Results for 'Mara Gualandi'

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  1.  17
    Hélder Câmara y la justicia: ideario.Hélder Câmara - 1981 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme. Edited by Benedicto Tapia de Renedo.
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  2. Śārīraka-catussūtrī-vicāra of Bellaṅkoṇḍā Rāmarāyakavi =.Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya - 2011 - Chennai: The Adi Sankara Advaita Research Centre. Edited by R. Balasubramanian, Gōḍā Veṅkaṭēśvara Śāstri, V. K. S. N. Raghavan & Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya.
    Interpretation of first four sutras of Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa on the basis of Śaṅkarācārya's commentary on Vedanta.
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    The dance of the mind. Physics and metaphysics in Gilles Deleuze and David Bohm.Alberto Gualandi - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (2):279-307.
    Over and above differences in terminology and cultural background, we try to show that the quantum physicist, David Bohm, and poststructuralist philosopher, Gilles Deleuze, shared a common aim in thought: to replace the classical image of reality, which is still dominant in our time, with a metaphysics finally in agreement with the concepts and results of relativity, quantum mechanics andcontemporary biology. For these two thinkers, the world of things that are well individuated in space and time, and ordered according to (...)
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    The Hero in Contemporary Women's Fantasy.Mara E. Donaldson - 1990 - Listening 25 (2):141-152.
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  5. Psychopathy, Autism and Questions of Moral Agency.Mara Bollard - 2013 - In Christopher D. Herrera & Alexandra Perry (eds.), Ethics and Neurodiversity. Cambridge Scholars University. pp. 238-259.
    In recent years, philosophers have looked to empirical findings about psychopaths to help determine whether moral agency is underwritten by reason, or by some affective capacity, such as empathy. Since one of psychopaths’ most glaring deficits is a lack of empathy, and they are widely considered to be amoral, psychopaths are often taken as a test case for the hypothesis that empathy is necessary for moral agency. However, people with autism also lack empathy, so it is reasonable to think that (...)
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    Bohr’s Response to EPR.Mara Beller & Arthur Fine - 1993 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse (eds.), Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1–31.
  7. Quantum Dialogue: The Making of a Revolution.Mara Beller - 1999 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Science is rooted in conversations," wrote Werner Heisenberg, one of the twentieth century's great physicists. In Quantum Dialogue, Mara Beller shows that science is rooted not just in conversation but in disagreement, doubt, and uncertainty. She argues that it is precisely this culture of dialogue and controversy within the scientific community that fuels creativity. Beller draws her argument from her radical new reading of the history of the quantum revolution, especially the development of the Copenhagen interpretation. One of several (...)
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  8. Le problème de la vérité dans la philosophie française contemporaine.Alberto Gualandi, Francis Kaplan & François Rivenc - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (2):245-248.
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    Notes de lecture.Alberto Gualandi - 2014 - Cahiers Philosophiques 139 (4):119-121.
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    Klātbūtne: latviešu un brazīliešu filozofa jezuīta Staņislava Ladusāna dzīve un darbs.Māra Kiope - 2015 - Riga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts.
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    Patiesība un valoda.Māra Kiope - 2009 - [Rīga]: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts.
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  12. La Rhétorique d'Aristote dans les milieux syriaques et arabes : histoire d'un épisode de transmission intellectuelle dans l'Antiquité tardive.Mara Nicosia - 2019 - In Emiliano Fiori & Henri Hugonnard-Roche (eds.), La philosophie en syriaque. Paris: Geuthner.
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  13. Introduction: Queer impact and practices.Kathleen O'Mara & Liz Morrish - 2013 - In Kathleen O'Mara & Liz Morrish (eds.), Queering paradigms III: queer impact and practices. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
  14. The Justice and Responsibility of the Philosopher.Mara Rubene - 2000 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 65:109-116.
  15. The Sokal Hoax: At Whom Are We Laughing?Mara Beller - unknown
    The hoax perpetrated by New York University theoretical physicist Alan Sokal in 1996 on the editors of the journal Social Text quickly became widely known and hotly debated. (See Physics Today January 1997, page 61, and March 1997, page 73.) "Transgressing the Boundaries -- Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity," was the title of the parody he slipped past the unsuspecting editors. [1] Many readers of Sokal's article characterized it as an ingenious exposure of the decline of the intellectual (...)
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    Moral Stress and Moral Distress: Confronting Challenges in Healthcare Systems under Pressure.Mara Buchbinder, Alyssa Browne, Nancy Berlinger, Tania Jenkins & Liza Buchbinder - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):8-22.
    Stresses on healthcare systems and moral distress among clinicians are urgent, intertwined bioethical problems in contemporary healthcare. Yet conceptualizations of moral distress in bioethical inquiry often overlook a range of routine threats to professional integrity in healthcare work. Using examples from our research on frontline physicians working during the COVID-19 pandemic, this article clarifies conceptual distinctions between moral distress, moral injury, and moral stress and illustrates how these concepts operate together in healthcare work. Drawing from the philosophy of healthcare, we (...)
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    Responsible Tourism and CSR: Assessment Systems for Sustainable Development of SMEs in Tourism.Mara Manente - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Valeria Minghetti & Erica Mingotto.
    What are Responsible Tourism and Corporate Social Responsibility? What is the industry's awareness regarding these concepts? What are the systems and tools currently available on the market that tourism SMEs can use to assess their engagement and the sustainability of their business? This book is aimed at replying to these questions and offering an innovative contribution to the current debate in the field. After having defined Responsible Tourism and CSR and the environment in which these methodologies develop, the authors present (...)
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    Satisfying the needs and interests of stakeholders.Mara Schiff - 2007 - In Gerry Johnstone & Daniel W. Van Ness (eds.), Handbook of Restorative Justice. Taylor & Francis. pp. 228--246.
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  19. No computer program required: Even pencil-and-paper argument mapping improves critical thinking skills.Mara Harrell - 2008 - Teaching Philosophy 31 (4):351-374.
    Argument-mapping software abounds, and one of the reasons is that using the software has been shown to teach/promote/improve critical thinking skills. These positive results are very encouraging, but they also raise the question of whether the computer tutorial environment is producing these results, or whether learning argument mapping, even with just paper and pencil, is sufficient. Based on the results of two empirical studies, I argue that the basic skill of being able to represent an argument diagrammatically plays an important (...)
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    Passionate Animals: Emotions, Animal Ethics, and Moral Pragmatics.Mara-Daria Cojocaru - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    To solve the problems of factory farming and animal experimentation, what we need is not new philosophical knowledge but a systematic exploration of how to put what we know into practice. This book argues for combining pragmatism and vision, reason and emotions, and morality and politics to foster significantly better human-animal relations.
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  21. Was bringt die Rede vom Menschen "als auch einem Tier"? Zur Rolle von Naturalisierungsversuchen für eine pragmatische Anthropologie.Mara-Daria Cojocaru - 2016 - In Elif Özmen (ed.), Über Menschliches: Anthropologie zwischen Natur und Utopie. Münster: Mentis.
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  22. John Rajchman, "Truth and Eros: Foucault, Lacan, and the Question of Ethics".Mara Rainwater - 1993 - Humana Mente:167.
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    Advaitānyamatakhaṇḍanam, Advaitavijayaḥ, Advaitạmr̥tam.Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya - 2019 - Veliyanāḍu, Eraṇākulam, Keralam, Bhāratam: Cinmaya Iṇṭarneśanala Phāuṇḍeśana Śodha Saṃsthāna. Edited by Dilip Kumar Rana & Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya.
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    Śrī Harikathāmr̥tasāra.Subōdha Rāmarāya - 2022 - Beṅgaḷūru: Kuvempu Bhāṣā Bhārati Prādhikāra. Edited by Jagannāthadāsa, Paṅkajā Gururāja Subōdha, Raghuvīra Subōdha & EṃEs Caitra.
    Commentary to the "Harikathāmr̥tasāra." work of Jagannāthadāsa, 1728-1809, on the quintessence of Dvaita Vedanta, and on Vishnu, Hindu deity.
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  25. La ceramica in archaeologia: alcune riflessioni su un libro recente.Mara Sternini - 2008 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 29:47-56.
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  26. Conclusion.Mara Willard & Paul Dafydd Jones - 2013 - In Ronald F. Thiemann (ed.), The humble sublime: secularity and the politics of belief. New York: I.B. Tauris.
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  27. Błąd jako wielopłaszczyznowe zjawisko w przekładach studentów filologii germańskiej.Tomasz Maras - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 5:197-209.
    Das Thema des Artikels sind sprachliche Fehler, die bei der schriftlichen Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Polnische und aus dem Polnischen ins Deutsche Vorkommen. Das Ziel des Artikels ist, ihre Vielschichtigkeit und Entstehungsmechanismen zu zeigen, die vor allem mit der sprachlichen Interferenz als einer der Hauptursachen für Übersetzungsfehler zusammenhän gen. Der Artikel stützt sich auf die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen, die in den Jahren 2004-2006 in der Abteilung für Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft am Lehrstuhl für Deutsche und Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Łódź durchgeführt (...)
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    L'occhio, la mano e la voce: una teoria comunicativa dell'esperienza umana.Alberto Gualandi - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  29. Creating Argument Diagrams.Mara Harrell - manuscript
    The word “philosophy” comes from the Greek “philos” (meaning love) and “sophia” (meaning wisdom); thus philosophy literally is the “love of wisdom.” Whatever else philosophy may be, most people agree that it still retains this spirit of its etymological roots, and that when we are engaged in philosophy we are pursuing wisdom for the sake of itself. Wisdom, however, is not the same thing as knowledge or information. We aren’t merely trying to amass list of interesting ideas, or believe anything (...)
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    Historical Representations in Aristotle’s Political Theory.Gerald Mara - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (49).
    Excepting the first half of Athēnaiōn Politeia, whose authorship remains controversial, there are no works of historical inquiry in the Aristotelian corpus. This contributes to the impression that Aristotle’s political theory abstracts from history. This judgment is reinforced by statements in the Poetics diminishing history and historians in favor of poetry and the poets. I offer a more nuanced interpretation, relying principally on an intertextual reading of the Athēnaiōn Politeia and Book Five of the Politics. Both texts direct the reader’s (...)
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  31. Time and temporality in the garden.Mara Miller - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien (eds.), Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone: Cultivating Wisdom. Wiley-Blackwell.
  32. Siddhāntasindhuḥ.Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya - 2010 - Tirupatiḥ: Rāṣṭriyasaṃskr̥tavidyāpīṭham. Edited by Em Vi Subrahmaṇyaśāstrī.
    Supercommentary on Siddhāntabindu of Madhusūdana Sarasvatī, exegesis of Daśaślokī, treatise of the Advaita school in Indic philosophy, by Śaṅkarācārya.
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    Where does meaning come from?Mara Stafecka - 2002 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), The visible and the invisible in the interplay between philosophy, literature, and reality. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 63--69.
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    Face-to-Face with the Doctor Online: Phenomenological Analysis of Patient Experience of Teleconsultation.Māra Grīnfelde - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (4):673-696.
    The global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has considerably accelerated the adoption of teleconsultation—a form of consultation between patient and health care professional that occurs via videoconferencing platforms. For this reason, it is important to investigate the way in which this form of interaction modifies the nature of the clinical encounter and the extent to which this modification impacts the healing process. For this purpose, I will refer to insights into the clinical encounter as a face-to-face encounter drawn from the (...)
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  35. Identity, Identification, and Temperament in Emblematic Portraits of in Edo Japanese Literati Artists Taiga & Gyokuran: A Philosophical and Theoretical Analysis of the Ming-Qing Legacy.Mara Miller - 2007 - MingQing Yanjiu (MingQing Studies):65-116.
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    Explorations of disgust: A narrative inquiry into the experiences of nurses working in palliative care.Mara Kaiser, Helen Kohlen & Vera Caine - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12290.
    While feelings of disgust and repulsion are experienced and accepted as part of care practices of nurses who work in palliative care, they are often silenced. Working alongside two palliative care nurses in a hospice setting, we engaged in a narrative inquiry to inquire into their experiences of disgust. The study took place in a palliative care setting in a large urban city in Germany. We understand care practices as actions that follow a logic of care. According to a logic (...)
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    Philosophy and education: engaging pathways to meaningful learning.Mara Cogni - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Table of contents -- Knowledge -- Ambition -- Success -- Regret -- Forgiveness -- Truth -- Prejudice -- Superiority -- Inequality -- Freedom -- Duty -- Identity.
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    Cioran et le rêve d'une génération perdue.Mara Magda Maftei - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ecrivain méconnu en France, Cioran a un parcours original tant sur le plan de son histoire que de ses idées. Ce livre retrace le cheminement intellectuel de cet écrivain hors du commun. La jeunesse du philosophe dans une Roumanie de l'entre-deux-guerres abrutie par le délire politique est d'abord abordée. L'idéologie de la génération de Cioran est ensuite présentée, ses liens avec Mircea Eliade, Eugene Ionesco, Constantin Noica.
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  39. Fehler AlS vielschichtige erscheinung in den übersetzungen der germanistikstudenten (zusammenfassung).Tomasz Maras - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 5:208.
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    Notas sobre el comentario de san Agustín a la Carta a los romanos.Maria Grazia Mara & M. Santervás - 1986 - Augustinus 31 (121-122):185-194.
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    Reining In The Passions: The Role Of Emotions In Understanding Self-Control.Mara McGuire - unknown
    In this paper, I consider a philosophical model of self-control recently developed by Chandra Sripada and inspired by current dual-process models in both the sciences of the mind and philosophy. Sripada argues that the mind is bifurcated into two motivational systems that correspond to Emotion and Reason and that to exercise self-control is to act in accordance with reason when it comes into conflict with emotion. I argue that Sripada’s model rests on two false assumptions, that emotions are cognitively impenetrable (...)
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  42. Agricultural as the Image of Aesthetics and Ethics: A Comparative View.Mara Miller - forthcoming - Pursuit of Comparative Aesthetics.
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  43. The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics.Mara Miller - 1998 - In Michael Kelly (ed.). Oxford University Press.
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  44. Twelve Reasons Hawai”i Should Lead in Social Studies Education.Mara Miller - 2011 - The Hawaii Independent Aug. 12, 2012 8 (12):2011.
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  45. Queering paradigms III: queer impact and practices.Kathleen O'Mara & Liz Morrish (eds.) - 2013 - Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
    Queer Impact and Practices brings together chapters arising from the third annual Queering Paradigms conference. Queer Theory is still evolving and extending the range of its enquiry. It maps out new territories via radical contestations of the categories of gender and sexuality. This approach de-centers assumptions of heteronormativity, but at the same time critiques a new homonormativity. This book incorporates the work of queer theorists and queer activists who are seeking new boundaries to cross as well as new disciplines and (...)
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  46. Japanese Aesthetics - Ch. 23.Mara Miller - 2011 - In Jay L. Garfield & William Edelglass (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy. Oup Usa. pp. 317-333.
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    Loose with the Truth: Predicting Deception in Negotiation.Mara Olekalns & Philip L. Smith - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (2):225-238.
    Using a simulated, two-party negotiation, we examined how characteristics of the actor, target, and situation affected deception. To trigger deception, we used an issue that had no value for one of the two parties (indifference issue). We found support for an opportunistic betrayal model of deception: deception increased when the other party was perceived as benevolent, trustworthy, and as having integrity. Negotiators’ goals also affected the use of deception. Individualistic, cooperative, and mixed dyads responded differently to information about the other (...)
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    The Saturated Phenomenon of Flesh and Mineness and Otherness of the Body in Illness.Māra Grīnfelde - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (2):184-193.
    A key topic within the field of the phenomenology of medicine has been the relationship between body and self in illness, including discussions about the otherness and mineness of the body. The aim of this article is to distinguish between different meanings of bodily otherness and mineness in illness with reference to the interpretation of the body as “saturated phenomenon,” inspired by the phenomenology of Jean-Luc Marion. With the help of Marion’s ideas it is possible to distinguish between two meanings (...)
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  49. Four Approaches to Emotion in Japanese Visual Arts.Mara Miller - 2004 - In Paolo Santangelo (ed.), Emotion in Asia. Universita degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale.
  50. Developing Engineering Students’ Moral Reasoning Skills Using Problem-Based Learning.Mara Harrell - 2019 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 5:123-143.
    Problem-Based Learning has become an increasingly popular instructional method for a variety of disciplines at all levels. Many studies and meta-analyses of these studies have shown the efficacy of this method for developing knowledge and skills. I adopted this method for teaching Engineering Ethics at Carnegie Mellon University, which has as its main course objectives the development of moral reasoning skills, as well as collaboration and communication skills, with special attention given to ethical dilemmas that may arise in the normal (...)
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