Results for 'M. Pisa'

957 found
  1.  21
    A heuristically useful but empirically weak neuropsychological model of schizophrenia.M. Pisa & J. M. Cleghorn - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):42-43.
  2.  92
    M. C. Spadoni: Reate. II. L’Antiquaria. Pp. 160. Pisa and Rome: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 1998. Paper. ISBN: 88-8147-144-2. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (1):346-347.
  3.  13
    La costruzione del discorso filosofico nell'età dei presocratici (Pisa 2006). [REVIEW]M. Bonazzi - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (3):381-382.
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  4.  32
    Amstrong, J., Il potere segreto della bellezza. Una guida al Bello di ogni epoca, Parma, Guanda, 2007. Angelini, E., Le idee e le cose. La teoria della percezione di Descar-tes, Pisa, ETS, 2007. Aristotele, Metaphysics. Book Y, a cura di S. Makin, Oxford, Cla. [REVIEW]M. Baldi, B. Faes De Mottoni, G. Barberis, F. Belfiore, B. Biagiotti, F. Bonicali, F. Bonicalzi, Jaca Milano, A. Brancacci & G. Gigliotti - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia 98 (3).
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  5.  67
    Elizabeth Van Nes Ditmars: Sophocles' Antigone: Lyric Shape and Meaning. (Biblioteca di Studi Antichi, 69.) Pp. xvi+195. I Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori, 1992. Paper. [REVIEW]M. Mantziou - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (1):200-200.
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  6.  66
    Antonio La Penna: Tersite censurato e altri studi di letteratura fra antico e moderno. (Saggi di Varia Umanitá, 29.) Pp. 469. Pisa: NistriLischi, 1991. Paper, L. 40,000. [REVIEW]M. J. McGann - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (2):488-488.
  7.  42
    (A.) Gostoli (ed., trans.) Omero: Margite. (Testi e Commenti 21.) Pp. 96. Pisa and Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore for Istituto di filologia classica, Università degli Studi di Urbino, 2007. Paper, €32. ISBN: 978-88-6227-082-. [REVIEW]M. L. West - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):291-.
  8.  43
    Education - (F.) Bellandi, (R.) Ferri (edd.) Aspetti della scuola nel mondo romano. Atti del Convengo (Pisa, 5–6 dicembre 2006). (Supplementi di Lexis 51.) Pp. ii + 343. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 2008. Paper, €76. ISBN: 978-90-256-1233-7. [REVIEW]Catherine M. Chin - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):244-246.
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  9.  66
    Didactic Addressees - A. Schiesaro, P. Mitsis, J. S. Clay (edd.): Mega nepios. Il destinatario nell' epos didascalico. (Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 31). Pp. 282. Pisa: Giardini, 1993. Paper, L. 20,000. [REVIEW]M. Gale - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):62-64.
  10.  45
    The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's de Generatione Et Corruptione: Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern.J. M. M. H. Thijssen & H. A. G. Braakhuis - 1999 - Brepols Publishers.
    In this book, a dozen distinguished scholars in the field of the history of philosophy and science investigate aspects of the commentary tradition on Aristotle's De generatione et corruptione, one of the least studied among Aristotle's treatises in natural philosophy. Many famous thinkers such as Johannes Philoponus, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, John Buridan, Nicole Oresme, Francesco Piccolomini, Jacopo Zabarella, and Galileo Galilei wrote commentaries on it. The distinctive feature of the present book is that it approaches this commentary tradition (...)
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  11.  34
    Galileo’s Early Notebooks. [REVIEW]M. E. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (4):689-690.
    When Favaro compiled his magisterial 20-volume edition of Galileo’s works, he left aside a large quantity of manuscripts in Galileo’s hand, dating apparently from his youth. The Juvenilia, as Favaro called them, are written in Latin and deal with the standard topics covered in courses in natural philosophy and logic at that time. Two different dates of composition have been proposed: c. 1584, when the twenty-year-old Galileo was a student at the University of Pisa and c. 1590 when he (...)
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  12.  45
    (A.) Russo (ed.) Quinto Ennio: Le opere minori. Introduzione, edizione critica dei frammenti e commento. Volume 1. Praecepta, Protrepticus, Saturae, Scipio, Sota. (Testi e Studi di Cultura Classica 40.) Pp. 299. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2007. Paper, €23. ISBN: 978-88-467-1819-. [REVIEW]Sander M. Goldberg - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):309.
  13.  36
    Fabrizi Mores veteresque novosque. Rappresentazioni del passato e del presente di Roma negli Annales di Ennio. Pp. 252. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2012. Paper, €22. ISBN: 978-88-467-3454-9. [REVIEW]Sander M. Goldberg - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (2):626-627.
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  14.  16
    Visions of Damietta: St. Francis, Robert Grosseteste, and the Crusades, 1219–1253.Rosamund M. Gammie - 2023 - Franciscan Studies 81 (1):141-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Visions of Damietta:St. Francis, Robert Grosseteste, and the Crusades, 1219–1253Rosamund M. Gammie (bio)A peculiar and under-explored event in Robert Grosseteste's (d. 1253) life is that of his supposed dream-vision in 1249, reported posthumously and in only one source, the Lanercost chronicle.1 The vision foreshadows the loss of Damietta in Egypt the following year, during the Seventh Crusade (1249–54) under the leadership of Louis IX. The parallels to St. Francis's (...)
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  15.  43
    La componente autobiografica nella poesia greca e latina: fra realtà e artificio letterario. Atti del Convegno Pisa 16–17 maggio 1991. [REVIEW]J. M. Bremer - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (1):174-175.
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  16.  47
    POLYAENUS M. T. Schettino: Introduzione a Polieno . Pp. 341. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 1998 [1999]. Paper, L. 45,000. ISBN: 88-467-0179-. [REVIEW]Everett L. Wheeler - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (01):36-.
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  17.  40
    Sassi (M.M.) (ed.) La costruzione del discorso filosofico nell'età dei Presocratici. (Seminari e Convegni 5.) Pp. xii + 397. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2006. Paper, €30. ISBN: 978-88-7642-108-. [REVIEW]Malcolm Schofield - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):4-6.
  18.  48
    M. B ETTALLI : I mercenari nel mondo greco I: dalle origini alla fine del V sec. a.C. (Studi e testi di storia antica, 5.) Pp. 176, 4 maps. Pisa: ETS, 1995. Paper, L. 30,000. ISBN: 88-7741-882-. [REVIEW]Phlip de Souza - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):281-282.
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  19.  17
    Computer Science Logic. CSL’92, San Miniato, Italy. Selected Papers.Egon Börger, Gerhard Jäger, Hans Kleine Büning, Simone Martini & Michael M. Richter (eds.) - 1993 - Springer.
    This volume presents the proceedings of the Computer Science Logic Workshop CSL '92, held in Pisa, Italy, in September/October 1992. CSL '92 was the sixth of the series and the first one held as Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). Full versions of the workshop contributions were collected after their presentation and reviewed. On the basis of 58 reviews, 26 papers were selected for publication, and appear here in revised final form. Topics covered in (...)
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  20.  46
    S.M. Medaglia, P. Radici, L. Rossetti, S. Sconocchia (eds.): Dizionario delle Scienze e delle Tecniche di Grecia e Roma, Pisa/Roma: Fabrizio Serra, 2 v., 2010, 1346 pp. [REVIEW]Antonietta D'Alessandro - 2012 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 24 (1):205-216.
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  21.  38
    (M.M.) Sassi (ed.) Tracce nella mente. Teorie della memoria da Platone ai moderni. (Seminari e Convegni 9.) Pp. x + 265, ills. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2007. Paper, €30. ISBN: 978-88-7642-222-. [REVIEW]Roberto Lo Presti - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):295-.
  22. P. Radici Colace, S. M. Medaglia, L. Rossetti, S. Sconocchia (ed.), Il Dizionario delle scienze e delle tecniche di Grecia e Roma, 2 vols., Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra, 2010. [REVIEW]Tonia D'Alessandro - forthcoming - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental.
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  23.  33
    M. bratti, D. checchi E A. filippin, da Dove vengono le competenze degli studenti? I divari territoriali nell'indagine ocse Pisa 2003. [REVIEW]G. Ballarino - 2008 - Polis 22 (2):340-343.
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  24.  34
    Fucecchi (M.) (ed., trans.) Una guerra in Colchide. Valerio Flacco, Argonautiche 6.1–426. (Testi e Studi di Cultura Classica 38.) Pp. 389. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2006. Paper, €23. ISBN: 978-88-467-1442-. [REVIEW]Emma Buckley - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):148-150.
  25.  26
    Controversies on, in, Around, and About the Subject: Barrotta P. & Dascal M. : Controversies and Subjectivity. Italian Culture Institute in London, University of Pisa/tel Aviv University Controversies 1, 2005. x, 411 pp. ISBN 978 90 272 1881 0/eur 125.00, ISBN 978 1 58811 615 4/usd 169.00.Gabor A. Zemplen - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (1):115-121.
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  26.  21
    G. Garzella, M. L. Ceccarelli Lemut, and B. Casini, Studi sugli strumenti di scambio a Pisa nel medioevo. Pisa: Pacini, 1979. Paper. Pp. vi, 171. L 14,000. [REVIEW]David Herlihy - 1981 - Speculum 56 (1):217.
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  27.  51
    Monetary Terminology M. Caccamo Caltabiano, P. Radici Colace: Dalla premoneta alla moneta. Lessico monetale greco tra semantica e ideologia. Pp. xix+217, 6 plates. Pisa: ETS Editrice, 1992. Paper, L. 28,000. [REVIEW]K. E. T. Butcher - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (02):398-400.
  28.  55
    Gendering magic C. A. Faraone: Ancient greek love magic . Pp. XIV + 223. Cambridge, ma and London: Harvard university press, 1999. Cased, £21.95. Isbn: 0-674-03320-5. M. Giordano: La parola efficace. Maledizioni, giuramenti E benedizioni nella grecia arcaica . Pp. 70. Pisa and Rome: Istituti editoriali E poligrafici internazionali, 1999. Paper. Isbn: 88-8147-153-. [REVIEW]Daniel Ogden - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (02):476-.
  29.  48
    B. Gentili, F. Perusino : La colometria antica dei testi poetic greci. Pp. 234. Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 1999. Paper. ISBN: 88-8147-190-6. - M. C. Martinelli: Gli strumenti del poeta. Elementi di metrica greca. Pp. ix + 321. Bologna: Cappelli editore, 1995. Paper, L. 42,000. ISBN: 88-379-0742-7. [REVIEW]Robert L. Fowler - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):412-413.
  30.  39
    A Conference on the Survival of Tragedy L. Battezzato (ed.): Tradizione testuale e ricezione letteraria antica della tragedia greca. Atti del convegno Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 14–15 giugno 2002 . (Supplementi di Lexis 20.) Pp. vi + 207. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert Editore, 2003. Paper. ISBN: 90-256-1175-. [REVIEW]David Sansone - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (01):37-.
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  31.  91
    Herodotus T. Harrison: Divinity and History. The Religion of Herodotus . Pp. xii + 320. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000. Cased, £45. ISBN: 0-19-815291-4. M. Dorati: Le Storie di Erodoto: etnografia e racconto . Pp. 236. Pisa and Rome: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2000. Paper. ISBN: 88-8147-155-8. R. Bichler: Herodots Welt. Der Aufbau der Historie am Bild der Fremden Länder und Völker, ihrer Zivilisation und ihrer Geschichte . Pp. 424, maps. Munich: Oldenbourg, Akademie Verlag, 2000. Cased. ISBN: 3-05-003429-. [REVIEW]Charles W. Fornara - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):238-.
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  32.  30
    Mathematical Projection of Nature in M. Heidegger's Phenomenology. His 'Unwritten Dogma' on Thought Experiments.Panos Theodorou - 2022 - In Aristides Baltas & Thodoris Dimitrakos (eds.), Philosophy and Sciences in the 20th Century, Volume II. Crete University Press. pp. 215-242.
    In §69.b of BT Heidegger attempts an existential genetic analysis of science, i.e. a phenomenology of the conceptual process of the constitution of the logical view of science (science seen as theory) starting from the Dasein. It attempts to do so by examining the special intentional-existential modification of (human) being-in-the-world, which is called the "mathematical projection of nature"; that is, by examining that special modification of our being, which places us in the state of experience that presents the world to (...)
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  33.  30
    Les Olympia d'Alexandrie et le pancratiaste M. Aur. Asklèpiadès.Jean-Yves Strasser - 2004 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 128 (1):421-468.
    Jean-Yves Strasser The Olympia of Alexandria and the Pancratiast M. Aur. Asklepiades p.421-468 The Alexandrian Olympia are known thanks to inscriptions and especially papyri. The latter mention the olympionikoi, who may have been victors not in the great competition at Pisa, but in the Olympia of the Egyptian city. These competitions, created under Marcus Aurelius, became eiselastikoi under Gallien; they were first celebrated in 268. Like the majority of the great competitions in Egypt, they took place in the winter (...)
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  34.  13
    Proclus: Alcibiades I. Proclus - 1971 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff. Edited by William O'Neill.
    This translation and commentary is based on the Critical Text and Indices of Proclus: Commentary on the First Alcibiades of Plato, Amsterdam 1954, by L. G. Westerink. Index II has been of great help in the translation, and the commentary is much indebted to the critical apparatus. Dr. Westerink has also been kind enough to forward his views on the relatively few problems which the Greek text has presented. A further debt is owed to the review of Dr. Westerink's text (...)
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  35.  14
    (9 other versions)Thèses de doctorat soutenues en 2006.No Author - 2007 - Methodos 7.
    Carlitria Bordigoni, Elementi formulari nella dizione eschilea Thèse soutenue le 21 mars 2006 à l'Université de Trente (dans le cadre du Doctorat internationale Lille-Trente). Composition du jury : M. Pierre Judet de La Combe (CNRS/EHESS) M. Enrico Medda (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) MmePatrizia Mureddu (Università degli Studi di Cagliari) M. Luigi Enrico Rossi (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza") M. Philippe Rousseau (Université de Lille 3) Hervé Vautrelle, Figures et système..
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  36. Descartes: The Arguments of the Philosophers.M. D. Wilson - 1978
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  37. Shamanism.M. Eliade - 1964
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  38. The Logic of Explanation in Psychoanalysis.M. SHERWOOD - 1969
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  39.  7
    Olympiodori in Platonis Gorgiam commentaria. Olympiodorus - 1970 - ISSN.
    Die Bibliotheca Teubneriana, gegr ndet 1849, ist die weltweit lteste, traditionsreichste und umfangreichste Editionsreihe griechischer und lateinischer Literatur von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Pro Jahr erscheinen 4-5 neue Editionen. S mtliche Ausgaben werden durch eine lateinische Praefatio erg nzt. Die wissenschaftliche Betreuung der Reihe obliegt einem Team anerkannter Philologen: Gian Biagio Conte (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) James Diggle (University of Cambridge) Donald J. Mastronarde (University of California, Berkeley) Franco Montanari (Universit di Genova) Heinz-G nther Nesselrath (Georg-August-Universit t (...)
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  40.  77
    Learning and consciousness during general anesthesia.M. M. Ghoneim & R. I. Block - 1992 - Anesthesiology 76:279-305.
  41.  61
    Mechanisms of remembering the past and imagining the future – New data from autobiographical memory tasks in a lifespan approach.M. Abram, L. Picard, B. Navarro & P. Piolino - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:76-89.
  42. A Semantics for Degree Questions Based on Intervals: Negative Islands and Their Obviation: Articles.M. árta AbrusáN. & Benjamin Spector - 2011 - Journal of Semantics 28 (1):107-147.
    According to the standard analysis of degree questions, the logical form of a degree question contains a variable that ranges over individual degrees and is bound by the degree question operator how. In contrast with this, we claim that the variable bound by the degree question operator how does not range over individual degrees but over intervals of degrees, by analogy with Schwarzschild and Wilkinson's proposal regarding the semantics of comparative clauses. Not only does the interval-based semantics predict the existence (...)
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  43. Obligations and prohibitions in Talmudic deontic logic.M. Abraham, D. M. Gabbay & U. Schild - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 19 (2-3):117-148.
    This paper examines the deontic logic of the Talmud. We shall find, by looking at examples, that at first approximation we need deontic logic with several connectives: O T A Talmudic obligation F T A Talmudic prohibition F D A Standard deontic prohibition O D A Standard deontic obligation. In classical logic one would have expected that deontic obligation O D is definable by $O_DA \equiv F_D\neg A$ and that O T and F T are connected by $O_TA \equiv F_T\neg (...)
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  44.  14
    Porphyrii Philosophi fragmenta: Fragmenta Arabica David Wasserstein interpretante. Porphyrius - 1993 - De Gruyter.
    Die Bibliotheca Teubneriana, gegr ndet 1849, ist die weltweit lteste, traditionsreichste und umfangreichste Editionsreihe griechischer und lateinischer Literatur von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Pro Jahr erscheinen 4-5 neue Editionen. S mtliche Ausgaben werden durch eine lateinische Praefatio erg nzt. Die wissenschaftliche Betreuung der Reihe obliegt einem Team anerkannter Philologen: Gian Biagio Conte (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) James Diggle (University of Cambridge) Donald J. Mastronarde (University of California, Berkeley) Franco Montanari (Universit di Genova) Heinz-G nther Nesselrath (Georg-August-Universit t (...)
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  45.  32
    Response of Giovanni Miccoli.Giovanni Miccoli - 2004 - Franciscan Studies 62 (1):15-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:7 Franciscan Studies 62 (2004) THE FRANCISCAN INSTITUTE HONORS GIOVANNI MICCOLI On July 16, 2004 Professor Giovanni Miccoli, a respected scholar of medieval, Church and Franciscan history, received the Franciscan Institute Medal from St. Bonaventure University during its celebration of the Feast of St. Bonaventure. University president Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., and Fr. Michael Cusato, O.F.M., director of The Franciscan Institute and dean of the School of Franciscan Studies, (...)
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  46.  38
    Do Tanzanian hospitals need healthcare ethics committees? Report on the 2014 Dartmouth/Penn Research Ethics Training and Program Development for Tanzania (DPRET) workshop.M. Aboud, D. Bukini, R. Waddell, L. Peterson, R. Joseph, B. M. Morris, J. Shayo, K. Williams, J. F. Merz & C. M. Ulrich - 2018 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 11 (2):75.
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  47. On the Legal and Moral Status of Abortion.M. A. Warren - 1997 - In Hugh LaFollette - (ed.), Ethics in Practice. Blackwell.
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  48.  21
    Ad se ipsum libri XII.Marcus Aurelius Antonius - 1987 - De Gruyter.
    Die Bibliotheca Teubneriana, gegr ndet 1849, ist die weltweit lteste, traditionsreichste und umfangreichste Editionsreihe griechischer und lateinischer Literatur von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Pro Jahr erscheinen 4-5 neue Editionen. S mtliche Ausgaben werden durch eine lateinische Praefatio erg nzt. Die wissenschaftliche Betreuung der Reihe obliegt einem Team anerkannter Philologen: Gian Biagio Conte (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) James Diggle (University of Cambridge) Donald J. Mastronarde (University of California, Berkeley) Franco Montanari (Universit di Genova) Heinz-G nther Nesselrath (Georg-August-Universit t (...)
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  49. Doing Things with Texts: Essays in Criticism and Critical Theory.M. H. Abrams - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (2):173-175.
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    Language in the World: A Philosophical Enquiry.M. J. Cresswell - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What makes the words we speak mean what they do? Possible-worlds semantics articulates the view that the meanings of words contribute to determining, for each sentence, which possible worlds would make the sentence true, and which would make it false. M. J. Cresswell argues that the non-semantic facts on which such semantic facts supervene are facts about the causal interactions between the linguistic behaviour of speakers and the facts in the world that they are speaking about, and that the kind (...)
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