Results for 'Markku Hokkanen'

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  1.  32
    Deborah J. Neill. Networks in Tropical Medicine: Internationalism, Colonialism, and the Rise of a Medical Specialty, 1890–1930. xiii + 292 pp., illus., bibl., index. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2012. $65. [REVIEW]Markku Hokkanen - 2013 - Isis 104 (1):177-178.
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    Clinical Neuropsychology as a Specialist Profession in European Health Care: Developing a Benchmark for Training Standards and Competencies Using the Europsy Model?Laura Hokkanen, Fernando Barbosa, Amélie Ponchel, Marios Constantinou, Mary H. Kosmidis, Nataliya Varako, Erich Kasten, Sara Mondini, Sandra Lettner, Gus Baker, Bengt A. Persson & Erik Hessen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The prevalence and negative impact of brain disorders are increasing. Clinical Neuropsychology is a specialty dedicated to understanding brain-behavior relationships, applying such knowledge to the assessment of cognitive, affective, and behavioral functioning associated with brain disorders, and designing and implementing effective treatments. The need for services goes beyond neurological diseases and has increased in areas of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions, among others. In Europe, a great deal of variability exists in the education and training of Clinical Neuropsychologists. Training models include (...)
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  3. Tropes – The Basic Constituents of Powerful Particulars.Markku Keinänen - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (3):419-450.
    This article presents a trope bundle theory of simple substances, the Strong Nuclear Theory[SNT] building on the schematic basis offered by Simons's (1994) Nuclear Theory[NT]. The SNT adopts Ellis's (2001) dispositional essentialist conception of simple substances as powerful particulars: all of their monadic properties are dispositional. Moreover, simple substances necessarily belong to some natural kind with a real essence formed by monadic properties. The SNT develops further the construction of substances the NT proposes to obtain an adequate trope bundle theory (...)
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    All History is, More or Less, Intellectual History: R. G. Collingwood's Contribution to the Theory and Methodology of Intellectual History.Markku Hyrkkänen - 2009 - Intellectual History Review 19 (2):251-263.
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    Knowledge tools for legal knowledge tool makers.John Hokkanen & Marc Lauritsen - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 10 (4):295-302.
    Business theory suggests that knowledge intensive professionslike law would devote major attention to knowledge management (KM) activities. Afterall, since a firm's combined knowledge is a key differentiating asset, one wouldexpect the exploitation of that asset to be a high priority. Yet new lawyers are oftensurprised at how little of such activities take place within firms. One might also expect tofind rich connections between academic research in knowledge management and law firmsusing that research. The rarity of such connections stands in sharp (...)
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    Status of Clinical Neuropsychology Training in Finland.Laura Hokkanen, Hanna Jokinen, Kati Rantanen, Taina Nybo & Erja Poutiainen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper provides information on different training models within clinical neuropsychology in Finland. Systematic specialization training program began in Finland in 1983. It was first organized mainly by the Finnish Neuropsychological Society and since 1997 by the Finnish universities. At present, close to 400 clinical neuropsychologists have completed the training. The number of professionals still does not cover the needs of the country, and geographical disparities are a constant concern. The training models in Finland have changed over the years and (...)
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  7. Biopolitical Displacement and the Antinomies of Biopolitical Reason.Markku Koivusalo - 2000 - In Sakari Hänninen & Jussi Vähämäki, Displacement of politics. Portland, OR: International Specialized Book Services.
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  8. Biodiversity considered philosophically: an introduction.Markku Oksanen - 2004 - In Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen, Philosophy and Biodiversity. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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  9. All government is in the people, from the people, and for the people' : democracy in the English Revolution.Markku Peltonen - 2019 - In Cesare Cuttica & Markku Peltonen, Democracy and anti-democracy in early modern England, 1603-1689. Boston: Brill.
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    Filosofin kuolema.Markku Roinila & Timo Kaitaro (eds.) - 2004 - Helsinki: Summa.
    Tyynen rauhallisesti, traagisen ennenaikaisesti, koomisen kommelluksen seurauksena, arkipäiväisen banaalisti... -/- Filosofin kuolema sisältää neljäkymmentä tarinaa siitä, miten filosofi kohtaa kuoleman. Mitä Pythagoras ajatteli kuolemanjälkeisestä elämästä? Mikä oli Sokrateen itsemurhan tausta? Entä miten esimerkiksi Platon, Pyrrhon, Aristoteles, Plotinos, Avicenna, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Kaila ja Foucault suhtautuivat kuolemaan ja miten he kuolivat? Heijastaako filosofin tapa kuolla hänen käsitystään elämästä ja kuolemasta?
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  11. Gw Leibniz: The art of controversies (= the new synthese historical library 60). Translated and edited, with an introductory essay and notes by Marcelo Dascal, with Quintin Racionero and Adelino Cardoso.Markku Roinila - 2006 - Studia Leibnitiana 38 (2).
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    Leibnizin pienet havainnot ja tunteiden muodostuminen.Markku Roinila - 2018 - Havainto.
    Keskityn siihen miten Leibnizilla yksittäiset mielihyvän tai mielipahan tiedostamattomat havainnot voivat kasautua tai tiivistyä ja muodostaa vähitellen tunteita, joista tulemme tietoisiksi.
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    Miten meistä tuli filosofian tohtoreita.Markku Roinila (ed.) - 2010 - Suomen filosofinen yhdistys.
    Teos sisältää 89 pienoiselämäkertaa, jossa filosofisista kysymyksistä väitelleet suomalaiset kertovat kokemuksistaan matkalla kohti väitöstä. Väittelyiden aikaväli sijoittuu vuosille 1953–2010, ja mukana on monenlaisia tarinoita ja anekdootteja akateemisesta opintiestä ympäri maailmaa, Tasmaniasta Jyväskylään. -/- Kertojina toimivat monet arvostetuimmat suomalaiset filosofit ja toisaalta vasta äskettäin tutkimustaan puolustaneet tulevaisuuden lupaukset. Kirjoittajat kertovat syttymisestään filosofiaan, opiskeluvuosistaan, tutkijanuransa huipuista ja aallonpohjista sekä väitöstapahtumasta ja sen jälkeisistä tuntemuksista. -/- The book includes 98 mini-autobiographies of Finnish philosophers.
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  14. Sustainable development and human capital in the network society: The challenge Europe is facing in the future.Markku Wilenius - 2002 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 35 (1-2):75-99.
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    Administrative due process when using automated decision-making in public administration: some notes from a Finnish perspective.Markku Suksi - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (1):87-110.
    Various due process provisions designed for use by civil servants in administrative decision-making may become redundant when automated decision-making is taken into use in public administration. Problems with mechanisms of good government, responsibility and liability for automated decisions and the rule of law require attention of the law-maker in adapting legal provisions to this new form of decision-making. Although the general data protection regulation of the European Union is important in acknowledging automated decision-making, most of the legal safeguards within administrative (...)
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    The Transcendental How: Kant's Transcendental Deduction of Objective Cognition.Markku Leppäkoski - 1993 - Almqvist & Wiksell.
  17.  88
    Revisionary and Descriptive Metaphysics.Markku Keinänen - 2008 - Philosophica 81 (1):23-58.
    The goal of formal ontological inquiry is to reveal the categorial structure of the mind-independent reality. In the first part of this article, I criticize two popular ways to study the categorial structure, Strong and Weak Modelling. In the second part of the article, I present my positive account. The systematic description of the different kinds of entities assumed by our commonsense conceptions forms a starting-point of the study of the categorial structure of the world. However, it is the task (...)
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  18. Pakolaisen kuolema.Markku Koivusalo - 2004 - In Markku Roinila & Timo Kaitaro, Filosofin kuolema. Helsinki: Summa.
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    Against Nature - The Question of Mimesis in Heidegger's Philosophy of Art.Markku Lehtinen - 1999 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 11 (19).
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  20. Green Liberalism: The Free and the Green Society.Markku Oksanen - 2001 - Environmental Values 10.
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    Africa: A view of a Nordic investor on risks and opportunities.Markku Pekonen - 1988 - World Futures 25 (1):149-156.
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    Ciceronian humanism and tacitean neostoicism—replacement or transformation: The case of Francis Bacon's moral and civil philosophy.Markku Peltonen - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):220-226.
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  23. Classical republicanism in Tudor England: the case of Richard Beacon's Solon His Follie.Markku Peltonen - 1994 - History of Political Thought 15 (4):469-503.
  24.  28
    Environmental Human Rights: A Political Theory Perspective.Markku Oksanen, Ashley Dodsworth & Selina O'Doherty (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of table -- Notes on contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction: environmental human rights and political theory -- 1 The rights of humans as ecologically embedded beings -- 2 Defining the natural in the Anthropocene: what does the right to a 'natural' environment mean now? -- 3 Reconciliation of nature and society: how far can rights take us? -- 4 The foundation of rights to nature -- 5 Rights to natural resources and (...)
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  25. The “Death” of Monads: G. W. Leibniz on Death and Anti-Death.Roinila Markku - 2016 - In Charles Tandy, Death and Anti Death, vol. 14: Four Decades after Michael Polanyi, Three Centuries after G. W. Leibniz. RIA University Press. pp. 243-266.
    According to Leibniz, there is no death in the sense that the human being or animal is destroyed completely. This is due to his metaphysical pluralism which would suffer if the number of substances decreased. While animals transform into other animals after “death”, human beings are rewarded or punished of their behavior in this life. This paper presents a comprehensive account of how Leibniz thought the “death” to take place and discusses his often unclear views on the life after death. (...)
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  26. Bundle Theory with Kinds.Markku Keinänen & Tuomas E. Tahko - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (277):838-857.
    Is it possible to get by with just one ontological category? We evaluate L.A. Paul's attempt to do so: the mereological bundle theory. The upshot is that Paul's attempt to construct a one category ontology may be challenged with some of her own arguments. In the positive part of the paper we outline a two category ontology with property universals and kind universals. We will also examine Paul's arguments against a version of universal bundle theory that takes spatiotemporal co-location instead (...)
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  27. Acta Philosophica Fennica.Tim De Mey Markku Keinänen (ed.) - 2008 - The Philosophical Society of Finland.
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    Kuvittelukyky ja moraalinen valinta Leibnizilla.Markku Roinila - 2007 - Niin and Näin (2):27-31.
    Kuvittelukyky tai imaginaatio esiintyy varsin harvoin Leibnizin kirjoituksissa ja siksi siitä ei ole kovin laajalti keskusteltu Leibniz-kommentaareissa ennen kuin aivan viime aikoina. Näissäkin tapauksissa keskustelu on pitkälti rajoittunut kuvittelukyvyn rooliin tiedostuksessa. Yritän tässä esitelmässä vetää sillan kuvittelukyvyn ja moraalisen toiminnan välille, jota tietääkseni ei ole ennen varsinaisesti tehty.
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    News from Finland.Markku Roinila - 1995 - The Leibniz Review 5:39-39.
    The only monograph about Leibniz in Finland is Raili Kauppi, Über die Leibnische Logik. This doctoral thesis appeared in series Acta Philosophica Fennica XII in 1960. Kauppi’s thesis continues on the footsteps of Couturat’s and Russell’s, with some original insights. There have also been some influential articles.
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  30.  10
    The Cambridge companion to Bacon.Markku Peltonen & Peltonen Markku (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Francis Bacon (1561–1626) is one of the most important figures of the early modern era. His plan for scientific reform played a central role in the birth of the new science. The essays in this volume offer a comprehensive survey of his writings on science, including his classifications of sciences, his theory of knowledge and of forms, his speculative philosophy, his idea of cooperative scientific research and the providential aspects of Baconian science. There are also essays on Bacon's theory of (...)
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  31. Armstrong's Conception of Supervenience.Markku Keinänen - 2008 - In Tim de Mey & Markku Keinänen, Problems From Armstrong. Acta Philosophica Fennica 84. pp. 51.
    In this article, I will focus on the notion of supervenience introduced and deployed by Armstrong. The aim is to settle the issue of whether it has any fruitful applications. My conclusions are negative. Armstrong gives to his notion of supervenience a major explanatory role of telling why one need not consider certain beings as a genuine ontic expansion, if one already assumes a certain meagre set of more basic entities. On closer inspection, however, Armstrong’s notion does not clarify such (...)
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  32. Leibniz on Emotions and the Human Body.Markku Roinila - 2011 - In Breger Herbert, Herbst Jürgen & Erdner Sven, Natur Und Subjekt (Ix. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress Vorträge). Leibniz Geschellschaft.
    Descartes argued that the passions of the soul were immediately felt in the body, as the animal spirits, affected by the movement of the pineal gland, spread through the body. In Leibniz the effect of emotions in the body is a different question as he did not allow the direct interaction between the mind and the body, although maintaining a psychophysical parallelism between them. -/- In general, he avoids discussing emotions in bodily terms, saying that general inclinations, passions, pleasures and (...)
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  33. Philosophy and Biodiversity.Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (1):124-127.
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  34. Quantity Tropes and Internal Relations.Markku Keinänen, Antti Keskinen & Jani Hakkarainen - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (3):519-534.
    In this article, we present a new conception of internal relations between quantity tropes falling under determinates and determinables. We begin by providing a novel characterization of the necessary relations between these tropes as basic internal relations. The core ideas here are that the existence of the relata is sufficient for their being internally related, and that their being related does not require the existence of any specific entities distinct from the relata. We argue that quantity tropes are, as determinate (...)
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  35. The Problem of Trope Individuation: A Reply to Lowe.Markku Keinänen & Jani Hakkarainen - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (1):65-79.
    This paper is the first trope-theoretical reply to E. J. Lowe’s serious dilemma against trope nominalism in print. The first horn of this dilemma is that if tropes are identity dependent on substances, a vicious circularity threatens trope theories because they must admit that substances are identity dependent on their constituent tropes. According to the second horn, if the trope theorist claims that tropes are identity independent, she faces two insurmountable difficulties. (1) It is hard to understand the ontological dependence (...)
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  36. Social Media for a Philosopher.Markku Roinila - 2011 - New Apps Blog.
    In this brief review I discuss various social media used by philosophers, such as, PhilPapers, blogs and email-lists. Strenghts and weaknesses of different medias are evaluated.
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    Philosophy and Biodiversity.Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen (eds.) - 2004 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This important collection focuses on the nature and importance of biodiversity. The concept is clarified and its intrinsic and instrumental value are discussed. Even though the term biodiversity was invented in the 1980s to promote the cause of species conservation, discussions on biological diversity go back to Plato. There are many controversies surrounding biodiversity and a few of them are examined here: What is worthy of protection or restoration and what is the acceptable level of costs? Is it permissible to (...)
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    The Transcendental Must Kant's Various Notions of Necessity.Markku Leppäkoski - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 783-790.
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    The Two Steps of the B-Deduction.Markku Leppäkoski - 1998 - Kantian Review 2:107-116.
    Since the publication of Dieter Henrich's classic paper, ‘The proof structure of the transcendental deduction’, in The Review of Metaphysics 22 , the transcendental deduction of the pure concepts of the understanding has been under focus in Kant studies in a very special way. The B-deduction seems to be a proof in two steps. Consequently, the focus has been on questions like, ‘What is the structure of the deduction?’, and ‘Why is the deduction carried out in two steps?’ No doubt (...)
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  40. Why Realists Need Tropes.Markku Keinänen, Jani Hakkarainen & Antti Keskinen - 2016 - Metaphysica 17 (1):69-85.
    We argue that if one wishes to be a realist, one should adopt a Neo-Aristotelian ontology involving tropes instead of a Russellian ontology of property universals and objects. Either Russellian realists should adopt the relata-specific relational tropes of instantiation instead of facts, or convert to Neo-Aristotelian realism with monadic tropes. Regarding Neo-Aristotelian realism, we have two novel points why it fares better than Russellian realism. Instantiation of property universals by tropes and characterization or inherence between tropes and objects are more (...)
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  41. Trope theories and the problem of universals.Markku Keinänen - 2005 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    This PhD thesis presents some of my earlier attempts to develop a trope bundle theory. It contains a fairly comprehensive discussion of Simons' (1994, 1998) views and Denkel's (1995, 1996) Saturation Theory, which might still be useful.
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    Right to Food and Geoengineering.Markku Oksanen & Teea Kortetmäki - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (1):1-17.
    Climate change poses grave risks to food security, and mitigation and adaptation actions have so far been insufficient to lessen the risk of climate-induced violations of the right to food. Could safeguarding the right to food, then, justify some forms of geoengineering? This article examines geoengineering through the analytical lens of the right to food. We look at the components of food security and consider how the acceptability of geoengineering relates to the right to food via its impacts on these (...)
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    On Thinking the Tragic with Adorno.Markku Nivalainen - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (7):644-663.
    This article seeks to provide a template for understanding the tragic dimension of Theodor W. Adorno’s philosophy through a reading of his early collaborative work with Max Horkheimer, the Dialectic of Enlightenment. While Adorno’s view has often been considered to be tragic, little has been done to reconstruct the tragic dimension of his thought. I argue that the view of the human condition, presented in the Dialectic of Enlightenment, is founded on metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical convictions that have structural similarities (...)
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  44. Kinds of Tropes without Kinds.Markku Keinänen, Jani Hakkarainen & Antti Keskinen - 2018 - Dialectica 72 (4):571-596.
    In this article, we propose a new trope nominalist conception of determinate and determinable kinds of quantitative tropes. The conception is developed as follows. First, we formulate a new account of tropes falling under the same determinates and determinables in terms of internal relations of proportion and order. Our account is a considerable improvement on the current standard account (Campbell 1990; Maurin 2002; Simons 2003) because it does not rely on primitive internal relations of exact similarity or quantitative distance. The (...)
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    Filosofisen feminismin ytimessä. [REVIEW]Markku Oksanen - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):411-422.
    Feministisessä filosofiassa on paljon pohdittu sitä, mitä sukupuolella tarkoitetaan ja miten sukupuoli on olemassa, ja ratkaisut näihin määrittävät sitä, keiden intressejä tai kenen emansipaatiota feministisen filosofian on tarkoitus edistää. Näitä kysymyksiä tarkastelee myös Mari Mikkola kirjassaan The Wrong of Injustice. Mikkola lähestyy aihepiiriä feministisestä filosofiasta käsin analyyttisellä otteella. Hän hyödyntää enimmäkseen feministisen filosofian kirjallisuutta, arvostellen siinä vallitsevia peruskäsityksiä naisesta ja ylipäänsä sukupuolesta, puolustaen niiden sijaan humanistista feminismiä. Siten vaikka ei olisi kiinnostunut feministisen filosofian keskusteluista vaan pikemminkin epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta, vääryydestä sekä ihmisyyden (...)
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  46. Review of M. Wissenburg, Green Liberalism: The Free and the Green Society. [REVIEW]Markku Oksanen - 2001 - Environmental Values 10:1.
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    Tunnekokemusten elävää historiaa. [REVIEW]Markku Roinila - 2022 - Agricolan Kirja-Arvostelut.
    Kirja-arvostelu teoksesta Rob Boddice: Tunteiden historia (A History of Feelings).
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  48. A revisionist history of the scientific revolution.Markku Peltonen - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (3 & 4):323 – 330.
  49. A Trope Theoretical Analysis of Relational Inherence.Markku Keinänen - 2018 - In Jaakko Kuorikoski & Teemu Toppinen, Action, Value and Metaphysics - Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Finland Colloquium 2018, Acta Philosophica Fennica 94. Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica. pp. 161-189.
    The trope bundle theories of objects are capable of analyzing monadic inherence (objects having tropes), which is one of their main advantage. However, the best current trope theoretical account of relational tropes, namely, the relata specific view leaves relational inherence (a relational trope relating two or more entities) primitive. This article presents the first trope theoretical analysis of relational inherence by generalizing the trope theoretical analysis of inherence to relational tropes. The analysis reduces the holding of relational inherence to the (...)
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  50. Persistence of Simple Substances.Markku Keinänen & Jani Hakkarainen - 2010 - Metaphysica 11 (2):119-135.
    In this paper, we argue for a novel three-dimensionalist solution to the problem of persistence, i.e. cross-temporal identity. We restrict the discussion of persistence to simple substances, which do not have other substances as their parts. The account of simple substances employed in the paper is a trope-nominalist strong nuclear theory, which develops Peter Simons' trope nominalism. Regarding the distinction between three dimensionalism and four dimensionalism, we follow Michael Della Rocca's formulation, in which 3D explains persistence in virtue of same (...)
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