Results for 'Matxalen Legarreta Iza'

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  1.  28
    Le temps donné dans le travail domestique et de care.Matxalen Legarreta Iza - 2009 - Multitudes 37 (2):106.
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  2. La globalización del trabajo doméstico y de cuidados: nuevas configuraciones de la domesticidad.Matxalen Legarreta Iza - 2007 - In Jesús Arpal Poblador & Ignacio Mendiola, Estudios sobre cuerpo, tecnología y cultura. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco.
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    Notas sobre la crisis de cuidados: distribución social, moralización del tiempo y reciprocidad del tiempo donado en el ámbito doméstico-familiar.Matxalen Legarreta Iza - 2017 - Arbor 193 (784):381.
    Los cambios acaecidos en las sociedades occidentales en las últimas décadas configuran una nueva forma de responder a la provisión de cuidados que ha sido definida en términos de crisis. Esta nueva organización agudiza las desigualdades de género existentes y genera nuevas relaciones de poder asimétricas aunque, al mismo tiempo, ofrece también oportunidades de resignificación del trabajo doméstico y los cuidados. El artículo analiza la crisis de cuidados en relación a la distribución social del tiempo donado en el ámbito doméstico-familiar, (...)
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    Islam and the Rule of Justice: Image and Reality in Muslim Law and Culture. By Lawrence Rosen.Iza Hussin - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (3).
    Islam and the Rule of Justice: Image and Reality in Muslim Law and Culture. By Lawrence Rosen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018. Pp. xi + 279. $105 ; $35.
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  5. Outcome Effects, Moral Luck and the Hindsight Bias.Markus Kneer & Iza Skoczeń - 2023 - Cognition 232.
    In a series of ten preregistered experiments (N=2043), we investigate the effect of outcome valence on judgments of probability, negligence, and culpability – a phenomenon sometimes labelled moral (and legal) luck. We found that harmful outcomes, when contrasted with neutral outcomes, lead to increased perceived probability of harm ex post, and consequently to increased attribution of negligence and culpability. Rather than simply postulating a hindsight bias (as is common), we employ a variety of empirical means to demonstrate that the outcome-driven (...)
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    (1 other version)O Utopista portuense Ângelo Jorge: Subsídios para a sua biografia.Iza Luso Barbosa - 2006 - E-Topia: Revista Electrónica de Estudos Sobre a Utopia 5.
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  7. Knowledge Representation, Reflexive Reasoning and DIscourse Processing.Mauricio Iza & Jesús Ezquerro Martínez - 1996 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 11 (2):125-145.
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  8. Hermenéutica, estética y (bio)política: reflexiones de problemáticas actuales.José Miguel Peláez & Víctor Iza Villacís (eds.) - 2020 - Cuenca, Ecuador: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.
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    (1 other version)Genre as cognitive construction.Annalisa Baicchi & Aneider Iza Erviti - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (3):576-601.
    The present article investigates a set of discourse connectors in the academic lecture genre from the viewpoint of the inseparable pair of pragmatics and cognition. Making use of theMICASEcorpus for data retrieval, a selection of discourse constructions encoding comparative contrastive meanings are analysed and their distinctive features are critically described and explained. The aim is to show how each particular genre promotes the use of certain constructions. TheMICASEdatabase reveals that, among all the subgroups of complementary contrastive constructions, some seem incompatible (...)
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  10.  26
    Presencia de sesgos cognitivos y afectación del clima familiar en jugadores patológicos y no patológicos de la ciudad de Bogotá.Daniel Andrés Iza Certuche - 2015 - Enfoques (Misc.) 1 (2):31.
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    Sceptycyzm francuski XVI i XVII wieku.Iza Da̧mbska - 1958 - Toruń: [Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, Łódź].
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  12.  32
    A hybrid architecture for text comprehension.Jesús Ezquerro & Mauricio Iza Miqueleiz - 1995 - Pragmatics and Cognition 3 (2):247-279.
    O'Brien et al. reported that readers generated elaborative inferences only when a text contained characteristics that made it easy to predict the specific inference that a reader would draw, and virtually eliminated the possibility of the inference being discon-firmed. Garrod et al., however, offered two qualifications to these conclusions. First, the two text characteristics manipulated may have produced different types of elaborative inferencing: a biasing context results in a passive form of elaborative inferencing, involving setting up a context of interpretation, (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Knowledge representation, reflexive reasoning and discourse processing.Jesús Ezquerro & Mauricio Iza - 1996 - Theoria 11 (26):125-145.
  14. Organización del conocimento conceptual: Evidencias desde la neurociencia.Javier García Orza & Mauricio Iza Mikeleiz - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:183-206.
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    Review of Stevenson (1993): Language, Thought, and Representation. [REVIEW]Jesús Ezquerro & Mauricio Iza Miqueleiz - 1995 - Pragmatics and Cognition 3 (2):394-398.
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    Gases ideales: Diagramas termodinámicos.A. Ríos, Luis Guillermo & Yamal Mustafá Iza - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  17.  6
    Perspectivas de professoras sobre os desafios da docência na Educação Infantil.Walquíria de Souza Euzébio & Iza Rodrigues da Luz - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:158-175.
    RESUMO: Este artigo trata da docência e de seus desafios a partir da escuta de seis professoras de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil - EMEI, de Belo Horizonte, proporcionada por uma pesquisa realizada em 2017. Os resultados indicam que as professoras têm clareza da importância do trabalho de cuidado e educação das crianças, assim como percebem a sua desvalorização social. Como desafios indicaram questões relacionadas aos comportamentos das crianças e às relações com as famílias. Ressalta-se a necessidade de políticas (...)
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  18.  42
    A hybrid architecture for text comprehension: Elaborative inferences and attentional focus.Jesus Ezquerro Martínez & Mauricio Iza Miqueleiz - 1995 - Pragmatics and Cognition 3 (2):247-279.
    O'Brien et al. reported that readers generated elaborative inferences only when a text contained characteristics that made it easy to predict the specific inference that a reader would draw, and virtually eliminated the possibility of the inference being discon-firmed. Garrod et al., however, offered two qualifications to these conclusions. First, the two text characteristics manipulated may have produced different types of elaborative inferencing: a biasing context results in a passive form of elaborative inferencing, involving setting up a context of interpretation, (...)
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  19.  52
    Rosemary J. Stevenson,Language, Thought, and Representation.Jesus Ezquerro Martínez & Mauricio Iza Miqueleiz - 1995 - Pragmatics and Cognition 3 (2):394-398.
  20.  3
    Iza e a “Fé nas maluca”.Nayara Luiza de Souza & Marco Túlio Pena Câmara - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (2).
    Ao analisar o amor-próprio a partir de um compromisso que parte da ação de um fazer e um refazer-se consigo mesme/mesma/mesmo, bell hooks (2021) tensiona os imaginários que banalizam a construção identitária proposta por essa modalidade do amor. Destacando o poder da autodefinição como um Collins (2019) possibilitador para o desenvolvimento do amor-próprio, sugerimos observar a representação do enfrentamento a normas patriarcais da branquitude realizado pela cantora brasileira mulher negra cisgênero Iza na produção do álbum AFRODHIT, lançado em 2023. Tomando (...)
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  21. Izák Caban, slovenský atomista V XVII. storočí.Ján Mikleš - 1948 - Bratislava,: Slovenská akadémia vied a umení.
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  22. Izālat al-shubuhāt ʻan qawl al-Ustādh: Kunnā ḥurūfan ʻāliyāt.Aḥmad Khayrī - 1956
  23.  36
    Iza Bieżuńska-Malowist: Pogl dy nobilitas okresu Nerona i ich podłoże gospodarczo-spoieczne. (Les opinions de la nobilitas romaine de l'époque de Néron et leur fondement économique et social.) Pp. 136. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1952. Paper. [REVIEW]J. P. V. D. Balsdon - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (02):175-.
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    City blindness: Visuality and modernity in the works of Iza Caparas, Farley del Rosario and Daniel Aligaen.Gary C. Devilles - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 112 (1):51-62.
    For Georg Simmel, humans confront their basic contradiction in the city, and such contradiction warrants critical assessment to help in the long tradition of articulating the problematic development of cities or metropolises, and hopefully advocate for the kind of life we want. This contradiction is a corollary to the modern visual aesthetics of young, contemporary artists such as Iza Caparas, Farley del Rosario and Daniel Aligaen. Their works not only depict the city or urban living; also their styles or sense (...)
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  25.  13
    Mulierem fortem quis inveniet: Polish Women Classicists under Communism.Elżbieta Olechowska - 2020 - Clotho 2 (2):41-56.
    While all chairs of classics after the war were entrusted to already well-established pre-war professors, female scholars, junior often only by rank, took care of the mind-boggling logistics of setting up the defunct departments and preparing them for the first cohort of students. It was an unusual group composed of various ages and levels of knowledge. Older ones saw their education put on hold during the war or attended underground university classes but did not obtain their degrees. Younger ones completed (...)
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  26.  55
    Nation state and the challenge of globalization: Project draft.Zoran G. Obrenović - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):77-101.
    U nacrtu ovog projekta raspravlja se o izazovima pred kojim se nalazi nacionalna drzava u dinamicnim procesima globalizacije. Prvo se nastoji odrediti pojam globalizacije kao decentralizovani proces kondenzacije i homogenizacije prostora i vremena a zatim se ukazuje na ambivalentnu strukturu diskursa o globalizaciji - njegovu semanticku i pragmaticku dimenziju. Potom se izlaze neoliberalno glediste o eroziji i slabljenju nacionalne drzave usled premoci globalnog kapitalistickog pogona, kako u pogledu njenih tradicionalnih funkcija tako i u pogledu njenog internog i eksternog suvereniteta. Protiv (...)
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  27.  23
    Descartesove ispovijesti.Jasna Šakota-Mimica - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):145-159.
    U tekstu se traga za vezom između Descartesovih životnih obrata i razloga zbog kojih filozof u Raspravi o metodi i Meditacijama o prvoj filozofiji primjenjuje ispovjednički način pisanja. Takvo nastojanje otkriva posebnu ulogu maske pod kojom se Descartes namjerava prvi put pojaviti pred javnošću. Iako masku spominje još u dnevničkim bilješkama, on je konačno oblikuje, i to kao ‘osobu’, tek s otkrićem cogito, dakle, u vrijeme dok piše Raspravu o metodi. U tom mu djelu ‘osoba’, shvaćena kao čist razum, daje (...)
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  28.  26
    Las historias de vida en las ciencias sociales: más allá del uso.Wil Liam Rodríguez Campos - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (25):35-50.
    So cial re search is no lon ger fo cused on the “ob ject” of re al ity, but on and from an af fec tive space relationality in which the “ob jects” form part of the sig nif i cance and sym bol iza tion re la - tions of the sub jects that act inter-sub jec tively. In view of this co-existencial t..
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  29. The Issue of Weak Hadiths ın Omer Al-Nasefi's Work El-Teysîr Fi't-Tefsîr On The Virtues (Of Fatiha İn Particular).Mustafa Gökmen - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):195-208.
    The issue of acting on weak hadiths has been a debated issue throughout history. Scholars have adopted different views on this issue. While there are scholars who argue that weak hadiths should not be acted upon at all, there are also scholars who argue that there is no harm in acting upon them under certain conditions. While scholars such as Müslim, Yahya b. Ma'in and Subhi Salih in the modern period adopt the view that weak hadiths should not be acted (...)
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  30.  22
    Značaj mediteranskog propitivanja humaniteta kod Alberta Camusa.Snježan Hasnaš - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (3):629-634.
    Mediteransko nasljeđe kulture, filozofije, povijesti i umjetnosti nepregledan je univerzum procesa, informacija, sinteza i imaginacija. Sam po sebi, Mediteran se predstavlja kao jedna opća imenica takvog opsega da predstavlja rod u kojem je velik dio opće europske kulture uvijek jedna od njegovih vrsta. No, ipak, riječ je o dojmu koji ne može težiti precizno utvrđenoj konstataciji već jednoj općoj opservaciji koja samo pokazuje da zamisao o zahvaćanju u smisao Mediterana kao nasljeđa ili suvremenosti predstavlja jedan ogroman, ali nikad dokraja dovršen (...)
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  31.  25
    Superfluousness of the faulty: Economy of the 'disabled' body symbolism.Misa Ljubenovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (1):245-278.
    In the modern culture, the phenomenon of the 'disabled' body is a intersection place of its ableist ideology, power relations and pseudoscientific explanations, and they are urged by the neo-eugenic project of the perfect world creating. As the prisoner of the biomedical discourse, such a body, deprived of any agensy, loaded with the culture-historicaly constituated non-power, is a particularly suitable field of the mainstream culture for spreading almost archetypically powerful apocaliptic visions of confronting with the enemy's otherness. For that reason, (...)
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  32.  28
    Le devenir Afrique de Lumumba, Nkrumah et Sankara. Ou de l’importance de ressasser le passé contre le discours de Dakar.Bazzan Rampazzo - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):218-237.
    Clanak je proistekao iz studije koja je izvedena u okviru Grupe za materijalisticka istrazivanja, i za cilj ima kritiku neokolonijalne ideoloske matrice koja stoji iza slavnog i kontroverznog govora koji je Nikola Sarkozi odrzao u Dakaru 2007. Stavovi bivseg predsednika Republike Francuske odmah su povezani sa kolonijalnim stereotipima pozvao na ponovno ispitivanje ove stranice istorije. Taj poziv nije toliko upucen francuskoj desnici koliko francuskim i zapadnim elitama uopste. Iako priznaje da je veliki deo africkih politicara ucestvovao u stvaranju haosa na (...)
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  33.  16
    A social-eco-democrat between ideals and reality.Djuric Jelena - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (3):93-100.
    Nastojanje da se dokuci ono sto je vazno o coveku uopste, kroz razmatranje prividno lokalnih tema, ideal je kojem je prema samorazumevanju neprekidno tezio srpski filozof, eticar i drustveni teoreticar, dr Svetozar Stojanovic. Ideje koje je izneo u decenijama svoga stvaralastva izrazavale su jedno vreme sada sve vise iza nas. Uprkos tome, njegove ideje su ostale jedan moguci kljuc za razumevanje nase sadasnjosti. Sta vise, njihovo ponovno otkrivanje ima potencijal da pokrene na dalekosezno razmisljanje o principima preobrazaja identiteta, kako drustvenog (...)
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  34.  29
    The sociologically acceptable definition of religion.Mirko Blagojevic - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (25):213-240.
    In this article the author has presented several important issues regarding the sociology of religion, but primarily the issue of the sociologically acceptable definition of religion both in theoretical and empirical research. Bearing in mind the sociology of religion in former Yugoslavia the author has first discussed the possibility of a general definition of the sociology of religion, but has stated the opposite view as well. Then he has dealt with the two basic approaches towards religion and two general definitions (...)
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  35. Iz Platonove filozofije.Irina Deretić - 2010 - Beograd: Plato.
    Kako je moguće baviti se Platonom danas, ukoliko je filozofija „svoje vreme obuhvaćeno mislima“? Autor Platonovom delu ne pristupa kao dogmatskom štivu, već kao tekstu prožetom paradoksima, koje izmiče svakom unapred pripremljenom, šematizovanom modelu čitanja. Obratiti se Platonu kao filozofskoj paradigmi isplativo je ukoliko filozofi koji progovaraju iz dubine vremena mogu nešto važno da nam saopšte i ukoliko smo kadri da im postavimo autentično pitanje. Zato filozofi moraju imati dah delfskog ronioca, jer biser se ne nalazi u svakoj školjci. Knjiga (...)
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  36.  46
    Theory of names and cognitive linguistics: The case of the metaphor.Nikola Dobric - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (1):135-147.
    Filozofska i, u manjem opsegu, lingvisticka debata oko problema imena traje vec duze vreme. Procesi iza imenovanja su predstavljani i objasnjavani na razlicite nacine. Rad ce pokusati da pruzi novi uvid u motivaciju za stvaranje novih imena vidjenu iz jezicke perspektive. Metafora, kao jedan od najvaznijih izvora motivacije u jeziku kako je vidi kognitivna lingvistika je jedna od osnovnih formi ljudske konceptualizacije. Prvi deo rada predstavlja pregled najvaznije teorije o imenu. Drugi deo rada opisuje osnovne principe kognitivne lingvistike i odnosa (...)
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  37.  42
    Las paradojas de la ciudadanía bajo el capitalismo global. De consensos y violencias.Alejandra Ciriza - 2003 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 8 (22):67-83.
    Ac cord ing to the cen tral hy poth e sis of this pa per, late cap i tal ism is ac com pa nied by a pro - found re def i ni tion of the con di tion of the cit i zen. Ac cord ing to Mar shall, cit i zen ship was linked to dis trib u tive equal ity, and the ex is tence of a com - mon cul ture. It..
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  38.  37
    Witnesses of God: Exhortatory Preachers in Medieval al-Andalus and the Maghreb.Linda G. Jones - 2007 - Al-Qantara 28 (1):73-100.
    Este artículo analiza los aspectos retóricos y rituales de la exhortación piadosa (wa,z) practicada en al-Andalus y el Magreb, tomando como base documental dos fuentes homiléticas. Los textos se analizan a la luz de noticias hagiográficas y jurídicas con el fin de determinar el papel social de los wu,,az y el impacto de sus sermones. El poder seductor del sermón se halla en función del carisma del predicador, sus dotes de oratoria y su afán en involucrar activamente a su auditorio (...)
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