Results for 'Makind minds and madness'

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  1. Mind and Madness in Ancient Greece: The Classical Roots of Modern Psychiatry.A. W. H. Adkins - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (1):245-246.
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    (1 other version)Mind and Madness: New Directions in the Philosophy of Psychiatry.K. W. M. Fulford - 1994 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 37:5-24.
    These are exciting times for philosophy and psychiatry. After drifting apart for most of this century, the two disciplines, if not yet fully reconciled, are suddenly at least on speaking terms. With hindsight we may wonder why they should have ignored each other for so long. As Anthony Quinton pointed out in a lecture to the Royal Institute of Philosophy a few years ago, it is remarkable that philosophers, in a sense the experts on rationality, should have had so little (...)
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    Making Minds and Madness: From Hysteria to Depression.Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Why do 'maladies of the soul' such as hysteria, anxiety disorders, or depression wax and wane over time? Through a study of the history of psychiatry, Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen provocatively argues that most mental illnesses are not, in fact, diseases but the product of varying expectations shared and negotiated by therapists and patients. With a series of fascinating historical vignettes, stretching from Freud's creation of false memories of sexual abuse in his early hysterical patients to today's promotion and marketing of depression (...)
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    Mind and Madness in Ancient Greece. [REVIEW]Anthony Preus - 1980 - International Studies in Philosophy 12 (2):89-91.
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  5. Mind And Madness In Greek Tragedy.Christopher Gill - 1996 - Apeiron 29 (3):249 - 267.
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    Bennett Simon's "Mind and Madness in Ancient Greece: The Classical Roots of Modern Psychiatry". [REVIEW]Lynn E. Rose - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (1):245.
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    Mind and Madness in Ancient Greece: the classical roots of modern psychiatry. [REVIEW]G. E. R. Lloyd - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (2):318-319.
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    The Greeks and the Psychiatrist:Mind and Madness in Ancient Greece: The Classical Roots of Modern Psychiatry. Bennett Simon.A. W. H. Adkins - 1981 - Ethics 91 (3):491-.
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    Plastic People and Distributed Cognitive Agency: Contribution or Compromise?Mads Julian Dengsø & Michael David Kirchhoff - 2022 - Constructivist Foundations 17 (3):241-243.
    Open peer commentary on the article “A Moving Boundary, a Plastic Core: A Contribution to the Third Wave of Extended-Mind Research” by Timotej Prosen. Abstract: We explore both some novel claims made by Prosen’s account of plastic cores and some overlaps between his and other accounts of third-wave extended mind. In the first instance we discuss whether the Markov blanket formalism should be regarded as incompatible with a third-wave extended view. Secondly, we discuss whether Prosen’s proposal of a plastic core (...)
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    Beyond Individual-Centred 4E Cognition: Systems Biology and Sympoiesis.Mads Julian Dengsø & Michael David Kirchhoff - 2023 - Constructivist Foundations 18 (3):351-364.
    Context: A central motivation behind various embodied, extended, and enactive (4E) approaches to cognition is to ground our understanding of minds and cognition within the biological structures that give rise to life. Because of this, their advocates often claim a natural kinship with dynamical and developmental systems theories. However, these accounts also explicitly or implicitly privilege individual organisms in ways that contrast with many of the insights of systems and developmental systems approaches to biology. Problem: The prioritization of individual (...)
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    Enactive psychiatry and social integration: beyond dyadic interactions.Mads J. Dengsø - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-25.
    Enactive approaches to psychiatry have recently argued for an understanding of psychiatric conditions based within relational interactions between individuals and their environments. A central motivation for these enactive approaches is the goal of social integration: the integration of a naturalistic approach to psychiatric conditions with their broader sociocultural dimensions. One possible issue, however, is whether appeals to the autonomy and authenticity of relationally constituted enactive individuals can provide a means of adjudicating between harmful and beneficial social constraints upon individual behaviour. (...)
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    Methods of data collection in psychopathology: the role of semi-structured, phenomenological interviews.Mads Gram Henriksen, Magnus Englander & Julie Nordgaard - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):9-30.
    Research in psychopathology is booming in an unprecedented way, at least, in terms of increasing number of publications. Yet, a few questions arise: Does quantity also give us quality? Are the collected data generally of sound quality? How are data typically collected in psychopathology? Are the applied methods of data collection appropriate for this particular field of study? This article explores three different methods of data collection in psychopathology, namely self-rating scales, structured interviews, and semi-structured, phenomenological interviews. To identify the (...)
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    Exploring tranquility: Eastern and Western perspectives.Vincent Ringgaard Christoffersen, Borut Škodlar & Mads Gram Henriksen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although tranquility is a fundamental aspect of human life, the experiential nature of tranquility remains elusive. Traditionally, many philosophical, religious, spiritual, or mystical traditions in East and West have strived to reach tranquil experiences and produced texts serving as manuals to reach them. Yet, no attempt has been made to compare experiences of tranquility and explore what they may have in common. The purpose of this theoretical study is to explore the experiential nature of tranquility. First, we present examples of (...)
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    Platonism, Mysticism, and Madness.Kenneth R. Seeskin - 1976 - The Monist 59 (4):574-586.
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  15. Review of'Undertaker of the Mind: John Monro and Mad-Doctoring in Eighteenth-Century England'by J. Andrews and A. Scull (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: Univeristy of California Press, 2001). [REVIEW]L. Dacome - 2002 - Early Science and Medicine 7:411-413.
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  16. Divided Minds and Successive Selves: Ethical Issues in Disorders of Identity and Personality. [REVIEW]Christian Perring - 1998 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 19 (1):91-102.
    Exactly when Philosophy of Psychiatry started as a subfield of Philosophy is hard to say. There are several different estimates of how old psychiatry itself is, from one hundred to three hundred years, and of course there has been discussion and treatment of mental illness for at least a couple of thousand years. A host of issues which could count as belonging to the field have been discussed just within the last hundred years. For instance, a large literature on the (...)
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  17. Mind subverted to madness : the psychological force of hope as affect in Kant and J. C. Hoffbauer.Katerina Mihaylova - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel, Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This paper examines the concept of hope in the epistemology and psychology of Immanuel Kant and Johann Christoph Hoffbauer (1766-1827). The decisive question is how according to Kant hope can impair the objectivity of judgements about future and what are the positive and negative effects of this impairment. While for Kant hope is not essentially considered as an affect, he admits that it could transform into an affect and in this way it can impair the mood and its cognitive faculties (...)
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    Jonathan Andrews;, Andrew Scull. Undertaker of the Mind: John Monro and Mad‐Doctoring in Eighteenth‐Century England. xxii + 389 pp., illus., notes, bibl., index. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001. $35. [REVIEW]Philip Wilson - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):708-709.
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    Madness and spiritualist philosophy of mind: Maine de Biran and A. A. Royer-Collard on a ‘true dualism’.Samuel Lézé - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (5):885-902.
    The exchange between the philosopher Pierre Maine de Biran and the psychiatrist Antoine-Athanase Royer-Collard has been read either as an exemplary case of the influence of philosophy on medicine o...
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    Twenty Years Since Women and Madness: Toward a Feminist Institute of Mental Health and Healing.Phyllis Chesler - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (3-4):313-322.
    This article reviews the development of a feminist analysis of female and male psychology from 1970 to 1990; the acceptance, rejection or indifference to feminist theory and practice by women in general and by female patients and mental health practitioners in specific. The article describes what feminist therapy ideally is and discusses the need for a Feminist Institute of Mental Health.
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    Literature and Madness: Fiction for Students and Professionals. [REVIEW]Paul Crawford & Charley Baker - 2009 - Journal of Medical Humanities 30 (4):237-251.
    Psychiatry studies the human mind within a medical paradigm, exploring experience, response and reaction, emotion and affect. Similarly, writers of fiction explore within a non-clinical dimension the phenomena of the human mind. The synergism between literature and psychiatry seems clear, yet literature—and in particular, fiction—remain the poor relation of the medical textbook. How can literature be of particular relevance in psychiatry? This paper examines these issues and suggests a selection of useful texts.
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  22. Mind subverted to madness: The psychological force of hope as affect in Kant and J. C. Hoffbauer.Katerina Mihaylova - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel, Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 141-152.
    This paper examines the concept of hope in the epistemology and psychology of Immanuel Kant and Johann Christoph Hoffbauer (1766-1827). The decisive question is how according to Kant hope can impair the objectivity of judgements about future and what are the positive and negative effects of this impairment. While for Kant hope is not essentially considered as an affect, he admits that it could transform into an affect and in this way it can impair the mood and its cognitive faculties (...)
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    Johannes Fabian. Out of Our Minds: Reason and Madness in the Exploration of Central Africa. xvi + 320 pp., illus., app., bibl., index. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. $50 ; $19.95. [REVIEW]Peder Anker - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):291-292.
    This book undertakes a voyage back to the colonial heritage of anthropology to investigate the connection between imperial colonialism and ethnographic research. It is a history of explorers' being “out of our minds” with alcohol, drugs, opiates, fatigue, fear, delusions, and anger in their search for knowledge. In short, it is a story about scientific “travel as tripping” .Nineteenth‐century explorers of Africa often fashioned themselves as intrepid, heroic, and courageous seekers and promoters of rational knowledge in a wild and (...)
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    Sex, metaphysics, and madness: unveiling the grail on human nature and mental disorder.Jane Alexandra Cook - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Western metaphysics has been distorted by Aristotle's misconception of essence and (il)logic of male homophobia. Via its inscription of female bodies, this muddled metaphysics is causing a fragmentation of self that is currently leading to eating disorders. A spirogenetic model of essence and subjectivity may solve our metaphysical and thus mental ills.
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    Literature in Mind: H. G. Wells and the Evolution of the Mad Scientist.Anne Stiles - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (2):317-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Literature in MindH. G. Wells and the Evolution of the Mad ScientistAnne StilesIn 1893, H. G. Wells's article "Man of the Year Million" dramatically predicted the distant evolutionary future of mankind:The descendents of man will nourish themselves by immersion in nutritive fluid. They will have enormous brains, liquid, soulful eyes, and large hands, on which they will hop. No craggy nose will they have, no vestigial ears; their mouths (...)
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    Madness and modernism: insanity in the light of modern art, literature, and thought.Louis Arnorsson Sass - 1992 - Harvard University Press.
    Madness and Modernism provides a phenomenological study of schizophrenic disorders, criticizing some standard conceptions of these disorders. Sass argues that many aspects of this group of disorders can actually involve more sophisticated (albeit dysfunctional) forms of mind and experience.
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    Madness and the Demand for Recognition: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Identity and Mental Health Activism.Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed - 2019 - Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    Madness is a complex and contested term. Through time and across cultures it has acquired many formulations: for some, madness is synonymous with unreason and violence, for others with creativity and subversion, elsewhere it is associated with spirits and spirituality. Among the different formulations, there is one in particular that has taken hold so deeply and systematically that it has become the default view in many communities around the world: the idea that madness is a disorder of (...)
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  28. Philosophy, love, and madness.Christopher Rowe - 1990 - In Christopher Gill, The Person and the human mind: issues in ancient and modern philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    How to Go Mad without Losing Your Mind: Madness and Black Radical Creativity: La Marr Jurelle Bruce (2021), Duke University Press, Durham, ISBN 9781478010876.Bradley E. Lewis - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (3):505-508.
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  30. Magicking madness : secret workings and public narratives of disordered minds in late medieval Germany.Anne M. Koenig - 2019 - In David J. Collins, The sacred and the sinister: studies in medieval religion and magic. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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  31. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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  32. Civilized madness: schizophrenia, self-consciousness and the modern mind.Louis A. Sass - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (2):83-120.
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    Schizophrenia and Common Sense: Explaining the Relation Between Madness and Social Values.João G. Pereira, Jorge Gonçalves & Inês Hipólito (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores the relationship between schizophrenia and common sense. It approaches this theme from a multidisciplinary perspective. Coverage features contributions from phenomenology, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, psychology, and social cognition. The contributors address the following questions: How relevant is the loss of common sense in schizophrenia? How can the study of schizophrenia contribute to the study of common sense? How to understand and explain this loss of common sense? They also consider: What is the relationship of practical reasoning (...)
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    Madness, virtue, and ecology: A classical Indian approach to psychiatric disturbance.Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (1):3-31.
    The Caraka Saṃhitā (ca. first century BCE–third century CE), the first classical Indian medical compendium, covers a wide variety of pharmacological and therapeutic treatment, while also sketching out a philosophical anthropology of the human subject who is the patient of the physicians for whom this text was composed. In this article, I outline some of the relevant aspects of this anthropology – in particular, its understanding of ‘mind’ and other elements that constitute the subject – before exploring two ways in (...)
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    Mad liberation: The sociology of knowledge and the ultimate civil rights movement.Robert E. Emerick - 1996 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 17 (2):135-160.
    Mad liberation — the former mental patient self-help movement — is characterized in this paper as a true progressive social movement. A sociology of knowledge perspective is used to account for much of the research literature that argues, to the contrary, that self-help groups do not represent a true social movement. Based on the "myth of individualism" and the "myth of simplicity," the psychological literature on self-help has defined empowerment in self-help groups as an individual-change or therapeutic orientation. This paper, (...)
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    Mad Men and Philosophy: Nothing is as It Seems.James South & Rod Karveth (eds.) - 2010 - Wiley.
    _A look at the philosophical underpinnings of the hit TV show, _Mad Men__ With its swirling cigarette smoke, martini lunches, skinny ties, and tight pencil skirts, Mad Men is unquestionably one of the most stylish, sexy, and irresistible shows on television. But the series becomes even more absorbing once you dig deeper into its portrayal of the changing social and political mores of 1960s America and explore the philosophical complexities of its key characters and themes. From Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (...)
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    The Measure of Madness: Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Delusional Thought.Philip Gerrans - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Drawing on the latest work in cognitive neuroscience, a philosopher proposes that delusions are narrative models that accommodate anomalous experiences.
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    Madness and murder.Michael Eigen - 2010 - London: Karnac.
    This book contains an eighteen hour seminar - given over a three day period - presented by Michael Eigen in Seoul, Korea. The seminar traces transformations of madness and faith in psychoanalysis - particularly Freud, Klein, Bion and Winnicott - emphasizing basic rhythms of experience steeped in clinical details, social issues and personal concerns, and takes up problems of madness and faith besetting the world today. It is filled with clinical portrayals and discussions of personal and social issues. (...)
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    Flaubert and Sartre on Madness in King Lear.Hazel E. Barnes - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (2):211-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hazel E. Barnes FLAUBERT AND SARTRE ON MADNESS IN KING LEAR T'oward the end of the second volume of The Family Idiot (L'Idiot de la famille), in a section called "Exercises and Reading," Sartre discusses Flaubert's reading of Shakespeare.1 In the context Sartre describes how Flaubert spent his time during one of the rare periods when he was not even attempting to write anything; more than two years (...)
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    Fairy Tales, Madness and Total War.Philip Smallwood - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (4):474-483.
    This paper sets in context the melodramatic conclusion to R. G. Collingwood’s The Principles of Art (1938) and his exceptional praise of T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (1922). I suggest that the background to this conclusion, with its emphasis on the role of emotion in human agency, must embrace an extraordinary series of essays composed in the mid nineteen-thirties, and which until their publication in 2005 were known as the “folktale manuscripts.” Collingwood’s critique of anthropological method in these essays, (...)
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    Whom Gods Destroy: Elements of Greek and Tragic Madness (review).Ruth Scodel - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (3):485-487.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Whom Gods Destroy: Elements of Greek and Tragic MadnessRuth ScodelRuth Padel. Whom Gods Destroy: Elements of Greek and Tragic Madness. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. xviii + 276 pp. Cloth, $29.95.Readers of the author’s earlier In and Out of the Mind will not be surprised at the assumptions and style of this book. The author’s great gift lies in her ability to make the reader feel the (...)
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    Stories from the bog: on madness, philosophy, and psychoanalysis.Patrick B. Kavanaugh (ed.) - 2012 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    This collection of short stories and essays call into question the medical-scientific narrative, its understandings of psychoanalysis and madness, and the identity, purpose and ethics that flow from and sustain its narrative. These stories are gathered from meetings with people on in-patient units and in private practice. Emphasis is placed on the centrality of the Freudian unconscious in the process of listening, understanding and responding in the analytic discourse. Collectively, they reintroduce the identity of the analytic practitioner as the (...)
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    Approximation, Mad Men and the Death of JFK.Stella Bruzzi - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (2):237-244.
    In this article I take the US television series Mad Men as an exemplary ‘approximation’, a term I adopt to signal the way in which certain texts construct a changeable, fluid ‘truth’ resulting from collisions, exchange and dialectical argument. Approximations are layered, their formal layerings mirroring a layered, multifaceted argument. Mad Men integrates and represents real historical events within a fictional setting, and act that suggests that an event or action can never be finished, fixed and not open to reassessment. (...)
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    Trauma and Truth: Representations of Madness in Chinese Literature.Birgit Linder - 2011 - Journal of Medical Humanities 32 (4):291-303.
    With only a few exceptions, the literary theme of madness has long been a domain of Western cultural studies. Much of Western writing represents madness as an inquiry into the deepest recesses of the mind, while the comparatively scarce Chinese tradition is generally defined by madness as a voice of social truth. This paper looks at five works of twentieth-century Chinese fiction that draw on socio-somatic aspects of madness to reflect upon social truths, suggesting that the (...)
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    Madness and Democracy: The Modern Psychiatric Universe: The Modern Psychiatric Universe.Gladys Swain & Marcel Gauchet - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    How the insane asylum became a laboratory of democracy is revealed in this provocative look at the treatment of the mentally ill in nineteenth-century France. Political thinkers reasoned that if government was to rest in the hands of individuals, then measures should be taken to understand the deepest reaches of the self, including the state of madness. Marcel Gauchet and Gladys Swain maintain that the asylum originally embodied the revolutionary hope of curing all the insane by saving the glimmer (...)
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    Finding a "Mind" for Physicians treating Madness.Samuel Lézé - unknown
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    Insanity and genius: masks of madness and the mapping of meaning and value.Harry Edwin Eiss - 2008 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    An exploration of the greatest minds and how they have struggled to find the deepest truths about the human condition.
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    Mind, Mood, and Medicine: A Guide to the New Biopsychiatry.Robert Coles, Michael MacDonald, Sue E. Estroff, Paul H. Wender & Donald F. Klein - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (2):39.
    Book reviewed in this article: Mystical Bedlam: Madness, Anxiety, and Healing in Seventeenth Century England. By Michael MacDonald. Making It Crazy: An Ethnography of Psychiatric Clients in an American Community. By Sue E. Estroff. Mind, Mood, and Medicine: A Guide to the New Biopsychiatry. By Paul H. Wender, M.D. and Donald F. Klein, M.D.
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    Sex and the unreal city: the demolition of the Western mind.Anthony M. Esolen - 2020 - San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press.
    Unreal City: a zany cartoon megalopolis where towers are built of cotton candy, facts scatter like pixie dust, and the truth is whatever you feel it to be. And it's no fantasy. It's where we live. We dwell in Unreal City. We believe in un-being. With saber-like wit, poet and professor Anthony Esolen leads readers on a tour through the ruins of their own Western world--through king-size bookstores, manicured college campuses, strobe-lit choir lofts, mechanized farms, divorce courts, drag-queen libraries, and (...)
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    Badness, madness and the brain – the late 19th-century controversy on immoral persons and their malfunctioning brains.Felix Schirmann - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (2):33-50.
    In the second half of the 19th-century, a group of psychiatric experts discussed the relation between brain malfunction and moral misconduct. In the ensuing debates, scientific discourses on immorality merged with those on insanity and the brain. This yielded a specific definition of what it means to be immoral: immoral and insane due to a disordered brain. In this context, diverse neurobiological explanations for immoral mind and behavior existed at the time. This article elucidates these different brain-based explanations via five (...)
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