Results for 'Metaphysics of perfect being'

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  1. The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings.Michael J. Almeida - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings_ addresses the problems an Anselmian perfect being faces in contexts involving unlimited options. Recent advances in the theory of vagueness, the metaphysics of multiverses and hyperspace, the theory of dynamic or sequential choice, the logic of moral and rational dilemmas, and metaethical theory provide the resources to formulate the new challenges and the Anselmian responses with an unusual degree of precision. Almeida shows that the challenges arising in the unusual contexts (...)
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  2. Michael Almeida, The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings, Routledge, 2008.Nikk Effingham - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):243--247.
    Book review of 'The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings'.
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  3. The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings. [REVIEW]Greg Welty - 2011 - Faith and Philosophy 28 (4):451-456.
    This is a book review of Michael Almeida, The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings (New York: Routledge, 2008).
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    An Examination of Michael J. Almedia’s “The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings”.Ulrich Schmidt - 2012 - Philo 15 (1):38-54.
    A perfect being is a being which possesses all perfections essentially. A perfect being is essentially omniscient, essentially omnipotent, essentially perfectly good, and necessarily existing. In his excellent book “The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings” Michael J. Almeida investigates the following tough questions about perfect beings: What would a perfect being create? Which moral requirements would a perfect being (have to) fulfill when deciding what to create? Is there a (...)
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    Review of Michael J. Almeida, The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings[REVIEW]Joshua Hoffman - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (3).
  6.  9
    Almeida, Michael J. 2008. The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion. New York: Routledge. ix+ 190 pp. Baracchi, Claudia. 2008. Aristotle's Ethics as First Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ix+ 342 pp. Barnes, Eric Christian. 2008. The Paradox of Predictivism. Cambridge. [REVIEW]Prevailing Wisdom - 2009 - Philosophical Review 118 (1).
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    The Metaphysics of Perfect Vital Acts in Second Scholasticism.Daniel Heider - 2022 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 96 (4):619-652.
    In this paper I deal with the issues in Second Scholasticism of the nature, genesis and creatability of perfect vital acts of cognition and appetition in vital powers. I present the theories of Francisco Suárez (1548–1617), Raffaele Aversa (1589–1657), and Bartolomeo Mastri (1602–1673) together with Bonaventura Belluto (1603–1676). I show that while for Aversa these acts are action-like items merely emanating from the soul and vital powers and as such cannot be produced from the outside, even by God, for (...)
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    Promethean Metaphysics: The Idea of a More Perfect Being in Descartes's Discourse on Method.John F. Cornell - 2018 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (1):77-99.
    The proofs of the existence of God in part 4 of Descartes’s Discourse on Method may yet surprise us. These arguments appear to be crafted with such ambiguity that their deeper import has rarely been suspected. This essay proposes that, in spite of the text’s conventional appearance, Descartes exposes the error of scholastic metaphysics, namely, that it mistakes the perfectibility of the human mind for a transcendent perfect being. Superficially, the thinker’s “idea of a more perfect (...)
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    Theology (Kalām) in Terms of al-Fārābī’s Metaphysics of Perfection.Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):246-269.
    This article is about the place of kalām (theology) within the general structure of al-Fārābī's metaphysics. In this framework, the article consists of two parts. The first part examines the position of metaphysics within the framework of al-Fārābī's idea of perfection. In the second part, a close reading of al-Fārābī's al-Ibāna ʿan ġarażi Arisṭuṭālīs fī kitābi mā baʿda al-ṭabīʿa is made and al-Fārābī's approach to the theoretical aspect of theology within the theory of milla is analyzed. Since al-Fārābī's (...)
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    The Concept of Perfection in Lev Karsavin’s Religious Metaphysics.Olga A. Zhukova - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (6):489-502.
    This article examines the concept of the perfect, a key idea in Lev P. Karsavin’s metaphysics that largely determines his understanding of personhood and its ontological status. The associated concept of the perfect person develops throughout the entire philosophical period of the thinker’s work, from his Philosophy of History to his treatise “On Perfection,” written in the last year of his life in the Abez’ camps. In this article, I argue that the concept of perfection is the (...)
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    The Logic of Perfection and Other Essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics[REVIEW]C. N. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (1):165-165.
    Brilliantly elaborating and defending his doctrine of "neoclassical metaphysics," for which reality is a process containing necessary, unchanging features as well as contingent particulars whose advent involves novelty, Hartshorne has contributed a work of permanent value to philosophical theology. The book contains a long defense of Anselm's ontological argument, interpreted in neoclassical terms. Hartshorne deals with some twenty standard objections, and argues that Anselm's proof is not that God must have the predicate "existence," but rather that perfection cannot be (...)
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  12.  50
    Perfect Being Theology and Analogy.Gregory R. P. Stacey - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (1):21-48.
    Thomas Williams has argued that the doctrine of univocity is true and salutary. Such a claim is frequently contested, particularly in regard to the property—if there be any such—of existence or being. Inspired by the thought of Francisco Suárez, I outline a way of understanding the thesis of the analogy of being that avoids the criticisms levelled by Williams and others against analogy. I further suggest that the metaphysically committed version of univocal predication favoured by many analytic philosophers (...)
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  13.  14
    For the Love of Perfection: Richard Rorty and Liberal Education.René Vincente Arcilla - 1995 - Psychology Press.
    For the Love of Perfection examines Richard Rorty's pragmatist philosophy for thinking about the aims and processes of liberal education. Offering a radical re-interpretation of the philosopher's arguments against metaphysics, René V. Arcilla demonstrates how Rorty's thinking may be re-envisioned to take greater account of today's multicultural society.
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  14. The Metaphysics of the Incarnation in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion.Marek Dobrzeniecki - 2021 - Verbum Vitae 39 (2):571-587.
    The paper presents the latest achievements of analytic philosophers of religion in Christology. My goal is to defend the literal/metaphysical reading of the Chalcedonian dogma of the hypostatic union. Some of the contemporary Christian thinkers claim that the doctrine of Jesus Christ as both perfectly divine and perfectly human is self-contradictory (I present this point of view on the example of John Hick) and, therefore, it should be understood metaphorically. In order to defend the consistency of the conciliar theology, I (...)
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    Virtues as Perfections of Human Powers: On the Metaphysics of Goodness in Aristotelian Naturalism.John Hacker-Wright - 2020 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 87:127-149.
    The central idea of Philippa Foot’s Natural Goodness is that moral judgments belong to the same logical kind of judgments as those that attribute natural goodness and defect to plants and animals. But moral judgments focus on a subset of human powers that play a special role in our lives as rational animals, namely, reason, will, and desire. These powers play a central role in properly human actions: those actions in which we go for something that we see and understand (...)
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  16. Kant, Spinoza, and the Metaphysics of the Ontological Proof.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - Metaphysica 11 (1):17-37.
    This paper provides an interpretation and evaluation of Spinoza's highly original version of the ontological proof in terms of the concept of substance instead of the concept of perfection in the first book of his Ethics. Taking the lead from Kant'€™s critique of ontological arguments in the Critique of Pure Reason, the paper explores the underlying ontological and epistemological presuppositions of Spinoza'€™s proof. The main topics of consideration are the nature of Spinoza's definitions, the way he conceives of the relation (...)
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  17.  22
    Free Will and Classical Theism: The Significance of Freedom in Perfect Being Theology.Hugh J. McCann (ed.) - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    The articles in the present collection deal with the religious dimension of the problem of free will. All of the papers also have implications for broader philosophical and theological issues, and will thus be of interest to a wide variety of scholars, both religious and secular. Together they provide a historical and contemporary overview of problems in the theology of freedom, together with recent work by some important philosophers in the field aimed at resolving those problems. The chapters are divided (...)
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  18.  39
    Metaphysics of Natural Complexes. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (4):713-714.
    The latest book of Buchler is certainly in continuity with his previous work on philosophical method and on judgment, which commands serious attention outside the circle of those having close affinities with his thought. This work deals with the problem of the one and the many from various refreshing angles. The purpose of the study is to outline a fundamental ontology through the deduction of categories all referent to complexes. Such are: integrity and scope, prevalence and alescence [[sic]], ordinality and (...)
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  19.  10
    The Metaphysics of Morals and Politics.Gary Browning - 2019 - In Nora Hämäläinen & Gillian Dooley, Reading Iris Murdoch’s Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals. Springer Verlag. pp. 179-194.
    Murdoch’s metaphysics attends to different forms of thought and practice, showing connections and differences. She recognises the sheer refractoriness of aspects of experience while tracing intimations of order and aspirations to goodness and moral perfection. In her review of politics and morality in Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals she separates and relates the two spheres. She perceives how in personal morality individuals can develop perfectionist goals, but in doing so they rely upon the security that is provided (...)
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    Schelling’s Metaphysics of Love.Andrew Jussaume - 2018 - Idealistic Studies 48 (3):211-236.
    This paper argues that Schelling’s understanding of love more readily captures his notion of unground as a contradictory-producing a priori. Love is a more appropriate term for unground insofar as it conveys the juxtaposition of feelings which motivate the eternal beginning. Self-expression, for Schelling, is born from the tension between God’s longing to be and his freedom. While this antithesis entails that God’s decision to be is only subjectively intelligible, it also implies the element of risk in the decision insofar (...)
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  21. The Metaphysics of the 'Specious' Present.Sean Enda Power - 2012 - Erkenntnis 77 (1):121-132.
    The doctrine of the specious present, that we perceive or, at least, seem to perceive a period of time is often taken to be an obvious claim about perception. Yet, it also seems just as commonly rejected as being incoherent. In this paper, following a distinction between three conceptions of the specious present, it is argued that the incoherence is due to hidden metaphysical assumptions about perception and time. It is argued that for those who do not hold such (...)
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  22.  36
    Spinoza's Monistic Metaphysics of Substance and Mode.Don Garrett - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 93–107.
    Commentators have offered interpretations over many years of the nature and status of the attributes in Spinoza's metaphysics, but attributes are best understood as diverse manners of existence, so that a substance having more than one attribute exists in more than one manner. Spinoza's monistic metaphysics of substance and mode allows him to offer an appealing conception of the nature of space. Spinoza's monistic metaphysics provides the basis for a positive account of how particular things constitute things (...)
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  23.  12
    The Logic of Perfection.Julian Hartt - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):749 - 769.
    Since theism is the tradition most clearly and considerably involved in Hartshorne's program it may be useful at the outset to sketch that view.
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  24. Why the One Cannot Have Parts: Plotinus on Divine Simplicity, Ontological Independence, and Perfect Being Theology.Caleb M. Cohoe - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (269):751-771.
    I use Plotinus to present absolute divine simplicity as the consequence of principles about metaphysical and explanatory priority to which most theists are already committed. I employ Phil Corkum’s account of ontological independence as independent status to present a new interpretation of Plotinus on the dependence of everything on the One. On this reading, if something else (whether an internal part or something external) makes you what you are, then you are ontologically dependent on it. I show that this account (...)
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  25.  36
    The Acts of our Being[REVIEW]Eric von der Luft - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (3):728-729.
    Edward Pols is no stranger to these pages; indeed, his three most recent articles in The Review of Metaphysics are all versions of chapters in this, his fourth book. Those of us who have followed his philosophical development closely will recognize that The Acts of our Being elaborates and clarifies--but does not presuppose knowledge of--Meditation on a Prisoner. His general aim with regard to human agency and human action is to show that, yes, things really are as they (...)
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  26.  23
    Dietrich of Freiberg’s Theory of Perfectional Forms.Sylvain Roudaut - 2022 - Vivarium 60 (1):28-62.
    This article investigates the philosophical elaboration of the concept of “perfectional form” in Dietrich of Freiberg’s works. Although Dietrich draws on the traditional notion of perfection to a certain extent, it appears that in his view, what he calls perfectional forms represent a special type of form distinct from the classical division between substantial and accidental forms. The main part of the article analyzes the different uses of this concept made by Dietrich, from his theory of light to his views (...)
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    Rationality and Affectivity: The Metaphysics of the Moral Self.Laurence Thomas - 1988 - Social Philosophy and Policy 5 (2):154.
    There is a way of doing moral philosophy which goes something like this: If it can be shown that it is rational for perfectly selfish people to accept the constraints of morality, then it will follow, a fortiori, that it is rational for people capable of affective bonds, and thus less selfish, to do so. On this way of proceeding the real argument – that is, the argument for the actual constraints to be adopted – proceeds with only fully rational (...)
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  28. Leibniz on Substance and God in “That a Most Perfect Being Is Possible”.Nicholas Okrent - 2000 - Philosophy and Theology 12 (1):79-93.
    Leibniz used Descartes’ strict notion of substance in “That a Most Perfect being is Possible” to characterize God but did not intend to undermine his own philosophical views by denying that there are created substances. The metaphysical view of substance in this passage is Cartesian. A discussion of radical substance without any sort of denial in the possibility of other substances does not indicate Spinozism. If this interpretation is correct, then the passage is neither anomalous nor mysterious. There (...)
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  29. Leibniz on Privations, Limitations, and the Metaphysics of Evil.Samuel Newlands - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2):281-308.
    There was a consensus in late Scholasticism that evils are privations, the lacks of appropriate perfections. For something to be evil is for it to lack an excellence that, by its nature, it ought to have. This widely accepted ontology of evil was used, in part, to help explain the source of evil in a world created and sustained by a perfect being. during the second half of the seventeenth century, progressive early moderns began to criticize the traditional (...)
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    The Perfection of Individual Freedom and the Inexorable Nature of Cultural History: the Absolute in Konstantin Leont’ev’s Religious Metaphysics.Е.М Смирнов - 2024 - History of Philosophy 29 (1):58-67.
    The following article considers K.N. Leont’ev’s religious and philosophical ideas concerning the historico-cultural process, its fateful direction and its eschatological end. The restriction of individual freedom in the domain of cultural history was assumed by Leont’ev due to his interpretation of faith in a personal God, the Owner of the world’s fate. A specific religious and philosophical thesis was made by Leont’ev that the cultural benefits of man are determined by his own choice between the sphere of obedience and the (...)
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  31. The Luckiest of All Possible Beings: Divine Perfections and Constitutive Luck.Andre Leo Rusavuk - 2024 - Sophia 63 (2):259-277.
    Many theists conceive of God as a perfect being, i.e., as that than which none greater is metaphysically possible. On this grand view of God, it seems plausible to think that such a supreme and maximally great being would not be subject to luck of any sort. Given the divine perfections, God is completely insulated from luck. However, I argue that the opposite is true: precisely because God is perfect, he is subject to a kind of (...)
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  32. Doing and Being: An Interpretation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics Theta.Jonathan B. Beere - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Doing and Being confronts the problem of how to understand two central concepts of Aristotle's philosophy: energeia and dunamis. While these terms seem ambiguous between actuality/potentiality and activity/capacity, Aristotle did not intend them to be so. Through a careful and detailed reading of Metaphysics Theta, Beere argues that we can solve the problem by rejecting both "actuality" and "activity" as translations of energeia, and by working out an analogical conception of energeia. This approach enables Beere to discern a (...)
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    Mullā Ṣadrā and Metaphysics: Modulation of Being.Latimah-Parvin Peerwani Arlington - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):278-280.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Mullā Ṣadrā and Metaphysics: Modulation of BeingLatimah-Parvin Peerwani ArlingtonMullā Ṣadrā and Metaphysics: Modulation of Being. By Sajjad H. Rizvi. Culture and Civilization in the Middle East Series, edited by Ian Richard Netton. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. Pp. xii + 222. Hardcover $135.00.In Mullā Ṣadrā and Metaphysics: Modulation of Being, Sajjad H. Rizvi focuses on tashkīk (modulation), variously translated as the systematic (...)
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  34. Nicholas of cusa's metaphysic of contraction.Jasper Hopkins - unknown
    Although the dimness of my intelligence is already known to Your Paternity,1 nonetheless by careful scrutiny you have endeavored to find in my intelligence a light. For when during the gathering of herbs there came to mind the apostolic text in which James indicates that every best gift and every perfect gift is from above, from the Father of lights,2 you entreated me to write down my conjecture about the interpretation of this text. I know, Father, that you have (...)
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  35. Deficient Existence in a Divine World: Ontological Deficiency in the Metaphysics of John Scotus Eriugena.Douglas Hadley - 1999 - Dissertation, Boston University
    As the world's literary, religious, and philosophical traditions attest, deficiency in the world is a matter of perennial human concern. Ontologically speaking deficient existence is a problem that has occupied metaphysical thinking from Heraclitus to Heidegger. What is it to exist deficiently? ;This dissertation addresses the question, first, through a survey of answers given by six ancient philosophers. Parmenides describes deficient existence as changing multiplicity; Plato, as being in an inferior world; Plotinus, as mis-seeing; Augustine, as disorderedness; Gregory of (...)
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  36. Knowing as Being? A Metaphysical Reading of the Identity of Intellect and Intelligibles in Aquinas.Therese Scarpelli Cory - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (3):333-351.
    I argue that Thomas Aquinas’s Identity Formula—the statement that the “intellect in act is the intelligible in act”—does not, as is usually supposed, express his position on how the intellect accesses extramental realities (responding to the so-called “mind-world gap”). Instead, it should be understood as a claim about the metaphysics of intellection, according to which the perfection requisite for performing the act of understanding is what could be called “intellectual-intelligible being.” In reinterpreting Aquinas’s Identity Formula, I explore the (...)
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    The Impossibility of Perfection: Socrates' Criticism of Simonides' Poem in the Protagoras.Dorothea Frede - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (4):729 - 753.
    THE CLAIM that even Plato could not say everything at once nor could have thought or worked out everything at once is, of course, a platitude. It is generally acknowledged that there is development in Plato's thought. But what the development is, is still a much fought-over question. For in spite of all scholarly efforts this intriguing question cannot be regarded as settled in a satisfactory way. This is due not only to the fact that we all look at Plato (...)
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  38. Perfection and Reality in The Only Possible Argument.Emanuele Cafagna - 2024 - Kantstudien Ergänzungshefte 226:81-100.
    The paper deals with the concept of perfection in Kant’s work: The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God. This concept is mainly considered as an issue of ontology in order to show the differences between Baumgarten and Kant. I argue that Kant defines the relationship between the concept of perfection and the concept of reality according to some distinctive features that distinguish his philosophy from the Wolffian School. Moreover, the paper shows that these (...)
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  39. The Method of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Establishing Moral Metaphysics as a Science.Susan V. H. Castro - 2006 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
    This dissertation concerns the methodology Kant employs in the first two sections of the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (Groundwork I-II) with particular attention to how the execution of the method of analysis in these sections contributes to the establishment of moral metaphysics as a science. My thesis is that Kant had a detailed strategy for the Groundwork, that this strategy and Kant’s reasons for adopting it can be ascertained from the Critique of Pure Reason (first Critique) (...)
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  40. Spinoza and the Inevitable Perfection of Being.Sanja Särman - 2019 - Dissertation, The University of Hong Kong
    Metaphysics and ethics are two distinct fields in academic philosophy. The object of metaphysics is what is, while the object of ethics is what ought to be. Necessitarianism is a modal doctrine that appears to obliterate this neat distinction. For it is commonly assumed that ought (at least under normal circumstances) implies can. But if necessitarianism is true then I can only do what I actually do. Hence what I ought to do becomes limited to what I in (...)
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  41. Can a Metaphysically Perfect God Have Moral Virtues and Duties? Re-reading Aquinas.Agustín Echavarría - 2022 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 96 (3):381-402.
    Contemporary philosophers of religion usually depict God as a responsible moral agent with virtues and obligations. This picture seems to be incompatible with the metaphysically perfect being of classical theism. In this paper I will defend the claim, based on a reading of Thomas Aquinas’s thought, that there is no such incompatibility. I will present Aquinas’s arguments that show that we can attribute to God not only moral goodness in general, but also some moral virtues in a strict (...)
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    The Perfect Human Being in Sohrawardi’s Illuminative Thought and Farabi’s Philosophical System: A Comparative Study of the “Qutb” and the “Ideal Ruler”.Tahereh Kamalizadeh & Muhammad Kamalizadeh - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 25 (4):135-162.
    Thoughts and theoretical reflections about “governance” in Islamic society, whether theorizing about the desired structure of government or describing the characteristics of an ideal ruler, is one of the most important topics studied in the field of political thought and philosophy in Islam, to which great names such as Farabi, etc. are connected. In this context, this research, through a comparative approach, seeks to examine and analyze the views of Farabi and Sohrawardi about the ideal ruler from the perspective of (...)
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    Commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle (review). [REVIEW]Herman Shapiro - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):249-251.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 249 larger sections of the work will be translated-preferably not from the Latin, but from the Arabic original. JOSEPHL. B~u Columbia University Commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle. By St. Thomas Aquinas. Trans. by John P. Rowan. (Chicago, Illinois: Henry Regnery Company, 1961. Pp. xxiii + 955.2 vols., boxed, $25.00.) Generally speaking, the two Summae of St. Thomas, long available in English translation, contain all that (...)
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    Toward a Metaphysics of Creation.Peter A. Bertocci - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):493 - 510.
    Creative change characterizes the nature of god, And a temporalistic form of personalistic theism can illuminate human experience. To establish this thesis, The author first discusses the logical, Metaphysical, And religious bases for the traditional view that ultimate being must be perfect and unchanging. He then proposes an alternate model of reason, Presents a concept of persons as active unities capable of maintaining their self-Identity through change, And argues for the possibility of creation ex nihilo. Finally, After discussing (...)
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    Perfect harmony and melting strains: transformations of music in early modern culture between sensibility and abstraction.Cornelia Wilde & Wolfram R. Keller (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    Perfect Harmony and Melting Strains assembles interdisciplinary essays investigating concepts of harmony during a transitional period, in which the Pythagorean notion of a harmoniously ordered cosmos competed with and was transformed by new theories about sound - and new ways of conceptualizing the world. From the perspectives of philosophy, literary scholarship, and musicology, the contributions consider music's ambivalent position between mathematical abstraction and sensibility, between the metaphysics of harmony and the physics of sound. Essays examine the late medieval (...)
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    The Modality of Being.Robert C. Beissel - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (1):49-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MODALITY OF BEING ROBERT c. BEISSEL Phoenix, Arizona " It must be of itself that the divine thought thinks." Aristotle, Metaphysics, Bk. 12, c. 9. ST. THOMAS IS AS Neoplatonic as Plotinus in his awareness that Being is not being and that being is not Being.1 Yet, like St. Augustine, St. Thomas knew that being is closer to Being than (...)
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    The Effects of the Powers of the Nafs on Moral Perfection in the Thought of al-Shahrazūrī.Asiye Aykit - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):1161-1179.
    The issue of reaching moral perfection in Islamic thought is handled together with the theory of knowledge. The subject of nafs and powers, which includes the physical and metaphysical aspects of human being, forms the basis of the theory of knowledge and morality based on it. The aim of this article is to examine the views of Shams al-Din al- Shahrazuri (d. 687/1288), one of the most important names of the Illuminated school, about the soul and its powers at (...)
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  48.  12
    The Tantalus’ Torments of Transcendentalism.Sergey Chernov - 2021 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 2 (2).
    Kant’s manuscripts of 1796–1803, which the Academic German edition of his works combined in 21–22 volumes of under the invented by H. Vaihinger name ‘Opus postumum’, still attract the attention of researchers. Was there really a significant theoretical “gap” in the system of Kant's “critical”, transcendental philosophy, which built by 1790, needed to be filled, namely, to undertake a conceptual "transition" from the already constructed a priori metaphysics of corporeal nature (metaphysical principles of natural science) to experimental mathematical physics, (...)
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  49. Two Omnipotent Beings?Aldo Frigerio & Ciro Florio - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (2):309-324.
    The idea of omnipotence plays a crucial role within the framework of classical theism. God is typically considered omnipotent, that is, able to perform any action. Sometimes, it is said that for God there is no difference between will and action; everything he wishes happens. However, as one reflects on the concept of omnipotence, some rather complex questions arise; the range of God’s possible “actions” is not clear. What are the boundaries of the power of an omnipotent being, if (...)
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    Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind.Joshua P. Hochschild (ed.) - 2023 - Springer.
    “More than any other living scholar of medieval philosophy, Gyula Klima has influenced the way we read and understand philosophical texts by showing how the questions they ask can be placed in a modern context without loss or distortion. The key to his approach is a respect for medieval authors coupled with a commitment to regarding their texts as a genuine source of insight on questions in metaphysics, theology, psychology, logic, and the philosophy of language—as opposed to assimilating what (...)
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