Results for 'Maribel Medina'

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  1. Talento humano y trabajo en equipo del personal directivo de las universidades del municipio Maracaibo.Maribel Medina Fuenmayor - 2010 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (1):79-97.
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  2. Talento humano y trabajo en equipo del personal directivo de las universidades del municipio Maracaibo/Human Talent and Teamwork for Directive Personnel at Universities in the Maracaibo Municipality.Maribel Medina - 2011 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (1):79-97.
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    Reseña de" Algoritmo y Programación I y II" de Maribel Medina y Ricardo Fabelo.Hely Danilo Zavala - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 9 (1):179-180.
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  4. José Medina, The epistemology of protest: silencing, epistemic activism, and the communicative life of resistance (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023).José Medina, Mihaela Mihai, Lisa Guenther, Andrea Pitts & Robin Celikates - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (2):284-310.
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    On Bourbaki’s axiomatic system for set theory.Maribel Anacona, Luis Carlos Arboleda & F. Javier Pérez-Fernández - 2014 - Synthese 191 (17):4069-4098.
    In this paper we study the axiomatic system proposed by Bourbaki for the Theory of Sets in the Éléments de Mathématique. We begin by examining the role played by the sign \(\uptau \) in the framework of its formal logical theory and then we show that the system of axioms for set theory is equivalent to Zermelo–Fraenkel system with the axiom of choice but without the axiom of foundation. Moreover, we study Grothendieck’s proposal of adding to Bourbaki’s system the axiom (...)
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    Cognitive Bias Sunk Cost in Marketing.Vallejo Chávez Luz Maribel, Miranda Salazar María Fernanda, de León Nicaretta Fabiana María & Ureña Torres Vicente Ramón - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:407-426.
    The sunk cost cognitive bias, or sunk cost fallacy, is a human tendency to continue with: an investment, make a decision, business, couple or project based on the resources that have been invested, instead of making a current evaluation of the results. future benefits and costs. The objective of the research was to analyze the impact of sunk cost cognitive bias on customer decisions and its application in neuromarketing strategies. The specific objectives were: (i) Evaluate how sunk cost influences the (...)
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  7. Seminário Internacional cidades possíveis e impossíveis: visoes da mudança.Maribel Sobreira - 2012 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 39:199-204.
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    Environmental Compliance and Economic and Environmental Performance: Evidence from Handicrafts Small Businesses in Mexico.Patricia S. Sánchez-Medina, René Díaz-Pichardo, Angélica Bautista-Cruz & Arcelia Toledo-López - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):381-393.
    This research aims to fill a major gap in the relevant literature on small businesses in developing countries, specifically concerning the development of models to better explain economic and environmental performance as a result of environmental compliance, thus moving toward an explanation of the sustainable behavior of these businesses. Data from 186 pottery craft businesses located in three Mexican states (Oaxaca, Puebla and Tlaxcala) reveal that environmental compliance significantly influences economic and environmental performance, with the mediating role of environmental innovation, (...)
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    From multicultural to romanticized representations of the past: How Mendez v. Westminster's significance shapeshifts to appeal to different contexts.Maribel Santiago - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):91-103.
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  10. On negative yes/no questions.Maribel Romero & Chung-Hye Han - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (5):609-658.
    Preposed negation yes/no (yn)-questions like Doesn''t Johndrink? necessarily carry the implicature that the speaker thinks Johndrinks, whereas non-preposed negation yn-questions like DoesJohn not drink? do not necessarily trigger this implicature. Furthermore,preposed negation yn-questions have a reading ``double-checking'''' pand a reading ``double-checking'''' p, as in Isn''t Jane comingtoo? and in Isn''t Jane coming either? respectively. We present otheryn-questions that raise parallel implicatures and argue that, in allthe cases, the presence of an epistemic conversational operator VERUMderives the existence and content of the (...)
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  11. Concealed questions and specificational subjects.Maribel Romero - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (6):687 - 737.
    This paper is concerned with Noun Phrases (NPs, henceforth) occurring in two constructions: concealed question NPs and NP subjects of specificational sentences. The first type of NP is illustrated in (1). The underlined NPs in (1) have been called ‘concealed questions’ because sentences that embed them typically have the same truth-conditional meaning as the corresponding versions with a full-fledged embedded interrogative clause, as illustrated in (2) (Heim 1979).
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    Revealing the Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education.Maribel Blasco & José Víctor Orón Semper - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (5):481-498.
    The so-called ‘hidden curriculum’ is often presented as a counterproductive element in education, and many scholars argue that it should be eliminated, by being made explicit, in education in general and specifically in higher education. The problem of the HC has not been solved by the transition from a teacher-centered education to a student-centered educational model that takes the student’s experience as the starting point of learning. In this article we turn to several philosophers of education to propose that HC (...)
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  13. Estimaciones de riesgo demográfico y políticas sociales en la población de grandes gerontes del municipio Tocópero, estado Falcón, Venezuela.Maribel Graterol & Blanca De Lima - 2011 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 27:1.
    ABSTRACT The disparity in the venezuelan demographic transition is a fact known by experts. On this setting, there are four municipalities in Falcón State with a high elder population, one of them is Tocópero. This research had as general objectives to study the estimations of demographic risks and the social politics for elders, people who are 75 and more, from Tocópero Municipality, considering that specialists indicate that, once the demographic oldness has arrived, it is important to study thoroughly the elder (...)
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    Neuromusic: Music and its Influence on the Purchase Process in the Markets.Luz Maribel, Vallejo-Chávez, María-Elena, Espín-Oleas, Hernán-Patricio, Moyano-Vallejo, Ana Julia & Vinueza-Salinas - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:654-667.
    Music the art of combining sounds, maintains a sequence of time with harmony, melody and rhythm, generates changes in cognitive processes, improves concentration, memory, influences mood, produces changes in emotions, helps control anxiety, increases motivation, and decreases cortisol levels, the stress hormone, activates the hormone of happiness and rest, serotonin and melatonin. The objective was to analyze the influence of music in the purchase process and decision. The approach was qualitative-quantitative, exploratory level, descriptive statistics was applied to identify the main (...)
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  15. Biased Yes/No Questions: The Role of VERUM.Maribel Romero - unknown
    Certain information-seeking yes/no (yn)-questions –e.g. Did Jorge really bring a present? and Doesn’t John drink?– convey an epistemic bias of the speaker. Two main approaches to biased yn-questions are compared: the VERUM approach and the Decision Theory approach. It is argued that, while Decision Theory can formally characterize the notion of “intent” of a question, VERUM is needed to derive the data.
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    Hacia una Teoría Consiliente de la Representación Científica.Maribel Barroso - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (2):235-261.
    En el presente artículo se sugiere la filosofía inductiva de la ciencia del filósofo victoriano William Whewell como un enfoque apropiado para formular una noción consiliente de la representación científica. Tras un breve recorrido por los antecedentes que hacen necesaria una noción de representación en el ámbito de la filosofía de la ciencia, se expone, en primer lugar, la descripción de lo que se ha denominado el problema de la representación científica. De seguido, se argumenta que la anterior es una (...)
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    Neuroemotions and Behavior in the Purchase Process.Luz Maribel, Vallejo-Chávez, María Isabel, Gavilánez-Vega, Ana Julia, Vinueza-Salinas & María Guadalupe Escobar-Murillo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:631-653.
    Emotions are the fundamental pillar of neuromarketing, the perception of hedonic, utilitarian value, the emotions experienced by customers during the buying process and the effect the behavior of each stage is seen from the brain structures of the mind. The sample selected for the study was 354 real customers of supermarkets in the city of Riobamba and the sample of 8 participants with the use of eye tracking glasses in the store tour during this process. The results, in three stages (...)
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    “We’re Just Geeks”: Disciplinary Identifications Among Business Students and Their Implications for Personal Responsibility.Maribel Blasco - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (1):279-302.
    This research shows how business students’ disciplinary specializations can affect their sense of personal responsibility by providing rationalizations for moral disengagement. It thereby conceptualizes business students’ disciplinary specializations as a key dimension of the business school responsibility learning environment. Students use four main rationalizations to displace responsibility variously away from their own disciplinary specializations, to claim responsibility as the prerogative of their specialization, and to shiftirresponsibility onto disciplinary out-groups. Yet despite their disciplinary identifications, students largely rationalized that their sense of (...)
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  19. El sujeto crítico: Construcción conceptual desde la teoría crítica clásica.Maribel Betancur Cortés, Wilmar Dubian Lince Bohórquez & Margarita María Restrepo Posada - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 2 (1).
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  20. El microcosmos femení en la literatura lul·liana.Maribel Ripoll Perelló - 2017 - In Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora, Ripoll Perelló & Maria Isabel (eds.), Actes del Congres d'Obertura de l'Any Llull: "En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull: el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció": Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015. Palma (Illes Balears): Universitat de les Illes Balears.
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    Las genealogías de Abd al-Mu'min, primer califa almohade.Maribel Fierro - 2003 - Al-Qantara 24 (1):77-107.
    Los califas almohades afirmaron pertenecer a la tribu árabe de Qays cAylān por descendencia agnática. Qays cAylān no incluye a la tribu de Qurayš, con la que los mu'miníes afirmaban estar emparentados por línea materna. Según la doctrina clásica del califato, recogida por ejemplo por Ibn Hazm, los califas deben ser qurayšíes por línea paterna. En este artículo se analizan las ventajas que ofrecía a los califas mu'miníes esa ascendencia qaysí, de larga tradición entre las poblaciones beréberes del Norte de (...)
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    De lo nuevo a lo otro en el pensamiento de Heidegger. Convergencia del comenzar y del acabar y la cuestión de la contradicción.Maribel Cuenca - 2023 - Studia Heideggeriana 12:221-238.
    El presente artículo parte de la necesidad de reflexionar sobre la experiencia de lo nuevo en la historia humana y encuentra en el pensar heideggeriano sobre el comienzo y sobre el otro comienzo, en particular, un camino reflexivo que permite sincerar dicha experiencia. A partir del análisis de la relación íntima entre el otro comienzo y el primer comienzo, se mostrará una especie de “identidad” entre el acabar y el comenzar, lo que nos confrontará con el concepto de la contradicción, (...)
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  23. Quantification over situations variables in LTAG: some constraints.Maribel Romero - unknown
    Some natural language expressions –namely, determiners like every, some, most, etc.— introduce quantification over individuals (or, in other words, they express relations between sets of individuals). For example, the truth conditions of a sentence like (1a) are represented in Predicate Logic (PrL) by binding the..
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    Los espacios tecnológicos: un acercamiento al malestar cultural de los medios de comunicación en McLuhan.Maribel Villota, Dora Alexandra Villota, Efraín Bámaca & Pedro Galindez - 2017 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 17 (34).
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo acercarse al pensamiento sensitivo de los medios de comunicación desde Marshall McLuhan. En términos generales, este acercamiento pretende relacionar, desde la consolidación tecnológica de la información, el cuestionamiento de los espacios tecnológicos a través de la extensión humana, y desde ahí descubrir si el panorama tecnológico trastoca aún hoy la extensión de nuestra corporeidad, en lo que McLuhan denominó “el nacimiento de una nueva nostalgia”. La reconfiguración de un nuevo escenario en el que los (...)
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  25. Scope and situation binding in LTAG using semantic unification.Maribel Romero & Laura Kallmeyer - manuscript
    This paper develops a framework for TAG (Tree Adjoining Grammar) semantics that brings together ideas from different recent approaches. Then, within this framework, an analysis of scope is proposed that accounts for the different scopal properties of quantifiers, adverbs, raising verbs and attitude verbs. Finally, including situation variables in the semantics, different situation binding possibilities are derived for different types of quantificational elements.
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    Verification and Inferentialism in Wittgenstein's Philosophy.José Medina - 2001 - Philosophical Investigations 24 (4):304-313.
  27. El dilema de la ética: entre el ser y el deber ser, la libertad y el reconocimiento del otro.Maribel Cuenca - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:31-54.
    This article seeks to highlight two dimensions of ethics. Understood as aconcept that refers, initially, to a mode of being, and also alludes to an “ought to be”. Starting from this, the aim is to establish some basis to discuss the problems deriving from this double dimension of ethics, stemming from certain ancient Greek philosoph- ical ideas, in particular from Aristotle’s ethics and certain statements from modern philosophy, emphasizing some relevant concepts of Kant’s moral theory. Using said arguments, the final (...)
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    Pensando el ser de la naturaleza: la φύσις en el pensamiento griego, ocultamiento y movimiento.Maribel Cuenca - 2019 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 17:51-82.
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    Expresiones de normas.Maribel Narváez Mora - 2015 - Revus 25:71-100.
    La distinción entre normas y formulaciones normativas lleva a los teóricos del derecho a tratar las normas jurídicas como entidades. En este artículo la autora explora el recorrido transitado por algunos filósofos analíticos del lenguaje, que va desde una noción de significado hasta la necesidad de entidades. Después, presenta un conjunto de problemas producidos al considerar las normas entidades. Sea cual sea el tipo de entidad que consideremos tiene que ofrecerse una distinción clara entre criterios de identificación y de individualización. (...)
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    Izražanje norm. O ubeseditvah norm in drugih ontoloških danostih v teoriji prava.Maribel Narváez Mora - 2015 - Revus 25:15-42.
    Razlika med normami in ubeseditvami norm zavezuje pravoslovce k obravnavanju pravnih norm kot danosti. Avtorica najprej osvetli pot, ki so jo tlakovali nekateri analitični filozofi jezika in ki vodi od pomena do danosti. Nato predstavi sklop problemov, ki nastanejo zaradi obravnavanja norm kot danosti. Ne glede na to, s katero vrsto danosti imamo opraviti, moramo razlikovati med merili prepoznave in primeri poposameznjenja tovrstnih danosti. V predstavljenem primeru abstraktnih danosti pa to razlikovanje pade. S tem, da avtorica zamenja pojma pomenske vsebine (...)
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  31. El abandono en las terapias psicológicas.Manuel Porcel Medina - 2005 - Aposta 14:2.
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  32. Proceedings of the Esslli 2008 Workshop `What Syntax Feeds Semantics?'.Maribel Romero (ed.) - 2008
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    The many readings of many: POS in the reverse proportional reading.Maribel Romero - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (2):281-321.
    Besides their ordinary cardinal and proportional meanings, many and few have been argued to allow for a ‘reverse proportional’ reading. This reading has later been characterised in two opposite directions: Cohen’s reading where the proportion \ matters and Herburger’s where it does not. We develop a compositional analysis that derives the correct truth conditions for both characterisations of Westerståhl-style sentences while maintaining conservativity, assuming a standard syntax/semantics mapping and reducing their context-dependence to mechanisms independently needed for degree constructions in general. (...)
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    Organic technique: The formation of a new type of human‐technique‐nature relationship as exemplified in bamboo construction.Y. M. Solanilla Medina & D. V. Mamchenkov - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (3):251-258.
    This article demonstrates the possibilities and problems of the formation of a new type of human‐technique‐nature relationship ‐ the organic technique ‐ in modern civilization. It is a relationship in which neither human nor nature must adapt to the needs of technology; rather, the technique is embedded in nature and becomes 'human-sized'. We can find a model for building this new type of relationship in the construction of buildings from bamboo. The uniqueness of bamboo as a building material manifests in (...)
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  35. Misrecognition and Epistemic Injustice.José Medina - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (4).
    In this essay I argue that epistemic injustices can be understood and explained as social pathologies of recognition, and that this way of conceptualizing epistemic injustices can help us develop proper diagnostic and corrective treatments for them. I distinguish between two different kinds of recognition deficiency—quantitative recognition deficits and misrecognitions—and I ague that while the rectification of the former simply requires more recognition, the rectification of the latter calls for a shift in the mode of recognition, that is, a deep (...)
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    Tariq b. Ziyad y los barbar.Maribel Fierro - 2024 - Al-Qantara 45 (1):683.
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    Pragmatism and Ethnicity: Critique, Reconstruction, and the New Hispanic.José Medina - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (1-2):115-146.
    In this essay I examine the contributions of the pragmatist tradition to the philosophy of ethnicity. From the pragmatist philosophies of Dewey and Locke I derive a reconstructive model for the clarification and improvement of the life experiences of ethnic groups. Addressing various problems and objections, I argue that this Deweyan and Lockean reconstructive model rejects any sharp separation between race and ethnicity and avoids the pitfalls of the biologist race paradigm and the culturalist ethnicity paradigm. I explore some of (...)
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  38. EL FALSACIONISMO POPPERIANO: UN INTENTO INDUCTIVO DE EVADIR LA INDUCCIÓN.Maribel Barroso - 2015 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 36 (1):29-39.
    En el presente trabajo expongo la propuesta falsacionista de Karl Popper como resultado de su solución al problema de la inducción. En este sentido, la analizo bajo sus dos aspectos, el lógico y el metodológico. La idea detrás de ello es mostrar, en primer lugar, que su solución lógica al problema de la inducción es totalmente independiente de los criterios metodológicos que propone para la elección entre teorías rivales, y en segundo lugar, que estos últimos constituyen una transgresión a su (...)
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    Alfonso Carmona González (1943-2023), in memoriam.Maribel Fierro - 2024 - Al-Qantara 44 (2):e27.
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  40. El signo en Spinoza: imágenes, palabras e ideas.Maribel Barroso - 2020 - Aporia, Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Filosóficas 2 (20):66-80.
    Se expone la relación entre el signo en tanto gnoseológica y semánticamente subordinado a la imaginación y el uso del lenguaje como medio para expresar las verdades filosóficas por parte de Spinoza. Al respecto, se revisan tres posturas: (i) la de David Savan, quien sostiene la inadecuación del lenguaje para expresar verdades filosóficas debido a la vinculación spinoziana entre las palabras y la imaginación; (ii) la de G.H.R. Parkinson, quien afirma que el uso del lenguaje no es inconsistente con la (...)
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    Documentos legales en fuentes andalusíes.Maribel Fierro - 2001 - Al-Qantara 22 (1):205-210.
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    La afrenta de Corpes y la autoría árabe del Cantar de Mio Cid.Maribel Fierro - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (2):547-551.
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    Los mawālī de ‛Abd al-Raḥmān I.Maribel Fierro - 1999 - Al-Qantara 20 (1):65-65.
    Andalusī sources give abundant information on the clients, both direct and indirect, of ‛Abd al-Raḥmān I. In this article, that information is collected and analyzed within the context of the political and military activity of the first Umayyad amīr of al-Andalus.
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    Madinat al-Zahara', el paraíso y los fatimíes.Maribel Fierro - 2004 - Al-Qantara 25 (2):299-328.
    Las aleyas coránicas sobre el Paraíso (y en especial Corán, 55: 46-78), así como el Kitdb waJal-firdaws de 'Abd al-Malík b. IIabIb, nos permiten precisar mejor la interpretación "paradisíaca" de Madinat al-Zabrá' y dotarla de sentidos concretos, mostrando sus ventajas sobre otras posibles (aunque no deseebables). Se explica así no sólo la variedad, sino también la asimetría, de las decoraciones parietales del Salón de 'Abd al-Ralimán III, se da sentido a cómo pudieron surgir una serie de relatos en tomo a (...)
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  45. Una refutación contra Ibn Masarra.Maribel Fierro - 1989 - Al-Qantara 10 (1):273-276.
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    El siglo XIX en los éxamenes de Historia de España de bachillerato. Estudio de enunciados y contenidos.Elisa Navarro Medina, José Ramón Urquijo-Goitia & Nicolás Martínez Valcárcel - 2011 - Arbor 187 (749):599-615.
    Es generalizada la idea de que hay escasa información sobre la actividad docente desarrollada en el aula. Como extensión, y aplicado a nuestro campo de conocimiento, se sabe poco de lo que ocurre en las aulas en las que se enseña y aprende Historia. El estudio de esta realidad, y del proceso evaluativo sucedido en ella, cobra una relevancia especial para comprender los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El artículo que a continuación presentamos recoge un estudio de las preguntas realizadas por los (...)
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    Creación e implementación del centro regional de investigación en logística.Luz Adriana Ochoa Medina, López Valencia, Heyder Alexander & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  48. Two Constructions with Most and their Semantic Properties.Maribel Romero - unknown
    In (1b), for the most part induces a so-called Quantificational Variability Effect (QVE) on the NP the linguists from the East Coast, yielding roughly the interpretation ‘most of the linguists from the East Coast came to NELS’. We claim that the two constructions above differ in the domain where they apply, producing similar but not identical quantificational interpretations over the NP. In particular, we argue that most of the NPs applies to the nominal domain, while for the most part applies (...)
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  49. Agential Epistemic Injustice and Collective Epistemic Resistance in the Criminal Justice System.José Medina - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (2):185-196.
    This paper offers an analysis of how the American criminal justice system sets unfair constraints on the epistemic agency of detained subjects and promotes unfair negative consequences on the exerc...
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    Mental health impacts of nurses caring for patients with COVID-19 in Peru: Fear of contagion, generalized anxiety, and physical-cognitive fatigue.Lucy Tani Becerra-Medina, Monica Elisa Meneses-La-Riva, María Teresa Ruíz-Ruíz, Aquilina Marcilla-Félix, Josefina Amanda Suyo-Vega & Víctor Hugo Fernández-Bedoya - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The health crisis caused by COVID-19 has resulted in the physical and emotional deterioration of health personnel, especially nurses, whose emotional state is affected by the high risk of contagion, the high demands of health services, and the exhausting working hours. The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between fear, anxiety, and fatigue of nurses caring for patients with COVID-19 in a second level public hospital in Peru. This study presents a quantitative approach and correlational level, cross-sectional, (...)
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