Results for 'Marcus Maurer'

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  1.  24
    Looking over the channel: The balance of media coverage about the “refugee crisis” in Germany and the UK.Pablo Jost, Simon Kruschinski, Jörg Haßler & Marcus Maurer - 2022 - Communications 47 (2):219-240.
    This study compares the balance of newspaper and television news coverage about migration in two countries that were differently affected by the so-called “refugee crisis” in 2015 in terms of the geopolitical involvement and numbers of migrants being admitted. Based on a broad consensus among political elites, Germany left its borders open and received about one million migrants mainly from Syria during 2015. In contrast, the conservative British government was heavily attacked by oppositional parties for closing Britain’s borders and, thus, (...)
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  2. Laudemus Viros Gloriosos: Essays in Honor of Armand Maurer, Csb.R. E. Houser (ed.) - 2007 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    This book of fifteen essays is presented in honor of one of the premier historians of medieval philosophy, Armand Maurer of the Pontifical Institute for Mediaeval Studies and the University of Toronto. The authors, internationally recognized scholars in the field of medieval philosophy and theology, are friends, colleagues, and students of Fr. Maurer. They are united in a common love of medieval thought and a common appreciation of philosophizing through the study of the history of philosophy. Their interests (...)
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  3. Résumés des contributions.Marcus Cb Hotz - 1979 - In Philip W. Hemily & M. N. Őzdas (eds.), Technological challenges for social change. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 371.
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    De Senectute: De Amicitia ; De Divinatione.Marcus Tullius Cicero - 1992
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  5. Logic and science: science and logic.Marcus Rossberg & Stewart Shapiro - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6429-6454.
    According to Ole Hjortland, Timothy Williamson, Graham Priest, and others, anti-exceptionalism about logic is the view that logic “isn’t special”, but is continuous with the sciences. Logic is revisable, and its truths are neither analytic nor a priori. And logical theories are revised on the same grounds as scientific theories are. What isn’t special, we argue, is anti-exceptionalism about logic. Anti-exceptionalists disagree with one another regarding what logic and, indeed, anti-exceptionalism are, and they are at odds with naturalist philosophers of (...)
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  6. Pensées.Marcus Aurelius - 1968 - Paris,: le Club français du livre. Edited by A. I. Trannoy.
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    Soliloquios de Marco Aurelio.Marcus Aurelius - 1944 - México,: Secretaría de educación pública. Edited by García Bacca & Juan David.
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  8. M. T. Ciceronis de Officijs Lib. Iii.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Veit Amerbach, Philipp Melanchthon, Desiderius Erasmus & Celio Calcagnini - 1543 - Apud Gulielmum Richart, ..
  9. Essentialism in modal logic.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1967 - Noûs 1 (1):91-96.
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    On extensions of intermediate logics by strong negation.Marcus Kracht - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (1):49-73.
    In this paper we will study the properties of the least extension n(Λ) of a given intermediate logic Λ by a strong negation. It is shown that the mapping from Λ to n(Λ) is a homomorphism of complete lattices, preserving and reflecting finite model property, frame-completeness, interpolation and decidability. A general characterization of those constructive logics is given which are of the form n(Λ). This summarizes results that can be found already in [13, 14] and [4]. Furthermore, we determine the (...)
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    Historia filozofii współczesnej: od Hegla do czasów najnowszych.Étienne Gilson, Thomas Langan & Armand Augustine Maurer - 1979 - Instytut Wydawniczy Pax.
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  12. The Normative Stance.Marcus Arvan - 2021 - Philosophical Forum 52 (1):79-89.
    The Duhem-Quine thesis famously holds that a single hypothesis cannot be confirmed or disconfirmed in isolation, but instead only in conjunction with other background hypotheses. This article argues that this has important and underappreciated implications for metaethics. Section 1 argues that if one begins metaethics firmly wedded to a naturalistic worldview—due (e.g.) to methodological/epistemic considerations—then normativity will appear to be reducible to a set of social-psycho-semantic behaviors that I call the ‘normative stance.’ Contra Hume and Bedke (2012), I argue that (...)
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    De Officiis..Marcus Tullius Cicero & Ulrich Zell - 2013 - Hardpress Publishing.
    Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
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  14. Quantification and ontology.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1972 - Noûs 6 (3):240-250.
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    Seditions: Heidegger and the Limit of Modernity.Marcus Brainard (ed.) - 1997 - State University of New York Press.
    This is the first book-length work by Heribert Boeder to appear in English. The essays brought together here, several of which are to be found only in this volume, bear witness to a new perspective on metaphysics, modernity, and so-called postmodernity. The "seditiousness" of Boeder's undertaking lies in his twofold intention: to explicate what has been thought in metaphysics, modernity, and postmodernity as self-contained, rational totalities--as history, world, and speech, respectively--and by means of those explications to recover dwelling as it (...)
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  16. Duties and duties to oneself.Marcus G. Singer - 1963 - Ethics 73 (2):133-142.
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    The Oxford handbook of the reception of Aquinas.Matthew Levering & Marcus Plested (eds.) - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas provides a comprehensive survey of Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant philosophical and theological reception of Thomas Aquinas over the past 750 years. This Handbook will serve as a necessary primer for everyone who wishes to study Aquinas's thought and/or the history of theology and philosophy since Aquinas's day. Part I considers the late-medieval receptions of Aquinas among Catholics and Orthodox. Part II examines sixteenth-century Western receptions of Aquinas (Protestant and Catholic), followed by a (...)
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  18. Simulation and transfer results in modal logic – a survey.Marcus Kracht & Frank Wolter - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (2):149-177.
    This papers gives a survey of recent results about simulations of one class of modal logics by another class and of the transfer of properties of modal logics under extensions of the underlying modal language. We discuss: the transfer from normal polymodal logics to their fusions, the transfer from normal modal logics to their extensions by adding the universal modality, and the transfer from normal monomodal logics to minimal tense extensions. Likewise, we discuss simulations of normal polymodal logics by normal (...)
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    Antecedents of corporate misconduct: A linguistic content analysis of decoupling tendencies in sustainability reporting.Marcus Conrad & Dirk Holtbrügge - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):538-550.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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  20. Events, Sortals, and the Mind–Body Problem.Eric Marcus - 2006 - Synthese 150 (1):99-129.
    In recent decades, a view of identity I call Sortalism has gained popularity. According to this view, if a is identical to b, then there is some sortal S such that a is the same S as b. Sortalism has typically been discussed with respect to the identity of objects. I argue that the motivations for Sortalism about object-identity apply equally well to event-identity. But Sortalism about event-identity poses a serious threat to the view that mental events are token identical (...)
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  21. Does the principle of substitutivity rest on a mistake?Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1975 - In Alan Ross Anderson, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Richard Milton Martin & Frederic Brenton Fitch (eds.), The Logical enterprise. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  22. Hilbert's philosophy of mathematics.Marcus Giaquinto - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (2):119-132.
  23. Noble Animals, Brutish Animals.Marcus Hunt - 2021 - Between the Species 24 (1):70-92.
    The paper begins with a description of a grey seal performing conspecific infanticide. The paper then gives an account of “nobleness” and “brutishness.” Roughly, a behavioural-disposition is noble/brutish if it is one that would be a moral virtue/vice if the possessor of the behavioural-disposition were a moral agent. The paper then advances two pairs of axiological claims. The first pair of claims is that nobleness is good and that brutishness is bad. The second pair of claims is about an axiological (...)
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  24. Errata: The Normative Stance.Marcus Arvan - manuscript
    Due to a production error, two block-quotations were originally omitted from the final publication. These passages have been corrected in the web-version on the journal’s website (DOI: 10.1111/phil.12282), but cannot be corrected in the print/PDF version. Readers of the PDF version, please note the two corrections herein.
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  25. (3 other versions)Modalities: Philosophical Essays.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 185 (1):118-119.
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    In search of the spiritual: Gabriel Marcel, psychoanalysis, and the sacred.Paul Marcus - 2013 - London: Karnac Books.
    Introduction -- Creative experience as the birthplace of the transcendent -- On refinding God during chemotherapy -- Reflections on moments of grace -- On the quiet virtue of humility -- Summoned to courage -- Maintaining personal dignity in the face of the mass society -- On fidelity and betrayal in love relationships -- The kiss.
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    Discrimination of Small Forms in a Deviant-Detection Paradigm by 10-month-old Infants.Marcus Lindskog, Maria Rogell, Ben Kenward & Gustaf Gredebäck - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    I'd rather be dead than be a girl: implications of Whitehead, Whorf, and Piaget for inclusive language in religious education.John Marcus Sweeney - 2009 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    In I'd Rather Be Dead Than Be a Girl, John Marcus Sweeney explains a threefold thesis of a study that language influences how human beings perceive reality, that the development of theoretical constructs can help explain resistances to and possibilities for inclusive language, and that the implementation of inclusive language is an important goal for religious education." "The study begins with a description of the problem to be considered, that is, the role of sexist language in perpetuating sexual discrimination. (...)
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    Model Completeness of O-Minimal Structures Expanded by Dedekind Cuts.Marcus Tressl - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):29 - 60.
    §1. Introduction. LetMbe a totally ordered set. A (Dedekind) cutpofMis a couple (pL,pR) of subsetspL,pRofMsuch thatpL⋃pR=MandpL Z} andZ−for the cutqwithqL= {a∈M∣a
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    Intelligibility, Anarchy, and Healthy Eating.Marcus Schultz-Bergin & Kevin Vallier - 2024 - Ethical Perspectives 31 (1):45-56.
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  31. (1 other version)The Eleatic and the Indispensabilist.Russell Marcus - 2015 - Theoria 30 (3):415-429.
    The debate over whether we should believe that mathematical objects exist quickly leads to the question of how to determine what we should believe. Indispensabilists claim that we should believe in the existence of mathematical objects because of their ineliminable roles in scientific theory. Eleatics argue that only objects with causal properties exist. Mark Colyvan’s recent defenses of Quine’s indispensability argument against some contemporary eleatics attempt to provide reasons to favor the indispensabilist’s criterion. I show that Colyvan’s argument is not (...)
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    Tinkering With Testing: Understanding How Museum Program Design Advances Engineering Learning Opportunities for Children.Maria Marcus, Diana I. Acosta, Pirko Tõugu, David H. Uttal & Catherine A. Haden - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Using a design-based research approach, we studied ways to advance opportunities for children and families to engage in engineering design practices in an informal educational setting. 213 families with 5–11-year-old children were observed as they visited a tinkering exhibit at a children’s museum during one of three iterations of a program posing an engineering design challenge. Children’s narrative reflections about their experience were recorded immediately after tinkering. Across iterations of the program, changes to the exhibit design and facilitation provided by (...)
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    IRBs and Child-Resistant Containers.Steven M. Marcus - 1983 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 5 (4):5.
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    How Can Freedom Be a Law to Itself?: The Concept of Autonomy in the “Introduction” to the Naturrecht Feyerabend Lecture Notes.Marcus Willaschek - 2018 - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 141–157.
  35. Kant's categorical imperative, the value of respect, and the treatment of women.Marcus Schulzke - 2012 - Journal of Military Ethics 11 (1):26-41.
    This paper explores the relevance of Kant's categorical imperative to military ethics and the solution it suggests for improving the treatment of women in the military. The second formulation of the categorical imperative makes universal respect for humanity a moral requirement by asserting that one must always treat other people as means in themselves and never as merely means to an end. This principle is a promising guide for military ethics and can be reconciled with the acts of violence required (...)
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    John T. Lysaker , Emerson and Self-Culture (Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press, 2008), ISBN: 978-0253219718.Marcus B. Schulzke - 2009 - Foucault Studies 7:185-188.
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    On Gewirth's derivation of the principle of generic consistency.Marcus G. Singer - 1985 - Ethics 95 (2):297-301.
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    Pragmatism and the Context of Rationality.Arthur E. Murphy & Marcus G. Singer - 1993 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 29 (4):687 - 722.
  39. Paradoxa stoicorum.Marcus TulliusHG Cicero - 2004 - In De Legibus / Über Die Gesetze: Paradoxa Stoicorum / Stoische Paradoxien. Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 271-280.
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    Philosophische Anmerkungen und Abhandlungen zu Cicero's Büchern von den Pflichten (Classic Reprint).Christian Garve, Marcus Tullius Cicero & Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn - 2018 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Philosophische Anmerkungen und Abhandlungen zu Cicero's Büchern von den Pflichten 3um fiewtilc bitbbtt lann w bienen, me Qicero de n. 1. Von (einen berben großem 930rgdmern in ber ä3mbfamleit. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. (...)
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    De officiis. Add: Paradoxa Stoicorum. Hexasticha XII sapientum de titulo Ciceronis. Horatius Flaccus: Ad T. Manlium Torquatum (Carm. IV 7).Marcus Tullius Cicero, Johannes Fust & Johann Schöffer - 1466 - Johann Fust and Peter Schoeffer.
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  42. M.T. Ciceronis Tusculanarum Questionum Lib. V. Ad Vetust. Exemplaria Manu Scriptia, Nunc Summa Diligentia Correcti & Emendati Ac Commentariis Claris. Viroru[M] Philippi Beroaldi, & Ioachimi Camerarij: Deinde Erasmi Roterodami, Pauli Manutij, & Petri Victorij Variis Lectionibus & Annotationes Illustrati. Quibus Nunc Primùm Accessit Doctissimi Cuiusdam Viri Commentarius, Cum Annotationibus Leodegarij À Quercu. Cum Indice Rerum Ac Verborum Locupletiss.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Léger Duchesne & Thomas Richard - 1561 - Ex Typographia Thomærichardi, Sub Bibliis Aureis, È Regione Collegij Remensis.
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  43. M. Tullius Cicero of the Nature of the Gods in Three Books. With Critical, Philosophical, and Explanatory Notes. To Which is Added, an Enquiry Into the Astronomy and Anatomy of the Antients.Marcus Tullius Cicero & Thomas Francklin - 1741 - Printed for R. Francklin, in Covent-Garden.
  44. Aus den tiefen des Erkennens.Ernst Marcus - 1925 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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    Ausgewählte Schriften.Ernst Marcus - 1969 - Bonn,: H. Bouvier. Edited by Gottfried Martin & Gerd Hergen Lübben.
    Bd. 1. Kants Weltgebäude. Aus den Tiefen des Erkennens.
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  46. Die exacte Aufdeckung des Fundaments der Sittlichkeit und Religion und die Konstruction der Welt aus den Elementen des Kant.Ernst Marcus - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 50:303-306.
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  47. Gramatici şi Automate Finite.Solomon Marcus - 1966 - Foundations of Language 2 (3):291-294.
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    Initial trace of positive solutions of some nonlinear parabolic equations.Moshe Marcus & Laurent VEÉRON - 1999 - History and Philosophy of Logic 24 (7-8):1445-1499.
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  49. Kants Weltgebaüde Eine Gemeinverständliche Darstellung in Vorträgen.Ernst Marcus - 1920 - E. Reinhardt.
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  50. Labor resources as a factor in international competition.Edward Marcus - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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