Results for 'Mary Swift'

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  1.  31
    Two students and a professor discover what every business person should know about Industrial Security Firms.Maris Stella Swift, Travis Cornwell & Joseph Woods - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (1/2):112-127.
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    The Art of Dance in Red China.Mary Grace Swift - 1973 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 48 (2):275-285.
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  3. Event realization and default aspect.Jürgen Bohnemeyer & Mary Swift - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (3):263-296.
    There are languages – e.g., German, Inuktitut, andRussian – in which the aspectual reference of clausesdepends on the telicity of their event predicates. Weargue that in such languages, clauses or verb phrasesnot overtly marked for viewpoint aspect implicateor entail `event realization'', a property akin toParsons''s (1990) `culmination''. The aspectualreference associated with the use of clauses notovertly marked for aspect is computed in accordancewith the dependence of realization conditions ontelicity and in line with principles of Gricean pragmatics.We formalize event realization and (...)
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    Planning for scarcity: Developing a hospital ventilator allocation policy for Covid-19.Emily Ferrell, Katherine Drabiak, Mary Alfano-Torres, Salman Ahmed, Azzat Ali, Brad Bjornstad, John Dietrick, Mary M. Foley, Alex Garcia-Gonzalez, Shannon Robb & Douglas Ross - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (2):198-204.
    Objective To develop an ethically, legally, and clinically appropriate ventilator allocation policy for AdventHealth Tampa and AdventHealth Carrollwood in Tampa, Florida, which could be enacted swiftly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods During Spring 2020, a subcommittee of the Medical Ethics Committee established consensus on the fundamental principles of the policy, then built on existing ethical, legal, and clinical guidance. Results The plan was finalized in May 2020. The plan triages patients based on exclusion criteria (imminent mortality), prognosis and expected benefit (...)
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    Power distance and migrant nurses: The liminality of acculturation.Myung Suk Choi, Catherine Mary Cook & Margaret A. Brunton - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (4):e12311.
    A dearth of literature focuses on the relationship between acculturation, power distance and liminality for migrant nurses entering foreign workplaces. Expectations are for migrant nurses to be practice‐ready swiftly. However, this aspiration is naïve given the complex shifts that occur in deeply held cultural beliefs and practices and is dependent on an organisational climate of reciprocal willingness to adapt and learn. This exploratory study identified that although a plethora of literature addresses challenges migrant nurses face, there are limited data that (...)
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    The Poetical Trade of Favours: Swift, Mary Barber, and the Counterfeit Letters.Wendy Stewart - 1999 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 18:155.
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    Truth and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge.Mary Hesse - 1976 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1976:261 - 280.
  8.  35
    Philosophos: Plato’s Missing Dialogue.Mary Louise Gill - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Plato famously promised to complement the Sophist and the Statesman with another work on a third sort of expert, the philosopher--but we do not have this final dialogue. Mary Louise Gill argues that Plato promised the Philosopher, but did not write it, in order to stimulate his audience and encourage his readers to work out, for themselves, the portrait it would have contained. The Sophist and Statesman are themselves members of a larger series starting with the Theaetetus, Plato's investigation (...)
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    Verteidigung der Menschenrechte ER -.Mary Wollstonecraft - 1996 - Haufe.
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    Kant's Aesthetic Theory.Mary-Barbara Zeldin - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (4):587.
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    Recognition memory for a rapid sequence of pictures.Mary C. Potter & Ellen I. Levy - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):10.
  12. Fine's criteria of meaning change.Mary Hesse - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (2):46-52.
  13.  24
    Adolescents, Sensitive Topics, and Appropriate Access to Biomedical Prevention Research.Mary A. Ott - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):110-112.
    Adolescence, defined in the US as 11–21 years of age, is a critical period for prevention, as it marks the onset of risk behaviors. Minor (<18 years) self-consent and inclusion in biomedical resear...
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  14. (1 other version)Aristotle on Substance. The Paradox of Unity.Mary Louise Gill - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (4):668-671.
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    (1 other version)After Friendship.Mary Healy - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4).
    The loss of friendship can be a frequent occurrence for children as they explore their social worlds and navigate their way through the demands of particular relationships. Given that friendship is a relationship of special regard, and associated with a particular partiality to our friends, the ending of friendship and the subsequent interactions between former friends, can be difficult areas for schools to deal with. Whilst there has been considerable research on the formation and maintenance of friendship, a consideration of (...)
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  16. Reading the Shape of Nature: Comparative Zoology at the Agassiz Museum.Mary P. Winsor & Ronald Rainger - 1995 - Journal of the History of Biology 28 (1):151-166.
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    Vulnerability, vulnerable populations, and policy.Mary C. Ruof - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (4):411-425.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.4 (2004) 411-425 [Access article in PDF] Vulnerability, Vulnerable Populations, and Policy Mary C. Ruof "Special justification is required for inviting vulnerable individuals to serve as research subjects and, if they are selected, the means of protecting their rights and welfare must be strictly applied."Guideline 13: Research Involving Vulnerable Persons International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects Council for International Organizations (...)
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  18.  19
    Just Life: Bioethics and the Future of Sexual Difference.Mary C. Rawlinson - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Just Life reorients ethics and politics around the generativity of mothers and daughters rather than the right to property and the sexual proprieties of the Oedipal drama. Invoking two concrete universals – everyone is born of a woman and everyone needs to eat – Rawlinson rethinks labor and food as relationships that make ethical claims and sustain agency. Just Life counters the capitalization of bodies under biopower with the solidarity of sovereign bodies.
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    Sustainable power.Mary Archer - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 16--4.
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    Managing home nursing care: visibility, accountability and exclusion.Mary Ellen Purkis - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (3):141-150.
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    Ethical Challenges Within Veterans Administration Healthcare Facilities: Perspectives of Managers, Clinicians, Patients, and Ethics Committee Chairpersons.Mary Beth Foglia, Robert A. Pearlman, Melissa Bottrell, Jane K. Altemose & Ellen Fox - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (4):28-36.
    To promote ethical practices, healthcare managers must understand the ethical challenges encountered by key stakeholders. To characterize ethical challenges in Veterans Administration (VA) facilities from the perspectives of managers, clinicians, patients, and ethics consultants. We conducted focus groups with patients (n = 32) and managers (n = 38); semi-structured interviews with managers (n = 31), clinicians (n = 55), and ethics committee chairpersons (n = 21). Data were analyzed using content analysis. Managers reported that the greatest ethical challenge was fairly (...)
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    Interpreting Duns Scotus: critical essays.Mary Beth Ingham - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (3):550-554.
    From the title, Interpreting Duns Scotus, one would expect to find in this volume a type of meta-study. By this I mean that each article would reveal as much about the author as about the subject,...
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    Nursing in quality space: technologies governing experiences of care.Mary Ellen Purkis - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (2):101-111.
    This paper challenges contemporary portrayals in the nursing literature of the spaces within which care of patients in hospital settings is conducted. Within the wider discourse of fiscal restraint on health care spending, professional nursing has cast its disciplined eyes on details of the nurse‐patient relationship for the ostensible purpose of repairing that which is treated as individual failings of nurses to practise in ways prescribed by nursing theories. Set aside in this approach to the so‐called ‘problems’ of nursing practice (...)
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  24.  66
    In defence of Francis Bacon. A criticism of the critics of the Inductive Method.Mary Horton - 1973 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 4 (3):241-278.
  25.  32
    A Golden Manifesto, Part II.Mary Midgley - 2016 - Philosophy Now 117:20-23.
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  26. (1 other version)Division and Definition in Plato's Sophist and Statesman.Mary Louise Gill - 2010 - In David Charles (ed.), Definition in Greek philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 172--201.
  27.  18
    New realism in the light of scholasticism.Mary Verda - 1926 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
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    Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Republicks: Adapted to the Present State of Great Britain.Edward Wortley Montagu - 2015 - Indianapolis: Thomas Hollis Library.
    In 1759, at the height of the Seven Years' War, when Great Britain was suffering a series of military reversals, Montagu considered his country's plight in an historical context formed by the study of five ancient republics: Sparta, Athens, Thebes, Carthage, and Rome. Montagu's focus on the ancient republics gives his contribution a distinctive twist to the chorus of voices lamenting Britain's decline, and his analysis exerted influence in three momentous eighteenth-century crises: the Seven Years' War, the American War of (...)
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  29. Natural Right Or Natural Law?Mary Gregor - 1995 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 3.
    If Kant's account of rights had continued the "early modern Natural Law tradition", basing rights on some notion of human flourishing, there would be no difficulty about including socio-economic rights for the needy in his theory. However, his division of moral philosophy into Rechtslehre and Tugendlehre limits Rechtspflichten to duties that a moral agent can be coerced to fulfill. If a state is to give the needy statutory rights, the justification for using coercion on its citizens cannot be that they (...)
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    Embracing technology: an exploration of the effects of writing nursing.Mary Ellen Purkis - 1999 - Nursing Inquiry 6 (3):147-156.
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    Worlds Without End: The Many Lives of the Multiverse.Mary-Jane Rubenstein - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    "Multiverse" cosmologies imagine our universe as just one of a vast number of others. While this idea has captivated philosophy, religion, and literature for millennia, it is now being considered as a scientific hypothesis--with different models emerging from cosmology, quantum mechanics, and string theory. Beginning with ancient Atomist and Stoic philosophies, Mary-Jane Rubenstein links contemporary models of the multiverse to their forerunners and explores the reasons for their recent appearance. One concerns the so-called fine-tuning of the universe: nature's constants (...)
  32. Dealing with Uncertainty.Mary Douglas - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (3):145-155.
    In C.S. Lewis's science fiction parable Perelandra was a planet which had no solid ground. At all times the floating landscape was continually swirling and moving, chasms would appear where a minute before there had been safe standing. The rational beings who lived there hopped nimbly on to another little island when the one on which they stood disappeared under their feet. They were used to it and took it for granted that nothing was certain. The visitor from our planet (...)
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    Foucault's strategy: Knowledge, power, and the specificity of truth.Mary C. Rawlinson - 1987 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 12 (4):371-395.
    This paper investigates the exemplarity of medicine in Foucault's analyses of knowledge generally. By tracing the development of his concept of power and its relation to knowledge, it offers an account of Foucault's unconventional philosophical project. Finally, it specifies Foucault's strategy for undermining processes of normalisation.
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    John Stuart Mill.Mary Agnes Hamilton - 1933 - London,: H. Hamilton.
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  35. Studies in the Eighteenth-Century Background of Hume's Empiricism.Mary Shaw Kuypers - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (22):266-266.
  36.  51
    Belonging, social cohesion and fundamental british values.Mary Healy - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (4):423-438.
  37.  24
    Rhetorical Species: A Case Study of Poetic Manifestations of Medieval Visual Culture.Mary M. Paddock - 2010 - Speculum 85 (2):302-320.
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    Lie-toe-tease: double negatives and unexcluded middles.Laurence Horn - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (1):79-103.
    Litotes, “a figure of speech in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary” has had some tough reviews. For Pope and Swift, litotes—stock examples include “no mean feat”, “no small problem”, and “not bad at all”—is “the peculiar talent of Ladies, Whisperers, and Backbiters”; for Orwell, it is a means to affect “an appearance of profundity” that we can deport from English “by memorizing this sentence: A not unblack dog was chasing a not unsmall rabbit (...)
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  39. Newton as historically-minded philosopher.Mary Domski - 2010 - In Michael Friedman, Mary Domski & Michael Dickson (eds.), Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science. Open Court.
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  40. From stance to style: Gender, interaction, and indexicality in Mexican immigrant youth slang.Mary Bucholtz - forthcoming - Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives.
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    Autoshaping: Relation of feeder color to choice of key color.Mary Ann Fisher & A. Charles Catania - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (6):439-442.
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    A Faculty Forum on Giving Voice To Values.Mary C. Gentile - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 8 (1):305-307.
    Giving Voice To Values (GVV) serves as a framework to teach individuals methods to speak up when they witness actions that are contrary to their professional and personal values. This essay illustrates how GVV serves as a catalyst to advance both research and teaching activities.
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    From thesmophoriazousai to the Julie thesmo show: Adaptation, performance, reception.Mary-Kay Gamel - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):465-499.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.3 (2002) 319-328 [Access article in PDF] Introduction Mary-Kay Gamel Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazousai (Women at the Thesmophoria Festival) takes its title from an important three-day religious festival celebrated by women in honor of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. In this play, the playwright Euripides learns that the women of Athens plan to use the occasion of this women-only gathering to put him on (...)
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    Introduction.Mary-Kay Gamel - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):319-328.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.3 (2002) 319-328 [Access article in PDF] Introduction Mary-Kay Gamel Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazousai (Women at the Thesmophoria Festival) takes its title from an important three-day religious festival celebrated by women in honor of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. In this play, the playwright Euripides learns that the women of Athens plan to use the occasion of this women-only gathering to put him on (...)
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    Megarons and ΜΕΓΑΡΑ: Homer and Archaeology.Mary O. Knox - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (01):1-.
    This paper is primarily an attempt to study the Homeric evidence on houses, particularly on the , in relation to the relevant remains. The reverse procedure, illuminating the archaeological evidence by references to Homer, is a hazardous one, as we shall see. It is often unclear just what is represented by the descriptions in the poems, and what period, if any, the things described belong to. I shall be concerned with these questions here. Are the houses in the poems Mycenaean: (...)
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    The Metaphor of the Erotic Union in St. John of the Cross.Mary Ellen Kohn - 1997 - In Phyllis Carey (ed.), Wagering on transcendence: the search for meaning in literature. Kansas City, Mo.: Sheed & Ward.
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  47. Substantial Change and the Limiting Case of Aristotelian Matter.Mary Krizan - 2013 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 30 (4):293-310.
  48. Studies in the eighteenth century background of Hume's empiricism.Mary Kuypers - 1958 - New York,: Russell & Russell.
  49. Aesthetic laws, principles and properties: A response to Eddy Zemach.Mary Mothersill - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (1):77-82.
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    The anti human rights campaigner.Mary Warnock & Julian Baggini - 2002 - The Philosophers' Magazine 20:25-27.
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