Results for 'Maternus Reuss'

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    Vorlesungen über die theoretische und praktische Philosophie.Maternus Reuss - 1797 - [Bruxelles,: Culture et Civilisation.
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    Unconscious activation of task sets.Heiko Reuss, Andrea Kiesel, Wilfried Kunde & Bernhard Hommel - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):556-567.
    Using an explicit task cuing paradigm, we tested whether masked cues can trigger task-set activation, which would suggest that unconsciously presented stimuli can impact cognitive control processes. Based on a critical assessment of previous findings on the priming of task-set activation, we present two experiments with a new method to approach this subject. Instead of using a prime, we varied the visibility of the cue. These cues either directly signaled particular tasks in Experiment 1, or certain task transitions in Experiment (...)
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    Adjustments of response speed and accuracy to unconscious cues.Heiko Reuss, Andrea Kiesel & Wilfried Kunde - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):57-62.
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    XVI. Der erste punische Krieg.Friedrich Reuss - 1909 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 68 (3):410-427.
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    XXIII. Zu Valerius Flaccus Argon. V—VIII.Fr Reuss - 1900 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 59 (1):406-415.
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  6. L'Attualità filosofica di Anselmo D'Aosta.Maternus Hoegen (ed.) - 1990 - Roma: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo.
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    Die Verwirklichung der Vernunft: Hegels emanzipatorisch-affirmative Bildungstheorie.Siegfried Reuss - 1982 - Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung.
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    Instructed illiteracy reveals expertise-effects on unconscious processing.Heiko Reuss, Andrea Kiesel, Carsten Pohl & Wilfried Kunde - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  9. Polis, GA, ME Power, and GR Huxel (eds.).E. Reusse, P. Schjonning, S. Elmholt, B. T. Christenses, R. Vernooy, A. Viton, A. Warman, D. Zohary & M. Hopf - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21:427-428.
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    XXVI. Zu Valerius Flaccus Argon, I–IV.Friedrich Reuss - 1899 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 58 (1-4):422-436.
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    V. Zur Geschichte des ersten punischen Krieges.Friedrich Reuss - 1901 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 60 (1-4):102-148.
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    Evaluation des Ansatzes von Lawrence Kohlberg zur Entwicklung und Messung moralischen Urteilens: immanente Kritik und Weiterentwicklung.Siegfried Reuss - 1996 - Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. Edited by Günter Becker.
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    IV. Zur Chronologie der Diadochenzeit.F. Reuss - 1880 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 39 (1-4):91-112.
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    X. Timaios bei Plutarch, Diodor und Dionys von Halikarnass.Friedrich Reuss & G. F. Unger - 1886 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 45 (2):245-277.
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    Commentary: Feeling the Conflict: The Crucial Role of Conflict Experience in Adaptation.Anna Foerster, Roland Pfister, Heiko Reuss & Wilfried Kunde - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Only pre-cueing but no retro-cueing effects emerge with masked arrow cues.Markus Janczyk & Heiko Reuss - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:93-100.
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    Attentional modulation of masked semantic priming by visible and masked task cues.Markus Kiefer, Natalie M. Trumpp, Caroline Schaitz, Heiko Reuss & Wilfried Kunde - 2019 - Cognition 187 (C):62-77.
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    Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry, and History: Applied Hermeneutics.Dieter Misgeld, Graeme Nicholson, Lawrence K. Schmidt & MoniKa Reuss (eds.) - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    In these essays, appearing for the first time in English, Gadamer addresses practical questions about recent politics in Europe, about education and university reform, and about the role of poetry in the modern world. This book also includes a series of interviews that the editors conducted in 1986. Gadamer elaborates on his experiences in education and politics, touching on the collapse of the Weimar Republic, the early Frankfurt School, Heidegger and the Nazis, university life in East Germany, and the prospects (...)
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    Editorial: After Thirty Years.Gerhard Preyer, Georg Peter & Reuss-Markus Krausse - 2021 - ProtoSociology 38:7-12.
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    Vatinius, Nero and Curiatius Maternus.Patrick Kragelund - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (01):197-.
    The above passage, from Maternus' first speech, poses a number of rather intricate textual problems. J. F. Gronovius rightly divined that the meaningless vaticiniireferred to a person whose evil power Maternus had broken. Who else but Vatinius, Nero's notorious jester? To read Vatiniifor vaticiniiis intrinsically attractive, and in default of a better alternative has found almost universal approval. The contextual implications of this acclaimed conjecture have not, however, always been appreciated. It is with these that the present paper (...)
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  21. Curiatius Maternus.T. Barnes - 1981 - Hermes 109 (3):382-384.
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  22. Reuss et Renan.A. Caquot - 1991 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 71 (4):437-442.
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    Curiatius Maternus and His Tragedies.Tenney Frank - 1937 - American Journal of Philology 58 (2):225.
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  24. Edouard Reuss, un théologien indépendant.Edmond Jacob - 1991 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 71 (4):427-433.
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  25. Édouard reuss, traducteur et interprète du livre de job: À l'occasion du bicentenaire de la naissance de l'exégète strasbourgeois.Jean Marcel Vincent - 2005 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 85 (3):337-364.
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  26. Edouard Reuss, Directeur du Gymnase Protestant, 1859-1865.W. Westphal - 1991 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 71 (4):459-471.
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    Firmicus Maternus Agostino Pastorino: Iuli Firmici Materni De errore profanarum religionum. Pp. lxxvi + 294. Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1956. Paper, L. 3,000. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (3-4):233-234.
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    Reuss, J., Der Erste Brief an Timotheus. (Geistliche Scriftlesung, 15). [REVIEW]J. Wimmer - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (2):400-400.
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    The Domitius of Curiatius Maternus.Harold B. Mattingly - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (02):104-107.
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    Martin Reuss;, Stephen H. Cutcliffe . The Illusory Boundary: Environment and Technology in History. ix + 318 pp., illus., bibls., index. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2010. $29.50. [REVIEW]Peder Anker - 2012 - Isis 103 (2):388-389.
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    Fire and its asian worshippers: A note on firmicus maternus’ de errore profanarvm religionvm 5.1.Alessio Mancini & Tommaso Mari - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (2):662-665.
    Persae et Magi omnes qui Persicae regionis incolunt fines ignem praeferunt et omnibus elementis ignem putant debere praeponi. The Persians and all the Magi who dwell in the confines of the Persian land give their preference to fire and think it ought to be ranked above all the other elements.Iulius Firmicus Maternus was a Latin writer who lived in the fourth centurya.d. In the 340s, following his conversion to Christianity, he wrote theDe errore profanarum religionum, which has been preserved (...)
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  32. Un combat pour le progrès des sciences théologiques en France au XIXe siècle: La correspondance Edouard Reuss-Michel Nicolas.Jean Marcel Vincent - 2003 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 83 (1):89-117.
    L’auteur, qui se propose de publier, pour le bicentenaire de la naissance d’Édouard Reuss , sa correspondance avec Michel Nicolas , présente l’état de ces lettres inédites et les circonstances de leur rédaction. Il montre qu’elles éclairent l’élaboration de la production littéraire des deux protagonistes et l’évolution de la théologie protestante au XIX e siècle en France. Pour illustrer le combat commun des deux correspondants pour le progrès des sciences théologiques en France, il présente enfin les passages qui concernent (...)
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    Plotin et l'Occident: Firmicus Maternus, Marius Victorinus, Saint Augustin et Macrobe.Paul Henry - 1934 - Peeters.
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    Mayer, Rudolf, und Reuss, Joseph, Die Qumranfunde und die Bibel. [REVIEW]O. García de la Fuente - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (3):564-565.
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    Tacitus and the date of Curiatius Maternus' death.Alan Cameron - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (03):258-261.
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    Tacitus, Dio, and the “Sophist” Maternus.Patrick Kragelund - 2012 - História 61 (4):495-506.
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  37. Le «rationalisme mystique» d'Edouard Reuss et ses incidences sur «La Bible».J. -M. Vincent - 1994 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 74 (1):43-66.
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  38. Trois dévois païens : I. Firmicus Maternus, Prières et Conseils de Vie ; II. Porphyre, Lettre à Marcella ; III. Sallustius, Des Dieux et du Monde. [REVIEW]A. Festugière - 1944 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 134 (10):373-374.
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    Pseudo-Apuleius’ De Fato.Leonardo Costantini - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):461-462.
    The note presents the discovery of a spurious Apuleian work entitledDe fatofrom MS n° 1040 at the Bibliothèque patrimoniale Villon in Rouen. This work is, in fact, a series of excerpts from Firmicus Maternus, MathesisBook 1.
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    L'unique argument possible pour une démonstration de l'existence de Dieu.Immanuel Kant - 2001 - Vrin.
    S'adressant à Matern Reuss, Kant présentait ainsi son ouvrage : "Je vous envoie un petit traité au contenu de théologie philosophique, et non proprement biblique, dans lequel j'ai pris soin de ne heurter aucune Église, puisqu'il n'est pas question de la foi que peut avoir un homme en général, mais seulement de celle de celui qui se fonde uniquement sur la raison...".
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    Learning from Women: Mothers, Slaves, and Regime Change in Tacitus’ Dialogue on Orators.Harriet Fertik - 2020 - Polis 37 (2):245-264.
    This essay offers a new assessment of the role of women in Tacitus’ Dialogue on Orators and of their significance for Tacitus’ analysis of regime change. The women of the Dialogue have received only cursory scholarly attention: they appear briefly in Messalla’s diatribe on the decline of Roman education, when he contrasts the virtuous mothers of the Republic with the enslaved nurses who rear children in his own period, when an emperor rules in Rome. Yet Messalla’s exemplary mothers undermine his (...)
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    Three Temples in Libanius and the Theodosian Code.Christopher P. Jones - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):860-865.
    In Libanius' speechFor the Temples(Or. 30), sometimes regarded as the crowning work of his career, he refers to an unnamed city in which a great pagan temple had recently been destroyed; the date of the speech is disputed, but must be in the 380 s or early 390 s, near the end of the speaker's life. After deploring the actions of a governor appointed by Theodosius, often identified with the praetorian prefect Maternus Cynegius, Libanius continues (30.44–5):Let no-one think that (...)
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    (1 other version)La religion dans les limites de la simple raison.Immanuel Kant - 1943 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by J. Gibelin.
    Petit traite de theologie philosophique, et non proprement biblique : c'est ainsi que Kant presente son ouvrage au theologien Matern Reuss en 1793. Cet ouvrage traite de la religion naturelle telle que la concoit le philosophe de Konisgberg, c'est-a-dire une religion avant tout rationnelle et raisonnable. Son objet est en effet la foi de l'homme qui se fonde uniquement sur la raison: une foi en laquelle tout homme pourrait et devrait retrouver, par ses propres moyens, les principes moraux inconditionnes (...)
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    The Sleep of Reason: Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome (Book).Mark Masterson - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (3):477-481.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.3 (2003) 477-481 [Access article in PDF] Martha C. Nussbaum and Juha Sihvola, eds. The Sleep of Reason: Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. viii + 457 pp. Paper, $26. The Sleep of Reason derives from a conference held at the Finnish Institute at Rome in 1997. In their introduction to the volume, the editors, (...)
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    Tacitus, Dialogus 13.4.Michael Winterbottom - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (01):338-.
    At Dialogus 13.4, Tacitus makes Maternus decry the good fortune of the orators Vibius Crispus and Eprius Marcellus: ‘Nam Crispus iste et Marcellus, ad quorum exempla me uocas, quid habent in hac sua fortuna concupiscendum? Quod timent, an quod timentur? Quod, cum cotidie aliquid rogentur, ii quibus praestant indignantur? Quod alligati cum adulatione nec imperantibus umquam satis serui uidentur nec nobis satis liberi? Quae haec summa eorum potentia est? Tantum posse liberti solent’.
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    Religions of the Constantinian Empire.Mark Edwards - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Religions of the Constantinian Empire provides a synoptic review of Constantine's relation to all the cultic and theological traditions of the Empire during the period from his seizure of power in the west in 306 ᴄᴇ to the end of his reign as autocrat of both east and west in 337 ᴄᴇ. Divided into three parts, the first considers the efforts of Christians to construct their own philosophy, and their own patterns of the philosophic life, in opposition to Platonism. The (...)
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    Collected Writings on the Gods and the World.Thomas Taylor & Prometheus Trust - 1994 - Minerva Books.
    This presents several texts dealing with the philosophic view of The Gods and their providential relationship with manifestation. It includes, - Sallust, On The Gods and the World; The Pythagoric Sentences of Demophilus; Taurus, On the Eternity of the World; The Thema Mundi of Julius Firmicus Maternus; The Emperor Julian's Oration to the Mother of the Gods; and To the Sovereign Sun; Synesius' On Providence; and two essays by Taylor, On the Mythology of the Greeks; and On the Theology (...)
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