Results for 'Mathéa Boudinet'

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    Le modèle de protection sociale à l’épreuve du travail protégé en France.Mathéa Boudinet - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-4 (18-4):31-46.
    Based on interviews and observations conducted in France between 2018 and 2019, this article discusses the notion of a “social welfare model” theorised by sociologist Katharina Heyer, by examining of the implementation of sheltered work policies in France. Facing the evolution of public policies in France, and their will to transform sheltered workshops into transition platforms leading to ordinary employment, can sheltered work establishments still be described as parallel and separate paths to the ordinary labour market? This article shows that (...)
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    Normative pluralism: resolving conflicts between moral and prudential reasons.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The potential conflicts between morality and self-interest lie at the heart of ethics. These conflicts arise because both moral and prudential considerations apply to our choices. A widespread assumption in philosophical ethics is that by weighing moral and prudential reasons against each other, we can compare their relative weights and determine what we ought to do in the face of such conflicts. While this assumption might seem innocuous and fruitful, a closer examination suggests that it lacks both justification and the (...)
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    Des arts et des idées au XXe siècle: musique, peinture, philosophie et sciences humaines : fragments croisés.Gilles Boudinet - 1998 - Paris: Editions L'Harmattan.
    Propose un parcours initiatique parmi des extraits d'oeuvres picturales et musicales du XXe siècle et des idées leur étant contemporaines, issues de la philosophie et des sciences humaines. L'argumentation vise aussi à étayer l'hypothèse de correspondances entre les langages des arts et des idées. La problématique concerne ainsi l'esthétique, l'éducation et la communication.
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    Les Éros de la musique: de la sensible naissance musicale du corps sensé.Gilles Boudinet - 2015 - Auxerre: HD.
    La musique témoigne d'une sensualité fondatrice, où la peau émue a ouvert la construction du corps et de la psyché. Cette sensualité, ici suivie à partir du mythe de Pan, prend pour nom Éros. Or, celui-ci a plusieurs visages. Déjà, dans Le Banquet, Pausanias distingue l'Éros "céleste" de celui "vulgaire". Le premier s'adresse à l'âme et aux Idées, en portant un désir alimenté par les formes culturelles propres aux arts libéraux. Le second signifie l'abandon charnel à la transe et à (...)
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    Un art de l'enfance: Lyotard et l'éducation.Gilles Boudinet - 2019 - Paris: Hermann.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "La Condition postmoderne, que Jean-François Lyotard publie en 1979, est très prémonitoire des mutations actuelles qui affectent l'éducation. La fin des " grands récits " qui légitimaient auparavant la production et la transmission du savoir invite à chercher ce qui reste désormais pour donner sens à l'éducation. C'est aussi à ceci que répond l'œuvre lyotardienne : l'état d'enfance, la faiblesse de celui qui ne sait pas encore et qui n'a pour seul recours que la (...)
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  6. Problems of Choice.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl & Attila Tanyi (eds.) - forthcoming - London: Routledge.
    This will be a volume on problems of choice with four sections dedicated to: normativity and choice, rationality and choice, value and choice, morality and choice. Chapters by: Chrisoula Andreau, Paul Bloomfield, Krister Bykvist, Sophie Grace Chappell, David Copp, Guy Fletcher, Joshua Gert, Olasv Gjelsvik, Natalie Gold, Marina Moreno, Fredrik Nyseth, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Andrew Reisner, Caj Strandberg, Sarah Stroud, Johanna Thoma.
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    The Argument from Nominal–Notable Comparisons, ‘Ought All Things Considered’, and Normative Pluralism.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl - 2014 - The Journal of Ethics 18 (4):405-425.
    The idea that morality and prudence are incommensurable normative domains—a central idea in normative pluralism—tends to be rejected because of the argument from nominal–notable comparisons. The argument relies on a premise that there are situations of moral–prudential conflict where we have a clear intuition that there are things we ought to do “all things considered”. It is usually concluded that this shows that morality and prudence must be comparable. I argue that normative pluralists, who defend this type of incommensurability, can (...)
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    Enkratic Reasoning and Incommensurability of Reasons.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (1):111-127.
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    Melancholy as Responding to Reasons.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (3):331-350.
    This paper explores the nature and value of melancholy and the rationality of being in such a state. I defend a view of melancholy as a highly complex mood-like state. This complexity shows itself...
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    The Relevance of Noncomparability for Agency.Mathea S. Sagdahl - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Research 46:125-140.
    In trying to decide between two choices, I might try to compare them in order to determine which alternative is better with respect to some appropriate choice value. But could it happen that the two choices fail to compare? Much of the debate about this question has centred on the issue of whether the items could be incomparable. If they are incomparable, then they fail to compare with respect to the relevant choice value. However, what has largely been neglected is (...)
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  11. Conscription as a Morally Preferable Form of Military Recruitment.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl - 2018 - Journal of Military Ethics 17 (4):224-239.
    ABSTRACTThis paper considers the moral justifiability of military conscription. Philosopher James Pattison has developed a theoretical framework for this purpose that he calls the Moderate Instrumentalist Approach, which assesses forms of military recruitment in light of a weighted comparison of three main factors: military effectiveness, democratic control and proper treatment of military personnel. According to Pattison, all-volunteer force systems are morally preferable by comparing better when it comes to these factors than other systems of military recruitment, notably conscription. However, I (...)
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    Non-Conceptual Normative Pluralism and the Dualism of Practical Reason.Jesse Hambly - 2024 - Utilitas (4):1-11.
    According to normative pluralists there are no truths about what one ought simpliciter to do, only truths about what one ought to do according to some normative system or stand-point. In contrast with conceptual normative pluralists who argue for this conclusion on the basis that the concept of an ought simpliciter is somehow defective, non-conceptual normative pluralists defend this conclusion on first-order grounds. Non-conceptual normative pluralism has recently received a book-length defence by Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl. In this article I critique (...)
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    Roland Barthes, ou, L'image advenue.Guillaume Cassegrain - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Hazan.
    Au Roland Barthes critique, celui des analyses litteraires des Essais critiques, du Sur Racine ou des constructions theoriques nourries par la linguistique et le structuralisme comme le Degre zero de l ecriture, S/Z, le Systeme de la mode; au Roland Barthes ecrivain, sachant meler, avec une originalite inimitable, fiction et reflexions analytiques dans le Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes ou les Fragments d un discours amoureux, il faudrait ajouter un Roland Barthes, moins connu et moins analyse, celui de l - (...)
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