Results for 'Mahdi Jalaly'

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  1.  40
    Mahdi Ha’iri’s Criticisms Leveled at Muhaqeq Isfahani’s Ontological Argument for the Existence of Allah (A Critical Study).Mahdi Khayatzadeh - 2020 - Journal of Hikmat-e-Islami 6 (22):119-138.
    As a contemporary neo-Sadraian philosopher, Muhaqeq Isfahani has proposed his own account of the ontological argument for the existence of Allah. This account of the argument is unprecedented and has caught the attention of many contemporary thinkers. There have been proposed five accounts of this argument upon three pivots. First is the concept of necessary being as a mental concept. Second is the concept of necessary being so far as it denotes something beyond the concept. And third is the very (...)
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  2. The visibility of philosophy of science in the sciences, 1980–2018.Mahdi Khelfaoui, Yves Gingras, Mael Lemoine & Thomas Pradeu - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):1-31.
    In this paper, we provide a macro level analysis of the visibility of philosophy of science in the sciences over the last four decades. Our quantitative analysis of publications and citations of philosophy of science papers, published in 17 main journals representing the discipline, contributes to the longstanding debate on the influence of philosophy of science on the sciences. It reveals the global structure of relationships that philosophy of science maintains with science, technology, engineering and mathematics and social sciences and (...)
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    The Political aspects of Islamic philosophy: essays in honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi.Muhsin Mahdi & Charles E. Butterworth (eds.) - 1992 - Cambridge: Distributed for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University by Harvard University Press.
    This volume consists of nine essays on the political teaching of such Muslim philosophers as al-Kindi and al-Razi, as well as the more familiar al-Fârâbî, ...
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    Between health and death: The intense emotional pain experienced by transplant nurses.Mahdi Tarabeih & Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (2):e12335.
    While extensive scholarship has been dedicated to the emotional experiences of transplant patients, little is known about the emotional experiences of transplant co‐ordinators. Semi‐structured face‐to‐face interviews conducted with ten transplant co‐ordinators who have worked for more than 20 years in this job. The transplant co‐ordinators spoke of negative feelings and moral distress with regard to futile care of deceased donor family members as well as of living donors. Transplant co‐ordinators experience intense negative feelings, emotional pain, and moral distress on a (...)
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  5. Ikhwān al-Ṣafā wa-falsatuhum al-dīnīyah.Muḥammad Ḥasan Mahdī - 2011 - ʻAmmān: al-Ahlīyah.
  6.  18
    ʻIlm, dīn va falsafah: guftugū bā Duktur Mahdī Gulshanī.Mahdī Gulshanī - 2014 - [Tihrān]: Intishārāt-i Kānūn-i Andīshah-i Javān.
    Science -Philosophy ; Philosophy and science ; Religion and science.
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    Danger Avoidance: An Evolutionary Explanation of Uncanny Valley.Mahdi Muhammad Moosa & S. M. Minhaz Ud-Dean - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (1):12-14.
  8. Alfarabi and the foundation of Islamic political philosophy.Muhsin Mahdi - 2001 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this work, Muhsin Mahdi--widely regarded as the preeminent scholar of Islamic political thought--distills more than four decades of research to offer an authoritative analysis of the work of Alfarabi, the founder of Islamic political philosophy. Mahdi, who also brought to light writings of Alfarabi that had long been presumed lost or were not even known, presents this great thinker as his contemporaries would have seen him: as a philosopher who sought to lay the foundations for a new (...)
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    Critical review of “the epistemology of involvement” in understanding religious beliefs.Mahdi Khayatzadeh & Mansour Nasiri - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 16 (40):277-291.
    John Cottingham, a contemporary English philosopher, considers the best way to understand religious beliefs to be an empathic understanding. He calls his theory “the epistemology of involvement”. Based on this theory, in order to understand religious beliefs, one should put aside the detachment approach and by entering the life of faith, provide the conditions for the realization of the religious experiences of the believers, and at the same time, maintain the critical opinion in this sympathetic participation in religion. He considers (...)
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  10. Remarks on the 1001 Nights.Muhsin Mahdi - 1973 - Interpretation 3 (2/3):157-168.
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    The rise of the Abbasid public sphere: the case of al-Mutanabbi and three middle ranking patrons.Samer Mahdy Ali - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (2):467-494.
  12.  24
    The Value of ‘Traditionality’: The Epistemological and Ethical Significance of Non-western Alternatives in Science.Mahdi Kafaee & Mostafa Taqavi - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-20.
    After a brief review of the relationship between science and value, this paper introduces the value of ‘traditionality’ as a value in the pure and applied sciences. Along with other recognized values, this value can also contribute to formulating hypotheses and determining theories. There are three reasons for legitimizing the internal role of this value in science: first, this value can contribute to scientific progress by presenting more diverse hypotheses; second, the value of external consistency in science entails this value; (...)
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  13. Philosophy and political thought: Reflections and comparisons*: Muhsin Mahdi.Muhsin Mahdi - 1991 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 1 (1):9-29.
    Having constituted a new epoch in human history and a new religiouspolitical order, the revealed religions challenged the tradition of Greek philosophy to adjust to, investigate, and make intelligible a religiouspolitical order based on prophecy, revelation, and the divine law. The challenge led certain Arab and Muslim philosophers to reassess the relative distance between the thought of the Greek masters, and the doctrines propagated by the revealed religions, and to make use of such works as Plato's Republic and Laws, rather (...)
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    Al-Muḥaqqiq al-Iṣfahānī’s Ontological Argument and Spinoza’s Ontological Arguments for the Existence of God: A Comparison.Mahdi Khayatzadeh - 2022 - Australian Journal of Islamic Studies 7 (2):35-58.
    Al-Muḥaqqiq al-Iṣfahānī (1878-1942) and Spinoza (1632-1677), two prominent intellectuals of the Islamic and Western worlds respectively, have proposed different versions of the ontological argument for the existence of God. I present five versions of al-Muḥaqqiq al-Iṣfahānī’s argument in three general dimensions: first, the concept of the necessary being (wājib al-wujūd) as a mental concept; second, the concept of the necessary being as a representation of something external; and finally, the reality of the necessary being or what externally exists by its (...)
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    Avicenna’s Arguments against Metempsychosis.Mahdi Khayatzadeh - 2022 - Avicinian Philosophy Journal 26 (68):245-267.
    metempsychosis is the concept of the transmigration of a human or animal soul into another human, animal, plant, or even an inanimate object. The theory of metempsychosis poses a challenge to the belief in resurrection (maʿād), making it necessary to reject metempsychosis before proving maʿād. Avicenna presents two arguments against metempsychosis. The first argument, found in numerous works, rejects metempsychosis on the grounds that it requires the union of two soul s within a single body. Avicenna alludes to the second (...)
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  16. A Dialogue among Recent Views of Entity Realism.Mahdi Khalili - 2023 - Philosophy of Science:1-35.
    This paper concerns the recent revival of entity realism. Having been started with the work of Ian Hacking, Nancy Cartwright and Ronald Giere, the project of entity realism has recently been developed by Matthias Egg, Markus Eronen, and Bence Nanay. The paper opens a dialogue among these recent views on entity realism and integrates them into a more advanced view. The result is an epistemological criterion for reality: the property-tokens of a certain type may be taken as real insofar as (...)
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  17.  33
    Classification Videos Reveal the Visual Information Driving Complex Real-World Speeded Decisions.Sepehr Jalali, Sian E. Martin, Colm P. Murphy, Joshua A. Solomon & Kielan Yarrow - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Proof complexity of substructural logics.Raheleh Jalali - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (7):102972.
  19.  66
    Technological Enthusiasm: Morally Commendable or Reprehensible?Mahdi Kafaee - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):969-980.
    Technological enthusiasm is a value that can influence engineering, shape technologies and subsequently transform human lifestyles. Despite its significant role, up until now, there has been little research done on this value. The dominant idea is that this value is commendable. However, based on consequentialism, a recently proposed idea describes TE as neither morally commendable nor reprehensible. In this paper, three arguments are presented against this recent idea, and a new idea is introduced, which challenges not only commendation for TE (...)
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  20. Avicenna’s and Mullā Ṣadrā’s Arguments for Immateriality of the Soul from the Viewpoint of Physicalism.Mahdi Homazadeh - 2020 - Angelicum 97 (3):367-390.
    I seek to explicate the ways in which the soul is deemed immaterial in two main strands of Islamic philosophy, and then consider some arguments for the immateriality of the soul. To do so, I first overview Avicenna’s theory of the spiritual incipience (al-ḥudūth al-rūḥānī) of the soul and his version of substance dualism. I will then discuss Mullā Ṣadrā’s view of the physical incipience (al-ḥudūth al-jismānī) of the soul and how the soul emerges and develops towards immateriality on his (...)
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    Naẓarīyah-i shinākht dar falsafah-i Islām: taqrīrāt-i ustād Duktur Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī - 2000 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Farhangī-i Dānish va Andīshah-i Muʻāṣir. Edited by ʻAbd Allāh Naṣrī.
    Speeches of the author on theory of knowledge in the context of Islamic philosophy.
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  22. Jalaluddin Rumi’s Religious Understanding: A Prelude to Dialogue in the Realm of Religious Thought.Ahmad Jalali - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):127-134.
    In the course of human civilization, religion has underpinned the development of values of human respect, tolerance, peace, and the culture of peace. Unfortunately, at the same time, religion has also played the opposite role during some periods of history. Therefore, it is important to investigate how and to what extent religious faiths, or if I may say more accurately religious paradigms, have been and are ready to educate their believers in the above-mentioned value support system, and how they could (...)
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  23.  56
    Evaluating nonlinear variability of mental fatigue behavioral indices during long‐term attentive task.Mahdi Azarnoosh, Ali Motie Nasrabadi, Mohammad Reza Mohammadi & Mohammad Firoozabadi - 2012 - Complexity 17 (6):7-16.
  24.  20
    Dialogue and UNESCO\'s Mission: An Epistemic Approach.Ahmad Jalali - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (6):13-26.
    In this article, I will offer some remarks on and analysis of the epistemic approach to understanding dialogue and difference of its nature to negotiation. My conceptual deliberations on dialogue have been influenced by two contemporary European philosophers, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Karl Raimund Popper, as well as by the mystical and visionary elaborations of the Persian Islamic thinker, Jalaluddin Rumi of the thirteenth century. I will elaborate on the topics of dialogue and the arts of questioning and listening; dialogue and (...)
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  25.  21
    Information Accrual From the Period Preceding Racket-Ball Contact for Tennis Ground Strokes: Inferences From Stochastic Masking.Sepehr Jalali, Sian E. Martin, Tandra Ghose, Richard M. Buscombe, Joshua A. Solomon & Kielan Yarrow - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Nurses' Experience of the Perception of Nursing Conscience: A Phenomenological Study.Rostam Jalali, Parkhideh Hasani & Zhila Abedsaeedi - 2012 - Asian Bioethics Review 4 (3):210-225.
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    Prélude au dialogue dans la pensée religieuse de Rumi.Ahmad Jalali - 2002 - Diogène 200 (4):155-164.
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  28. An intelligent tutoring system for teaching advanced topics in information security.Ali O. Mahdi, Mohammed I. Alhabbash & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2016 - World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2 (12):1-9.
    Recently there is an increasing technological development in intelligent tutoring systems. This field has become interesting to many researchers. In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system for teaching information security. This intelligent tutoring systems target the students enrolled in Advanced Topics in Information Security in the faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. Through which the student will be able to study the course and solve related problems. An evaluation of the intelligent tutoring systems (...)
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  29.  86
    Ibn Khaldūn's Philosophy of History: A Study in the Philosophic Foundation of the Science of Culture.Muhsin Mahdi - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (34):84-85.
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    Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History: A Study in the Philosophic Foundation of the Science of Culture.Muhsin Mahdi - 1964 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book, first published in 1957, is the study of 14th-century Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, who founded a special science to consider history and culture, based on the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle and their Muslim followers. In no other field has the revolt of modern Western thought against traditional philosophy been so far-reaching in its consequences as in the field of history. Ibn Khaldun realized that history is more immediately related to action than political philosophy because it studies the (...)
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  31. Ibn Khaldun's philosophy of history.Muhsin Mahdi - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (2):258-259.
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  32. From Phenomenological-Hermeneutical Approaches to Realist Perspectivism.Mahdi Khalili - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1-26.
    This paper draws on the phenomenological-hermeneutical approaches to philosophy of science to develop realist perspectivism, an integration of experimental realism and perspectivism. Specifically, the paper employs the distinction between “manifestation” and “phenomenon” and it advances the view that the evidence of a real entity is “explorable” in order to argue that instrumentally-mediated robust evidence indicates real entities. Furthermore, it underpins the phenomenological notion of the horizonal nature of scientific observation with perspectivism, so accounting for scientific pluralism even in the cases (...)
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    Nurses’ perception of ethical climate and organizational commitment.Fariba Borhani, Tayebe Jalali, Abbas Abbaszadeh & Aliakbar Haghdoost - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (3):278-288.
    The high turnover of nurses has become a universal issue. The manner in which nurses view their organization’s ethical climate has direct bearing on their organizational commitment. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between nurses’ perception of ethical climate and organizational commitment in teaching hospitals in the southeastern region of Iran. A descriptive analytical design was used in this study. The sample consisted of 275 nurses working in four teaching hospitals in the southeastern region of Iran. (...)
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  34. Falsafah-ʼi taḥlīlī: taqrīrāt-i... Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī - 2000 - [Tehran]: Muʼassasah-ʼi Farhangī-i Dānish va Andīshah-ʼi Muʻāṣir. Edited by ʻAbd Allāh Naṣrī.
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    Safar-i nafs: taqrīrāt-i ustād duktur Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī - 2001 - Tihrān: Naqsh-i Jahān. Edited by ʻAbd Allāh Naṣrī.
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    The relationship between spiritual health and happiness in medical students during the COVID-19 outbreak: A survey in southeastern Iran.Mahdi Abdolkarimi, Mahdieh Masoomi, Seyedeh Shirin Lotfipur & Mohammad Ali Zakeri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    It is necessary to study the various dimensions of health and their affecting factors during the coronavirus disease-19 pandemic to identify the necessary interventions. The study aims to determine the relationship between spiritual health and happiness in medical students during the COVID-19 outbreak. In this analytical cross-sectional design study, 409 medical students were examined for the state of happiness and spiritual health and the relationship between them. Student information was collected through Web-based sampling by using standard tools from 20 April (...)
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    Toward the Applicability of Statistics: A Representational View.Mahdi Ashoori & S. Mahmoud Taheri - 2019 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 23 (1):113-129.
    The problem of understanding how statistical inference is, and can be, applied in empirical sciences is important for the methodology of science. It is the objective of this paper to gain a better understanding of the role of statistical methods in scientific modeling. The important question of whether the applicability reduces to the representational properties of statistical models is discussed. It will be shown that while the answer to this question is positive, representation in statistical models is not purely structural. (...)
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    Culture Matters: the Question of Metaphor and Taarof in Translation.Mahdi Dahmardeh, Abbas Parsazadeh & Saman Rezaie - 2016 - Cultura 13 (1):137-160.
    This study is designed to delve into the issue of culture from the lens of pragmatics as far as the translation of Persian expressions is concerned. To this end, the researchers explored two problematic areas in translation: the first one is a universally challenging element of language, i.e. metaphor, while the other one is an Iranian culture-specific element of language, i.e. Taarof. To uncover the reason behind such difficulty and various techniques to handle such culturally dependent concepts in the act (...)
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  39. .Ahmad Jalali - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (1-2):21-22.
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    Fractality and Variability in Canonical and Non-Canonical English Fiction and in Non-Fictional Texts.Mahdi Mohseni, Volker Gast & Christoph Redies - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study investigates global properties of three categories of English text: canonical fiction, non-canonical fiction, and non-fictional texts. The central hypothesis of the study is that there are systematic differences with respect to structural design features between canonical and non-canonical fiction, and between fictional and non-fictional texts. To investigate these differences, we compiled a corpus containing texts of the three categories of interest, the Jena Corpus of Expository and Fictional Prose. Two aspects of global structure are investigated, variability and self-similar (...)
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  41.  13
    Skepticism: Cartesian and Kantian.Mahdi Ranaee - 2022 - Dissertation, Universität Potsdam
    This dissertation offers new and original readings of three major texts in the history of Western philosophy: Descartes’s “First Meditation,” Kant’s “Transcendental Deduction,” and his “Refutation of Idealism.” The book argues that each text addresses the problem of skepticism and posits that they have a hitherto underappreciated, organic relationship to one another. The dissertation begins with an analysis of Descartes’ “First Meditation,” which I argue offers two distinct and independent skeptical arguments that differ in both aim and scope. I call (...)
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    Properties of a Transport Instrument for Measuring Psychological Impacts of Delay on Commuters, Mokken Scale Analysis.Mahdi Rezapour, Cristopher Veenstra, Kelly Cuccolo & F. Richard Ferraro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study assessed the validity of instrument including various negative psychological and physical behaviors of commuters due to the public transport delay. Instruments have been mostly evaluated by parametric method of item response theory. However, the IRT has been characterized by some restrictive assumptions about the data, focusing on detailed model fit evaluation. The Mokken scale analysis, as a scaling procedure is a non-parametric method, which does not require adherence to any distribution. The results of the study show that in (...)
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  43.  Semantical Study of Ibn Sina Conception of the Object of Teology : the case of Shefa Illahyat.Mahdi Sepehri - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 2 (2):167-183.
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    Ritualism and disempowerment of education: social semiotics of the educational experience of young Iranian girls.Mahdi Kermani & Zahra Baradarankashani - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (253):169-191.
    Despite recent noticeable changes in women’s educational opportunities in developing countries such as Iran, there is still much controversy surrounding the common assumption that a direct relationship exists between women’s empowerment and formal literacy. According to the social semiotic method, the present research explores the hidden side of the female educational experience and its relationship with empowerment. In the current study, we conducted 39 interviews and analyzed the collected data using Van Leeuwen’s semiotic approach. The results are based on the (...)
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    A New Fragment of Xenocrates and Its Implications.Muhsin Mahdi & Shlomo Pines - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (3):391.
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    Technology Development as a Normative Practice: A Meaning-Based Approach to Learning About Values in Engineering—Damming as a Case Study.Mahdi G. Nia, Mehdi F. Harandi & Marc J. de Vries - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):55-82.
    Engineering, as a complex and multidimensional practice of technology development, has long been a source of ethical concerns. These concerns have been approached from various perspectives. There are ongoing debates in the literature of the philosophy of engineering/technology about how to organize an optimized view of the values entailed in technology development processes. However, these debates deliver little in the way of a concrete rationale or framework that could comprehensively describe different types of engineering values and their multi-aspect interrelations in (...)
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  47.  41
    Why bad feelings predict good behaviours: The role of positive and negative anticipated emotions on consumer ethical decision making.Marco Escadas, Marjan S. Jalali & Minoo Farhangmehr - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):529-545.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Religious observance and perceptions of end‐of‐life care.Mahdi Tarabeih, Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen, Riad Abu Rakia, Tshura Nir, Natalie E. Coolidge & Pazit Azuri - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12347.
    This study examines the impact of the level of religious observance on the attitudes toward end‐of‐life (EOL) decisions and euthanasia of Jews in Israel—where euthanasia is illegal—as compared to Jews living in the USA, in the states where euthanasia is legal. A self‐reporting questionnaire on religiosity and personal beliefs and attitudes regarding EOL care and euthanasia was distributed, using a convenience sample of 271 participants from Israel and the USA. Findings show that significant differences were found in attitudes between Jews (...)
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    Āfāq-i falsafah az ʻaql-i nāb tā ḥikmat-i aḥkām: guft va gūʹhāyī bā duktur Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī ; bih kūshish-i Masʻūd Raz̤avī.Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī - 2000 - Tihrān: Farzān-i Rūz. Edited by Masʻūd Raz̤avī.
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    What Shall We Talk about in Farsi?Mahdi Dahmardeh & R. I. M. Dunbar - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (4):423-433.
    Previous empirical studies have suggested that language is primarily used to exchange social information, but our evidence on this derives mainly from English speakers. We present data from a study of natural conversations among Farsi speakers in Iran and show that not only are conversation groups the same size as those observed in Europe and North America, but people also talk predominantly about social topics. We argue that these results reinforce the suggestion that language most likely evolved for the transmission (...)
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