Results for 'Matthias Matchinski'

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  1. Belief control and intentionality.Matthias Steup - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):145-163.
    In this paper, I argue that the rejection of doxastic voluntarism is not as straightforward as its opponents take it to be. I begin with a critical examination of William Alston's defense of involuntarism and then focus on the question of whether belief is intentional.
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    Limits to wealth in the history of Western philosophy.Matthias Kramm & Ingrid Robeyns - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (4):954-969.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  3. (1 other version)Delayed-Choice Experiments and the Metaphysics of Entanglement.Matthias Egg - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (9):1124-1135.
    Delayed-choice experiments in quantum mechanics are often taken to undermine a realistic interpretation of the quantum state. More specifically, Healey has recently argued that the phenomenon of delayed-choice entanglement swapping is incompatible with the view that entanglement is a physical relation between quantum systems. This paper argues against these claims. It first reviews two paradigmatic delayed-choice experiments and analyzes their metaphysical implications. It then applies the results of this analysis to the case of entanglement swapping, showing that such experiments pose (...)
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  4. Completeness and Correspondence in Chellas–Segerberg Semantics.Matthias Unterhuber & Gerhard Schurz - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (4):891-911.
    We investigate a lattice of conditional logics described by a Kripke type semantics, which was suggested by Chellas and Segerberg – Chellas–Segerberg (CS) semantics – plus 30 further principles. We (i) present a non-trivial frame-based completeness result, (ii) a translation procedure which gives one corresponding trivial frame conditions for arbitrary formula schemata, and (iii) non-trivial frame conditions in CS semantics which correspond to the 30 principles.
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  5. Philosophie der modernen Physik - Philipp Frank und Abel Rey.Matthias Neuber - 2010 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 80 (1):131-149.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the French philosopher and historian of science Abel Rey played a more influential role in the formative phase of the Vienna Circle than hitherto supposed. On the whole, it will be argued that Rey's contribution had political impact. His interpretation of "modern physics" in 1907 in the face of the alleged "bankruptcy of science" should be appreciated as a masterpiece of applied enlightenment thought. As such, it was especially paradigmatic for Philipp (...)
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    Zwischen Sprache und Geschichte: Vicos Methode beim Umgang mit Recht und Naturrecht.Giuseppe Cacciatore, Matthias Kaufmann & Fabrizio Lomonaco (eds.) - 2020 - Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
    Der vorliegende Band diskutiert die Geschichts- und Sprachphilosophie Giambattista Vicos, primär in Bezug auf die Rechtslehre. Dabei wird Vico sowohl als Denker seines Zeitalters als auch in der Auseinandersetzung mit Autoren wie Suárez, Bacon, Descartes etc. gelesen und es ergeben sich immer wieder Bezüge zu aktuellen Debatten.
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  7. Phänomenologie der Normativität.Matthias Schloßberger - 2019
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    Moods as multiple-object directed and as objectless affective states: An examination of the dispositional theory of moods.Matthias Siemer - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (6):815-845.
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    The Artist as Subject of Pure Cognition.Matthias Kossler - 2011 - In Bart Vandenabeele (ed.), A Companion to Schopenhauer. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 193–205.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Pure Subject of Cognition The Artist as Pure Subject of Cognition Notes References Further Reading.
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    Der souveräne Nationalstaat: das politische Denken Raymond Arons.Tobias Bevc & Matthias Oppermann (eds.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Raymond Aron (1905-1983) gehört unzweifelhaft zu den grossen politischen Denkern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Als Professor fuer politische Soziologie an der Sorbonne hat er die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts ebenso begleitet und kommentiert wie als Leitartikler fuer die Tageszeitung Le Figaro oder das Nachrichtenmagazin L'Express. Er verband auf vorbildliche Weise die Rolle des politischen Beobachters mit derjenigen des Gelehrten, dessen Werk - trotz seiner Verankerung in der eigenen Zeit - bis heute nichts von seiner Bedeutung und Strahlkraft eingebuesst hat. Obwohl Aron (...)
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  11. Critical Realism in Perspective - Remarks on a Neglected Current in Neo-Kantian Epistemology.Matthias Neuber - 2014 - In T. Uebel (ed.), Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective. Springer. pp. 657-673.
    Critical realism is a frequently mentioned, but not very well-known, late nineteenth-/early twentieth-century philosophical tradition. Having its roots in Kantian epistemology, critical realism is best characterized as a revisionist approach toward the original Kantian doctrine. Its most outstanding thesis is the idea that Kantian things-in-themselves are knowable. This idea was—at least implicitly—suggested by thinkers such as Alois Riehl, Wilhelm Wundt, and Oswald Külpe. Interestingly enough, the philosophical position of the early Moritz Schlick stands in the critical realist tradition as well. (...)
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    Effects of Mood on Evaluative Judgements: Influence of Reduced Processing Capacity and Mood Salience.Matthias Siemer & Rainer Reisenzein - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (6):783-805.
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    Four epistemic reasons to consult religious traditions.Matthias Kramm - 2023 - Constellations 31 (1):85-97.
    In this paper, I investigate whether there are nonreligious, epistemic reasons that could justify consulting religious traditions. In this way, I supplement the ongoing debate on the value of tradition, which has focused mostly on practical values for maintaining traditions, with an examination of epistemic reasons for consulting traditions. To do so, I focus on the problem-solving aspect of religious traditions and their epistemic resources. I discuss whether consulting traditions of religious wisdom, religious practical knowledge, religious institutions, or religious rationalities (...)
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    Effects of sad mood on time-based prospective memory.Matthias Kliegel, Theodor Jäger, Louise Phillips, Esther Federspiel, Adrian Imfeld, Marianne Keller & Daniel Zimprich - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1199-1213.
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    Derrida on the death penalty.Matthias Fritsch - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (s1):56-73.
    Responding to Derrida's Death Penalty Seminar of 1999–2000 and its interpretation by Michael Naas, in this paper I argue that Derrida's deconstruction of the theologico-political concept of the sovereign right over life and death in view of abolishing capital punishment should be understood in terms of the unconditional renunciation of sovereignty that dominates Derrida's later political writings, Rogues (2005) in particular. My reading takes seriously what I call the functional need for a “theological” moment in sovereignty beyond a merely historicist (...)
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  16. Connecting Information with Scientific Method: Darwin’s Significance for Epistemology.Matthias Kuhle & Sabine Kuhle - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (2):333-357.
    Theories of epistemology make reference—via the perspective of an observer—to the structure of information transfer, which generates reality, of which the observer himself forms a part. It can be shown that any epistemological approach which implies the participation of tautological structural elements in the information transfer necessarily leads to an antinomy. Nevertheless, since the time of Aristotle the paradigm of mathematics—and thus tautological structure—has always been a hidden ingredient in the various concepts of knowledge acquisition or general theories of information (...)
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    „Der Gipfel der Aufklärung“: Aufklärung und Besonnenheit beim jungen Schopenhauer.Matthias Kossler - 2006 - In Konstantin Broese, Andreas Hütig, Oliver Immel & Renate Reschke (eds.), Vernunft der Aufklärung - Aufklärung der Vernunft. Akademie Verlag. pp. 207-216.
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  18. Der transzendentale Schein in den Paralogismen der reinen Vernunft nach der ersten Auflage der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Matthias Kossler - 1999 - Kant Studien 90 (1):1-22.
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    Medienphilosophie als ethisches Projekt? Vilém Flussers Wittgenstein.Matthias Kross - 2008 - In Herbert Hrachovec & Alois Pichler (eds.), Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information: Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2007. De Gruyter. pp. 23-36.
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    Philosophieren in Beispielen. Wittgensteins Umdenken des Allgemeinen.Matthias Kroß - 1999 - In Hans Julius Schneider & Matthias Kross (eds.), Mit Sprache Spielen: Die Ordnung Und Das Offene Nach Wittgenstein. Akademie Verlag. pp. 169-188.
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    Vorwort.Matthias Kroß & Hans Julius Schneider - 1999 - In Hans Julius Schneider & Matthias Kross (eds.), Mit Sprache Spielen: Die Ordnung Und Das Offene Nach Wittgenstein. Akademie Verlag. pp. 7-10.
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    Kants Lehre vom Apriori in ihrem Verhältnis zu Darwins Evolutionstheorie.Matthias und Sabine Kuhle - 2003 - Kant Studien 94 (2):220-239.
    According to Kant our cognitive capacities result from synthetic functions _a priori, forming a complete and invariable system implemented into the human mind. From a Darwinian perspective such capacities are to be understood as genetic traits favored by selection, thus they are the variable components of contingent systems only. Kant intermingles two kinds of apriority: (1) Apriority as a result of inborn traits--judgments on this ground have only probability, not necessity; (2) Apriority as a result of the intentional construction of (...)
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    Person: anthropologische, phänomenologische und analytische Perspektiven.Inga Römer & Matthias Wunsch (eds.) - 2013 - Münster: Mentis.
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    Naturalismus als Paradigma.Ludger Honnefelder & Matthias C. Schmidt (eds.) - 2007 - Berlin University Press.
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    Friedrich Ueberwegs Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie: Friedrich Ueberwegs Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie der patristischen und scholastischen Zeit.Friedrich Ueberweg & Matthias Baumgarten - 1898 - E. S. Mittler.
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    Immanuel Kant 1724-2024: ein europäischer Denker.Volker Gerhardt, Matthias Weber & Maja Schepelmann (eds.) - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
    Am 22. April 2024 jährt sich der Geburtstag von Immanuel Kant zum dreihundertsten Mal. Der Philosoph aus Königsberg, dem heutigen Kaliningrad, hat weit über seine Zeit und auch über Europa hinaus die neuzeitliche Philosophie sowie epistemische, ethische, rechtliche und humane Vorstellungen in vielen Gesellschaften und Kulturen geprägt. Von der großen Wertschätzung Kants zeugt die anhaltende weltweite Auseinandersetzung mit seinem Werk. Dieses Buch behandelt Leben, Werk und Wirkung Kants. Mit einer Fülle an Abbildungen legt der Band zugleich einen Akzent auf den (...)
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    ... Our Fate as a Living Corpse..Hannah Abdullah & Matthias Benzer - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (2):69-93.
    In this interview, Boris Groys discusses his key cultural-theoretical ideas, positions his thought in relation to debates on the cultural economy and clarifies questions emerging from his work. The conversation focuses on his untranslated cultural-theoretical contributions, notably Über das Neue [On the New] and Topologie der Kunst [Topology of Art], but also touches on his writings available in English, for example Art Power. The interview contains three sections. The first revisits Groys’s challenge to the postmodern claim about the end of (...)
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  28. Edited volumes-die ungewisse evidenz. Fur eine kulturgeschichte Des beweises.Gary Smith & Matthias Kross - 1999 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 21 (2):246-246.
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    Singularität und Universalität im Denken des Cusanus: Beiträge der 5. Jungcusanertagung 11.-13. Oktober 2012.Christian Ströbele, Matthias Simperl & Alex Spieth (eds.) - 2015 - Regensburg: S. Roderer Verlag.
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    Plato: der Kampf ums Sein.Hans Matthias Wolff - 1957 - Bern: Francke.
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  31. Vico oggi: natura umana, linguaggio e società in cambiamento = Vico Heute: Menschliche Natur, Sprache und Gesellschaft im Wandel.Romana Bassi, Matthias Kaufmann & Fabrizio Lomonaco (eds.) - 2024 - Roma: Aracne.
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  32. Ensuring Transparency-Migrating a Closed Software Development to an Open Source Software Project.Wolf-Gideon Bleek & Matthias Finck - 2005 - Iris 28:6-9.
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    Kleine Scriften: zur Vollendung seines 80. Lebensjahres am 27. August 1965.Heinrich Hempel & Heinrich Matthias Heinrichs - 1966 - C. Winter.
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    Technikethik und Wirtschaftsethik: Fragen der praktischen Philosophie.Hans Lenk & Matthias Maring (eds.) - 1998 - Opladen: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  35. La amenaza de la violencia y de una nueva fuerza militar como desafío al derecho público internacional.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2009 - In Immanuel Kant, Granja Castro, Dulce María, Gustavo Leyva & James Bohman (eds.), Cosmopolitismo: democracia en la era de la globalización. México [D.F.]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humandidades. pp. 161--180.
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  36. Souveränitätsprinzip und Demokratie: Überlegungen zur Transformation der Staatenwelt im Anschluss an Kant.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 1999 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 106 (2):334-356.
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  37. Una introducción a la "Idea para una Historia Universal desde un punto de vista cosmopolita" de Kant (1784).Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2023 - In Gustavo Leyva (ed.), Immanuel Kant. Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  38. Editors' Introduction: Onmyōdō in Japanese History.Hayashi Makoto & Matthias Hayek - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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    Philosophen zwischen Reichtum und Armut – Sozialer Status und asketischer Anspruch bei Eunapios aus Sardes.Matthias Becker - 2012 - Millennium 9 (1):123-144.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Millennium Jahrgang: 9 Heft: 1 Seiten: 123-144.
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    Der Religionsbegriff in Hegels "Phänomenologie des Geistes".Matthias Häussler - 2008 - Freiburg ; München: Karl Alber.
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    Anarchie éclairée: une introduction à la philosophie politique.Matthias Kaufmann - 2011 - Paris: l'Harmattan.
    Après que le stalinisme nous a dépouillés de quelques utopies et que le capitalisme, dégagé de toute entrave, a définitivement montré son caractère inhumain, l'anarchisme s'avère attrayant, en ce qu'il tente de combiner les ...
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  42. Réflexions Sur Nos Réflexions Sur Nous-Mêmes Conférence En Mémoire de F.M. Alexander Par Devant la Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, 27th Octobre, 1984.David Gorman & F. Matthias Alexander - 2000
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  43. Verantwortung und soziale Fallen.Hans Lenk & Matthias Maring - 1990 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 1 (1):49.
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  44. Freiheitsgeschichte und Theologie.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 1980 - Philosophische Rundschau 27:253.
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  45. Religion nach der Religionskritik.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 2002 - Theologie Und Philosophie 77 (3).
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    Visiting professors from abroad, 1999-2000.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (1):261-267.
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    Wissenschaftstheorie und Ethik-Diskussion bei Hans Albert: e. Beitr. zur gegenwärtigen Debatte über d. Grundwerte in d. pluralist. Gesellschaft.Georg-Matthias Mojse - 1979 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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    Betr., Piaget, Philosophie oder Psychologie: Idee u. Grenzen d. genet. Epistemologie von Jean Piaget: e. erkenntnistheoret. Kritik.Günter Matthias Tripp - 1978 - Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein.
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    The Sociology of Theodor Adorno.Matthias Benzer - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Theodor Adorno is a widely-studied figure, but most often with regard to his work on cultural theory, philosophy and aesthetics. The Sociology of Theodor Adorno provides the first thorough English-language account of Adorno's sociological thinking. Matthias Benzer reads Adorno's sociology through six major themes: the problem of conceptualising capitalist society; empirical research; theoretical analysis; social critique; the sociological text; and the question of the non-social. Benzer explains the methodological and theoretical ideas informing Adorno's reflections on sociology and illustrates Adorno's (...)
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  50. Wolfgang Edelstein Matthias Grundmann Alexandra Mies.Matthias Grundmann - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 348.
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