Results for 'Marek Malůš'

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  1.  31
    What Are the Effects of Chamber REST on the Scientific Understanding of Reality? An Exploratory Study.Petr Jedlička, Marek Malůš, Filip Tylš & Jitka Paitlová - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (1):163-190.
    In this paper we present an exploratory study on the understanding of reality among scientists. The nature of reality has been a conundrum for generations of theologians, philosophers, and scientists as well as the lay public. It also appears as a scientific problem in various disciplines, from physics to psychiatry and neuroscience. For the purpose of our study, we employed Chamber REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation), which has been known to produce substantial perceptual effects such as visual or auditory pseudo-hallucinations. We (...)
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    Assessing Attitudes Indirectly Through Conceptual Metaphors of Size and Distance in an Interactive Software.Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Jan Platoš, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková & Tereza Benešová - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (4):329-345.
    The size and distance of an object are crucial pieces of information that every human being processes from an early age (see, e.g., Day & McKenzie, 1981; Granrud, 2006). For infants, the distance o...
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  3. Abteilung V.Farid Ablayev, Marek Karpinski & Airat Khasianov - forthcoming - Complexity:05-12.
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    Twardowski and husserl on wholes and parts.Marek Rosiak - 1998 - In Katarzyna Kijania-Placek & Jan Woleński, The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy. Dordrecht and Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 85--100.
  5. Vyprávění o psaní.Jiří Marek - 1985 - Praha: Československý spisovatel.
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  6. Zu Beckermanns Auflösung des Problems der Intentionalität.Johann Christian Marek - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (4):475.
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    Zur Gegenwart und Geschichte der Forschungen zu deutschen lexikalischen Entlehnungen im Polnischen.Marek Rafał - 2013 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 9.
    The article presents research into borrowings from German to the Polish language. That research was initiated in the 19th century. German lexical borrowings were linked to other linguistic issues, such as morphology, syntax, phonology or semantic field theory. The most important researcher of German borrowings in Polish were Aleksander Bruckner, Leszek Moszyński, Ludwik Zabrocki, Wilhelm Kästner, Alicja Karszniewicz-Mazur etc. The article is a critical analysis of the most significant publications on this subject.
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    Zum Programm einer Deskriptiven Psychologie.Johann Christian Marek - 1986 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 28 (1):211-234.
    Die logische Analyse psychologischer Begriffe wird gedeutet als die Untersuchung logisch-kategorialer wie auch inhaltlicher Merkmale des Psychischen im Allgemeinen (Kennzeichen des Erlebnismäßigen, Unterscheidungen zum Nicht-Psychischen) und im Speziellen (Kennzeichen der einzelnen psychischen Phänomene, Unterscheidungen innerhalb des Psychischen). Brentanos deskriptive Psychologie wird als eine derartige analytische Philosophie der Psychologie aufgefaßt, und Chisholms These, daß Wittgensteins Philosophie der Psychologie als deskriptive Psychologie angesehen werden kann, wird mit einigen Einschränkungen und Ergänzungen übernommen. Bei der Darstellung der deskriptiven Psychologie als Begriffsanalyse, als einer Wissenschaft (...)
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    Proces przystosowania a zaburzenia osobowości.Marek Masiak - 1983 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 31 (4):317-326.
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  10. Formal and existential analysis of subject and properties.Marek Rosiak - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):285-299.
    The paper is a contribution to the object ontology. The general approach assumed in the investigation is that of Roman Ingarden's The Controversy Over the Existence of the World where an object is the subject-of-properties. The analysis of the form and the mode of existence of properties leads to the rejection of both negative and general properties. Each property is an individual qualitative moment of a particular object. Its form reveals existential heteronomy: the quality of the property is not immanent (...)
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    Existential Analysis in Roman Ingarden's Ontology.Marek Rosiak - 2007 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (1):119-130.
    Ingarden conceives ontology as a philosophia prima, which deals with being as purely possible. It is an intuitive and a priori analysis of the content of the relevant ideas. It consists of three parts: existential, formal and material ontology. Existential ontology deals with the possible modes of existence. Problems of factual existence pertain to metaphysics, which is a separate branch of theoretical philosophy, based on ontology.
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    O uniwersaliach i Bogu — głos w dyskusji.Marek Rosiak - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (2):293-305.
    Tekst, nawiązujący do artykułu Stanisława Judyckiego „Bóg i uniwersalia”, zawiera analizę zasadniczych stanowisk w sporze o uniwersalia i przedstawia własną interpretację niektórych kluczowych kwestii tej problematyki — zwłaszcza koncepcji tak zwanego realizmu umiarkowanego, przypisywanego Arystotelesowi. Wspomniana jest też ewentualność wykorzystania tego rodzaju rozważań w innym zagadnieniu klasycznej metafizyki — w kwestii istnienia Absolutu.
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    (3 other versions)Authors of Contributed Papers.Marek Rosiak & Miroslaw Szatkowski - 2014 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski & Marek Rosiak, Substantiality and Causality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 189-192.
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  14.  35
    Some ontological problems concerning predication.Marek Rosiak - 1998 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 6:109.
    The Aristotelian double characterization of a primary substanceexploits the difference between the part-whole relation and the non-linguisticrelation of predication. A problem arises whether and how the second relationcould be reduced to something else. Such a reduction is explicitly declared orat least implicitly assumed in all version of conceptualism and nominalism.The moderate realism is often interpreted as a reductionism of this kindbut such interpretations do not seem corect. Only the so called resemblancetheory can be regarded as a successful attempt at the (...)
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    W kwestii Heglowskiej kategorii stawania się.Marek Rosiak - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 22:161-172.
    The paper aims at a critical investigation of the famous initial chapter of the so called "transcendental deduction of categories" from Hegel's "Science of Logic". At first, some graphic interpretation of the dialectic of becoming is proposed to show how different aspects of it fit the general "thesis–antithesis–synthesis" scheme ruling the transcendental deduction. Then the question is put forward whether the notions involved in Hegel's doctrine of becoming can really serve any explanation or clarification of it. The not very surprising (...)
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  16.  55
    [recenzja] W.A. Ugarow, Szczególna teoria względności, 1985.Marek Samborski - 1986 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 8.
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  17. Psychognosie–Geognosie. Apriorisches und Empirisches in der deskriptiven Psychologie Brentanos.Johann Ch Marek - 1989 - Brentano Studien 2:53-61.
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    Staying power in sequential games.Steven J. Brams & Marek P. Hessel - 1983 - Theory and Decision 15 (3):279-302.
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    Bridges, Constraints, and Links1.C. Ulises Moulines & Marek Polanski - 1996 - In Wolfgang Balzer & Carles Ulises Moulines, Structuralist theory of science: focal issues, new results. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 6--219.
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  20. [no title].Christian Marek & Emanuel Zingg - unknown
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  21. Meinong and Brentano.Johann Christian Marek - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel, The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 272-282.
  22.  14
    Zagadnienia etyczne w procesach przekształceń własnościowych Województwa Łódzkiego.Danuta Barańska & Marek Jacek Michalak - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):121-129.
    The Polish society has perceived privatization as an issue of special importance which enables a free market economy in a short time. Privatization has always raised hopes and expectations. It is the lack of experience in the field of ownership transformations, the level of their complexity and the economic, legal, psychological and other conditionings that have confronted those transformations with many hindrances. They have also raised numerous moral and ethical dilemmas among the staff of privatized companies and founding organs including (...)
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  23.  23
    On pruning search trees of impartial games.Piotr Beling & Marek Rogalski - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 283 (C):103262.
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    Does Skepticism Lead to Dogmatism?Anita Benisławska & Marek Kołata - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):139-148.
    The article juxtaposes Jan Srzednicki’s conception of cognition with Jean Piaget’s psychology of cognition. Human’s (child’s) cognition is syncretic. Various cognitive data are confused, systematized, dogmatized or become chaotic, and mistakes appear. These mistakes can be overcome thanks to analytical, intuitive or logical perspectives. Cognition moves from the sphere of “children’s dogmatism” to the world of “mature skepticism”. The syncretic cognition can be overcome thanks to various cognitive procedures, e.g., analytical, logical or intuitive. The intuitive cognition is primary and synthetic—it (...)
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  25.  8
    Science: Between Algorithm and Creativity.Jerzy Brzeziński, Francesco Coniglione & Tadeusz Marek - 1992
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    “What Is Lasting? Luck. We Still Believe in Luck.” An Interview with Carol Miller on Half a Century of Studying Roma (Featuring Judith Okely).Lenka J. Budilová & Marek Jakoubek - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):443-449.
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    Logic programs, well-orderings and forward chaining.V. W. Marek, A. Nerode & J. B. Remmel - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 96 (1-3):231-276.
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  28. Superveniencia, propiedades maximales Y teoría de modelos (supervenience, maximal properties, and model theory).Xabier Donato Rodríguedez & Marek Polanski - 2006 - Theoria 21 (3):257-276.
    En el presente artículo, se examinan y discuten dos argumentos con consecuencias reduccionistas debidos a Jaegwon Kim y a Theodore Sider respectivamente. De acuerdo con el argumento de Kim, la superveniencia fuerte implicaría la coexistencia necesaria de propiedades (es decir, tal y como normalmente se interpreta, la reducción). De acuerdo con el de Sider, ocurriría lo mismo con la superveniencia global. Uno y otro hacen un uso esencial de sendas nociones de propiedad maximal, las cuales son discutidas aquí a la (...)
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  29.  16
    Capital, Resource or People? Contemporary Trends in Personnel Management.Agnieszka Marek - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (2):75-84.
    People should be at the centre of attention within knowledge-based economics. The leaders of each enterprise ought to focus on providing the best conditions for their employees’ professional and individual development and treat them with respect in terms of their dignity and needs. In contemporary literature two notions in perceiving people in organisations are noticeable. The first one treats employees as ‘resources’ which have to be properly used or as ‘capital’ that should bring a decent return on investment. The second (...)
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    A context for belief revision: forward chaining-normal nonmonotomic rule systems.V. W. Marek, A. Nerode & J. B. Remmel - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 67 (1-3):269-323.
    A number of nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms have been introduced to model the set of beliefs of an agent. These include the extensions of a default logic, the stable models of a general logic program, and the extensions of a truth maintenance system among others. In [13] and [16], the authors introduced nonmonotomic rule systems as a nonlogical generalization of all essential features of such formulisms so that theorems applying to all could be proven once and for all. In this paper, (...)
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  31. Diderot's Ontology Between Form and Formlessness.Miha Marek - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1):51 - +.
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  32. (1 other version)Elementy logiki i teorii mnogości w zadaniach.Wiktor Marek - 1972 - Warszwaw,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe. Edited by Onyszkiewicz, Janusz & [From Old Catalog].
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  33. Filosofická čitanka.František Marek - 1971 - Praha,: Svoboda, t. Rudé právo. Edited by šTepáN[From Old Catalog] Zapletal.
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  34. Genocentryczny paradygmat rozumienia przyrody i jego zasadność w R. Dawkinsa interpretacji ewolucji.Anna Marek-Bieniasz - 2009 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 45 (1):163-178.
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  35. Humanistyczne aspekty hodowli pszczół w życiu człowieka.Marek Marks - 1997 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 3.
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    Imaginations in science and theology (wyobrazenia W nauce iw teologii).Talasiewicz Mieszko Marek - 2010 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 46 (1):65-71.
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    J. R. Shilleto. Minimum models of analysis. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 37 , pp. 48–54.Wiktor Marek - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):601.
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    Leibniz'series and the problem of dynamics in the quantization of gravity (serie leibniza I problem dynamiki W kwantowaniu grawitacji).Woszczek Marek - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (2):41-62.
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    (1 other version)Marxism as product of the age of the steam engine.Ji?I. Marek - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 32 (2):155-161.
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    Marked for Life in a Culture of Death: Movement Communication in Blue Sky.Patricia A. Marek - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (4):269-290.
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    (1 other version)Marxist theory and the development of physics. I.Jiri Marek - 1988 - Studies in Soviet Thought 35 (4):327-332.
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    (1 other version)Mediale Vanitas: Komplizenschaften mit dem Leichnam in der Malerei.Kristin Marek - 2018 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 27 (2):209-229.
    Bilder haben seit je her das Vermögen, sich als Metamalerei reflexiv mit den Bedingungen ihrer eigenen Bildlichkeit auseinander zu setzen. In Momenten,medialer Vanitas’, wie sie der Beitrag nachvollzieht, ist es die Symbolik der Vanitas, welche gegen das Bild als solches gerichtet wird. Schon im Barock entstehen sie mit so unterschiedlichen Werken wie jenen Cornelius Norbertus Gijsbrechts und Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggios, die als spezifisch,thanatologische Metamalerei‘ bezeichnet werden können. Sie zielen auf die mortifzierenden Strukturen bildlicher Repräsentation, ihre Medialität und Materialität. Doch (...)
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    Österreichische Philosophen und ihr Einfluss auf die analytische Philosophie der Gegenwart.Johann Christian Marek (ed.) - 1977 - Graz: Josef Zelger.
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  44. Practice as a decisive driving force of the development of 17th-century physics.J. Marek - 1991 - Studies in Soviet Thought 41 (1):51-62.
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  45. Psychological content and indeterminacy with respect to being : Two notes on the Russell-meinong debate.Johann Christian Marek - 2008 - In Nicholas Griffin & Dale Jacquette, Russell Vs. Meinong: The Legacy of "on Denoting". London and New York: Routledge.
  46. Papers of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Experience and Analysis.Johann Marek & Maria Reicher (eds.) - 2004
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    Remarks on pseudo-referential matrices.Iwona Marek - 1987 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 16 (2):89-91.
    One of the generalizations of R. W´ojcicki’s concept of referential matrix is so-called pseudo-referential matrix . G. Malinowski, who introduced that concept, also considers a particular case of pseudo-referential matrices called discrete pseudo-referential matrices . In this note we want to show how any generalized matrix determines a semantically equivalent discrete pseudo-referential matrix.
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  48.  10
    Stein, Arthur, Nietzsche und die Wissenschaft.S. Marek - 1923 - Kant Studien 28 (1-2).
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    Stałość i zmienność w leksykograficznej kodyfikacji wybranych niemieckich zapożyczeń leksykalnych z grupy rzeczowej „budownictwo” w „Słowniku języka polskiego” pod redakcją Witolda Doroszewskiego oraz w „Słowniku języka polskiego PWN” pod redakcją Elżbiet.Rafał Marek - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 11.
    This article presents German loanwords in the Polish language. Its aim is twofold: to discuss words of German origin in Polish, as well as to stress Polish-German language contacts and their influences on vocabulary. The analysis will not only deal with the meaning and etymology of particular words, but will also scrutinize their description in the dictionaries of Polish edited by Doroszewski and Sobol.
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    (1 other version)The?internal? and?external? moving forces of the development of physics.Jiri Marek - 1986 - Studies in Soviet Thought 31 (3):231-237.
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