Results for 'Managerialism'

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  1.  69
    Managerialism Rhetorics in Portuguese Higher Education.Rui Santiago & Teresa Carvalho - 2012 - Minerva 50 (4):511-532.
    In Portugal, as elsewhere, the rhetoric of managerialism in higher education is becoming firmly entrenched in the governmental policymakers’ discourse and has been widely disseminated across the institutional landscape. Managerialism is an important ideological support of New Public Management policies and can be classified as a narrative of strategic change. In this paper, we analyse how far the managerialism narrative has been injected into the discursive repertory of Portuguese academics in their role as the co-ordinators of the (...)
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    After Managerialism: Towards a Conception of the School as an Educational Community.Michael Smith - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 33 (3):317-336.
    Managerialism has changed the nature of the curriculum and imposed upon us new conceptions of the teacher and teaching. In this paper a brief outline and critique of it are provided and its reductionist effects noted. Against this managerialism a conception of the school as an educational community is developed, based on Oakeshott's work. From within this conception a critique of planned or utopian change is mounted and a concept of incremental change outlined. At the same time a (...)
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    Managerialism and Charisma in Catholic and Pentecostal Churches in the Americas.Christine Gudorf - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (1):45-60.
    Managerialism impacted North American churches long before South and Central American churches, due to both the greater affinity for managerialism in Protestant ecclesial structures, and to the earlier development of advanced capitalism in North America. The most recent managerialist developments in Catholic churches of both continents have manifested themselves in the curial and Episcopal treatment of the clerical pedophilia scandals, while the developments in Pentecostal churches, especially in Latin America, have emanated from lower structural levels. Most of these (...)
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    Personhood and Performance: Managerialism, Post-Democracy and the Ethics of 'Enrichment'.Richard H. Roberts - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (1):61-82.
    Managerialism is not mere ideology, a concatenation of ideas subsisting in an epiphenomenal superstructure (Überbau) that mirrors economic relations (Base) and masks interests, but a set of practices that, as an extreme manifestation of human resources management (HRM), seeks to constitute the life-world (Lebenswelt) of participants in many sectors of society. Increasingly, it is those at the extremes of elite wealth and marginal poverty who may fall outside its remit and become free to think beyond its parameters. As inheritor (...)
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  5. Managerialism as Anti-Social: Some Implications of Ubuntu for Knowledge Production.Thaddeus Metz - 2017 - In Michael Cross & Amasa Ndofirepi, Knowledge and Change in the African University: Challenges and Opportunities. Sense Publishers. pp. 139-154.
    Given the myriad ways in which managerialism in higher education, and especially research undertaken there, is undesirable, is there a moral theory that plausibly explains why they all are and prescribes some realistic alternatives? In this contribution, I answer ‘yes’ to this overarching question. Specifically, I argue that the various respects in which managerialism is unjustified, particularly with regard to knowledge production, are well captured by an ethical philosophy grounded on salient ideas about communal relationship associated with the (...)
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    New managerialism, neoliberalism and ranking.Kathleen Lynch - 2014 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 13 (2):141-153.
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    A preliminary theory of managerialism as an ideology.Thomas Klikauer - 2019 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 49 (4):421-442.
    Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, EarlyView.
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    Managerialism and the Transformation of the Academy.Willard F. Enteman - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (1):5-16.
    As we enter the twenty-first century, a new set of unexamined assumptions that may be labelled managerialism is coming to dominate university life. In spite of the changes that have been taking place, semantics have largely remained stable. As a result, there has been little recognition of a need to examine the transformation carefully and critically. This paper seeks to explicate the changes, show how they express a common managerialist philosophy and critically analyze them. It does so by dividing (...)
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    Managerialism, governmentality and the evolving regulatory climate.Trudy Rudge - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (1):1-2.
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    Caring holistically within new managerialism.Woon Hau Wong - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (1):2-13.
    This article explains the attempts of nurses to practice humanistic, holistic care in line with their professionalizing strategy. Ideally, the intention of nurses is to broaden their concerns beyond the physiological needs of patients, thereby circumventing biomedical control over their work. However, the author argues that resource constraints, and the coalescing of biomedical and managerial definitions of patients, suggest that holistic notions of care are subjected to a new form of calculus and normalizing technology. Critically, nurses are more preoccupied with (...)
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  11. Education Management in Managerialist Times: Beyond the Textual Apologists.Martin Thrupp & Robert Archer - 2003 - Maidenhead & Philadelphia: Open University Press.
    For academics and students, Education Management in Managerialist Times offers a critical guide to existing educational management texts and makes a strong case for redefining educational management along more socially and politically informed lines. The book also offers practitioners alternative management strategies intended to contest, rather than support, managerialism, while being realistic about the context within which those who lead and manage schools currently have to work.
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    Beyond Managerialism: After the Death of the Corporate Statesperson.John Danley - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (S1):21-30.
    Ignited in this and other countries by the rapid rise of the modem corporation to a position of strategic importance, both nationally and internationally, an intense debate continues today unabated. At the heart of the debate is a fundamental question: What role should the modern corporation play in a free society? And, as corporations become increasingly multinational, the fundamental question might more accurately be stated as a question about the role the multinational corporation should play in a free society, indeed, (...)
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  13.  18
    Experts, Managerialism, and Democratic Theory.Mott Greene - 2022 - Spontaneous Generations 10 (1):1-21.
    The revolt against expertise is a novel aspect of a larger and longer-standing discontent with the power of managerial elites within modern democracies. In the United States, scientific expertise is contested adversarially on the model of a public trial. In broadcast media, expert disagreement proceeds via staged debates with opposing sides (generally representing extremes of more complex debates) arguing scientific questions bearing on public policy. By the mid-20th century many observers agreed that this broadcast format had transformed the active ‘public’ (...)
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    Managerialism: A Critique of an Ideology by Thomas Klikauer.Thomas Lennefors - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (3):93-96.
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  15. New Managerialism in Education : The Organisational Form of Neoliberalism.Kathleen Lynch - 2017 - In Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel, Liberalism in neoliberal times: dimensions, contradictions, limits. London: Goldsmiths Press.
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    Managerialism and the Post‐Enlightenment Crisis of the British University.David S. Preston - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (3):343-363.
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    Beyond Managerialism.John Danley - 1998 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 1:21-30.
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    After managerialism.Theodore Taptiklis - 2005 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7.
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  19. From Paternalism to Managerialism: A Healing Shift?Sandro Limentani - 2002 - Philosophy of Management 2 (1):3-9.
    Traditionally, medical professionals have taken a paternalistic stance towards their patients and have relied on a traditional approach to medical ethics. In recent years, in Britain, however, a new ‘managerialism’ has developed in the National Health Service (the NHS). This stresses consumerism and greater patient choice and is changing the relationship between doctors and patients. This paper draws out the implications for patients. It describes the ethical characteristics of the two conflicting approaches and argues the need to stress again (...)
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  20. Education Policy and Realist Social Theory: Primary Teachers, Child-Centred Philosophy and the New Managerialism.Robert Archer - 2002 - Routledge.
    In Europe, welfare state provision has been subjected to 'market forces'. Over the last two decades, the framework of economic competitiveness has become the defining aim of education, to be achieved by new managerialist techniques and mechanisms. This book thoughtfully and persuasively argues against this new vision of education. This in-depth major study will be of great interest to researchers in the sociology of education, education policy, social theory, organization and management studies, and also to professionals concerned about the deleterious (...)
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    The Triumph of Managerialism?: New Technologies of Government and Their Implications for Value.Bogdan Costea & Anna Yeatman (eds.) - 2018 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book brings management and organisational theory into dialogue with political thought and philosophy. It explains the allure of managerialism in relation to contemporary ethical and political perplexities and shows how managerialism displaces the question of authority and its relationship to politics, government and the professions.
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    Quality Assured Science: Managerialism in Forensic Biology.Myles Leslie - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (3):283-306.
    This article takes as its point of departure the idea that the adoption of managerial principles to ensure the quality of DNA evidence is an accident of history which has changed the ways forensic biology is conducted and forensic biologists think. I begin by defining managerialism and tracking its entry into the contentious world of forensic biology, asking how it is that a focus on efficiency and precise process control is affecting these labs. My analysis unfolds in two parts. (...)
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    (1 other version)The Obliteration of Truth by Management: Badiou, St. Paul and the question of economic managerialism in education.Anna Strhan - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (2):230-250.
    This paper considers the questions that Badiou's theory poses to the culture of economic managerialism within education. His argument that radical change is possible, for people and the situations they inhabit, provides a stark challenge to the stifling nature of much current educational debate. In Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism, Badiou describes the current universalism of capitalism, monetary homogeneity and the rule of the count. Badiou argues that the politics of identity are all too easily subsumed by the (...)
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    Policing the Subject: Learning Outcomes, Managerialism and Research in PCET.James Avis - 2000 - British Journal of Educational Studies 48 (1):38-57.
    This discussion paper examines the links between learning outcomes, managerialism and research into teaching and learning in further/higher education. It constructs a worse case scenario which explores the dangers flowing from a managerialist appropriation of both learning outcomes and research into teaching and learning. It suggests this leads to a technicised practice which limits creative and critical engagement with the curriculum. The paper calls for the development of an engaged and dialogic practice. This worst case scenario enables a consideration (...)
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  25.  31
    In the Service of Technocratic Managerialism? History in UK Universities.Mark Donnelly & Claire Norton - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (6).
    This article discusses the conceptualisation, organisation and philosophical orientation of academic history culture in UK higher education. It problematises the extent to which a dominant history culture in UK universities implies and uncritically reproduces normative understandings about the subject; about its epistemological standing, sociopolitical functions, and the presumed cultural value of the discipline practices that students learn to perform. We suggest that current conceptions of history degree curricula are overly thin and organised around a dominant managerialist discourse of skills, personal (...)
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  26.  14
    From ‘capitalism and revolution’ to ‘capitalism and managerialism’.Peter Murphy - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 161 (1):23-34.
    Seventy years ago James Burnham (1905–1987) was a well-known American intellectual figure. Burnham’s 1941 book The Managerial Revolution, a cause célèbre, provided some of the conceptual framework for George Orwell’s 1984. Cornelius Castoriadis (1922–1997) at the time was an obscure Greek-French political intellectual, writer and small-group organizer. He co-founded the left-wing Socialisme ou Barbarie in Paris in 1949 while Burnham was already on a rightward intellectual trajectory. The two, though, shared certain traits. Both emerged from Trotskyist milieus as critics of (...)
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  27. 'In its own image': neo-liberalism and the managerialist university.Bob Brecher - 2006 - Prospero 12 (4):6-12.
    I argue that neo-liberalism requires a managerialist view of our universities; and to the extent that managerialism cannot be ameliorated, to that extent neo-liberalism signals the end of universities as places of learning. Rather than calling for “friendlier” management practice, we need to organise opposition by articulating and rallying around some vision of what the ends should be of the university, and which managing such an institution should therefore serve. Such a vision, whatever exactly its details might consist in, (...)
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    Inwardness and Commodification: How Romanticist Hermeneutics Prepared the Way for the Culture of Managerialism -- a Theological Analysis.Bernd Wannenwetsch - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (1):26-44.
    The essay undertakes a theological genealogy of the spirit of managerialism as it affects churches today by tracing it back to hermeneutical shifts in the history of (Protestant) theology: the loss of the externality of the word as a result of Schleiermacherian hermeneutics as it moved the centre of attention from a doctrine of the word to a doctrine of faith. The author demonstrates how the shift to inwardness created the conditions in which the market of 'spiritual needs' could (...)
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  29.  17
    Universalism and Managerialism.Albert A. Anderson - 1995 - Dialogue and Universalism 5 (11):75-76.
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    Organic and conventional agriculture: Materializing discourse and agro-ecological managerialism[REVIEW]David Goodman - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (3):215-219.
    This introduction situates key themesfound in papers given at a recent workshop on thechanging material practices, meanings, and regulationof US organic food production. The context is theemergence of an international bio-politics ofagriculture and food and, more particularly in the US,the contradictions of sustainable agriculturemovements catalyzed by the rapid scaling up of organicagriculture from a niche activity to nascentindustry.
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  31.  42
    A Common Pitch and The Management of Corporate Relations: Interpretation, Ethics and Managerialism.Glen Lehman - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (2):161-178.
    This paper examines how good management can repair fractured relationships within organisations, addressing problems that if left unattended will threaten the future existence of many of these companies. It analyses why there is a mood for change in management thinking, and what direction that change can take. Part of the challenge is how managers can best satisfy the objectives of corporate social responsibility initiatives, and repair organisational and fractured community relationships. A possible role for management is to examine alternative ways (...)
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  32. Demythologising "leadership" : the Trojan horse of managerialism.Scott Eacott - 2016 - In Eugénie Angèle Samier, Ideologies in Educational Administration and Leadership. New York: Routledge.
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    What Is to Be Done? Theory, Research, and Reforming American Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century - After Capitalism: From Managerialism to Workplace DemocracySeymour Melman New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. ISBN 0679418598 - Redefining the Corporation: Stakeholder Management and Organizational WealthJames E. Post, Lee E. Preston, and Sybille Sachs Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. 2002. ISBN 0804743045.Richard Marens - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (4):599-615.
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    Professionalism in an Age of Financialization and Managerialism.David Lea - 2012 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 31 (1):25-50.
    Historically the professions have maintained a commitment to what MacIntyre calls the “internal goods of practice” as opposed to the external goods of practice associated with monetary compensation and activities directly related to monetary compensation. This paper argues that the growing financialization of the economy has fostered a climate of managerial control exemplified in the proliferation of auditing and procedures associated with auditing. Accordingly professionals, whose organizational function includes responsibility for the internal goods, are thereby frustrated in so far as (...)
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  35. Beyond silence and conformity : a reflection on academic activism as resistance to managerialism in the contemporary university.Christine Morley - 2018 - In Alison L. Black & Susanne Garvis, Women activating agency in academia: metaphors, manifestos and memoir. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  36. Between Shepherds and Functionaries: Some Reflections on Managerialism and Politics in Neo-Functionalist Societies.Slawomir Magala - 1990 - Thesis Eleven 27 (1):173-189.
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    Against Management: Organization in the Age of Managerialism by Martin Parker. [REVIEW]Ron Beadle - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (1):64-65.
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    Public Community Organising: A Defence Against Managerialism.Jérôme Grand - 2021 - Ethics and Social Welfare 15 (2):200-215.
    Community organising is subject to several interpretations, and community practices have spread worldwide over the last three decades (Mizrahi 2016; Tattersall 2015). Community organising has diffe...
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    Reconfiguring professional ethics: The rise of managerialism and public health in the UK national health service. [REVIEW]Alan Cribb - 2001 - HEC Forum 13 (2):111-124.
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    Integrity at work: managing routine moral stress in professional roles.Alan Cribb - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (2):119-127.
    In this paper I consider the routine moral burden of occupying a professional role and having to negotiate tensions between the normative expectations attached to that role and one's own personal moral compass. Using an example to introduce this central issue I then seek to explore it through a discussion of the tensions between, and spaces between, ‘identifying’ with one's role and ‘separating’ oneself from one's role. I suggest that ethical integrity at work is revealed through the successful negotiation of (...)
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    Practising Ethically in Unethical Times: Everyday Resistance in Social Work.Merlinda Weinberg & Sarah Banks - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (4):361-376.
    This article considers the challenges faced by social workers struggling to act ethically in what we characterise as the ‘unethical climate’ of neoliberalism. We offer a brief account of the current context, including the increasing managerialism and marketisation of welfare services, exacerbated by cuts in welfare provision following the 2008 financial crisis. We discuss the concepts of ‘ethical resistance’ and ‘ethics work’. We illustrate this with three case examples drawn from accounts given by social workers in Canada and England (...)
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  42.  14
    Corporatising compassion? A contemporary history study of English NHS Trusts' nursing strategy documents.Sarah M. Ramsey, Jane Brooks, Michelle Briggs & Christine E. Hallett - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12486.
    The purpose of this contemporary history study is to analyse nursing strategy documents produced by NHS Trusts in England in the period 2009–2013, through a process of discourse analysis. In 2013 the Francis Report on the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust was published. The Report highlighted the full range of organisational failures in a Trust that valued financial efficiency over patient care. The analysis that followed, however, dwelt heavily on the failings of the nurses. Nursing strategy documents at that time served (...)
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    Postmodern research: no grounding or privilege, just free‐floating trouble making.Michael Traynor - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (2):99-107.
    Postmodernism has been criticized as failing to offer, on the one hand, authoritative explanations for social phenomena that might provide a scientific basis for policy formation or, on the other, the philosophical justification for emancipatory work – its radical scepticism about claims to knowledge leaving its advocates, including many nurses, with little scope to transform oppressive social and political regimes. Various approaches to this important problem have been offered, both philosophical and mediodological. Some critical theorists have rejected certain aspects of (...)
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  44. An ideology critique of nonideal methodology.Matthew Adams - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (4).
    Ideal theory has been extensively contested on the grounds that it is ideology: namely, that it performs the distorting social role of reifying and enforcing unjust features of the status quo. Indeed, a growing number of philosophers adopt a nonideal methodology—which dispenses with ideal theory—because of this ideology critique. I argue, however, that such philosophers are confused about the ultimate dialectical upshot of this critique even if it succeeds. I do so by constructing a parallel—equally plausible—ideology critique of nonideal methodology; (...)
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  45. Back to the Future: Critical Realism, Education Policy, and the Contextual Legacy of Martin Thrupp.Robert Archer - 2024 - New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 59:627-643.
    The aim of this article is to extend the explanatory power of Martin Thrupp’s legacy within the framework of critical realism. Specifically, it argues that critical realism’s methodological complement, the morphogenetic approach, provides a metatheoretical toolkit that can deepen and expand Thrupp’s realist analysis of school contexts. The article elaborates on how the morphogenetic approach offers a stratified, temporally phased view of causality that integrates structure, agency, and culture (SAC). By foregrounding SAC, it argues for a layered and nuanced understanding (...)
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    Raising the Dead? Limits of CPR and Harms of Defensive Practices.George Skowronski, Ian Kerridge, Edwina Light, Gemma McErlean, Cameron Stewart, Anne Preisz & Linda Sheahan - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (6):8-12.
    We describe the case of an eighty‐four‐year‐old man with disseminated lung cancer who had been receiving palliative care in the hospital and was found by nursing staff unresponsive, with clinically obvious signs of death, including rigor mortis. Because there was no documentation to the contrary, the nurses commenced cardiopulmonary resuscitation and called a code blue, resulting in resuscitative efforts that continued for around twenty minutes. In discussion with the hospital ethicist, senior nurses justified these actions, mainly citing disciplinary and medicolegal (...)
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    Stale Expressions: the Management-Shaped Church.John Milbank - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (1):117-128.
    Managerialism in the Church is rooted in the very character of Reformation theology. The letter's understanding of salvation as imputation and its reduction of the importance for salvation of belonging to the Church encourages the idea that there is a religious 'product' which can be managed and marketed. Modern evangelicalism consummates this tendency and uniquely allows a combining of the capitalist product with the capitalist actor. 'Fresh Expressions' in the Church of England fuses this trend with a liberal ideology (...)
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    Disciplinary processes and the management of poor performance among UK nurses: bad apple or systemic failure? A scoping study.Michael Traynor, Katie Stone, Hannah Cook, Dinah Gould & Jill Maben - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (1):51-58.
    The rise of managerialism within healthcare systems has been noted globally. This paper uses the findings of a scoping study to investigate the management of poor performance among nurses and midwives in the United Kingdom within this context. The management of poor performance among clinicians in the NHS has been seen as a significant policy problem. There has been a profound shift in the distribution of power between professional and managerial groups in many health systems globally. We examined literature (...)
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    The corporate menagerie.John Hutnyk - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 160 (1):121-128.
    This paper offers a typology of university management roles in the age of permanent austerity. The repackaging of every function within the university administration as a cost centre – meaning of course a potential profit centre – has long been seen as an unsustainable market model. Yet perversely it persists, and we would do well to name the hyperbolic functionaries of this administered institutional reconstruction, in a place where a humourless credentialism prevails. The paper revives the work, and temperament, of (...)
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    The Inexorable Sociality of Commerce: The Individual and Others in Adam Smith.David Bevan & Patricia Werhane - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):327-335.
    In this paper we reconsider Adam Smith’s ethics, what he means by self-interest and the role this plays in the famous “invisible hand.” Our efforts focus in part on the misreading of “the invisible hand” by certain economists with a view to legitimizing their neoclassical economic paradigm. Through exegesis and by reference to notions that are developed in Smith’s two major works, we deconstruct Smith’s ideas of conscience, justice, self-interest, and the invisible hand. We amplify Smith’s insistence, through his notions (...)
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