Results for 'Matthias Häussler'

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  1. The Analysis of Knowledge.Jonathan Ichikawa & Matthias Steup - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  2. A Tale of Two (and More) Models of Rights of Nature.Matthias Kramm - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
    In our contemporary world, the rights of nature have become an important legal device for environmental protection. Some of the most influential rights of nature frameworks can be found in non-Western contexts and have been strongly influenced by ecocentric accounts of nature. This article addresses the question of whether rights of nature can be implemented in Western contexts as well, focusing in particular on Europe. It first examines ecocentric justifications of the rights of nature and discusses two possible non-ecocentric alternatives. (...)
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  3. When physical systems realize functions.Matthias Scheutz - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (2):161-196.
    After briefly discussing the relevance of the notions computation and implementation for cognitive science, I summarize some of the problems that have been found in their most common interpretations. In particular, I argue that standard notions of computation together with a state-to-state correspondence view of implementation cannot overcome difficulties posed by Putnam's Realization Theorem and that, therefore, a different approach to implementation is required. The notion realization of a function, developed out of physical theories, is then introduced as a replacement (...)
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    Limits to wealth in the history of Western philosophy.Matthias Kramm & Ingrid Robeyns - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (4):954-969.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Reine rechtslehre; einleitung in die rechtswissenschaftliche problematik.Hans Kelsen & Matthias Jestaedt - 1934 - Leipzig und Wien,: F. Deuticke.
    Kelsen's 'Pure theory of law' was first presented in his fundamental work Hauptprobleme des Staatsrechtlehre (1911) and continued in both editions of Reine Rechtslehre (1934, 1958). Historically, it has a certain relation to John Austin's 'analytical jurisprudence', although Kelsen became acquainted with Austin's work for the first time in 1940. The 'pure theory of law' is a formal-logical analysis of law, considered as a system of norms, based philosophically on the strict distinction between 'is' and 'ought'. It is a normative (...)
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  6. Phänomenologie der Normativität.Matthias Schloßberger - 2019
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  7. Freedom to Roam.Matthias Brinkmann - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 21 (2):209-233.
    Some European countries legally recognise a “right to roam”—a right to freely traverse across land, even if privately owned. Political philosophers have paid little attention to the right, and have often conceptualised property rights to include strong claim-rights to exclude others. I offer an account of the right to roam, and consider whether it can be philosophically justified on a left-liberal account of property. After finding a defence in terms of the interests served by the right lacking, I suggest that (...)
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    Identity and the Cognitive Value of Logical Equations in Frege’s Foundational Project.Matthias Schirn - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (4):495-544.
    In this article, I first analyze and assess the epistemological and semantic status of canonical value-range equations in the formal language of Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik. I subsequently scrutinize the relation between (a) his informal, metalinguistic stipulation in Grundgesetze I, Section 3, and (b) its formal counterpart, which is Basic Law V. One point I argue for is that the stipulation in Section 3 was designed not only to fix the references of value-range names, but that it was probably also (...)
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    Estimating Systemic Cognitive States from a Mixture of Physiological and Brain Signals.Matthias Scheutz, Shuchin Aeron, Ayca Aygun, J. P. de Ruiter, Sergio Fantini, Cristianne Fernandez, Zachary Haga, Thuan Nguyen & Boyang Lyu - 2024 - Topics in Cognitive Science 16 (3):485-526.
    As human–machine teams are being considered for a variety of mixed-initiative tasks, detecting and being responsive to human cognitive states, in particular systematic cognitive states, is among the most critical capabilities for artificial systems to ensure smooth interactions with humans and high overall team performance. Various human physiological parameters, such as heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance, as well as brain activity inferred from functional near-infrared spectroscopy or electroencephalogram, have been linked to different systemic cognitive states, such (...)
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    ... Our Fate as a Living Corpse..Hannah Abdullah & Matthias Benzer - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (2):69-93.
    In this interview, Boris Groys discusses his key cultural-theoretical ideas, positions his thought in relation to debates on the cultural economy and clarifies questions emerging from his work. The conversation focuses on his untranslated cultural-theoretical contributions, notably Über das Neue [On the New] and Topologie der Kunst [Topology of Art], but also touches on his writings available in English, for example Art Power. The interview contains three sections. The first revisits Groys’s challenge to the postmodern claim about the end of (...)
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    Intercultural Philosophy and Environmental Justice between Generations: Indigenous, African, Asian, and Western Perspectives.Hiroshi Abe, Matthias Fritsch & Mario Wenning (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The primary objective of this anthology is to make intergenerational justice an issue for intercultural philosophy, and, conversely, to allow the latter to enrich the former. In times of large-scale environmental destabilization, fair- ness between generations is an urgent issue of justice across time, but it is also a global issue of justice across geographical and nation-state borders. This means that the future generations envisioned by the currently living also cross these borders. Thus, different philosophical cultures and traditions of thought (...)
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    Der souveräne Nationalstaat: das politische Denken Raymond Arons.Tobias Bevc & Matthias Oppermann (eds.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Raymond Aron (1905-1983) gehört unzweifelhaft zu den grossen politischen Denkern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Als Professor fuer politische Soziologie an der Sorbonne hat er die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts ebenso begleitet und kommentiert wie als Leitartikler fuer die Tageszeitung Le Figaro oder das Nachrichtenmagazin L'Express. Er verband auf vorbildliche Weise die Rolle des politischen Beobachters mit derjenigen des Gelehrten, dessen Werk - trotz seiner Verankerung in der eigenen Zeit - bis heute nichts von seiner Bedeutung und Strahlkraft eingebuesst hat. Obwohl Aron (...)
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    Auferstehung des Leibes - Unsterblichkeit der Seele.Godehard Brüntrup, Matthias Rugel & Maria Schwartz (eds.) - 2010 - Kohlhammer Verlag.
    Ein zentrales Thema des christlichen Glaubens wird in diesem Textbuch von fuhrenden zeitgenossischen Philosophen und Philosophinnen beleuchtet. In systematischer Anordnung werden neben deutschsprachigen "Klassikern" und neuen Originaltexten auch einige der einflussreichsten Autoren der angelsachsischen Debatte in Ubersetzung zuganglich gemacht. Auch diese von der analytischen Philosophie gepragten Texte wurden teilweise eigens fur diesen Band geschrieben oder uberarbeitet. Die Auseinandersetzungen im kontinentaleuropaischen protestantischen und katholischen Denken um Seele, Unsterblichkeit und leibliche Auferstehung in der Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts werden hier auf lebendige und (...)
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    Naturalismus als Paradigma.Ludger Honnefelder & Matthias C. Schmidt (eds.) - 2007 - Berlin University Press.
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    Plato: der Kampf ums Sein.Hans Matthias Wolff - 1957 - Bern: Francke.
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  16. Der Protestantismus des 17. Jahrhunderts.Winfried Zeller & Christel Matthias Schröder - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (3):384-384.
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    Frege on the introduction of real and complex numbers by abstraction and cross-sortal identity claims.Matthias Schirn - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-18.
    In this article, I try to shed new light on Frege’s envisaged definitional introduction of real and complex numbers in _Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik_ (1884) and the status of cross-sortal identity claims with side glances at _Grundgesetze der Arithmetik_ (vol. I 1893, vol. II 1903). As far as I can see, this topic has not yet been discussed in the context of _Grundlagen_. I show why Frege’s strategy in the case of the projected definitions of real and complex numbers in (...)
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  18.  22
    Ein Analyseraster für Traditionskonzeptionen.Matthias Kramm - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 76 (1):100-115.
    Tradition is a complex phenomenon of which we can find a multiplicity of conceptualizations in the philosophical, sociological, anthropological, and economic literature. In this paper, I offer both a critical and a constructive contribution to answering the question of how tradition should be conceptualized. In the critical part, I argue against attempts to construct a unified conception of tradition. In the constructive part, I discuss three taxonomies proposed in the literature and then develop an analytical grid for conceptions of tradition (...)
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    The dark triad and corporate sustainability: An empirical analysis of personality traits of sustainability managers.Matthias Pelster & Stefan Schaltegger - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (1):80-99.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Die Ungewisse Evidenz: Für Eine Kulturgeschichte des Beweises.Matthias Kroß & Gary Smith (eds.) - 1998 - De Gruyter.
    Die Beiträge dieses Bandes befassen sich mit den folgenden Themen: Arnold Davidson: Das Geschlecht und das Auftauchen der Sexualität, Lorraine Daston: Wunder und Beweis im frühneuzeitlichen Europa, Matthias Kroß: Klarheit/Wahrheit, Avishai Margalit: Die Ethik von Hintergrundüberzeugungen, Francoise Meltzer: der Diskurs der Jungfräulichkeit oder Von der Geschlechtlichkeit des Heiligen.
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    Für das Sagbare: Ein Plädoyer für das Ethos des Erzählens im Angesicht von Gewalt und Unrecht.Matthias Käser - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Menschen bedürfen des Zeugnisses der Anderen, um sich zu vergewissern, was und wer sie sind oder was und wozu sie denken, reden und handeln - soweit eine gemeinhin unstrittige These. Doch gilt dies auch für die Zeug*innenschaft an Orten und in Momenten, in denen Menschen Opfer von extremem Unrecht, massiver Gewalt, Hass oder Diskriminierung werden? Lässt sich das Unsagbare eigentlich bezeugen? Matthias Käser plädiert mithilfe interdisziplinärer Zeug*innenschaftsdiskurse gegen das Unbeschreibliche und für das Ethos des Erzählens. Er zeigt auf, dass (...)
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  22. Medieval Representations of Change and Their Early Modern Application.Matthias Schemmel - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (1):11-34.
    The article investigates the role of symbolic means of knowledge representation in concept development using the historical example of medieval diagrams of change employed in early modern work on the motion of fall. The parallel cases of Galileo Galilei, Thomas Harriot, and René Descartes and Isaac Beeckman are discussed. It is argued that the similarities concerning the achievements as well as the shortcomings of their respective work on the motion of fall can to a large extent be attributed to their (...)
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  23. (1 other version)The Philosophy of Mathematics Today: Papers From a Conference Held in Munich From June 28 to July 4,1993.Matthias Schirn (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.
    The Philosophy of Mathematics Today gives a panorama of the best current work in this lively field, through twenty essays specially written for this collection by leading figures. The topics include indeterminacy, logical consequence, mathematical methodology, abstraction, and both Hilbert's and Frege's foundational programmes. The collection will be an important source for research in the philosophy of mathematics for years to come. Contributors Paul Benacerraf, George Boolos, John P. Burgess, Charles S. Chihara, Michael Detlefsen, Michael Dummett, Hartry Field, Kit Fine, (...)
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    Immanuel Kant 1724-2024: ein europäischer Denker.Volker Gerhardt, Matthias Weber & Maja Schepelmann (eds.) - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
    Am 22. April 2024 jährt sich der Geburtstag von Immanuel Kant zum dreihundertsten Mal. Der Philosoph aus Königsberg, dem heutigen Kaliningrad, hat weit über seine Zeit und auch über Europa hinaus die neuzeitliche Philosophie sowie epistemische, ethische, rechtliche und humane Vorstellungen in vielen Gesellschaften und Kulturen geprägt. Von der großen Wertschätzung Kants zeugt die anhaltende weltweite Auseinandersetzung mit seinem Werk. Dieses Buch behandelt Leben, Werk und Wirkung Kants. Mit einer Fülle an Abbildungen legt der Band zugleich einen Akzent auf den (...)
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    The semantics of value-range names and frege’s proof of referentiality.Matthias Schirn - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (2):224-278.
    In this article, I try to shed some new light onGrundgesetze§10, §29–§31 with special emphasis on Frege’s criteria and proof of referentiality and his treatment of the semantics of canonical value-range names. I begin by arguing against the claim, recently defended by several Frege scholars, that the first-order domain inGrundgesetzeis restricted to value-ranges, but conclude that there is an irresolvable tension in Frege’s view. The tension has a direct impact on the semantics of the concept-script, not least on the semantics (...)
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    Science studies: probing the dynamics of scientific knowledge.Sabine Maasen & Matthias Winterhager (eds.) - 2001 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    How can we understand the intensifying interactions of science and society? The answers are found in part in the interdisciplinary field called science studies. This field provides us with a rich inventory of analytical approaches. It helps us explore science as a practice, a subsystem, a culture, and an institution. Its observation is that science today is part and parcel of what has come to be known as "knowledge society." Nine exemplary studies that inquire into, or are themselves examples of (...)
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    On the Sources of Critique in Heidegger and Derrida.Matthias Fritsch - 2021 - Puncta. Journal of Critical Phenomenology 4 (2):63-88.
    Seeking to contribute to the recent emergence of critical phenomenology by clarifying the relation between ontology and ethics, this article offers a new account of the sources of normativity in the context of Heidegger’s critique of technological enframing (Gestell) and Derrida’s political philosophy. I distinguish three levels of normativity in Heidegger and show how moving between the levels permits the critical deployment of the affirmation (Zusage) in response to being’s address. On this view, not only are humans constitutively claimed by (...)
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    Frege on Identity and Identity Statements: 1884/1903.Matthias Schirn - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-22.
    In this essay, I first solve solve a conundrum and then deal with criteria of identity, Leibniz's definition of identity and Frege's adoption of it in his (failed) attempt to define the cardinality operator contextually in terms of Hume's Principle in Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik. I argue that Frege could have omitted the intermediate step of tentatively defining the cardinality operator in the context of an equation of the form ‘NxF(x) = NxG(x)'. Frege considers Leibniz's definition of identity to be (...)
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    The Artist as Subject of Pure Cognition.Matthias Kossler - 2011 - In Bart Vandenabeele (ed.), A Companion to Schopenhauer. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 193–205.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Pure Subject of Cognition The Artist as Pure Subject of Cognition Notes References Further Reading.
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    On the Nature, Status, and Proof of Hume’s Principle in Frege’s Logicist Project.Matthias Schirn - 2016 - In Sorin Costreie (ed.), Early Analytic Philosophy – New Perspectives on the Tradition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Sections “Introduction: Hume’s Principle, Basic Law V and Cardinal Arithmetic” and “The Julius Caesar Problem in Grundlagen—A Brief Characterization” are peparatory. In Section “Analyticity”, I consider the options that Frege might have had to establish the analyticity of Hume’s Principle, bearing in mind that with its analytic or non-analytic status the intended logical foundation of cardinal arithmetic stands or falls. Section “Thought Identity and Hume’s Principle” is concerned with the two criteria of thought identity that Frege states in 1906 and (...)
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  31. (1 other version)The Principles of Morals.John Matthias Wilson & Thomas Fowler - 1887 - Mind 12 (48):589-596.
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    Kants Theorie der geometrischen Erkenntnis und die nichteuklidische Geometrie.Matthias Schirn - 1991 - Kant Studien 82 (1):1-28.
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    Die eine Vernunft und die vielen Rationalitäten.Karl-Otto Apel & Matthias Kettner (eds.) - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Die Debatte über Inhalt, Begründung und Tragfähigkeit eines universalistischen Begriffs von Vernunft wird zunehmend zur zentralen Debatte der Philosophie. Hat die Tradition des ”okzidentalen Rationalismus“ (Max Weber) den Vernunftbegriff lediglich intern differenziert - in ”theoretische“ und ”praktische“ Vernunft (Kant), in ”Verstand“ und ”Vernunft“ (Hegel), in ”Zweckrationalität“ und ”Wertrationalität“ (Weber) -, so wurde im Lichte der Erfahrung zweier Weltkriege in diesem Jahrhundert mit der Kritik an der Irrationalität einer verselbständigten ”instrumentellen“ Vernunft (Horkheimer/Adorno) eine Dialektik skeptisch reflektiert die heute im Zeichen einer (...)
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  34. How to Heckle Swinburne on God and Time.Benedikt Paul Göcke, Matthias Hoesch & Peter Rohs - 2008 - In Nicola Mößner, Sebastian Schmoranzer & Christian Weidemann (eds.), Richard Swinburne: Christian Philosophy in a Modern World. ontos.
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  35. The Genesis of General Relativity, Volume 3.Jürgen Renn & Matthias Schemmel (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
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  36. Imagination and its role in understanding the experiences of others.Gerson Reuter & Matthias Vogel - 2024 - In Íngrid Vendrell Ferran & Christiana Werner (eds.), Imagination and Experience: Philosophical Explorations. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Four epistemic reasons to consult religious traditions.Matthias Kramm - 2023 - Constellations 31 (1):85-97.
    In this paper, I investigate whether there are nonreligious, epistemic reasons that could justify consulting religious traditions. In this way, I supplement the ongoing debate on the value of tradition, which has focused mostly on practical values for maintaining traditions, with an examination of epistemic reasons for consulting traditions. To do so, I focus on the problem-solving aspect of religious traditions and their epistemic resources. I discuss whether consulting traditions of religious wisdom, religious practical knowledge, religious institutions, or religious rationalities (...)
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  38. Connecting Information with Scientific Method: Darwin’s Significance for Epistemology.Matthias Kuhle & Sabine Kuhle - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (2):333-357.
    Theories of epistemology make reference—via the perspective of an observer—to the structure of information transfer, which generates reality, of which the observer himself forms a part. It can be shown that any epistemological approach which implies the participation of tautological structural elements in the information transfer necessarily leads to an antinomy. Nevertheless, since the time of Aristotle the paradigm of mathematics—and thus tautological structure—has always been a hidden ingredient in the various concepts of knowledge acquisition or general theories of information (...)
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    „Der Gipfel der Aufklärung“: Aufklärung und Besonnenheit beim jungen Schopenhauer.Matthias Kossler - 2006 - In Konstantin Broese, Andreas Hütig, Oliver Immel & Renate Reschke (eds.), Vernunft der Aufklärung - Aufklärung der Vernunft. Akademie Verlag. pp. 207-216.
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    „das Leben Ist Nur Ein Spiegel“ – Schopenhauers Kritischer Lebensbegriff.Matthias Kossler - 2012 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 11 (2):2-15.
    Schopenhauer gilt als Vorreiter oder erster Vertreter der Lebensphilosophie, wie sie später von Dilthey, Nietzsche, Bergson und anderen entfaltet wurde. Im Unterschied zur klassischen Lebensphilosophie und zu den an sie anknüpfenden ethischen Entwürfen wird das Leben bei Schopenhauer aber nicht als Zweck betrachtet, sondern als Mittel zu einem anderen Zweck, nämlich für die Ethik, die in der Verneinung des Willens zum Leben gipfelt. Schon in den frühesten handschriftlichen Aufzeichnungen verwendet Schopenhauer verschiedene Metaphern, um das Leben als Medium der ethischen Erkenntnis (...)
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  41. Der transzendentale Schein in den Paralogismen der reinen Vernunft nach der ersten Auflage der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Matthias Kossler - 1999 - Kant Studien 90 (1):1-22.
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    Abtreibung und§ 218 StGB – Zur rechtspolitischen Diskussion der Neuregelung des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs.Matthias Krahl - 1992 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 36 (1):144-156.
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    Gespachtelter Zufall: Gustave Courbet und die Messermalerei.Matthias Krüger - 2012 - In Gespachtelter Zufall: Gustave Courbet und die Messermalerei. pp. 109-127.
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    Medienphilosophie als ethisches Projekt? Vilém Flussers Wittgenstein.Matthias Kross - 2008 - In Herbert Hrachovec & Alois Pichler (eds.), Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information: Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2007. De Gruyter. pp. 23-36.
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    Philosophieren in Beispielen. Wittgensteins Umdenken des Allgemeinen.Matthias Kroß - 1999 - In Hans Julius Schneider & Matthias Kross (eds.), Mit Sprache Spielen: Die Ordnung Und Das Offene Nach Wittgenstein. Akademie Verlag. pp. 169-188.
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    Vorwort.Matthias Kroß & Hans Julius Schneider - 1999 - In Hans Julius Schneider & Matthias Kross (eds.), Mit Sprache Spielen: Die Ordnung Und Das Offene Nach Wittgenstein. Akademie Verlag. pp. 7-10.
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    Von Umgangskörpern, Vertikalspannungen, Responsivität und Musikphilosophie Ludwig Wittgenstein im Spiegel neuerer Literatur.Matthias Kroß - 2012 - Philosophische Rundschau 59 (3):197.
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    “Wahlverwandtschaft”: Literary and Philosophical Imagination in Wittgenstein and Sterne.Matthias Kroß - 2017 - In Anja Weiberg & Stefan Majetschak (eds.), Aesthetics Today: Contemporary Approaches to the Aesthetics of Nature and of Arts. Proceedings of the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 319-330.
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    Kants Lehre vom Apriori in ihrem Verhältnis zu Darwins Evolutionstheorie.Matthias und Sabine Kuhle - 2003 - Kant Studien 94 (2):220-239.
    According to Kant our cognitive capacities result from synthetic functions _a priori, forming a complete and invariable system implemented into the human mind. From a Darwinian perspective such capacities are to be understood as genetic traits favored by selection, thus they are the variable components of contingent systems only. Kant intermingles two kinds of apriority: (1) Apriority as a result of inborn traits--judgments on this ground have only probability, not necessity; (2) Apriority as a result of the intentional construction of (...)
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  50. Wege zur Gelassenheit in der Philosophie Schopenhauers.Matthias Koßler - 2009 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:99-116.
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