Results for 'Maria Pantea'

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  1.  7
    Degrees of Doubt: Overqualification as a Blind Spot at the Base of the Knowledge Economy.Maria-Carmen Pantea - forthcoming - Minerva:1-24.
    Europe has the most educated generation in its history, yet an alarming number of graduates are overqualified. This paper explores the intersection between education and work from the perspectives of those involved in a sector that is prone to overqualification: the call centres of Romania’s thriving business service sector. Based on over 100 in-depth interviews with young people, human resource personnel, and managerial staff at different levels of seniority, the paper maps subjective views about overqualification. Despite the objective classification of (...)
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    Sandu Frunzã, Nicu Gavrilutã and Michael S. Jones (Eds.) The Challenges of Multiculturalism in Central and Eastern Europe.Maria Pantea - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):248-249.
    Sandu Frunzã, Nicu Gavrilutã and Michael S. Jones (Eds.) The Challenges of Multiculturalism in Central and Eastern Europe. Provopress, Cluj Napoca, 2005.
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  3. Clinical Psychological Figures in Healthcare Professionals: Resilience and Maladjustment as the “Cost of Care”.Emanuele Maria Merlo, Anca Pantea Stoian, Ion G. Motofei & Salvatore Settineri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: The health professionals are involved in the paths of care for patients with different medical conditions. Their life is frequently characterized by psychopathological outcomes so that it is possible to identify consistent burdens. Besides the possibility to develop pathological outcomes, some protective factors such as resilience play a fundamental role in facilitating the adaptation process and the management of maladaptive patterns. Personal characteristics and specific indexes such as burdens and resilience are essential variables useful to study in-depth ongoing conditions (...)
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    The Role of Suppression and the Maintenance of Euthymia in Clinical Settings.Emanuele Maria Merlo, Anca Pantea Stoian, Ion G. Motofei & Salvatore Settineri - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Defense mechanisms serve as mediators referred to the subjects’ attempt to manage stressors capable of threatening their integrity. Mature defense mechanisms represent the high adaptive group, including suppression, which allows the subject to distance disturbing contents from consciousness. In line with general defensive intents, suppression would preserve stable mood states, as in the case of euthymia. Clinical issues usually disturb homeorhesis, so that the study of subjects’ suppressive tendencies would suggest possible existing relations among defense mechanisms, mood states, and (...)
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  5. Introduction.Maria Heim, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad & Roy Tzohar - 2021 - In Maria Heim, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad & Roy Tzohar, The Bloomsbury research handbook of emotions in classical Indian philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  6. Crete : souls of soil : island identity through song.Maria Hnaraki - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino, Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
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  7. La información etimológica en los diccionarios generales españoles del siglo XX.Maria Iannotti - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (1).
    Relacionándose directamente con el pensamiento griego, que consideraba la etimología como conocimiento del ‘verdadero’ sentido de las palabras, la búsqueda del origen supone una actitud que explique la naturaleza de las cosas a través de la interpretación del lenguaje. Aspecto puramente filosófico, el de relacionar significata y designata, que en la época moderna adquiere un sentido histórico: hacer de la etimología una verdadera historia de palabras a través de etapas documentales y documentables, tanto en la evolución morfofonemática como en la (...)
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  8. Afterword : The ethnographer's "gaze" : Some notes on visuality and its relation to the reflexive : Metalanguage of anthropology.Maria Kakavoulia - 2008 - In E. Neni K. Panourgia & George E. Marcus, Ethnographica moralia: experiments in interpretive anthropology. New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
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    Boundedness and self-organized semantics: theory and applications.Maria K. Koleva - 2013 - Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
    This book enhances the understanding of the theoretical framework and leading principles of boundedness, aiming to bridge the gap between biology, artificial intelligence, and physics.
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    Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity.Maria-Viktoria Abricka & Sarah B. Pomeroy - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (3):310.
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  11. The indiscreet charm of brightness : from early Greek thought to Plato.Maria Michela Sassi - 2020 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou, Pascale Derron & Pierre Ducrey, Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco-romain: huit exposés suivis de discussions et d'un épilogue. Vandœuvres: Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique.
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  12. Crete : souls of soil : island identity through song.Maria Hnaraki - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino, Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
  13.  30
    On the Effect of Business and Economic University Education on Political Ideology: An Empirical Note.Maria Iosifidi, Iftekhar Hasan & Manthos D. Delis - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):809-822.
    We empirically test the hypothesis that a major in economics, management, business administration or accounting (for simplicity referred to as Business/economics) leads to more-conservative (right-wing) political views. We use a panel dataset of individuals (repeated observations for the same individuals over time) living in the Netherlands, drawing data from the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences from 2008 through 2013. Our results show that when using a simple fixed effects model, which fully controls for individuals’ time-invariant traits, any statistically (...)
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    Making Home/Making "Stranger": An Interview with Cheryl Dunye.Maria John - 2004 - Feminist Studies 30 (2):325-338.
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    In search of utopia?Maria Laura Lanzillo - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    The Author traces the modern history of political concept of utopia from the publication of More’ Utopia. The historic-philosophical analysis shows that the opposition utopia vs realism and its transformations was central to develop the dialectic between reality and imagination, which is one of the axis of the western political Modernity. But, the epistemic and socio-political crisis of the XXth Century reveals the aporia and contradictions within this dialectic. However, in front of fear and angst ruling our present, the Author (...)
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    Un día en el transcurso de una memoria imaginante.María Noel Lapoujade - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:151-173.
    To speak of memory and imagination implies to reflect on cosmic times that govern its inhabitants: days, months, years, centuries, millenia, million years and, also, instants. For us occurs the pass of summers and winters, days and nights, springs and autumns, watches and dreams and, also, insta..
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    Aristotle’s Silence about the Prime Mover’s Noēsis.Maria Liatsi - 2016 - In Christoph Horn, Aristotle’s "Metaphysics" Lambda – New Essays. De Gruyter. pp. 229-246.
  18. A trilogia de Édipo de Joao de Castro Osório.María Do Céu Fialho - 2006 - Humanitas 58:481-494.
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    Lenguaje y política en Esteban Echeverría, Juan Bautista Alberdi y Francisco Bilbao.María Carla Galfione - 2010 - Cuyo 27:33-51.
    Echeverría, Alberdi y Bilbao pueden ser considerados tres de los pensadores más representativos de las lecturas que el siglo XIX hiciera sobre la Revolución independentista en América. Sus construcciones teóricas fueron elaboradas a la luz de las consecuencias políticas de la Revolución, pero también a partir de la lectura de una serie de teóricos políticos franceses que, de manera contemporánea, pensaban el proceso revolucionario francés. Situar a estos autores en el contexto de los debates intelectuales del momento es un modo (...)
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  20. Sulla giustificazione dell'induzione.Maria Carla Galavotti - 1975 - Rivista di Filosofia 1:157.
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  21. Metáfora y realidad en las poéticas de Leopoldo Marechal, Jorge Luis Borges y HA Murena.María Rosa Lojo - 1993 - Escritos de Filosofía 12 (23-24):69-80.
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  22. Guilt, Forgiveness, and Moral Repair: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.Maria-Sibylla Lotter & Saskia Fischer (eds.) - 2022 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    In current debates about coming to terms with individual and collective wrongdoing, the concept of forgiveness has played an important but controversial role. For a long time, the idea was widespread that a forgiving attitude — overcoming feelings of resentment and the desire for revenge — was always virtuous. Recently, however, this idea has been questioned. The contributors to this volume do not take sides for or against forgiveness but rather examine its meaning and function against the backdrop of a (...)
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  23. Contributions and limitations of feminism in social work.Maria Diaconescu - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14:112-119.
  24. Corporate social responsibility and family business in Spain.María la Cruz Déniz Dénidez & Ma Katiuska Cabrera Suárez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1).
    Despite the economic relevance and distinctiveness of family firms, little attention has been devoted to researching their nature and functioning. Traditionally, family firms have been associated both to positive and negative features in their relationships with the stakeholders. This can be linked to different orientations toward corporate social responsibility. Thus, this research aims to identify the approaches that Spanish family firms maintain about social responsibility, based on the model developed by Quazi and O Brien Journal of Business Ethics 25, 33–51 (...)
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    La biologia--parametro epistemologico del XIX secolo: atti del seminario internazionale, 30-31 marzo 2001.Maria Donzelli (ed.) - 2003 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Why We are in Need of Tails.Maria Davenza Tillmanns - 2020 - Toronto, ON, Canada: Iguana Books.
    Fiction -/- Our most nuanced skills for communication were lost when we lost our tails, so the story goes. -/- Huk and Tuk explore ways we can compensate for this loss, by telling stories — tales — through polyphonic listening and by entering into dialogue to create a new, deeper understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. -/- Doing philosophy with children inspired Maria deVenza Tillmanns to recreate the bonds of meaningful communication in the writing of this (...)
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  27. (1 other version)The Legacy of Fear. Bal Keshav Thackeray (1926–2012).Maria Angelillo - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The death of Bal Keshav Thackeray, in November 2012, has led several Indian journalists and intellectuals to think over the legacy of the supreme leader of the Shiv Sena to the Indian society. The present article means to identify the reasons which have let the Indian journalists describe the bequest of Thackeray to the Indian society in terms of a legacy of fear. The article deals with Thackeray's use of fear as a tool to arise consent around his social, cultural (...)
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  28. Truth and Polarization.Maria Baghramian - 2024 - In Adam C. Podlaskowski & Drew Johnson, Truth 20/20: How a Global Pandemic Shaped Truth Research. Synthese Library. pp. 187-210.
    This is an edited transcript of a panel discussion from VICTR’s 2020 Speaker Series. Truth is under significant threat. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 US Presidential election, we face the very real danger of different perceived ‘realities’ emerging, where there is little common ground. The polarization that threatens to emerge endangers the democratic institutions of the United States, not to mention the lives of its people. The panelists discuss the problem of truth and polarization: what (...)
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    Shifting the Boundaries: Transformation of the Languages of Public and Private in the Eighteenth Century.Maria Luisa Pesante, John Brewer, Dena Goodman, Malcolm Cook, Vivien Jones, Ursula Vogel, John Christian Laursen & Edoardo Tortarolo - 1995 - University of Exeter Press.
    "The book mounts a challenge to the notion of a clear distinction between public and private and attempts to account for the mobility of the many boundaries between the two. The first essay introduces some of those problematic boundaries in the light of the influential studies of Habermas, Koselleck, Aries and Chartier, who together have helped shape our understanding of the formation of the modern public and private spheres. A number of essays deal with the nature of public opinion in (...)
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  30. El silogismo aristotélico en la lógica de clases.María Rosa Catana - 1987 - Philosophia (Misc.) 46:93.
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    Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl.Maria Teresa Catena & Anna Donise (eds.) - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
  32. Humanistyka: poznanie i terapia.Maria Janion - 1982 - Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
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  33. Szanse kultur alternatywnych.Maria Janion - 1991 - Res Publica 3:107-110.
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    Dalla neuroeconomia alla neuroetica: verso una neuroscienza delle decisioni individuali e socio-morali.Maria Arioli & Nicola Canessa - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (2):134-150.
    Riassunto: Neuroeconomia e neuroetica sono settori delle neuroscienze cognitive che studiano i correlati neurali di aspetti distinti, sebbene strettamente interconnessi, del processo decisionale. Mentre la neuroeconomia studia i meccanismi cerebrali che guidano verso la massimizzazione dell’utilità economica personale, la neuroetica integra tali conoscenze con quelle fornite dalle neuroscienze sociali per affrontare domande tipiche dell'etica e della filosofia morale. Gli studi oggi disponibili in questo ambito vengono qui discussi al fine di mettere a confronto l’ipotesi secondo cui le scelte economiche individuali (...)
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    New Epistemological and Methodological Criteria for Communication Sciences: The Conception as Applied Sciences of Design.Maria Jose Arrojo - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):15-24.
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    Aesthetics, Disinterestedness, and Effectiveness in Political Art.Maria Alina Asavei - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    This book’s main claim is that political art should not disregard questions of aesthetic reception and value. It argues that some neglected aspects of traditional aesthetics actually enhance the relationship between art and politics more than contemporary art theorists are keen to admit.
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    Redefining Universal Development from and at the Margins.Maria Bach - 2020 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 13 (1).
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    Filosofia e nuovi linguaggi per la professionalità docente: Il progetto ISPER.Maria Bartolomei & Maria Monti - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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  39. Cuatro concepciones de Dialéctica.Maria Luisa Femenias (ed.) - 1998 - La Plata: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
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    Feedback Valence Agency Moderates the Effect of Pre-service Teachers’ Growth Mindset on the Relation Between Revising and Performance.Maria Cutumisu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    From Gnedich (I).Maria Rybakova - 2013 - Arion 20 (3):107-136.
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    Education for Total Liberation: Critical Animal Pedagogy and Teaching against Speciesism.Maria Helena Saari - forthcoming - Educational Studies:1-5.
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    La Etnografía de la Educación.María Eugenia Parra Sabaj - 1998 - Cinta de Moebio 3.
    Este artículo examina cómo, en el campo de la Educación Formal, se encuentra por un lado todo el llamado currículo explícito, es decir todo aquello que está pautado, escrito y que se espera se cumpla por parte de los diversos actores del proceso educativo. Por el otro, el llamado currículo ocult..
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    Introduction.Maria Sagi - 1994 - World Futures 39 (1):1-10.
    (1994). Introduction. World Futures: Vol. 39, The Evolution of European Identity: Surveys of the Growing Edge A Report by the European Culture Impact Research Consortium (EUROCIRCON), pp. 1-10.
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  45. An overview of the climate refugees' issues and scenario.Maria Sakellari & Constantina Skanavis - 2012 - In Walter Leal Filho Evangelos Manolas, English through Climate Change. Democritus University of Thrace. pp. 127.
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    Hipótesis sobre el origen etimológico de la palabra díkē: la analogía del horizonte.Maria Antonietta Salamone - 2013 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 46:307-327.
    The object of this paper is to demonstrate the philological relation between justice, law and equality in ancient Greek or, that is the same, the philosophical relation between ethics, politics and economics. Actually it is interesting to examine the etymology of the word dikē which derives from the Sanskrit diś-(dik) and it refers more than to the generic idea of the «straight line» to the specific and astronomical concept of the «horizon (or skyline)», the apparent line that separates the cosmos (...)
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  47. Memoria y narración. La lección historiográfica del maestro Vasconcelos.María Angélica Salmerón - 2011 - Analogía Filosófica 25 (2):109-123.
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    Uma forma de formação: Médicos na escola profissional.Maria Stephanou - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (2):291-306.
    O estudo examina um dos modos de realização da formação sanitária empreendida por médicos gaúchos junto a uma escola técnico profissional para trabalhadores, nas primeiras décadas deste século, no Rio Grande do Sul. Busca-se demonstrar que as ações e estratégias desencadeadas pelos médicos conferiram uma forma, uma identidade ao processo de formação, forma essa associada à constituição de sujeitos com consciência sanitária e comportamento higiênico. A investigação volta-se para a extensa rede de saberes e poderes que elegeu a escola como (...)
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    The Present of the Past: The Plurality of Competing Narratives in the EU Context.Maria Stoicheva - 2020 - Journal of Human Values 26 (1):50-63.
    This article intends to review the relationship between European organization and diversity. Europe lives in the legacy of division of nation and ethnicity as its main source dating from the nineteenth century. Although a hyper-real Europe has emerged overcoming its deeply divided meaning, the memory of the dividing past lives in other guises. I intend to look at current lines of division (east and west, north and south, new and old, rich and poor), considered as critical fault lines in European (...)
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  50. John Perrys invändning mot konsekvensargumentet.Maria Svedberg - 2008 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 4.
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