Results for 'Meredith Church'

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  1.  23
    Educating for Empathy and Action.Meredith Church & Martin Meznar - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:298-308.
    Global citizenship is a positive outcome often associated with participation in study abroad. One essential building block of global citizenship is a sense of empathy toward those of other cultures. This paper proposes a study of variables that may increase intercultural empathy and global citizenship due to a study abroad experience. Proposed variables contributing to intercultural empathy include integration with the host culture, program duration, the economic and cultural distance of the host country, and the incorporation of guided reflection and (...)
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    Terryl N. Kinder, ed., Perspectives for an Architecture of Solitude: Essays on Cistercians, Art and Architecture in Honour of Peter Fergusson. (Medieval Church Studies, 11; Studia et Documenta, 13.) Turnhout: Brepols; n.p.: Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses, 2004. Paper. Pp. xi, 409 plus color plates; many black-and-white figures and 1 table. €150. [REVIEW]Meredith Parsons Lillich - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):214-216.
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    Hilary Wayment, The Stained Glass of the Church of St. Mary, Fairford, Gloucestershire. (Occasional Paper, n.s. 5.) London: Society of Antiquaries, 1984. Paper. Pp. xii, 115; 5 figures, 8 color plates, 74 black-and-white plates. £18. [REVIEW]Meredith Parsons Lillich - 1987 - Speculum 62 (2):520-521.
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    Origen, Plotinus and the Gnostics.A. Meredith - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (4):383-398.
    Book review in this Article The Ethos of the Bible. By Birger Gerhardsson. The Prophets, Vol. 1: The Assyrian Period. By Klaus Koch. The Gospel according to Saint John, Vol. 3. By Rudolf Schnackenburg. The Social Setting of Pauline Christianity. By Gerd Theissen. Jewish and Christian Self‐Definition, Vol. 3: Self‐Definition in the Craeco‐Roman World. Edited by Ben F. Meyer and E.P. Sanders. The Church and Healing. Edited by W.J. Sheils. Miracles and the Medieval Mind: Theory, Record and Event, 1000 (...)
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    Evagrius ponticus (the early church fathers). By A. M. casiday.Anthony Meredith - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (2):327–328.
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    Jan Łukasiewicz. On variable functors of propositional arguments. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 64 section A no. 2 , pp. 25–35. - C. A. Meredith. On an extended system of the propositional calculus. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 64 section A no. 3 , pp. 37–47. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):229-230.
  7. Meredith Carew A.. Single axioms for the systems , and of the two-valued propositional calculus. The journal of computing systems, vol. 1 no. 3 , pp. 155–164. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):143-144.
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    Review: Carew A. Meredith, A Single Axiom of Positive Logic. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):144-144.
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    Studies in Nietzsche and the Classical Tradition.James C. O'Flaherty, Timothy F. Sellner & Robert Meredith Helm (eds.) - 1976 - Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
    These fifteen essays on Nietzsche's indebtedness to the Classical Tradition were composed by scholars in the fields of philosophy, theology, German and Classics. The essays roughly cover the following epochs: the age of the Fathers of the Western Church, medieval scholasticism, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Weimar Classicism, Romanticism and the several other intellectual trends and movements in the nineteenth century. Collection includes three essays comparing Nietzsche's perceptions of Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates with those (respectively) of Augustine, Aquinas, and Hamann. (...)
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    Christian Philosophy in the Early Church. By Anthony Meredith S.J. Pp. 173, T&T Clark, London/NY, 2012, $25.95. [REVIEW]James Orr - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (1):236-237.
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    BCI-algebras from the point of view of logic.Jacek K. Kabzinski - 1983 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 12 (3):126-128.
    The following logics are the most noteworthy from the perspective of the calculus of combinators: the Hilbert’s positive implicational logic , the Church’s weak theory of implication , the BCK-logic, and the BCI-logic. Their significance is due to a certain correspondence between combinators and implicational formulas . The first three logics mentioned have been immensely investigated but it was not so in case of the remaining one. The BCI-logics was mentioned by A. N. Prior in the second edition of (...)
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  12.  54
    The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck.Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Luck permeates our lives, and this raises a number of pressing questions: What is luck? When we attribute luck to people, circumstances, or events, what are we attributing? Do we have any obligations to mitigate the harms done to people who are less fortunate? And to what extent is deserving praise or blame a ected by good or bad luck? Although acquiring a true belief by an uneducated guess involves a kind of luck that precludes knowledge, does all luck undermine (...)
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    Caregiver Depression and Early Child Development: A Mixed-Methods Study From Rural China.Ai Yue, Jiaqi Gao, Meredith Yang, Lena Swinnen, Alexis Medina & Scott Rozelle - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On sets and worlds: A reply to menzel.Partick Grim & Alonso Church - 1986 - Analysis 46 (4):186-191.
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  15. Referee reports on Fitch's "definition of value".Alonzo Church - 2008 - In Joe Salerno, New Essays on the Knowability Paradox. Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 13--20.
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    More on propositional identity.Philip Hugly & Alonso Church - 1979 - Analysis 39 (3):129-132.
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    'what A Man Does He Can Do'?Bernard Gert & Alonso Church - 1973 - Analysis 33 (5):168.
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    Are there art-critical concepts?Joel Rudinow & Alonso Church - 1975 - Analysis 35 (6):196.
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    Russellian Simple Type Theory.Alonzo Church - 1973 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 47:21 - 33.
  20. 'exists' As A Predicate - A Reconsideration.James Child & Alonso Church - 1970 - Analysis 31 (2):53.
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    Phonological parsing and lexical retrieval.Kenneth W. Church - 1987 - Cognition 25 (1-2):53-69.
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    Desire-as-belief implies opinionation or indifference.Horacio ArlÓ Costa & Alonso Church - 1995 - Analysis 55 (1):2.
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    Donors, authors, and owners: how is genomic citizen science addressing interests in research outputs?Christi J. Guerrini, Meaganne Lewellyn, Mary A. Majumder, Meredith Trejo, Isabel Canfield & Amy L. McGuire - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-13.
    Background Citizen science is increasingly prevalent in the biomedical sciences, including the field of human genomics. Genomic citizen science initiatives present new opportunities to engage individuals in scientific discovery, but they also are provoking new questions regarding who owns the outputs of the research, including intangible ideas and discoveries and tangible writings, tools, technologies, and products. The legal and ethical claims of participants to research outputs become stronger—and also more likely to conflict with those of institution-based researchers and other stakeholders—as (...)
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  24. Analysis Problem No. 14 If I Carefully Examine A Visual After-image, What Am I Looking At And Where Is It.M. Furberg & Alonso Church - 1958 - Analysis 19:99.
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    Some theorems on definability and decidability.Alonzo Church & W. V. Quine - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):179-187.
  26. Seeing reasons.Jennifer Church - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80 (3):638-670.
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    Tarski and proper classes.Philip Hugly & Alonso Church - 1980 - Analysis 40 (4):205-207.
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    Does the Logical Truth (existx) (fx v fx) Entail that at Least One Individual Exists?Arnold Kapp & Alonso Church - 1953 - Analysis 14 (1):2-3.
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    Explaining Donnellan's distinction.Jeffrey King & Alonso Church - 1984 - Analysis 44 (1):13-14.
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    Mill, punishment and the self-regarding failings.Gabriele Taylor & Alonso Church - 1968 - Analysis 28 (5):168-172.
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  31. 'Seeing as' and the double bind of consciousness.Jennifer Church - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (8-9):99-112.
    Central to aesthetic experience, but also to experience in general, is the phenomenon of ‘seeing as'. We see a painting as a landscape, we hear sequence of sounds as a melody, we see a wooden contraption as a boat, and we hear a comment as an insult. There are interesting and important differences between these cases of ‘seeing as': the painting cannot literally be a landscape while the wooden contraption can literally be a boat; a failure to hear sounds as (...)
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    Utilitarianism and the obligation to do exactly one act.James W. Cornman & Alonso Church - 1973 - Analysis 34 (1):20-23.
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    Basic and non-basic actions: 'same' or 'different'?Vivian M. Weil & Alonso Church - 1981 - Analysis 41 (1):12.
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    In memoriam: Carew Arthur Meredith (1904--1976).David Meredith - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (4):513-516.
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  35. Social constructionist models: Making order out of disorder—on the social construction of madness.Jennifer Church - 2004 - In Jennifer Radden, The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 393--406.
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    Al Encuentro de Dios: Filosofía de la Religión.Jaime Vâelez Correa & Catholic Church - 1989 - Bogotá: CELAM.
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  37. Freud's Critique of Religion.Ian M. Church - forthcoming - In R. Douglas Geivett & Robert B. Stewart, Dictionary of Christian Apologists and Their Critics. Wiley-Blackwell.
  38. Is God Hidden, Or Does God Simply Not Exist?Ian M. Church - 2017 - In Mark Harris & Duncan Pritchard, Philosophy, Science and Religion for Everyone. New York: Routledge. pp. 62-70.
    In this chapter: I distinguish the existential problem of divine hiddenness from the evidential problem of divine hiddenness. The former being primarily concerned with the apparent hiddenness of a personal God in the lives of believers amidst terrible suffering. The latter being primarily concerned with the apparent hiddenness of God being evidence against God’s existence. In the first section, I highlight the basic contours of the evidential problem of divine hiddenness, and suggested that the argument rests on two important assumptions: (...)
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    “Idealists and capitalists”: ownership attitudes and preferences in genomic citizen science.Christi J. Guerrini, Jorge L. Contreras, Whitney Bash Brooks, Isabel Canfield, Meredith Trejo & Amy L. McGuire - 2022 - New Genetics and Society 41 (2):74-95.
    The perspectives of genomic citizen scientists on ownership of research outputs are not well understood, yet they are useful for identifying alignment of participant expectations and project practices and can help guide efforts to develop innovative tools and strategies for managing ownership claims. Here, we report findings from 52 interviews conducted in 2018 and 2019 to understand genomic citizen science stakeholders’ conceptualizations of, experiences with, and preferences for ownership of research outputs. Interviewees identified four approaches for recognizing genomic citizen scientists’ (...)
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    Reasonable irrationality.Jennifer Church - 1987 - Mind 96 (383):354-366.
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    The mutual investment game: peculiarities of indifference.Robin P. Cubitt & Alonso Church - 1991 - Analysis 51 (3):113.
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    Paul Lorenzen. Die Allgemeingültigkeit der logischen Regeln. Studium generale, vol. 6 , pp. 605–609.Alonzo Church - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):104.
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    Popper's 'world 3' and the problem of the printed line.Rolin Church - 1984 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):378 – 391.
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    Quine W. V.. Logic, symbolic. Preprinted from Encyclopedia Americana, 1957 edition, preprint pp. 569–574.Alonzo Church - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):207-209.
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    Rosser Barkley. On the many-valued logics. American journal of physics, vol. 9 , pp. 207–212.Alonzo Church - 1941 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):109-109.
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    (1 other version)Ruja Harry. Good logics and bad. The philosophical review, vol. 49 , pp. 346–355.Alonzo Church - 1940 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 5 (2):81-81.
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    Rosenbaum R. A.. Remark on equivalence relations. The American mathematical monthly, vol. 62 , p. 650.Alonzo Church - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (2):207-207.
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    (1 other version)Schröder's anticipation of the simple theory of types.Alonzo Church - 1939 - Erkenntnis 8 (1):407-411.
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    (1 other version)Special Cases of the Decision Problem.Alonzo Church - 1951 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 49 (22):203-221.
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    Swanton, Christine. The Virtue Ethics of Hume and Nietzsche. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell. 2015.Jeffrey Church - 2018 - Journal of Value Inquiry 52 (1):145-148.
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