Results for 'Martin Rein'

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  1. Frame-critical policy analysis and frame-reflective policy practice.Martin Rein & Donald Schön - 1996 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 9 (1):85-104.
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    Zur Positivität des Rechts in der kritischen Naturrechtslehre Immanuel Kants: Eine Studie zum metaphysischen Begriff des provisorisch-rechtlichen Besitzes.Martin Heuser - 2020 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    Die Arbeit vergewissert sich der Bedeutung der teils willkürlichen, teils notwendigen Positivität des äusseren Rechts nach der Rechtslehre Kants. Sie erschliesst sich deshalb die in diesem Werk aufgewiesene Wirklichkeit des praktischen Begriffs der Freiheit des Willens im äusseren Verhältnis der Menschen untereinander. Die Rechtslehre wird somit insgesamt als ein?System der Erkenntnis aus reinen Begriffen± interpretiert und damit erstmals die ihr zugrunde liegende verstandesbegriffliche Verfassung entschlüsselt. Entstanden ist ein nahezu durchgängiger Textkommentar, der den metaphysischen (d. h. rein begrifflichen) Anspruch des (...)
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    Guidelines for Community-based Ethics Review of Children’s Science Fair Projects.Martin Tolich - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (4):303-310.
    Low-level community based ethics committees staffed by teachers, parents and community representatives can readily review children’s science fair projects subject to the revision of two core assumptions currently governing children’s Science Fairs. The first part of the paper recasts the New Zealand Royal Society guidelines from its primary emphasis on risk to a new assumption, without benefit there can be no risk. Equally, this revision gives more prominence to the participant information sheet, allowing it to act as a quasi application (...)
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    Climate change and renewable energy: Kristin Shrader-Frechette: What will work: Fighting climate change with renewable energy, not nuclear power. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 350pp, £27.50 HB.Martin Schönfeld - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):391-397.
    One might think that nuclear energy is a simple issue, with economists loving it and environmentalists hating it. But climate change complicates matters. Global warming reveals fossil fuels as the real problem. For reining in climate change, it would make sense to use any and all solutions that work; and nuclear power might presumably serve as a stopgap measure until the global economy can run on renewables alone. However, decades of tinkering with fission have not led to engineering breakthroughs. Fast (...)
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  5. Aspekte von interkultureller Kommunikation in der Musik.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2017 - Immediate. Currents in Communication, Culture and Philosophy 1 (2).
    Im institutionalisierten Bereich interkultureller Beziehungen kommt es permanent zu Bemühungen, über gemeinsame musikalische Projekte Brücken zum Austausch von Lebensrealitäten und Erfahrungen zu erzielen. In vielen Fällen besteht jedoch nicht die Gelegenheit des gegenseitigen Austausches, weil die beteiligten Akteure entweder nebeneinander agieren, ohne aufeinander einzugehen und die Impulse ihres Gegenübers in den eigenen Beiträgen zu reflektieren, oder aber eine der beiden Bestandteile den anderen dominiert, und keine entsprechende Gelegenheit zur gleichberechtigten Artikulation einräumt. Der Grund dafür liegt häufig in der Starrheit der (...)
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    Gesicht und Gerechtigkeit: Emmanuel Lévinas' politische Verantwortungsethik.Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann - 2021 - Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press.
    Emmanuel Lévinas (1906-1995) zählt nicht nur zu den wichtigsten Ethikern im 20. Jahrhundert. Vor allem entwirft er einen anderen Anfang der Ethik, die nicht auf der gesellschaftlichen Ebene oder als grosse Idee und Erzählung entsteht. Ethik entspringt vielmehr in der konkreten Zwischenmenschlichkeit, wenn man vom Anderen in die Verantwortung gerufen wird - und zwar durch die Verletzlichkeit seines nackten Gesichtes wie durch die Anrede. Die ethische Beziehung verdankt sich dabei nicht etwa der Gleichheit, der Nähe oder der Geschwisterlichkeit, sondern der (...)
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    Karl Poppers kritischer Rationalismus.Ingo Pies & Martin Leschke - 1999 - Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: Karl Popper's critical rationalism rests on a theory of social learning. It is an integrative approach, well suited for tackling methodological and even political problems. Thus, Popper's philosophy has important implications for the social sciences. This calls for a new assessment in order to examine how critical rationalism improves our understanding and designing of the institutions of modern, open societies. German description: Karl Popper gehort zu den einflussreichsten Philosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das thematische Spektrum seiner Schriften reicht von (...)
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    Die Kommunikativität des Menschlichen. Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Leib und Seele im Anschluss an Martin Luther.Sibylle Rolf - 2011 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 53 (2):119-136.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGIm Rekurs auf Luthers Verständnis der communicatio idiomatum, also der gegenseitigen Mitteilung und Partizipation von Göttlichem und Menschlichem in der Person Jesu Christi, versucht der Text eine Annäherung zu leisten an eine kommunikative theologische Anthropologie innerhalb einer relationalen und kommunikativen Ontologie. Mit einem solchen Konzept erscheint es als möglich, innerhalb der Debatte um Leib und Seele beziehungsweise Gehirn und Geist, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten aufgrund der Forschungsergebnisse der Neurowissenschaften von neuem in die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit gerückt ist, zu einer Klärung (...)
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    Zweiter Abschnitt Der Tod als ursprüngliche und reine Möglichkeit des Daseins.Wolfgang Müller-Lauter - 1960 - In Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Möglichkeit Und Wirklichkeit Bei Martin Heidegger. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 17-53.
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    Quomodo Stemma Gladiatoris Pelliculae More Philologico sit Constituendum.Martin M. Winkler - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (1):137-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.1 (2003) 137-141 [Access article in PDF] Qvomodo Stemma Gladiatoris Pellicvlae More Philologico Sit Constitvendvm Martin M. Winklersive Martinvs Satiricvs Philocinematographicvs [Figures]Poetae rervmqve scriptores et antiqui et recentiores lectoribus fabulas suas sententiis vel versibus bene textis soliti sunt adferre. Sed hodie novum exstat narrandi genus, quod fabulas hominibus adfert praecipue picturis eo modo compositis et inter se coniunctis ut oculi humani imagines singulares celerrime (...)
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    Erotiek en vruchtbaarheid in de filosofie Van Emmanuel Levinas.S. Strasser - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (1):3 - 51.
    In seinem Werk „Totalität und Unendlichkeit” ist Levinas darauf bedacht, eine radikale Philosophie der Transzendenz zu konzipieren. Seine Kritik der abendländischen philosophischen Tradition gipfelt in dem Vorwurf, dasz sie die Momente der Reflexion, der Immanenz und der Totalität übermäszig betont hat, und zwar auf Kosten der echten Transzendenz. Sie opfert die Andersheit des Anderen auf, um ihn systematisch auf Denselben zurückzuführen. Das wirklich Transzendente kann wesensmäszig nicht innerhalb des Horizontes einer Vorvertrautheit erscheinen, da es „totaliter aliter” und das von mir (...)
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    The Missing God of Heidegger and Karl Jaspers: Too late for God; too Early for the Gods—with a vignette from Indian Philosophy.Purushottama Bilimoria - 2021 - Sophia 60 (3):593-606.
    The essay explores how God is conceived—if only just—in the works of two existentialist philosophers: Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers, one considers the mutual convergence and disarming divergence of their respective positions. In 1919, Martin Heidegger announced his distancing of himself from the Catholic faith, apparently liberating himself to pursue philosophical research unfettered by theological allegiances. Thereafter, the last of the Western metaphysicians takes his hammer to the ‘destruktion of onto-theology’—the piety of Greek philosophy and of Hellenized Judaeo-Christianity. (...)
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    Rethinking Economics and Education: Exponential Growth and Post‐Growth Strategies.Ruth Irwin - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (4):379-398.
    Education is increasingly vocational and structured to serve the ongoing exponential increase in economic growth. Climate change is an outcome of these same economic values and praxes. Attempts to shift these values and our approach to technology are continually absorbed and overcome by the pressing motif of economic growth. In this article, Ruth Irwin uses Martin Heidegger's concept of the technological enframing of modernity to view economic growth. John Maynard Keynes's notion of economic growth has impacted the pace of (...)
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    Scientific Expertise: Epistemic and Social Standards—The Example of the German Radiation Protection Commission.Martin Carrier & Wolfgang Krohn - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):55-66.
    In their self-understanding, expert committees solely draw on scientific knowledge to provide policy advice. However, we try to show, first, on the basis of material related to the German Radiation Protection Commission that much of their work consists in active model building. Second, expert advice is judged by criteria that diverge from standards used for judging epistemic research. In particular, the commitment to generality or universality is replaced by the criterion of specificity, and the value of precision gives way to (...)
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  15. Language, thought, and the language of thought (aunty's own argument revisited).Martin Davies - 1998 - In Peter Carruthers & Jill Boucher, Language and Thought: Interdisciplinary Themes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 226.
    In this chapter, I shall be examining an argument for the language of thought hypothesis.
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    Introduction: Isabelle Stengers and the Dramatization of Philosophy.Martin Savransky - 2018 - Substance 47 (1):3-16.
    In what may seem like an uncharacteristic passage by someone who otherwise described himself as the typical example of the Victorian Englishman, Alfred North Whitehead once wrote that “[t]he notion of pure thought in abstraction from all expression is a figment of the learned world. A thought is a tremendous form of excitement”. It is the patterned signature of its expression that not only gives thought its own distinct character, but also propels it out into the world, exciting its environment (...)
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    $\Diamond$ at mahlo cardinals.Martin Zeman - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1813 - 1822.
    Given a Mahlo cardinal κ and a regular ε such that $\omega_1 we show that $\diamond_\kappa (cf = \epsilon)$ holds in V provided that there are only non-stationarily many $\beta , with o(β) ≥ ε in K.
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    Phenomenological records and the self-memory system.Martin A. Conway - 2001 - In Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack, Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 235--255.
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    Welt Und Person - Beitrag Zum Christlichen Wahrheitsstreben: Die Weltanschauliche Bedeutung Der Phänomenologie, Husserls Phänomenologie, Gegensatz Zwischen Husserl Und Scheler, Natur Und Übernatur in Goethes Faust..Edith Stein - 2018 - E. Nauwelaerts.
    Inhalt: - Die weltanschauliche Bedeutung der Phänomenologie - Husserls Phänomenologie - Gegensatz zwischen Husserl und Scheler - Das Weltbild der drei Philosophen - Natur und Übernatur in Goethes Faust - Einfluß auf das Weltbild der Zeit - Zwei Betrachtungen zu Edmund Husserl - Die Seelenburg - Martin Heideggers Existentialphilosophie - Wiedergabe des Gedankenganges - Die vorbereitende Analyse des Daseins - Dasein und Zeitlichkeit - Was ist das Dasein? - Die ontische Struktur der Person und ihre erkenntnistheoretische Problematik - Aus (...)
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    Classes of Agent and the Moral Logic of the Pali Canon.Martin T. Adam - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (1):115-124.
    This paper aims to lay bare the underlying logical structure of early Buddhist moral thinking. It argues that moral vocabulary in the Pali Suttas varies depending on the kind of agent under discussion and that this variance reflects an understanding that the phenomenology of moral experience also differs on the same basis. An attempt is made to spell this out in terms of attachment. The overall picture of Buddhist ethics that emerges is that of an agent-based moral contextualism. This account (...)
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  21. Preference for gradual resolution of uncertainty.Martin Ahlbrecht & Martin Weber - 1997 - Theory and Decision 43 (2):167-185.
    Analyses of preference for the timing of uncertainty resolution usually assumes all uncertainty to resolve in one point in time. More realistically, uncertainty should be modelled to resolve gradually over time. Kreps and Porteus (1978) have introduced an axiomatically based model of time preference which can explain preferences for gradual uncertainty resolution. This paper presents an experimental test of the Kreps-Porteus model. We derive implications of the model relating preferences for gradual and one-time resolving lotteries. Our data do not support (...)
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    Reason, faith, and tradition: explorations in Catholic theology.Martin C. Albl - 2015 - Winona, Minnesota: Anselm Academic.
    The author shows that the beliefs of Catholics and other Christians are reasonable, not based on blind faith. Drawing on Catholic and Christian theological traditions, the book links traditional teaching with contemporary issues to illustrate the relevance of faith to modern cultural, ethical, and scientific issues.--From publisher's description.
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    Zum Begriff der Apperzeption in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre 1813/1814.Martin Bondeli - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 28:205-213.
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    What Does Critical Theory Have to Do with It?Martin Beck Matuštik - 1998 - Radical Philosophy Review 1 (1):46-53.
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    Addressing maximization bias in reinforcement learning with two-sample testing.Martin Waltz & Ostap Okhrin - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 336 (C):104204.
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    The descent of the Greek epic: a reply.Martin L. West - 1992 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 112:173-175.
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  27. Revolution and evolution.Martin Wickramasinghe - 1971 - Colombo,: Strand.
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    (1 other version)The meaningfulness of religious statements.Martin Wilson - 1963 - Sophia 2 (3):13-15.
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    El laberinto discursivo nacionalista: bandos e identidades, ideas y creencias.Martín Alonso Zarza - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    “El Árbol de Gernika es símbolo del bienestar de nuestro pueblo: no de ningún otro. Ni dentro de nuestro solar puede coexistir con ningún otro árbol”, escribía Sabino Arana en Euzkadi en septiembre de 1901. Esta concepción aranista del “nosaltres sols!” es el suelo interpretativo de la cosmovisión vasca, también de su historia negra de violencia. “No hay lugar en el mismo espacio geográfico para dos violencias legítimas, para dos soberanías, y el espacio geográfico de Euskal Herria es vasco por (...)
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    Abailard and non-things.Martin M. Tweedale - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):329-342.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Abailard and Non-Things MARTIN M. TWEEDALE On SEVERAL OCCASIONSin his logical writings Abailard extracts himself from embarrassing ontological implications of his analyses of language by resorting to the notion of a something that is not a thing. I shall note here two such occasions and then discuss Abailard's explanations of this procedure based on the grammatical distinction of personal and impersonal constructions. Since the texts on this latter (...)
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    (1 other version)Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten.Martin Buber - 1972 - Heidelberg,: L. Schneider. Edited by Grete Schaeder.
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    Kritika pojmu ľudskej dôstojnosti v koncepcii Suzy Killmisterovej.Martin Turčan - 2022 - Filozofia 77 (1):36-47.
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    Paradoxologisches Sprechen als Triumph der Sprache – Mallarmés Lyrik des »blanc«.Martin Urmann - 2008 - In Alice Lagaay & Emmanuel Alloa, Nicht(s) Sagen: Strategien der Sprachabwendung Im 20. Jahrhundert. Transcript. pp. 171-186.
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    Apollon Onos.Martin Vogel - 2003 - Bonn: Orpheus-Verlag.
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    Empirická výzva filosofickému pojetí mysli.Martin Vraný - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20 (1):50-71.
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    Dialectical Drama: The Case of Plato's Symposium.Martin Warner - 1992 - Apeiron 25 (4):157-176.
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    Josef Mitterer's Non-dualistic Philosophy in the Light of Judith Butler's (De) Constructivist Feminism.Martin G. Weiss - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (2).
  38. The Eyes of Objects.Martin Zerlang - 2012 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 23 (42):87-91.
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  39. (2 other versions)Die Installationen der Submoderne. Zur Tektonik der hetigen Philosophie, de Heribert Boeder.Martín Pedro Zubiria - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):178-185.
  40. Thcmason, Burke C., Making Sense of Reification. Alfred Schutz and Constructionist Theory.Martín Zubiría - 1988 - Philosophia:281.
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    Outside the Dream : Lacan and French Styles of Psychoanalysis.Martin Stanton - 2016 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1983, Martin Stanton has written an intriguing and original guide to French styles of psychoanalysis. He describes the development of psychoanalytic technique and shows how it has transformed the contemporary French literary and philosophical thought and writing, as well as making inroads in the English-speaking cultural world. He argues that psychoanalysis has outgrown the individual setting and needs to evolve new methods of group work – in this respect, he believes, it has a special role to (...)
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    [Omnibus Review].Martin Davis - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):342-343.
  43. Teorías normativistas y nuevas perspectivas para el positivismo.Nuria Belloso Martín - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M., El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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  44. Analysis of neural networks.Martin Berry & David Pymm - 1981 - In G. Adam, I. Meszaros & E.I. Banyai, Advances in Physiological Science. pp. 30--155.
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    Introduction: special issue on Kant.Martin Bertman - 2004 - History of European Ideas 30 (3):265-266.
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    Logical Fatalism and the Excluded Middle.Martin A. Bertman - 1976 - New Scholasticism 50 (4):481-489.
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  47. Ezra Heywood & Benjamin R.Martin Blatt - unknown
    Ezra Heywood helped initiate Benjamin R. Tucker into the world of anarchist activism. Their relationship spanned three decades and during that time, Tucker matured from a student and apprentice of Heywood 's to a sophisticated radical intellectual. Although at times they disagreed sharply and their reform efforts came to emphasize different issues, the two viewed one another with mutual respect. An examination of their relationship touches upon some of the central concerns of nineteenth century reform.
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    Le chien de Socrate: un philosophe dépèce l'actualité.Martin Blais - 2000 - Chicoutimi, Québec: Éditions JCL.
    L'auteur, un philosophe s'inspirant de Socrate, livre ses réflexions en rapport avec 19 sujets d'actualité dont le mariage homosexuel, l'éradication de la pauvreté, les droits des animaux, la peine de mort, l'insémination des célibataires, le droit à la poitrine nue en public, la "mort fine" de quelques régions du Québec, etc. [SDM].
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    Založení estetiky v německém osvícenském racionalismu.Martin Bojda - 2022 - Filosoficky Casopis 70 (4):741-763.
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    The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Francesca Fremantle and Chogyam Trungpa.Martin Boord - 1990 - Buddhist Studies Review 7 (1-2):149-150.
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