Results for 'Mentally ill offenders Legal status, laws, etc'

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  1.  75
    The Ethics of Total Confinement: A Critique of Madness, Citizenship, and Social Justice.Bruce A. Arrigo, Heather Y. Bersot & Brian G. Sellers - 2011 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Heather Y. Bersot & Brian G. Sellers.
    In three parts, this volume in the AP-LS series explores the phenomena of captivity and risk management, guided and informed by the theory, method, and policy of psychological jurisprudence. The authors present a controversial thesis that demonstrates how the forces of captivity and risk management are sustained by several interdependent "conditions of control." These conditions impose barriers to justice and set limits on citizenship for one and all. Situated at the nexus of political/social theory, mental health law and jurisprudential ethics, (...)
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  2.  18
    The Duty to Protect: Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations for Mental Health Professionals.James L. Werth, Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel & G. Andrew H. Benjamin (eds.) - 2009 - American Psychological Association.
    Mental health professionals rightfully experience significant anxiety regarding their duty to protect when working with potentially dangerous individuals. This work dispels myths and provides readers with a resource addressing the situations where a duty to protect may apply.
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    Philosophical Foundations of Law and Neuroscience.Dennis Michael Patterson & Michael S. Pardo (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Bringing together the latest work from leading scholars in this emerging and vibrant subfield of law, this book examines the philosophical issues that inform the intersection between law and neuroscience.
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    Global patient safety: law, policy and practice.John Tingle, Clayton Ó Néill & Morgan Shimwell (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores patient safety themes in developed, developing and transitioning countries. A foundation premise is the concept of 'reverse innovation' as mutual learning from the chapters challenges traditional assumptions about the construction and location of knowledge. This edited collection can be seen to facilitate global learning. This book will, hopefully, form a bridge for those countries seeking to enhance their patient safety policies. Contributors to this book challenge many supposed generalisations about human societies, including consideration of how medical care (...)
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    A Comment on Christopher Ciocchetti: "The Responsibility of the Psychopathic Offender".Daniel W. Shuman - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (2):193-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.2 (2003) 193-194 [Access article in PDF] A Comment on Christopher Ciocchetti:"The Responsibility of the Psychopathic Offender" Daniel W. Shuman Questions of responsibility for serious harm are complex and potentially divisive. The way in which we frame these questions and the criteria by which we assess answers to them are colored, in part, by the lens though which we view them. I am a law (...)
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    Ethical and legal issues for mental health professionals: a comprehensive handbook of principles and standards.Steven F. Bucky, Joanne E. Callan & George Stricker (eds.) - 2005 - Binghamton, NY: Haworth Maltreatment&Trauma Press.
    Stay up-to-date on the ethical and legal issues that affect your clinical and professional decisions! Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals: A Comprehensive Handbook of Principles and Standards details the ethical and legal issues that involve mental health professionals. Respected authorities with diverse backgrounds, expertise, and professional experience discuss contemporary theories emphasizing professional ethics, the ramifications of professional actions and decisions, and ethical standards on teaching, training, research, and publication. This informative handbook provides invaluable up-to-date (...)
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    Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals: In Forensic Settings.Steven F. Bucky (ed.) - 2009 - Brunner-Routledge.
    This unique text is organized around the most current ethical and legal standards as defined by the mental health professionals of psychology, social work, ...
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    Law, ethics, and medicine: essays in honour of Peter Skegg.Mark Henaghan, Jesse Wall, P. D. G. Skegg & Ron Paterson (eds.) - 2016 - Wellington [New Zealand]: Thomson Reuters New Zealand.
    Described as one of the two fathers of medical law, Professor Peter Skegg has been a leading figure in the study of law and medicine. Over a 46 year academic career at the University of Auckland, University of Oxford, and the University of Otago, Professor Skegg has helped develop the field of medical law into a burgeoning academic discipline and has provided intellectual guardianship for the practice of law and medicine. This collection brings together contemporaries, colleagues, and former students of (...)
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  9.  12
    Psychiatric ethics and the rights of persons with mental disabilities in institutions and the community.Michael L. Perlin - 2008 - Haifa, Israel: UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Office. Edited by Lisa Cosgrove.
  10.  5
    Problema prav ti︠a︡zhelobolʹnykh i umirai︠u︡shchikh v otechestvennom i zarubezhnom zakonodatelʹstvakh.I︠U︡. L. Shevchenko (ed.) - 2002 - Moskva: Gėotar-Med.
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    "Idiots, infants, and the insane": mental illness and legal incompetence.T. Szasz - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2):78-81.
    Prior to the second world war, most persons confined in insane asylums were regarded as legally incompetent and had guardians appointed for them. Today, most persons confined in mental hospitals are, in law, competent; nevertheless, in fact, they are treated as if they were incompetent. Should the goal of mental health policy be providing better psychiatric services to more and more people, or the reduction and ultimate elimination of the number of persons in the population treated as mentally ill?
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  12.  19
    Regulating patient safety: the end of professional dominance?Oliver Quick - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Systematically improving patient safety is of the utmost importance, but it is also an extremely complex and challenging task. This illuminating study evaluates the role of professionalism, regulation and law in seeking to improve safety, arguing that the 'medical dominance' model is ill-suited to this aim, which instead requires a patient-centred vision of professionalism. It brings together literatures on professions, regulation and trust, while examining the different legal mechanisms for responding to patient safety events. Oliver Quick includes an examination (...)
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  13.  7
    Jiko ketteiken to shinu kenri.Tatsuhiko Tateyama - 1998 - Tōkyō: Tōkai Daigaku Shuppankai.
    本書は、自己決定権が特に法的関連の中で問題となっている尊厳死、安楽死、自殺、臓器移植及び死の概念を中心に、我が国における状況及び諸外国での態様に関し、比較法的考察を交えながら、著者なりの見解を明らかに している。.
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  14.  8
    Biomedical Ethics and the Law.James M. Humber, Robert F. Almeder & Robert E. Almeder - 1976 - Springer.
    In the past few years an increasing number of colleges and universities have added courses in biomedical ethics to their curricula. To some extent, these additions serve to satisfy student demands for "relevance. " But it is also true that such changes reflect a deepening desire on the part of the academic community to deal effectively with a host of problems which must be solved if we are to have a health-care delivery system which is efficient, humane, and just. To (...)
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  15.  63
    Elliott, C.: 1996, The Rules of Insanity; Moral Responsibility and the Mentally Ill Offender. [REVIEW]Frank Kortmann - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (2):178-179.
  16.  6
    End-of-life care: bridging disability and aging with person-centered care.William C. Gaventa & David L. Coulter (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Haworth Pastoral Press.
    Resource added for the Nursing-Associate Degree 105431, Practical Nursing 315431, and Nursing Assistant 305431 programs.
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    Mental Illness as a Life Sentence: The (Mis)treatment of Individuals with Psychiatric Diagnoses in the Courtroom.K. Petrozzo - 2024 - In Arnold Cantù, Eric Maisel & Chuck Ruby, Institutionalized Madness: The Interplay of Psychiatry and Society’s Institutions. Cambridge, UK: Ethics Press. pp. 136–152.
    In the United States, when an individual commits a criminal act, there are due processes to assess their responsibility and respective punishment. However, if that individual was unable to conform to the necessary standards due to symptoms caused by a mental illness, they may be excused or exempt from standard legal punishment. While we may not want to hold certain individuals responsible, or in some courtrooms, “not guilty by reason of insanity,” how should they be punished? Should they be (...)
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  18.  43
    Key Concepts: Criminal Responsibility.Carl Elliot - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (4):305-307.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Key Concepts: Criminal ResponsibilityCarl Elliott (bio)AbstractMentally disordered persons occasionally do things for which we would ordinarily blame or even punish a non-disordered person. We often do not blame mentally disordered persons for these actions, however, because we regard mental disorders, at least in some circumstances, as an excuse from moral responsibility. For moral philosophy and the law, the challenge is to understand the specific circumstances under which a (...)
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  19.  75
    The insanity defence without mental illness? Some considerations.Luca Malatesti, Marko Jurjako & Gerben Meynen - 2020 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 71.
    In this paper we aim to offer a balanced argument to motivate (re)thinking about the mental illness clause within the insanity defence. This is the clause that states that mental illness should have a relevant causal or explanatory role for the presence of the incapacities or limited capacities that are covered by this defence. We offer three main considerations showing the important legal and epistemological roles that the mental illness clause plays in the evaluation of legal responsibility. Although (...)
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  20.  37
    Exoneration of the mentally ill.L. Fields - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (4):201-205.
    Mental illness may be manifested in the impairment of understanding or of volitional control. Impairment of understanding may be manifested in delusions. Impairment of volitional control is shown when a person is unable to act in accordance with good reasons that he himself accepts. In order for an impairment of understanding or of self-control to exculpate, the offence must be causally connected with the impairment in question. The rationale of exculpation in general, which applies also to the case of mental (...)
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  21.  11
    Cuidados paliativos e direitos do paciente terminal.Henrique Moraes Prata - 2017 - Barueri, SP, Brasil: Manole.
    A Era Tecnológica em que vivemos agrava os riscos de despersonalização do ser humano, sobretudo no campo da Medicina, subvertendo a ordem de a ciência servir à pessoa. Cuidados paliativos e direitos do paciente terminal apresenta análise pioneira da terminalidade da vida à luz do Direito Civil, com ênfase nos direitos da personalidade, da Bioética e da Filosofia de Emmanuel Lévinas. São alguns tópicos de destaque- - pessoa e personalidade; - direitos da personalidade; - futilidade terapêutica; - cuidados em saúde (...)
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  22. After “Mental Illness” What? A Philosophical Endorsement of Statutory Reform.Edmund Byrne - 1980 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 2:122-131.
    This article argues in favor of modifying the medical model of severe psychiatric disturbances that underlies calling them "mental illness." The key reason for this proposal is that numerous specialists other than physicians as well as non-specialists contribute to the process of assisting a person recover from what the author suggests might better be called "extraordinary functional disability." There is little uniformity in existing definitions under state laws, but all involve three types of intervention: civil commitment; civil determination of (...) competency; and standing to be subject to criminal law. Physicians typically make relevant determinations in each of these areas; but non-physicians are the principal care-givers once a determination has been made. (shrink)
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  23.  64
    Legal insanity and moral knowledge: Why is a lack of moral knowledge related to a mental illness exculpatory?Katrina L. Sifferd - 2022 - In Matt King & Joshua May, Agency in Mental Disorder: Philosophical Dimensions. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter argues that a successful plea of legal insanity ought to rest upon proof that a criminal act is causally related to symptoms of a mental disorder. Diagnosis of a mental disorder can signal to the court that the defendant had very little control over relevant moral ignorance or incompetence. Must we draw the same conclusion for defendants who lack moral knowledge due to miseducation or other extreme environmental conditions, unrelated to a mental disorder? Adults who were brainwashed (...)
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  24.  96
    Ethical issues in forensic psychiatric research on mentally disordered offenders.Christian Munthe, Susanna Radovic & Henrik Anckarsã„ter - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (1):35-44.
    This paper analyses ethical issues in forensic psychiatric research on mentally disordered offenders, especially those detained in the psychiatric treatment system. The idea of a 'dual role' dilemma afflicting forensic psychiatry is more complicated than acknowledged. Our suggestion acknowledges the good of criminal law and crime prevention as a part that should be balanced against familiar research ethical considerations. Research aiming at improvements of criminal justice and treatment is a societal priority, and the total benefit of studies has (...)
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  25. The concept of mental illness: An analysis of four pivotal issues.Robert L. Woolfolk - 2001 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 22 (2):161-178.
    The concept of mental illness is explored through an examination of four key foundational issues. These are the notion of the “mental” as it relates to psychopathology; the concept of illness; the relationship of mental illness to concepts of function and malfunction; and sociocultural dimensions of psychopathology. The problematic status of the concept of mental illness is investigated through locating it within the various discourses of biomedicine, psychology, law, and sociology and by explicating and relating the philosophical underpinnings of those (...)
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  26.  24
    Prisoners signify: a political discourse analysis of mental illness in a prison control unit.Kristin Gates Cloyes - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (3):202-211.
    Prisoners signify: a political discourse analysis of mental illness in a prison control unitIncreasingly, US prisoners diagnosed with mental illness are housed in control units, the most restrictive form of confinement in the US prison system. This situation has led to intense debate over the legal, ethical and clinical status of mental illness. This is a semiotic struggle with profound effects, yet most related work treats mental illness as a neutral, individual variable. Few analyses locate mental illness within a (...)
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  27.  33
    The Rules of Insanity: Moral Responsibility and the Mentally Ill.Carl Elliott - 1996 - SUNY Press.
    In The Rules of Insanity, Carl Elliott draws on philosophy and psychiatry to develop a conceptual framework for judging the moral responsibility of mentally ill offenders. Arguing that there is little useful that can be said about the responsibility of mentally ill offenders in general, Elliott looks at specific mental illnesses in detail; among them schizophrenia, manic-depressive disorders, psychosexual disorders such as exhibitionism and voyeurism, personality disorders, and impulse control disorders such as kleptomania and pyromania. He (...)
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  28.  32
    U.S. Outpatient Commitment in Context: When is it Ethical and How can We Tell?Jeffrey Swanson, Marvin Swartz & Daniel Moseley - 2017 - In Alec Buchanan & Lisa Wootton, Care of the Mentally Disordered Offender in the Community, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press. pp. 47-60.
    We describe the legal practice of using civil court orders to mandate outpatient mental health treatment for adults with serious mental illness. After briefly placing the practice in historical context, we discuss the traditional clinical rationale and assumptions underlying outpatient commitment and its legal variants, as well as how the predominant and controversial preventive form of outpatient commitment emerged in the U.S. to address limitations of earlier versions of these laws, such as "conditional release." We then consider whether, (...)
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  29.  9
    Veterinary law: ethics, etiquette, and convention.Douglas Charles Blood - 1985 - North Ryde, N.S.W.: Law Book Co..
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  30.  14
    Ethical issues in forensic psychiatric research on mentally disordered offenders.Susanna Radovic Christian Munthe - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (1):35-44.
    ABSTRACTThis paper analyses ethical issues in forensic psychiatric research on mentally disordered offenders, especially those detained in the psychiatric treatment system. The idea of a ‘dual role’ dilemma afflicting forensic psychiatry is more complicated than acknowledged. Our suggestion acknowledges the good of criminal law and crime prevention as a part that should be balanced against familiar research ethical considerations. Research aiming at improvements of criminal justice and treatment is a societal priority, and the total benefit of studies has (...)
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  31.  45
    Mental Disorder (Illness).Jennifer Radden & Jonathan Y. Tsou - 2024 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Mental disorder (earlier entitled “illness” or “disease”) is ascribed to deviations from normal thoughts, reasoning, feelings, attitudes, and actions that are considered socially or personally dysfunctional and apt for treatment. Schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder are core examples. The concept of mental disorder plays a role in many domains, including medicine, social sciences such as psychology and anthropology, and the humanities, including literature and philosophy. Philosophical discussions are the primary focus of the present entry, which differs from the entry on (...)
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  32.  49
    The effectiveness and ethical justification of psychiatric outpatient commitment.Guido R. Zanni & Paul F. Stavis - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (11):31 – 41.
    Studies link involuntary outpatient commitment with improved patient outcomes, fueling debate on its ethical justification. This study compares inpatient utilization for committed outpatients in the 1990s with those who were not under outpatient civil commitment orders. Findings reveal committed outpatients had higher utilization of inpatient services and restraint episodes prior to their commitment compared with a control group. Committed outpatients also were more likely to have been on discharge status at the time of admission, have been admitted involuntarily under emergency (...)
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  33.  10
    Medical Assistance in Dying for Persons Suffering Solely from Mental Illness in Canada.Chloe Eunice Panganiban & Srushhti Trivedi - 2025 - Voices in Bioethics 11.
    Photo ID 71252867© Stepan Popov| Abstract While Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has been legalized in Canada since 2016, it still excludes eligibility for persons who have mental illness as a sole underlying medical condition. This temporary exclusion was set to expire on March 17th, 2024, but was set 3 years further back by the Government of Canada to March 17th, 2027. This paper presents a critical appraisal of the case of MAiD for individuals with mental illness as the (...)
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    Response to Open Commentaries for "The Effectiveness and Ethical Justification of Psychiatric Outpatient Commitment".Paul F. Stavis & Guido R. Zanni - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (11):3-4.
    Studies link involuntary outpatient commitment with improved patient outcomes, fueling debate on its ethical justification. This study compares inpatient utilization for committed outpatients in the 1990s with those who were not under outpatient civil commitment orders. Findings reveal committed outpatients had higher utilization of inpatient services and restraint episodes prior to their commitment compared with a control group. Committed outpatients also were more likely to have been on discharge status at the time of admission, have been admitted involuntarily under emergency (...)
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  35.  58
    Is blame warranted in applying justice?Erin I. Kelly - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (1):71-87.
    The belief that people convicted of crimes deserve punishment is commonplace. Yet the punitive conception of individual responsibility commonly associated with ‘just deserts’ exaggerates the moral meaning of criminal guilt, normalizes excessive punishment, and distracts from shared responsibility for social injustice. The problem is, many people who get caught up in the criminal justice system cannot reasonably be thought to deserve their fate. Mental illness, intellectual disability, addiction, trauma, and poverty are morally mitigating factors when it comes to assessing how (...)
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  36.  75
    The Rights Approach to Mental Illness.Tom Campbell - 1984 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 18:221-253.
    The concept of rights is now so dominant in the language of politics that it is becoming difficult to identify its use with any particular approach to the solution of social problems or to gain a clear picture of its significance, its advantages and its disadvantages as a way of conceptualizing and resolving contentious political issues. None the less there is a perceptible shift towards an emphasis on rights in contemporary politics which many welcome and encourage and others question and (...)
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  37.  14
    Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts.Norbert Oberauer, Yvonne Prief & Ulrike Qubaja (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Approaches to legal pluralism vary widely across the spectrum of different disciplines. They comprise normative and descriptive perspectives, focus both on legal pluralist realities as well as public debates, and address legal pluralism in a range of different societies with varying political, institutional and historical conditions. Emphasising an empirical research to contemporary legal pluralist settings in Muslim contexts, the present collected volume contributes to a deepened understanding of legal pluralist issues and realities through comparative examination. (...)
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  38.  10
    Applied legal pluralism: processes, driving forces and effects.Ghislain Otis - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Jean Leclair, Sophie Thériault & Vera Roy.
    This book offers a comparative study of the management of legal pluralism. The authors describe and analyse the way state and non-state legal systems acknowledge legal pluralism - defined as the coexistence of a state and non-state legal systems in the same space in respect of the same subject matter for the same population - and determine its consequences for their own purposes. The book sheds light on the management processes deployed by legal systems in (...)
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  39.  32
    Law & Ethics for Medical Careers.Karen Judson - 2002 - Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill. Edited by Sharon Hicks.
    This 12-chapter text prepares students to understand the legal and ethical issues inherent to working in an ambulatory health care setting. It features pertinent legal cases, anecdotes, and sidebars related to health-related careers. Content has been updated and special attention has been paid to legislation affecting health care.
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    An Alternative to Medical Assistance in Dying? The Legal Status of Voluntary Stopping Eating and Brinking.Jocelyn Downie - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (2):48-58.
    Medical assistance in dying has received considerable attention from many in the field of bioethics. Philosophers, theologians, lawyers, and clinicians of all sorts have engaged with many challenging aspects of this issue. Public debate, public policy, and the law have been enhanced by the varied disciplinary analyses. With the legalization of MAiD in Canada, some attention is now being turned to issues that have historically been overshadowed by the debate about whether to permit MAiD. One such issue is voluntary stopping (...)
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  41.  8
    Status und Schutz des extrakorporalen Embryos: eine rechtsvergleichende Studie.Carola Seith - 2007 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Internationale Perspektiven zu Status und Schutz des extrakorporalen Embryos: rechtliche Regelungen und Stand der Debatte im Ausland = International perspectives on the status and protection of the extracorporeal embryo.Albin Eser, Hans-Georg Koch & Carola Seith (eds.) - 2007 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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  43.  26
    The occasional triumph of the moral sentiments over legal technicalities: Law, seduction, and the sentimental heroine.Andrea L. Hibbard & John T. Parry - manuscript
    Our paper explores how the affective energies and cultural expectations set in motion by best-selling American sentimental novels like Hannah Foster's The Coquette and Susanna Rowson's Charlotte Temple informed the notorious mid-nineteenth-century American trial of Amelia Norman, who attempted to kill the man who seduced her. Once newspapers, defense lawyers, and reformers such as Lydia Maria Child recast the defendant as a sentimental heroine, the trial became about seduction, and Norman was acquitted against the weight of the evidence. Sentimental novels (...)
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  44.  7
    Accommodating Muslims under common law: a comparative analysis.Salim Farrar - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Ghena Krayem.
    Introduction : law, religion and the challenge of accommodation -- Muslim communities in a multicultural context -- Contextualishing Shari ̀ah : Shari ̀ah in the Common Law world -- Muslims, family relationships and the Common Law -- Muslims, crime and the Common Law -- Muslims, business transactions and the Common Law -- Conclusion.
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    Choosing between possible lives: law and ethics of prenatal and preimplantation genetic diagnosis.Rosamund Scott - 2007 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    To what extent should parents be able to choose the kind of child they have? The unfortunate phrase 'designer baby' has become familiar in debates surrounding reproduction. As a reference to current possibilities the term is misleading, but the phrase may indicate a societal concern of some kind about control and choice in the course of reproduction. Typically, people can choose whether to have a child. They may also have an interest in choosing, to some extent, the conditions under which (...)
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  46.  20
    Foucault's Monsters and the Challenge of Law.Andrew N. Sharpe - 2010 - Routledge.
    Foucault's theoretical framework -- Foucault's monsters as genealogy : the abnormal individual -- An English legal history of monsters -- Changing sex : the problem of transsexuality -- Sharing bodies : the problem of conjoined twins -- Admixing embyros : the problem of human/animal hybrids -- Conclusion.
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  47.  16
    International bio law: an international overview of developments in human embryo research and experimentation.García San José & I. Daniel - 2010 - [Murcia, Spain]: Ediciones Laborum.
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    Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law: solutions for access and benefit sharing.Evanson C. Kamau & Gerd Winter (eds.) - 2009 - Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
    The need to regulate access to genetic resources and ensure a fair and equitable sharing of any resulting benefits was at the core of the development of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The CBD established a series of principles and requirements around access and benefit sharing (ABS) in order to increase transparency and equity in the international flow of genetic resources, yet few countries have been able to effectively implement them and ABS negotiations are often paralysed by differing interests. (...)
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    Health professionals and trust: the cure for healthcare law and policy.Mark Henaghan - 2012 - New York: Routledge-Cavendish.
    Over the past twenty years there has been a shift in medical law and practise to increasingly distrust the judgement of health professionals. An increasing number of codes of conduct, disciplinary bodies, ethics committees and bureaucratic policies now prescribe how health professional and health researchers should act and relate to their patients. The result of this, Mark Henaghan argues, has been to undermine trust and professional judgement in health professionals, while simultaneously failing to trust the patient to make decisions about (...)
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  50.  27
    Igbo Philosophy of Law.F. U. Okafor - 1992 - Fourth Dimension Pub. Co..
    This is a first attempt at the philosophical articulation and projection of the Igbo concept of law and the role of law in the traditional environment. In the Igbo traditional setting, the rules of law are uncodified. The author, who teaches philosophy of law and logic at the University of Nigeria, defines the law of a given community as the body of rules recognised as binding by its members. On this concept of law, he has based his attempt to elucidate (...)
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