Results for 'Mauricio Guim'

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  1.  26
    Modeling law search as prediction.Faraz Dadgostari, Mauricio Guim, Peter A. Beling, Michael A. Livermore & Daniel N. Rockmore - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (1):3-34.
    Law search is fundamental to legal reasoning and its articulation is an important challenge and open problem in the ongoing efforts to investigate legal reasoning as a formal process. This Article formulates a mathematical model that frames the behavioral and cognitive framework of law search as a sequential decision process. The model has two components: first, a model of the legal corpus as a search space and second, a model of the search process that is compatible with that environment. The (...)
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    Correction to: Modeling law search as prediction.Faraz Dadgostari, Mauricio Guim, Peter A. Beling, Michael A. Livermore & Daniel N. Rockmore - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (1):1-1.
    In the original publication of the article.
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  3. An inferential conception of scientific representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):767-779.
    This paper defends an inferential conception of scientific representation. It approaches the notion of representation in a deflationary spirit, and minimally characterizes the concept as it appears in science by means of two necessary conditions: its essential directionality and its capacity to allow surrogate reasoning and inference. The conception is defended by showing that it successfully meets the objections that make its competitors, such as isomorphism and similarity, untenable. In addition the inferential conception captures the objectivity of the cognitive representations (...)
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  4. Scientific representation: Against similarity and isomorphism.Mauricio Suárez - 2003 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17 (3):225-244.
    I argue against theories that attempt to reduce scientific representation to similarity or isomorphism. These reductive theories aim to radically naturalize the notion of representation, since they treat scientist's purposes and intentions as non-essential to representation. I distinguish between the means and the constituents of representation, and I argue that similarity and isomorphism are common but not universal means of representation. I then present four other arguments to show that similarity and isomorphism are not the constituents of scientific representation. I (...)
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    A primeira proposta de um supercontinente primitivo no opúsculo de 1764 do barão von Hüpsch-Lonzen.Nelson Papavero, Pablo Rubén Mariconda & Maurício de Carvalho Ramos - 2003 - Scientiae Studia 1 (3):337-353.
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    University Professors' Willingness, Enablers, and Barriers for Incorporating Memes with the Socratic Method to Enhance Critical Thinking.Maricarmen Rodríguez-Guillen, Joaquin Mauricio Ortuño-Campos & Gabriel Valerio-Ureña - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1707-1722.
    Critical thinking is crucial in today’s environments, yet university students show low levels, requiring targeted interventions. The Socratic method is recognized for critical thinking development, while Internet memes offer a promising approach to enhancing this skill and promoting evidence-based argumentation. Previous studies suggest that professors perceive both positively in higher education. Nevertheless, the literature lacks insight into professors' willingness, enablers, and barriers for adopting them together. Therefore, this qualitative study, using semi-structured interviews with eleven Mexican university professors, explores their willingness (...)
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    O Chile arde: evidências do despertar no país andino.Marcela Chaves do Valle & Mauricio Lissovsky - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (1).
    Como uma imagem do passado pode ajustar-se tão precisamente à atualidade? Documento ou arte, ilusão ou premonição? Que história esta imagem incendeia? A partir da premissa de que a imagem arde ao tocar o real (DIDI-HUBERMAN, 2012, p.208) e com base nas teses Sobre o Conceito da História de Walter Benjamin (2012), esse artigo se propõe a refletir sobre o trânsito das imagens do campo artístico ao documental, antecipando o acontecimento que faz explodir uma época para fora do curso homogêneo (...)
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  8. On quantum propensities: Two arguments revisited.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (1):1-16.
    Peter Milne and Neal Grossman have argued against Popper's propensity interpretation of quantum mechanics, by appeal to the two-slit experiment and to the distinction between mixtures and superpositions, respectively. In this paper I show that a different propensity interpretation successfully meets their objections. According to this interpretation, the possession of a quantum propensity by a quantum system is independent of the experimental set-ups designed to test it, even though its manifestations are not.
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  9. (1 other version)Scientific representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (1):91-101.
    Scientific representation is a currently booming topic, both in analytical philosophy and in history and philosophy of science. The analytical inquiry attempts to come to terms with the relation between theory and world; while historians and philosophers of science aim to develop an account of the practice of model building in the sciences. This article provides a review of recent work within both traditions, and ultimately argues for a practice-based account of the means employed by scientists to effectively achieve representation (...)
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  10.  17
    Adorno Leitor de Freud: Um Diálogo Sobre a Psicologia Das Massas.Mateus Abreu Pereira & Mauricio Rodrigues de Souza - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 1 (1):30.
    Já em 1921, Freud inaugurou uma abordagem que considera a psicologia das massas como extensão das experiências individuais, célebre pela afirmação de que toda psicologia é, em última análise, social. Tal perspectiva seria reapropriada por Adorno, que desdobrou a posição freudiana ao situar as massas como um agente decisivo a partir do estágio industrial do capitalismo. Diante do valor deste diálogo, o presente trabalho adotou como objetivo uma análise da reapropriação feita por Adorno da psicologia das massas tal como preconizada (...)
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  11.  28
    An axiomatic approach to CG′3 logic.Miguel Pérez-Gaspar, Alejandro Hernández-Tello, José Arrazola Ramírez & Mauricio Osorio Galindo - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (6):1218-1232.
    In memoriam José Arrazola Ramírez The logic $\textbf{G}^{\prime}_3$ was introduced by Osorio et al. in 2008; it is a three-valued logic, closely related to the paraconsistent logic $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ introduced by Osorio et al. in 2014. The logic $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ is defined in terms of a multi-valued semantics and has the property that each theorem in $\textbf{G}^{\prime}_3$ is a theorem in $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$. Kripke-type semantics has been given to $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ in two different ways by Borja et al. in 2016. In this work, we (...)
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    Aplicación de redes neuronales probabilísticas en la detección de fallas incipientes en transformadores.Sandra Milena Pérez Londoño, Juan Mauricio Cadena & Juan Andrés Cadena - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Corrigendum: Observational Studies in Male Elite Football: A Systematic Mixed Study Review.Maria Preciado, M. Teresa Anguera, Mauricio Olarte & Daniel Lapresa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    SinSO: An ontology of sustainability in software.Luisa Restrepo, César Pardo, Jose Aguilar, Mauricio Toro & Elizabeth Suescún - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (3):231-263.
    Sustainability in systems refers to applying sustainable principles and practices to create more resilient, efficient, and equitable systems that promote the well-being of people and the planet. Sustainability is an essential topic in contemporary software engineering, and its relationship with the characteristics and properties of a system or product called quality attributes is still an open question since each researcher has established their definition of sustainability in software. This has created diverse terms and concepts for distinct application environments and scopes, (...)
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    Laozi ji: Si juan.Guiming Luan (ed.) - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Xin shi jie chu ban she.
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    (2 other versions)Representation in Science.Mauricio Suárez - 2014 - In Paul Humphreys, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Science. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 440-459.
    This article provides a state of the art review of the philosophical literature on scientific representation. It first argues that the topic emerges historically mainly out of what may be called the modelling tradition. It then introduces a number of helpful analytical distinctions, and goes on to divide contemporary approaches to scientific representation into two distinct kinds, substantive and deflationary. Analogies with related discussions of artistic representation in aesthetics, and of the nature of truth in metaphysics are pursued. It is (...)
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  17.  64
    Caracterización Y nivel de conocimiento Del cuidador informal de usuarios con dependencia severa adscritos al centro de salud violeta parra-chillán.Paola Burgos Garrido, Viviana Figueroa Rodríguez, Mauricio Fuentes Verdugo, Ingrid Quijada Hernández & Elena Espinoza Lavoz - 2008 - Theoria: Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile 17 (2):7-14.
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    Is the Precautionary Principle Adaptable to Emergency Scenarios to Speed Up Research, Risking the Individual Informed Consent?Margarita Gonzalvo-Cirac, María Victoria Roqué, Ferran Fuertes, Mauricio Pacheco & Ignacio Segarra - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (9):17-19.
  19.  37
    Reconocimiento de expresiones faciales utilizando análisis de componentes principales Kernel (KPCA).Alvaro Angel Orozco Gutiérrez, Mauricio Alexander Alvarez López & Juan Gabriel Fetecua Valencia - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Diálogo entre reconocimiento y desarrollo.Carolina Godoy-Berthet & Mauricio Alarcón-Silva - 2020 - Cinta de Moebio 67:26-37.
    Resumen: El presente artículo se propone establecer un dialogo entre las nociones de desarrollo y de reconocimiento. La fundamentación epistémica de esta discusión se enmarca en la consideración de Ricoeur que apuesta a la condición del individuo como un hombre capaz o “un yo puedo”, con el poder de hablar, actuar e imputarse acciones, condiciones básicas para enfrentar el camino hacia el reconocimiento de sí mismo. Ahora bien, dichas capacidades individuales de obrar, en el plano colectivo se extienden hacia prácticas (...)
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    Estudio descriptivo y comparativo del comportamiento rítmico del habla en lectura en el español de Chile.Francisco Antonio Nocetti, Hernán Emilio Pérez & Mauricio A. Figueroa Candia - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):60-77.
    Este artículo presenta un estudio descriptivo, cuyo propósito es determinar si el comportamiento rítmico del habla en lectura en voz alta de personas profesionales de ocho ciudades diferentes de Chile coincide con la clasificación dada históricamente al español como lengua de ritmo silábico, clasificación que además en general se extiende a todas las lenguas romances. Varios estudios tradicionales afirman que el español es una lengua de tendencia hacia el ritmo silábico, no obstante, también existen otros trabajos, antiguos y recientes, que (...)
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    Análisis acústico-estadístico de las consonantes fricativas labiodentales e interdentales sonoras y áfonas del mapudungun hablado en Alto Biobío.Daniela Alejandra Mena Sanhueza, Mauricio Alejandro Figueroa Candia & Gastón Felipe Salamanca Gutiérrez - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):206-223.
    Este estudio presenta los resultados de un análisis acústico-estadístico de las consonantes fricativas labiodentales e interdentales sonoras y áfonas del mapudungun hablado en Alto Biobío. El propósito de la presente investigación fue determinar si parámetros acústicos espectrales, parámetros de duración y parámetros de amplitud permiten distinguir el punto de articulación y la sonoridad de estos sonidos. Los resultados indicaron que los momentos espectrales, la duración, la amplitud absoluta y la amplitud normalizada permiten diferenciar entre las fricativas sonoras y áfonas; mientras (...)
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  23.  49
    Weakening and Extending {mathbb{Z}}.Mauricio Osorio, J. L. Carballido, C. Zepeda & J. A. Castellanos - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (3):383-409.
    By weakening an inference rule satisfied by logic daC, we define a new paraconsistent logic, which is weaker than logic \ and G′ 3, enjoys properties presented in daC like the substitution theorem, and possesses a strong negation which makes it suitable to express intutionism. Besides, daC ' helps to understand the relationships among other logics, in particular daC, \ and PH1.
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  24.  42
    A family of genuine and non-algebraisable C-systems.Mauricio Osorio, Aldo Figallo-Orellano & Miguel Pérez-Gaspar - 2021 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 31 (1):56-84.
    In 2016, Béziau introduced the notion of genuine paraconsistent logic as logic that does not verify the principle of non-contradiction; as an important example, he presented the genuine paraconsist...
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  25.  54
    Cognitive representation of “musical fractals”: Processing hierarchy and recursion in the auditory domain.Mauricio Dias Martins, Bruno Gingras, Estela Puig-Waldmueller & W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2017 - Cognition 161 (C):31-45.
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  26. Claves para comprender la relación del hombre con la naturaleza a la luz de Romano Guardini.Mauricio Chapsal Escudero - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 10 (3):65-82.
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    Ecos sobre o Fim e a Terra Nenhuma como destino próximo: Resenha de um Quase Manifesto.Maurício Fernandes - 2020 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 11 (24):226-230.
    Resenha do livro: OLIVEIRA, Jelson; VASCONCELOS, Thiago; FROGNEUX, Nathalie. Terra Nenhuma: Ecopornografia e Responsabilidade. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS, 2020, pp. 64.
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    Liezi ji: Jiu juan.Guiming Luan (ed.) - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Xin shi jie chu ban she.
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    Zi yue.Guiming Luan (ed.) - 2013 - Fuzhou Shi: Fu jian ren min chu ban she.
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  30. The semantic view, empirical adequacy, and application.Mauricio Suárez - 2005 - Critica 37 (109):29-63.
    It is widely accepted in contemporary philosophy of science that the domain of application of a theory is typically larger than its explanatory covering power: theories can be applied to phenomena that they do not explain. I argue for an analogous thesis regarding the notion of empirical adequacy. A theory’s domain of application is typically larger than its domain of empirical adequacy: theories are often applied to phenomena from which they receive no empirical confirmation.
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  31.  14
    La actualidad del método hermenéutico de Friedrich Schleiermacher.Mauricio Mancilla Muñoz - 2021 - Escritos 29 (62):56-72.
    The aim of the article is to show that Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Hermeneutic method is still topical andrelevant for research in the field of humanities. One of the arguments is that most of recent commentarieson his hermeneutic program are based in a “non-critical position” and reproduce the assumptions of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s “dominant reading”. This is the consequence of a lack of “critical editions” of the work ofSchleiermacher regarding Hermeneutics, an issue that has recently been compensated for with the publication of the (...)
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  32. Quantum Selections, Propensities and the Problem of Measurement.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (2):219-255.
    This paper expands on, and provides a qualified defence of, Arthur Fine's selective interactions solution to the measurement problem. Fine's approach must be understood against the background of the insolubility proof of the quantum measurement. I first defend the proof as an appropriate formal representation of the quantum measurement problem. The nature of selective interactions, and more generally selections, is then clarified, and three arguments in their favour are offered. First, selections provide the only known solution to the measurement problem (...)
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  33. Fictions, inference and realism.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - In John Woods, Fictions and Models: New Essays. Philosophia.
    Abstract: It is often assumed without argument that fictionalism in the philosophy of science contradicts scientific realism. This paper is a critical analysis of this assumption. The kind of fictionalism that is at present discussed in philosophy of science is characterised, and distinguished from fictionalism in other areas. A distinction is then drawn between forms of fictional representation, and two competing accounts of fiction in science are discussed. I then outline explicitly what I take to be the argument for the (...)
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  34. Theories: Tools versus models.Mauricio Suárez & Nancy Cartwright - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (1):62-81.
    In “The Toolbox of Science” (1995) together with Towfic Shomar we advocated a form of instrumentalism about scientific theories. We separately developed this view further in a number of subsequent works. Steven French, James Ladyman, Otavio Bueno and Newton Da Costa (FLBD) have since written at least eight papers and a book criticising our work. Here we defend ourselves. First we explain what we mean in denying that models derive from theory – and why their failure to do so should (...)
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  35.  19
    Karl Marx, el joven hermeneuta: una crítica a la nueva gramática teológica del capitalismo.Mauricio Calle Zapata - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (1):198-223.
    El modelo de ser humano: homo oeconomicus, impuesto por la racionalidad económica capitalista, ha tenido en las dos últimas décadas una metamorfosis compleja, a saber, la formación de un tipo de subjetividad representada en la figura del “emprendedor” o “su propio jefe” que, desde una nueva gramática teológica, encarna un proyecto mercantil solapado y subrepticio que condiciona las relaciones entre sujetos. En razón a esto, el propósito de este texto es pensar dicha problemática desde el ejercicio hermenéutico-crítico que lleva a (...)
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    Informative Models: Idealization and Abstraction.Mauricio Suárez & Agnes Bolinska - 2021 - In Alejandro Cassini & Juan Redmond, Models and Idealizations in Science: Artifactual and Fictional Approaches. Springer Verlag. pp. 71-85.
    Mauricio Suárez and Agnes Bolinska apply the tools of communication theory to scientific modeling in order to characterize the informational content of a scientific model. They argue that when represented as a communication channel, a model source conveys information about its target, and that such representations are therefore appropriate whenever modeling is employed for informational gain. They then extract two consequences. First, the introduction of idealizations is akin in informational terms to the introduction of noise in a signal; for (...)
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  37. Causal inference in quantum mechanics: A reassessment.Mauricio Suárez - 2007 - In Federica Russo & Jon Williamson, Causality and Probability in the Sciences. College Publications. pp. 65-106.
    There has been an intense discussion, albeit largely an implicit one, concerning the inference of causal hypotheses from statistical correlations in quantum mechanics ever since John Bell’s first statement of his notorious theorem in 1966. As is well known, its focus has mainly been the so-called Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (“EPR”) thought experiment, and the ensuing observed correlations in real EPR like experiments. But although implicitly the discussion goes as far back as Bell’s work, it is only in the last two decades that (...)
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  38. Science without Laws.Mauricio Suárez - 2002 - Mind 111 (441):111-114.
    1Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, 9 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TB, UKScience Without Laws Ronald Giere Chicago, IL University of Chicago Press 1999 x + 285 Hardback£17.50.
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    Audio and panoramic video recording in the operating room: legal and ethical perspectives.Mauricio Gabrielli, Luca Valera & Marcelo Barrientos - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):798-802.
    IntroductionThe idea of video recording in the operating room with panoramic cameras and microphones is a new concept that is changing the approach to medical activities in the OR. However, VR in the OR has brought up many concerns regarding patient privacy and has highlighted legal and ethical issues that were never previously exposed.AimTo review the literature concerning these aspects and provide a better ethical and legal understanding of the new challenges concerning VR in the OR.ConclusionsThere is a disparity between (...)
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  40.  12
    A new imaginary of the new world: Latin America in the works of jack kerouac.Mauricio Echeverry - 2011 - Escritos 19 (43):441-456.
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    Análisis de aula : ritmo, concepto, vértigos argumentativos.Mauricio Langon, Marisa Berttolini & Isabel González - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Consideraciones introductorias Presentamos aquí un avance de análisis de un proyecto de investigación sobre enseñanza y aprendizaje de la argumentación que realizamos observando clases de filosofía y de biología de seis profesores de cada disciplina en cuatro Liceos públicos y dos privados. Además organizamos actividades argumentativas de aula a comienzos y finales de los cursos en el año 2012, con el fin de observar los eventuales avances en lo argumentativo. Presentamos en este trabajo los (...) - Sciences de l'éducation et (...)
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    Presentación de Rodolfo Kusch.Mauricio Langon - 1988 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 15:343-354.
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  43. Nacional e Internacional filosofia e psicanálise.Maurício Vieira Martins - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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  44. El compromiso de la pobreza.Jeannette Mauricio - 2004 - Critica 54 (913):8-10.
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    Avoidance learning after simultaneous versus serial telencephalic ablations in the goldfish.Mauricio R. Papini - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (2):160-163.
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    The quest for divergent mechanisms in vertebrate learning.Mauricio R. Papini - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):676.
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    Agripa’s problem.Mauricio Zuluaga - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (128):61-88.
    Agrippa’s Problem: The purpose of this paper is to present the triple problem of Agrippa that questions the possibility of reaching an epistemological justification of empirical knowledge. A possible reconstruction of such problem is one that is based on the problem of the regresum ad infinitum –one of Agripa’s modes. In this paper, a reconstruction of this problem will be presented by means of a reduction ad absurdum argument. The attempts of solving the absurd lead to the remaining two modes (...)
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  48. Bohmian dispositions.Mauricio Suárez - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3203-3228.
    This paper argues for a broadly dispositionalist approach to the ontology of Bohmian mechanics . It first distinguishes the ‘minimal’ and the ‘causal’ versions of Bohm’s theory, and then briefly reviews some of the claims advanced on behalf of the ‘causal’ version by its proponents. A number of ontological or interpretive accounts of the wave function in BM are then addressed in detail, including configuration space, multi-field, nomological, and dispositional approaches. The main objection to each account is reviewed, namely the (...)
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    Self-Service Technologies and e-Services Risks in Social Commerce Era.Mauricio S. Featherman & Nick Hajli - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (2):251-269.
    Social commerce as a subset of e-commerce has been emerged in part due to the popularity of social networking sites. Social commerce brings new challenges to marketing activities. And social commerce transactions like e-commerce transactions can be dangerous and cause harmful losses to personal finances, time, and information privacy. This article examines ethical issues and consumer assessments of the risks of using an e-service and how risk affects consumer evaluations and usage of Internet-based services and self-service technologies. Results from two (...)
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    Philosophy of Probability and Statistical Modelling.Mauricio Suárez - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element has two main aims. The first one is an historically informed review of the philosophy of probability. It describes recent historiography, lays out the distinction between subjective and objective notions, and concludes by applying the historical lessons to the main interpretations of probability. The second aim focuses entirely on objective probability, and advances a number of novel theses regarding its role in scientific practice. A distinction is drawn between traditional attempts to interpret chance, and a novel methodological study (...)
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