Results for 'Masao Ueda'

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  1. Nihon bunmei no shiseikan.Masao Ueda - 1994 - Tōkyō: Fūtosha.
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    Intercultural Philosophical Wayfaring: An Autobiographical Account in Conversation with a Friend.Michiko Yusa - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (1):123-134.
    The formation of the discipline of intercultural philosophy reveals its “karmic aspects,” in which dynamic encounters of scholars and students lay its future courses and clear unexpected paths. What was it like for a Japanese female Junior Year Abroad Exchange student to be in the American academic environment in the early 1970s, and her subsequent experience at the University of California Santa Barbara? A slice of her early memories, as well as her observations regarding the present and future of Japanese (...)
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    Zen and Philosophy: An Intellectual Biography of Nishida Kitaro (review).Thomas P. Kasulis - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):268-271.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Zen and Philosophy: An Intellectual Biography of Nishida KitarōThomas P. KasulisZen and Philosophy: An Intellectual Biography of Nishida Kitarō. By Michiko Yusa. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002. 482 pp.Readers of this journal know that much Buddhist-Christian dialogue over the past three decades has featured Kyōto School philosophy for the Buddhist side of the conversations. The major figures in that school known to the West are Nishida Kitarō, (...)
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    The Social Self in Zen and American Pragmatism (review).Amos Yong - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):244-248.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 244-248 [Access article in PDF] Book Review The Social Self in Zen and American Pragmatism The Social Self in Zen and American Pragmatism. By Steve Odin. SUNY Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought. Albany: SUNY, 1996. xvi + 482 pp. Better late than never! As one of the few volumes—only two to date, actually—in the SUNY Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought to address a perennial philosophical (...)
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    Contemporary Japanese Philosophy.Shigenori Nagatomo - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe, A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 523–530.
    Although it seems natural to consider the last fifty years the contemporary period, because this year (1995) punctuates a historical period celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the Pacific War, this essay will limit the term “contemporary” roughly to the last twenty‐five years. The reason for this demarcation is that at the beginning of the 1970s, we witnessed a new philosophical mood emerging in Japan. Prior to that period, the Japanese philosophical scene was dominated by the study of (...)
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  6. Maruyama Masao kaikodan.Masao Maruyama - 2006 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. Edited by Hiroaki Matsuzawa & Michiari Uete.
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    Seisho no shishin to dentatsu: Sekine Masao Sensei kiju kinen ronbunshū.Masao Sekine (ed.) - 1989 - Tōkyō: Yamamoto Shoten.
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  8. Ueda Shizuteru shū.Shizuteru Ueda - 2001 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    dai 1-kan. Nishida Kitarō -- dai 2-kan. Keiken to jikaku -- dai 3-kan. Basho -- dai 4-kan. Zen, kongenteki ningen -- dai 5-kan. Zen no fūkei -- dai 6-kan. Dōtei "Jūgyūzu" o ayumu -- dai 7-kan. Maisutā Ekkuharuto -- dai 8-kan. Hi shinpi shugi -- dai 9-kan. Kokū/Sekai -- dai 10-kan. Jiko no genshōgaku -- dai 11-kan. Shūkyō to wa nani ka.
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    Great Death, Great Life: An Interview with Masao Abe.Masao Abe - 1997 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 17:79.
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    From Nutritional Capability to Food Capability: Measurement of Multidimensional Food Poverty in Japan.Haruka Ueda - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (1):1-18.
    Amartya Sen’s work has contributed to shifting our focus from food availability to food access and utilisation, together called ‘nutritional capability’. Existing food insecurity instruments have been informed partially by the capability approach, but remain focused on material deprivation and its economic sub-dimensions. This narrow focus has become problematic, particularly in high-income countries, where material deprivation is largely overcome and food poverty manifests itself differently from that in low-income countries. Food poverty in high-income countries should thus be approached from a (...)
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  11.  36
    Zen and Western Thought.Masao Abe - 1970 - International Philosophical Quarterly 10 (4):501-541.
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  12. Bashō and the poetics of "haiku".Makoto Ueda - 1963 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (4):423-431.
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    Comments on "Christian and Buddhist Personal Transformation".Masao Abe - 1982 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 2:45.
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    Gendaijin no shiseikan to sōgi.Masao Fujii - 2010 - Tōkyō: Iwata Shoin.
  15. Pesutarotchi.Masao Fukushima - 1947
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  16. Hirose Tansō shōden.Masao Hirose - 1972
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    What is the primary contribution of the proposed types of communication to neuronal networks?Masao Ito - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):429-429.
  18.  46
    Ming-Ch'ing Studies in Japan: 1982.Ueda Makoto & Shigaku Zasshi - 1984 - Chinese Studies in History 18 (1-2):138-155.
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  19. Ningen no seijigaku.Masao Takao - 1978 - Kansai Daigaku Shuppan Kohobu.
  20. Tōsō ka kyōryoku ka.Masao Taki - 1958
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    Dislocation networks in phosphorus-implanted silicon.Masao Tamuka - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (3):663-691.
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  22. Watsuji Tetsurō kenkyū: kaishakugaku, kokumin dōtoku, shakai shugi.Masao Tsuda - 2001 - Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten.
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  23. Kaibara Ekiken.Nanjin Ueda - 1923
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    List of sentences.Tomoo Ueda - 2015 - In Telling What She Thinks: Semantics and Pragmatics of Propositional Attitude Reports. De Gruyter. pp. 147-156.
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    Zen Bukkyō.Shizuteru Ueda - 1973 - Chikuma Shobo.
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    Zen Bukkyō: kongenteki ningen.Shizuteru Ueda - 1993 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
  27. Reikom no hakubutsushi: genshi seimeikan no taikei.Masao Usui - 1982 - Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha.
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  28. Bunka to shite no kindai kagaku: kono ningenteki na itonami.Masao Watanabe - 1991 - Tōkyō: Maruzen.
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  29. Silence and Words in Zen Buddhism.Shizuteru Ueda - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (170):1-21.
    The topic of this article is the self-less self (selbst-lose Selbst) and more particularly this self in its connection with the problem of language. There exists a movement of the self-less self from itself toward itself. This movement also occurs as the liberation from language toward language; language reaches into the core of being self because our understanding of self and of the world is linguistically constituted. Similarly the fundamental conversion - as the occurence of the breakthrough (by means of (...)
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    Zen and the Modern World: A Third Sequel to Zen and Western Thought.Masao Abe - 2003 - University of Hawaii Press.
    Written by one of Japan's foremost contemporary thinkers and scholars, Zen and Modern Society is the third in a series of essay collections on Zen Buddhism as seen in the context of Western thought. Throughout his career, Masao Abe has articulated the meaning of Zen thought in a uniquely compelling way - at once, true to the original tradition and appropriately relevant to a variety of comparative standpoints, ranging from Biblical Judeo-Christianity to modern existentialism, phenomenology, and postmodernism. As a (...)
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    The Dalai Lama on what matters most: conversations on anger, compassion, and action.Noriyuki Ueda - 2013 - Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads. Edited by Noriyuki Ueda.
    In April of 2006, the prominent cultural anthropologist Noriyuki Ueda sat down with the Dalai Lama for a two day conversation. This book is based on that long and lively conversation in Dharamsala.
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    Forming Facial Expressions Influences Assessment of Others' Dominance but Not Trustworthiness.Yoshiyuki Ueda, Kie Nagoya, Sakiko Yoshikawa & Michio Nomura - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Zen and Comparative Studies: Part Two of a Two-Volume Sequel to Zen and Western Thought.Masao Abe - 1997 - University of Hawaii Press.
    This volume concludes the two-volume sequel to Masao Abe's Zen and Western Thought. Like its companion, Buddhism and Interfaith Dialogue, this work contains many previously published essays and papers by Abe. Here he clarifies the true meaning of Buddhist emptiness in comparison with the Aristotelian notion of substance and the Whiteheadean notion of process.
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  34. Zeami on art: A chapter for the history of japanese aesthetics.Makoto Ueda - 1961 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20 (1):73-79.
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  35. Zen and Western thought.Masao Abe - 1985 - Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Edited by William R. LaFleur.
    This collection of Abe's essays is a welcome addition to philosophy and comparative philosophy.
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    禅与西方思想.Masao Abe - 1989
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    “Inverse Correspondence” in the Philosophy of Nishida.Masao Abe - 1992 - International Philosophical Quarterly 32 (3):325-344.
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    Responses to Langdon Gilkey.Masao Abe & Francis H. Cook - 1985 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 5:67.
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    The Impact of Dialogue with Christianity of My Self-Understanding as a Buddhist.Masao Abe - 1989 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 9:63.
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    The Problem of ‘‘Inverse Correspondence’’ in the Philosophy of Nishida: Comparing Nishida with Tanabe.Masao Abe & James L. Fredericks - 1999 - International Philosophical Quarterly 39 (1):59-76.
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    Shinise no kakun: kigyō, shōten eizoku no hiketsu.Masao Adachi - 1990 - Tōkyō: Shinkōsha.
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    Maintenance and change in Japanese traditional funerals and death-related behavior.Masao Fujii - 1983 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 10 (1):39-64.
  43. Kusuri o kangaeru.Masao Hirasawa - 1974
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  44. Jiyū ni tsuite nanatsu no mondō.Masao Maruyama - 2005 - Kyōto-shi: SURE. Edited by Shunsuke Tsurumi.
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    "Sonzai no ronrigaku" kenkyū.Masao Matsumoto - 1948
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  46. Nīche to Kirisutokyō rinri.Masao Nakamura - 1965
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    Ekuiti no hōkakugen to kihon genri.Jun Ueda - 1996 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
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    Hispanismo en Asia. Estudios lingüísticos.Hiroto Ueda - 2001 - Arbor 168 (664):461-480.
    Ante todo debo confesar que los hispanistas asiáticos no estamos muy comunicados, a pesar de que no nos faltan diversas ocasiones en los congresos internacionales, las publicaciones de artículos en revistas especializadas ni los libros monográficos realizados por nuestros colegas asiáticos. Esto se debe a que los estudios hispánicos comparten una historia muy breve en contraste con las grandes corrientes de España, Hispanoamérica, Europa y los Estados Unidos. Teniendo en cuenta la limitada información que poseo, mencionaré al final de esta (...)
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  49. Kotoba no jitsuzon: Zen to bungaku.Shizuteru Ueda - 1997 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
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    Response to Thomas P. Kasulis' review of "letters of shinran".Yoshifumi Ueda - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (4):507-511.
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