    Replicability is widely regarded as one of the defining features of science and its pursuit is one of the main postulates of meta-research, a discipline emerging in response to the replicability crisis. At the same time, replicability is typically treated with caution by philosophers of science. In this paper, we reassess the value of replicability from an epistemic perspective. We defend the orthodox view, according to which replications are always epistemically useful, against the more prudent view that claims that it (...)
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  7. Emotions in conceptual spaces.Michał Sikorski & Ohan Hominis - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology.
    The overreliance on verbal models and theories in psychology has been criticized for hindering the development of reliable research programs (Harris, 1976; Yarkoni, 2020). We demonstrate how the conceptual space framework can be used to formalize verbal theories and improve their precision and testability. In the framework, scientific concepts are represented by means of geometric objects. As a case study, we present a formalization of an existing three-dimensional theory of emotion which was developed with a spatial metaphor in mind. Wundt (...)
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  8. Is forensic science in crisis?Michał Sikorski - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-34.
    The results of forensic science are believed to be reliable, and are widely used in support of verdicts around the world. However, due to the lack of suitable empirical studies, we actually know very little about the reliability of such results. In this paper, I argue that phenomena analogous to the main culprits for the replication crisis in psychology are also present in forensic science. Therefore forensic results are significantly less reliable than is commonly believed. I conclude that in order (...)
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  9. Minimal Theory of Causation and Causal Distinctions.Michał Sikorski - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (1):53-62.
    The Minimal Theory of Causation, presented in Graßhoff and May, 2001, aspires to be a version of a regularity analysis of causation able to correctly predict our causal intuitions. In my article, I will argue that it is unsuccessful in this respect. The second aim of the paper will be to defend Hitchcock’s proposal concerning divisions of causal relations against criticism made, in Jakob, 2006 on the basis of the Minimal Theory of Causation.
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    Mental Shopping Calculations: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study.Michal Klichowski & Gregory Kroliczak - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  11. Rethinking the Acceptability and Probability of Indicative Conditionals.Michał Sikorski - 2022 - In Stefan Kaufmann, Over David & Ghanshyam Sharma (eds.), Conditionals: Logic, Linguistics and Psychology. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The chapter is devoted to the probability and acceptability of indicative conditionals. Focusing on three influential theses, the Equation, Adams’ thesis, and the qualitative version of Adams’ thesis, Sikorski argues that none of them is well supported by the available empirical evidence. In the most controversial case of the Equation, the results of many studies which support it are, at least to some degree, undermined by some recent experimental findings. Sikorski discusses the Ramsey Test, and Lewis’s triviality proof, with special (...)
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  12. Quality Space Model of Temporal Perception.Michal Klincewicz - 2010 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6789 (Multidisciplinary Aspects of Tim):230-245.
    Quality Space Theory is a holistic model of qualitative states. On this view, individual mental qualities are defined by their locations in a space of relations, which reflects a similar space of relations among perceptible properties. This paper offers an extension of Quality Space Theory to temporal perception. Unconscious segmentation of events, the involvement of early sensory areas, and asymmetries of dominance in multi-modal perception of time are presented as evidence for the view.
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    Perfectionism and endorsement constraint.Michal Sládecek - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (1):89-104.
    The article deals with Hurka?s critique of Kymlicka and Arneson?s critique of Dworkin on endorsement constraint thesis, according to which a person cannot have a valuable life if values are imposed on her - primarily by state action - overriding her preferences and convictions on the good life. This thesis has often been identified with neutral liberalism and counterposed to perfectionism. The text argues against Hurka?s and Arneson?s argument that mild coercion and paternalistic reduction of trivial, bad or worthless options (...)
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  14. Conscious experience of time: Its significance and interpretation in neuroscience and philosophy.Michał Klincewicz & Sophie Herbst - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:151-154.
  15. Modernizacja szkół zawodowych w oparciu o programy rozwojowe.Andrzej Klimczuk & Michał Skarzyński - 2014 - In Marta Juchnicka (ed.), Formalnoprawne Aspekty Modernizacji Szkolnictwa Zawodowego. Izba Rzemieślnicza I Przedsiȩbiorczości. pp. 119--144.
    A. Klimczuk, M. Skarzyński, Modernizacja szkół zawodowych w oparciu o programy rozwojowe, [in:] M. Juchnicka, Formalnoprawne aspekty modernizacji szkolnictwa zawodowego, Izba Rzemieślnicza i Przedsiȩbiorczości, Białystok 2014, pp. 119-144.
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  16. The Ramsey Test and Evidential Support Theory.Michał Sikorski - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):493-504.
    The Ramsey Test is considered to be the default test for the acceptability of indicative conditionals. I will argue that it is incompatible with some of the recent developments in conceptualizing conditionals, namely the growing empirical evidence for the _Relevance Hypothesis_. According to the hypothesis, one of the necessary conditions of acceptability for an indicative conditional is its antecedent being positively probabilistically relevant for the consequent. The source of the idea is _Evidential Support Theory_ presented in Douven (2008). I will (...)
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  17. A Probabilistic Truth-Conditional Semantics for Indicative Conditionals.Michał Sikorski - 2022 - Semiotic Studies 35 (2):69-87.
    In my article, I present a new version of a probabilistic truth prescribing semantics for natural language indicative conditionals. The proposed truth conditions can be paraphrased as follows: an indicative conditional is true if the corresponding conditional probability is high and the antecedent is positively probabilistically relevant for the consequent or the probability of the antecedent of the conditional equals 0. In the paper, the truth conditions are defended and some of the logical properties of the proposed semantics are described.
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  18. Przygody cyfrowego tułacza.Michał Kłosiński - 2023 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    The mission and message of music: building blocks to the aesthetics of music in our time.Michal Smoira-Cohn - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. Edited by Herzl Shmueli & Michal Smoira-Cohn.
    This English version is rewritten with some chapters omitted and 2 new chapters added of the book in Hebrew: ha-Muzikah: shelihut u-vesorah: avne beniyah la-estetikah shel ha-muzikah by Mikhal Zemorah-Kohen and Hertsel Shemueli, published Or Yehudah: Devir, c2007.
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    People Copy the Actions of Artificial Intelligence.Michal Klichowski - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21.  13
    Cywilizacje w ujęciu Feliksa Konecznego a multikulturalizm we współczesnej Europie.Michał Kmieć - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 20:199-224.
    The aim of this thesis is to describe contemporary cultural problems in Europe using the category of historiosophy developed by Feliks Koneczny. The author discusses the division of civilisations in Europe as described by Koneczny and his ‘historical laws’ which concern mutual relations between these civilisations. Nowadays, Europe is an area where five civilisations mix. One of them has appeared in Europe due to the mass migration of the Muslim population. According to Koneczny, there can be no synthesis between civilisations (...)
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  22.  17
    Mit apolityczności sportu w kontekście działań Międzynarodowego Komitetu Olimpijskiego.Michał M. Kobierecki - 2022 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 27 (1):151-171.
    Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu apolitycznego charakteru sportu. Badania mają na celu prześledzenie stanowiska Międzynarodowego Komitetu Olimpijskiego wobec upolitycznienia sportu i skonfrontowanie go z faktyczną działalnością MKOl, którą można określić jako polityczną. Badania doprowadziły do wniosku, że apolityczny charakter sportu to tylko mit. Masowa popularność sportu skłoniła wiele państw do prób wykorzystania go do celów politycznych, zmuszając MKOl do zajmowania stanowisk politycznych i przenoszenia sporów politycznych na swoje forum.
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    Russia and Its International Image: From Sochi Olympic Games to Annexing Crimea.Michał Kobierecki - 2016 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 18 (2):165-186.
    The aim of the article is to analyze the change of the Russian Federation’s international image in the light of two significant events: the Olympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi and the annexation of Crimea. According to the first hypothesis, one of the main aims for hosting the Olympic Games was to improve the international prestige of Russia. Shortly after the Olympics Russia increased its activity in Eastern Ukraine, which resulted in the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. Therefore the (...)
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  24.  19
    Sports Diplomacy of Norway.Michał Marcin Kobierecki - 2017 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 20 (1):131-146.
    Norway is perceived as a country with a clear international identity. The aim of the article is to investigate the sports diplomacy of Norway and to examine its influence on the international brand of this country. The author will define the term “sports diplomacy” and attempt to outline the strategy of Norway’s public diplomacy; an analysis of the methods used in Norwegian sports diplomacy will follow. The main hypothesis of this paper is that sports diplomacy only plays a subsidiary role (...)
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  25. The object-based and process-based regulation of genome editing.Michal Koščík & Eliška Vladíková - 2023 - In Santa Slokenberga, Timo Minssen & Ana Nordberg (eds.), Governing, protecting, and regulating the future of genome editing: the significance of ELSPI perspectives. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    Everything is a Relation: A Preview.Michał Zawidzki & Joanna Golińska-Pilarek - 2018 - In Michał Zawidzki & Joanna Golińska-Pilarek (eds.), Ewa Orłowska on Relational Methods in Logic and Computer Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 3-24.
    This chapter provides a concise overview of Ewa Orłowska’s research contributions and the content of the volume.
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    Engaged in Relations: A Trialogue.Michał Zawidzki, Joanna Golińska-Pilarek & Ewa Orłowska - 2018 - In Michał Zawidzki & Joanna Golińska-Pilarek (eds.), Ewa Orłowska on Relational Methods in Logic and Computer Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    The chapter is a transcription of editors’ discussion with Ewa Orłowska. It reveals some extracurricular flavors of Ewa Orłowska’s biography, brings to light a difficult historical context of her academic career and life, and shows how much internal fortitude she demonstrated while overcoming these difficulties.
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    Ewa Orłowska on Relational Methods in Logic and Computer Science.Michał Zawidzki & Joanna Golińska-Pilarek (eds.) - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book is a tribute to Professor Ewa Orłowska, a Polish logician who was celebrating the 60th year of her scientific career in 2017. It offers a collection of contributed papers by different authors and covers the most important areas of her research. Prof. Orłowska made significant contributions to many fields of logic, such as proof theory, algebraic methods in logic and knowledge representation, and her work has been published in 3 monographs and over 100 articles in internationally acclaimed journals (...)
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  29.  20
    Determinants of health-related lifestyle. Comparative study of the functioning of young adults in 2003 and 2013.Michał Sieński, Agnieszka Rosińska & Michał Ziarko - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (3):366-374.
    Background - Early adulthood is the developmental stage during which, for the first time, an individual can independently choose their own lifestyle. For the future health of a young adult, it is important that they incorporate healthy behaviors from different health dimensions into their lifestyle. Analyzing the foregoing issue gives rise to a fundamental question: did intensive social changes experienced after Poland’s accession to the European Union lead to changes in different aspects of a healthy lifestyle? Method - The presented (...)
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    The independency of Poland in the context of the heritage of Rosa Luxemburg.Michał Siermiński - 2014 - Nowa Krytyka 34:83-102.
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    The Smiling Skull of Leszek Kołakowski.Michał Siermiński - 2015 - Nowa Krytyka 35:37-60.
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  32. Conditionals, Causal Claims and Objectivity.Michał Sikorski - 2020 - Dissertation, Università di Torino
    In my thesis, I develop two distinct themes. The first part of my thesis is devoted to indicative conditionals and approaching them from an empirically informed perspective. In the second part, I am developing classical topics of philosophy of science, specifically, scientific objectivity and the role of values in science, in connection to recent methodological developments, revolving around the Replication Crisis.
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  33.  9
    Postmodernistyczne toposy „nie-miejsc”.Michał Sikora - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (1):214-221.
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    Patrząc z ukosa na ponowoczesność. Perspektywa kresu człowieka.Michał Sikora - 2014 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 26:271-278.
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    Sens dziejów i kenoza w myśli Augusta Cieszkowskiego i Włodzimierza Sołowjowa.Michał Sikora - 2015 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27:139-157.
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    Before and after the investigations: Wittgenstein on the origin and end of philosophy.Michal Sladecek - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):229-248.
    This paper points to the relation between Wittgenstein's position and Kant's transcendental dialectics with regard to the nature of philosophical problems and their roots in language, thinking and affinities of humans. Related to this, there is the question of function of philosophy which involves the removal of these problems, according to both authors. The author supports the thesis that, when it comes to Wittgenstein, it cannot be discussed about the end of philosophy if he considers that there is the natural (...)
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    Democracy: Between the essentially contested concept and the agonistic practice: Connolly, Mouffe, Tully.Michal Sládeček - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (1):65-87.
    The text considers points of view of theoreticians of the radical pluralism : Connolly, Mouffe and Tully with regard to the status and the nature of concepts in the political discourse, as well as the consequences of these conceptual presumptions to understanding democracy. The three authors emphasize the essential contestability of political concepts, the paradox of liberal democracy and the need to revise standard rational consensus theories of democracy. Also, the three authors take over the specific interpretation of Vittgenstein to (...)
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  38.  34
    Defining political community.Michal M. Sladeček - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):179-192.
    Pojam politicke zajednice spada medju nedovoljno tematizovane pojmove u tradiciji politicke filozofije, a narocito liberalisticke teorije. Ovaj teorijski nedostatak nadoknadjivanja u poslednje dve decenije, kada su u sirokom opsegu istrazivani problemi odredjenja, znacaja, konstituisanja i mogucnosti politicke zajednice. U prvom delu ovog rada pokusao sam da ukazem na razloge za tematizovanje ovog pojma, kao i njegovu relevantnost u analizi savremenih zbivanja na ovim prostorima. U drugom delu nastojao sam da blize odredim pojam politicke zajednice. Treci deo posvecen je sporovima koji (...)
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    The Moral Justification of Civic Duties.Michal Sladecek - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (2):99-112.
    In the first part of the article the concept of associative duties and their justification as distinctive from general moral duties are analyzed. The second part considers associative duties to fellow citizens and distinguishing features of those duties such as reciprocity, mutuality and equal status. In the final part the author deals with specific cases concerning refugees and stresses arguments as to why the associative duties of cocitizens should overcome duties to refugees, as well as the failures of those arguments. (...)
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  40.  8
    Comprehensiveness and Reasonableness of the Conceptions of the Good in the Dispute of Political Liberalism and Perfectionism.Michal Sládeček - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (2):269-282.
    The paper argues that Rawls’ critique of perfectionism from the standpoint of neutral liberalism scrutinizes the conceptions of the good without demarcation between them, that is, without distinguishing whether they are comprehensive religious or philosophical conceptions, or whether they are piecemeal comprehensions of local values, concepts and goods. In addition to the high contestability in the use of the concept of comprehensiveness, it is necessary to retain the concept of reasonableness, as comprehensions of the good have to be to some (...)
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  41.  35
    Dworkin's liberal theory of community.Michal Slâdecek - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (25):243-259.
    The paper is an analysis of Dworkin's attempt to develop, within liberal theory, a conception of community and associative obligations, where community is taken as a particular intrinsic value. Certainly, this attempt encounters various difficulties, like the insufficiently robust distinction between political community and other types of communities, as well as Dworkin's too narrow delimitation of the scope of activities and competences of political community. It is argued nevertheless that this endeavor is highly significant, complementing substantially the theoretical concerns of (...)
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  42.  15
    Development of Human Capacities and the Legitimacy of State Intervention.Michal Sládeček - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (4):737-749.
    Analysis starts from Rawls’s disposition that in a liberal society autonomous persons should have two moral powers – the capacity for a sense of justice and the capacity to establish, pursue and revise the concept of the good. Political or neutral liberalism advocates the justification of state intervention to improve the first type of capacity while declaring the interference with the second capacity illegitimate. The critique of this disposition is done by analysing the perspectives of Jonathan Quong and Martha Nussbaum, (...)
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  43.  21
    Macintyre on identity of ethics and politics.Michal Sládecek - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (31):29-56.
    In first chapters of this article MacIntyre?s view of ethics is analyzed, together with his critics of liberalism as philosophical and political theory, as well as dominant ideological conception. In last chapters MacIntyre?s view of the relation between politics and ethics is considered, along with the critical review of his theoretical positions. Macintyre?s conception is regarded on the one hand as very broad, because the entire morality is identified with ethical life, while on the other hand it is regarded as (...)
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  44.  25
    Michael Walzer: Community in the spheres of justice.Michal Sládecek - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (1):89-126.
    U ovom tekstu razmatra se Walzerova pozicija u odnosu na liberalisticka shvatanja pravde, nejednakosti, gradjanstva i etnokulturalne pripadnosti. Za razliku od liberala, Walzer pridaje znacaj nedobrovoljnim udruzenjima i duznostima proisteklim iz takvog udruzivanja, kao i socijalnoj nejednakosti koja je posledica pripadanja etnokulturalnoj grupi. Tekst takodje razmatra Walzerove odgovore na primedbe da njegova pozicija podrazumeva moralni relativizam. Na planu politike, iz Walzerove pozicije proistice da su eticki sistemi na kojima se zajednice u jednom liberalnom drustvu zasnivaju dovoljno liberalizovani, sa usvojenim principima (...)
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  45.  31
    Political morality and neutrality.Michal Sládecek - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (3):401-414.
    The article gives the reasons why a distinction between political morality and ethical conceptions needs to be drawn, as well as the reasons for which political liberalism is a substantial moral conception, and as such in tension with certain understandings of the neutrality. Further, the text analyzes the definition of personality through capacity for action. Recognition of this capacity is necessary, but not sufficient to attribute to a person a special status from the standpoint of political morality, since individuals also (...)
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    Republicanism, apsolutism, and liberalism: Hobbes and Kant on state of war and peace.Michal Sládecek - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (3):11-25.
    This text reflects on the book written by Milorad Stupar, Political Philosophy. Based on the perspectives given in Stupar?s book, the author?s intention is to illustrate the problems regarding certain topics such as: citizenship, the dispute about the nature of Hobbes?s philosophy, as well as social, political and historical background of Kant?s political philosophy. The article points at dilemmas related to the meaning of citizenship in modern states, to the compatibility between absolutism and certain elements of liberalism in Hobbes?s work, (...)
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    Robert Nozick: Utopija U libertarijanskoj perspektivi.Michal Sládeček - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (28):163-180.
    The author first looks at how the basic tenets of libertarianism, as presented in the opening chapters of Nozick?s?Anarchy, State and Utopia?, are connected with the idea of community. In the second section Nozick?s own conception of utopia and voluntary associations is discussed. In the closing section various critiques of this libertarian conception are analyzed. Though compatible with social co-operation, Nozick?s position rests on an indeterminate concept of rights and is incapable of explaining adequately the relations of mutual connectedness, i.e. (...)
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    Second-order impartiality and public sphere.Michal Sládecek - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (4):757-771.
    In the first part of the text the distinction between first- and second-order impartiality, along with Brian Barry?s thorough elaboration of their characteristics and the differences between them, is examined. While the former impartiality is related to non-favoring fellow-persons in everyday occasions, the latter is manifested in the institutional structure of society and its political and public morality. In the second part of the article, the concept of public impartiality is introduced through analysis of two examples. In the first example, (...)
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    Social science as the idea: Peter Winch and Wittgenstein’s heritage.Michal Sládecek - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (3):145-162.
    U ovom radu izlaze se kratak pregled Vincovog poimanja drustvenih nauka kao neodvojivih od filozofije i Vitgenstajnovog uticaja na ovakvo shvatanje. Autor ukazuje da su brojne primedbe kriticara za subjektivizam i relativizam uzrokovane nedovoljnom razradom i generalizacijama koje nalazimo u ranim Vincovim tekstovima, a koji su bili predmet njegove samokritike u kasnijem periodu. Osim tematizovanja standardno prihvacenog znacaja Vitgenstajnovih pojmova jezickih igara, zivotnih formi i sledjenja pravila po drustvenu teoriju, u tekstu se naglasava znacaj manje tematizovanih koncepata preglednog prikaza i (...)
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  50.  35
    The reasons for the moral partiality.Michal Sládecek - 2015 - Filozofija I Društvo 26 (3):710-729.
    In the first part of this text, the author explains the arguments against partiality in moral decision-making, as well as the arguments advocating for partiality and indicating to limitations and possible unacceptable consequences of impartial position. The central part of the text concerns the moral status of personal projects and the issue of whet her and how relation ships and close ness between persons are relevant for moral decision-making. The final part discusses the importance of reflection regarding the limits of (...)
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