Results for 'Martina Lampert'

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  1. How Attention Determines Meaning : A Cognitive-Semantic Study of the Steady-State Causatives Remain, Stay, Continue, Keep, Still, On.Martina Lampert - 2015 - In Giorgio Marchetti, Giulio Benedetti & Ahlam Alharbi, Attention and Meaning. The Attentional Basis of Meaning. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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  2. A Dualist Account of Phenomenal Concepts.Martina Fürst - 2013 - In Andrea Lavazza & Howard Robinson, Contemporary Dualism: A Defense. New York: Routledge. pp. 112-135.
    The phenomenal concept strategy is considered a powerful response to anti-physicalist arguments. This physicalist strategy aims to provide a satisfactory account of dualist intuitions without being committed to ontological dualist conclusions. In this paper I first argue that physicalist accounts of phenomenal concepts fail to explain their cognitive role. Second, I develop an encapsulation account of phenomenal concepts that best explains their particularities. Finally, I argue that the encapsulation account, which features self-representing experiences, implies non-physical referents. Therefore, the account of (...)
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  3. Martina Stieler's Memories of Edmund Husserl.Martina Stieler - forthcoming - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.
  4. Wittgenstein on the Infinity of Primes.Timm Lampert - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (1):63-81.
    It is controversial whether Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics is of critical importance for mathematical proofs, or is only concerned with the adequate philosophical interpretation of mathematics. Wittgenstein's remarks on the infinity of prime numbers provide a helpful example which will be used to clarify this question. His antiplatonistic view of mathematics contradicts the widespread understanding of proofs as logical derivations from a set of axioms or assumptions. Wittgenstein's critique of traditional proofs of the infinity of prime numbers, specifically those of (...)
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  5. Multimodality. The Sensually Organized Potential of Artistic Works, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, New York and São Paulo [Special Issue, Art Style 10, 01, 2022].Martina Sauer (ed.) - 2022
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  6. Actuality and the a priori.Fabio Lampert - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (3):809-830.
    We consider a natural-language sentence that cannot be formally represented in a first-order language for epistemic two-dimensional semantics. We also prove this claim in the “Appendix” section. It turns out, however, that the most natural ways to repair the expressive inadequacy of the first-order language render moot the original philosophical motivation of formalizing a priori knowability as necessity along the diagonal.
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    Nietzsche’s Challenge to Philosophy in the Thought of Leo Strauss.Laurence Lampert - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (3):585-619.
    Nietzsche’s challenge to philosophy has two main prongs. The first is the challenge intrinsic to philosophy, the theoretical challenge to discover the truth; in Nietzsche this ultimately became the challenge to understand the perhaps deadly truth that to be is to be will to power and nothing besides—what Strauss called the “fundamental fact.” The second is the chief derivative challenge of philosophy proper, the practical challenge compelling philosophy to translate truth or an approximation of truth into a culturally livable form—what (...)
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    Nietzsche, the history of philosophy, and esotericism.Lawrence Lampert & Laurence Lampert - 1995 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 9:36-49.
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  9. Strauss‟ s Recovery of Esotericism.Laurence Lampert - 2009 - In Steven B. Smith, The Cambridge companion to Leo Strauss. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 63--92.
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    Der Treibhauseffekt im Spannungsverhältnis der Nord-Süd-Beziehungen.Martina Etzbach & Raimund Bleischwitz - 1992 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 36 (1):19-31.
    Raimund Bleischwitz and Martina Etzbach respond to the question how the global warming foracested by climate research will change the relations between the North and the South. After a description of ecological and socio-economic implication of the potential catastrophy of a global climate change the authors discuss possible instrument of an international climate policy. The considerations focus on institutional problems, especially on possible actors and borlies responsible for a global environmental policy.
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    Federico Lauria and Julien A. Deonna (eds.), The Nature of Desire.Martina Favaretto - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 18 (1):95-98.
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    Existential Rehabituations from a Latinx Perspective: On Leah Kalmanson's Cross-Cultural Existentialism.Martina Ferrari - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (1):268-277.
    … philosophy must be a practice as much as it is a theory.Leah Kalmanson, Cross-Cultural Existentialism, p. 1In the face of the sheer quantity of life's uncertainties, Leah Kalmanson's Cross-Cultural Existentialism provides more than a novel take on existential theory ; following the mantra of European existentialists that "philosophies are meant to be lived," Cross-Cultural Existentialism introduces the reader to a series of practices central to the Ruist tradition required to make philosophy "a concrete attitude, a way of life". Kalmanson's (...)
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    Introduction.Martina Fürst & Guido Melchior - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 161 (1):1-5.
    This special issue collects the results of the workshop “The Philosophy of Keith Lehrer” which was held in October 2010 at the University of Graz, Austria, where Keith Lehrer is Honorary Professor and Honorary Doctor of Philosophy. Over the last decades Lehrer has been a frequent visitor in Graz. As a much admired teacher and scholar, he has decisively influenced generations of students and inspired many of them to choose an academic career. The guest-editors, who organized the workshop, want to (...)
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    Andrea Thimm (2007) Die Bildung der Moral. Zum Verhältnis von Ethik und Pädagogik, Erziehung und Moral: Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, 176 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-506-76324-2.Martina Herrmann - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (1):77-79.
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    Caring as the Default of Empathic Direct Perception.Khen Lampert - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (3):194-205.
    The phenomenological understanding of empathy as the direct experiencing of the mental states (feelings, intentions, moods) of others eschews the identification of empathy with caring. At the same time, it leaves open the possibility of sadistic pleasure, indifference, or malice as consequences of empathic experience. In this paper, I intend to defend the place of caring as an inseparable part of the empathic experience, specifically when understood as direct perception. My defense relies on (a) conceiving of attentive concern as a (...)
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    “Peoples and Fatherlands”: Nietzsche's Philosophical Politics.Laurence Lampert - 1999 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 37 (S1):43-63.
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    Zarathustra and his disciples.Laurence Lampert - 1979 - Nietzsche Studien 8 (1):309.
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    Resilience and Protection of Health Care and Research Laboratory Workers During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Analysis and Case Study From an Austrian High Security Laboratory.Martina Loibner, Paul Barach, Stella Wolfgruber, Christine Langner, Verena Stangl, Julia Rieger, Esther Föderl-Höbenreich, Melina Hardt, Eva Kicker, Silvia Groiss, Martin Zacharias, Philipp Wurm, Gregor Gorkiewicz, Peter Regitnig & Kurt Zatloukal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has highlighted the interdependency of healthcare systems and research organizations on manufacturers and suppliers of personnel protective equipment and the need for well-trained personnel who can react quickly to changing working conditions. Reports on challenges faced by research laboratory workers are rare in contrast to the lived experience of hospital health care workers. We report on experiences gained by RLWs who significantly contributed to combating the pandemic under particularly challenging conditions due to increased workload, sickness and interrupted (...)
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    Pictorial hows. Vedere-in ed esperienza estetica di immagini.Giulia Martina - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica:137-154.
    It has recently been suggested that seeing-in can sometimes be central to the aesthetic appreciation of pictures. The key concept is that of inflected seeing-in, a special case of picture perception connected with the wollheimean notion of twofoldness. In order to further understand inflection, I focus on Nanays account. He holds that conscious attention is essential to inflected seeing-in. I agree, but I suggest our conceptualization of the properties of the pictorial vehicle is necessary to account for the complexity of (...)
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  20. Suono, percezione E memoria: I Meccanismi cellulari.M. Martina - 1998 - Rivista di Estetica 38 (9):41-49.
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  21. The Riva of Split, Croatia-Contemporary urban waterfront in a historical context.Martina Petrinovic - 2007 - Topos 61:36.
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  22. 2nd Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology, E. Husserl‘s Limit Problems of Phenomenology. The Unconscious, Instincts, Metaphysics and Ethics, Warsaw 2nd - 6th September 2019.Martina Properzi - 2020 - Phenomenological Reviews.
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    ‘Journeys’ in the Life-Writing of Adult-Child Dementia Caregivers.Martina Zimmermann - 2013 - Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (3):385-397.
    This article explores how Alzheimer’s disease caregivers struggle under the impact of a parent’s memory loss on their own personality. In particular, it analyses how caregivers perceive and, thus, present their experiences of the ever intensifying caregiving activity in terms of a ‘journey’. In doing so, this work takes into account both the patient’s continuing bodily as well as cognitive decline and its intricately linked influence on the caregiver’s physical and emotional stability. Equally, this study investigates how caregivers portray memory (...)
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    Multiplex and Unfolding: Computer Simulation in Particle Physics.Martina Merz - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (2):293-316.
    The ArgumentWhat kind of objects are computer programs used for simulation purposes in scientific settings? The current investigation treats a special case. It focuses on “event generators,” the program packages that particle physicists construct and use to simulate mechanisms of particle production. The paper is an attempt to bring the multiplex and unfolding character of such knowledge objects to the fore: Multiple meanings and functions are embodied in the object and can be drawn out selectively according to the requirements of (...)
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    Formalizing the Dynamics of Information.Martina Faller, Stefan C. Kaufmann, Marc Pauly & Center for the Study of Language and Information S.) - 2000 - Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications.
    The papers collected in this volume exemplify some of the trends in current approaches to logic, language and computation. Written by authors with varied academic backgrounds, the contributions are intended for an interdisciplinary audience. The first part of this volume addresses issues relevant for multi-agent systems: reasoning with incomplete information, reasoning about knowledge and beliefs, and reasoning about games. Proofs as formal objects form the subject of Part II. Topics covered include: contributions on logical frameworks, linear logic, and different approaches (...)
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    Autonomy and Self-Respect.Martina Herrmann - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (4):736.
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    Ambivalence and Impulsiveness.Matthew Lampert - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (2):9-12.
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    The Unconscious Element of Corporate Citizenship: A Psychoanalytical Perspective.Martina Battisti - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:107-112.
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  29. Effizienz als Kriterium der Rechtsanwendung.Martina R. Deckert - 1995 - Rechtstheorie 26 (1):117-133.
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    Nietzsches Nachlass.Martina Fischer, Thomas Föhl & Bernhard Fischer (eds.) - 2014 - [Wiesbaden]: WV, Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft in der Verlagshaus Römerweg.
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    Every look matters: appraisals of faces follow distinct rules of information integration under arousing versus non-arousing conditions.Martina Kaufmann & Nicola Baumann - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):305-317.
    ABSTRACTIn this research, we investigated whether appraisals of faces follow distinct rules of information integration under arousing versus non-arousing conditions. Support for this prediction was found in four experiments in which participants observed angry faces that were presented with a direct versus an averted gaze, on a red versus a grey background, and after performing a motor exercise versus no exercise. Under arousing conditions, participants’ appraisals of faces reflected summation whereas, under non-arousing conditions, appraisals did not reflect summation and could (...)
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    Out of High Mountains: Aftersong.Laurence Lampert - 2001 - In Nietzsche's task: an interpretation of Beyond good and evil. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 295-300.
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  33. The apocalypse of history.Evgeniĭ Lampert - 1948 - London,: Faber & Faber.
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  34. Undecidability reconsidered.Timm Lampert - 2007 - In J. Y. Bezieau A. Costa-Leite, Dimensions of Logical Concepts. pp. 33-68.
    In vol. 2 of Grundlagen der Mathematik Hilbert and Bernays carry out their undecid- ability proof of predicate logic basing it on their undecidability proof of the arithmeti- cal systemZ00. In this paper, the latter proof is reconstructed and summarized within a formal derivation schema. Formalizing the proof makes the presumed use of a meta language explicit by employing formal predicates as propositional functions, with ex- pressions as their arguments. In the final section of the paper, the proof is analyzed (...)
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    Works Cited.Laurence Lampert - 2001 - In Nietzsche's task: an interpretation of Beyond good and evil. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 305-308.
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    6 We Scholars.Laurence Lampert - 2001 - In Nietzsche's task: an interpretation of Beyond good and evil. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 180-207.
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  37. Zarathustra's Dancing Song.Laurence Lampert - 1980 - Interpretation 8 (2/3):141-155.
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    Epistemic Perspectivity.Martina Plümacher - 2011 - In Guenther Abel & James Conant, Rethinking Epistemology. de Gruyter. pp. 1--155.
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  39. Der Mensch in Seiner Mitte. Zum philosophischen Werk Wiebke Schraders.Martina Scherbel - 2008 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 34 (1):19-46.
    Die philosophische Selbstergründung läuft als roter Faden durch das Gesamtwerk Wiebke Schraders. Aus der anthropologischen Auflösung der Gottesfrage folgte nicht die erwartete Aufwertung, sondern die Entwertung des Individuums mit katastrophalen politischen Konsequenzen. Gott als Problem ist systematisch nicht von der Selbstergründung der Vernunft, dem Fundament der Menschenwürde, zu trennen. Beide Problemkomplexe arbeitete W. Schrader in spekulativer Absicht denkgeschichtlich heraus. So erstreckt sich die Spannweite ihrer Studien u.a. von der Ideologiediskussion bei Mannheim, Marx und Comte über Kants Vernunftkritik, der Welt- und (...)
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  40. Georg Brun, Die richtige Formel, Philosophische Probleme der logischen Formalisierung.Timm Lampert - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (3):417-421.
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    An Analysis of Medical Laboratory Technology Journals’ Instructions for Authors.Martina Horvat, Ana Mlinaric, Jelena Omazic & Vesna Supak-Smolcic - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1095-1106.
    Instructions for authors need to be informative and regularly updated. We hypothesized that journals with a higher impact factor have more comprehensive IFA. The aim of the study was to examine whether IFA of journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports 2013, “Medical Laboratory Technology” category, are written in accordance with the latest recommendations and whether the quality of instructions correlates with the journals’ IF. 6 out of 31 journals indexed in “Medical Laboratory Technology” category were excluded. The remaining 25 (...)
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  42. Naming and Free Will.Pedro Merlussi & Fabio Lampert - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (4):475-484.
    Rigidity does interesting philosophical work, with important consequences felt throughout metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and so on. The authors’ aim in this article is to show that rigidity has yet another role to play, with surprising consequences for the problem of free will and determinism, for the phenomenon of rigidity has the upshot that some metaphysically necessary truths are up to us. The significance of this claim is shown in the context of influential arguments against free will. The authors (...)
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    Image Match: visueller Transfer, "Imagescapes" und Intervisualität in globalen Bildkulturen.Martina Baleva, Ingeborg Reichle & Oliver Lerone Schultz (eds.) - 2012 - München: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Competence, Options and Relations.Martina Herrmann - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 61 (1):179-195.
    How much freedom of choice agents have in a society depends on two things: on the relevant alternatives they face, and on their capabilities to judge and make use of these alternatives. In this paper a third condition of freedom of choice is put on the list: relations. Social life very much depends upon the reliable fulfilment of expectations in relations. These expectations direct choice and may restrict or increase freedom. It is argued that not to be in relations of (...)
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    Frontmatter.Laurence Lampert - 2001 - In Nietzsche's task: an interpretation of Beyond good and evil. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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    Index.Laurence Lampert - 2001 - In Nietzsche's task: an interpretation of Beyond good and evil. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 309-320.
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    7 Our Virtues.Laurence Lampert - 2001 - In Nietzsche's task: an interpretation of Beyond good and evil. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 208-242.
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    Oxford Guide to Surviving as a Cbt Therapist.Martina Mueller, Helen Kennerley, Freda McManus & David Westbrook (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press UK.
    For the newly trained Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, there are a wealth of challenges and difficulties faced as they try and apply their new found skills in the outside world. These might include the stresses of working in isolation, and finding it difficult to widen their scope or bounce ideas of other CBT therapists; or the need for practical advice on setting up group therapy; the possible conflicts betweens ethical practice and theory; trying to retain ones integrity as a therapist, while (...)
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  49. Problems and possibilities for learning in an introductory chemistry course from a conceptual change perspective.Martina Nieswandt - 2001 - Science Education 85 (2):158-179.
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    Bodily Processing: What Progress has Been Made in Understanding the Embodiment of Computing Systems?Martina Properzi - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:181-190.
    In this article I will address the issue of the embodiment of computing systems from the point of view distinctive of the so-called Unconventional Computation, focusing on the paradigm known as Morphological Computation. As a first step, I will contextualize Morphological Computation within the disciplinary field of Embodied Artificial Intelligence: broadly conceived, Embodied Artificial Intelligence may be characterized as embracing both conventional and unconventional approaches to the artificial emulation of natural intelligence. Morphological Computation stands out from other paradigms of unconventional (...)
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