Results for 'Made Sudarma'

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  1. Etika bisnis dan profesi: perspektif kearifan lokal Tri Hita Karana dan pemikiran lainnya secara integralistik.Anantawikrama Tungga Atmadja, Nengah Bawa Atmadja & Made Sudarma - 2022 - Denpasar, Bali: Pustaka Larasan.
    On business ethics practiced by the Balinese in accordance with their traditional knowledge.
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    Filsafat Sebagai Ancilla Theologiae dan Implementasinya Pada Masa Kini.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2019 - Sesawi 1 (1):31-42.
    Philosophical thinking exists in every human being. But is it true that every philosophical thought is true? Many believers today still have anti-philosophical characteristics. Even though historical facts show that each era has its own philosophical challenges. The historical part of Christianity has shown that there is a good integration between theology and philosophy, so philosophy is said to be ancilla theologiae. Therefore the article was written to try to help believers in the theological understanding of philosophical principles as ancilla (...)
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    This paper is entitled to a theological study of the meaning of the incarnation of Christ and its implementation for Christian spirituality in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) pandemic. The author believes that the problem is due to the spirituality of Christians today. The author observes the fact that Christ's incarnation provides principles of spirituality that can answer this problem. Therefore, through the descriptive analysis method, the author will conduct a theological study of the meaning of the (...)
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    In the context of apologetics known as the presupposition approach and evidentialist approach. However, many debates have led to disputes because of the overwhelming evidence that supports each other. Is it true that the defense of faith and the basis of faith always rest on evidence? Through this paper, we will explore a little about Reformed presuppositions as a theological review of the evidentialist approach.
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    EVALUASI TEOLOGIS TERHADAP RASISME.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2017 - Manna Rafflesia 4 (1):75-91.
    The term race has been applied to humans, so humans began to group themselves among their races, then the emergence of the superiority of the human race against other races is often called racism. Is this really the case of humans, does the Bible agree that humans are divided into racial concepts, how does the Bible state the creation of man against the facts of the human race. Therefore, through this paper will write how God views the reality of the (...)
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  6. Architecture of Bali: A source book of traditional and modern forms.Made Wijaya - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    PENYEMBUHAN PENYAKIT: SEBUAH STUDI EKSEGETIS BERDASARKAN MARKUS 16:17-18.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2018 - Manna Rafflesia 4 (2):148-154.
    The Lord Jesus before ascending to Heaven did say there would be signs accompanying believers, one of which was that they laid their hands on the sick, and the person was healed. Some groups really claim that every believer can cure a disease, is that right? To answer this question, it is very necessary to discuss Mark 16: 17-18. In this discussion using the Historical Redemptive method (redemptive history). So that through discussion with the History of the Atonement method you (...)
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    Kaufverträge im traditionellen ChinaKaufvertrage im traditionellen China.Klaus Mäding, Harro V. Senger & Klaus Mading - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):583.
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    Strafrecht im alten China nach den Strafrechtskapiteln in den Ming-Annalen.Klaus Mäding, Frank Münzel, Klaus Mading & Frank Munzel - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):345.
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    Implikasi The Five Point Of Calvinism (TULIP) Dalam Penginjilan Dan Implementasinya Bagi Cosmic Mission.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2020 - Sesawi 1 (2):64-76.
    Salvation is an important part of the Christian faith. In the acronym, TULIP shows the principle that salvation is certain. A sovereign God saves humans. John Calvin has a soteriological concept that focuses on God's sovereignty. Calvin's soteriological thinking is contained in the TULIP acronym formulation of salvation. At present there are problems with the environment, a great deal of environmental degradation has led to a relational disharmony. Such conditions require responses from people who have been saved so that the (...)
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    EVALUASI TEOLOGIS PANDANGAN KARL BARTH TENTANG PENYATAAN UMUM.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2019 - Manna Rafflesia 6 (1):74-84.
    Humans know God because God reveals himself. The Bible records two ways that God revealed Himself, namely through general revelation and special revelation. God has established public revelations through the means of the universe, conscience and history, so that through these means humans realize the existence of a divine and authoritative person. However, a theologian named Karl Barth rejects the existence of a general statement to be able to know God. Therefore through this paper we will explain general revelation and (...)
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    Tulisan ini berjudul tinjauan teologis perintah jangan mencuri dalam Keluaran 20: 15 berdasarkan perspektif sejarah penebusan. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah melakukan kajian tentang perintah jangan mencuri dalam Keluaran 20: 15. Kajian ini dilakukan sebagai pengembangan untuk memahami perintah jangan mencuri dalam Keluaran 20: 15. Kajian ini juga bertujuan memberikan penjelasan bagaimana penggenapan yang Yesus lakukan terhadap perintah jangan mencuri dalam Keluaran 20: 15, selain itu kajian ini akan menyoroti realisasi perintah jangan mencuri dalam Keluaran 20: 15 pada masa orang percaya (...)
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    Music: ethics and the community.Gisa J.©Þhnichen, Made Mantle Hood & Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda (eds.) - 2015 - Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
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  14. Penggunaan kata Allah dalam alkitab terjemahan baru Indonesia.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2016 - Manna Rafflesia 3 (2):102-111.
    Many people know Jesus Christ and believe he is the Savior, even though that person calls the word God. But many also today claim that the word 'Allah' only has a certain group and is a proper name. This situation created the birth of two groups that were pros and cons in using the word Allah. What is the answer for Christians who keep using the word God? Is it sinful to mention the word Allah? what is the meaning of (...)
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    Fullfilment: Sebuah tinjauan historikal-teologis.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2017 - Manna Rafflesia 3 (2):196-205.
    The study of eschatology is inseparable from the concept of fulfillment. What will be fulfilled at the end of time? Then who is the person who will fulfill everything at the end of time? Therefore, to give an understanding to believers about the teaching of fullfilment, this paper will explore Biblically and formulate systematically by looking at the views of the theologians who wrote the topic.
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    The fifth commandment is part of the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Bible is the eternal word of God, so this fifth Law has a meaning that must be understood in the infinite dimension. The Bible gives the principle that if the man fails to do one of the commandments in the Law, then he has failed. There are many interpretations of this Law, but it only comes down to practical, ethical, and moral dimensions (...)
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    MAKNA PENDERITAAN KRISTUS DALAM 1 PETRUS 2:18-21.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2018 - Manna Rafflesia 5 (1):69-91.
    Suffering is a part of human life after falling into sin. Jesus Christ gave the principle of life carrying the cross. Therefore believers are not free from suffering. Because suffering cannot be avoided, suffering must be faced by believers. Therefore it is very important to provide insight into suffering in 1 Peter. Therefore through this article can open the understanding of believers to face suffering.
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    Tinjauan Teologis Terhadap Postmodernisme Dan Implikasinya Bagi Iman Kristen.Made Nopen Supriadi - 2020 - Manna Rafflesia 6 (2):112-134.
    Times have changed, from pre-modern to modern, and now into postmodern times. The postmodern era is also followed by philosophical thinking from postmodernism. These philosophical thoughts have greatly influenced the lives of many people, who have also touched on aspects of the Christian faith. The principles of postmodernism are subjectivism, anti-history, perspective pluralism, and relativity. These principles have a negative influence on the principles of the Christian faith so that postmodernism is one of the challenges in the Christian faith. The (...)
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  19. Sun[d]ari tiga.I. Made Gambar (ed.) - 1987 - [Denpasar: [S.N.].
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    Regulating The Marketing and Supply of Tourist Accommodation Services Through a Healthy and Fair Digital Platform.Ni Made Trisna Dewi, Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra, Ni Nengah Adiyaryani & I. Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:673-679.
    This article focuses on analyzing and identifying the characteristics of losses arising from the marketing and supply of digital tourist accommodation services based on the business competition law system in Indonesia and on the formulation of marketing and supply arrangements for digital tourist accommodation services that are healthy and fair for all tourism accommodation service business actors. normative research methods used in this research, with primary legal materials in the form of laws and regulations related to monopolistic practices and unfair (...)
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  21. The True Gods of Sound and Stone.John Giordano, Phra Phirap Mask Made by Phra & Siriphong Kharuphankit - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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  22. Edith Wyschogrod.Man-Made Mass Death - 1988 - In Scott Kramer & Kuang-Ming Wu (eds.), Thinking through death. Malabar, FL: R.E. Krieger Pub. Co.. pp. 420.
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  23. Mind the Gap: Empowering International Business to Unite with Bermudian Education.Man-Made Marvels & How Things Work - forthcoming - Mind.
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  24. Agency, structure and archaeological practice.Pots Are Made By People - 2004 - In Andrew Gardner (ed.), Agency uncovered: archaeological perspectives on social agency, power, and being human. Portland, Or.: UCL Press.
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  25. Examining the demanded healthcare information among family caregivers for catalyzing adaptation in female cancer: Insights from home-based cancer care.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda, Made Mahaguna Putra, Abigael Grace Prasetiani, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Adaptation and stress are two main concepts useful for better understanding the phases of illness and health-related human behavior. The two faces of adaptation, adaptation as a process and adaptation as a product, have raised the question of how long the adaptation process will take in cancer trajectories. The care setting transition from clinical-based into home-based cancer care has stressed the role of family caregivers (FCG) in cancer management. This study examines how types of demanded healthcare information affect the FCG’s (...)
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    Exploitation of Bali Traditional Symbols on Today’s Design.I. Made Gede Arimbawa - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):209-222.
    Based on the views of Hindus in Bali, the application of ornaments in the form of Balinese traditional symbols should follow the rules of the prevailing tradition.The symbols are created to show the cosmology and philosophy based on the teachings of Hinduism as indigenous in Bali and function as a means of a sacred ritual. But in reality the designers in Bali often exploit the symbols by “mutilating” and applying them to undue places, motivated by a desire to create a (...)
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    Politieke oriëntatie: een handleiding voor onderwijs en vormingswerk.A. P. Van der Made - 1979 - Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom.
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    Development of thriving at work and organizational citizenship behavior through Islamic work ethics and humble leadership.Suryani Suryani, Budi Sudrajat, Hendryadi Hendryadi, Made Saihu, Euis Amalia & Muhammad Anwar Fathoni - 2022 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1):1-23.
    This study examined the mediation and moderation models of the relationship between Islamic work ethics (IWE), thriving at work, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and leader humility. A total of 418 employees from two different sample groups (Islamic banks and educational institutions) in Indonesia were included. A multiple regression hierarchy with PROCESS was used to test the hypotheses. We found a positive influence of IWE and leader humility on thriving and OCB and thriving at work on OCB. Thriving was found to (...)
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  29. Assessing the needs of healthcare information for assisting family caregivers in cancer fear management: A mindsponge-based approach.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Made Mahaguna Putra, Pande Made Arbi Yudamuckti, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Fear of cancer is mostly related to cancer recurrence, metastasis, additional cancer, and diagnostic tests. Its legacy as a lethal disease has raised fear of approaching death. Currently, cancer’s total suffering and the worsening phenomena have raised fear, especially among female patients. Family caregivers (FCGs) who are responsible for the day-to-day cancer care at home need to help the patients deal with this fear frequently. Due to the limited care competencies, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals in cancer fear (...)
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  30. Preface to “Occupy: Three Inquiries in Disobedience” Preface to “Occupy: Three Inquiries in Disobedience”(pp. 1-7).Political Disobedience Political Disobedience, I. I'M. So Angry, Sign I'M. So Angry & I. Made A. Sign - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 39 (1).
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    The Role of Spoken Language on Performance of Cognitive Tests: the Indonesian Experience.Aria Saloka Immanuel, Heni Gerda Pesau, Ni Made Swasti Wulanyani, Augustina Sulastri & Gilles van Luijtelaar - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (3-4):207-240.
    Indonesia is a multicultural country with hundreds of local languages used by Indonesians with Bahasa Indonesia as a national language and used by the mass media, in formal conversation, at all levels of education, and in written language. This study aimed to investigate whether speaking Bahasa Indonesia in public and at home or not, and whether speaking only Bahasa or besides Bahasa (another language) affects the performance of seven cognitive tests when the assessment was done in Bahasa Indonesia. In case (...)
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    A Better Ape: The Evolution of the Moral Mind and How it Made Us Human.Victor Kumar & Richmond Campbell - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Richmond Campbell.
    Humans are moral creatures. Among all life on Earth, we alone experience rich moral emotions, follow complex rules governing how we treat one another, and engage in moral dialogue. But how did human morality evolve? And can humans become morally evolved? -/- In A Better Ape, Victor Kumar and Richmond Campbell draw on the latest research in the biological and social sciences to explain the key role that morality has played in human evolution. They explore the moral traits that humans (...)
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  33. Made-Up Minds: A Constructivist Approach to Artificial Intelligence.Gary L. Drescher - 1991 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Made-Up Minds addresses fundamental questions of learning and concept invention by means of an innovative computer program that is based on the cognitive ...
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    Biting the Bullet of Consciousness: Easy Problems Made Hard.John Gregg - 2024 - N/A: independent/Amazon KDP.
    You know that you are conscious, but what exactly does that mean, and how could it possibly work? We have machines that can do amazing information processing, but what kind of stuff, or what kind of system, could we say is really conscious? How surprising is it that our own brains are conscious? Biting the Bullet of Consciousness looks at some of the proposals on offer, and comes down on the side of panpsychism, the apparently wacky belief that consciousness, or (...)
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    God made you special!Greg Fritz - 2015 - Nashville, Tennessee: Ideals Children's Books.
    Bob, Larry, and their friends spread the joyful message to children that God made each of us special!
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  36. Meat made us moral: a hypothesis on the nature and evolution of moral judgment.Matteo Mameli - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (6):903-931.
    In the first part of the article, an account of moral judgment in terms of emotional dispositions is given. This account provides an expressivist explanation of three important features of moral demands: inescapability, authority independence and meriting. In the second part of the article, some ideas initially put forward by Christopher Boehm are developed and modified in order to provide a hypothesis about the evolution of the ability to token moral judgments. This hypothesis makes evolutionary sense of inescapability, authority independence (...)
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    Cynical theories: how activist scholarship made everything about race, gender, and identity-and why this harms everybody.Helen Pluckrose - 2020 - Durham, North Carolina: Pitchstone Publishing. Edited by James A. Lindsay.
    Outlines the origin and evolution of postmodern thought over the last half century and argues that the unchecked spread and application of postmodern ideas -- from academia, to activist circles, to the public at large - presents an authoritarian ideological threat not only to liberal democracy but also to modernity itself.
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  38. Ready-Mades: Ontology and Aesthetics.Simon J. Evnine - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (4):407-423.
    I explore the interrelations between the ontological and aesthetic issues raised by ready-mades such as Duchamp’s Fountain. I outline a hylomorphic metaphysics which has two central features. First, hylomorphically complex objects have matter to which they are not identical. Secondly, when such objects are artefacts (including artworks), it is essential to them that they are the products of creative work on their matter. Against this background, I suggest that ready-mades are of aesthetic interest because they pose a dilemma. Is there (...)
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    Made in Whose Image?: Genetic Engineering and Christian Ethics.Thomas Anthony Shannon - 1997 - Humanities Press.
    The ability of medical science to clone and perhaps even predetermine characteristics of certain species conflicts dramatically with many claims of the religious establishment. Opening with a description of various developments in plant, animal, and human genetics, Made in Whose Image? highlights the progress genetic research has achieved, its future promise, and its social impact. The developments are analyzed from the perspective of Christian ethics, as expounded by Roman Catholic and Protestant theorists, to give an overview of crucial ethical (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Made From This Earth: American Women and Nature.Vera Norwood & Jane Maienschein - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (3):493.
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    Images Made by Contagion: On Dermatological Wax Moulages.Mechthild Fend - 2022 - Body and Society 28 (1-2):24-59.
    Moulages are contact media – images made by contagion in the most literal sense: their production relies on a process in which the object to be reproduced is touched by the reproducing material. In the case of dermatological moulages, the plaster touches the infected skin of the sick and, once dried, serves as the negative form for the waxen image of a disease. Focussing on the collection of the Hôpital Saint-Louis in Paris, the article situates the production of dermatological (...)
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  42. Science made up: Constructivist sociology of scientific knowledge.Arthur Fine - manuscript
    (Draft copy published as “Science Made Up: Constructivist Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.” In P. Galison and D. Stump (eds.) The Disunity of Science: Boundaries, Contexts, and Power. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996, pp. 231-54.).
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    (1 other version)From the Crooked Timber of Humanity, Beautiful Things Can Be Made.Anita Silvers - 2000 - In Peg Zeglin Brand (ed.), Beauty Matters. Indiana University Press. pp. 197-221.
    Why is it commonplace for us to contemplate distorted depictions of faces with eagerness and enjoyment, but to be repelled by real people whose physiognomies resemble the depicted ones? More generally, what makes perceiving pictured physically anomalous individuals so different from perceiving physically anomalous people themselves? . . . I will suggest how we can theorize human beauty, as we do beauty in art, so as to savor, rather than rebuff, novelty, disproportionateness, and even crookedness in the human shape. For (...)
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  44. Man-Made Lowlands; History of Water Management and Land Reclamation in The Netherlands.G. P. Van De Ven & H. G. Van Bueren - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (3):317-318.
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    Worldmaking Made Hard.Michael Devitt - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):3-25.
    Against arealist background, the paper starts by demonstrating the horror of the very popular doctrine, “Worldmaking”, according to which a known world is partly constructed by our imposition of concepts. The rest of the paper aims to make worldmaking hard. (i) It rejects the usual episternological and semantic paths to Worldmaking arguing that they use the wrong methodology and proceed in the wrong direction. (ii) It considers the relation between Worldmaking and the response-dependency theory of concepts. Philip Pettit has proposed (...)
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    Enlightening Book History: Gary Kates’s The Books that Made the European Enlightenment.Richard B. Sher - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (2):319-322.
    Gary Kates has written an admirable and original study, which also happens to be a very good read. In a series of ‘case studies’ of eighteenth-century books, Kates shows how a significant ‘sample’...
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    Art made for pictures.John Kulvicki & Bence Nanay - 2018 - Phenomenology and Mind 14:120-134.
    Over the last fifteen years, communication has become pictorial in a manner that it never was before. Billions of people have smart phones that enable them to take, edit, and share pictures easily whenever they choose to do so. This has created expressive niches within which new activities, with their own norms, continue to develop. Ready availability of these pictorial modes of communication, we claim, not only constitutes a change in the range of our communicative practices, but also changes the (...)
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    Made with Words: Hobbes on Language, Mind, and Politics.Philip Pettit - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    He has an astonishing range, and in this book he expands it still further. More than a mere introduction, Made with Words offers a coherent and well-argued picture of most of the main components of Hobbes's wide-ranging philosophy.
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    Law Made Flesh: Homosexual Acts.Leslie J. Moran - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (1):39-55.
    This article examines the intelligibilities and unintelligibilities through which the sense and nonsense of the male body in its sexual relations with other male bodies is made in law. Taking as its point of departure a recent high profile prosecution against seven men, `the Bolton Seven', for consensual sexual relations, its particular focus is the metaphors of space through which the truth of this male body is imagined within the law. The article examines the simultaneous production of various spatio-corporeal (...)
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  50. Pearl Jam's Ghosts : The Ethical Claim Made from the Exiled Space(s) of Homelessness and War-An Aesthetic Response-Ability.Jacqueline Moulton - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari (eds.), Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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