Results for 'Mathias Royce'

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  1. Peirce's Early Re-readings of his Illustrations: the Case of the 1885 Royce Review: Primeiras Releituras de Peirce de suas Ilustrações: o caso da Resenha de Royce de 1885.Mathias Girel - 2011 - Cognitio 12 (1):75-88.
    Interpretations of Peirce’s development after 1898 often mix three kinds of arguments: one argument about belief, one argument about philosophy and practice, and one argument about the causal role of James’s writings on Peirce’s development. I shall focus here on the last two points: theory and practice and the alleged role of James. James’s role in Peirce’s development is somewhat overestimated and one can doubt Peirce’s worries about the dogmatic use of the scientific method and of philosophy in morals are (...)
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    L'esprit en acte. Psychologie, mythologies et pratique chez les pragmatistes.Mathias Girel - 2021 - Paris, France: Vrin.
    En affirmant que l’esprit est organiquement relié à l’agir, le pragmatisme a nourri de nouvelles approches de l’enquête, de la signification et du mental. L’épistémologie et la sémantique pragmatistes sont aujourd’hui mieux connues. En revanche, les controverses au sujet de l’esprit, notamment entre James et Peirce, restent à explorer. Elles fournissent une introduction privilégiée à leurs pensées respectives, au moment même où elles trouvent leur première expression originale. On corrigera par là quelques idées tenaces : l’idée d’un James « passant (...)
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    Frank M. Oppenheim, SJ: A Celebration of His Life and Legacy.Michael Brodrick & David W. Rodick - 2018 - The Pluralist 13 (3):1-7.
    Frank Mathias Oppenheim was born in Coldwater, Ohio, on May 18, 1925, and studied at Xavier, Loyola, and Saint Louis Universities. He joined the Chicago Province of the Jesuit Order in 1942 and was ordained on June 15, 1955. He is the author of four books on Josiah Royce’s philosophy: Royce’s Journey Down Under, Royce’s Mature Philosophy of Religion, Royce’s Mature Ethics, and Reverence for the Relations of Life: Re-Imagining Pragmatism via Josiah Royce’s Interactions (...)
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    Josiah Royce: Selected Writings.Josiah Royce - 1988 - Paulist Press.
    A very significant aspect of Josiah Royce's philosophical achievement is carefully and fully treated with special emphasis on his contribution as a philosopher of spirituality.
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    Royce's Logical Essays: Collected Logical Essays of Josiah Royce.Josiah Royce & Daniel Sommer Robinson - 2011 - Literary Licensing, LLC.
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    Mathias Risse replies.Mathias Risse - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (3):254-259.
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    Critical Responses to Josiah Royce 1885-1916.Josiah Royce & Randall E. Auxier - 2000 - Thoemmes Continuum.
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    The religious philosophy of Josiah Royce; edited, with an introductory essay, by Stuart Gerry Brown.Josiah Royce - 1952 - [Syracuse, N.Y.]: Syracuse University Press. Edited by Stuart Gerry Brown.
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    On global justice.Mathias Risse - 2012 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The grounds of justice -- "Un pouvoir ordinaire": shared membership in a state as a ground of -- Justice -- Internationalism versus statism and globalism: contemporary debates -- What follows from our common humanity? : the institutional stance, human rights, and nonrelationism -- Hugo Grotius revisited : collective ownership of the Earth and global public reason -- "Our sole habitation" : a contemporary approach to collective ownership of the earth -- Toward a contingent derivation of human rights -- Proportionate use (...)
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    The religious philosophy of Josiah Royce.Josiah Royce - 1976 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    The possibility of error.--Individuality and freedom.--The temporal and the eternal.--The conception of immortality.--Loyalty and religion.--The idea of the universal community.--The moral burden of the individual.--The realm of grace.--Time and guilt.--Atonement.
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    Uncertainties, Values, and Climate Targets.Mathias Frisch - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):979-990.
    Using climate policy debates as a case study, I argue that a certain response to the argument from inductive risk, the hedging defense, runs afoul of a reasonable ethical principle: the no-passing-...
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    A theory stuck in evolutionary and historical time.Mathias Osvath & Can Kabadayi - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We argue that the two temporal cognition systems are conceptually too confined to be helpful in understanding the evolution of temporal cognition. In fact, we doubt there are two systems. In relation to this, we question that the authors did not describe the results of our planning study on ravens correctly, as this is of consequence to their theory.
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    Speech Planning at Turn Transitions in Dialog Is Associated With Increased Processing Load.Mathias Barthel & Sebastian Sauppe - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (7):e12768.
    Speech planning is a sophisticated process. In dialog, it regularly starts in overlap with an incoming turn by a conversation partner. We show that planning spoken responses in overlap with incoming turns is associated with higher processing load than planning in silence. In a dialogic experiment, participants took turns with a confederate describing lists of objects. The confederate’s utterances (to which participants responded) were pre‐recorded and varied in whether they ended in a verb or an object noun and whether this (...)
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  14. Severity as a Priority Setting Criterion: Setting a Challenging Research Agenda.Mathias Barra, Mari Broqvist, Erik Gustavsson, Martin Henriksson, Niklas Juth, Lars Sandman & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 28 (1):25-44.
    Priority setting in health care is ubiquitous and health authorities are increasingly recognising the need for priority setting guidelines to ensure efficient, fair, and equitable resource allocation. While cost-effectiveness concerns seem to dominate many policies, the tension between utilitarian and deontological concerns is salient to many, and various severity criteria appear to fill this gap. Severity, then, must be subjected to rigorous ethical and philosophical analysis. Here we first give a brief history of the path to today’s severity criteria in (...)
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  15. What We Owe to the Global Poor.Mathias Risse - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (1-2):81-117.
    This essay defends an account of the duties to the global poor that is informed by the empirical question of what makes countries rich or poor, and that tends to be broadly in agreement with John Rawlss account in The Law of Peoples. I begin by introducing the debate about the sources of growth and explore its implications for duties towards the poor. Next I explore whether (and deny that) there are any further-reaching duties towards the poor. Finally, I ask (...)
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    Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde: vier thematische Einblicke.Mathias Lindenau & Marcel Meier Kressig (eds.) - 2019 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    Fallen der (Welt-)Ordnung: internationale Beziehungen und ihre Theorien zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne.Mathias Albert - 1996 - Opladen [Germany]: Leske + Budrich.
    von Lothar Brock Wer dieses Buch zur Hand nimmt, sollte sich einen Autor vorstellen, der einer Gruppe hartgesottener Geschäftsleute aus der Wüste von New Mexico morgens um sieben mit charmanter Leichtigkeit und spärlichen, aber Verbindung stiftenden Gesten einen Vortrag über die EU als einer vorgestellten Gemeinschaft hält und dafür überschwenglich gefeiert wird. Oder einen Theoretiker mit verblüffend praktischen Kenntnissen über Höhenmedizin und der unter bestimmten Umständen lebensrettenden Fähigkeit, panischen Berggefährten den Anblick der Tiefe erträglich zu machen. Oder den lead-Sänger einer (...)
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  18. Is blindsight possible under signal detection theory? Comment on Phillips (2021).Mathias Michel & Hakwan Lau - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (3):585-591.
    Phillips argues that blindsight is due to response criterion artefacts under degraded conscious vision. His view provides alternative explanations for some studies, but may not work well when one considers several key findings in conjunction. Empirically, not all criterion effects are decidedly non-perceptual. Awareness is not completely abolished for some stimuli, in some patients. But in other cases, it was clearly impaired relative to the corresponding visual sensitivity. This relative dissociation is what makes blindsight so important and interesting.
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    The basic writings of Josiah Royce.Josiah Royce, John J. Mcdermott & Ignas K. Skrupskelis - 1969 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press. Edited by John J. McDermott & Kęstutis Skrupskelis.
    Now back in print, and in paperback, these two classic volumes illustrate the scope and quality of Royce'sthought, providing the most comprehensive selection ofhis writings currently available. They offer a detailedpresentation of the viable relationship Royce forgedbetween the local experience of community and thedemands of a philosophical and scientific vision ofthe human situation.The selections reprinted here are basic to any understandingof Royce's thought and its pressing relevanceto contemporary cultural, moral, and religious issues.
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    Words of professor Royce at the Walton Hotel at philadelphia, december 29, 1915.Josiah Royce - 1916 - Philosophical Review 25 (3):507-514.
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    The letters of Josiah Royce.Josiah Royce - 1970 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press. Edited by John Clendenning.
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    The philosophy of Josiah Royce.Josiah Royce - 1971 - New York,: Crowell. Edited by John K. Roth.
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    Inconsistency, asymmetry, and non-locality: a philosophical investigation of classical electrodynamics.Mathias Frisch - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Mathias Frisch provides the first sustained philosophical discussion of conceptual problems in classical particle-field theories. Part of the book focuses on the problem of a satisfactory equation of motion for charged particles interacting with electromagnetic fields. As Frisch shows, the standard equation of motion results in a mathematically inconsistent theory, yet there is no fully consistent and conceptually unproblematic alternative theory. Frisch describes in detail how the search for a fundamental equation of motion is partly driven by pragmatic considerations (...)
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  24. Racial Profiling.Mathias Risse & Richard Zeckhauser - 2004 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 32 (2):131-170.
    We have benefited from conversations with Archon Fung, Brian Jacob, Todd Pittinsky, Peter Schuck, Ani Satz, Andrew Williams, and students in a joint class on statistics and ethics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government in October 2002. We are also grateful to our audience at the conference “The Priority of Practice,” organized by Jonathan Wolff at University College London in September 2003, and to Arthur Applbaum, Miriam Avins, Frances Kamm, Simon Keller, Frederick Schauer, Alan Wertheimer, and the Editors (...)
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  25. Beyond Porn and Discreditation: Epistemic Promises and Perils of Deepfake Technology in Digital Lifeworlds.Mathias Risse & Catherine Kerner - 2021 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 8 (1):81-108.
    Deepfakes are a new form of synthetic media that broke upon the world in 2017. Bringing photoshopping to video, deepfakes replace people in existing videos with someone else’s likeness. Currently most of their reach is limited to pornography, and they are also used to discredit people. However, deepfake technology has many epistemic promises and perils, which concern how we fare as knowers. Our goal is to help set an agenda around these matters, to make sure this technology can help realize (...)
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  26. How Does the Global Order Harm the Poor?Mathias Risse - 2005 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 33 (4):349-376.
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    Responsibility and Global Justice.Mathias Risse - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (1):41-58.
    The two traditional ways of thinking about justice at the global level either limit the applicability of justice to states—the only distributions that can be just or unjust, strictly speaking, are within the state—or else extend it to all human beings. The view I defend in On Global Justice rejects both of these approaches. Instead, my view, and thus my attempt at meeting the aforementioned challenge, acknowledges the existence of multiple grounds of justice. My purpose here is to explain what (...)
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    Point algebras for temporal reasoning: Algorithms and complexity.Mathias Broxvall & Peter Jonsson - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 149 (2):179-220.
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    Warning through Extrapolation: On the Practical Aims of Dystopia.Mathias Thaler - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (1):90-106.
    ABSTRACT This article contributes to a better understanding of dystopia’s practical aims by offering a critical defense of what Gregory Claeys calls the “Atwood Principle.” Derived from the writings of Canadian author Margaret Atwood, it establishes a yardstick for separating speculative fiction from science fiction. I argue that, rather than elevating it to the status of a genre definer, the Atwood Principle should be vindicated in terms of a heuristic device for contextually identifying the central mechanism underpinning dystopias: warning through (...)
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  30. Frygten for fraktioner i forestillinger om folket – Hobbes, Locke og Rousseau om suverænitet, folk og politik.Mathias Hein Jessen - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    I denne artikel argumenterer jeg for, at forestillingen om folkesuverænitet overtager den politiske grundmodel fra tidligere måder at tænke suverænitet på ved at kon- stituere det politiske forhold som værende det mellem individet på den ene side og staten, nationen eller folket på den anden. Dermed bliver individet det grundlæg- gende politiske subjekt, hvormed alle andre sammenslutninger udgrænses som po- litiske subjekter. Artiklen argumenterer for, at en afgørende del af forestillingen om suverænitet var tømningen af det politiske rum mellem staten (...)
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  31. Who unbound Prometheus.Peter Mathias - 1900 - Science and Society 1600:54-79.
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    Han xue yu kua wen hua si wei.Mathias Obert - 2020 - Xinbei Shi Xizhi Qu: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    關懷當代跨文化思維的處境與潛力 對華語界的哲學思維進行批判省思 繼而開拓嶄新的思索途徑 為了盡量具體揭露跨文化思維的立場和思考模式,《漢學與跨文化思維》落實在中文字獨有的視像性以及與《莊子》、王陽明、海德格、列維納斯等研究對象相關的跨領域、跨科系之探討。 宋灝以身體現象學為基本視角與綱領,探究這些哲學資源的啟發。藉由融合詮釋學與現象學的方法,揭示「身體自我」在人的存在上標記著多麼關鍵、豐富的情境,以便為了當代身體觀的轉化必要作辯解,並且具體彰顯這種轉化 的可能性與意義。 全書分為三部,第一部反映宋灝從隸屬漢學對中國古代傳承的關懷,逐漸過渡到哲學與跨文化思維的立場,試圖以宋明理學與華嚴佛教為例,藉中國的文獻逆向來擴充歐洲的詮釋學思想,尤其是高達美式哲學詮釋學。第二部收入 作者近幾年對漢學與跨文化思維的方法和處境所進行的批判和反思。第三部是在此方法論架構下,採取現象學及當代歐洲思維為出發點,探討中國古代傳承的啟發。.
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    Informations- und Anreizprobleme im Kontext von UEFA Financial Fair Play – Eine institutionenökonomische Analyse/ Information and incentive problems in the context of UEFA Financial Fair Play – An institutional economics perspective.Mathias Schubert - 2013 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 10 (3):260-291.
    Zusammenfassung Mit Beginn der Spielzeit 2013/14 traten alle Maßnahmen des UEFA Financial Fair Play-Konzeptes in Kraft. Vornehmliches Ziel dieses regulatorischen Eingriffs ist es, der wachsenden Verschuldungs­rate auf Seiten der europäischen Vereine sowie der zunehmenden Abhängigkeit von Investoren entgegenzusteuern. Um die Effektivität und Effizienz solcher Maßnahmen zu erhöhen, ist ein tief­gehendes Verständnis der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen unabdingbar. Vor diesem Hinter­grund beschreibt und interpretiert der konzeptionelle Artikel das Verhältnis zwischen der UEFA und den Klubs mit Hilfe eines institutionenökonomischen Instrumentariums. Aus verfügungsrecht­licher Sicht wird (...)
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    Moralische Politik oder politische Moral? Eine Analyse aktueller Debatten zur internationalen Gerechtigkeit.Mathias Thaler - 2008 - New York: Campus.
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    Der Rigor der Gerechtigkeit: Eine an der Triage in der COVID-19-Pandemie orientierte theologische Analyse.Mathias Wirth - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 65 (3):202-214.
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    Slim models of zermelo set theory.A. R. D. Mathias - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):487-496.
    Working in Z + KP, we give a new proof that the class of hereditarily finite sets cannot be proved to be a set in Zermelo set theory, extend the method to establish other failures of replacement, and exhibit a formula Φ(λ, a) such that for any sequence $\langle A_{\lambda} \mid \lambda \text{a limit ordinal} \rangle$ where for each $\lambda, A_{\lambda} \subseteq ^{\lambda}2$ , there is a supertransitive inner model of Zermelo containing all ordinals in which for every λ A (...)
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    Naming violence: a critical theory of genocide, torture, and terrorism.Mathias Thaler - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Political theory between moralism and realism -- Telling stories : on art's role in dispelling genocide blindness -- How to do things with hypotheticals : assessing thought experiments about torture -- Genealogy as critique : problematizing definitions of terrorism -- The conceptual tapestry of political violence.
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    Time and Causation.Mathias Frisch - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke, A Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 282–300.
    One of the central characteristics of the causal relation is that it is asymmetric. This chapter looks at possible relations between the direction of time and the causal asymmetry. It first presents a discussion on a causal theory of the temporal asymmetry that takes the causal asymmetry to be basic. It then examines two kinds of accounts that take asymmetric causal relations to be further reducible. The first kind is a subjectivist account of causation that argues that the fact that (...)
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    Do not despair about severity—yet.Mathias Barra, Mari Broqvist, Erik Gustavsson, Martin Henriksson, Niklas Juth, Lars Sandman & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (8):557-558.
    In a recent extended essay, philosopher Daniel Hausman goes a long way towards dismissing severity as a morally relevant attribute in the context of priority setting in healthcare. In this response, we argue that although Hausman certainly points to real problems with how severity is often interpreted and operationalised within the priority setting context, the conclusion that severity does not contain plausible ethical content is too hasty. Rather than abandonment, our proposal is to take severity seriously by carefully mapping the (...)
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    Tax Competition and Global Interdependence.Mathias Risse & Marco Meyer - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 27 (4):480-498.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Happy families.A. R. D. Mathias - 1977 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 12 (1):59.
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    Creativity on tap 2: Investigating dose effects of alcohol on cognitive control and creative cognition.Mathias Benedek & Lena Zöhrer - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 83:102972.
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    Begegnung mit der chinesischsprachigen Welt heute.Mathias Obert - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2009 (2):130-138.
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  44. Causal Reasoning in Physics.Mathias Frisch - 2014 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Much has been written on the role of causal notions and causal reasoning in the so-called 'special sciences' and in common sense. But does causal reasoning also play a role in physics? Mathias Frisch argues that, contrary to what influential philosophical arguments purport to show, the answer is yes. Time-asymmetric causal structures are as integral a part of the representational toolkit of physics as a theory's dynamical equations. Frisch develops his argument partly through a critique of anti-causal arguments and (...)
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    What Exactly is Presupposed by Agnotology? The Challenge of Intentions.Mathias Girel - 2023 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):229-246.
    The paper seeks to contribute to clarifying agnotology as an ‘epistemic strategy’, conceived as ‘epistemically damaging and hurt[ing] the production of knowledge’. My general claim is that the grammar of intentions ‘embedded’ in agnotological arguments is often not considered accurately. I use considerations from the philosophy of action as a theoretical framework to make more explicit what is implied in agnogenetic manoeuvres. Agnotology, as a ‘theory’ about epistemic states, in particular knowledge and ignorance, would be seriously incomplete without that component. (...)
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  46. Why Physics Can't Explain Everything.Mathias Frisch - 2014 - In Alastair Wilson, Chance and Temporal Asymmetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  47. What to Say About the State.Mathias Risse - 2006 - Social Theory and Practice 32 (4):671-698.
  48. Nietzschean 'animal psychology' versus Kantian ethics.Mathias Risse - 2007 - In Brian Leiter & Neil Sinhababu, Nietzsche and morality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 57--82.
  49. ""Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy phone:(617) 495-9811 email: mathias_risse@ harvard. edu faculty url: http://www. hks. harvard. edu/about/faculty-staff-directory/Mathias-Risse Reviews Risse, Mathias." Responsibility for Justice." Review of Responsibility for Justice, by Iris Marion Young. [REVIEW]Mathias Risse - 2011 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 224.
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    Strategic Ambiguity: The Pragmatic Utopianism of Daniel Callahan’s “Bioethics as a Discipline”.Mathias Schütz - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):167-173.
    This article highlights the continuing relevance of a classic bioethical text, “Bioethics as a Discipline,” published by the Hastings Center’s cofounder Daniel Callahan in 1973. Connecting the text’s programmatic recommendations with later reflections and interventions Callahan wrote about the development of bioethics illuminates how the vision Callahan established and the reality this vision helped create were interrelated—just not in the way Callahan had hoped for. Although this portrait relies on an individual perception of the development of bioethics, it might nevertheless, (...)
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