Results for 'Michaela O.'

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  1. Die Formung zur ldentität : das Zeugnis der Benediktusregel.O. S. B. Michaela Puzicha - 2018 - In Guido Meyer, Marco A. Sorace, Clara Vasseur & Johannes Bündgens (eds.), Identitätsbildung: Spiritualität der Wahrnehmung und die Krise der Moderne. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, in der Verlag Herder.
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  2. Philosophy of education in a new key: Future of philosophy of education.Liz Jackson, MichaelA Peters, Lei Chen, Zhongjing Huang, Wang Chengbing, Ezekiel Dixon-Román, Aislinn O'Donnell, Yasushi Maruyama, Lisa A. Mazzei, Alison Jones, Candace R. Kuby, Rowena Azada-Palacios, Elizabeth Adams St Pierre, Jacoba Matapo, Gina A. Opiniano, Peter Roberts, Michael Hand, Alecia Y. Jackson, Jerry Rosiek, Te Kawehau Hoskins, Kathy Hytten & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1234-1255.
    What is the future of Philosophy of education? Or as many of scholars and thinkers in this final ‘future-focused’ collective piece from the philosophy of education in a new key Series put it, what are the futures—plural and multiple—of the intersections of ‘philosophy’ and ‘education?’ What is ‘Philosophy’; and what is ‘Education’, and what role may ‘enquiry’ play? Is the future of education and philosophy embracing—or at least taking seriously—and thinking with Indigenous ethicoontoepistemologies? And, perhaps most importantly, what is that (...)
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    Dividual Film Aesthetics.Michaela O. - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (2):1-6.
    The term “dividual” aims to present a critical view of the Western conception of persons and artworks as individuals. It is used in Euro-American anthropology in order to analyze the practical and ethical interferences between single persons and communities mainly in non-Western cultures. It is also used by Gilles Deleuze in Cinema 1. The Movement-Image in order to describe the aesthetic and self-affective character of films: since the filmic images cannot be temporarily fixed and individualized, he calls them “dividual”, much (...)
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    Determinants of the Severity of Legal and Employment Consequences for CPAs Named in SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases.Daniella Juric, Brendan O’Connell, Michaela Rankin & Jacqueline Birt - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):545-563.
    This study investigates the impact of Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement actions on individuals holding Certified Public Accountant accreditation. While prior research has investigated both the characteristics of companies that have been investigated by the SEC and litigation against audit firms, it has not addressed the ways in which SEC investigations impact CPAs. Using a sample of 262 CPAs, we find that the most common CPA breach was associated with overstating revenues/income or earnings. The study finds serious consequences for CPAs (...)
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    Compatibilism and Conscious Will.Michaela Košová - 2015 - Filosofie Dnes 7 (1):61-75.
    Daniel Dennett’s compatibilism based on redefining free will via broadening the concept of self to include unconscious processes seems to disappoint certain intuitions. As Sam Harris points out, it changes the subject from the free will we seem to intuitively care about – conscious free will. This compatibilism is untenable since conscious will seems to be an illusion. However, if we take Dennett’s idea of “atmosphere of free will” and view conscious will as an important concept or “user illusion” which (...)
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    Obava ze ztráty vlastního aktérství a absence morálního aktéra u autonomních dopravních prostředků.Robin Kopecký & Michaela Jirout Košová - 2023 - Filosofie Dnes 15 (1).
    Diskuse o filosofických problémech spojených s nástupem autonomní dopravy je často spojena s negativy a je vedena v duchu techno-pesimismu. Významný prostor v této debatě je věnován aplikaci vozíkového dilematu („trolley problem“) do řídících algoritmů vozů. V této eseji se však zamýšlíme nad dalším problémem našich morálních intuic – otázkou morálního aktérství. Pocit morální odpovědnosti si žádá faktickou kontrolu nad situací a kauzální odpovědnost. O tu bývalý řidič jako pasažér autonomního vozu přichází, ale přesto může cítit vinu. Prioritně bychom se (...)
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  7. Spór o naukowość współczesnej teorii inteligentnego projektu na przykładzie Michaela Behe'ego koncepcji nieredukowalnej złożoności.Dariusz Sagan - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 51 (3):37-54.
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  8. Przezroczystość i struktura doznań. Michaela Tye'a dyskurs o doznaniach.Marcin Gokieli - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 86 (2):445-454.
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    Różnorodność bez pluralizmu. O konserwatyzmie Michaela Oakeshotta.Adam Ostolski - 2000 - Etyka 33:89-102.
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    Płynna (po)tolerancja.Stanisław Chankowski - 2014 - Etyka 49:105-111.
    Recenzja książki O Tolerancji, Michaela Walzera, przekł. Tadeusz Baszniak, wyd. Aletheia, Warszawa 2013, 202 str.
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    (1 other version)Wolność jako przekleństwo najsłabszych.Tomasz Żuradzki - 2007 - Civitas 10 (10):247-255.
    Recenzja książki Michaela Walzera, Polityka i namiętność. O bardziej egalitarny liberalizm, Muza, Warszawa 2006.
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  12. Ancient Theories of Freedom and Determinism.Tim O'Keefe - 2020 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:00-00.
    A fairly long (~15,000 word) overview of ancient theories of freedom and determinism. It covers the supposed threat of causal determinism to "free will," i.e., the sort of control we need to have in order to be rightly held responsible for our actions. But it also discusses fatalistic arguments that proceed from the Principle of Bivalence, what responsibility we have for our own characters, and god and fate. Philosophers discussed include Aristotle, Epicurus, the Stoics, Carneades, Alexander of Aphrodisias, and Plotinus. (...)
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    Конституювання православної церкви україни як чинник зміни культурно-цивілізаційної парадигми незалежної україни.Oлександр Назарович Саган - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 88:23-39.
    Анотація. У статті розглянуто тісний зв´язок між зменшенням впливу Московського патріархату на суспільно-політичні процеси в Україні та відновленням українського культурно-цивілізаційного простору. А саме – поступове позбавлення православних віруючих проявів постімперського синдрому, зокрема установок, уявлень, поведінкових моделей тощо, пов´язаних із перебуванням українців у складі іншомовної та чужої за ментальністю й культурою імперії. Зазначено, що отримання православними віруючими України Томосу про визнання автокефалії і конституювання Православної Церкви України позитивно впливає не лише на розвиток самої ПЦУ, але й рівня патріотизму, відновлення і розвою (...)
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  14. An Anthropologist on Mars.O. Sacks & A. Freeman - 1994 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 1 (2):234-240.
    Oliver Sacks MD, Clinical Professor of Neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, talked with Anthony Freeman during his visit to London in January 1995 to publicize his recently published book An Anthropologist on Mars. The interview is preceded by an overview of the book.
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    Possible blindsight in infants lacking one cerebral hemisphere.O. Braddick, J. Atkinson, B. Hood & W. Harkness - 1992 - Nature 360:461-463.
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    Ekosocjalizm: między ruchem społecznym a teorią marksowską.Katarzyna Bielińska - 2023 - Civitas 30:33-68.
    Celem tego artykułu jest analiza znaczeń pojęcia ekosocjalizmu we współczesnym dyskursie filozoficznym i politycznym. W pierwszym kroku przeprowadzam rozróżnienie pomiędzy ekosocjalizmem jako ruchem a ekosocjalizmem jako teorią. Globalny ruch ekosocjalistyczny jednoczą postulaty polityczne. W jego skład wchodzą jednak nurty o różnorodnych założeniach teoretycznych. Skupiam się na opozycji pomiędzy nurtami nawiązującymi do tradycji marksistowskiej a nurtami, które w ślad za Joanem Martinezem-Alierem można nazwać „neonarodnictwem ekologicznym”, czyli odwołującymi się do tradycyjnych etyk i wartości istniejących społeczności, tak jak w przypadku licznych ruchów (...)
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    Filosofía de la razón plural: Isaiah Berlin entre dos siglos.Pablo Badillo O'Farrell (ed.) - 2011 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
    Sobre el libro: Isaiah Berlin ha sido, además de un original e intuitivo historiador de las ideas y autor de numerosos conceptos teórico-políticos, un reconocido teorizador de la libertad y defensor acérrimo del pluralismo. Rasgos que lo han convertido en un innegable referente intelectual en nuestra época. Sobre el editor: El Editor de la presente obra, Pablo Badillo O'Farrell, con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de Berlin, ha reunido un número de contribuciones de estudiosos italianos y españoles que ofrecen, desde (...)
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  18. From c-Numbers to q-Numbers: The Classical Analogy in the History of Quantum Theory.O. Darrigol & A. J. Kox - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (2):206-206.
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    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide.James R. O'Shea (ed.) - 2017 - New York City: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant's monumental book the Critique of Pure Reason was arguably the most conceptually revolutionary work in the history of philosophy and its impact continues to be felt throughout philosophical debates today. However, it is a notoriously difficult work whose basic meaning and lasting philosophical significance are both subject to ongoing controversy. In this Critical Guide, an international team of leading Kant scholars addresses the challenges, clarifying Kant's basic terms and arguments and engaging with the debates that surround this central text. (...)
  20. A History of Preaching.O. C. Edwards - 2004
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  21. Conservation ethic.O. Edward - 2004 - In Christopher Stephens & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Elsevier Handbook in Philosophy of Biology. Elsevier. pp. 144--355.
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  22. Ocherki istorii marksistskoleninskoĭ filosofii v Belorussii.O. I. Efremova & K. P. Buslov (eds.) - 1968
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    Aristotle in Aquinas’s Theology.O. P. Emery & Matthew Levering (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book explores the role of Aristotelian concepts, principles, and themes in Thomas Aquinas's theology. Each of the ten essays investigates the significance of Aquinas's theological reception of Aristotle in a central theological domain: the Trinity, the angels, soul and body, the Mosaic law, grace, charity, justice, contemplation and action, Christ, and the sacraments. In general, the essays focus on the Summa theologiae, but some range more widely in Aquinas's corpus. Readers will become acquainted with Aquinas's theological uses of the (...)
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  24. Una lectura complementaria en torno a la incidencia del pensamiento viquiano en la obra de Voegelin.Pablo Badillo O'Farrell - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:309-317.
    Este estudio bibliográfico y crítico es un apéndice correspondiente al ensayo de P. Badillo titulado "Scienza Nuova y The New Science of Politics: Proyección del pensamiento viquiano en la obra de Eric Voegelin" , donde ahora el mismo autor extiende sus reflexiones a propósito de la reciente edición del libro de Voegelin titulado La ‘Scienza Nuova’ nella storia del pensiero politico. This bibliographical and critical study is an appendix to P. Badillo’s paper "Scienza Nuova y The New Science of Politics: (...)
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    Commutative Algebra.O. Zariski, I. S. Cohen & P. Samuel - 1958 - Princeton.
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    Sanat ve klasik.Halit Özkan (ed.) - 2006 - Aksaray, İstanbul: Klasik.
    Classicism in architecture and literature; Turkey; history.
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  27. Perception et intelligence dans le Timée de Platon.Denis O'Brien - 1997 - In T. Calvo & L. Brisson (eds.), Interpreting the Timaeus-Critias: Proceedings of the IV Symposium Platonicum. Academia Verlag. pp. 291--305.
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    Conscious Willing and the Emerging Sciences of Brain and Behavior.Timothy O'Connor - 2009 - In Nancey Murphy, George Ellis & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will. Springer Verlag. pp. 173--186.
    Recent studies within neuroscience and cognitive psychology have explored the place of conscious willing in the generation of purposive action. Some have argued that certain findings indicate that the commonsensical view that we control many of our actions through conscious willing is largely or wholly illusory. I rebut such arguments, contending that they typically rest on a conflation of distinct phenomena. Nevertheless, I also suggest that traditional philosophical accounts of the will need to be revised: a raft of studies indicate (...)
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  29. Metodologicheskai︠a︡ paradigma: (opyt MMPK).O. S. Anisimov - 2007 - Moskva: [S.N.].
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  30. Mind and the World. By John McDowell.O. Balaban - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:117-117.
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    Edmund Burke; His Political Philosophy.Frank O'Gorman - 1973 - London: Allen & Unwin.
    A concise and readable account of Burke's political philosophy.
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  32. Inequality of opportunity: some lessons from the case of highly selective universities.David O'Brien - 2017 - Theory and Research in Education 1 (15):53-70.
    Many egalitarians believe that there is a pro tanto reason to remedy inequalities of opportunity in access to higher education. This consensus, I argue, masks practical disagreement among egalitarians: in many real-world choice contexts, egalitarians will disagree about which policies are to be endorsed, both from the point of view of equality and all things considered. I focus my discussion on a real-world case (the ‘big squeeze’ – so-called because the children of welloff families ‘squeeze out’ the children of less (...)
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  33. 'Action and immunity to error through misidentification'.Lucy O'Brien - 2012 - In Simon Prosser & François Recanati (eds.), Immunity to error through misidentification. Cambridge University Press. pp. 124-143.
    In this paper I want to examine a claim made about the kind of immunity through misidentification relative to the first person (IEM) that attaches to action self-ascriptions. In particular, I want to consider whether we have reason to think a stronger kind of immunity attaches to action self-ascriptions, than attaches to self-ascriptions of bodily movement. I assume we have an awareness of our actions – agent’s awareness – and that agent’s awareness is not a form of perceptual bodily awareness. (...)
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    Molla Lutfi ve Fütûhât'ı.Ömer Mahir Alper & Yasin Apaydın (eds.) - 2021 - Ankara: Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi.
  35. While Whitey's on the moon.Annie Rose O'Brien - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander (eds.), Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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  36. Ikita gengo to wa nani ka: shikō teishi e no keishō.Hitoshi Ōshima - 2023 - Fukuoka-shi: Gen Shobō.
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  37. Dalla metafisica classica alla scienza moderna.O. Todisco - 1986 - Miscellanea Francescana 86 (1):31-92.
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    La psiquiatría de hoy.López-Ibor Aliño & J. J. - 1975 - Barcelona: Toray.
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  39. The Homiletic of All Believers : A Conversational Approach.O. Wesley Allen - 2005
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  40. Kugyŏk Hoejae chŏnsŏ.Ŏn-jŏk Yi - 1974 - Edited by Chae-ho Yi, Yi, Tong-gŏn & [From Old Catalog].
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  41. Pan'gye ŭi kongjŏnje kukkaron.Ch'oe Yun-O. - 2013 - In Sŏg-yun Mun (ed.), Pan'gye Yu Hyŏng-wŏn yŏn'gu. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Saram ŭi Munŭi.
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  42. Les formes du combat rationaliste chez Paul Tillich.O. Abel - 1988 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 68 (4):461-476.
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  43. Estatuto ontológico del ser humano en la sociedad capitalista y la responsabilidad por el otro.O. Abreo - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 14:73-82.
    El presente artículo corresponde a un análisis sobre la existencia del hombre actual inmerso en el capitalismo y su relación con el sufrimiento humano, modo de vida que él mismo ha ayudado a construir y mantener en procura de un hedonismo que le hace olvidarse como sujeto doliente. Dada su responsabilidad en el devenir de este sistema económico social, el planteamiento que aquí se expone, invita a repensar al hombre en la búsqueda aproximada por la verdad de sí mismo y (...)
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    The problems of national history in the school literature of the 18th - beginning of the 20th centuries.O. S. Abramkin - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (6):496.
    The analysis of historical literature allows to consider profoundly the development of national culture and science of the 18th-first half of the 20th centuries and the formation and change of different historical concepts. With the analysis of historical periods that are highlighted in the research, general trends in the changing of paradigms about Russian historical development were concluded, which were translated to mass historical consciousness from the beginning of the 18th century up to 1917. The periods were closely connected with (...)
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    Correspondence.O. P. A. - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (03):95-.
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    The Immaterial Soul and Its Discontents.John O'Callaghan - 2015 - Acta Philosophica 24 (1):43-66.
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    Can we wrong a work of art?Eoin O’Connell - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):116-137.
    If we can wrong a work of art, then it has moral status. This paper considers two examples of putative wrongings of works of art, but in both cases, the claim that the work of art itself is wronged cannot be vindicated. The sense that a work of art has been wronged arises when that work has a special meaning for us or has a special standing in a cultural context. There is nothing intrinsic to works of art that can (...)
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  48. Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle: A Reconstruction from the Fragments and Secondary Sources.D. O'brien - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (4):394-396.
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    Circular Constitution of Observation in the Absence of Ontological Data.O. L. Georgeon & P. Boltuc - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (1):17-19.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Circularity and the Micro-Macro-Difference” by Manfred Füllsack. Upshot: We join Füllsack in his effort to untangle the concepts of circular causation, macro states, and observation by reanalyzing one of our own simulations in the light of these concepts. This simulation presents an example agent that keeps track of its own macro states. We examine how human observers can consider such an agent as an observing agent on its own.
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  50. Pierre Villey, Montaigne et le Monde des aveugles.John O'Brien - 2014 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 67:91-106.
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