Results for 'Mario Veen'

966 found
  1.  34
    ‘If it can't be coded, it doesn't exist’. A historical-philosophical analysis of the new ICD-11 classification of chronic pain.Rik van der Linden, Timo Bolt & Mario Veen - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 94 (C):121-132.
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    The Social Status of Italian Mathematicians, 1450–1600.Mario Biagioli - 1989 - History of Science 27 (1):41-95.
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    Etiquette, Interdependence, and Sociability in Seventeenth-Century Science.Mario Biagioli - 1996 - Critical Inquiry 22 (2):193-238.
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    Workers and Capital.Mario Tronti - 1972 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1972 (14):25-62.
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    Galileo's system of patronage.Mario Biagioli - 1990 - History of Science 28 (1):1-62.
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    Postmodernidad, tecnología y comunicación humana.Mario Souza Y. Machorro - 2020 - Medicina y Ética 31 (3):565-588.
    El vínculo postmodernidad tecnológica/comunicación humana tiene en los mass-media, la TV, el cine, el internet y sus derivados; en las publicaciones sin censura y en la publicidad, herramientas de distorsión educativa y de salud comunitarias. La postmodernidad impacta en la organización social y en la cultura con su dicotomía de racionalismo vs. irracionalismo. La visión kantiana de la ciencia, la moral y el arte en pro de una sociedad más justa, libre y feliz, se desmorona en el intento de «superar (...)
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  7. Expository proofs in Aristotle's Syllogistic.Mario Mignucci - 1991 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:9-28.
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    Structure theorems for o-minimal expansions of groups.Mario J. Edmundo - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (1-2):159-181.
    Let R be an o-minimal expansion of an ordered group R has no poles, R cannot define a real closed field with domain R and order R is eventually linear and every R -definable set is a finite union of cones. As a corollary we get that Th has quantifier elimination and universal axiomatization in the language with symbols for the ordered group operations, bounded R -definable sets and a symbol for each definable endomorphism of the group.
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    The Circle Method: A Novel Approach to Clinical Ethics Consultation.Mario Picozzi, Jacopo Testa, Alessandra Agnese Grossi & Federico Nicoli - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (1):79-91.
    Different methods are available in clinical ethics consultation. In our experience as ethics consultants, certain individual methods have proven insufficient, and so we use a combination of methods. Based on these considerations, we first critically analyze the pros and cons of two well-known methods in the working field of clinical ethics, namely Beauchamp and Childress’s four-principle approach and Jonsen, Siegler, and Winslade’s four-box method. We then present the circle method, which we have used and refined during several clinical ethics consultations (...)
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    From Print to Patents: Living on Instruments in Early Modern Europe.Mario Biagioli - 2006 - History of Science 44 (2):139-186.
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    Moderate mathematical fictionism.Mario Bunge - 1997 - In Evandro Agazzi & György Darvas, Philosophy of Mathematics Today. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 51--71.
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    Plagiarism, Kinship and Slavery.Mario Biagioli - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (2-3):65-91.
    In conversation with Marilyn Strathern’s work on kinship and especially on metaphors of intellectual and reproductive creativity, this paper provides an analysis of plagiarism not as a violation of intellectual property but of the kinship relationships between author, work, and readers. It also analyzes the role of figures of kidnapped slaves and children in the genealogy of the modern concept of plagiarism.
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    On confusing 'measure'with 'measurement'in the methodology of behavioral science.Mario Bunge - 1973 - In The methodological unity of science. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 105--122.
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  14. Platone. La Repubblica.Mario Vegetti (ed.) - 2005 - Bibliopolis.
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    Postdisciplinary Liaisons: Science Studies and the Humanities.Mario Biagioli - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 35 (4):816-833.
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    Biopopulations, not biospecies, are individuals and evolve.Mario Bunge - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):284-285.
  17.  31
    Simmel to Rokkan and Beyond: Towards a Network Theory of (New) Social Movements.Mario Diani - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (4):387-406.
    This paper assesses the novelty of NSMs - or better, of any social and political movement in contemporary Western societies - in the light of their capacity to develop systems of relationships which cut across established social and political cleavages. It illustrates first the relational bases of Rokkan's concept of cleavage, and its contribution to the understanding of social movements; it then shows how Simmel's concept of the intersection of social circles and his distinction between concentric and crosscutting circles may (...)
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  18. About the argumentative structure of the transcendental aesthetic.Mario Caimi - 1996 - Studi Kantiani 9:27-46.
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    The semiotics of signlessness: A Buddhist doctrine of signs.Mario DAmato - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (147):185-207.
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  20. The unity of thought in Jacques Maritain.C. S. B. Mario O. D'Souza - 2018 - In Heidi Marie Giebel, The things that matter: essays inspired by the later work of Jacques Maritain. Washington, D.C.: American Maritain Association.
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  21. Tiempo y sujeto (X): Aspectos neurofisiológicos de la conciencia del tiempo.Mario Toboso Martín - 2005 - A Parte Rei 41:9.
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  22. Tiempo y sujeto (VI): La diferencia originaria entre pasado y futuro.Mario Toboso Martín - 2004 - A Parte Rei 32:8.
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  23. Tiempo y sujeto (VII): El pasado, el futuro y la flecha del tiempo.Mario Toboso Martín - 2004 - A Parte Rei 33:6.
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  24. Tiempo y sujeto (IV): La estructura temporal de la acción.Mario Toboso Martín - 2003 - A Parte Rei 30:2.
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  25.  41
    Évolution, corps, langage : le cas Paul Alsberg et l’anthropologie philosophique.Mario Marino - 2015 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 23:116-131.
    Dans l’histoire et le débat autour de l’anthropologie philosophique allemande du XXe siècle, l’œuvre et le destin du médecin juif-allemand Paul Alsberg (1883-1965) constituent un véritable cas qui permit d’interroger la genèse et la validité de l’anthropologie philosophique même. En suivant Joachim Fischer, on entend ici par « Philosophische Anthropologie » une orientation de la pensée du XXe siècle, dont le fil rouge offre une réponse originale à la « destruction de l’idéalisme pendant le XI...
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  26. Lumières et illuminisme: actes du colloque international (Cortona, 3-6 octobre 1983).Mario Matucci (ed.) - 1984 - Pisa: Pacini.
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    The effects of implicit and explicit security priming on creative problem solving.Mario Mikulincer, Phillip R. Shaver & Eldad Rom - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (3):519-531.
    Attachment theory is a theory of affect regulation as it occurs in the context of close relationships. Early research focused on regulation of emotions through maintenance of proximity to supportive others (attachment figures) in times of need. Recently, emphasis has shifted to the regulation of emotion, and the benefits of such regulation for exploration and learning, via the activation of mental representations of attachment figures (security priming). We conducted two studies on the effects of implicit and explicit security priming on (...)
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    Dire la verità: noi siamo qui forse per dire--.Mario Ruggenini - 2006 - Genova: Marietti 1820.
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  29. El prineipio de autoridad.Mario Enrique Sacchi - 2002 - Sapientia 57 (211):283-304.
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  30. El problema de la creaciÓn en la metafísica de AristÓteles. Respuesta a una crítica de Jorge Martínez Barrera.Mario Enrique Sacchi - 2002 - Sapientia 57 (211):317-328.
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  31. La cuestión filosófica de la expansión del universo.Mario Enrique Sacchi - 2006 - Sapientia 61 (219-220).
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  32. Scrittori garibaldini.Mario Saccenti - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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  33. La dialéctica de lo universal y lo particular y el ideal de la abolición del Estado (1 parte).Mario Salas - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 81:187-196.
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  34. Wittgenstein y la escalera -acerca de la propulsión 6.54 del "Tractatus".Mario Salas - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 78:181-188.
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    Blockholders presence, identity and institutional context. Are they relevant for firm value?Mário Sacramento Santos, António Carrizo Moreira & Elisabete Simões Vieira - 2013 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 8 (1):18-49.
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  36. Lo pseudo Walter Burley e il Liber de vita et moribus philosophorum.Mario Grignaschi - 1990 - Medioevo 16:131-190.
  37.  19
    A round peg in a square hole: strategy-situation fit of intra- and interpersonal emotion regulation strategies and controllability.Mario Wenzel, Zarah Rowland, Hannelore Weber & Thomas Kubiak - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (5):1003-1009.
    ABSTRACTAlthough the importance of contextual factors is often recognised, research on emotion regulation strategies has mainly focused so far on the effectiveness of ERS across situations. I...
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  38. Estadios de la otredad en la reflexión filosófica de Luis Villoro [Stages of Otherness in the Philosophy of Luis Villoro].Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2007 - Dianoia 52 (58):143-175.
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    Coverings by open cells.Mário J. Edmundo, Pantelis E. Eleftheriou & Luca Prelli - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):307-325.
    We prove that in a semi-bounded o-minimal expansion of an ordered group every non-empty open definable set is a finite union of open cells.
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    (1 other version)Littérature, phonétique et interactions orales avec les Nouvelles Technologies pour l’apprentissage du Français Langue Étrangère.Mario Tomé Díez - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Des revues et des ouvrages spécialisés ont préconisé l’exploitation des textes littéraires dans l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère. Mais les recherches et les pratiques pédagogiques axées sur les apports de la littérature dans l’enseignement de la prononciation sont rares. En didactique des langues, les enseignants ont tendance à négliger, très souvent, l’acquisition des compétences orales, face à la concurrence de la langue écrite, de la grammaire ou du vocabulaire. Dans cet article, nous présentons les expériences sur le développement de la (...)
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  41. Solitons in cosmology.Mario Diaz, Reinaldo Gleiser & Jorge Pullin - 1988 - Scientia 52:419.
  42.  35
    Teoría y crítica de la ideología en Luis Villoro.Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2011 - Signos Filosóficos 13 (25):121-147.
    En este artículo se presenta una exposición sistemática del concepto de ideología que Luis Villoro construye a lo largo de su trayectoria filosófica, como base para plantear la crítica de las ideologías y la crítica de la forma-ideología en tanto tarea práctico-social del pensamiento filosófico, en ..
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  43. The" No Miracles" Justification of Induction.Mario Alai - 2009 - Epistemologia 32 (2):303.
    Il problema apparentemente insolubile di una giustificazione non circolare dell’induzione diverrebbe più abbordabile se invece di chiederci solo cosa ci assicura che un fenomeno osservato si riprodurrà in modo uguale in un numero potenzialmente infinito di casi futuri, ci chiedessimo anche come si spiega che esso si sia manifestato fin qui in modo identico e senza eccezioni in un numero di casi finito ma assai alto. E’ questa l’idea della giustificazione abduttiva dell’induzione, avanzata in forme diverse da Armstrong, Foster e (...)
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  44.  9
    Exo-autopoietic bodies: the quest for the theoretical identity of living beings.Mario Villalobos - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (6):1-17.
    Despite the encyclopedic knowledge accumulated in contemporary biology, it is still frustratingly elusive to find an uncontroversial answer to the (apparently) simple question, “What are living beings?” Since the traditional approach to answering this question has been by means of definitions, it has been pointed out that an alternative might be to change the strategy and, following the example of other sciences, try to find not a definition but a theoretical identity for living beings. However, according to some critics, such (...)
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  45. Giambattista Vico.Mario Colombu - 1957 - Trani, Italy: Vecchi.
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    Medicina ed etica di fine vita: atti del Convegno, Napoli, 22-24 aprile 2004.Mario Coltorti (ed.) - 2004 - Napoli: Giannini.
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  47. Michel Foucault and Power Today: International Multidisciplinary Studies in the History of the Present.Mario Colucci, Pierangelo Di Vittorio, David Gabbard, Monique Lanoix, Christian Lavagno, Thomas Lemke, Dario Melossi, Warren Montag, Tracey Nicholls & Frank Pearce (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    Few thinkers have left such an influence across such a diverse range of studies as Michel Foucault has. This book pays homage to that diversity by presenting a multidisciplinary series of analyses dedicated to the question of power today.
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  48.  16
    Felicidade: modos de usar: um debate entre três grandes pensadores sobre o que nos faz feliz.Mario Sergio Cortella - 2019 - São Paulo, SP: Planeta. Edited by Luiz Felipe Pondé & Leandro Karnal.
    Um bate-papo entre três pensadores pop sobre um assunto que interessa a todo mundo: como ser feliz O livro é resultado do debate entre Cortella, Karnal e Pondé em comemoração aos 15 anos da Editora Planeta no Brasil, realizado em maio de 2018. Durante uma hora e meia, os três discutiram o que é felicidade, o que ela significa, que caminhos podem nos levar a sermos pessoas mais felizes. Como sempre fazem, citaram outros filósofos e pensadores, deram exemplos pessoais e (...)
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  49.  16
    Gomes of Lisbon’s «Scriptum super Questiones Metaphisice Antonii Andree». A Renaissance commentary on Antonius Andreae.Mário-João Correia - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    Gómez de Lisboa fue uno de los más importantes representantes del escotismo del renacimiento italiano. En su Scriptum super Questiones Metaphisice Antonii Andree, a veces está en desacuerdo con las soluciones de Antoni Andreu y con sus interpretaciones de Escoto. Con este artículo, trato de presentar esos puntos de desacuerdo. Al hacerlo, espero contribuir a la comprensión del escotismo del renacimiento y proporcionar un buen ejemplo de la duradera influencia de Antoni Andreu.
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    Le origini del pensiero di Benedetto Croce.Mario Corsi - 1974 - Napoli,: Giannini.
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