Results for 'Manfred Stadler'

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  1.  38
    Systematic analysis of video data from different human–robot interaction studies: a categorization of social signals during error situations.Manuel Giuliani, Nicole Mirnig, Gerald Stollnberger, Susanne Stadler, Roland Buchner & Manfred Tscheligi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    Human–robot interactions are often affected by error situations that are caused by either the robot or the human. Therefore, robots would profit from the ability to recognize when error situations occur. We investigated the verbal and non-verbal social signals that humans show when error situations occur in human–robot interaction experiments. For that, we analyzed 201 videos of five human–robot interaction user studies with varying tasks from four independent projects. The analysis shows that there are two types of error situations: social (...)
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    Entitlement and the efficiency-equality trade-off: an experimental study. [REVIEW]Agnes Bäker, Werner Güth, Kerstin Pull & Manfred Stadler - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (2):225-240.
    When randomly assigning participants to experimental roles and the according payment prospects, participants seem to receive “manna from heaven.” In our view, this seriously questions the validity of laboratory findings. We depart from this by auctioning off player roles via the incentive compatible random price mechanism thus avoiding the selection effect of competitive second price auctions. Our experiment employs the generosity game where the proposer chooses the size of the pie, facing an exogenously given own agreement payoff, and the responder (...)
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    A history based approximate epistemic action theory for efficient postdictive reasoning.Manfred Eppe & Mehul Bhatt - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):720-769.
  4. Selbstbewusstsein und Selbsterkenntnis.Manfred Frank - 2005 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 3.
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    (1 other version)Der unendliche Mangel an Sein: Schellings Hegelkritik und die Anfänge der Marxschen Dialektik.Manfred Frank - 1975 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag.
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  6. Ernst Mach--Werk Und Wirkung.Rudolf Haller & Friedrich Stadler - 1988
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    Genericity.Manfred Krifka & Claudia Gerstner-Link - 1993 - In Joachim Jacobs, Arnim von Stechow, Wolfgang Sternefeld & Theo Vennemann, Syntax - An international handbook of contemporary research. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 966-978.
  8.  31
    The controversy over Friedrich Pollock’s state capitalism.Manfred Gangl - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (2):23-41.
    The critique of capitalism is the bedrock on which rests the reputation of Frankfurt School critical theory. Though critical theory has often been heralded – or criticized and rejected – as a reformulation of Marxian theory for our times, its relation with the critique of political economy, and in particular the economic treatises, has barely been studied. Friedrich Pollock, who was Max Horkheimer’s lifelong friend and close associate at the Institute for Social Research, was responsible for all administrative and financial (...)
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    The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism.Manfred Frank - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the philosophical contributions and contemporary relevance of early German Romanticism.
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  10.  37
    Form and function in Evo Devo: historical and conceptual reflections.Manfred D. Laubichler - 2009 - In Manfred D. Laubichler & Jane Maienschein, Form and Function in Developmental Evolution. Cambridge University Press. pp. 10.
  11.  30
    Sometimes More is Too Much: A Rejoinder to the Commentaries on Greiff et al. (2015).Samuel Greiff, Matthias Stadler, Philipp Sonnleitner, Christian Wolff & Romain Martin - unknown
    In this rejoinder, we respond to two commentaries on the study by Greiff, S.; Stadler, M.; Sonnleitner, P.; Wolff, C.; Martin, R. Sometimes less is more: Comparing the validity of complex problem solving measures. Intelligence 2015, 50, 100–113. The study was the first to address the important comparison between a classical measure of complex problem solving (CPS) and the more recent multiple complex systems (MCS) approach regarding their validity. In the study, we investigated the relations between one classical microworld (...)
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  12.  34
    Some Semantic Universals of German Adjectivals.Manfred Bierwisch - 1967 - Foundations of Language 3 (1):1-36.
  13. “Unendliche Annäherung”. Die Anfänge der philosophischen Frühromantik.Manfred Frank - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (2):373-374.
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    Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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  15.  19
    Eine Einführung in Schellings Philosophie.Manfred Frank - 1985 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  16.  26
    Arenas of Contestation: A Senian Social Justice Perspective on the Nature of Materiality in Impact Measurement.Othmar Manfred Lehner, Alex Nicholls & Sarah Beatrice Kapplmüller - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (4):971-989.
    Although the importance of measuring and reporting the social and environmental impact of organisational action is increasingly well recognised by both organisations and society at large, existing approaches to impact measurement are still far from being universally accepted. In this context, the stakeholder dynamics within the nascent field of impact investing demonstrate the complexity of resolving potentially differing perspectives on key impact measurement issues such as materiality. This paper argues, from an organisational perspective, that such arenas of contestation can be (...)
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    5. Die weiteren Teile der Kontroverse.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 270-291.
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    2. These und Verfahren.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 42-58.
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    Kulturhistorische Sprachanalysen.Manfred Geier - 1979
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    Worüber kluge Menschen lachen: kleine Philosophie des Humors.Manfred Geier - 2006 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
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  21.  24
    Husserl and Scheler: Two Views on Intersubjectivity.Manfred S. Frings - 1978 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 9 (3):143-149.
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  22. Kant's teachers in the exact sciences.Manfred Kühn - 2000 - In Eric Watkins, Kant and the Sciences. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 11--30.
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  23. Information structure. Notional distinctions, ways of expression.Manfred Krifka & Caroline Féry - manuscript
    to be published in the Proceedings of the 18. International Conference of Linguistics, Seoul, Korea.
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    Der Wiener Kreis: mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten.Manfred Geier - 1992
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    Philosophy of Biology, Psychology, and Neuroscience-The Organism in Philosophical Focus-Ontological Butchery: Organism Concepts and Biological Generalizations.Manfred D. Laubichier & Jack A. Wilson - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):S301-S311.
    Biology lacks a central organism concept that unambiguously marks the distinction between organism and non-organism because the most important questions about organisms do not depend on this concept. I argue that the two main ways to discover useful biological generalizations about multicellular organization—the study of homology within multicellular lineages and of convergent evolution across lineages in which multicellularity has been independently established—do not require what would have to be a stipulative sharpening of an organism concept.
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    Philosophy of Biology, Psychology, and Neuroscience-The Organism in Philosophical Focus-Organism and Character Decomposition: Steps Towards an Integrative Theory of Biology.Manfred D. Laubichier, Manfred D. Laubichler & Gunter P. Wagner - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):S289-S300.
    In this paper we argue that an operational organism concept can help to overcome the structural deficiency of mathematical models in biology. In our opinion, the structural deficiency of mathematical models lies mainly in our inability to identify functionally relevant biological characters in biological systems, and not so much in a lack of adequate mathematical representations of biological processes. We argue that the problem of character identification in biological systems is linked to the question of a properly formulated organism concept. (...)
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  27.  29
    Max Scheler: Capitalism — Its philosophical Foundations.Manfred S. Frings - 1986 - Philosophy Today 30 (1):32-42.
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  28. Metaphysical Foundations: A Look at Schleiermacher's Dialectic.Manfred Frank - 2005 - In Jacqueline Mariña, The Cambridge Companion to Friedrich Schleiermacher. Cambridge University Press. pp. 15--34.
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  29.  43
    Formas del respeto y diversidad sexual. ¿Es descartable la tolerancia?Manfred Svensson & Eduardo Fuentes - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (1):36-45.
    Desde hace unas décadas se ha manifestado un movimiento en la literatura relevante que busca la superación de la tolerancia, especialmente en casos como el de la diversidad sexual y otras diferencias atributivas. La idea subyacente es que la tolerancia es incompatible con el respeto que nos debemos como iguales en una democracia. En este artículo argumentamos que la noción de respeto que motiva tal movimiento es inadecuada políticamente, dados los profundos desacuerdos de nuestras sociedades. En su lugar proponemos una (...)
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  30.  5
    Selbstgefühl: eine historisch-systematische Erkundung.Manfred Frank - 2002 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  31.  28
    (1 other version)Subjektivität, Allgemeingültigkeit und Apriorität des Geschmacksurteils bei Kant.Manfred Baum - 1991 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 39 (1-6):272-284.
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    How to refer with vague descriptions.Manfred Pinkal - 1979 - In Rainer Bäuerle, Urs Egli & Arnim von Stechow, Semantics from different points of view. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 32--50.
  33.  15
    Menschenrechtsuniversalismus und Patriotismus. Kants politisches Vermächtnis an unsere Zeit.Manfred Riedel - 1993 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 18 (1):1-22.
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  34. On the unity of physics in a dappled world. Comment on Nancy Cartwright.Manfred Stöckler - 1998 - Philosophia Naturalis 35 (1):35-39.
  35.  37
    (1 other version)Die Religionsphänomenologie als Hilfswissenschaft der Zeitgeschichte1.Manfred P. Fleischer - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (1-4):97-121.
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    Wesen und Wirken der späthumanistischen Gelehrtenrepublik in Schlesien.Manfred P. Fleischer - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 35 (4):323-334.
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  37. Thinking in Eigenbehaviors as a Transdisciplinary Approach.Manfred Füllsack & Alexander Riegler - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (3):239-245.
    Context: By proposing to regard objects as “tokens for eigenbehavior,” von Foerster’s seminal paper opposes the intuitive subject-object dualism of traditional philosophy, which considers objects to be instances of an external world Problem: We argue that this proposal has two implications, one for epistemology and one for the demarcation between the natural sciences and the humanities. Method: Our arguments are based on insights gained in computational models and from reviewing the contributions to this special issue. Results: Epistemologically, von Foerster’s proposal (...)
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  38.  9
    Conditio moderna: Essays, Reden, Programm.Manfred Frank - 1993 - Leipzig: Reclam.
    Kleiner (Tübinger) Programmentwurf -- Zwei Jahrhunderte Rationalitäts-Kritik und die Sehnsucht nach einer "Neuen Mythologie" -- Aufklärung als analytische und synthetische Vernunft -- Metaphysik heute -- Die Wiederkehr des Subjekts in der heutigen deutschen Philosophie -- Politische Aspekte des neufranzösischen Denkens -- Philosophieren nach der "paranoisch-kritischen Methode " -- "Zerschwatzte Dichtung" vor "Realer Gegenwart" -- "Deutschland den Deutschen"? Nachdenken über "Volk", "Nation" und "Konstitution" aus aktuellem Anlass.
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    Das Sagbare und das Unsagbare: Studien zur neuesten franz. Hermeneutik u. Texttheorie.Manfred Frank - 1980
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  40. Is Self-Consciousness a Case of presence à soi? Towards a Meta-critique of the Recent French Critique of Metaphysics.Manfred Frank - 1992 - In David Wood, Derrida: a critical reader. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 218--34.
  41.  9
    Individualität.Manfred Frank & Anselm Haverkamp (eds.) - 1988 - München: W. Fink.
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    Präreflexives Selbstbewusstsein: vier Vorlesungen.Manfred Frank - 2015 - Stuttgart: Reclam.
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  43.  29
    “The Difficult Step into Actuality”: On the Makings of an Early Romantic Realism1.Manfred Frank - 2016 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8 (2):199-215.
    Was the philosophy of Early German Romanticism, as we understand it today, nothing but a milder variety of Early German Idealism? Not at all! One has only to note the radical differences between the two. Friedrich von Hardenberg and Friedrich Schlegel, the two most significant thinkers of the Early Romantic movement, decisively broke with what Reinhold’s critical disciples had called a “philosophy from the highest principle [Grundsatzphilosophie].” Instead of adopting Reinhold’s and Fichte’s idea of subjectivity as the principle of a (...)
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  44.  7
    The Universality Claim of Hermeneutics.Manfred Frank - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala, Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press. pp. 159-183.
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  45.  27
    Heraclitus: Heidegger's 1943 Lecture Held at Freiburg University.Manfred S. Frings - 1990 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 21 (3):250-273.
  46.  24
    Introduction to Max Scheler's “The Idea of Peace and Pacifism”.Manfred S. Frings & Kenneth W. Stikkers - 1976 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 7 (3):151-153.
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  47. La fondation historico-philosophique du capitalisme selon Max Scheler.Manfred S. Frings - forthcoming - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie.
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  48. Max Scheler: A Descriptive Analysis of the Concept of Ultimate Reality.Manfred S. Frings - 1980 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 3 (2):135-143.
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  49. Zur Phänomenologie der Lebensgemeinschaft.Manfred S. Frings - 1971 - Meisenheim am Glan,: Hain.
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  50.  12
    "Unendliche Annäherung": die Anfänge der philosophischen Frühromantik.Manfred Frank - 1997 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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