Results for 'Maternal personality'

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  1.  25
    Maternal Personality and Child Temperamental Reactivity: Differential Susceptibility for Child Externalizing Behavioral Problems in China.Shufen Xing, Xin Gao, Xia Liu, Yuanyuan Ma & Zhengyan Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    It is important to identify the developmental antecedents of externalizing behavioral problems in early childhood. The current study examined the main effects of maternal personality and its interactive effects with child temperamental reactivity in predicting child externalizing behavioral problems, indicated by impulsivity and aggression. This study was composed of 70 children (Mage= 17.6 months, SD = 3.73) and their mothers. The results showed that maternal agreeableness was negatively associated with child impulsivity. Child temperamental reactivity moderated the effect (...)
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    Person-Centered Maternity Care: COVID Exposes the Illusion.Rebecca Brione - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):131-134.
    UK maternity policy makes great fanfare about providing person-centered care, built around what the pregnant woman or birthing person needs. Maternity Voices Partnerships involving healthcare professionals and women are supposed to guide policy and practice at the local level. UK consent law prioritizes the pregnant person's own conception of the risks and factors that are material to her care. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how tenuous a hold these laudable principles actually have when the going gets tough.
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    Longitudinal Influences of DRD4 Polymorphism and Early Maternal Caregiving on Personality Development and Problem Behavior in Middle Childhood and Adolescence.Peter Zimmermann & Gottfried Spangler - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Most studies examining gene-environment effects on self-regulation focus on outcomes early childhood or adulthood. However, only a few studies investigate longitudinal effects during middle childhood and adolescence and compare two domains of early caregiving. In a longitudinal follow-up with a sample of N = 87, we studied the effects of differences in the DRD4 tandem repeat polymorphisms and two domains of early maternal caregiving quality on children’s personality development using Block’s California Child Q-Set at age six and age (...)
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    The Maternal Factor: Two Paths to Morality.Nel Noddings - 2010 - University of California Press.
    In this provocative new book, renowned educator and philosopher Nel Noddings extends her influential work on the ethics of care toward a compelling objective—global peace and justice. She asks: If we celebrate the success of women becoming more like men in professional life, should we not simultaneously hope that men become more like women—in caring for others, rejecting violence, and valuing the work of caring both publicly and personally? Drawing on current work on evolution, and bringing concrete examples from women’s (...)
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    Liabilities of the Feminist Use of Personal Narrative: A Study of Sara Ruddick's Story in Maternal Thinking.Daryl M. Tress & Adrienne Fulco - 1995 - Public Affairs Quarterly 9 (3):267-286.
  6. Maternal mental health: An ethical base for good practice.James Wilson & Michael Göpfert - unknown
    In this chapter we argue that the four principles of medical ethics -- beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice (Beauchamp & Childress, 2001; Gillon, 1985), a new Family Interest Principle (introduced below) and a consideration of ‘capacity’ provide a reasoned practice guide for work with mothers experiencing health problems, focussing here on mental health when a parent is a patient. Our concern is the relationship of the clinician with a parent and through the parent their child. Ethics of service (...)
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  7.  18
    Maternal immunisation : Ethical issues.Marcel Verweij, Philipp Lambach, Justin R. Ortiz & Andreas Reis - unknown
    There has been increased interest in the potential of maternal immunisation to protect maternal, fetal, and infant health. Maternal tetanus vaccination is part of routine antenatal care and immunisation campaigns in many countries, and it has played an important part in the reduction of maternal and neonatal tetanus. Additional vaccines that have been recommended for routine maternal immunisation include those for influenza and pertussis, and other vaccines are being developed. Maternal immunisation is controversial since (...)
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    Maternal Compassion in the Thought of René Girard, Emil Fackenheim, and Emmanuel Levinas.Ann W. Astell - 2004 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 11 (1):15-24.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MATERNAL COMPASSION IN THE THOUGHT OF RENÉ GIRARD, EMIL FACKENHEIM, AND EMMANUEL LÉVINAS Ann W. Astell Purdue University l;ike empathy, compassion is a word that seldom occurs in the /writings of René Girard,' who prefers to answer to Martin Heidegger's "anxiety" [Die Sorge] before death by speaking instead of a "concern for victims" [le souci des victims].2 Maternal corn-passion does enter Girardian analysis directly, however, in his (...)
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    Maternal Distress and Offspring Neurodevelopment: Challenges and Opportunities for Pre-clinical Research Models.Eamon Fitzgerald, Carine Parent, Michelle Z. L. Kee & Michael J. Meaney - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Pre-natal exposure to acute maternal trauma or chronic maternal distress can confer increased risk for psychiatric disorders in later life. Acute maternal trauma is the result of unforeseen environmental or personal catastrophes, while chronic maternal distress is associated with anxiety or depression. Animal studies investigating the effects of pre-natal stress have largely used brief stress exposures during pregnancy to identify critical periods of fetal vulnerability, a paradigm which holds face validity to acute maternal trauma in (...)
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    Negotiating Maternal Identity: Adrienne Rich’s Legacy for Inquiry into the Political-Philosophical Dimensions of Pregnancy and Childbirth.Candace Johnson - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):65-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Negotiating Maternal IdentityAdrienne Rich’s Legacy for Inquiry into the Political-Philosophical Dimensions of Pregnancy and ChildbirthCandace JohnsonGiving birth has been described as the crossing of an imaginary threshold, which separates an independent maternal self from some sort of dual or subordinate existence. The metaphor of a border has also been employed to demonstrate this transformation, which may be liberating, oppressive, or some complex combination thereof (Weir 2006; Martinez (...)
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  11.  26
    The Question of Autonomy in Maternal Health in Africa: A Rights-Based Consideration.Jimoh Amzat - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):283-293.
    Maternal mortality is still very high in Africa, despite progress in control efforts at the global level. One elemental link is the question of autonomy in maternal health, especially at the household level where intrinsic human rights are undermined. A rights-based consideration in bioethics is an approach that holds the centrality of the human person, with a compelling reference to the fundamental human rights of every person. A philosophical and sociological engagement of gender and the notion of autonomy (...)
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    Maternal request caesareans and COVID-19: the virus does not diminish the importance of choice in childbirth.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis & Anna Nelson - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):726-731.
    It has recently been reported that some hospitals in the UK have placed a blanket restriction on the provision of maternal request caesarean sections as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pregnancy and birthing services are obviously facing challenges during the current emergency, but we argue that a blanket ban on MRCS is both inappropriate and disproportionate. In this paper, we highlight the importance of MRCS for pregnant people’s health and autonomy in childbirth and argue that this remains crucial (...)
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  13.  62
    Sleepwalking Into Infertility: The Need for a Public Health Approach Toward Advanced Maternal Age.Marie-Eve Lemoine & Vardit Ravitsky - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11):37-48.
    In Western countries today, a growing number of women delay motherhood until their late 30s and even 40s, as they invest time in pursuing education and career goals before starting a family. This social trend results from greater gender equality and expanded opportunities for women and is influenced by the availability of contraception and assisted reproductive technologies. However, advanced maternal age is associated with increased health risks, including infertility. While individual medical solutions such as ART and elective egg freezing (...)
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  14.  40
    (1 other version)Mother Love, Maternal Ambivalence, and the Possibility of Empowered Mothering.Tatjana Takševa - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4).
    Dominant cultural ideologies of motherhood define the nature of mother love. Recent developments in motherhood studies, and the work of a small number of feminist philosophers and scholars of motherhood, have challenged the tenets of these ideologies by daring to speak the “unspeakable”: that mother love is often and for all mothers, whether consciously or not, permeated by powerful negative and conflicting emotions termed maternal ambivalence. In this essay, relying on recorded personal narratives by Bosnian women who are raising (...)
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    Thinking through breasts: Writing maternity.Alison Bartlett - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (2):173-188.
    This article begins by wondering how the writer’s transformation into motherhood affects her practice of reading, writing and research: how maternities are made academic. Specifically, this article is interested in thinking through lactating breasts, as a particularly complex and potentially subversive ‘performance’ of maternity. In addition, this article reframes ‘maternal thinking’ through 1990s theories of embodiment and corporeality, and asks how embodied practices like breastfeeding might be theorized, as well as how ‘embodied theory’ might be practised. In looking at (...)
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  16.  21
    Communication Across Maternal Social Networks During England’s First National Lockdown and Its Association With Postnatal Depressive Symptoms.Sarah Myers & Emily H. Emmott - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:648002.
    Postnatal/postpartum depression (PND/PPD) had a pre-COVID-19 estimated prevalence ranging up to 23% in Europe, 33% in Australia, and 64% in America, and is detrimental to both mothers and their infants. Low social support is a key risk factor for developing PND. From an evolutionary perspective this is perhaps unsurprising, as humans evolved as cooperative childrearers, inherently reliant on social support to raise children. The coronavirus pandemic has created a situation in which support from social networks beyond the nuclear family is (...)
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  17. The public health implications of maternal care trade-offs.A. Magdalena Hurtado, Carol A. Lambourne, Kim R. Hill & Karen Kessler - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (2):129-154.
    The socioeconomic and ethnic characteristics of parents are some of the most important correlates of adverse health outcomes in childhood. However, the relationships between ethnic, economic, and behavioral factors and the health outcomes responsible for this pervasive finding have not been specified in child health epidemiology. The general objective of this paper is to propose a theoretical approach to the study of maternal behaviors and child health in diverse ethnic and socioeconomic environments. The specific aims are: (a) to describe (...)
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    CONFESSIONS OF LOSS:: Maternal Grief in True Story, 1920- 1985.Wendy Simonds - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (2):149-171.
    This article analyzes articles appearing in True Story from 1920 to 1985 that concern women's grief after pregnancy and child loss. They are discussed as a historical link between nineteenth-century consolation literature and current psychological and academic discussions of grief. True Story is a confession magazine marketed for working-class women, whose reproductive losses have generally been minimized or ignored by previous literary and current professional and journalistic treatments of maternal grief. Articles are examined within the constructs of confession literature (...)
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  19. “Not a Matter of Will: A Narrative and Cross-Cultural Exploration of Maternal Ambivalence”.Keya Maitra - 2018 - In Alison L. Black & Susanne Garvis (eds.), Women activating agency in academia: metaphors, manifestos and memoir. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 152-160.
    Authored with Melissa Burchard. The two authors have shared for nearly twelve years a dialogue regarding maternal matters, and ambivalence is at the heart of many of them. What we have come to believe is that maternal ambivalence is heavily shaped by socio-cultural factors lying outside/beyond a mother’s will. This leads us to challenge recent discussions in philosophy which characterize ambivalence in terms of unresolved conflict among one’s desires and thus a problem of will, or as insufficient coherence (...)
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  20.  15
    Mental Hygiene, Psychoanalysis, and Interwar Psychology: The Making of the Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis.Bican Polat - 2021 - Isis 112 (2):266-290.
    The maternal deprivation hypothesis was arguably the most discussed debate in midcentury psychiatry. Combined with the gender ideology prevalent in America and Britain, it solidified the idea that the mother-child relationship had formative influence on personality development. This essay explores the formation of this hypothesis by situating its knowledge claims against an institutional innovation set to prevent juvenile delinquency and promote mental hygiene, the establishment of child guidance clinics on both sides of the Atlantic in the late 1920s. (...)
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    Surrogacy and the construction of the maternal-foetal relationship: The feminist dilemma examined.Vanessa E. Munro - 2001 - Res Publica 7 (1):13-37.
    The feminist movement remains fundamentally divided over the issue of surrogacy. Within the confines of this article it is argued that the inadequacy of positions on both sides of the debate rests upon their common tendency to deal with the ethical consequences of surrogacy for isolated agents, without sufficient concern for the broader social implications for all pregnant women in society. In order to clarify the issues involved, feminist theorists must consider the implications of surrogacy in a broader social spectrum. (...)
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  22. Shared decision-making in maternity care: Acknowledging and overcoming epistemic defeaters.Keith Begley, Deirdre Daly, Sunita Panda & Cecily Begley - 2019 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 25 (6):1113–1120.
    Shared decision-making involves health professionals and patients/clients working together to achieve true person-centred health care. However, this goal is infrequently realized, and most barriers are unknown. Discussion between philosophers, clinicians, and researchers can assist in confronting the epistemic and moral basis of health care, with benefits to all. The aim of this paper is to describe what shared decision-making is, discuss its necessary conditions, and develop a definition that can be used in practice to support excellence in maternity care. Discussion (...)
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  23.  23
    More Work for Mother: Chemical Body Burdens as a Maternal Responsibility1.Norah Mackendrick - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (5):705-728.
    Environmental chemicals accumulate in all human bodies and have the potential to affect the health of men and women, adults, and children. This article advances “precautionary consumption”—the effort to mediate personal exposure to environmental chemicals through vigilant consumption—as a new empirical site for understanding the intersections between maternal embodiment and contemporary motherhood as a consumer project. Using in-depth interviews, I explore how a group of 25 mothers employ precautionary consumption to mediate their children’s exposure to chemicals found in food, (...)
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  24. Real (M)othering: The Metaphysics of Maternity in Children's Literature.Shelley M. Park - 2005 - In Real (M)othering: The Metaphysics of Maternity in Children's Literature. pp. 171-194.
    This paper examines the complexity and fluidity of maternal identity through an examination of narratives about "real motherhood" found in children's literature. Focusing on the multiplicity of mothers in adoption, I question standard views of maternity in which gestational, genetic and social mothering all coincide in a single person. The shortcomings of traditional notions of motherhood are overcome by developing a fluid and inclusive conception of maternal reality as authored by a child's own perceptions.
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    Moral Distress and Feticide: Hearing the Voices of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physicians.Dalit Yassour-Borochowitz & Iris Ohel-Shani - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (2):114-123.
    We conducted in-depth interviews to investigate maternal- fetal medicine (MFM) physicians’ feelings about their moral thoughts and dilemmas related to providing feticide for lateterm abortion in Israel. We interviewed 14 MFM physicians (who constitute approximately 40 percent of MFM physicians who perform feticide in the countr y) from five hospitals in Israel during 2018 and 2019. They were recruited via personal acquaintance and snowball sampling. Findings reveal that despite their clear recognition that feticide is a necessary procedure, all describe (...)
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    Kinship Identities in the Context of UK Maternal Spindle Transfer and Pronuclear Transfer Legislation.MacKellar Calum - 2017 - The New Bioethics 23 (2):121-137.
    In the discussions leading up to the enactment of the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Regulations 2015, it was repeatedly emphasised, by many commentators, that maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer did not give rise to children who could be considered as having three or more parents. This was because it was argued that only the genetic material found in the chromosomes should be considered as the determining factor for the formation of parent–child relationships and the resulting kinship identities. (...)
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    Hyper-Abjects: Finitude, “Sustainability,” and the Maternal Body in the Anthropocene.Bethany Doane - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (2):251-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hyper-Abjects:Finitude, “Sustainability,” and the Maternal Body in the AnthropoceneBethany DoaneThe concept of the Anthropocene prioritizes a new paradigmatic scale that seems to outweigh that of “the political”: imagining deep time or the death of the human species as a result of climate change tends to negate the (relatively speaking) smaller-scale concerns of race, class, gender, or capitalism. While feminist critique is often circumscribed by this political scale, and (...)
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  28.  9
    HAVING A BABY:: Some Predictions of Maternal Employment Around Childbirth.Patricia Garrett & Deeann Wenk - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (1):49-65.
    This analysis tests the influence of personal, job, and family status characteristics on maternal employment. We use the Merged Child/mother File from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth to examine employment patterns of mothers who gave birth between 1979 and 1986. Logistic regression is used to estimate the probabilities; proportional hazards techniques are used to estimate rates of leaving and return to employment after childbirth. We find that family status factors and the proportion of the family income the mother (...)
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  29.  53
    Beyond evidence-based medicine: complexity and stories of maternity care.Soo Downe - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):232-237.
    Despite the entrenched acceptance of normal science in health care, it appears that authoritative, positivist, linear, risk averse, certainty-based thinking can only get us so far along the route of optimum health. This paper examines labor and childbirth as a paradigm case of a complex adaptive system (CAS) and offers the example of techniques used in a master-level course on normal childbirth to illustrate how maternity care clinicians can be introduced to complexity-based thinking through reflexive analysis of real life clinical (...)
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  30.  20
    Quality of Life and Elective C-Sections: Defining Limits to Maternal and Family Interests.Jeffrey P. Spike - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (3):252-255.
    The author analyzes the lessons for ethics consultants presented by McCrary and colleagues in their case, “Elective Delivery Before 39 Weeks’ Gestation: Reconciling Maternal, Fetal, and Family Interests in Challenging Circumstances.” Clinical ethics cases that involve different specialists representing the best interests of different parties in a case, such as this case involving neonatologists and perinatologists, are complex and time-consuming. The author concludes that ethics must insure the interests of the fetus and future person are not subsumed to the (...)
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    Perinatal Care for Trans and Nonbinary People Birthing in Heteronormative “Maternity” Services: Experiences and Educational Needs of Professionals.Vic Valentine, Isaac Samuels, Laura Godfrey-Isaacs, Adam Jowett, Gemma Pearce, Rebecca Crowther & Sally Pezaro - 2023 - Gender and Society 37 (1):124-151.
    Childbearing trans and nonbinary people are confronted with the heteronormative and cisgender frameworks that underpin “maternity” services. We explored the educational needs of 108 perinatal staff in the United Kingdom as related to the needs of trans and nonbinary service users. Participants were most confident in formulating care plans and least confident about the provision of colleagues’ perinatal care in this context. While the majority of participants were positive toward the trans and nonbinary communities, they considered that those communities remain (...)
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    Medical authority and expectations of conformity: crystallising a key barrier to person-centred care during labour and childbirth.Anna Nelson - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):107-110.
    Those giving birth within modern maternity systems are recognised as facing a number of barriers to person-centred care. In this paper, I argue that in order to best facilitate the conditions for positive change, work needs to be done to provide a more granular articulation of the specific barriers. I then offer a nuanced and contextually aware articulation of one key component of the overall failure to ensure person-centred care: medical authority and the expectation of conformity. Articulating these barriers with (...)
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  33.  41
    Duty of Care toward Fetuses and the Limits of Maternal Rights to Refusal.Victor Chidi Wolemonwu - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):66-68.
    Anti-abortion proponents argue that a fetus holds the status of a person akin to healthy adult human beings. The fetus possesses inherent dignity and a fundamental right to life, which must be resp...
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    The Zygote: To Be Or Not Be A Person.C. A. Bedate & R. C. Cefalo - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (6):641-645.
    It is no longer possible to claim that the biological characteristics of the future adult are already determined at conception. After all, a zygote may develop into a hydatidiform mole rather than into a human being. The development of an individual human person is determined by genetically and nongenetically coded molecules within the embryo, together with the influence of the maternal environment. Consequently, it is an error to regard the zygote's chromosomal (and other) DNA as sufficient to determine the (...)
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    Making Fetal Persons.Catherine Mills - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):88-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Making Fetal PersonsFetal Homicide, Ultrasound, and the Normative Significance of BirthCatherine MillsIn early 2012, the then attorney general of Western Australia, Christian Porter, announced plans to introduce fetal homicide laws that would “create a new offence of causing death or grievous bodily harm to an unborn child through an unlawful assault on its mother” (Porter 2012). While well established in the United States, fetal homicide laws are only beginning (...)
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  36.  7
    The dynamics between mother's self and children's identity - A contemporary understanding about maternal overprotection resulting from the feminine mystique. 이정은 - 2018 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 29:133-163.
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    Alternative Therapies and Attention Deficit Disorder: Discourses of Maternal Responsibility and Risk.Claudia Malacrida - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (3):366-385.
    In response to controversies about Attention Deficit Disorder and Ritalin, many alternative therapies have proliferated in professional and lay circles. This study examines alternative therapy discourse and asks whether these texts offer any real challenge to traditional discourses of medicalized motherhood. Indeed, alternative therapies employ most of medicine's discursive strategies, portraying mothers as inadequate and responsible for their children's problems and positioning the child as both at risk and a danger to society. Furthermore, the speculative causal factors and the lengths (...)
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    One Person's Modus Ponens: Boyle, Absolutist Catholicism, and the Doctrine of Double Effect.M. P. Aulisio - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (2):142-157.
    The doctrine of double effect (DOE) has its origins in Roman Catholic thought and has been held to have widespread applications in bioethics. Its applications range over issues of maternal-fetal conflict, organ donation and transplant, euthanasia, and resource allocation, among other controversial issues. Recently, Joseph Boyle, the foremost proponent of the DOE over the past few decades, has argued that the DOE is required by the absolutist context of the Catholic tradition, and, further, that anyone who rejects this particular (...)
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    Gendering the seed: Mitochondrial replacement techniques and the erasure of the maternal.Robert Sparrow, Catherine Mills & John Carroll - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (7):608-614.
    In order to avoid the implication that ‘mitochondrial replacement techniques’ (MRT) would produce ‘three parent babies’, discourses around these techniques typically dismiss the contribution of the mitochondria to genetic parenthood and personal identity. According to many participants in debates about MRT, ‘real parenthood’ is a matter of contributing nuclear DNA, which in turn implies that men and women make the same contribution to the embryo. Even when the importance of the mitochondria is acknowledged, an emphasis on mitochondrial DNA still has (...)
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    Physical and Psychological Childbirth Experiences and Early Infant Temperament.Carmen Power, Claire Williams & Amy Brown - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo examine how physical and psychological childbirth experiences affect maternal perceptions and experiences of early infant behavioural style.BackgroundUnnecessary interventions may disturb the normal progression of physiological childbirth and instinctive neonatal behaviours that facilitate mother–infant bonding and breastfeeding. While little is known about how a medicalised birth may influence developing infant temperament, high impact interventions which affect neonatal crying and cortisol levels could have longer term consequences for infant behaviour and functioning.MethodsA retrospective Internet survey was designed to fully explore (...) experiences of childbirth and her postnatal perceptions of infant behaviour. Data collected from 999 mother–infant dyads were analysed using Pearson’s correlations and multiple analyses of covariance, employing the Bonferroni method of correction to establish initially significant variables. Multiple linear regressions were conducted to determine major perinatal contributors to perceived early infant temperament.ResultsMultiple regression analyses on each of the eight Mother and Baby Scales outcome variables indicated that early infant behavioural style was largely predicted by subjective maternal states during and post-childbirth, postnatal depression scores, maternal personality traits and infant age. For example, infant age was the most significant predictor of Alert-Responsive infant behaviour, followed by maternal Postnatal Positive experience. In contrast, depression scores were the most significant predictor of Unsettled-Irregular infant behaviour, followed by Anxious-Afraid Birth Emotions and infant age. Mothers also perceived their infants as more Alert-Responsive and Easier overall after a Supported birth experience.ConclusionMaternal and infant outcomes were influenced by multiple physical and psychological perinatal variables. The mother’s subjective experience appeared to be of equal significance to more objective factors. Social support enhanced the mother’s childbirth experience, benefitting her perceptions of her baby’s early temperament. These findings provide further support for current World Health Organisation intrapartum guidelines on the importance of making childbirth a ‘positive experience’ for women. (shrink)
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    From Necrotic to Apoptotic Debt: Using Kristeva to Think Differently about Puerto Rico’s Bankruptcy.Benigno Trigo - 2018 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 26 (2):15-24.
    Without the maternal hold, without its herethical ethics and sublimation, without the stability that this hold can bring, we are melancholically or defensively driven to commit the most heinous acts of atrocity and violence in the name of eternal life, development, and progress. For the most part, Kristeva has described the combination of personal loss and social, cultural, and historical pressures brought to bear on the vexed sublimation of the maternal hold by artists like Giovanni Bellini. More recently, (...)
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    Some Antecedents and Consequences of Ethical Leadership: An Examination Using the Kings of Judah From 931 bc to 586 bc.W. Glenn Rowe - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4):557-572.
    This study examines some antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership. Using a dataset from the King James Version of the Bible, I argue for and propose that maternal influence will lead to leaders being ethical while paternal influence appears to have no impact on leaders being ethical. I also argue and propose that ethical leaders are more likely to achieve longer tenures and to lead their organizations to better performance. I develop propositions based on the findings from the analysis (...)
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    Reimagining relationality for reproductive care: Understanding obstetric violence as “separation”.Rodante van der Waal & Inge van Nistelrooij - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1186-1197.
    Nursing Ethics has published several pleas for care ethics and/or relationality as the most promising ethical foundation for midwifery philosophy and practice. In this article, we stand by these calls, contributing to them with the identification of the structural form of violence that a care ethical relational approach to reproductive care is up against: that of “maternal separation”. Confronted with reproductive and obstetric violence globally, we show that a hegemonic racialized, instrumentalized, and individualized conception of pregnancy is responsible for (...)
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    Genome Modifying Reproductive Procedures and their Effects on Numerical Identity.Calum MacKellar - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (2):121-136.
    The advantages and risks of a number of new genome modifying procedures seeking to create healthy or enhanced individuals, such as Maternal Spindle Transfer, Pronuclear Transfer, Cytoplasmic Transfer and Genome Editing, are currently being assessed from an ethical perspective, by national and international policy organizations. One important aspect being examined concerns the effects of these procedures on different kinds of identity. In other words, whether or not a procedure only modifies the qualities or properties of an existing human being, (...)
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  45.  70
    Do Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques Affect Qualitative or Numerical Identity?S. Matthew Liao - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (1):20-26.
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques, known in the popular media as 'three-parent' or 'three-person' IVFs, have the potential to enable women with mitochondrial diseases to have children who are genetically related to them but without such diseases. In the debate regarding whether MRTs should be made available, an issue that has garnered considerable attention is whether MRTs affect the characteristics of an existing individual or whether they result in the creation of a new individual, given that MRTs involve the genetic manipulation of (...)
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    Ethics of Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques: A Habermasian Perspective.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (1):27-36.
    Jürgen Habermas is regarded as a central bioconservative commentator in the debate on the ethics of human prenatal genetic manipulations. While his main work on this topic, The Future of Human Nature, has been widely examined in regard to his position on prenatal genetic enhancement, his arguments regarding prenatal genetic therapeutic interventions have for the most part been overlooked. In this work I do two things. First, I present the three necessary conditions that Habermas establishes for a prenatal genetic manipulation (...)
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    Nursing students doing gender: Implications for higher education and the nursing profession.Lesley Andrew, Ken Robinson, Julie Dare & Leesa Costello - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (1):e12516.
    The average age of women nursing students in Australia is rising. With this comes the likelihood that more now begin university with family responsibilities, and with their lives structured by the roles of mother and partner. Women with more traditionally gendered ideas of these roles, such as nurturing others and self‐sacrifice, are known to be attracted to nursing as a profession; once at university, however, these students can be vulnerable to gender role stress from the competing demands of study. A (...)
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    Bonding, postpartum dysphoria, and social ties.Mira Crouch - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (3):363-382.
    Since the late 1970s, disruptions and “failure” of maternal-infant bonding have been causally linked to postpartum depression. Part I of this paper examines the grounds for this connection while tracing the ramifications of bonding theory (Klaus and Kennell 1976) through obstetrics, pediatrics, and psychiatry, as well as in the (mis)representations of it in the popular media. This discussion resolves into a view of maternal attachment as a long-term development progressively established through intensive mother-infant interaction. The forms of this (...)
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    Resisting, reproducing, resigned? Low‐income pregnant women's discursive constructions and experiences of health and weight gain.Shannon Jette & Geneviève Rail - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (3):202-211.
    In this article, we use qualitative methodology to explore how 15 low‐income women of diverse sociocultural location construct and experience health and weight gain during pregnancy, as well as how they position themselves in relation to messages pertaining to weight gain, femininity and motherhood that they encounter in their lives. Discussing the findings through a feminist poststructuralist lens, we conclude that the participants are complex, fragmented subjects, interpellated by multiple and at times conflicting subject positions. While the discourse of (...) responsibility (i.e. managing personal behaviours for the baby's health) is very much in evidence in their narratives, embodied experiences of pregnancy, lived experiences of financial constraints and religious beliefs provided some with an alternative discourse and resistant subject position. Participants also had mixed emotions about weight gain; they recognized the need to gain weight in order to have a healthy pregnancy, but weight gain was also not welcome as participants reproduced the dominant discourse of obesity and the discourse of ‘feminine’ bodily norms. Based on our results, we advocate for change to recent clinical guidelines and social discourses around pregnancy and weight gain, as well as for policies that provide pregnant women with a range of health‐promoting resources. (shrink)
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    Love.P. M. S. Hacker - 1976 - In Robert C. Solomon (ed.), The Passions. The Myth and Nature of Human Emotions. Notre Dame, Ind.: Doubleday. pp. 265–326.
    The manifold phenomena of love exhibited in diverse human societies during different periods of recorded history are rooted in biological features of human beings. The human procreative urge among women is natural to our species. Maternal love is rooted in mammalian nature. The ideal love of a mother for her child is a common transcultural paradigm of selflessness. This chapter first examines the biological roots of love and subsequently to the social constraints within which its various forms are possible. (...)
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