Results for 'Mary Vidal'

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  1.  23
    David among the moderns: art, science, and the Lavoisiers.Mary Vidal - 1995 - Journal of the History of Ideas 56 (4):595-623.
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    L’enveloppe du couple comme échappatoire à la souffrance individuelle et familiale dans les situations de violences conjugales.Marie Naimi, Almudena Sanahuja & Alexandra Vidal-Bernard - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 238 (4):91-110.
    Cet article s’intéresse au phénomène des violences conjugales en montrant l’intérêt de considérer l’articulation des enveloppes psychiques au niveau individuel, familial et « couplal ». Il met le projecteur sur les matériaux psychiques transmis de génération en génération, qui traversent ces contenants. Si certaines traces du passé sont conscientes et élaborées, d’autres demeurent inconscientes et empreintes de traumatismes. Par l’effet d’emboîtement des enveloppes psychiques et par le biais du nouage des alliances inconscientes, ces héritages négatifs se retrouvent impliqués dans les (...)
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    Atlantis and the Nations.Pierre Vidal-Naquet & Janet Lloyd - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (2):300-326.
    I will not dwell overlong on the “meaning” of this story. But let me make two essential points. Plato tells us this story as though it were true: it is “a tale which, though passing strange, is yet wholly true.” Those words were to be translated into every language in the world and used to justify the most realistic fantasies. That is quite understandable, for Plato’s story started something new. With a perversity that was to ensure him great success, Plato (...)
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    Marie-Louise Puech & Jules Puech, Saleté de guerre! Correspondance 1915-1916.Françoise Thébaud - 2019 - Clio 49:303-306.
    Le centenaire de la Grande Guerre a donné un nouvel élan à la publication d’archives de soi sur l’événement, notamment de correspondances souvent découvertes dans les greniers familiaux par la génération des petits-enfants. Spécialiste d’histoire ouvrière et de l’histoire sociale de la guerre, Rémy Cazals n’a pas de lien de parenté avec Marie-Louise et Jules Puech mais il les connait bien, pour avoir écrit sur l’un des grands amis de Jules, le Mazamétain Albert Vidal et pour avoir sauvé les (...)
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  5. Existentialism.Mary Warnock - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (177):270-274.
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    Models and stories in Hadron physics.Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison - 1999 - In Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison (eds.), Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science. Cambridge University Press. pp. 326-346.
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    Georg Lukács and his generation, 1900-1918.Mary Gluck - 1985 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Here is Lukcs among his friends, lovers, and peers in those important years before 1918, when he converted to Communism and Marxism at the age of thirty-nine.
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  8. Evolution as a Religion.Mary Midgley - 2008 - Filosoficky Casopis 56:129-133.
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  9. (2 other versions)Bachelard: Science and Objectivity.Mary Tiles - 1986 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (4):529-531.
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    The logical status of the theory of natural selection and other evolutionary controversies.Mary B. Williams - 1973 - In Mario Bunge (ed.), The methodological unity of science. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 84--102.
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  11. Universals.Mary C. MacLeod & Eric M. Rubenstein - unknown
    Universals are a class of mind independent entities, usually contrasted with individuals, postulated to ground and explain relations of qualitative identity and resemblance among individuals. Individuals are said to be similar in virtue of sharing universals. An apple and a ruby are both red, for example, and their common redness results from sharing a universal. If they are both red at the same time, the universal, red, must be in two places at once. This makes universals quite different from individuals, (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Aristotle on Substance. The Paradox of Unity.Mary Louise Gill - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (4):668-671.
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    Peer Ostracism as a Sanction Against Wrongdoers and Whistleblowers.Mary B. Curtis, Jesse C. Robertson, R. Cameron Cockrell & L. Dutch Fayard - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):333-354.
    Retaliation against whistleblowers is a well-recognized problem, yet there is little explanation for why uninvolved peers choose to retaliate through ostracism. We conduct two experiments in which participants take the role of a peer third-party observer of theft and subsequent whistleblowing. We manipulate injunctive norms and descriptive norms. Both experiments support the core of our theoretical model, based on social intuitionist theory, such that moral judgments of the acts of wrongdoing and whistleblowing influence the perceived likeability of each actor and (...)
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  14. Silencing the Sophists: The Drama of Plato's Euthydemus'.Mary Margaret McCabe - 1998 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 14:139-68.
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    The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector.Mary Brownescombe Heller & Sheena Pollet (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    This book provides a comprehensive insight into the ways in which psychoanalysts think and work. Mary Brownescombe Heller and Sheena Pollet bring together internationally known contributors trained at the Institute of Psychoanalysis to explore the broad range of clinical work, thinking, and teaching undertaken with children, families, adults and staff by psychoanalysts in the UK public health sector. Divided into four sections, _The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector_ covers: clinical work with parents and young children clinical (...)
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  16. Secondary sexism and quota hiring.Mary Anne Warren - 1977 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 6 (3):240-261.
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    Platonic Conversations.Mary Margaret McCabe - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    M. M. McCabe presents a selection of her essays which explore the Platonic method of conversation: how it may inform our understanding both of Plato and of his predecessors and successors, and how its centrality accounts for the connections between argument, knowledge, and virtue in the texts McCabe examines.
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    An idealistic pragmatism.Mary Briody Mahowald - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    When I first became acquainted with the thought of the American philoso pher Josiah Royce, two factors particularly intrigued me. The first was Royce's claim that the notion of community was his main metaphysical tenet; the second was his close association with the two American pragmatists, Charles Sanders Peirce and William James. Regarding the first factor, I was struck by the fact that a philosopher who died in 1916 should emphasize a topic of such contemporary significance not only in philosophy (...)
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    Narrative science and narrative knowing. Introduction to special issue on narrative science.Mary S. Morgan & M. Norton Wise - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 62:1-5.
  20. Death.Mary Mothersill - 1987 - In Oswald Hanfling (ed.), Life and meaning: a reader. New York, NY, USA: B. Blackwell in association with the Open University. pp. 83--92.
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  21. Formalism and Internal Evidence.Mary Sirridge - 1979 - Reason Papers 5:27-39.
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    The lure for feeling.Mary Alice Wyman - 1960 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    The theory of knowledge of Saint Bonaventure..Mary Rachael Dady - 1939 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America press.
  24. Pursuing the highest ambitions.Mary Daly - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), Medieval Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 5--245.
  25. Perceiving that We See and Hear: Aristotle on Plato on Judgement and Reflection.Mary Margaret McCabe - 2015 - In Platonic Conversations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    The Sociobiological Imagination.Mary Maxwell (ed.) - 1991 - State University of New York Press.
    Paper edition (0768-3), $14.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  27. Natural Right Or Natural Law?Mary Gregor - 1995 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 3.
    If Kant's account of rights had continued the "early modern Natural Law tradition", basing rights on some notion of human flourishing, there would be no difficulty about including socio-economic rights for the needy in his theory. However, his division of moral philosophy into Rechtslehre and Tugendlehre limits Rechtspflichten to duties that a moral agent can be coerced to fulfill. If a state is to give the needy statutory rights, the justification for using coercion on its citizens cannot be that they (...)
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    Verteidigung der Menschenrechte ER -.Mary Wollstonecraft - 1996 - Haufe.
  29. (1 other version)Division and Definition in Plato's Sophist and Statesman.Mary Louise Gill - 2010 - In David Charles (ed.), Definition in Greek philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 172--201.
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    There's No Place Like Home: On the Place of Identity in Feminist Politics.Mary Louise Adams - 1989 - Feminist Review 31 (1):22-33.
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    Waiting and being.Mary Bruce Cobb - 2010 - Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae.
    That each of us is unique is probably why I find drawing and painting the human form a constant challenge. Searching for that spirit within is what it's all about for me—whether best expressed through the tilt of the head, The curve of a wrist or through an expression in the eyes. For many years I have kept a sketch pad and pen, or charcoal, In a separate purse, just in case something or someone of interest might appeal to me, (...)
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    Recruitment and retention: Examining process in research relationships.Mary Alston Kerllenevich, Kenneth L. Noller & Roger Bibace - 2005 - In Roger Bibace (ed.), Science and medicine in dialogue: thinking through particulars and universals. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
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  33. Make-believe morality and fictional worlds.Mary Mothersill - 2002 - In José Luis Bermúdez & Sebastian Gardner (eds.), Art and Morality. New York: Routledge. pp. 74-94.
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    The Myths We Live By.Mary Midgley - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    Mary Midgley argues in her powerful new book that far from being the opposite of science, myth is a central part of it. In brilliant prose, she claims that myths are neither lies nor mere stories but a network of powerful symbols that suggest particular ways of interpreting the world.
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  35. Simplicity.Mary Hesse - 1967 - In Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 7--445.
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    Human rights in a more humane world.Mary Burton - 2011 - In John W. De Gruchy (ed.), The Humanist Imperative in South Africa. African Sun Media. pp. 247.
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    The theory of the elements in de caelo 3and4.Mary Louise Gill - 2009 - In Alan C. Bowen & Christian Wildberg (eds.), New Perspectives on Aristotle’s De Caelo. Brill. pp. 139.
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  38. Intrapersonal Intelligence Strategies in the Developmental Writing Classroom.Mary Ellen Gleason - 2011 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 16 (1):95-105.
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  39. Protective Security or Protection Rackets? War and Sovereignty.Mary Kaldor - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.), Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)The influence of Immanuel Kant on Peter yakovlevich chaadayev.Mary-Barbara Zeldin - 1978 - Studies in East European Thought 18 (2):111-119.
  41. "Algebraic" approaches to mathematics.Mary Leng - unknown
  42. The Good Life, Slavery, and Acquisition: Aristotle's Introduction to Politics.Mary Nichols - 1983 - Interpretation 11 (2):171-183.
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    Letters on marriage.Mary Scharlieb - 1916 - The Eugenics Review 7 (4):300.
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    One More Chance.Mary Sternberg - 1993 - Between the Species 9 (1):18.
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  45. Logic of discovery in Maxwell's electromagnetic theory.Mary Hesse - 1973 - In Ronald N. Giere & Richard S. Westfall (eds.), Foundations of Scientific Method: The Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald N. Giere and Richard S. Westfall. --. Bloomington,: Indiana University Press. pp. 86--114.
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    Siting, justice, and conceptions of the good.Mary English - 1991 - Public Affairs Quarterly 5 (1):1-17.
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    Wisdom, Information, and Wonder: What is Knowledge For?Mary Midgley - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    InWisdom, Information and Wonder, Mary Midgley tackles the question at the root of our civilization: What is knowledge for?
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  48. American parishes in the twenty-first century.Mary L. Gautier - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (2):197.
    Gautier, Mary L It is exciting to be witness to the twenty-first century in American Catholicism. Much has changed over the course of the twentieth century and I will discuss some key trends in American Catholicism that likely will be shaping American parishes in the twenty-first. In particular, changes in Catholic population during the twentieth century have influenced the number of American parishes, their location, and their size, as well as the composition of parishioners and of the leaders who (...)
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    The Photograph: A Strange, Confined Space.Mary Price - 1994 - Stanford University Press.
    . The author first engages the problem of defining the value of a photograph, not in terms of its commercial or monetary value but of its actual or potential use. Walter Benjamin's influential writings on photography are discussed, notably his complex metaphor of "aura" as applied to both handmade art and the photograph, with the author challenging Benjamin's contention that works of art do not require titles, whereas photographs do.
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    Introduction: The Importance of Being Angry: Anger in Political Life.Mary Holmes - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (2):123-132.
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