Results for 'Melinda Nielsen'

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  1.  20
    The Christian Socrates.Melinda Nielsen - 2014 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 17 (3):143-157.
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    Against the Applicability Argument for Sufficientarianism.Cecilia Maria Pedersen & Lasse Nielsen - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (2):179-195.
  3.  69
    The Politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life.Richard P. Nielsen - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Can ethical character be stimulated and enabled? Cognitive understanding of organizational ethics issues is important and necessary, but not sufficient. Ethical behavior does not emerge automatically. Effective political method is necessary. While it may be difficult to teach ethical character, nonetheless, skill development with respect to joined ethics understanding and action-learning methods can help us develop the skills and confidence we need to actualize our ethical characters and social concerns. An action-learning approach to organizational ethics can help stimulate and enable (...)
  4. Vice in the Nicomachean Ethics.Karen Margrethe Nielsen - 2017 - Phronesis 62 (1):1-25.
    _ Source: _Volume 62, Issue 1, pp 1 - 25 This paper aims to articulate Aristotle’s general account of vice, an account that applies to all special vices, regardless of their spheres of action and emotion, and whether they are states of excess or deficiency. Vice is ignorance in the decision : the paper explains what this means.
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    Sufficiency Grounded as Sufficiently Free: A Reply to Shlomi Segall.Lasse Nielsen - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (2):202-216.
    Telic sufficientarianism is the view that it is better, other things equal, if people are lifted above some sufficiency threshold of special moral importance. In a recent contribution, Shlomi Segall has raised the following objection to this position: The telic ideal of sufficiency can neither be grounded on any personal value, nor any impersonal value. Consequently, sufficientarianism is groundless. This article contains a rejoinder to this critique. Its main claim is that the value of autonomy holds strong potential for grounding (...)
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    Prisoners of Progress or Hostages to Fortune?Derek Morgan & Linda Nielsen - 1993 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 21 (1):30-42.
    We shall have to evolve problem-solvers—galore since each problem they solve creates ten problems more— Piet HeinThe new reproductive technologies, especially in vitro fertilization, have extended the possi- bilities of assisted reproduction to the benefit of the childless couples. At the same time these technologies and their added techniques, however, have fragmented reproduction and exposed the human egg to intervention yet unknown:The embryo may be divided into several embryos; may be sold; donated; cryopreserved; borne by another woman and returned; or (...)
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  7. Why Should I Be Moral? Revisited.Kai Nielsen - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (1):81 - 91.
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    Varieties of Transformational Solutions to Institutional Ethics Logic Conflicts.Richard P. Nielsen & Christi Lockwood - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):45-55.
    It is well established within the ethics and institutional theory literatures that institutions can have conflicting logics with ethical dimensions and that there are solutions to the conflicts. Within institutional, ethics, and change leadership theory, quantitative, mixture solutions such as distributive solutions have been frequently considered. The ethics, institutional, and change leadership theory literatures have recognized that there are qualitative transformational solutions that are different than quantitative mixture solutions. However and for the most part, with the notable exception of the (...)
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    Reason and practice.Kai Nielsen - 1971 - New York,: Harper & Row.
  10.  30
    The Concept of Nature and the Enhancement Technologies Debate.Lisbeth Witthøfft Nielsen - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 19–33.
    This chapter outlines how biotechnology can be seen as a challenge to our notion of nature, and how the complexity of the concept of nature in itself is a challenge in the debate on enhancement of capacities in humans, animals and plants by means of biotechnology. It then explores how the same concept contributes to the ethical arguments both for and against enhancement of human capacities, focusing on two central aspects of the enhancement debate namely: (i) the debate that focuses (...)
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  11. Vedkommende videnskabsteori.Hanne Andersen, Louis Klostergaard, Henrik Knudsen, Helge Kragh, Keld Nielsen, Kurt Mã¸Ller Pedersen & Henrik Kragh Sã¸Rensen - 2009 - Aktuel Naturvidenskab (1):32--35.
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    Using artifacts in brainstorming sessions to secure participation and decouple sequentiality.Mie Femø Nielsen - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (1):87-109.
    This article discusses ‘brainstorm’ interaction in a multimodal perspective. It shows how an innovation workshop facilitator is ‘doing facilitation’ by not only organizing group activities and managing turn-taking, but also drawing each group member out to participate actively and contribute to the group process. Institutional goals are transformed to individual conversational participation. Participants are helped to express their thoughts and engage in a social process of clarifying, developing and refining ideas. In the process the facilitator is socializing the participants into (...)
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    Science of science communication: Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dan Kahan, Dietram A. Scheufele : The Oxford handbook of the science of science communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 512 pp, £ 115 HB.Kristian H. Nielsen - 2018 - Metascience 28 (1):85-87.
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    The numbers fallacy: rescuing sufficientarianism from arithmeticism.Lasse Nielsen - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper argues in defence of sufficientarianism that there is a general flaw in the most common critiques against it. The paper lays out sufficientarianism and presents the problems of indifference, of outweighing priority, and of discontinuity. Behind these problems is a more general objection to the abruptness of the sufficiency threshold relying upon an assumption regarding arithmeticism about value. The paper argues that sufficientarians need not accept arithmeticism about value and that the commonly held critiques of sufficientarianism are in (...)
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  15.  46
    Systematic Corruption in Financial Services, Types of Capitalism, and Ethics Intervention Methods.Richard P. Nielsen - 2004 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 23 (1):135-165.
  16.  29
    Wittgenstein on Language.Harry A. Nielsen - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:115-121.
    The task of understanding Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations is more like that of understanding a difficult person than of grasping difficult ideas. It makes heavy demands upon the reader. He must first of all have the patience to stare at slight variations in language-uses until they look as marked as Wittgenstein wants them to look. Then he must be prepared for what looks like impassable break-offs in line of thought. Next, if he is a philosopher, he must listen to a great (...)
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    Social anxiety in schizophrenia: The specificity of the unspecific.Kasper Møller Nielsen - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (7):1237-1260.
    1. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), anxiety and phobias are common in schizophrenia, and anxiety is often part of the dysphoric mood (A...
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    Verkehrte Welt.Cathrin Nielsen - 2022 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2022 (2):186-207.
    The paper reconstructs the “speculative exposition” of the correlative distinction between being and cognition called for by Fink in Husserl’s intentional analytics on the basis of his discussion of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. In this context, for Fink the chapter “Force and the Understanding, Appearance and the Supersensible World” is key in the Phenomenology asa whole. There, not only the transition fromobject-consciousness to self-consciousness is accomplished but also the question of the basic structure of thinghood in general is raised: From (...)
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  19. Qualifying'the Normal Functioning View': Towards a Consensus on a Functioning-Based Framework of Health Justice.Lasse Nielsen - forthcoming - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
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  20. Questions on the Beatific Vision by Thomas Wylton and Sibert de Beka.Lauge Nielsen & Cecilia Trifogli - 2006 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 17:511-586.
    Lo studio prende in esame sei questioni di Thomas Wylton sulla visione beatifica e una questione dal Quodlibet di Siberto di Beka, carmelitano, contemporaneo di Wylton. Il saggio confronta in modo analitico le posizioni dei due autori sul ruolo e la necessità del lumen gloriae nella visione beatifica nelle singole questioni di cui si dà a seguito l'edizione. I codici sono V’ = Vat. Borgh. 36; T' = Tortosa 88; S' = Vat. Borgh. 39. L'edizione, posta in appendice allo studio, (...)
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  21.  30
    Rationality and the morale sentiments: Some animadversions on a theme in A Theory of Justice.Kai Nielsen - 1978 - Philosophica 22.
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    Risø and the Attempts to Introduce Nuclear Power into Denmark.Henry Nielsen, Keld Nielsen, Flemming Petersen & Hans Siggaard - 1999 - Centaurus 41 (1-2):64-92.
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    Reasonable Belief Without Justification.Kai Nielsen - 1979 - In Donald F. Gustafson & Bangs L. Tapscott, Body, Mind, and Method: Essays in Honor of Virgil C. Aldrich. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 65--75.
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    Reconsidering the Platonic Conception of Philosophy.Kai Nielsen - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (2):51-71.
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    Runen und Magie. Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick.Karl Martin Nielsen - 1985 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 19 (1):75-97.
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    Secularism and Theology: Remarks on a Form of Naturalistic Humanism.Kai Nielsen - 1975 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):109-126.
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    Some moral mythologies.Kai Nielsen - 1986 - Philosophia 16 (2):119-135.
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  28. Texts about Christology.L. O. Nielsen & S. Ebbesen - 1996 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 66:217-251.
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    Through Aristotelian Lenses, Potential Reforms of the Leveraged Buyout Model.Richard P. Nielsen & Elizabeth A. Hood - 2023 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 42 (3):401-435.
    The overall objectives of this article are to help the reader see and understand through Aristotelian lenses: (1) positive and negative aspects of the Leveraged Buyout (LBO) business model; and, (2) how LBO practices can be reformed so as to retain positives and reduce negatives. Aristotelian lenses considered are: wealth acquisition through wealth expansion, wealth creation, and wealth transfers; distributive and corrective justice; and, a dialectic analytic process of retaining positives, reducing negatives, and reforming. Key net positive wealth expansion aspects (...)
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    The enforcemnt of morality and future generations.Kai Nielsen - 1973 - Philosophia 3 (4):443-448.
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    The endless spiral.Henry Nielsen - 1993 - Science & Education 2 (2):169-181.
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    The Grand and the Exquisite.Harry Nielsen - 1983 - New Scholasticism 57 (4):425-438.
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  33. The myth of natural law.Kai Nielsen - 1964 - In Sidney Hook, Law and philosophy. [New York]: New York University Press.
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    The need for multi-method approaches in empirical legal research.Laura Beth Nielsen - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Multi-method research is any research that uses more than one research technique or strategy to study one or several closely related phenomena. This method is described by triangulation. This article examines the multi-method tradition in empirical legal research, defines basic concepts, discusses when and why multi-method research is useful, and how the different actions of research can provide unique approaches to the same questions. It explores examples of projects to demonstrate how research that employs multiple tactics for observing and understanding (...)
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    The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance - by Eric R. Scerri.Anita Kildebaek Nielsen - 2008 - Centaurus 50 (4):339-341.
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  36. The Role of Radical Philosophers in Canada.Kai Nielsen - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 2.
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    When are immoralities crimes?Kai Nielsen - 1971 - Philosophia 1 (3-4):133-142.
  38.  9
    Welt denken: Annäherungen an die Kosmologie Eugen Finks.Cathrin Nielsen & Hans Rainer Sepp (eds.) - 2011 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Das Kernanliegen Eugen Finks gilt dem Weltverhältnis des Menschen. Obgleich für ihn zunächst die Ansätze von Husserl und Heidegger richtungsweisend sind, legt Fink bereits in seiner bei Husserl angefertigten Dissertation den Grund zu seiner eigenständigen philosophischen Position. Sein späteres "kosmologisches" Denken erschließt dem Weltbegriff durch Rückgriff auf die philosophische Tradition neue Dimensionen und konkretisiert ihn zugleich im Rahmen einer Philosophischen Anthropologie, Sozialphilosophie und einer Philosophie des Pädagogischen. Mit dieser Verschränkung von Mensch und Kosmos bietet Finks Werk bedeutsame Ansatzpunkte für die (...)
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    World'S Finest Philosophers.Carsten Fogh Nielsen - 2013-03-11 - In Mark D. White, Superman and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 194–203.
    Superman and Batman are close friends and colleagues in the Justice League. But they are very different, especially when it comes to their views on humanity and their opinions of human nature. This chapter discusses the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and G.W.F. Hegel to better understand these friends’ difference of opinion on humanity and human nature. Superman's view of human nature is much more optimistic than that of Batman and Hobbes. The author claims that Superman and Batman have radically different (...)
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    Why is there a problem about political obligation?Kai Nielsen - 1990 - Journal of Value Inquiry 24 (3):235-240.
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  41. Was Marx an Egalitarian? Skeptical Remarks on Miller's Marx in Egalitarian Ethics.Kai Nielsen - 1989 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 43 (170):438-450.
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  42. Wittgensteinian Moralism, Ethnomethodology and Moral Ideology.Kai Nielsen - 1984 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 11 (2):189.
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    Wittgenstein, Wittgensteinians and the End of Philosophy.Kai Nielsen - 1990 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 38 (1):1-34.
    The very enterprise of philosophy itself became problematical under Wittgenstein's probing. Rorty, extending Wittgenstein's conception and aligning certain prominent features of Wittgenstein's work with pragmatism, argues that philosophy is only problematic when taken as a disciplinary matrix. Where it is viewed as a non-disciplinary attempt to see how things hang together, it is unproblematic. But Wittgenstein himself in effect argues that philosophy in both senses is problematic even when the synthetic side is taken in a metaphysically innocuous way. This conception (...)
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    Morality and the Language of Conduct. [REVIEW]Kai Nielsen - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (2):237-240.
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  45. Review of Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro's A Brief History of the Soul[REVIEW]Angela Mendelovici & Karen Margrethe Nielsen - 2012 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews:0-0.
  46.  27
    Unfinished Worlds: Hermeneutics, Aesthetics and Gadamer. [REVIEW]Cynthia Nielsen - 2016 - British Journal of Aesthetics 56 (4):421-424.
    Unfinished Worlds: Hermeneutics, Aesthetics and GadamerDaveyNicholasedinburgh university press. 2013. pp. viii + 190. £70.00.
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    Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism? [REVIEW]Cynthia R. Nielsen - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (4):642-646.
    Book review: Who's Afraid of Postmodernism.
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    Review Kolbet, Augustine and the Cure of Souls: Revising a Classical Ideal. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. Pp. xviii, 342. $45. ISBN: 9780268033217. [REVIEW]Cynthia Nielsen - 2012 - Speculum 87 (3):890-891.
  49.  35
    The ishtar gate - (A.) amrhein, (c.) Fitzgerald, (e.) Knott (edd.) A wonder to behold. Craftsmanship and the creation of babylon's ishtar gate. Pp. 186, b/w & colour ills, colour maps. New York: Institute for the study of the ancient word, new York university, 2019. Cased, £38, us$45. Isbn: 978-0-691-20015-6. [REVIEW]John P. Nielsen - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):477-479.
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  50. Reply to Patrick Hopkins.Melinda Vadas - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):159 - 161.
    Patrick Hopkins has claimed that SM is compatible with feminist principles. I argue that his account relies on both mistaken analogies and an untenable account of the allegedly changed meaning of SM scenes.
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