Results for 'Martyna Zimmermann'

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  1.  29
    The Choreography of Group Affiliation.Jorina von Zimmermann, Staci Vicary, Matthias Sperling, Guido Orgs & Daniel C. Richardson - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):80-94.
    Dance provides natural conditions for studying relationships between coordination patterns and human experience. von Zimmermann and colleagues investigate whether relatively simple or more complex forms of movement coordination are related to pro‐social experiences during group dance. They find that pro‐social experience depends on the degree to which movement patterns are distributed and diversified, but not the degree to which movement patterns are simply unitary.
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    International Mindedness in Emerging Contexts of International Schooling. Cyprus, A Case Study.Martyna Elerian, Elena C. Papanastasiou & Emilios A. Solomou - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (6):783-804.
    International Mindedness (IM) has become an underpinning philosophy of the International Baccalaureate and schools which adopt its programmes. However, the concept of IM is relevant to any school that offers international education given its potential and importance to drive the school’s mindset and mission. The international school market has grown significantly in terms of the number of schools and their diversity. Increasing in popularity are schools that follow the British-based International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and A-level programmes. Moreover, (...)
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  3. Woluntaryzm i intelektualizm w etyce Jana Dunsa Szkota.Martyna Koszkało - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 83 (3):441-458.
    Both in Polish and international literature Duns Scotus’ ethical thought has had a number of conflicting interpretations. The article presents the main elements of Duns Scotus’ ethical thought. The quaestions it tries to answer are the following: a) is Scotus’ ethics voluntaristic; b) if so, what type of voluntarism can one attribute to Scotus. Finding Scotus’ ethics moderately voluntaristic I distinguish and characterize three types of voluntarism that could be attributed to Scotus: psychological voluntarism (Duns finds the will more perfect (...)
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    Arystoteles, Tomasz z Akwinu, Jan Duns Szkot: Kilka uwag o różnicy między starożytnym i średniowiecznym pojmowaniem cnoty.Martyna Koszkało - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (2):489-510.
    Artykuł przedstawia grecki ideał człowieka cnotliwego prezentowany w koncepcji Arystotelesa w kontraście do odpowiednika tego ideału obecnego w kulturze chrześcijańskiej (Tomasz z Akwinu, Jan Duns Szkot). Pewne elementy etyki Arystotelesa wzbudzały bowiem kontrowersje, szczególnie elitaryzm oraz model megalópsychos i musiały zostać w etyce chrześcijańskiej przekształcone. Ze względu na nowy model antropologiczny (człowieka jako istoty grzesznej) pojęcie cnoty uległo pewnej modyfikacji zwłaszcza w nurtach woluntarystycznych, gdyż cnotliwy człowiek, mimo posiadania dobrego charakteru, jest w ramach takiej wizji podatny na upadek. Artykuł prezentuje (...)
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    Parents’ literacy skills, reading preferences, and the risk of dyslexia in Year 1 students.Martyna Matuszkiewicz & Marta Łockiewicz - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (3):281-288.
    The aim of our study was to examine the familial risk of dyslexia in Year 1 school beginners, whose parents had been diagnosed as dyslexic or exhibited symptoms of the specific difficulties in reading and writing without a formal opinion issued by a counselling centre. We found that both a dyslexia report and specific reading and writing difficulties with no formal diagnosis manifested by a family member, and parents’ reading preferences, predicted the risk of dyslexia in Year 1 children. Moreover, (...)
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    Etyka nuklearnego odstraszania i racjonalność intencji warunkowych.Martyna Pustoszkin - forthcoming - Etyka.
    W artykule zostanie opisany modelu Specjalnej Sytuacji Odstraszania (SSO) sformułowany przez Gregorego S. Kavkę, a rozpatrywany w kontekście normatywnej teorii decyzji. Wychodząc od analizy jednego z paradoksów odstraszania wynikającego ze wspomnianego modelu, przedstawię różne sposoby rozwiązania problemów które generuje, rozpatrując je w kontekście charakteru intencji, racjonalności, oraz moralności działań podmiotu uwikłanego w SSO. Przedstawię również propozycję rozwiązania wspomnianego paradoksu, oraz wskażę na dodatkowe czynniki wpływające na ocenę etyczną działań, przyjmowania intencji, oraz jej podtrzymywania przez racjonalnego agenta reprezentującego państwo odstraszające.
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    Mapping and Measuring Service Quality: The Implications of Henri Bergson’s Philosophy.Martyna Sliwa - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 6 (3):133-150.
    This paper discusses the potential contribution of Henri Bergson’s philosophy to the theory and practice of service quality measurement. First, it summarises some of the theoretical developments within the field of service quality measurement and points to areas of controversy found within the extant publications. Then, it proposes that a greater appreciation of philosophy, in particular the writings of Henri Bergson, can help address the apparent inconsistencies and gaps observed in the literature. Finally, the paper offers suggestions regarding the potential (...)
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    Reimagining the Sacred: Richard Kearney Debates God with James Wood, Catherine Keller, Charles Taylor, Julia Kristeva, Gianni Vattimo, Simon Critchley, Jean-Luc Marion, John Caputo, David Tracey, Jens Zimmermann, and Merold Westphal.Richard Kearney & Jens Zimmermann (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary conversations about religion and culture are framed by two reductive definitions of secularity. In one, multiple faiths and nonfaiths coexist free from a dominant belief in God. In the other, we deny the sacred altogether and exclude religion from rational thought and behavior. But is there a third way for those who wish to rediscover the sacred in a skeptical society? What kind of faith, if any, can be proclaimed after the ravages of the Holocaust and the many religion-based (...)
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  9.  10
    An der Grenze: theologische Erkundungen zum Bösen.Béatrice W. Acklin Zimmermann & Barbara Schmitz (eds.) - 2007 - Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck.
    Béatrice Acklin Zimmermann Barbara Schmitz An der GrenzeTheologische Erkundungen zum BösenUnter dem Eindruck der schrecklichen Ereignisse vom 11. September 2001, von Beslan, Abu Ghraib und Kana ist das Interesse "am Bösen"wiedererwacht. Dabei fällt auf, dass die in Politik und Gesellschaft erfolgten Deutungen des Bösen geprägt sind durch klare Grenzziehungen zwischen "gut"und "böse", die zunehmend auch auf religiöse Kategorien wie Licht-Finsternis, gerecht-sündig, Tod-Leben rekurrieren. Dies provoziert die Frage nach der Trennschärfe von "gut"und "böse": Wo genau verläuft die Grenze zwischen "gut"und (...)
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    Framing and cognitive metaphor – do they have anything in common?Martyna Bieniek - 2020 - Philosophical Discourses 2:149-164.
    The main topic of this article is to show similarities between framing and cognitive metaphor. At the beginning I will show definition of cognitive metaphor and examples of using this metaphor. Then I will do the same with definition of framing, in the end I will try to show that this two things have a lot of common. Main reason of this article is to show that framing is not only present in media, but that framing is present in our (...)
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    ‘How is it possible that at times we can be physicians and at times assistants in suicide?’ Attitudes and experiences of palliative care physicians in respect of the current legal situation of suicide assistance in Switzerland.Martyna Tomczyk, Roberto Andorno & Ralf J. Jox - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):594-601.
    IntroductionSwitzerland lacks specific legal regulation of assistance in suicide. The practice has, however, developed since the 1980s as a consequence of a gap in the Swiss Criminal Code and is performed by private right-to-die organisations. Traditionally, assistance in suicide is considered contrary to the philosophy of palliative care. Nonetheless, Swiss palliative care physicians regularly receive patient requests for suicide assistance. Their attitudes towards the legal regulations of this practice and their experience in this context remain unclear.ObjectivesOur study aimed to explore (...)
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  12. Ankommen in der Republik. Thomas Mann, Nietzsche und die Demokratie.Rolf Zimmermann - 2017
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    Hermeneutics: A Very Short Introduction.Jens Zimmermann - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Hermeneutics is the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, a behaviour that is intrinsic to our daily lives. As humans, we decipher the meaning of newspaper articles, books, legal matters, religious texts, political speeches, emails, and even dinner conversations every day. But how is knowledge mediated through these forms? What constitutes the process of interpretation? And how do we draw meaning from the world around us so that we might understand our position in it? In this Very Short Introduction (...)
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  14. On the Clarification of System Levels.R. E. Zimmermann - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (1):60-62.
    Open peer commentary on the article “The Circular Conditions of Second-order Science Sporadically Illustrated with Agent-based Experiments at the Roots of Observation” by Manfred Füllsack. Upshot: I follow the general tenor of Füllsack’s target article but I have some basic reservations as to the utilization of the thermodynamics involved.
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  15. The Development of the Notion of Will in the Pagan Ancient Philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.Martyna Koszkało - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (2):157-186.
    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i analiza kształtowania się pojęcia woli w starożytnej filozofii pogańskiej. W kontekście poglądów Sokratesa, Platona i Arystotelesa autor przedstawia wiele greckich intuicji dotyczących psychologii aktów moralnych i ludzkiego działania. Po pierwsze artykuł przedstawia doktrynę intelektualizmu etycznego, przypisywaną Sokratesowi, według której kognitywne elementy są głównym motywem naszych działań. Z tego powodu trudno znaleźć pojęcie wolnej woli w sokratejskiej antropologii. Po drugie artykuł prezentuje interpretację platońskiej antropologii, według której sferę thymos można nazwać proto-wolą. Ostatecznie autor ukazuje, jak trudno (...)
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  16.  69
    Contemplative Leadership: The Possibilities for the Ethics of Leadership Theory and Practice.Gina Grandy & Martyna Sliwa - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (3):423-440.
    In this paper, we offer a conceptualization of leadership as contemplative. Drawing on MacIntyre’s perspective on virtue ethics and Levinas’ and Gilligan’s work on the ethics of responsibility and care, we propose contemplative leadership as virtuous activity; reflexive, engaged, relational, and embodied practice that requires knowledge from within context and practical wisdom. More than simply offering another way to conceptualize the ethics of leadership, this research contributes to understanding the ethics of leadership in practice. Empirically, we analyze the narratives of (...)
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    Environmental Personhood as a Tool to Protect Nature.Martyna Łaszewska-Hellriegel - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1369-1384.
    The escalating global ecological degradation underlines the continued importance of the need of effective nature protection. In recent years a new concept– “environmental personhood” was developed. The article analyses the concept and asks the question if it can help with the efficiency of protecting the nature. It is the attempt to transfer the essence of human rights to animals and ecosystem, so they will no longer be right’-less. This concept has some of its beginning in the idea of “common heritage (...)
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  18. Philosophie und geistiges Erbe des Mittelalters: gehalten auf dem Symposion zum 65. Geburtstag von Professor Dr. Albert Zimmermann am 9. Juli 1993.Albert Zimmermann & Jan Aertsen (eds.) - 1994 - Köln: Peeters.
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    Scholastic Sources of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s Treatise Disputatio metaphysica deprincipio individui.Martyna Koszkało - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (2):23-55.
    The object of this article is the scholastic inspirations found in the metaphysical disputation De principio individui by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. The purpose ofthis study was, on one hand, a reconstruction of Leibniz’s theory concerning the principle of individuation, and on the other hand, a presentation of some texts by medieval scholastic authors (Henry of Ghent, Peter of Falco, Thomas Aquinas, Aegidius of Rome, Robert Kilwardby, William of Ockham) to whose ideas Leibniz refers in the named work, even though he (...)
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  20. Monotonicity in opaque verbs.Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (6):715 - 761.
    The paper is about the interpretation of opaque verbs like “seek”, “owe”, and “resemble” which allow for unspecific readings of their (indefinite) objects. It is shown that the following two observations create a problem for semantic analysis: (a) The opaque position is upward monotone: “John seeks a unicorn” implies “John seeks an animal”, given that “unicorn” is more specific than “animal”. (b) Indefinite objects of opaque verbs allow for higher-order, or “underspecific”, readings: “Jones is looking for something Smith is looking (...)
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  21.  37
    Visions of agapé: Problems and Possibilities in Human and Divine Love. Edited by Craig A. Boyd.Nigel Zimmermann - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (4):715-716.
  22.  69
    Proclus Arabus Rides Again.Fritz Zimmermann - 1994 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 4 (1):9.
    Some of the short pieces attributed in various Arabic manuscripts to Alexander of Aphrodisias in fact derive from Proclus's Elements of Theology. Twenty such pieces were published in 1973 by G. Endress, who traced the unnamed translator to the circle of Kindi. Another such piece is here identified, published, and assigned to the same translator. Its beginning and end seem to have been revised by a later transmitter. Section II of the article adduces a parallel case where the original Arabic (...)
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  23. Franciszka Suareza koncepcja jednostkowienia bytu na tle stanowisk myślicieli średniowiecznych.Martyna Koszkało - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13):881-897.
    The paper presents Suárez’s view on the individuation of beings, which he developed in his Disputatio V, De unitate individuali eiusque principio. The aim, apart from simply presenting Doctor Eximius’s thought, is also to compare his views with his scholastic predecessors. When considering the question of individuation, Suárez remained under a considerable influence of the medieval tradition, which, however, he transformed in his writings according to his own convictions. He used the language of Duns Scotus when speaking of individuation and (...)
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    Whats in two names?Zimmermann Thomas Ede - 2005 - Journal of Semantics 22 (1):53-96.
    As first pointed out by Saul, the co-referential names in sentences like and defy substitution _salva veritate_: Clark Kent went into the phone booth, and Superman came out. I never made it to Karl-Marx-Stadt, but I visited Chemnitz last year. This paper elaborates and compares two solutions to Saul's substitution problem, both of which turn on an asymmetry between names that share their bearers. According to the first solution there is a semantic distinction between neutral names and restricted names. According (...)
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    Neues Handbuch des Philosophie-Unterrichts.Jonas Pfister & Peter Zimmermann (eds.) - 2016 - Utb.
    Das «Neue Handbuch des Philosophie-Unterrichts» nimmt Entwicklungen der Fachdidaktik Philosophie und Ethik der letzten dreißig Jahre auf. Es bietet Einblicke in die Frage der Auswahl und Strukturierung von Inhalten, in verschiedene Unterrichtsthemen, in die didaktisch-methodische Planung und Durchführung des Unterrichts, in Fragen der Leistungsbewertung sowie in traditionelle und neuere philosophiedidaktische Modelle. Die Beiträge enthalten zahlreiche Anregungen zur Vorbereitung, Gestaltung und Reflexion des eigenen Unterrichts. Das Handbuch eignet sich somit als Nachschlagewerk sowohl für angehende als auch für erfahrene Lehrpersonen.
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    Reproducibilidad de un proyecto didáctico para la adquisición de vocabulario académico en estudiantes de secundaria.Karina Hess Zimmermann & Mariana Alejandra Núñez Rodríguez Wyler - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-25.
    Investigaciones previas muestran que existe una importante relación entre la capacidad de los estudiantes para realizar una descomposición morfológica de las palabras y sus habilidades para adquirir vocabulario. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la reproducibilidad de un proyecto didáctico en torno a la descomposición de palabras como estrategia para adquirir vocabulario en estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria. Participó un grupo experimental cuyas habilidades de descomposición morfológica se compararon en un pre y post-test con las de un grupo (...)
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  27.  8
    Paul Wilperts philosophische Schriften.Albert Zimmermann - 1968 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 50 (1-2):8-11.
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    Introduction to semantics: an essential guide to the composition of meaning.Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
    This textbook introduces undergraduate students of language and linguistics to the basic ideas, insights, and techniques of contemporary semantic theory. The book starts with everyday observations about word meaning and use and then gradually zooms in on the question of how speakers manage to meaningfully communicate with phrases, sentences, and texts they have never come across before. Extensive English examples provide ample illustration.
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    Platon Lexikon der Namen und Begriffe: Verfasst von Olof Gigon und Laila Zimmermann.Olof Gigon & Laila Straume-Zimmermann - 1975
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    Documentary across platforms: reverse engineering media, place, and politics.Patricia Rodden Zimmermann - 2019 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, Office of Scholarly Publishing, Herman B Wells Library.
    In Documentary Across Platforms, noted scholar of film and experimental media Patricia R. Zimmermann offers a glimpse into the ever-evolving constellation of practices known as "documentary" and the way in which they investigate, engage with, and interrogate the world. Collected here for the first time are her celebrated essays and speculations about documentary, experimental, and new media published outside of traditional scholarly venues. These essays envision documentary as a complex ecology composed of different technologies, sets of practices, and specific (...)
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  31. .Stephan Zimmermann - unknown
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    Tragedia i sceptycyzm.Robert Piłat & Martyna Filcek - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):25-42.
    The well-trotted path of interpretation of tragedy refers to a positive conflict of forces or values. In this article, we examine another possibility: to focus on a negative act involved in the tragedy, i.e., avoidance of essential goods and attachments. The avoidance makes the tragic hero live in a contracted world in which he cannot choose a good or save himself. The distinction between the positive and negative aspects of a tragic situation intersects with the distinction between the two layers (...)
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  33. Rozważania Franciszka Suareza nad zakresem działania mocy absolutnej Boga w odniesieniu do prawa naturalnego.Martyna Koszkało - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (17):121-135.
    FRANCIS SUÁREZ’S VIEWS ON THE RELATION BETWEEN THE ABSOLUTE POWER OF GOD AND THE NATURAL LAW The article presents Francis Suárez’s views concerning the problem of the possibility of granting dispensation from the natural law by the absolute power of God. Suárez’s opinions on this matter were shown in his comprehensive work on the philosophy of law: De legibus ac Deo legislatore, in Book II De lege aeterna, naturali, et jure gentium, chapter XV entitled Utrum Deus dispensare possit in lege (...)
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  34. Futura contingentia jako przedmiot wiedzy Boga. Stanowisko Jana Dunsa Szkota.Martyna Koszkało - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (19):53-74.
    God’s Knowledge of Future Contingents. John Duns Scotus’ Explanation The article concerns John Duns Scotus’ views on the problem of God’s knowledge of future contingents, presented by Scotus in his Lectura in librum primum Sententiarumd. 39, n. 1-93. He begins his analysis of the notion of God’s knowledge concerning the future events by criticizing two theories: first, the claim that the content of the idea of a thing, possessed by God, can include contingency of this thing; second, the claim that (...)
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    Glasverarbeitung im frühmittelalterlichen Nordund Osteuropa.Martin Zimmermann - 2014 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 47 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 47 Heft: 1 Seiten: 53-86.
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    Scotus’s Analysis of the Structure of the Will in the Light of 14th-Century Philosophical and Theological Discussions.Martyna Koszkało - 2023 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 59 (2):21-51.
    This article addresses the issue of the two-level nature of acts of the will, i.e. its ability to voluntarily refer to its own acts. First, we will examine the ancient sources of the concept of the two-level will (Plato and Augustine). Then, we will focus on the views of John Duns Scotus on the types of acts of will, with particular emphasis on the concept of non velle and its application in philosophical and theological issues. Against the backdrop of Scotus’s (...)
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    Humanism and Religion: A Call for the Renewal of Western Culture.Jens Zimmermann - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Jens Zimmermann suggests that the West can rearticulate its identity and renew its cultural purpose by recovering the humanistic ethos that originally shaped Western culture. He traces the religious roots of humanism, and combines humanism, religion and hermeneutic philosophy to re-imagine humanism for our current cultural and intellectual climate.
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    In Memoriam Paul Wilpert.Albert Zimmermann - 1968 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 50 (1-2):2-7.
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    Kontyngencja, wolność, indywidualność — Jan Duns Szkot a tradycja arystotelesowska.Martyna Koszkało - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (4):37-59.
    Celem artykułu jest ukazanie zasadniczych różnic między rozumieniem pojęć kontyngencji, wolności, indywidualności w filozofii Szkota w odniesieniu do tradycji arystotelesowskiej. Podkreślam, że istotnymi elementami koncepcji Szkota, będącymi wyraźnym odejściem od klasycznego arystotelizmu, są: (1) odrzucenie zasady pełności, (2) interpretacja teraźniejszości jako niekoniecznej, (3) rozwinięcie pojęcia synchronicznej kontyngencji, (4) zerwanie związku między niezmiennością i koniecznością. W swej antropologii Szkot kładzie nacisk na (1) pojęcie wolnej wolijako władzy autonomicznej i zdolnej do samodeterminacji, (2) przypisuje woli racjonalność, która nie polega na zależności woli (...)
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  40. Źródła normatywności według Jana Dunsa Szkota.Martyna Koszkało - 2010 - Ruch Filozoficzny 67 (4).
    The paper is devoted to the question of the sources of normativity in John Duns Scotus. Confronted with different conceptions of the sources of normativity listed by Christine M. Korsgaard, Duns Scotus’ conception turns out to be hybrid because he iterweaves realistic and voluntaristic elements. In Scotus’ ethics one can find the sources of normativity analizing: (1) subjective condition of the agent such as beeing free and rational; (2) objective foundations of moral norms such as natural law; (3) external authority (...)
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  41. Equality, political order and ethics: Hobbes and the systematics of democratic rationality.Rolf Zimmermann & Maeve Cooke - 1988 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 14 (3-4):339-358.
  42. Faktor Service–Was Kunden wirklich brauchen, Göttingen, Business Village 2007.D. Zimmermann - 2005 - Hermes 2008:24-31.
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    Mensura, Mass, Zahl, Zahlensymbolik Im Mittelalter.Albert Zimmermann - 1983
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    Re-Envisioning Christian Humanism: Education and the Restoration of Humanity.Jens Zimmermann (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Since the early 1980s, there has been renewed scholarly interest in the concept of Christian Humanism. A number of official Catholic documents have stressed the importance of 'Christian humanism', as a vehicle of Christian social teaching and, indeed, as a Christian philosophy of culture. Fundamentally, humanism aims to explore what it means to be human and what the grounds are for human flourishing. Featuring contributions from internationally renowned Christian authors from a variety of disciplines in the humanities, Re-Envisioning Christian Humanism (...)
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    Vom Nutzen der Literatur: vorbereitende Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie der literarischen Kommunikation.Hans Dieter Zimmermann - 1977 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  46. Wittgenstein zwischen Hermeneutik, Phänomenologie und analytischer Systematik.Rolf Zimmermann - 1979 - Philosophische Rundschau 26:198.
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    Biblical ethics and application: purview, validity, and relevance of biblical texts in ethical discourse.Ruben Zimmermann & Stephan Joubert (eds.) - 2017 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    The authors of this volume discuss the relevance and influence of various Old and New Testament documents, and early Christian and Jewish texts in terms of their impact in shaping the moral character, identity, and behaviour of the specific communities in which they were produced as well as their ethical application throughout the centuries. Against a narrow understanding of ethics, the term "application" is not used to analyse the texts of the Bible as step-by-step manuals for moral conduct. Rather, the (...)
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  48.  17
    Sustainability Leadership: Wie Führungskräfte mitteltständischer Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit verankern können.Wolfgang Zimmermann, Felix Richter & Andre Stuer - 2024 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Das Buch zeigt, wie Mittelstands- und Familienunternehmen die Nachhaltigkeitswende ihres Unternehmens mit Hilfe von Sustainability Leadership meistern können. Denn zunehmende staatliche Vorgaben und die ökologische Transformation veranlassen viele Unternehmer dazu, sich aktiv mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen. Dabei stehen Unternehmen und Organisationen vor neuen Herausforderungen - alte Führungs- und Managementmuster passen nicht mehr. Als Führungskraft ist es nicht immer leicht, angesichts hoher Komplexität und Unsicherheit die Orientierung zu behalten und die eigene Unternehmensstrategie mit den Bedürfnissen von Mitarbeitenden und externen Stakeholdern in (...)
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    Ontologie oder Metaphysik?: Die Diskussion über den Gegenstand der Metaphysik im 13. und 14. Jahrh.Albert Zimmermann - 2022 - BRILL.
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  50.  18
    Kant’s “Categories of Freedom” as the Functions of Willing an Object.Stephan Zimmermann - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):79-122.
    This paper deals with the “Table of the Categories of Freedom” in the second main chapter of Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason. It provides an account of the role these categories are supposed to play and also of their conceptual content. The key to a proper understanding lies in the realisation that they are derived from the so­called table of judgements in the Critique of Pure Reason and the functions of thinking, which it compiles by means of a metaphysical deduction. (...)
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