Results for 'Manuel A. Dahlquist'

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  1.  44
    Time and Indexicality in Buridan’s Concept of Logical Consequence.Manuel A. Dahlquist - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 42 (4):374-397.
    Jean Buridan developed his theory of consequence within a semantical framework compatible with what we now call token-based semantics. In his Treatise on Consequences and Sophismata, Buridan showed...
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  2. Idea general de la filosofia positiva y de la sicología moderna.Manuel A.] Herrera - 1895 - Guatemala,: C.A., Tipografía "La Unión".
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    More than belief: a materialist theory of religion.Manuel A. Vásquez - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The rise of foundational dualism and the eclipse of the body -- "Body am I entirely, and nothing else": non-reductive materialism and the struggle against dualism -- Toward a materialist phenomenology of religion -- The phenomenology of embodiment and the study of religion -- Religious bodies as social artifacts -- Holding social constructionism in check: the recovery of the active, lived body -- A cultural neurophenomenology of religion: enter the embodied mind -- The eclipse of practice: textualism at large -- (...)
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  4. La Corrupción en las instituciones públicas y privadas.Manuel A. Solanet - 1997 - [San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina]: Fundación del Tucumán.
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  5. Bibliografía de Teodoro Olarte.A. Bolaños Manuel - 1975 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 37:213-224.
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  6. Idearium.A. Bolaños Manuel - 1975 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 37:211-212.
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    Søren Kierkegaard.Manuel A. Suances Marcos - 1998 - Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.
    -- t. 2. Trayectoria de su pensamiento filosófico.
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    O projecto cultural de Manuel de Azevedo Fortes: um caso de recepção do cartesianismo na ilustração portuguesa.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2005 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by António Braz Teixeira.
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    Cervantes and the Mystery of Lawlessness: A Study of "El casamiento enganoso y El coloquio de los perros" (review).Manuel A. Esteban - 1985 - Philosophy and Literature 9 (2):261-263.
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    Escritura creativa y neurociencia cognitiva.Manuel A. Vázquez-Medel, Francisco Mora & Antonio Acedo García - 2020 - Arbor 196 (798):a577.
    El desarrollo de la neurociencia ha permitido, en las últimas décadas, espectaculares avances en torno al mejor conocimiento de diferentes prácticas humanas desde las bases neurofisiológicas del funcionamiento cerebral. A pesar de que aún nos encontramos en la «prehistoria» del descifrado funcional del más complejo órgano que conocemos en el universo, es un momento adecuado para hacer un balance operativo, desterrando algunas falsedades y aprovechando algunos datos consolidados para su aplicación a la enseñanza y a la praxis de la escritura (...)
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    Boethius on Syllogisms with Negative Premisses.Manuel A. Correia - 2001 - Ancient Philosophy 21 (1):161-174.
  12. Cosmología evolutiva: (filosofía dinámica de Teilhard de Chardin).Abascal Cobo & A. Manuel - 1974 - Santander: Instituto Cultural de Cantabria, Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueología Sautuola, Diputación Provincial de Santander.
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  13. Impacto instantáneo Y acción continua en la mecánica de newton^.Manuel A. Selles García - 1999 - Endoxa 11:9-80.
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    Globalizing the Rainbow Madonna.Manuel A. Vásquez & Marie F. Marquardt - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (4):119-143.
    This article examines the dynamics that have turned a recent Marian apparition on the window of a bank in Clearwater, Florida, from a local into a global phenomenon. Drawing from theories of globalization, we show how the apparition exemplifies what sociologist Roland Robertson refers to as the mutually implicative `universalization of particularism and the particularization of universalism'. Among the factors analyzed are global pilgrimage, transnational migration, mediascapes (particularly through the Internet) and the Vatican's New Evangelization initiative. On the basis of (...)
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    (1 other version)Isaac Newton Y el infinitesimal (Isaac Newton's infinitesimals).Manuel A. SeIlés - 1999 - Theoria 14 (3):431-460.
    A través de una reconstrucción de la evolución de su pensamiento, en este artículo se estudia la utilización de infinitesimales por parte de Newton. Se distingue entre dos concepciones sucesivas de lo que denominó momento. A la primera de estas entidades la caracterizó como un infinitesimal, pero a la segunda (un indivisible generador de magnitudes finitas, que interviene en su método de las primeras y últimas razones) no la consideró como tal. Se entiende así su manifestación de rechazo a los (...)
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    La praxeología en los estudios del desarrollo (humano): lineamientos para una visión hegeliana.Manuel A. Jiménez-Castillo - 2020 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 60:327-350.
    Addressing the study of human action from Mises’s perspective of the praxeological method is in itself highly controversial. Particularly, if it attempts to identify the ultimate basis of human development, it will face unmanageable problems in analytical and normative terms. The incapability to withdraw from the socalled self-evident judgments comes together with the refusal of the elements that address its operability. Dependent of a soft well-being concept, it is unable to establish interpersonal comparisons, and this in turn frustrates any kind (...)
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    La suspensión ideológica del capitalismo en Žižek.Manuel A. Jiménez-Castillo - 2017 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 8 (2):135-156.
    El propósito de este trabajo se enmarca en la necesidad de esclarecer la naturaleza última del capitalismo que cristaliza ideológicamente desde las bases fecundas de la modernidad. Desde el examen crítico de los trabajos de S. Žižek realizaremos una introspección analítica que nos permita arrojar luz no solo a cómo el capitalismo configura la realidad de esta época sino al modo en que gestiona sus límites y fija su devenir. Se concluirá que el capitalismo lejos de ser el resultado político (...)
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    A Hilbert-Style Axiomatisation for Equational Hybrid Logic.Luís S. Barbosa, Manuel A. Martins & Marta Carreteiro - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (1):31-52.
    This paper introduces an axiomatisation for equational hybrid logic based on previous axiomatizations and natural deduction systems for propositional and first-order hybrid logic. Its soundness and completeness is discussed. This work is part of a broader research project on the development a general proof calculus for hybrid logics.
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    Hiperficción constructiva en el tercer entorno.Manuel A. Broullón-Lozano & José Manuel Romero Santos - 2020 - Arbor 196 (798):a582.
    Los modelos de escritura están experimentando grandes transformaciones como consecuencia de la revolución tecnológica contemporánea. Aunque los cibertextos y los hipertextos no son realidades exclusivas de la cultura digital, pues se dan en contextos culturales precedentes, aportan formas de pensamiento alternativas, que pasan por implicaciones epistemológicas –el pensamiento en red–, estéticas –reformulación de la autoría– y éticas –exigen un compromiso por parte del receptor. En este trabajo se abordará dicha coyuntura comparando las escrituras literarias Hypertext Hotel (1992) y Leyenda mayor (...)
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  20.  14
    The Doctrine of the Indefinite Terms in the Ancient Commentators of Aristotle.Manuel A. Correia - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:93-99.
    The ancient commentaries on Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias give us important elements to understand more clearly some difficult passages of this treatise. In the case of the indefinite names and verbs, these commentaries reveal a doctrine which explains not only the nature of the indefinites, but also why Aristotle introduces these kinds of term in Peri Hermeneias. The coherence and explanatory capacity of this doctrine is entirely absent in modern exegesis of Peri Hermeneias. This fact has important implications: it can make (...)
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    A concise peer into the background, initial thoughts and practices of human gene therapy.Manuel A. F. V. Gonçalves - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):506-517.
    The concept of human gene therapy came on the heels of fundamental discoveries on the nature and working of the gene. However, realistic prospects to correct the underlying cause of recessive genetic disorders through the transfer of wild‐type alleles of defective genes had to wait for the arrival of recombinant DNA technology. These techniques permitted the isolation and insertion of genes into the first recombinant delivery systems. The realization that viruses are natural gene carriers provided inspiration for gene therapy and, (...)
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    Reprendre: une condition narratologique de textualités communes.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2013 - Cultura:301-317.
    O que é posto em comum depende, em grande parte, de processos textuais específi cos que funcionam como condições de possibilidade pragmático-narratológicas da partilha dos sentidos que circulam pelo meio da linguagem. Tal implica que o simples uso corrente da linguagem, ao contrário do que é usual supor, ainda que indispensável, não seja sufi ciente para gerar essa comunidade, pois que nem todos os dispositivos linguísticos estão vocacionados para favorecer a convergência. Neste artigo, pretendemos, por conseguinte, reflectir sobre uma dessas (...)
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  23. Francisco Suárez als rechtsberater : einige reflexionen über die wahrscheinlichkeit und den probabilismus im recht.João Manuel A. Alexandrino Fernandes - 2021 - In Dominique Bauer & Randall Lesaffer, History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): collected studies. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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  24. El debate sobre el realismo científico: confirmación, éxito predictivo y probabilidad.Manuel CompesaÑ & A. - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 29:59-71.
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  25. Plant-thinking and critical pedagogy in Costa Rica : the revolutionary praxis of Carmen Lyra.Juan Manuel Ávila Conejo - 2025 - In Ratul Nandi, Jagannath Basu & Jayjit Sarkar, Human-plant entanglement: thinking with plants in the anthropocene. Boston: Brill.
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  26. Discursos leídos..Manuel A. Diez & Amenodoro Urdaneta (eds.) - 1900 - Caracas,: Imprenta Bolivia.
    Diez, M.A. Discurso ... -- Urdaneta, A. Contestación ...
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  27. Teoría del estado.Manuel A. Ordoñez - 1935 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Reformista.
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  28. (1 other version)Ciencia y enseñanza en la España del mil setecientos.Manuel A. Sellés - 2001 - Endoxa 14:83-110.
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  29.  15
    GUIBAL, Francis, Le Courage de la raison – La philosophie pratique d’Eric Weil.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2009 - Cultura:297-301.
    Vítima, quer do contexto, quer da sua recepção, a obra de Eric Weil (1904-1977), editada entre os anos 50 e 70 do século passado, não tem obtido o devido acolhimento pela comunidade filosófica. Se as interpretações magistrais de Kant (Problèmes kantiens. Paris: Vrin, 1970) e de Hegel (Hegel et l’état. Paris; Vrin, 1950) constituem referências cada vez mais frequentes nos trabalhos da especialidade (os quais persistem, contudo, em ignorar os importantes artigos sobre a filosofia dos dois autor...
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  30.  12
    Introdução.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2013 - Cultura:9-10.
    Este volume oferece o primeiro conjunto de artigos exclusivamente dedicados à noção de «retomada», tal como a entendeu Eric Weil (1904-1977), escritos por investigadores oriundos de Portugal, França, Brasil, Itália, Roménia, Burkina Faso e Chile. Nascido na Alemanha, Eric Weil foi discípulo de Ernst Cassirer que o orien­tou no estudo dos filósofos do Renascimento, como Pietro Pomponazzi e Marsílio Ficino. Naturalizado francês, após ter sido obrigado a abandonar o país de origem, contra o qual...
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  31.  11
    Um ensaio cartográfico.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2012 - Cultura:9-10.
    Com este conjunto de treze artigos introdutórios, pretende-se apontar e, parcialmente, preencher uma lacuna significativa nos estudos sobre a Filosofia em Portugal e no Brasil. Com efeito, uma investigação bibliográfica tornará facilmente manifesto que a Filosofia do Conhecimento, enquanto tal, com os seus problemas específicos e as suas categorias próprias, não tem figurado, com uma assiduidade à medida da sua representatividade, na agenda daqueles que se dedicam à interpretação das proposta...
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    Introduction to the Problem of Knowledge in Pontos de Referência by Francisco Vieira de Almeida.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2012 - Cultura:33-63.
    Com este artigo, procurámos expor a dinâmica que assiste à Filosofia do Conhecimento de Francisco Vieira de Almeida (1888-1962), Professor da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa de 1915 a 1958, por um lado, apresentada como acesso privilegiado à prática filosófica, por outro, entendida como exercício de sistematização que recusa a fixação num sistema, por fim, atravessada pela intenção de promover a osmose entre o conhecimento de «tipo-filosofia» e o de «tipo-ciência», surpreendendo a gestualidade dessa ética do filosofar naquela (...)
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    Modality across different logics.Alfredo Roque Freire & Manuel A. Martins - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In this paper, we deal with the problem of putting together modal worlds that operate in different logic systems. When evaluating a modal sentence $\Box \varphi $, we argue that it is not sufficient to inspect the truth of $\varphi $ in accessed worlds (possibly in different logics). Instead, ways of transferring more subtle semantic information between logical systems must be established. Thus, we will introduce modal structures that accommodate communication between logic systems by fixing a common lattice $L$ that (...)
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    Behavioral equivalence of hidden k -logics: An abstract algebraic approach.Sergey Babenyshev & Manuel A. Martins - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 16:72-91.
  35. Una propuesta modal sobre la T-teoricidad y el papel de los postulados y axiomas en las teorías científicas.Manuel Dahlquist & Adriana Gonzalo - 2015 - Critica 47 (141):33-59.
    El denominado “problema de los términos teóricos” que inicialmente formuló Sneed surge de la interpretación que de los términos teóricos hace la concepción heredada. Esta lectura no se condice con la interpretación indirecta de los términos teóricos que Carnap realiza al utilizar postulados. Estos textos proponen una interpretación holística de las teorías científicas, sólo adecuadamente tratada en una semántica de mundos posibles. Andreas proporciona un tratamiento modal de los términos teóricos; nosotros presentamos estos resultados en términos de modelos de Kripke; (...)
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    Cultura clásica y cristianismo.Manuel A. Marcos Casquero - 1989 - Augustinus 34 (135-136):399-402.
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    Max Scheler: principios de una ética personalista.Suances Marcos & A. Manuel - 1976 - Barcelona: Herder.
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    Denis Diderot – Carta a Paul Landois.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2015 - Cultura:171-193.
    Apresenta-se, traduz-se e anota-se a Carta a Paul Landois, datada de 1756, que contém uma síntese das principais teses da filosofia moral de Diderot.
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  39. Situationism and Moral Responsibility: Free Will in Fragments.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - In Andy Clark, Julian Kiverstein & Tillmann Vierkant, Decomposing the Will. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Many prominent accounts of free will and moral responsibility make use of the idea that agents can be responsive to reasons. Call such theories Reasons accounts. In what follows, I consider the tenability of Reasons accounts in light of situationist social psychology and, to a lesser extent, the automaticity literature. In the first half of this chapter, I argue that Reasons accounts are genuinely threatened by contemporary psychology. In the second half of the paper I consider whether such threats can (...)
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  40. Debunking Corporate Moral Responsibility.Manuel Velasquez - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (4):531-562.
    I address three topics. First, I argue that the issue of corporate moral responsibility is an important one for business ethics.Second, I examine a core argument for the claim that the corporate organization is a separate moral agent and show it is based on anunnoticed but elementary mistake deriving from the fallacy of division. Third, I examine the assumptions collectivists make about whatit means to say that organizations act and that they act intentionally and show that these assumptions are mistaken (...)
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  41.  43
    La nouvelle du tremblement de terre est arrivée à Königsberg : les écrits de Kant sur l'événement.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2013 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 78 (2):185.
    Cet article reprend les textes de Kant sur le tremblement de terre de Lisbonne pour mettre en évidence l’intention philosophique générale qui les soutient, à la fois gnoséologique, épistémologique et métaphysique. Compris comme essais d’application de sa théorie des premiers principes de la connaissance, ils peuvent alors retrouver leur place dans l’ensemble de la production du philosophe dans cette année de 1755 et s’inscrire aisément dans sa recherche des fondements d’une science sensée de la nature.
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    Phasic auditory alerting improves visual conscious perception.Flor Kusnir, Ana B. Chica, Manuel A. Mitsumasu & Paolo Bartolomeo - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1201-1210.
    Attention is often conceived as a gateway to consciousness . Although endogenous spatial attention may be independent of conscious perception , exogenous spatial orienting seems instead to be an important modulator of CP . Here, we investigate the role of auditory alerting in CP in normal observers. We used a behavioral task in which phasic alerting tones were presented either at unpredictable or at predictable time intervals prior to the occurrence of a near-threshold visual target. We find, for the first (...)
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  43.  15
    Introduction.Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo - 2013 - Cultura:11-12.
    Le volume que nous présentons ici est le résultat d’un travail collectif entrepris pour la première fois exclusivement sur la notion de reprise, telle que l’a proposée Eric Weil (1904-1977), par des chercheurs venus du Portugal, de France, du Brésil, d’Italie, de Roumanie, du Burkina Faso et du Chili. Né en Allemagne, Eric Weil a étu­dié avec Ernst Cassirer qui l’a dirigé sur des recherches concernant les philosophes de la Renaissance, comme Pietro Pomponazzi et Marsile Ficin. Naturalisé fran...
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    Doctrina política de Manuel Azaña.Manuel Azaña - 1978 - [Madrid]: Fenicia.
    Manuel Azaña nació en un Reino, presidió una República y murió cuando España ya estaba bajo el yugo de una dictadura. Vivió una vida llena de vicisitudes en los campos de la política, pero también de la literatura y el pensamiento, que él mismo se encargó de dejar para la posteridad.
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  45. Confines of democracy: essays on the philosophy of Richard J. Bernstein.Ramón del Castillo, Faerna García-Bermejo, Ángel Manuel, Larry A. Hickman & Richard J. Bernstein (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: Brill Rodopi.
    The topics addressed by Richard J. Bernstein in his extensive and illuminating work span the stream of contemporary thought in several directions: ethics, politics, epistemology, philosophy of history, and social theory. In reflecting on them Bernstein has played an intermediary role between the most recognizable product of American philosophical tradition, i.e. Pragmatism, and such central trends in European 20th century thought as Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Critical Theory, and Hermeneutics. In this volume a host of prominent scholars from the United States, Europe, (...)
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  46. How to solve the problem of free will.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - In Paul Russell & Oisin Deery, The Philosophy of Free Will: Essential Readings From the Contemporary Debates. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 400.
    This paper outlines one way of thinking about the problem of free will, some general reasons for dissatisfactions with traditional approaches to solving it, and some considerations in favor of pursuing a broadly revisionist solution to it. If you are looking for a student-friendly introduction to revisionist theorizing about free will, this is probably the thing to look at.
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  47. Revisionist Accounts of Free Will: Origins, Varieties, and Challenges.Manuel Vargas - 2011 - In Robert Kane, Oxford Handbook on Free Will, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.
    The present chapter is concerned with revisionism about free will. It begins by offering a new characterization of revisionist accounts and the way such accounts fit (or do not) in the familiar framework of compatibilism and incompatibilism. It then traces some of the recent history of the development of revisionist accounts, and concludes by remarking on some challenges for them.
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  48. On the Value of Philosophy: The Latin American Case.Manuel Vargas - 2010 - Comparative Philosophy 1 (1):33-52.
    There is very little study of Latin American Philosophy in the English-speaking philosophical world. This can sometimes lead to the impression that there is nothing of philosophical worth in Latin American philosophy or its history. The present article offers some reasons for thinking that this impression is mistaken, and indeed, that we ought to have more study of Latin American philosophy than currently exists in the English-speaking philosophical world. In particular, the article argues for three things: (1) an account of (...)
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    Catholic Natural Law and Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez - 2001 - Spiritual Goods 2001:107-140.
    This article describes Catholic natural law tradition by examining its origins in the medieval penitentials, the papal decretals, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, and seventeenth-century casuistry. Catholic natural law emerges as a flexible ethic that conceives of human nature as rational and as oriented to certain basic goods that ought to be pursued and whose pursuit is made possible by the virtues. Four approaches to natural law that have evolved within the United States during the twentieth century are then identified, (...)
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    Eco-relational Pluralism: Political Liberalism’s Challenge to the Economic Growth Imperative.Manuel Rodeiro - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):316-332.
    Rawls theorizes principles of justice as defining a ‘pact of reconciliation’ between diverse conceptions of the good. What does fulfillment of this pact entail when reasonable pluralism is recognized as having an environmental dimension? Fair acknowledgment of the plurality of citizens’ relationships with the natural world challenges the neutrality of aims conventionally used to justify ecocide, including the promotion of economic growth and development. This paper explores how ecocide constitutes a violation of equal basic liberties and state neutrality as per (...)
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