Results for 'Matisse, Henri'

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  1.  30
    Henri matisse. Apuntes de un pintor.François Fédier & Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:287-302.
    Resumen En la crítica del Cantar de los Cantares no hay acuerdo acerca del problema estructural del libro. Las teorías se dividen en aquellas que abogan por un carácter fragmentario contra otras que ven un carácter unitario de los poemas. El estudio intenta revisar esta problemática y proponer que el Cantar de los Cantares es una colección de poemas sueltos que un redactor/recopilador juntó e intentó poner en cierto orden, incorporando el conjuro de 2,7; 3,5; 5,8; 8,4 como estribillo con (...)
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    The Beauty of Henri Matisse.David Carrier - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 80-87 [Access article in PDF] The Beauty of Henri Matisse David Carrier Because beauty has for a long time now been politically incorrect (at least among certain influential critics and academic historians) the art of Henri Matisse has recently suffered from a kind of benign neglect. His goals were luxury, calm, and voluptuousness, not social critique. He painted female nudes, (...)
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  3. Henri Matisse, view from the window.A. Beyaert - 2002 - Semiotica 141 (1-4):99-110.
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    Henri Matisse, autour de la fenêtre.Anne Beyaert - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (141).
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    'Henri matisse'la danse'. Zur semantik der oberflaeche in der malerei der moderne (matisse's' la danse': On the semantics of the surface in modern painting).Otten Holger - 2008 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 45 (2).
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    « Cette danse, je l’avais en moi depuis longtemps ». À propos d’Henri Matisse.Joaquim Hernandez-Dispaux - 2022 - Noesis 37:29-39.
    Cet article tente d’analyser les rapports de d’Henri Matisse à la danse. Si celle-ci fut l’objet de nombreuses de ses œuvres, elle se présente aussi comme une méthode qui participe de son processus de création.
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    Bergsonianism: An Intellectual Context for Henri Matisse.Catherine Lever - 2002
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  8. Interpretationsvorschläge: Paul Klee, Henri Matisse, Caspar David Friedrich, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gustav Mahler, Antonio Vivaldi, Franz Liszt, Maurice Ravel, Guillaume de Machaut.Rudolf Heinz - 1976 - Herrenberg: Musikverlag G. F. Döring.
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    Matisse begegnet Bergson: Reflexionen zu Kunst und Philosophie.Lorenz Dittmann - 2008 - Köln: Böhlau. Edited by Henri Matisse & Henri Bergson.
    Im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts ubte Henri Bergson insbesondere in Frankreich grossen Einfluss auf Philosophie, Wissenschaft und Literatur aus. Auch Henri Matisse, der den Philosophen zwar nie personlich traf, kannte dessen Gedankengut. Bereits 1908 tauchen in denSchriften Matisse' Formulierungen wie Tiefe des Gedankens, Verdichtung der Empfindungen, wesentlicher Charakter, dauerhaftere Interpretation auf, die allein durch die Philosophie Bergsons umfassend erlautert und begrundet werden konnen.Bei beiden sind Aspekte wie Intuition, Instinkt, Identifikation, Dauer, Entwicklung, Leben, Schopfung zentrale Gesichtspunkte. In der (...)
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    Light and Silence in Matisse's Art: Listening to the Spirit.Angelo Caranfa - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 48 (1):76-89.
    The artist or the poet possesses an interior light which transforms objects to make a new world of them—sensitive, organized, a living world which is in itself an infallible sign of the Divinity, a reflection of Divinity. For me now, silence and isolation are useful. Only superficial painters need fear them. If education has for its object the integral development or growth of the human self, then it should cultivate not only the faculties of the body and the mind but (...)
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    Against Affective Formalism: Matisse, Bergson, Modernism.Todd Cronan - 2013 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    For nearly fifty years the humanities have been confined by a series of critiques: of the subject, of representation, of the visual, of modernism, of autonomy, of intention, of art itself. In their place various “materialities” have appeared: signs, identities, bodies, history, and works. _Against Affective Formalism_ challenges these orthodoxies. “What I am after, above all, is expression,” Henri Matisse declared. Matisse believed that through the careful arrangement of line and color he could transmit his feelings directly to the (...)
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    Medieval thought, modern physics, and the physical world.Henri Marc Yaker - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (2):144-153.
    Scholasticism, with its intense rational method and its fervent intellectual spirit, virtually disappeared from the general consideration of Natural Philosophy at the coming of the Reformation and the subsequent Newtonian Revolution. Only in this century has it seemed to merit any reconsideration.
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  13. (1 other version)Creative evolution.Henri Bergson (ed.) - 1937 - New York,: The Modern library.
    Henri Bergson (1859-1941) is one of the truly great philosophers of the modernist period, and there is currently a major renaissance of interest in his unduly neglected texts and ideas amongst philosophers, literary theorists, and social theorists. Creative Evolution (1907) is the text that made Bergson world-famous in his own lifetime; in it Bergson responds to the challenge presented to our habits of thought by modern evolutionary theory, and attempts to show that the theory of knowledge must have its (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Science and hypothesis.Henri Poincaré - 1905 - New York,: Scott. Edited by W. J. Greenstreet & Joseph Larmor.
    1. Number and magnitude.--2. Space.--3. Force.--4. Nature.
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    (2 other versions)Matter and Memory.Henri Bergson - 1894 - New York,: The Macmillan co.. Edited by Paul, Nancy Margaret, [From Old Catalog], Palmer & William Scott.
    One of the major works of an important modem philosopher, Matter and Memory investigates the autonomous yet interconnected planes formed by matter and perception on the one hand and memory and time on the other. Henry Bergson (1859-1941) was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1927. His works include Time and Free Will, An Introduction to Metaphysics, Creative Evolution, and The Creative Mind.
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  16. (1 other version)Science and method.Henri Poincaré - 1914 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by Francis Maitland.
    " Vivid . . . immense clarity . . . the product of a brilliant and extremely forceful intellect." — Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service "Still a sheer joy to read." — Mathematical Gazette "Should be read by any student, teacher or researcher in mathematics." — Mathematics Teacher The originator of algebraic topology and of the theory of analytic functions of several complex variables, Henri Poincare (1854–1912) excelled at explaining the complexities of scientific and mathematical ideas to (...)
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  17. Time and free will.Henri Bergson - 1910 - New York,: Humanities Press. Edited by Frank Lubecki Pogson.
  18.  9
    Distraction.Damon Young - 2010 - Routledge.
    Most of us struggle with distraction every day: the familiar feeling that our attention is not quite where it should be. We feel it at work and at home and it can be frustrating and uncomfortable. But what is distraction? In his lucid, timely book, Damon Young shows that distraction is more than too many stimuli, or too little attention. It is actually a matter of value - to be distracted is to be torn away from what is worthwhile in (...)
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    The value of science.Henri Poincaré - 1907 - New York,: Dover Publications. Edited by George Bruce Halsted.
    THE VALUE OF SCIENCE INTRODUCTION The search for truth should be the goal of our activities; it is the sole end worthy of them. Doubtless we should first bend our efforts to assuage human suffering, but why ? Not to suffer is a negative ...
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    (1 other version)Matter and Memory.Henri Bergson - 1911 - The Monist 21:318.
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    Becoming John Dewey: Dilemmas of a Philosopher and Naturalist.Thomas Carlyle Dalton - 2002 - Indiana University Press.
    As one of America’s "public intellectuals," John Dewey was engaged in a lifelong struggle to understand the human mind and the nature of human inquiry. According to Thomas C. Dalton, the successful pursuit of this mission demanded that Dewey become more than just a philosopher; it compelled him to become thoroughly familiar with the theories and methods of physics, psychology, and neurosciences, as well as become engaged in educational and social reform. Tapping archival sources and Dewey’s extensive correspondence, Dalton reveals (...)
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    Bergson dans l'histoire de la pensée occidentale.Henri Gouhier - 1989 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    LA. CREATION. COMME. DONNEE. DE. L'EXPÉRIENCE. Dans un «coup d'œil», comme dirait Bergson1, sur l'histoire de la pensée occidentale, nous avons distingué deux traditions, l'une d'origine gréco-latine, l'autre d'origine judéo- ...
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    Schöpferische Entwicklung.Henri Bergson & Gertrud Kantorowicz - 2023 - BookRix.
    Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Lebens in all ihrer Lückenhaftigkeit läßt doch schon ersehen, wie sich der Intellekt kraft ununterbrochenen Fortschritts in aufsteigender Linie, über die Reihe der Wirbeltiere hin bis zum Menschen, herausgebildet hat. Sie zeigt uns in der Fähigkeit des Verstehens einen Ausläufer der Fähigkeit des Handelns, eine immer schärfere, immer mehrgliedrigere, immer geschmeidigere Anpassung des Lebewesens an die gegebenen Existenzbedingungen. Woraus zu folgern wäre, daß unser Intellekt im engeren Sinn des Worts dazu bestimmt sei, die vollkommene Verwebung unseres Körpers (...)
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    (1 other version)La pensée et le mouvant.Henri Bergson - 1934 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    HENRI BERGSON (1859-1941), philosophe français, professeur au Collège de France de 1900 jusqu´à 1921, récompensé avec le prix Nobel de littérature en 1928. Ses oeuvres majeures, écrites avec un style parfaitement accessible au lecteur non spécialisé, sont : « Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience » (1889), « Matière et mémoire » (1896), « L´évolution créatrice » (1907) et « Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion » (1932). Dans ces études, Bergson élabore une (...)
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  25.  35
    Ownership of Genetic Data: Between Universalism and Contextualism?Henri-Corto Stoeklé & Christian Hervé - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):75-77.
    The article by Dupras and Bunnik. makes a fundamental contribution in the context of the current boom in personalized medicine. We propose an additional crit...
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  26. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 23.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 1995 - Routledge.
    Volume 23 of _The Annual of Psychoanalysis _departs from its predecessors in offering three lengthy studies of unususal interest. Fred Levin's three-part examination of psychoanalysis and knowledge is a simulating, timely effort to relate "a psychoanalyst's thinking about knowledge" to both the clinical situation and what is now known about learning, memory, and knowledge formation in the neurosciences. The late Roy R. Grinker, Sr.'s history of analysis in Chicago was solicited by _The Annual_ in 1975 but declined for publication at (...)
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    (2 other versions)An introduction to metaphysics.Henri Bergson - 1913 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by T. E. Hulme, John Mullarkey & Michael Kolkman.
    "With its signal distinction between 'intuition' and 'analysis' and its exploration of the different levels of Duration, _An Introduction to Metaphysics_ has had a significant impact on subsequent twentieth century thought. The arts, from post-impressionist painting to the stream of consciousness novel, and philosophies as diverse as pragmatism, process philosophy, and existentialism bear its imprint. Consigned for a while to the margins of philosophy, Bergson’s thought is making its way back to the mainstream. The reissue of this important work comes (...)
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    (2 other versions)COVID-19: Act First, Think Later.Henri-Corto Stoeklé & Christian Hervé - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):W1-W1.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page W1-W1.
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  29. (1 other version)Friedrich Nietzsche, aphorismes et fragments choisis, 1 vol.Henri Lichtenberger - 1899 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 7 (5):5-5.
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  30. (2 other versions)La philosophie de Nietzsche. 1 vol.Henri Lichtenberger - 1898 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 6 (2):2-3.
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    Correspondence 1925-1935.Henri Lonitz & Wieland Hoban (eds.) - 2005 - Polity.
    In December 1945 Thomas Mann wrote a famous letter to Adorno in which he formulated the principle of montage adopted in his novel Doctor Faustus. The writer expressly invited the philosopher to 'consider, with me, how such a work - and I mean Leverkuhn's work - could more or less be practically realized'. Their close collaboration on questions concerning the character of the fictional composer's putatively late works effectively laid the basis for a further exchange of letters. The ensuing correspondence (...)
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  32. But is it art?: an introduction to art theory.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    From Andy Warhol's Brillo boxes to provocative dung-splattered madonnas, in today's art world many strange, even shocking, things are put on display. This often leads exasperated viewers to exclaim--is this really art? In this invaluable primer on aesthetics, Freeland explains why innovation and controversy are so highly valued in art, weaving together philosophy and art theory with many engrossing examples. Writing clearly and perceptively, she explores the cultural meanings of art in different contexts, and highlights the continuities of tradition that (...)
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  33. (1 other version)The two sources of morality and religion.Henri Bergson, Ruth Ashley Audra, William Horsfall Carter & Cloudesley Shovell Henry Brereton - 1935 - London,: Macmillan. Edited by R. Ashley Audra, Cloudesley Brereton & W. Horsfall Carter.
  34.  47
    Image, Word, and Sign: The Visual Arts as Evidence in Ezra Pound's "Cantos".Michael André Bernstein - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (2):347-364.
    1. To list Pound’s triumphs of recognition in the realm of art, music, or literature is by itself no more enlightening than to catalog his oversights. Thus, for example, his instant and almost uncanny responsiveness to the work of Henri Gaudier-Brzeska is not more informative than his bizarre ranking of Francis Picabia’s paintings above those of Picasso or Matisse. Clearly it is essential to know, with as much specificity as possible, exactly what Pound said about a particular work of (...)
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    Sulla genesi della creazione artistica: una prospettiva musicale.Enrico Careri - 2019 - Lucca: Libreria musicale italiana.
    'Io poi ho sempre pensato--scrive Henri Matisse nel 1935--che gran parte della bellezza di un quadro derivi dalla lotta impegnata dall'artista con i limiti del suo mezzo espressivo.'" Le sue parole riassumono bene il tema di questo libro, la lotta dell'artista con la materia dell'arte, dunque il ruolo fondamentale della costruzione concreta dell'arte rispetto all'idea. L'opera d'arte--una composizione, un romanzo, un dipinto, una scultura, un film--è il risultato di un atto intellettuale consapevole--dunque di un'idea--dove tuttavia entra in gioco l'azione (...)
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  36. Vocabulaire de la psychologie.Henri Piéron - 1953 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 58 (1):212-212.
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    The Aesthetics of Enchantment in the Fine Arts.Marlies Kronegger, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & Fine Arts Aesthetics American Society for Phenomenology - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Published under the auspices of The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning, 19 essays document the April 1998 international congress held at Harvard University. They ponder on such topics as the phenomenology of the experience of enchantment, Leonardo's enchantress, the ambiguous meaning of musical enchantment in Kant's Third Critique, art and the reenchantment of sensuous human activity, the creative voice, the allure of the Naza, Henri Matisse's early critical reception in New York, Zizek's sublimicist aesthetic of enchanted (...)
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  38. Durée et Simultanéité, A propos de la Théorie d'Einstein.Henri Bergson - 1922 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 29 (3):1-3.
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  39. The Sparks of Randomness, Volume 2: The Atheism of Scripture.Henri Atlan - 2013 - Stanford University Press.
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    Vérité du christianisme.Henri Bouillard - 1989
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  41. Musik. Karajans Bücherschrank, oder: Vom Abstand zwischen musikalischer Praxis und Theorie / Peter Gülke ; Über Fingersätze (Auch finger haben ihr Gedächtnis) ; Parcours (du combattan?) / Pierre Boulez ; Schönberg, Berg und Webern schreiben Briefe : Postalische Wortmeldungen aus dem Alltag der drei Wiener Komponisten / Klaus Schweizer ; Über "Wirkung" und "Charakter" : Anmerkungen zum Sprachcharakter der Musik / Elmar Budde ; Les Psaumes de David : Prière et musique = Die Psalmen Davids : Gebet und Musik / Georges Athanasiadès ; Ein Arpeggio und seine Folgen : Die Matthäuspassion zwischen Bach, Mendelssohn und uns / Joshua Rifkin ; Schöpfung und Nachschöpfung : Musikalisch-literarische Betrachtungen zu Gustav Mahlers VIII. Symphonie / Michael Schwalb ; Gedanken über die Tiefendimension der Musik / Constantin Floros ; Prendre des risques ; Künstlerischer Wagemut.Henri Dutilleux - 2012 - In Karl Anton Rickenbacher & Michael Schwalb (eds.), Liber amicorum: Gespräche über Musik, Literatur und Kunst: Hommage an Karl Anton Rickenbacher. New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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    Ce que la psychiatrie doit a la psychanalyse (réflexions sur l'identité de leur objet).Henri Ey - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (4):619 - 627.
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  43. Cartésianisme et augustinisme au XVIIe siècle.Henri Gouhier - 1978 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    James mill: D'après Les recherches de M. A. Bain.Henri Marion - 1883 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 16:553 - 588.
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    La pensée arabe.Henri Sérouya - 1967 - Paris,: FeniXX.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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  46. Esquisse d'unc histoire du régime agraire en Europe au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècle.Henri Sée - 1923 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 96:153-154.
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    Freud and Development: The Developmental Dimensions of Psychoanalytic Theory.Henri Zukier - 1985 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 52.
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    Before philosophy.Henri Frankfort - 1951 - Harmondsworth, Middlesex,: Penguin Books. Edited by H. A. Groenewegen-Frankfort.
    Introduction: Myth and reality, by H. and H.A. Frankfort.--Egypt: The nature of the universe. The function of the state. The values of life. By J.A. Wilson.--Mesopotamia: The cosmos of the state. The function of the state. The good life. By T. Jacobsen. Conclusion: The emancipation of thought from myth, by H. and H.A. Frankfort.
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    The Accident of Art.Mike Taormina (ed.) - 2005 - Semiotext(E).
    There is a catastrophe within contemporary art. What I call the "optically correct" is at stake. The vision machine and the motor have triggered it, but the visual arts haven't learned from it. Instead, they've masked this failure with commercial success. This "accident" is provoking a reversal of values. In my view, this is positive: the accident reveals something important we would not otherwise know how to perceive.-- Paul Virilio, The Accident of ArtUrbanist and technological theorist Paul Virilio trained as (...)
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  50. Auguste Comte: esquisse d'un portrait.Henri Gouhier - 1958 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 52:3.
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