Results for 'Marc Viré'

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  1.  7
    La création de la chaire d' Etude de l'« Evolution des êtres organisés » a la Sorbonne en 1888.Marc Viré - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (95-96):377-391.
  2.  40
    Beyond Gdp: Measuring Welfare and Assessing Sustainability.Marc Fleurbaey & Didier Blanchet - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    Is GDP a good proxy for social welfare? Building on economic theory, this book confirms that it is not, but also that most alternatives to it share its basic flaw, i.e., a focus on specific aspects of people's lives without sufficiently taking account of people's values and goals. A better approach is possible.
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    Mánillusionens problem.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1935 - Theoria 1 (1-2):139-182.
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    Strongly majorizable functionals of finite type: A model for barrecursion containing discontinuous functionals.Marc Bezem - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (3):652-660.
    In this paper a model for barrecursion is presented. It has as a novelty that it contains discontinuous functionals. The model is based on a concept called strong majorizability. This concept is a modification of Howard's majorizability notion; see [T, p. 456].
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    Arabic number reading: On the nature of the numerical scale and the origin of phonological recoding.Marc Brysbaert - 1995 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 124 (4):434.
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    Unifying psychophysics: And what if things are not so simple?Marc Brysbaert & Géry D'Ydewalle - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):271-273.
  7.  26
    The communication of play intention: Are play signals functional?Marc Bekoff - 1975 - Semiotica 15 (3).
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    Corruption of Pharmaceutical Markets: Addressing the Misalignment of Financial Incentives and Public Health.Marc-André Gagnon - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):571-580.
    This article argues that the misalignment of private profit-maximizing objectives with public health needs causes institutional corruption in the pharmaceutical sector and systematically leads firms to act contrary to public heath. The article analyzes how financial incentives generate a business model promoting harmful practices and explores several means of realigning financial incentives in order to foster therapeutic innovation and promote the rational use of medicines.
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  9. (1 other version)Formal analysis and functional analysis of verbal behavior: Notes on the debate between Chomsky and Skinner.Marc Richelle - 1976 - Behaviorism 4 (2):209-221.
  10. Egalitarian opportunities.Marc Fleurbaey - 2001 - Law and Philosophy 20 (5):499-530.
  11.  70
    Rooting Out Institutional Corruption to Manage Inappropriate Off-Label Drug Use.Marc A. Rodwin - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):654-664.
    The Food and Drug Administration authorizes the marketing of a drug only for uses that the manufacturer has demonstrated to be safe and effective, based on evidence from at least two clinical trials. However, the FDA does not regulate the practice of medicine, so physicians may prescribe drugs in any manner they choose. Prescribing drugs in ways that deviate from the uses specified in the FDA-approved drug label, package insert, and marketing authorization is referred to as off-label prescribing. This occurs (...)
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  12.  30
    Conflicts of Interest and the Future of Medicine: The United States, France, and Japan.Marc A. Rodwin - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    The heart of the matter -- The evolution of the French medicine -- Coping with physicians' conflicts of interest in France -- The rise of a protected medical market : the United States before 1950 -- The commercial transformation : the United States, 1950-1980 -- The logic of medical markets : the United States, 1980 to the present -- Coping with physicians' conflicts of interest in the United States -- The evolution of Japanese medicine -- Coping with physicians' conflicts of (...)
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  13.  76
    Cognitive ethology: Slayers, skeptics, and proponents.Marc Bekoff & Colin Allen - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles, Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 313--334.
  14.  73
    The importance of what people care about.Marc Fleurbaey - 2012 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 11 (4):415-447.
    Happiness studies have rekindled interest in the measurement of subjective well-being, and often claim to track faithfully ‘what people care about’ in their lives. It is argued in this article that seeking to respect individuals’ preferences in the context of making intrapersonal and interpersonal comparisons for social evaluation has important and somewhat surprising implications, which shed light, in particular, on subjective measures and their objective alternatives, such as Sen’s capability approach. Four points are made. First, raw subjective well-being scores are (...)
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  15.  72
    Temporal delays can facilitate causal attribution: Towards a general timeframe bias in causal induction.Marc J. Buehner & Stuart McGregor - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (4):353 – 378.
    Two variables are usually recognised as determinants of human causal learning: the contingency between a candidate cause and effect, and the temporal and/or spatial contiguity between them. A common finding is that reductions in temporal contiguity produce concomitant decrements in causal judgement. This finding had previously (Shanks & Dickinson, 1987) been interpreted as evidence that causal induction is based on associative learning processes. Buehner and May (2002, 2003, 2004) have challenged this notion by demonstrating that the impact of temporal delay (...)
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  16.  81
    Economics and economic justice.Marc Fleurbaey - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  17.  37
    Présences sociales : une approche phénoménologique des temporalités sexuées du care.Marc Bessin - 2014 - Temporalités 20.
    Introduction L’analyse des temporalités de l’action constitue une entrée pertinente pour aborder les rapports sociaux de domination. À sa manière, la revue Temporalités a perpétué cette tradition des sciences sociales qui observent les inégalités et les différenciations sociales, analysent leurs logiques, en insistant sur les relations étroites entre temporalités et pouvoir. Mais les articles de Temporalités, à l’exception d’un dossier sur les temps sexués de l’activité (Bess..
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  18.  34
    Accounting for an old inconsistency in the psychophysics of Plateau and Delboeuf.Marc Brysbaert - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):562-563.
  19. Leibniz on causation.Marc Bobro - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  20.  61
    Kants Lehre vom analytischen Urteil.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1951 - Theoria 17 (1-3):140-154.
  21.  55
    Reforming Pharmaceutical Industry-Physician Financial Relationships: Lessons from the United States, France, and Japan.Marc A. Rodwin - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):662-670.
    Post-industrial societies confront common problems in pharmaceutical industry-physician relations. In order to promote sales, drug firms create financial relationships that influence physicians' prescriptions and sometimes even reward physicians for prescribing drugs. Three main types exist: kickbacks, gifts, and financial support for professional activities. The prevalence of these practices has evolved over time in response to changes in professional codes, law, and markets. There are certainly differences among these types of ties, but all of them can compromise physicians' independent judgment and (...)
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  22.  67
    Virtual Trauma: The Idiom of 9/11.Marc Redfield - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (1):55-80.
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  23.  54
    Expressive power of digraph solvability.Marc Bezem, Clemens Grabmayer & Michał Walicki - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (3):200-213.
  24.  21
    Critical thinking and contemporary mental health care: Michel Foucault's “history of the present”.Marc Roberts - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (2):e12167.
    In order to be able to provide informed, effective and responsive mental health care and to do so in an evidence‐based, collaborative and recovery‐focused way with those who use mental health services, there is a recognition of the need for mental health professionals to possess sophisticated critical thinking capabilities. This article will therefore propose that such capabilities can be productively situated within the context of the work of the French philosopher Michel Foucault, one of the most challenging, innovative and influential (...)
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  25.  11
    Der Mensch als Homo Viator: Existenzphilosophische Perspektiven.Werner Schüßler & Marc Röbel (eds.) - 2021 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Der Mensch als „homo viator“ ist ein Topos, der sich in der Literatur und Philosophie, aber auch in diversen religiösen Traditionen unterschiedlicher Epochen finden lässt. Der vorliegende Sammelband konzentriert sich auf die Thematisierung dieses Bildes vom Menschen, der auf dem Wege ist, durch das moderne Existenzdenken.
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  26.  37
    Words putting pain in motion: the generalization of pain-related fear within an artificial stimulus category.Marc P. Bennett, Ann Meulders, Frank Baeyens & Johan W. S. Vlaeyen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  27.  23
    Causal learning.Marc J. Buehner & Patricia W. Cheng - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison, The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 143--168.
  28.  29
    What Is a "Scale of Life?".Marc Bekoff - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (3):253 - 256.
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    Hard Problems of Intentionality.Marc Rowlands - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):741-746.
    This paper argues that Hutto and Satne’s three-pronged attempt to solve the problem of intentionality – or, at least, to provide an outline of how this problem should be approached – suffers from two shortcomings. First, the idea of Ur-intentionality is problematic. Second, Hutto and Satne have not provided us with a way of getting from Ur-intentionality to content intentionality.
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  30. Social choice and just institutions: New perspectives.Marc Fleurbaey - 2007 - Economics and Philosophy 23 (1):15-43.
    It has become accepted that social choice is impossible in the absence of interpersonal comparisons of well-being. This view is challenged here. Arrow obtained an impossibility theorem only by making unreasonable demands on social choice functions. With reasonable requirements, one can get very attractive possibilities and derive social preferences on the basis of non-comparable individual preferences. This new approach makes it possible to design optimal second-best institutions inspired by principles of fairness, while traditionally the analysis of optimal second-best institutions was (...)
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    L’accompagnement : un élément clé pour l’apprentissage en stage et pour le développement professionnel continu des enseignants.Marc Boutet & Rémy Villemin - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):81-89.
    This article explores a training need common to every stage of a teacher’s career : the need to be accompanied. It takes an integrative perspective on the process of the situated learning of teaching, throughout the career, from the pre-service practicums to the period of entrance in the profession then to the in-service training. Providing a reflexive accompaniment of the teachers’ practical experiences is here presented as a central factor for linking the training and the work environments. The first part (...)
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  32.  53
    The animal's point of view, animal welfare and some other related matters.Marc Bekoff - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):753-755.
  33. Phenomenon and infinity.Marc Richir - 1998 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 20 (2/1):153-184.
  34.  26
    An easy implementation of displacement calculations in 3D discrete dislocation dynamics codes.Marc Fivel & Christophe Depres - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (28):3206-3214.
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    Réponses aux commentaires.Jean-Marc Narbonne - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):277-293.
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    Education as a discipline.Marc Belth - 1965 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon.
  37. La place du Droit naturel chez mably. Éléments de débat.Marc Belissa - 2013 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 64:111-127.
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  38.  13
    Philosophical essays.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1967 - Copenhagen,: E. Munksgaard.
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  39. Community, society, and history in the later Merleau-ponty.Marc Richir - 2009 - In Robert Vallier, Wayne Jeffrey Froman & Bernard Flynn, Merleau-Ponty and the Possibilities of Philosophy: Transforming the Tradition. State University of New York Press.
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    A critical analysis of the failure of nurses to raise concerns about poor patient care.Marc Roberts - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (3):e12149.
    The occurrence of poor patient care is emerging as one of the most significant, challenging, and critical issues confronting contemporary nursing and those responsible for the provision of health care more generally. Indeed, as a consequence of the increased recognition of the manner in which nurses can be implicated in the occurrence of poor patient care, there has been sustained critical debate that seeks to understand how such healthcare failings can occur and, in particular, why nurses seemingly fail to intervene, (...)
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  41.  55
    Description and explanation: A plea for plurality.Marc Bekoff - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):269-270.
  42.  81
    Empathy: Common sense, science sense, wolves, and well-being.Marc Bekoff - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):26-27.
    Empathy is likely more widely distributed among animals than many researchers realize or perhaps are willing to admit. Studies of social carnivores, other group-living animals, and communication via different modalities will help us learn more about the evolutionary roots and behavioral, sensory, and cognitive underpinnings of empathy, including what it means to have a sense of self. There are also important implications for debates about animal well-being.
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  43.  26
    Belief.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (2):246.
  44.  48
    Time, human being and mental health care: an introduction to Gilles Deleuze.Marc Roberts - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (3):161-173.
    The French philosopher, Gilles Deleuze, is emerging as one of the most important and influential philosophers of the 20th century, having published widely on philosophy, literature, language, psychoanalysis, art, politics, and cinema. However, because of the ‘experimental’ nature of certain works, combined with the manner in which he draws upon a variety of sources from various disciplines, his work can seem difficult, obscure, and even ‘willfully obstructive’. In an attempt to resist such impressions, this paper will seek to provide an (...)
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  45.  24
    Précis du livre Sagesse cumulative et idéal démocratique chez Aristote.Jean-Marc Narbonne - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):227-232.
  46.  36
    Rousseau's state of nature: an interpretation of the Discourse on inequality.Marc F. Plattner - 1979 - Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
  47. Vie et mort en phénoménologie.Marc Richir - unknown
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    The Role of Play in the Development of Thought.Marc H. Bornstein & Anne Watson O'Reilly (eds.) - 1993 - Jossey-Bass.
  49.  13
    Integrating Humans and Nature: Reconciling the Boundaries of Science and Society.G. Bradshaw & Marc Bekoff - 2000 - Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15:309-310.
    Guidelines for submitting commentsPolicy: Comments that contribute to the discussion of the article will be posted within approximately three business days. We do not accept anonymous comments. Please include your email address; the address will not be displayed in the posted comment. Cell Press Editors will screen the comments to ensure that they are relevant and appropriate but comments will not be edited. The ultimate decision on publication of an online comment is at the Editors' discretion. Formatting: Please include a (...)
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    Extrinsic obstacles and loop formation in deformed metals and alloys.Daniel Caillard, Marc Legros & Alain Couret - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (1-3):203-221.
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