Results for 'Melanie Allen'

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  1.  23
    Managing the mutations: academic misconduct Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.Stephen Tee, Steph Allen, Jane Mills & Melanie Birks - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    Academic misconduct is a problem of growing concern across the tertiary education sector. While plagiarism has been the most common form of academic misconduct, the advent of software programs to detect plagiarism has seen the problem of misconduct simply mutate. As universities attempt to function in an increasingly complex environment, the factors that contribute to academic misconduct are unlikely to be easily mitigated. A multiple case study approach examined how academic misconduct is perceived in universities in in Australia, New Zealand (...)
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    Ethics in academia: Students' vies of professors' actions.Patricia C. Keith-Spiegel, Barbara G. Tabachnick & Melanie Allen - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (2):149 – 162.
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    Critique on the couch: why critical theory needs psychoanalysis.Amy Allen - 2020 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Does critical theory still need psychoanalysis? In Critique on the Couch, Amy Allen offers a cogent and convincing defense of its ongoing relevance. Countering the overly rationalist and progressivist interpretations of psychoanalysis put forward by contemporary critical theorists such as Jürgen Habermas and Axel Honneth, Allen argues that the work of Melanie Klein offers an underutilized resource. She draws on Freud, Klein, and Lacan to develop a more realistic strand of psychoanalytic thinking that centers on notions of (...)
  4. Are We Driven? Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis Reconsidered.Amy Allen - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (4):311-328.
    If, as Axel Honneth has recently argued, critical theory needs psychoanalysis for meta-normative and explanatory reasons, this does not settle the question of which version of psychoanalysis critical theorists should embrace. In this paper, I argue against Honneth's favoured version – an intersubjectivist interpretation of Winnicott's object-relations theory – and in favour of an alternative based on the drive-theoretical work of Melanie Klein. Klein's work, I argue, provides critical theorists with a more realistic conception of the person and a (...)
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    Transitional Subjects: Critical Theory and Object Relations.Amy Allen & Brian O'Connor (eds.) - 2019 - Columbia University Press.
    Critical social theory has long been marked by a deep, creative, and productive relationship with psychoanalysis. Whereas Freud and Fromm were important cornerstones for the early Frankfurt School, recent thinkers have drawn on the object-relations school of psychoanalysis. Transitional Subjects is the first book-length collection devoted to the engagement of critical theory with the work of Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and other members of this school. Featuring contributions from some of the leading figures working in both of these fields, (...)
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    In Defense of Recycling.Allen Hershkowitz - 1998 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 65.
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  7. Byron on his contemporaries.Allen R. Benham - 1926 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 7 (3):185.
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  8. Suggestions for a Revised Christology.E. L. Allen - 1941 - Hibbert Journal 40:65.
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  9. The New Hedonism.G. Allen - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3:498.
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    14 Hermes' Rhetorical Problem: The Dilemma of the Sacred in Philosophical Hermeneutics.Allen Scult - unknown - In eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde, Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader. Yale University Press. pp. 290-310.
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    Artisans, Artists and Hegel's History of Art.Allen Speight - 2013 - Hegel Bulletin 34 (2):203-222.
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    The Habits of Legality: Criminal Justice and the Rule of the Law.Francis A. Allen - 1996 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In this broad consideration of American criminal justice today, Allen suggests that the way to a more effective penal policy can be found in a closer adherence to the law rather than in the current tendency to bypass certain laws in the name of the "war on crime".
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    Values and Public Policy.Martin Allen, Henry J. Aaron & Thomas E. Mann - 1994 - Brookings Institution Press.
    It is not uncommon to hear that poor school performance, welfare dependancy, youth unemployment, and criminal activity result more from shortcomings in the personal makeup of individuals than from societal forces beyond their control. Are American values declining as so many suggest? And are those values at the root of many social problems today?Shaped by experience and public policies, people's values and social norms do change. What role can or should a democratic government play in shaping values? And how do (...)
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  14. Self-Assertion in Nietzsche and Self-Surrender in Boehme.G. W. Allen - 1909 - Hibbert Journal 8:421.
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    How do we interpret questions? Simplified representations of knowledge guide humans' interpretation of information requests.Marie Aguirre, Mélanie Brun, Anne Reboul & Olivier Mascaro - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104954.
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    Positivism and History in Nineteenth-Century Chile: Jose Victorino Lastarria and Valentin Letelier.Allen L. Woll - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (3):493.
  17. German Idealism.Allen W. Wood - 2010 - In Dean Moyar, The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 104.
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  18. Marx.Allen Wood - 1995 - In Ted Honderich, The Philosophers: Introducing Great Western Thinkers. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Learning as Researchers and Teachers: The Development of a Pedagogical Culture for Social Science Research Methods?Daniel Kilburn, Melanie Nind & Rose Wiles - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (2):191-207.
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    Framing cosmologies: the anthropology of worlds.Allen Abramson & Martin Holbraad (eds.) - 2014 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    How might the anthropological study of cosmologies – the ways in which the horizons of human worlds are imagined and engaged – illuminate understandings of the contemporary world? This book addresses this question by bringing together anthropologists whose research is informed by a concern with cosmological dimensions of social life in different ethnographic settings. Its overall aim is to reaffirm the value of the cosmological frame as a continuing source of analytical insight. Attending to the novel cosmological formations that emerge (...)
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    Disorder at the Border.Sophie R. Allen - 2004 - Philo 7 (2):176-202.
    This paper concerns the conjunction of naturalism---the thesis that the methods of science, and those alone, provide the basic sources of evidence of what there is in the world-with various types of realism. First, I distinguish different forms of naturalist realism on the basis of their ontological commitments in terms of five existential presuppositions about the entities and processes which exist independently of the mind. I then argue that some of these presuppositions are in prima facie conflict with the naturalists’ (...)
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    Reflections on the Metaphysical God after His Demise.Sarah Allen - 2011 - Levinas Studies 6 (1):29-51.
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    The Dialectics of Purity.E. Melanie DuPuis - 2013 - Society and Animals 21 (5):494-496.
  24. Appendix 2: A Second Tri‐partite Division of the Soul?Danielle S. Allen - 2012-12-10 - In Neville Morley, Why Plato Wrote. Blackwell. pp. 155–157.
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    Above Life's Turmoil.James Allen - 2018
  26. Australian women in science—a comparative study of two physicists.Nessy Allen - 1990 - Metascience 8 (2):75-85.
  27. Frozen Feet From Tight Lacings and Straps.H. F. Allen - 1915 - Classical Weekly 9:184.
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  28. Homecoming in Heidegger and Hebel.Jeffner Allen - 1982 - Analecta Husserliana 12:267.
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  29. Introduction: Film Theory and Philosophy.Richard Allen & Murray Smith - 1997 - In Richard Allen & Murray Smith, Film theory and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The introduction discusses the influence of two kinds of philosophy to film theory. It describes and clarifies the characteristic methods and strategies of analytic philosophy and film theory, and continental philosophy and film theory. It is concerned with the description of methods, debates, and principles of analytic philosophy with reference to the contributions of philosophy to film theory. It informs and provides indication of issues, methods, and doctrines. It examines, criticizes, and defends the use of exponents of analytic and continental (...)
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  30. Kobieta i mezczyzna jako byty pierwotnie analogiczne.Prudence Allen - 1991 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 39 (1):179.
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  31. Physiological Aesthetics. Esthétique physiologique.Grant Allen - 1878 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 5:79-95.
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    The Eight Pillars of Prosperity.James Allen - 2016 - Wealth Builder Books.
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  33. The Unity of the Human Race.E. L. Allen - 1939 - Hibbert Journal 38:429.
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  34. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Vanishing into Things.Barry Allen, Bernard Faure, Jacob Raz, Glenn Alexander Magee, N. Verbin, Dalia Ofer, Elaine Pryce & Amy M. King - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (3):417-423.
    Introducing the sixth and final installment of the Common Knowledge symposium “Apology for Quietism,” Allen looks at the symposium retrospectively and concludes that it has mainly concerned “sage knowledge,” defined as foresight into the development of situations. The sagacious knower sees the disposition of things in an early, incipient form and knows how to intervene with nearly effortless and undetectable (quiet) effectiveness. Whatever the circumstance, the sage handles it with finesse, never doing too much but also never leaving anything (...)
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    As a Man Thinketh.James Allen - 1903
    2018 Reprint of the 1913 Edition. As a Man Thinketh was first published in 1903. In it, Allen describes how man is the creator and shaper of his destiny by the thoughts which he thinks. We rise and fall in exact accordance with the character of the thoughts which we entertain. Our environment is the result of the thoughts that we harbor and the behavior that our thoughts bring about. Part of the New Thought Movement, Allen reveals the (...)
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  37. Schiffbruch ohne Zuschauer? Beobachtungen zu Hans Blumenbergs Lukrez-Lektüre.Melanie Möller - 2015 - In Prometheus gibt nicht auf: antike Welt und modernes Leben in Hans Blumenbergs Philosophie. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Folia BaerianaTovmas Ia. Sutt.James Allen Rogers - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):353-354.
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    Emotional Ratings, Behavioral Performance, and Post-Concussive Symptoms in Adolescents with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury within Typical Recovery Windows: Reevaluating “Normal” Recovery.Noah Sideman, Sarah Levin Allen, Christine Hammond, Amanda Sargent, Brittany Kane, Jennifer Mao, Hasan Ayaz, Denah Appelt & Brian Balin - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Letters to the Editor.Colin Allen, Michael Kerlin & Eleanor Wittrup - 2001 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 75 (2):99 - 103.
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  41. Truthfulness.Barry Allen - 1998 - Common Knowledge 7:19-26.
    What is truth? The all-time stumper question. I don't see why people find truth enigmatic though. It is not especially difficult to say what truth is. First, truth is a logical value, a value assigned to the propositional contents of beliefs or statements. And truth is an economic value, a matter of currency. As for money or prices, so also for truth: to be is to circulate, to be exchanged. Philosophers have amused themselves by wondering whether, in the complete absence (...)
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  42. Art and Life.A. H. B. Allen - 1957 - Hibbert Journal 56:61.
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    A Cool Experiment.Barry Allen - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (1):1-7.
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    A History of Shell CollectingS. Peter Dance.David Allen - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):612-613.
  45. A Liberal-Pluralist Case for Truth Commissions: Lessons from Isaiah Berlin.Jonathan Allen - 2007 - In George Crowder & Henry Hardy, The one and the many: reading Isaiah Berlin. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 231--249.
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    A Protestant Perspective on Access to Healthcare.Allen Verhey - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (3):247-253.
    In writing this paper I am reminded of a conference that I once attended. On that panel, the Jewish scholar spoke first. he began, and he gave a wonderful talk full of references to the legal rulings and stories of the Jewish tradition. Then the Catholic priest spoke. he began, and he gave a wonderful talk carefully attentive to the moral tradition of the Catholic Church. Finally, a Protestant spoke. he began, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but (...)
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    Characteristics of the Homeric Vulgate.T. W. Allen - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (01):1-3.
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    Four Notes on Plato’s Symposium.Archibald Allen - 2020 - Hermes 148 (3):378.
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    Hannah Arendt.Amy Allen - 2008 - Routledge.
    Hannah Arendt was one of the most original and influential social and political theorists of the 20th century. This volume brings together important English-language essays on Arendt's contributions to social and political philosophy.
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    "independent" Uses Of The Egyptian Qualitative.T. George Allen - 1929 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 49:160-167.
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