Results for 'Madeline Moler'

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  1.  27
    Collective Guilt: Exploring Antisemitism, Knowledge, and Fear in the Nazi Era.Madeline Moler - 2018 - Alétheia: Revista Académica de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón-Unifé 3 (2).
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    Pluripotent stem cell‐derived organoids: A brief history of curiosity‐led discoveries.Madeline A. Lancaster - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400105.
    Organoids are quickly becoming an accepted model for understanding human biology and disease. Pluripotent stem cells (PSC) provide a starting point for many organs and enable modeling of the embryonic development and maturation of such organs. The foundation of PSC‐derived organoids can be found in elegant developmental studies demonstrating the remarkable ability of immature cells to undergo histogenesis even when taken out of the embryo context. PSC‐organoids are an evolution of earlier methods such as embryoid bodies, taken to a new (...)
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    Executive well-being: Updating of positive stimuli in working memory is associated with subjective well-being.Madeline Lee Pe, Peter Koval & Peter Kuppens - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):335-340.
  4. Francis Bacon's philosophy of science: Machina intellectus and forma indita.Madeline M. Muntersbjorn - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1137-1148.
    Francis Bacon (15611626) wrote that good scientists are not like ants (mindlessly gathering data) or spiders (spinning empty theories). Instead, they are like bees, transforming nature into a nourishing product. This essay examines Bacon's "middle way" by elucidating the means he proposes to turn experience and insight into understanding. The human intellect relies on "machines" to extend perceptual limits, check impulsive imaginations, and reveal nature's latent causal structure, or "forms." This constructivist interpretation is not intended to supplant inductivist or experimentalist (...)
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    Feminism, Gender studies, and Medieval Studies.Madeline H. Caviness - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (1):30-45.
    This article traces the multiple and rapid changes that have occurred during the past fifteen years, in theorizing "sex/gender arrangements". A secondary aspect is the reception, application and above all modification of these theories by some scholars of European medieval cultural production, in which varieties of difference are found that do not apply in modern societies. Deconstruction of the binary m/f (whether thought of as sexual or gender difference) erupted among feminist thinkers in the 1990s and eventually "queered" academic discourses (...)
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  6. Hildegard of Bingen: Some Recent Books.Madeline H. Caviness - 2002 - Speculum 77 (1):113-120.
  7.  26
    Quand le ciel bas et lourd….Madeline Chalon - 2012 - le Portique. Revue de Philosophie Et de Sciences Humaines (29).
    Au début des années Trente, Georges Bataille écrit pour La Critique Sociale « La structure psychologique du fascisme ». Ce texte, destiné à penser le fascisme – à le théoriser – fait émerger deux concepts qui traverseront, d’une certaine manière, l’œuvre entière de Bataille : l’homogénéité et l’hétérogénéité. Nous revenons ici sur l’emploi de ces notions, sur ce qu’elles désignent en politique au début des années trente, au temps fâcheux de la montée du fascisme.
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    ‘Hard Workers’: Subjectivities and Social Class in Collegiate Cross Country.Madeline Brighouse Glueck - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (6):733-751.
    In this paper, I use interview data drawn from ethnographic work on a Division 1 collegiate cross country team at a large midwestern university in the United States to demonstrate the ways that possessive individualistic discourses around hard work are embodied in classed subjectivities. I find that middle class women, the products of concerted cultivation, tend to focus on the display of hard work, and have anxiety around the value of their production of a hard-working identity. Working class women tend (...)
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    Organ Donation and the Divine Lien in Talmudic Law.Madeline Kochen - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a new theory of property and distributive justice derived from Talmudic law, illustrated by a case study involving the sale of organs for transplant. Although organ donation did not exist in late antiquity, this book posits a new way, drawn from the Talmud, to conceive of this modern means of giving to others. Our common understanding of organ transfers as either a gift or sale is trapped in a dichotomy that is conceptually and philosophically limiting. Drawing on (...)
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    Après le capitalisme: essai d'écologie politique.Pierre Madelin - 2017 - Montréal (Québec): Écosociété.
  11. Literary individuation : a Jungian approach to creative writing education.Madeline Sonik - 2008 - In Raya A. Jones (ed.), Education and imagination: post-Jungian perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 96--117.
  12.  32
    Interference resolution moderates the impact of rumination and reappraisal on affective experiences in daily life.Madeline Lee Pe, Filip Raes, Peter Koval, Karen Brans, Philippe Verduyn & Peter Kuppens - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):492-501.
  13.  14
    Uniform Properties of Ideals in Rings of Restricted Power Series.Madeline G. Barnicle - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):258-258.
    When is an ideal of a ring radical or prime? By examining its generators, one may in many cases definably and uniformly test the ideal’s properties. We seek to establish such definable formulas in rings of p-adic power series, such as $\mathbb Q_{p}\langle X\rangle $, $\mathbb Z_{p}\langle X\rangle $, and related rings of power series over more general valuation rings and their fraction fields. We obtain a definable, uniform test for radicality, and, in the one-dimensional case, for primality. This builds (...)
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  14.  53
    The Puzzle of Evaluating Moral Cognition in Artificial Agents.Madeline G. Reinecke, Yiran Mao, Markus Kunesch, Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán, Julia Haas & Joel Z. Leibo - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (8):e13315.
    In developing artificial intelligence (AI), researchers often benchmark against human performance as a measure of progress. Is this kind of comparison possible for moral cognition? Given that human moral judgment often hinges on intangible properties like “intention” which may have no natural analog in artificial agents, it may prove difficult to design a “like‐for‐like” comparison between the moral behavior of artificial and human agents. What would a measure of moral behavior for both humans and AI look like? We unravel the (...)
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    Developmental changes in the perceived moral standing of robots.Madeline G. Reinecke, Matti Wilks & Paul Bloom - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105983.
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  16.  42
    Updating in working memory predicts greater emotion reactivity to and facilitated recovery from negative emotion-eliciting stimuli.Madeline L. Pe, Peter Koval, Marlies Houben, Yasemin Erbas, Dominique Champagne & Peter Kuppens - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  17.  43
    Social Cognitive Theory: The Antecedents and Effects of Ethical Climate Fit on Organizational Attitudes of Corporate Accounting Professionals—A Reflection of Client Narcissism and Fraud Attitude Risk.Madeline Ann Domino, Stephen C. Wingreen & James E. Blanton - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):453-467.
    The rash of high-profile accounting frauds involving internal corporate accountants calls into question the individual accountant’s perceptions of the ethical climate within their organization and the limits to which these professionals will tolerate unethical behavior and/or accept it as the norm. This study uses social cognitive theory to examine the antecedents of individual corporate accountant’s perceived personal fit with their organization’s ethical climate and empirically tests how these factors impact organizational attitudes. A survey was completed by 203 corporate accountants to (...)
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    Mental time travel in the rat: Dissociation of recall and familiarity.Madeline J. Eacott & Alexander Easton - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):322-323.
    We examine and reject the claim that the past-directed aspect of mental time travel (episodic memory) is unique to humans. Recent work in our laboratory with rats has demonstrated behaviours that resemble judgements about past occasions. Similar to human episodic memory, we can also demonstrate a dissociation in the neural basis of recollection and familiarity in nonhumans.
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    Féminisme, Gender Studies et études médiévales.Madeline H. Caviness - 2010 - Diogène 225 (1):33-54.
    Résumé Cet article retrace les changements multiples et rapides apparus au cours des quinze dernières années dans la théorisation des rapports entre sexe et genre. Il porte, en deuxième lieu, sur la réception, l’application et par-dessus tout la modification de ces théories par certains spécialistes de la production culturelle dans l’Europe médiévale, où la différence s’exprime sous des formes variées qui n’existent pas nécessairement dans les sociétés modernes. La déconstruction du système binaire masculin/féminin (qu’il soit considéré comme une différence sexuelle (...)
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  20. Mastering New Testament Facts.Madeline H. Beck & Lamar Williamson - 1973
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    Investigating features that contribute to evaluations of intrusiveness for thoughts and memories.Madeline C. Jalbert, Ira E. Hyman, Joseph S. Blythe & Søren R. Staugaard - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 110 (C):103507.
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  22. Neuro-imaging Guidelines for Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury-Pediatric Emergency Medicine Section Newsletter, September 2011.Madeline M. Joseph, Jahn Avarello, Isabel Barata, Ann Marie Dietrich, Robert Hoffman, David Markenson, Mark Hostetler, Gerald Schwarz, Jonathan Valente & Muhammad Waseem - 2007 - Nexus 9:18.
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  23.  10
    DNA and Family Matters.Madeline Kilty - 2016 - Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
    Under the terms of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Australia has ratified, children have a right to know who their genetic parents are. As a result, we have a duty to establish these facts and to make this information available for children to access should they wish to know. Introducing mandatory DNA testing of newborns and their alleged genetic parents is one viable option to ensure that this information is available for children to access. Indeed, (...)
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    Altruism and suffering in the context of cancer.Madeline Li & Gary Rodin - 2011 - In Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan & David Sloan Wilson (eds.), Pathological Altruism. Oxford University Press. pp. 138.
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    La terre, les corps, la mort: essai sur la condition terrestre.Pierre Madelin - 2022 - [Bellevaux]: Éditions Dehors.
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  26.  10
    Hideous Fictions and Horrific Fates.Madeline Muntersbjorn - 2018 - In James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels (eds.), Westworld and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 137–149.
    Westworld calls attention to the fact that freedom comes in kinds as well as in degrees, something philosophers have been trying to explain for as long as people can remember. This chapter explains how distinct Westworld's characters are from each other, and how fresh and real their agonies feel despite reliance on well‐worn tropes. As monstrous humans and hosts play out their hideous fictions but shed tears as they meet their even more horrible fates. One of the premises that makes (...)
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  27.  24
    The Quadrature of Parabolic Segments 1635–1658: A Response to Herbert Breger.Madeline M. Muntersbjorn - 2000 - In Emily Grosholz & Herbert Breger (eds.), The growth of mathematical knowledge. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 231--256.
    When rare documents are collected and reprinted as Opere, Oeuvres, and Gesammelte Schriften, new diagrams are introduced. For the most part the new are faithful reproductions of the old. Sometimes, however, editors correct or simplify diagrams. Thus, before one writes, “so-and-so represents the area to be squared by seven parallelograms,” the more meticulous among us make a before-and-after comparison to insure that the “So-and-so” dividing the space is in fact the mathematician under scrutiny, and not some subsequent draftsman. This underlines (...)
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    Commentary on 'Interprofessional Ethics: A Developing Field?'—A Response to Banks et al. (2010).Madeline Schmitt & Anne Stewart - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (1):72-78.
    In this commentary on a previous Ethics and Social Welfare publication, the authors argue that inclusive and expansive dialogue about interprofessional ethics is more a matter of ??revitalizing?? traditional professional ethics than developing a new field. The dialogue will be most productive of care improvements if it incorporates the service user, includes both health and social care professions, and occurs across countries.
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    The physician countersuit: "More than having to say you're sorry".Madeline J. Tillotson & Elliot L. Sagall - 1977 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 5 (3):4-6.
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    Barber of Damascus: Nouveau Literacy in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Levant. By Dana Sajdi.Madeline C. Zilfi - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (2).
    The Barber of Damascus: Nouveau Literacy in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Levant. By Dana Sajdi. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2012. Pp. xv + 293. $60.
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    Identifying Relevant Topics for Inclusion in an Ethics Curriculum for Anesthesiology Trainees: A Survey of Practitioners in the Field.Madeline J. Pence, Raymond A. Pla, Eric Heinz, Rundell Douglas, Eduard Shaykhinurov & Breanne Jacobs - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-7.
    Anesthesiology training programs are tasked with equipping trainees with the skills to become medically and ethically competent in the practice of anesthesia and to be prepared to obtain board certification, yet there is currently no standardized ethics curriculum within anesthesia training programs in the United States. To bridge this gap, and to provide a validated ethics curriculum to meet the aforementioned needs, in July 2021, a survey was sent to anesthesia scholars in the field of biomedical ethics to identify key (...)
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    The Evolving Social Responsibilities of Internet Corporate Actors: Pointers Past and Present.Robert Madelin - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):455-461.
    The Evolving Social Responsibilities of Internet Corporate Actors: Pointers Past and Present Content Type Journal Article Category Commentary Pages 455-461 DOI 10.1007/s13347-011-0049-0 Authors Robert Madelin, Directorate General Information Society and Media, European Commission, BU25 06/183, 1049 Brussels, Belgium Journal Philosophy & Technology Online ISSN 2210-5441 Print ISSN 2210-5433 Journal Volume Volume 24 Journal Issue Volume 24, Number 4.
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  33. Representational innovation and mathematical ontology.Madeline M. Muntersbjorn - 2003 - Synthese 134 (1-2):159 - 180.
  34. Oral History and the Study of Sexuality in the Lesbian Community: Buffalo, New York, 1940-1960.Madeline Davis - 1986 - Feminist Studies 12 (1):7.
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    Stealing and sharing memories: Source monitoring biases following collaborative remembering.Madeline C. Jalbert, Alia N. Wulff & Ira E. Hyman - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104656.
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    Beyond Consensus: Contesting the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation at the United Nations.Madeline Baer - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (3):361-383.
    Resolutions in the United Nations Human Rights Council and General Assembly provide clarification of economic, social, and cultural (ESC) rights, and most of these resolutions pass by consensus. Yet these resolutions are more contentious than they appear. This article analyzes a case study of contestation over resolutions on two ESC rights: water and sanitation. Drawing from theories of norms contestation, this article analyzes how the USA, UK, and Canada challenged the creation of the rights to water and sanitation as rights (...)
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  37.  87
    Critical studies / book reviews.Madeline M. Munsterbjorn - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (3):341-348.
  38.  39
    Prescription Drugs and Nursing Education: Knowledge Gaps and Implications for Role Performance.Madeline A. Naegle - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (3):257-261.
    Nurses in all practice roles and settings need to understand the therapeutic use and potential for abuse of prescription drugs. Nursing roles, which include the administration and prescription of medication, health teaching and the implications of application, and the detection of drug-related problems, require that such education be timely and comprehensive. This paper discusses the state of knowledge dissemination about prescription drugs within the general context of nursing education. It highlights educational needs and explores the attitudinal factors and knowledge deficits (...)
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    Fatphobia and Inequities in Scarce Resource Allocation: Reflections on CSC Planning Two Years Later.Madeline Ward - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):100-101.
    Crisis standards of care are a significant change in the standard level of medical care that can be given compared to normal healthcare operations. CSC are implemented when a healthcare facility is overrun due to catastrophic events like earthquakes, or in the case of SARS-CoV-2, a global pandemic. Especially in disasters, resources like hospital beds, pharmaceuticals, and staff become stretched thin, and facilities must adapt their allocation strategies for distributing scarce resources. Inevitably, a question arises: How do we allocate scarce (...)
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    Deconstructing the dangerous dogma of denial: the feminist-environmental justice movement and its flight from overpopulation.Madeline Weld - 2012 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 12 (1):53-58.
  41.  67
    Iconoclasm and Iconophobia: Four Historical Case Studies.Madeline H. Caviness - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (3):99-114.
    Iconophobia, literally the fear of religious images, usually occurs in proportion to the powers attributed to them by their believers. In the worst cases, these fears have led to, or coincide with, a cycle of violence that may involve the actual destruction of images (iconoclasm) and of human life. Semiotics helps interpret the interconnectedness of these seemingly separate events. Most iconoclasm involves confusion between the image or sign (such as a statue) and its referent (the actual subject), and a re-encoding (...)
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    An Introduction to Religious Foundations in the Ottoman Empire.Madeline C. Zilfi & John Robert Barnes - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):454.
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    The Multiple Dimensions of Gender Stereotypes: A Current Look at Men’s and Women’s Characterizations of Others and Themselves.Tanja Hentschel, Madeline E. Heilman & Claudia V. Peus - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:376558.
    We used a multi-dimensional framework to assess current stereotypes of men and women. Specifically, we sought to determine (1) how men and women are characterized by male and female raters, (2) how men and women characterize themselves, and (3) the degree of convergence between self-characterizations and charcterizations of one’s gender group. In an experimental study, 628 U.S. male and female raters described men, women, or themselves on scales representing multiple dimensions of the two defining features of gender stereotypes, agency and (...)
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  44. The Right to Know the Identities of Genetic Parents.Madeline Kilty - 2013 - Australian Journal of Adoption 7 (2).
    While in this paper I focus on adoptees, my argument is applicable to donor-conceived children and children of misattributed paternity. I address some of the noted risks of closed adopted and the benefits of open adoption, which is more in keeping with Article 7 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which provides all children with a right to know about their genetic parents and which the Australian government ratified in 1980.
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  45. Associations Between Fear of COVID-19, Affective Symptoms and Risk Perception Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults During a COVID-19 Lockdown. [REVIEW]Madeline F. Y. Han, Rathi Mahendran & Junhong Yu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:638831.
    Fear is a common and potentially distressful psychological response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The factors associated with such fear remains relatively unstudied among older adults. We investigated if fear of COVID-19 could be associated with a combination of psychological factors such as anxiety and depressive symptoms, and risk perception of COVID-19, and demographic factors in a community sample of older adults. Older adults (N= 413,Mage= 69.09 years,SD= 5.45) completed measures of fear of COVID-19, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and risk (...)
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    Sur la reproduction des œuvres d'art conservées dans les musées.Madeline H. Caviness - 2005 - Diogène 211 (3):56-66.
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    Reproducing Works of Art Held in Museums: Who Pays, Who Profits?H. Caviness Madeline - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (3):45-52.
    In keeping with the general theme of the General Assembly of CIPSH in Beijing, 2004, in this article I emphasize the potential of the internet to impact the use of works of art in public and private museums for study and research, and for the publication of research. The possibility exists nowadays of creating a hyper-real ‘musée imaginaire’ or ‘museum without walls’ to use André Malraux's phrase of more than fifty years ago. It is hard to see how it could (...)
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  48.  21
    Exploratory Investigation of Personal Influences on Educators’ Engagement in Engineering Ethics and Societal Impacts Instruction.Madeline Polmear, Angela R. Bielefeldt, Daniel Knight, Chris Swan & Nathan Canney - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (6):3143-3165.
    Cultivating an understanding of ethical responsibilities and the societal impacts of technology is increasingly recognized as an important component in undergraduate engineering curricula. There is growing research on how ethics-related topics are taught and outcomes are attained, especially in the context of accreditation criteria. However, there is a lack of theoretical and empirical understanding of the role that educators play in ethics and societal impacts instruction and the factors that motivate and shape their inclusion of this subject in the courses (...)
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    A Medrese For The Palace: Ottoman Dynastic Legitimation In The Eighteenth Century.Madeline C. Zilfi - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (2):184-191.
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    Chief Eunuch of the Ottoman Harem: From African Slave to Power-Broker. By Jane Hathaway.Madeline C. Zilfi - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4).
    The Chief Eunuch of the Ottoman Harem: From African Slave to Power-Broker. By Jane Hathaway. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. xvi + 323. $105, £75.
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