Results for 'Margaret Marino'

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  1.  29
    Promoting Inquiry-Oriented Teacher Preparation in Social Studies through the Use of Local History.Margaret S. Crocco & Michael P. Marino - 2017 - Journal of Social Studies Research 41 (1):1-10.
    The educational reform movement in social studies has focused on constructivist and inquiry-oriented approaches to the teaching of history. Since many social studies teacher education students have had little experience with such approaches in their own schooling, special attention needs to be given to these topics within teacher preparation programs if they are to be implemented in schools. One pathway for accomplishing this is through investigations of local history. This article presents an exploratory qualitative research study investigating pre-service teachers' understanding (...)
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    The pre-service practicum experience and inquiry-oriented pedagogy: Evidence from student teachers’ lesson planning.Michael P. Marino & Margaret S. Crocco - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):151-167.
    This paper addresses whether, how, and to what extent social studies student teachers who have been introduced to inquiry-oriented teaching (as manifest in the National Council for the Social Studies C3 Framework) in their secondary social studies methods course incorporate this approach into the planning for their practicum experience. Based on analysis of lesson plans used in the practicum and follow-up interviews with a small subset of student teachers, this paper analyzes the factors that promote or inhibit use of this (...)
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    A longitudinal study of eating disorders among college women: Factors that influence recovery.Diane Watts-roy, Margaret Marino & Sharlene Hesse-Biber - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (3):385-408.
    This study provides insight into factors that determine whether women in the college population who exhibit eating-disordered behavior during their college years recover during their postcollege years. The study assessed changes in the eating patterns of 21 women across a six-year time period, from sophomore year in college to two years postcollege. Eleven of the women get better during their postcollege year, whereas 10 of the women continue to struggle with disordered eating. The major differences between the two groups revolve (...)
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    A model of the uncertainty effects in choice reaction time that includes a major contribution from effector selection.Charles E. Wright, Valerie F. Marino, Charles Chubb & Daniel Mann - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (4):550-577.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard.Alastair Hannay & Gordon Daniel Marino (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Each volume of this series of Companions to major philosophers contains specially-commissioned essays by an international team of scholars, together with a substantial bibliography, and will serve as a reference work for students and non-specialists. The contributors to this Companion probe the full depth of Kierkegaard's thought revealing its distinctive subtlety. The topics covered include Kierkegaard's views on art and religion, ethics and psychology, theology and politics, and knowledge and virtue. Much attention is devoted to the pervasive influence of Kierkegaard (...)
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    Viewing photos and reading nouns of natural graspable objects similarly modulate motor responses.Barbara F. M. Marino, Miriam Sirianni, Riccardo Dalla Volta, Fabio Magliocco, Francesco Silipo, Aldo Quattrone & Giovanni Buccino - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  7.  42
    Nietzsche and McDowell on The Second Nature of The Human Being.Stefano Marino - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1):231-261.
    The concept of second nature has a long and complex history, having been widely employed by several philosophers and even scientists. In recent times, the most famous thinker who has employed the concept of second nature, and has actually grounded his philosophical program precisely on this notion, is probably John McDowell. However, it is also possible to find some occurrences of the concept of second nature, “zweite Natur”, in Nietzsche’s writings, both published and unpublished. In this contribution I will develop (...)
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  8. Causalità e finalità.Francesco Carnelutti, Gentile, Marino & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1959 - [Firenze]: Sansoni.
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    Self-View Television as a Test of Self-Awareness: Only in the Eye of the Beholder.Diana Reiss & Lori Marino - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (2):235-238.
  10. Confused versus Distinct Perception in Leibniz: Consciousness, Representation, and God's Mind.Margaret D. Wilson - 1992 - In Phillip D. Cummins, Minds, Ideas, and Objects: Essays on the Theory of Representation in Modern Philosophy. Ridgeview Publishing Company.
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    Introduction.Margaret A. Crouch & Lisa H. Schwartzman - 2012 - Journal of Social Philosophy 43 (3):205-211.
  12.  18
    Chained Activation of the Motor System during Language Understanding.Barbara F. Marino, Anna M. Borghi, Giovanni Buccino & Lucia Riggio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  13.  17
    Modelizing epistemologies: organizing Catholic sanctity from calendar-based martyrologies to today’s mobile apps.Gabriele Marino & Jenny Ponzo - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):201-223.
    The Catholic concept of “sanctity” can be thought of as a “cultural unit” (Eco) composed of a wide variety of “grounds” (Peirce) or distinctive features. The figures of individual saints, i.e., tokens of sanctity, are characterized by a particular set of grounds, organized and represented in texts of different genres. This paper presents a semiotic study of texts seeking to offer an encompassing view of “sanctity” by listing all the saints and supplementing their names with a short description of their (...)
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    The “aging” of Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory. Fifty Years Later.Samir Gandesha, Johan Hartle & Stefano Marino (eds.) - 2021 - Mimesis International.
    If 2019 was an “Adornian year” because of the 50th anniversary of the untimely death of Theodor W. Adorno in August 1969, also 2020 has been an “Adornian year” because of the 50th anniversary of the posthumous publication of Adorno’s great but unfinished masterpiece Aesthetic Theory, first published in 1970. Adorno’s intellectual legacy is still alive today and indeed important for the conceptual tools as it still provides to develop a critical, active and negative (instead than acritical, passive and affirmative) (...)
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  15.  10
    Taking Kierkegaard personally: first person responses.Jamie Lorentzen & Gordon Daniel Marino (eds.) - 2020 - Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.
    Taking Kierkegaard Personally: First Person Responses is a one-of-a-kind volume in which scholars from the world over address personal, existential lessons that Kierkegaard has taught them. Papers were selected from the June 2018 International Kierkegaard Conference, sponsored by the Howard V. and Edna H. Hong Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College. The Conference's prompt-The Wisdom of Kierkegaard: What Existential Lessons Have You Learned from Him?-compelled scholars to drop their guards and write primarily in first person narrative instead of standard third (...)
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    The Four Causes of ADHD: Aristotle in the Classroom.Marino Pérez-Álvarez - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Commentary: A Belmont Report for Animals? Rights or Welfare?Lori Marino - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (1):67-70.
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  18. Expressivism, deflationism and correspondence.Patricia Marino - 2005 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 2 (2):171-191.
    On an expressivist view, ethical claims are not fact stating; instead they serve the alternative function of expressing our feelings, attitudes and values. On a deflationary view, truth is not a property with a nature to be analyzed, but merely a grammatical device to aid us in endorsing sentences. Views on the relationship between expressivism and deflationism vary widely: they are compatible; they are incompatible; they are a natural pair; they doom one another. Here I explain some of these views, (...)
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    The science of happiness: As felicitous as it is fallacious.Marino Pérez-Álvarez - 2016 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 36 (1):1-19.
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    Da quando siamo un colloquio: percorsi ermeneutici nell'eredità nietzschiana: studi in onore di Carlo Gentili.Francesco Cattaneo, Stefano Marino & C. Gentili (eds.) - 2011 - Roma: Aracne.
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  21.  41
    Razão e historicidade no último Husserl.Marcella Marino Medeiros Silva - 2009 - Scientiae Studia 7 (4):653-658.
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  22.  20
    Philosophy of Mind in the Early and High Middle Ages: The History of the Philosophy of Mind.Margaret Cameron (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophy of Mind in the Early and High Middle Ages provides an outstanding overview to a tumultuous 900-year period of discovery, innovation, and intellectual controversy that began with the Roman senator Boethius and concluded with the Franciscan theologian and philosopher John Duns Scotus. Relatively neglected in philosophy of mind, this volume highlights the importance of philosophers such as Abelard, Duns Scotus, and the Persian philosopher and polymath Avicenna to the history of philosophy of mind. Following an introduction by Margaret (...)
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  23.  30
    Ethical Gerrymandering in Science.Lori Marino - 2011 - Journal of Animal Ethics 1 (2):119-121.
    Satz posed the term "legal gerrymandering for human interest," referring to the redrawing of the natural baseline of protections for other animals to further human use of them. One of the domains where this exists most clearly is in scientific research on animal models. An animal model is sufficiently like humans in anatomy, physiology, or psychology to be used in research considered too harmful or risky for humans. I argue that the use of animal models is, by its very nature, (...)
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  24. Excerpts from Washburn’s The Evidence of Mind.Margaret Floy Washburn & Joel Katzav - 2023 - In Joel Katzav, Dorothy Rogers & Krist Vaesen, Knowledge, Mind and Reality: An Introduction by Early Twentieth-Century American Women Philosophers. Cham: Springer. pp. 189-198.
    This chapter includes Margaret Floy Washburn’s discussion of the basis of inferences about animal minds and her discussion of what it is like to be an amoeba.
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  25. Ideas in the Mind, Qualities in Bodies: Some Distinctive Features of Locke's Account of Primary and Secondary Qualities.Margaret Atherton - 1992 - In Phillip D. Cummins, Minds, Ideas, and Objects: Essays on the Theory of Representation in Modern Philosophy. Ridgeview Publishing Company.
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    Varieties of the Lifeworld: Phenomenology and Aesthetic Experience.Iulian Apostolescu & Stefano Marino - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (4):409-416.
    In this contribution we first sketch an outline of the concept of lifeworld (_Lebenswelt_), to introduce the readers to the guest-edited collection of essays _Varieties of the Lifeworld: Phenomenology and Aesthetic Experience_, special issue of the “Continental Philosophy Review.” We trace back the origin of the concept of lifeworld to Husserl’s late phenomenology, although also explaining (on the basis of the careful historical-conceptual reconstructions offered by some distinguished scholars of Husserl and the phenomenological movement) that the development of Husserl’s phenomenology (...)
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  27.  18
    Introduction: Parenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders During the Transition to Adulthood.Kelly Dineen & Margaret Bultas - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):147-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionParenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders During the Transition to AdulthoodKelly Dineen and Margaret Bultas, Symposium EditorsThis issue of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics is devoted to the personal stories of parents or guardians whose children with ASDs are transitioning or have transitioned to adulthood. The same parents who navigated the educational and health systems with little support twenty years ago once again find themselves as pioneers in somewhat (...)
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  28.  6
    Foucault’s Legacy in Contemporary Thinking: Forty Years Later (1984–2024).Valentina Antoniol & Stefano Marino - 2024 - Foucault Studies 36 (1):1-3.
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    Foucault's aesthetics of existence and Shusterman's somaesthetics: ethics, politics, and the art of living.Valentina Antoniol & Stefano Marino (eds.) - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This volume provides the first critical comparison of Michel Foucault's aesthetics of existence and Richard Shusterman's somaesthetics. Introduced by a comprehensive overview of the concepts by the editors, the ensuing chapters build on the interdisciplinary character of both ideas, beyond a narrow focus on art and beauty, exploring a wide range of topics ranging from politics to the philosophy of sexuality. This volume reveals not only the important role Foucault's philosophy has played in Shusterman's work, but also how recent developments (...)
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  30.  13
    Contributions to the Legal Semiotics of Facial Recognition Systems: Live Music, Digital Technologies, and the Display of Power.Gabriele Marino - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (3):807-820.
    The use of facial recognition systems in concerts provides a perfect pretext to semiotically discuss the role of the face in contemporary culture, identifying different strategies and axiologies (systems of values). In his visionary essay Bruits (“noises”) from 1977, the French thinker Jacques Attali establishes a close connection between music and power and locates it in the site of the collective unfolding of music: the concert hall. Following this hint, the article reconstructs the current debate on facial recognition systems in (...)
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  31.  33
    Anti-Climacus and the Anatomy of Self-Deception.Gordon D. Marino - 2011 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 32 (2):363-370.
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    Adorno on the Dialectics of Love and Sex.Stefano Marino - 2021 - Krisis 41 (2):112-115.
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    Apologia Pro Pugilatione.Gordon Marino - 2003 - Philosophy Now 41:8-10.
  34. Contingency, (In)significance, and the All-Encompassing Trip: Pearl Jam and the Question of the Meaning of Life.Stefano Marino - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Critical theory vs philosophical anthropology on radio and TV: some remarks on Adorno and Gehlen.Stefano Marino - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
    The relation between critical theory of society and philosophical anthropology is a very interesting and exciting but also problematic one. On the one hand, since Hork- heimer’s seminal essay Remarks on Philosophical Anthropology critical theorists have always expressed a clear distaste for anthropological speculation. On the other hand, notwithstanding Adorno’s aim in Negative Dialectics to “vetoe any anthropol- ogy” and criticize “the question of man [as] ideological”, he frequently mentioned the project of a “negative anthropology” or “dialectical anthropology” as an (...)
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    Cetaceans would be an interesting comparison group.Lori Marino - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):290-291.
    One of the mammalian groups absent from the Finlay et al. study is cetaceans (dolphins, whales, and porpoises). Inclusion of cetaceans would be useful for assessing the generalizability of the authors' conclusions. Recent findings suggest dolphins may differ from the general pattern observed by Finlay et al. I encourage Finlay and her colleagues to include developmental neurobiological data on cetaceans, when available.
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  37. Diritto e "fare": la denegatio crociana e la filosofia del diritto a Napoli nel '900.Giovanni Marino - 2003 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 2:231-274.
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  38.  44
    Embryology and Disorders of Sexual Development.Thomas A. Marino - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (4):481-490.
    In 2006, based on the advice of 50 international experts, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society and the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology issued a consensus statement on the nomenclature and management of children who have a phenotype that is neither typical male nor female (Lee et al. 2006). Responding to a decade of criticism over the terminology that had been in place, including such terms as intersex, hermaphrodite, or pseudohermaphrodite, they proposed to call those conditions in which the patient (...)
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  39.  10
    Estetica, tecnica, politica: immagini critiche del contemporaneo.Stefano Marino (ed.) - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Frammenti di un disco incantato: teorie semiotiche, testualità e generi musicali.Gabriele Marino - 2020 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice. Edited by Andrea Valle & Ugo Volli.
    Per una sociosemiotica della comunicazione musicale -- Per una sociosemiotica dei generi musicali -- Per una sociosemiotica della novità in musica -- Per una sociosemiotica del dubstep.
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  41.  20
    From the Blacksmith’s Forge to the Fires of Hell: Eating the Red-Hot Iron Ball in Early Buddhist Literature.Joseph Marino - 2019 - Buddhist Studies Review 36 (1):31-51.
    Early Buddhist texts were first being composed and compiled during South Asia’s Iron Age, and thus contain many references to iron and other metal technologies. This article examines one metalworking image that came to play a special role in the imagination of early Buddhists: the red-hot iron ball. I argue that the iron ball, which comes to be a torture device in hell, force-fed by hell wardens, is a mimesis of the pi??ap?ta, or almsfood offered to monks and nuns by (...)
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  42.  9
    Gadamer on art and aesthetic experience: rethinking hermeneutical aesthetics today.Stefano Marino & Elena Romagnoli (eds.) - 2025 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Original essays on Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutical aesthetics and philosophy of art, written by some of the most important authors in this field, disclosing the possibility of a renewed understanding of Gadamer's thinking in the context of current aesthetic debates.
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  43.  7
    Il corpo del dialogo: una teoria della comunicazione a partire dal Protagora di Platone e dal Corpus Hippocraticum.Silvio Marino - 2019 - Napoli: Paolo Loffredo.
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  44.  22
    Individualización e Institucionalización: Notas sobre la filosofía jurídica de Gino Capozzi, a partir de "Forze, leggi e poteri".Giovanni Marino - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (30):43-56.
    Praxeologism from the napolitan institutionalist phenomenological school is discussed, in the work “Forze, leggi e poteri” by Gino Capozzi, in relation to the Italianius-philosophical tradition. The reflections of the napolitan school center on the individual and his activity, an activity that is..
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    Lembrança de Giovanni Casertano.Silvio Marino - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
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    La Filosofia della Restaurazione.Luigi Marino (ed.) - 1978 - Torino: Loescher.
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  47.  10
    La (ragionevole) prassi dialettica della traduzione e le sue regole.Stefano Marino - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 22.
    In this article I outline a conception of translation as a human practice that is dia- lectical, reasonable and not entirely governed by rules. In my contribution I use a concept of dialectics that is general and broad, not connected in a strict way to a single thinker or a single paradigm of dialectical thinking, and that is aimed to emphasize that a translation work is always characterized by dualities, by the simulta- neous presence of different or even opposite dimensions (...)
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  48.  11
    Le verità del non-vero: tre studi su Adorno, teoria critica ed estetica.Stefano Marino - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
  49. Prostitution.Patricia Marino - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
  50.  7
    Pseudo-Xenophon’s Constitution of the Athenians.Silvio Marino - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:1-26.
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