Results for 'Marcel Hoc'

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  1.  21
    „Indo-European in Basis and Origin“. Das altirische Recht zwischen insularem Archaismus und europäischer Verflechtung.Marcel Bubert - 2020 - Das Mittelalter 25 (1):165-179.
    Research on Old Irish law was from the very beginning related to specific epistemological and political contexts in which Celtic and Indo-European Studies emerged as scientific disciplines at the end of the 19th century. The premise of historical linguistics that the Indo-European languages derived from a common ‘origin’ had far reaching implications for studies on medieval Celtic law tracts. Since linguists had discovered significant parallels between Old Irish and Sanskrit, the legal traditions of Ireland and India were believed to preserve (...)
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    Empirical Research and Recommendations for Moral Action: A Plea for the Transparent Reporting of Bridge Principles in Public Health Research.Katja Kuehlmeyer, Marcel Mertz, Joschka Haltaufderheide, Alexander Kremling, Sebastian Schleidgen & Julia Inthorn - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (2):147-159.
    Academic publications of empirical public health research often entail recommendations for moral action that address practitioners and policy makers. These recommendations are regularly based on implicit moral judgments with the underlying reasons not explicitly stated. In this paper, we elaborate on the moral relevance of such judgments and the need to explain them in order to account for academic argumentation. We argue for an explicit reporting of bridge principles to increase the transparency of the reporting of public health research. The (...)
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  3. Itinéraire philosophique..Marcel Deschoux, Pierre Bigler & Jacques Gagey - 1960 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Jacques Gagey & Pierre Bigler.
    1. Philosophie anthropologique--2. Philosophie du savoir scientifique.
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  4. From Practices of Assembly to the Forms of Politics: a Comparative Approach.Marcel Detienne & April Wuensch - forthcoming - Arion 7 (3).
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    Current Research on the Impact of Foreign Language Learning Among Healthy Seniors on Their Cognitive Functions From a Positive Psychology Perspective—A Systematic Review.Blanka Klimova & Marcel Pikhart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:522211.
    The purpose of this review study is to explore the existing research focusing on the impact of foreign language learning among healthy seniors on their cognitive functions from the positive psychology perspective. The methods are based on a literature review of available sources found on the research topic in two acknowledged databases: Web of Science and Scopus. The search period was not limited by any time period since there are not many studies on this topic. Altogether seven original studies were (...)
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  6. Présence et immortalité.Gabriel Marcel - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (3):387-388.
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    Enthymematic reasoning as a meaning-making strategy in spoken discourse.Marcel Bax - 2009 - In Wolfgang Wildgen & Barend van Heusden (eds.), Metarepresentation, self-organization and art. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 9--27.
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  8. The sign and its Masters, revisiting Sebeok masterpiece in its italian version.Marcel Danesi - 1992 - Semiotica 89 (1-3):103-115.
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    (1 other version)Position et approches concrètes du mystère ontologique.Gabriel Marcel & Marcel de Corte - 1949 - Louvain,: E. Nauwelaerts. Edited by Marcel de Corte.
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  10. Sentido, concepto y metáfora en Vico: una óptica interpretativa de las investigaciones científicas sobre la metáfora.Marcel Danesi - 1999 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 11 (12):107-127.
    El modelo viquiano propuesto en este trabajo tiene hoy día implicaciones concretas para la lingüística y las ciencias cognitivas. A nuestro parecer, hoy las investigaciones en estos campos no hacen otra cosa que verificar la existencia de un vínculo gnoseológico entre sentido, concepto y metáfora que Vico exponía en la Scienza nuova. Vico demostró, ante todo, que la lógica poética constituye la facultad preliminar que permite el comportamiento simbólico humano. Dicha noción falta del todo en las actuales investigaciones sobre la (...)
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    The Antinomy of Teleological Judgment: What It Is and How It Is Solved.Marcel Quarfood - 2014 - In Eric Watkins & Ina Goy (eds.), Kant's Theory of Biology. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 167-184.
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    Du cóté des salariés : à la recherche de l'idéologie perdue.Marcel Bolle de Bal - 1965 - Res Publica 7 (2):112-125.
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    Gewalt und seelische Verschüttung: erzieherische Grundlagen der Friedensfähigkeit.Marcel Müller-Wieland - 1995 - New York: G. Olms.
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  14. Political and Philosophical Views of Young S. Hurban Vajansky in Narodne noviny.Marcel Martinkovic - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (10):990-1003.
    The aim of the paper is to reconsider the traditional evaluation of S. H. Vajanský, which underlines mainly the anti-progressive, conservative and anti-realistic features of his later writings. The examination of his earlier articles in Narodné noviny up to 1883 shows, however, his critical openness to the contributions of constitutionalism. His primordialistic standpoint is enriched by the ideas emphasizing the importance of the education of wider public as well as the necessity of polemics in creating Slovak national awareness. Young Vajanský (...)
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  15. Phenomenologie et dialectique de la tolerance.Gabriel Marcel - 1939 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 1 (3):511-523.
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    Precation, Scientisation or Deliberation? Greening Envioronmental Decisionmaking.Wissenburg Marcel & Levy Yoram - 2004 - In Marcel L. J. Wissenburg & Yoram Levy (eds.), Liberal democracy and environmentalism: the end of environmentalism? New York: Routledge.
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    Situação da Filosofia em França.Gabriel Marcel - 1947 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 3 (1):73 - 75.
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  18. De l'esthétique classique, tirée du portrait et du nu, coll. « Reflets ».H. Jones & Marcel Brion - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (4):488-488.
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    Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde: vier thematische Einblicke.Mathias Lindenau & Marcel Meier Kressig (eds.) - 2019 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    Cosmologie de l'information: pour une nouvelle modélisation de l'univers informationnel.Daniel Parrochia & Marcel Brissaud - 1994 - Hermes Science Publications.
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    Vitralii: eseuri.Marcel Petrișor - 1978 - [București]: Editura Eminescu.
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    Kritik über Schefer (2001): Platons unsagbare Erfahrung. Ein anderer Zugang zu Platon.Marcel van Ackeren - 2003 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 8 (1):236-238.
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    Reinventing a Past: Historical Author Figures in Recent Postmodern Fiction.Marcel Cornis-Pope - 2010 - Symploke 18 (1-2):309-315.
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  24. Betekenis en leven.Marcel Sarot - 1993 - Bijdragen 54 (2):162-176.
    Dutch: Bij alle aandacht die er op dit moment is voor de aard van zingevingsvragen is de analogie tussen de betekenis van taal enerzijds en leven en werkelijkheid anderzijds wel opgemerkt, maar nog nergens uitvoerig doorgelicht. Marcel Sarot voorziet in dit gemis door een zorgvuldige analyse van de structurele overeenkomsten tussen verschillende theorieën over beide vormen van betekenis. Vervolgens past hij de gemaakte onderscheidingen toe in een weerlegging van de argumenten tegen de theïstische vorm van zingeving van Elmar D. (...)
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  25. La figure de l'inversion dans le poème tenebrae de Paul Celan.Jean Marcel Vincent - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (3):205-225.
    L�usage, dans un contexte liturgique, du poème le plus connu de Paul Celan, Tenebrae, pose problème. Quel «projet de réalité» se déploie-t-il dans ce texte ? Une interprétation est ici proposée qui prend particulièrement en considération l�univers poétique de l�auteur jusqu�en 1957 ainsi que les nombreuses réminiscences littéraires et spécialement bibliques qui lui permettent d�élaborer un contre-langage. Les étapes préliminaires du poème que nous révèlent les éditions critiques récentes fournissent des pistes précieuses pour affiner le sens de ce poème splendide (...)
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  26. Kierkegaard vivant, coll. « Idées ».J. Sartre, Jean Beaufret, Gabriel Marcel, Lucien Goldmann, Martin Heidegger & Enzo Pací - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (2):211-212.
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    Aspects du libertinisme au XVIe siècle: actes du colloque international de Sommières : exposés.Marcel Bataillon (ed.) - 1974 - Paris: Vrin.
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  28. The inward morning.Henry G. Bugbee & Gabriel Marcel - 1958 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 150:544-545.
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  29. « Tu ne mourras pas ».Gabriel Marcel - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (3):421-421.
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    Interpretations of Kantian Disjunctive Judgment in Propositional Logic.Marcel Quarfood - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 307-320.
  31. Comment discriminer le spectateur du spectacle.Marcel Sauton & P. Masson-Oursel - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:502-503.
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    Une histoire de l'intelligence.Marcel Clément - 1985 - Paris: Diffusion, L'Homme nouveau.
    1. La soif de la sagesse -- 2. La révélation de la sagesse.
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  33. Het Zijn als Mysterie coll. « Filosofie en Kultuur ».D. Van Sonsbeeck & Gabriel Marcel - 1971 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161:495-496.
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  34. Un combat pour le progrès des sciences théologiques en France au XIXe siècle: La correspondance Edouard Reuss-Michel Nicolas.Jean Marcel Vincent - 2003 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 83 (1):89-117.
    L’auteur, qui se propose de publier, pour le bicentenaire de la naissance d’Édouard Reuss , sa correspondance avec Michel Nicolas , présente l’état de ces lettres inédites et les circonstances de leur rédaction. Il montre qu’elles éclairent l’élaboration de la production littéraire des deux protagonistes et l’évolution de la théologie protestante au XIX e siècle en France. Pour illustrer le combat commun des deux correspondants pour le progrès des sciences théologiques en France, il présente enfin les passages qui concernent le (...)
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    Murderous Identity: Anthropology, History, and the Art of Constructing Comparables.Marcel Detienne & Ashraf Noor - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (1):178-187.
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    La situation professionnelle : Contributions des sciences de l'éducation à l'élaboration d'un objet scientifique.Jean-François Marcel, Frédéric Tupin & Philippe Maubant - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):1-4.
    Based on the presentation of a research framework (the shared work of teachers), this text uses an empirical approach to examine the hypothesis of a co-elaboration of the professional situation. To do so, the empirical investigation, based on the Goffman framework, analyzes the process of reconstructing a teaching session (reference situation) over the course of a pedagogical counselling session (support situation) characterized by interaction between a beginning teacher and a trainer. The invalidation of the hypothesis leads to a suggested conceptualization (...)
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  37. Je me souviens.Marcel Moreau - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 119:125-127.
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  38. Position du mystère ontologique et ses approches concrètes. [REVIEW]Gabriel Marcel - 1933 - Philosophy Today 7:95.
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    Alberto Acosta y Esperanza Martínez (compiladores), La naturaleza con derechos: de la filosofía a la política, Ediciones Abya-Yala, Quito, 2011, 376 p. [REVIEW]Marcel André Thezá Manríquez - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    La reflexión sobre los derechos en cuanto a su naturaleza y límites nos instala habitualmente en un campo muy complejo. Podemos abordar esta reflexión ya sea afirmando la existencia de ciertas propiedades innatas de las personas o de ciertas cualidades morales que les son propias; o bien podemos simplemente limitarnos a señalar la presencia de un campo normativo que es el producto de un acuerdo social. En ambos casos los derechos se aplican a personas dotadas tanto de razón como de (...)
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    The Universe in Zero Words: The Story of Mathematics as Told Through Equations. [REVIEW]Marcel Boumans - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (5):558-559.
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  41. Gabriel Marcel et les injustices de ce temps, La responsabilité du philosophe.Gabriel Marcel - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 175 (1):57-57.
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    Gabriel Marcel interrogé par Pierre Boutang.Gabriel Marcel & Pierre Boutang - 1977
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  43. Gabriel Marcel’s Perspectives on “The Broken World.”.Gabriel Marcel - 1998
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    Gabriel Marcel et la pensée allemande: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Ernst Bloch.Gabriel Marcel - 1979 - Aubier.
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    Entretiens autour de Gabriel Marcel: [colloque], Centre culturel international de Cerisy-la-Salle, 24-31 août 1973.Marcel Belay (ed.) - 1976 - Neuchâtel: Éditions de la Baconnière.
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  46. Gabriel Marcel Et les Niveaux de l'Expérience Présentation, Choix de Textes Et Textes Inédits [de G. Marcel].Gabriel Marcel & Jeanne Parain-Vial - 1966 - Seghers.
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  47. Marcel Reymond.Marcel Reymond - 1968 - Neuchâtel,: (Éditions de) la Baconnière. Edited by Berthe Reymond.
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    Tragic Wisdom and Beyond.Conversations Between Paul Ricoeur and Gabriel Marcel.Gabriel Marcel, Stephen Jolin & Peter Mccormick - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (4):602-603.
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    El más allá en el teatro de Gabriel Marcel.Marcel Belay - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (82):521-534.
    The article focuses on one of the central themes of Gabriel Marcel’s thought: the afterlife and the presence of the dead. Marcel approaches such a “mystery” through his plays, one of the most important aspects of his thought.
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  50.  24
    Science Outside the Laboratory: Measurement in Field Science and Economics.Marcel Boumans - 2015 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    The conduct of most of social science occurs outside the laboratory. Such studies in field science explore phenomena that cannot for practical, technical, or ethical reasons be explored under controlled conditions. These phenomena cannot be fully isolated from their environment or investigated by manipulation or intervention. Yet measurement, including rigorous or clinical measurement, does provide analysts with a sound basis for discerning what occurs under field conditions, and why. In Science Outside the Laboratory, Marcel Boumans explores the state of (...)
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