Results for 'Max Garagnani'

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  1.  15
    Semantic Grounding of Novel Spoken Words in the Primary Visual Cortex.Max Garagnani, Evgeniya Kirilina & Friedemann Pulvermüller - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Embodied theories of grounded semantics postulate that, when word meaning is first acquired, a link is established between symbol and corresponding semantic information present in modality-specific—including primary—sensorimotor cortices of the brain. Direct experimental evidence documenting the emergence of such a link, however, is still missing. Here, we present new neuroimaging results that provide such evidence. We taught participants aspects of the referential meaning of previously unknown, senseless novel spoken words by associating them with either a familiar action or a familiar (...)
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    Modal logic: an introduction to its syntax and semantics.Nino Barnabas Cocchiarella & Max A. Freund - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Max A. Freund.
    In this text, a variety of modal logics at the sentential, first-order, and second-order levels are developed with clarity, precision and philosophical insight.
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    Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy.Max Jammer - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    The concept of mass is one of the most fundamental notions in physics, comparable in importance only to those of space and time. But in contrast to the latter, which are the subject of innumerable physical and philosophical studies, the concept of mass has been but rarely investigated. Here Max Jammer, a leading philosopher and historian of physics, provides a concise but comprehensive, coherent, and self-contained study of the concept of mass as it is defined, interpreted, and applied in contemporary (...)
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    Where is science going?Max Planck, James Murphy & Albert Einstein - 1932 - New York: AMS Press.
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    Vorträge und Erinnerungen.Max Planck - 1983 - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    On Rank Not Only in Nsop $_1$ Theories.Jan Dobrowolski & Daniel Max Hoffmann - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1669-1702.
    We introduce a family of local ranks $D_Q$ depending on a finite set Q of pairs of the form $(\varphi (x,y),q(y)),$ where $\varphi (x,y)$ is a formula and $q(y)$ is a global type. We prove that in any NSOP $_1$ theory these ranks satisfy some desirable properties; in particular, $D_Q(x=x)<\omega $ for any finite tuple of variables x and any Q, if $q\supseteq p$ is a Kim-forking extension of types, then $D_Q(q) (...)
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    (2 other versions)Die deutsche Schulmetaphysik des 17. Jahrhunderts.Max Wundt - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49:697.
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    Critique of Stammler.Max Weber - 1977
  9. (1 other version)Der neueste Angriff auf die Metaphysik.Max Horkheimer - 1937 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 6:4.
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  10. Le formalisme en éthique et l'éthique matériale des valeurs.Max Scheler & Maurice de Gandillac - 1956 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 61 (3):419-426.
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  11. Die Abfassungszeit von Ovids Metamorphosen.Max Pohlenz - 1913 - Hermes 48 (1):1-13.
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  12. Der kritische Rationalismus und die Verfassung der Wissenschaft.Max Albert - 2002 - In Jan M. Böhm, Heiko Holweg & Claudia Hoock (eds.), Karl Poppers kritischer Rationalismus heute. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 231--241.
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    Kant's erkenntnistheorie und seine stellung zur metaphysik: Eine einführung in das studium von Kants Kritik der reinen vernunft.Max Apel - 1895 - Mayer & Müller.
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    Philosophisches Wörterbuch.Max Apel - 1930 - Leipzig,: De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Philosophisches Wörterbuch" verfügbar.
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    Die metaphysik Avicennas enthaltend die metaphysik, theologie, kosmologie und ethik.Max Joseph H. Avicenna & Horten - 1907 - New York,: R. Haupt. Edited by M. Horten.
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    Das Moderne Phänomen Des Dionysischen Und Seine „Entdeckung“ Durch Nietzsche.Max L. Baeumer - 1977 - Nietzsche Studien 6 (1):123-153.
  17. Der Intellektualismus in der griechischen Ethik.Max Wundt - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 64:654-655.
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    (1 other version)HartmannN., Des Proklus Diadochus philosophische Anfangsgründe der Mathematik.Max Wundt - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Kaiser Julians philosophische Werke.Max Wundt - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    (1 other version)Kants stellung im wegestreit.Max Wundt - 1953 - Kant Studien 45 (1-4):286-296.
  21. Richter, Der Skeptizismus in der Philosophie.Max Wundt - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:142.
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  22. Richert, Schopenhauer, seine Persönlichkeit, seine Lehre, seine Bedeutung.Max Wundt - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:119.
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    Stumpf, Carl und Menzer, Paul, Tafeln zur Geschichte der Philosophie.Max Wundt - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3):457.
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  24. Volkmann. Materialistische Epoche und monistische Bewegung.Max Wundt - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:140.
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    XIV. Die Schlußscene der sieben gegen Theben.Max Wundt - 1906 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 65 (1-4):357-381.
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  26. L'Uomo greco.Max Pohlenz - 1965 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 155:524-524.
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  27. (1 other version)Materialismus und Metaphysik.Max Horkheimer - 1933 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 2:1.
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    New Light on Hunain Ibn Ishaq and His Period.Max Meyerhof - 1926 - Isis 8 (4):685-724.
  29. The Necessity and Limits of Kant’s Transcendental Logic, with Reference to Nietzsche and Hegel.Max Gottschlich - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 69 (2):287-315.
    Engaging with Kant’s transcendental logic seems to be a question of mere scholarly historical interest today. It is most commonly regarded a mixture between logic and psychology or epistemology, and by that, not a serious form of logic. Transcendental logic seems to be of no systematical impact on the concept of logic. My paper aims to disclose a different account on the endeavour of Kant’s transcendental logic in particular and of the “Critique of Pure Reason” (CPR) in general. Kant’s fundamental (...)
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  30. On the Rehabilitation of Virtue.Max Scheler - 2005 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 79 (1):21-37.
    Max Scheler’s essay on virtue, first published under a pseudonym in 1913, begins with some reflection upon the decline in his era of a concern for virtue. Its central theme is a phenomenological exhibition of the Christian experience of humility, reverence, and related concepts, together with an exploration of their historical and social embodiments in Western culture. The core of humility is a spiritual readiness to serve, related to love, that produces in its possessor a liberation from the ego. The (...)
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    Brain Preservation and Cryonics Through the Lens of Moral Psychology.Alexander German & Max Tretter - 2025 - Neuroethics 18 (1):1-14.
    Structural brain preservation (SBP) and classical cryonics are techniques aimed at preserving the human brain for potential future applications. Reluctant public discourse around these techniques may be explained with intuitive aversions identified by moral psychology. In the first part of the paper, we conjecture the existence of a self-sustaining cycle of moral condemnation of SBP and classical cryonics due to quick, affect-laden moral intuitions. In the second part, we propose an alternative framing of SBP and classical cryonics through a thought (...)
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    La Fabrique de l’infini Phénoménologie du désordre et genèse sensible de l’idée d’infini chez Diderot.Max Marcuzzi - 1997 - Revue de Synthèse 118 (1):7-35.
    À l'encontre de la conception classique qui fait de l'idée d'infini l'expression de la perfection de Dieu inscrite en l'homme, Diderot propose une conception de l'infini qui rapporte immédiatement celui-ci à sa production corporelle. Soustrayant ainsi l'infini au divin, la pensée du corps sensible révoque jusqu'en ses fondements la conceptualité classique qui, par la notion d'ordre, liait l'épistémologie au théologique. Le désordre s'en trouve réévalué jusqu'en ses formes pathologiques et gagne ainsi une valeur créatrice immanente et fondamentale.
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    L’image morale chez Fichte, entre esthétique et religion.Max Marcuzzi - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 42:175-194.
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    Reality and theory.Max Mark - 1962 - Ethics 73 (1):56-61.
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    Redwalds Börse. Gewicht und Gewichtskategorien völkerwanderungszeitlicher. Objekte aus Edelmetall.Max Martin - 1987 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 21 (1):206-238.
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    The new science.Max Planck - 1959 - New York]: Meridian Books.
  37. (2 other versions)Die Stoa. Geschichte einer geistigen Bewegung. Erläuterungen.Max Pohlenz - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:451-453.
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    Nomos.Max Pohlenz - 1948 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 97 (1):135-142.
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    X. Die Historik Wilhelm Diltheys.Max Pomtow - 1917 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 30 (1-4):203-240.
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    A Identidade Negra como instrumento de luta entre os trabalhadores rurais, 1954-64.Max Fellipe Cezario Porphirio - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (3):241-258.
    Influenciados pelas discussões desenvolvidas por Álvaro Nascimento no artigo Trabalhadores Negros e o “Paradigma da Ausência”: contribuições à história social do trabalho no Brasil, pensamos este trabalho, cujo objetivo é analisar a instrumentalização da identidade negra nas estratégias argumentativas do Partido Comunista Brasileiro, das Ligas Camponesas e da Igreja Católica, forças que atuaram no campo brasileiro entre 1945 e 1964. Para tanto, consultamos um conjunto diversificado de periódicos e dialogamos com produções de diferentes centros de pesquisa.
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  41. Einführung in die Kritische Philosophie.Max Apel - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (9):100-100.
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  42. Acerca del problema de lo individual y lo universal en Platón y Aristóteles (transl. to Spanish by Hardy Neumann Soto).Max Gottschlich - 2012 - Philosophica 41 (Semestres I-II):133-154.
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    Expanding Philosophical Horizons: An Anthology of Nontraditional Writings.Max O. Hallman - 1995
    This anthology includes 42 selections from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds and historical periods. The text is not limited to Western material; it also includes Native American, African-American, Hispanic and feminist selections. While quite diverse historically and culturally, the readings are chosen for their readability and philosophical significance. To facilitate incorporation into existing courses, the selections are arranged in six chapters that correspond to traditional philosophical categories: self identity, knowledge and truth, creation and reality, ethics, politics and religion.
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  44. Prozess und Gesetz in Physik und Biologie.Max Hartmann - 1952 - Philosophia Naturalis 2:277.
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    Die gesellschaftliche Funktion der Philosophie: ausgewählte Essays.Max Horkheimer - 1974 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  46. The Role of Reason in Politics.Max Rheinstein - 1938 - International Journal of Ethics 49:212.
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    Der Begriff der Gerechtigkeit bei Aristoteles: Nebst e. Anh. über den Begriff des Tauschgeschäftes.Max Salomon - 1979 - A.W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmij.
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  48. Das Apriori-Materiale in der Ethik: Apriorische Beziehungen zwischen Werthöhe und "reinen" Trägern der Werte.Max Scheler - 1913 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 1 (2):502.
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  49. Das Problem des Eudaimonismus Die Zusammenhänge von Gefühlszustand und sittlichem Wert: Alle Willensrichtung auf die Realisierung positiver und negativen Gefühlszuständen als Quellen, sondern aus positiven als Quellen hervor.Max Scheler - 1916 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 2:219.
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  50. Fühlen und Gefühle.Max Scheler - 1916 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 2:118.
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