Results for 'Memento'

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  1. (1 other version)Memento's revenge: The extended mind, extended.Andy Clark - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 43--66.
    In the movie, Memento, the hero, Leonard, suffers from a form of anterograde amnesia that results in an inability to lay down new memories. Nonetheless, he sets out on a quest to find his wife.
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    Memento.Andrew Kania - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge. pp. 650-660.
    This essay first discusses the structure of the film (Memento_ (Christopher Nolan, 2000), its status as a neo-noir, and the implications of its accompanying website for its ontology. It then considers two clusters of philosophical themes in the film: the nature of mind and memory, and freedom, personal identity, and moral responsibility;.
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  3. Memento’s revenge: The extended mind, extended.Andy Clark - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 43--66.
    In the movie, Memento, the hero, Leonard, suffers from a form of anterograde amnesia that results in an inability to lay down new memories. Nonetheless, he sets out on a quest to find his wife’s killer, aided by the use of notes, annotated polaroids, and (for the most important pieces of information obtained) body tattoos. Using these resources he attempts to build up a stock of new beliefs and to thus piece together the puzzle of his wife’s death. At (...)
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    Memento Mori, Memento Vivere: Early Nietzsche on History, Embodiment, and Value.Manuel Dries - 2017 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48 (1):29-55.
    The centrality of the embodiment of mind, self, and values for the later Nietzsche is widely acknowledged. Here, I reconstrue Nietzsche’s HL to show that he uses his drive model of the mind already in this early text. The “historical sickness” central to HL is diagnosed in the form of failures of embodiment and drive control. First, I argue that a precursor to Nietzsche’s figure of “the last human” is already the target in HL. Second, I offer working definitions for (...)
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    Memento mori.Gerhard Schneider - 2023 - Psyche 77 (4):311-342.
    Der Autor interpretiert Nicolas Poussins Gemälde »Et in Arcadia ego« (1638–1640) mit der Inschrift »Auch in Arkadien gibt es mich, den Tod« als Darstellung eines Erkenntnisprozesses und schlägt vor, das zuvor moralisch verstandene »Memento mori« als Aufforderung zur Selbsterkenntnis zu begreifen. Damit formuliert er eine Gegenposition zum Programm des »Transhumanismus«, der die Abschaffung des Todes anstrebt. Sodann geht er von Freuds Hinweis auf die Verleugnung des je eigenen Todes aus und interpretiert die Struktur dieser Einstellung mit Freuds spätem Begriff (...)
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    Memento mori: le temps, la mort, la vie selon Michel Henry.Vincent Moser - 2017 - [Louvain-la-Neuve]: UCL, Presses universitaires de Louvain.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Michel Henry - bien que considéré comme un penseur de la "vie" et des "vivants" - n'a cessé de méditer le fameux memento mori, marque insigne de la destinée de la philosophie. Comme philosophe de la subjectivité, il a identifié la vie à "ce qui ne peut pas mourir", rompant ainsi avec ce qu'il y avait de moribond dans l'onto-thanatologie heideggérienne d'Être et Temps. Cet ouvrage élucide et interprète ces rapports entre la vie (...)
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    Memento.Andrew Kania (ed.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    Within a short space of time, the film Memento has already been hailed as a modern classic. Memorably narrated in reverse, from the perspective of Leonard Shelby, the film’s central character, it follows Leonard’s chaotic and visceral quest to discover the identity of his wife’s killer and avenge her murder, despite his inability to form new long-term memories. This is the first book to explore and address the myriad philosophical questions raised by the film, concerning personal identity, free will, (...)
  8. Memory and Morals in Memento : Hume at the Movies.George Bragues - 2008 - Film-Philosophy 12 (2):62-82.
    It is a common lament that people, the young especially, are increasingly shyingaway from books and instead turning for intellectual sustenance to video games, film, andtelevision - that is, images are displacing words, with the result that the culture isbecoming less tolerant of cognitive complexity .1Instead of vainly tryingto reform, or negate the influence of, popular entertainments, it might be better toembrace them, making selective use of them to cultivate an interest in philosophic topicsamong young minds. Perhaps we can lead (...)
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  9. Memento mori as Repetition of Finitude: Death beyond Heidegger and Levinas.Nicolae Turcan - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:29-37.
    Exemplified especially by Heidegger and Levinas, the phenomenology of death expresses first, the impossibility of the death experience, second, the authenticity of Dasein starting from the horizon opened by the possibility of death, and third, the relevance of the death of the other to the discovery of one’s own death. This article tries to take a step further, showing the link between the authenticity of Dasein and the desire for immortality manifested in this authenticity. By overturning Heidegger’s theses and by (...)
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  10. Memento: A Philosophical Investigation.Phil Hutchinson & Rupert Read - 2005 - In Rupert Read & Jerry Goodenough, Film as Philosophy: Essays on Cinema After Wittgenstein and Cavell. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 72-93.
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    Memento mori: an Advent companion on the last things.Theresa Noble - 2021 - Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media.
    During Advent we prayerfully consider how Jesus was born to save us from death through his incarnation, death, and resurrection. Remembering this in light of your own death can change your life. Mememto mori or "remember your death" is a phrase long associated with the practice of remembering the unpredictable and inevitable end of one's life. This book is the latest in a series of books by Sr. Theresa Alethia Noble, FSP, that explores the traditional Christian practice of meditation on (...)
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    Rememberances, Mementos, and Time-Capsules.Jenann Ismael - 2002 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 50:317-.
    I want to consider some features of the position put forward by Julian Barbour in The End of Time that seem to me of particular philosophical interest. At the level of generality at which I'll be concerned with it, the view is relatively easy to describe. It can be arrived at by thinking of time as decomposing in some natural way linearly ordered atomic parts, ‘moments’, and combining an observation about the internal structure of moments with an epistemological doctrine about (...)
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    Memento Mori ou Lembra-te que morrerás | Memento Mori or Remember you'll die.Fernanda Puricelli - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (2):410-417.
    Nos encontramos no momento atual, marcados por uma ideia de doença, iminência da morte e isolamento. Assim, nesse ensaio faz-se repensar sobre as imagens subjetivas do vazio, da melancolia e da solidão no sujeito. No processo de Memento Mori ou Lembra-te que Morrerás busca-se uma imagética do suicídio, do rastro da vida, do “após a vida”, que também termina por nos revelar, a impossibilidade de experienciar a própria morte.ORCID
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    Memento Mori (A propos de la théorie de la connaissance d'Edmond Husserl).Léon Chestov & B. De Schlœzer - 1926 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 101:5 - 62.
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  15. A "memento Mori" among early italian prints.Horst W. Janson - 1940 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 3 (3/4):243-248.
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    Memento mori . A propósito del recién fallecimiento del Filósofo Jairo Escobar Moncada.Ignacio Vento Villante - 2018 - Escritos 26 (56):13-18.
    De mi padre recuerdo que solía decir: “No deseo que llegue el día de los grandes elogios, pues sé que, entonces, no los necesitaré”. Mi padre, a su modo, tenía esa veta estoica que recorre el sentir de los pueblos costeños, hechos de una sabiduría que se ha forjado en las faenas de la mar y cuyo talante les aprovisiona de una resignada actitud ante la vida y la muerte. Pensando en ello, he de reconocer que mi querido amigo Jairo (...)
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  17. "Remember Leonard Shelby": 'Memento' and the Double Life of Memory.Robert Hopkins - 2016 - In Julian Dodd, Art, Mind, and Narrative: Themes From the Work of Peter Goldie. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 89-99.
    Christopher Nolan’s Memento illustrates and explores two roles that memory plays in human life. The film’s protagonist, Leonard Shelby, cannot ‘make new memories’. He copes by using a ‘system’ of polaroids, tatoos, charts and notes that substitutes for memory in its first role, the retention of information. In particular, the system is supposed to help Leonard carry out his sole goal: to find and kill his wife’s murderer. In this it proves a disastrous failure. But are we so very (...)
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    (1 other version)Performative Strategien des memento mori: Erfahrungen der Vergänglichkeit in der Gegenwartslyrik.Antje Schmidt - 2018 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 27 (2):157-172.
    In einer gesteigerten Form der Memento-mori-Dichtung des Barock wurde die menschliche Sterblichkeit durch den Einsatz performativer Strategien für die Zeitgenoss*innen bereits zu Lebzeiten erfahrbar. So waren mahnende und tröstende Tote, die scheinbar direkt aus dem Jenseits zu den Lebenden sprechen, in Begräbnisgedichten und Grabinschriften allgegenwärtig. Ebenso waren Gedichte und Sterbelieder verbreitet, in denen der Sterbeakt performativ durchlebt werden konnte. In der Gegenwart, die sich nach Norbert Elias durch eine Verdrängung der menschlichen Vergänglichkeit zugunsten von Unsterblichkeitsphantasien, und somit einer Vermeidung (...)
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  19. Mementos of contemporary American cinema: identifying and responding to the unreliable narrator in the movie theater.Volker Ferenz - 2009 - In Warren Buckland, Film theory and contemporary Hollywood movies. New York: Routledge.
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    Claire Molloy (2010) Memento ; Geoff King (2010) Lost in Translation ; Gary Needham (2010) Brokeback Mountain . American Indies Series. [REVIEW]John Bleasdale - 2011 - Film-Philosophy 15 (1):255-261.
    Claire Molloy Memento Geoff King Lost in Translation Gary Needham Brokeback Mountain American Indies Series. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  21. We All Need Mirrors to Remind Us Who We Are: Inherited Meaning and Inherited Selves in Memento.Michael Baur - 2005 - In Paul Tudico & Kimberly Blessing, Movies and the Meaning of Life: Philosophers Take On Hollywood. Open Court Publishing. pp. 94-110.
    The movie Memento (2000) broaches several interrelated philosophical questions concerning human knowledge, personal identity, and the human search for meaning. For example, is our knowledge based mainly on conclusions reached through our own reason, or is it based instead on habituation and conditioning brought about by forces outside of us? What is the role that memory plays in our knowledge? Furthermore, what is the relationship between memory and personal identity? And what is the relationship between memory, personal identity, and (...)
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    II. Mementos of a Timequake: Whitehead’s Radical Empiricism.Randall E. Auxier - 2009 - In Mark Dibben & Rebecca Newton, Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze. De Gruyter. pp. 75-100.
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  23. Memento vivere, ili, Pomni o smerti.V. L. Rabinovich & M. S. Uvarov (eds.) - 2006 - Moskva: Academia.
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    Memento Vivere.Richard Shusterman - 2024 - Philosophy and Literature 48 (2):472-479.
    Grateful as I am for Michael Fischer's sympathetic discussion of Philosophy and the Art of Writing, my disagreeable duty in response is to note how, where, and why his attentive, supportive, and well-intentioned reading of the book misinterprets its meaning. More positively, my mission is to clarify the book's essential purpose so that readers of this journal who have neither read the book (nor followed other symposia and discussions dedicated to it) can better understand its message.1 Because I know the (...)
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    Death in Documentaries: The Memento Mori Experience.Benjamin Bennett-Carpenter - 2017 - Brill | Rodopi.
    In _Death in Documentaries: The Memento Mori Experience_, Benjamin Bennett-Carpenter suggests that documentaries are an especially apt form of contemporary _memento mori_; that is, documentaries offer transformative experiences for a viewer to renew one’s consciousness of mortality.
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    Memento … Life Imitates Art: The Request for an Ethics Consultation.Sheila Otto - 2007 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 18 (3):247-251.
  27. Memento y la reinvención del policial.Jaime Villarreal - 2021 - In Raquel Gutiérrez Estupiñán, Jaime Villarreal & Miguel Sáenz, Encuadres del discurso cinematográfico. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
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    Memento Mori.Robert Smith - 1998 - Angelaki 3 (3):45 – 57.
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    The Database, Logic, and Suffering: Memento and Random-Access Information Aesthetics.Christopher Bodnar - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (1).
    The Database, Logic, and Suffering _Memento_ and Random-Access Information Aesthetic.
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    Personal Memento in the German Middle Ages. [REVIEW]Franz Staab - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (1):143-144.
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    Cinematic Philosophy: Experiential Affirmation in Memento.Rafe Mcgregor - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (1):57-66.
    This article demonstrates that Memento (Christopher Nolan, 2000) meets both conditions of Paisley Livingston's bold thesis of cinema as philosophy. I delineate my argument in terms of Aaron Smuts's clarifications of Livingston's conditions. The results condition, which is concerned with the nature of the philosophical content, is developed in relation to Berys Gaut's conception of narrational confirmation, which I designate ‘experiential affirmation.’ Because experiential affirmation is a function of cinematic depiction, it meets Livingston's means condition, which is concerned with (...)
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    Film as Philosophy in Memento.Richard Nunan - 2014 - Film and Philosophy 18:1-18.
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    Film Column: Memento.Thomas Wartenberg - 2001 - Philosophy Now 33:50-51.
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    The prestige e Memento di Christopher Nolan.Umberto Curi, Mario Pezzella & Antonio Tricomi - 2007 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 20 (3):623-634.
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  35. John Locke, Personal Identity and Memento.Basil Smith - 2006 - In Mark T. Conard & Robert Porfirio, The philosophy of film noir. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
    In this paper, I compare John Locke’s “memory theory” of personal identity and Memento. I argue that the plot of Memento is ambiguous, in that the main character seems to have two histories. As such, Memento is but a series of puzzle cases that intend to illustrate that, although our memories may not be chronologically related to one another, and may even be fused with the memories of other persons, those memories still constitute personal identity. Just as (...)
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    La participación eucarística. A propósito del volumen de Francisco Caro de Hojeda "Modo de ordenar el memento en el sacrosanto sacrificio de la misa" publicado en Sevilla en 1613.Juan Manuel Sierra López - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (11):211-226.
    Francisco Caro de Hojeda es el autor de este pequeño libro. Siguiendo las ideas predominantes en su época, presenta el orden y el significado de la oración de Memento en el rito de la Eucaristía. Se invita a los fieles a participar en la oración que el presidente de la celebración eucarística presenta a Dios en nombre de la Santa Iglesia. Se percibe un profundo sentimiento pastoral cuando se insta a los presentes a Unirse al Sacrificio así renovado.
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    Love, Death and Life's Summum Bonum: The Before Trilogy as Memento Mori.Anna Christina Ribeiro - manuscript
    I argue that Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight are best seen as an example of memento mori art. Memento mori, the admonition to remember death, can take many forms, but the idea remains the same, namely that an awareness of our inevitable end should bear on how we live. I show how Richard Linklater’s warning works in each of the movies and argue that with the Before trilogy he makes a Frankfurt-style case that romantic love is (...)
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    “To His Coy Mistress” as Memento Mori: Reading Marvell after Zizek.Geoff Boucher - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (1).
    Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress” is one of the best known and most commented on poems in the English language. According to the critical consensus, the poem is a seduction gambit in the “Carpe Diem” tradition. Interpretive debate therefore revolves around the significance of the allusions and imagery of the poem, rather than its central meaning. Moving against the current, this article challenges the critical consensus that Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress” is a poem that has seduction as its (...)
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    Ukrainian Renaissance Humanists on the Destination of Man in the World (from memento mori to memento vivere.V. D. Lytvynov - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 25:4-13.
    It is known that antiquity understood man as an organic part of the cosmos, which occupies the highest place among natural beings. Instead, the Middle Ages led man beyond the limits of cosmic natural life, proclaiming, on the one hand, an invisible connection with the transcendent God, and, on the other, humiliating the complete dependence caused by his fall upon Divine grace. The Middle Ages are about the discovery of the "inner man", who in the cosmos does not meet anything (...)
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  40. The Value of Memory: Reflections on “Memento”.Raymond Martin - unknown
    “You have to begin to lose your memory, if only in bits and pieces, to realize that memory is what makes our lives. Life without memory is no life at all, . . . Our memory is our coherence, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it, we are nothing.” – Luis Buñuel..
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    The Phenomenology of Time in Memento.Becca Turcotte - 2022 - Philosophy Now 152:39-40.
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  42. The Space-Time Image: the Case of Bergson, Deleuze, and Memento.Melissa Clarke - 2002 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (3):167 - 181.
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    Blessing for sale? On the production and distribution of pilgrim mementoes in Byzantium.Vicky Foskolou - 2012 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 105 (1).
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    Narrative comprehension made difficult : film form and mnemonic devices in Memento.Stefano Ghislotti - 2009 - In Warren Buckland, Puzzle films: complex storytelling in contemporary cinema. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 87--106.
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    Du Parc des Statues au Memento Parc à Budapest.Anne-Marie Losozcny - 2011 - Rue Descartes 71 (1):88.
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    Vengeance, the powers of the false, and the time-image in Christopher Nolan's memento.Diran Lyons - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (1):127 – 135.
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    Death as Film-Philosophy’s Muse: Deleuzian Observations on Moving Images and the Nature of Time.Susana Viegas - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (2):222-239.
    This article explores the affinities between film and philosophy by returning to a shared meditation on death and the nature of time. Death has been considered the muse of philosophy and can also be considered the muse of film-philosophy. But what does it mean to say that to film-philosophise is to learn to die, or a kind of training for dying? Film is an artistic object that reminds us of death’s inevitability; it is a meditation on the transient and finite (...)
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    Public Philosophy Through Film.S. B. Schoonover - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov, A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 221–232.
    Film can be a significant way of doing public philosophy. This chapter sketches some essential public features of philosophy by using popular films. Learning to watch popular films as philosophical expressions, on par with books and articles, brings film and philosophy to inform one another and illuminate important areas of overlap. Memento is an especially uncanny film because it begins with the story's ending. Daniel J. Clark's 2018 documentary film Behind the Curve charts the resurgence of flat‐Earth theory in (...)
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  49. The Extended Mind.Andy Clark - 2006 - Analysis 58 (1):7-19.
    In the movie, Memento, the hero, Leonard, suffers from a form of anterograde amnesia that results in an inability to lay down new memories. Nonetheless, he sets out on a quest to find his wife’s killer, aided by the use of notes, annotated polaroids, and body tattoos. Using these resources he attempts to build up a stock of new beliefs and to thus piece together the puzzle of his wife’s death. At one point in the movie, a character exasperated (...)
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  50. Thinking Through Film: Doing Philosophy, Watching Movies.Damian Cox & Michael P. Levine - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Michael P. Levine.
    An introduction to philosophy through film, _Thinking Through Film: Doing Philosophy, Watching Movies_ combines the exploration of fundamental philosophical issues with the experience of viewing films, and provides an engaging reading experience for undergraduate students, philosophy enthusiasts and film buffs alike. An in-depth yet accessible introduction to the philosophical issues raised by films, film spectatorship and film-making Provides 12 self-contained, close discussions of individual films from across genres Films discussed include Total Recall, Minority Report, La Promesse, Funny Games, Ikuru, The (...)
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