Results for 'Magee Bryan'

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  1. The Spell of Linguistic Philosophy Bryan Magee Talked to Bernard Williams.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
  2. (1 other version)Bryan Magee Talks to John Passmore About Hume.Bryan Magee - 1987 - Bbc.
  3. Bryan Magee Talks to A. J. Ayre About Frege, Russell and Modern Logic.Bryan Magee - 1987 - Bbc.
  4. Bryan Magee Talks to Hubert Dreyfus About Husserl, Heidegger and Modern Existentialism.Bryan Magee - 1987 - Bbc.
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  5. Bryan Magee Talks to Bernard Williams About Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
  6. Bryan Magee Talks to Geoffrey Warnock About Kant.Bryan Magee, G. J. Warnock, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  7. Bryan Magee Talks to Michael Ayers About Locke and Berkeley.Bryan Magee, Michael Ayers, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  8. Bryan Magee Talks to Martha Nussbaum About Aristotle.Bryan Magee & Martha Craven Nussbaum - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  9. Bryan Magee Talks to Sidney Morgenbesser About the American Pragmatists.Bryan Magee, Sidney Morgenbesser, Inc Bbc Education & Training, Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Worldwide Americas - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  10. What use is Popper to a practical politician?Bryan Magee - 1999 - In Ian Charles Jarvie & Sandra Pralong, Popper's Open Society After Fifty Years: The Continuing Relevance of Karl Popper. New York: Routledge. pp. 146.
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    Popper.Bryan Magee - 1973 - [London]: Collins.
    Overzicht van de ideeën van de Oostenrijks-Engelse wijsgeer (geb. 1902) over de wetenschap en de maatschappij.
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  12. Bryan Magee Talks to Fredrick Copleston About Schopenhauer.Bryan Magee - 1987 - Bbc.
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    On Blindness: Letters Between Bryan Magee and Martin Milligan.Bryan Magee & Martin Milligan - 1995 - Oxford University Press USA.
    On Blindness opens the eyes of the sighted to the world as experience by the blind, offering a unique opportunity to explore the challenges, frustrations, joys - and extraordinary insights - experienced in the everyday business of discovering the world without sight. What difference doessight or its absence make to our ideas about the world? What begins as a philosophical exchange between the noted philosopher and broadcaster Bryan Magee and the late Martin Milligan, activist and philosopher blind almost (...)
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    (1 other version)The philosophy of Schopenhauer.Bryan Magee - 1983 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a revised and enlarged version of Bryan Magee's widely praised study of Schopenhauer, the most comprehensive book on this great philosopher. It contains a brief biography of Schopenhauer, a systematic exposition of his thought, and a critical discussion of the problems to which itgives rise and of its influence on a wide range of thinkers and artists. For this new edition Magee has added three new chapters and made many minor revisions and corrections throughout. This (...)
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  15. Bryan Magee Talks to Myles Burnyeat About Plato.Bryan Magee - 1987 - Bbc.
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    Men of ideas: some creators of contemporary philosophy: [dialogues between] Bryan Magee [and] Isaiah Berlin... [et al.].Bryan Magee - 1978 - London: British Broadcasting Corporation. Edited by Isaiah Berlin.
    Interviews with Isaiah Berlin and others. Bibliography: p. 301-308. Includes index.
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  17. Logical Positivism and its Legacy Dialogue with A. J. Ayer [Offprint].Bryan Magee & A. J. Ayer - 1982
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    Confessions of a Philosopher.Bryan Magee - 1997 - London: George Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
    In this inspirational book Bryan Magee tells the story of his discovery of philosophy, and in doing so introduces the subject to his reader. Experiences of everyday life provide discussion of philosophers and explain why certain philosophical questions persistently exercise our minds. With great fluency Magee untangles philosophy, making it seem part of everyone's life. Intensely personal and brimming with infectious enthusiasm, this is a wonderful introduction to philosophy by one of the most elegant and accessible writers (...)
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  19. The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein Bryan Magee Talked to Anthony Quinton.Anthony Quinton, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1976 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  20. The Philosophy of Science Bryan Magee Talked to Hilary Putnam.Bryan Magee, Hilary Putnam & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  21. Karl Popper.Bryan Magee - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (4):426-427.
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  22. Heidegger and Modern Existentialism Bryan Magee Talked to William Barrett.William Barrett, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  23. Bryan Magee Talks to Peter Singer About Hegel and Marx.Bryan Magee - 1987 - Bbc.
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  24. Bryan Magee talks to Bernard Williams about Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Jill Dawson & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - .
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    Confessions of a Philosopher: A Personal Journey Through Western Philosophy from Plato to Popper.Bryan Magee - 1999 - New York: Modern Library.
    In this infectiously exciting book, Bryan Magee tells the story of his own discovery of philosophy and not only makes it come alive but shows its relevance to daily life. Magee is the Carl Sagan of philosophy, the great popularizer of the subject, and author of a major new introductory history, The Story of Philosophy. Confessions follows the course of Magee's life, exploring philosophers and ideas as he himself encountered them, introducing all the great figures and (...)
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  26. Logical Positivism and its Legacy Bryan Magee Talked to A.J. Ayer.Bryan Magee, A. J. Ayer & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1976 - British Broadcasting Coproration.
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    The story of philosophy.Bryan Magee - 2016 - New York, New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing.
    Presents philosophers and their views from before Socrates to the present and explores possibilities for the future.
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  28. Het geheim van Tristan und Isolde.Bryan Magee - 2001 - Nexus 29.
    Hoe kan de behoefte om 'hartstochtelijk uitdrukking te geven' aan de geestesgesteldheid die teweeggebracht is door het lezen van een wijsgerige verhandeling tegelijkertijd de aanzet vormen tot een eenvoudig muzikaal concept, of zelfs, zoals Wagner zelf stelt, 'mijn minst gecompliceerde muzikale conceptie'? Magee analyseert dit probleem waarmee hij geconfronteerd wordt naar aanleiding van de opera Tristan en Isolde.
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    Modern British philosophy.Bryan Magee & Alfred Jules Ayer - 1971 - London,: Secker & Warburg. Edited by A. J. Ayer.
    Dialogues with British philosophers (A.J. Ayer and others) first broadcast on BBC radio, winter 1970-71.
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  30. Moral Philosophy. Bryan Magee Talked to R.M. Hare.R. M. Hare, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Misunderstanding Schopenhauer: The 1989 Bithell Memorial Lecture.Bryan Magee - 1990
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    Sight Unseen.Bryan Magee & Martin Milligan - 1998 - Phoenix House.
    On Blindness opens the eyes of the sighted to the world as experienced by the blind, offering a unique opportunity to explore the challenges, frustrations, joys - and extraordinary insights - experienced in the everyday business of discovering the world without sight. What difference does sight or its absence make to our ideas about the world?
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  33. The Philosophy of Language Bryan Magee Talked to John R. Searle.John Rogers Searle, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Additions and Omissions.Bryan Magee - 1997 - In The philosophy of Schopenhauer. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In addition to his large‐scale system of metaphysics, Schopenhauer produced many essays, and it was eventually these that made his name and drew attention to his philosophy. The biggest collection of them is called Parerga and Paralipomena. They are of help in understanding the philosophy, because they often contain bolder, more clear‐cut statements of the same points. They are written in an aphoristic style and are the source of many epigrams. For a long time they were more widely read than (...)
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    A note on J. L. Austin and the drama.Bryan Magee - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (1):119-121.
    A play's text is nearly all talk, and in the performance of a play the physical activity is sparse and exceedingly limited. Used of a play, the term ‘action’ does not mean what it normally means. Its true meaning is illuminated by reference to J. L. Austin and his doctrine of speech-acts. Dramatic action is, for the most part, speech-action. And a skilful manipulation of speech-acts enables the gifted dramatist not only to tell a story but to communicate what is (...)
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    A Note on Schopenhauer and Buddhism.Bryan Magee - 1997 - In The philosophy of Schopenhauer. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Schopenhauer did not believe in the existence of God or the soul, yet he thought Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism to contain some of the profoundest of all truths, in symbolic form. He is the only major Western philosopher to take account of the Hindu and Buddhist religions and he shares a number of fundamental doctrines with them. Perhaps surprisingly, some of these have been confirmed by modern science. So there are three‐way comparisons to be made between Schopenhauerism, Buddhism, and modern (...)
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    Schopenhauer and Professor Hamlyn.Bryan Magee - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (233):389-391.
    In any field it is common practice for an editor who is sent a book for review to put it into the hands of a reviewer who has published a book on the same subject. The reasons are self—vident: not only does the reviewer have specialist knowledge, he is known by the journal's readers to have it, and is likely therefore to be accepted by them as an authority. However, there are arguments against the practice which, though less often considered, (...)
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    Ultimate Questions.Bryan Magee - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    How to live meaningfully in the face of the unknowable We human beings had no say in existing—we just opened our eyes and found ourselves here. We have a fundamental need to understand who we are and the world we live in. Reason takes us a long way, but mystery remains. When our minds and senses are baffled, faith can seem justified—but faith is not knowledge. In Ultimate Questions, acclaimed philosopher Bryan Magee provocatively argues that we have no (...)
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    Two. Finding Our Bearings.Bryan Magee - 2016 - In Ultimate Questions. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 17-32.
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    Modern British philosophy.Bryan Magee & Anthony Quinton (eds.) - 1971 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "Under Magee's sensitive guidance a remarkably coherent interpretation of this period emerges."--Marshall Cohen, Listener. "The whole book has a marvellous air of casualness and clarity that makes it a delight to read."--Colin Wilson. Contemporary British philosophy is experiencing unprecedented openness to influences from abroad. New growth is evident in many areas of traditional philosophy which had been neglected by the logical positivists and the linguistic analysts. This sense of freedom permeates Magee's volume of conversations with leading British philosophers. (...)
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    Wagner and Philosophy.Bryan Magee - 2001 - Penguin UK.
    Wagner was one of the few major composers who studied philosophy seriously. Bryan Magee places the composer's artistic development in the context of the philosophy of his age, and gives us the first detailed and comprehensive study of the close links between Wagner and the philosophers - from the pre-Marxist socialists to Feuerbach and Schopenhauer. Magee explores the relationship between words and music, between the conscious and the unconscious mind, between art and philosophy. It tackles soberly and (...)
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  42. An Introduction to Philosophy Bryan Magee Talked to Isaiah Berlin.Isaiah Berlin, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1976 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Frontmatter.Bryan Magee - 2016 - In Ultimate Questions. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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    Four. Can Experience Be Understood?Bryan Magee - 2016 - In Ultimate Questions. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 59-68.
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    More Arguments for Transcendental Idealism.Bryan Magee - 1997 - In The philosophy of Schopenhauer. New York: Oxford University Press.
    At the core of what Schopenhauer took from Kant is transcendental idealism. An understanding of this calls not only for intelligence but for what might be called ‘intellectual imagination’. The nature of whatever faculties we have must limit what they can do, and therefore, unless reality is itself a product of our minds, it is almost certain that there are aspects of an independent reality that we cannot apprehend. Schopenhauer follows Kant in using the word ‘noumenal’ for these and the (...)
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  46. Os Grandes Filósofos.Bryan Magee - 1991 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 47 (4):661-661.
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    Popper's Philosophy and Practical Politics.Bryan Magee - 2007 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 93 (1):55.
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    Schopenhauer's Reputation in Its Changing Historical Context.Bryan Magee - 1997 - In The philosophy of Schopenhauer. New York: Oxford University Press.
    For some 35 years after the publication of his masterpiece, The World as Will and Representation, Schopenhauer was virtually ignored. Then the mood of pessimism brought about across Europe by the failure of the revolutions of 1848 created a climate of opinion favourable to him. After the 1850s, he enjoyed a reputation as one of the ‘great’ philosophers. But in the twentieth century, his work fell into neglect once again. Now a revival of interest is taking place.
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    Three. The Human Predicament.Bryan Magee - 2016 - In Ultimate Questions. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 33-58.
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    What Use is Popper to a Politician?Bryan Magee - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 39:259-273.
    Some years acquire symbolic status, and one such year is 1968. All over Europe and the United States university students exploded into violent rebellion. Insofar as this would-be revolution had an ideology it was unquestionably Marx-inspired, even if the Marxism was not always orthodox. It so happens that in the years 1970–1971 I was teaching philosophy at Balliol College, Oxford. And because of Oxford University's system, almost unique, of individual tuition for undergraduates, this meant I found myself in a continuing (...)
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