Results for 'M. Habermann'

959 found
  1.  26
    Ethics and nursing management: announcing the inauguration of a German workgroup consisting of lecturers and representatives of nursing institutions to discuss actual ethical problems and their consequences for curriculum development and necessary future research: research report.M. Habermann & O. Dibelius - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (3):269.
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    Scientific misconduct from the perspective of research coordinators: a national survey.E. R. Pryor, B. Habermann & M. E. Broome - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (6):365-369.
    Objective: To report results from a national survey of coordinators and managers of clinical research studies in the US on their perceptions of and experiences with scientific misconduct.Methods: Data were collected using the Scientific Misconduct Questionnaire-Revised. Eligible responses were received from 1645 of 5302 surveys sent to members of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals and to subscribers of Research Practitioner, published by the Center for Clinical Research Practice, between February 2004 and January 2005.Findings: Overall, the perceived frequency of misconduct (...)
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    Implementation of an Ethics Committee in a University Mental Health Clinic.M. Azcárraga & S. Derive - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):177-184.
    Mental disorders in university students are very frequent, therefore higher education institutions have established in-campus mental healthcare centres. These clinics have particular characteristics that differ from other mental health centres, as they report to and represent an educational institution, while at the same time looking after the interests and well-being of patients requesting assistance, thus generating unique bioethical conflicts. Ethics Committees are useful tools to offer support to mental health professionals in making ethical decisions. In order to respond to these (...)
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  4. Introducing an Epistemological Paradigm and Its Ontological Origin through the Metaphysical Deconstruction of Language as the Model of Expression.M. Wang - 2024 - Deanandfrancis 1 (9):10.
    The model of language can relatively concretely reveal the mechanism of the epistemology, which is extended by the ontology that takes “person” as the unit. It unveils an intuitable dimension to represent the epistemolog’s paradigm and limitations. Deriving from the inherent relation between epistemology and ontology, the retrospection of the epistemology’s ontological origin can be actualized by locating or grasping the epistemological first person’s ontological essence. Hence, the illusional and frail essence of the ontology behind this epistemology would be uncovered. (...)
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  5. Singularities and Genetic Structure in Deleuze's Logic of Sense.M. Curtis Allen - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (3):226-236.
    This article presents formal correspondences between the ontological and logical structures of Deleuze’s theory of sense-events in the Logic of Sense as a “post-Cantorian orientation of thought” (Livingston 2012), grappling with an essential incompleteness or inconsistency at the heart of both Being and thought, one which Deleuze champions positively under the equation Ungrounding = Becoming. Through it, Deleuze’s sometimes slippery use of the concept of singularity (and its relation to the virtual) is elaborated, elucidating a post-Cantorian metaphysics of events, distinct (...)
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  6.  56
    Merleau-Ponty: Space, Place, Architecture, written by Patricia M. Locke & Rachel McCann.Christopher M. Aanstoos - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (1):145-148.
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  7. Mancia Per l'Anno Nuovo a Una Dama, o Avviso Ad Una Figlia. Tr. Da F.M.George Savile & M. F. - 1734
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  8. Concepto humanista de la historia.M. H. Alberti & Juan B. Justo (eds.) - 1966 - Buenos Aires,: Ediciones Líbera.
    Juan B. Justo en la historia y el pensamiento argentinos, por A. Solari.--Teoría y práctica de la historia, por M. H. Alberti.--La base biológica de la historia, por F. Escardó.--La técnica, por A. Justo.--La economía, por R. Bogliolo.--La guerra, por A. G. Rodríguez.--La política, por A. Ghioldi.--La lucha de ciases, por R. Mondolfo.--El salariado, por M. Palacín.--Las formas típicas del privilegio, por J. L. Pena.--El gremialismo proletario, por E. Frugoni.--La cooperación libre, por N. Repetto.--La democracia obrera, por L. Pan.--La religión, (...)
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  9.  27
    Decisions on Innovation or Research for Devastating Disease.M. H. Andreae, L. D. Shah, V. Shepherd, M. Sheehan, H. S. Sacks & R. Rhodes - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):28-31.
    In their paper, “Helpful Lessons and Cautionary Tales: How Should COVID-19 Drug Development and Access Inform Approaches to Non-Pandemic Diseases?” Holly Fernandez Lynch and colleagues have present...
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  10.  30
    Domestic Society in Medieval Europe: A Select Bibliography.M. Sheehan & J. Murray - 1990 - PIMS.
    A Select Bibliography Michael McMahon Sheehan Jacqueline Murray. 16 Ritual and Iconography 134 12-14c Studies in Medieval Domestic Architecture ed M.J. Swanton (London 1975). [English aristocratic housing] 135 11-12c WEDZKI,...
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  11.  18
    What is Philosophy of Science?M. M. W. - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (1):1-4.
    Philosophy of science is the organized expression of a growing intent among philosophers and scientists to clarify, perhaps unify, the programs, methods and results of the disciplines of philosophy and of science. The examination of fundamental concepts and presuppositions in the light of the positive results of science, systematic doubt of the positive results, and a thorough-going analysis and critique of logic and of language, are typical projects for this joint effort. It is not necessary to be committed to a (...)
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  12.  10
    Mens en recht: essays tussen rechtstheorie en rechtspraktijk : liber amicorum J.M. Broekman.Jan M. Broekman & Frank Fleerackers - 1997 - Peeters Pub & Booksellers.
    Wat is de plaats van het recht in de samenleving? Hoe fungeert het juridisch discours? Wie is de mens van het recht? Waartoe leiden de semantische transformaties die het recht tot een eigen discours maken? Hoe gaat de maatschappij met het juridisch discours om? Hoe verhoudt het rechtsbeleid zich tot de rechtswetenschap? Hoe verhouden de verschillende vakgebieden binnen het recht zich tot elkaar? Deze en andere vragen tussen rechtsfilosofie, rechtstheorie en rechtspraktijk worden in een collectie wetenschappelijke teksten geconfronteerd met kritische (...)
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  13. Kant, La Religión dentro de los límites de la merá Razón, tr. F. M. Marzoa.F. M. Moliner - 1971 - Kant Studien 62 (3):402.
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  14.  16
    Summary of the 71st Meeting of the Bureau of the S.I.E.P.M.Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen - 2006 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 48:345-355.
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  15. Unifying Themes in the Oeuvre of John M. Headley.James M. Weiss - 2013 - In Peter Iver Kaufman, From the Renaissance to the modern world: a tribute to John M. Headley. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI.
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  16.  25
    Place and the Structuring of Cross-Sector Partnerships: The Moral and Material Conflicts Over Healthcare and Homelessness.M. Hassan Awad - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (4):933-955.
    Local places, such as communities, cities, and towns, host many cross-cross sector partnerships, many geared primarily toward alleviating local social and environmental issues. Yet, existing literatures focus predominantly on largescale systemic impact and global challenges such as climate change, paying scant attention to the role of local, geographically bounded dynamics in shaping these partnerships. In this article, I conceptualize places as geographic locations imbued with specific meaning systems and material resources to unpack how local embeddedness shape the structure of cross-sector (...)
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  17. On three-valued Moisil algebras.M. Abad & L. Monteiro - 1984 - Logique Et Analyse 27 (8):407-414.
  18.  39
    The indispensability of moral principles in governance.M. E. Abam - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2).
  19. Iz istorii filosofskoĭ i obshchestvenno-politicheskoĭ mysli Dagestana: s drevneĭshikh vremen do prisoedinenii︠a︡ Dagestana k Rossii.M. A. Abdullaev - 1993 - Makhachkala: MRIP "I︠U︡piter".
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  20. Maʻālim al-tafkīr al-falsafī ʻinda al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm al-Ẓāhirī.Saʻd ʻAbd al-Salām - 2013 - al-Jazāʼir: Muʼassasat Kunūz al-Ḥikmah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  21.  24
    A Demographic Analysis of Consumer Environmental Attitudes about Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Brazil.M. Abreu & J. Lins - 2010 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 15 (2):6-14.
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  22. Marksistsko-leninskai︠a︡ ėstetika.M. N. Afasizhev & M. F. Ovsi︠a︡nnikov (eds.) - 1973
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  23. Tratamiento del deficiente auditivo.Mª E. Agrela - forthcoming - Enfoques.
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  24.  13
    The philosophy of non-attachment: the way to spiritual freedom in Indian thought.M. M. Agrawal - 1982 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
  25. v.15. Bhedābheda and Dvaitādvaita systems.M. M. Agrawal & Karl H. Potter - 1970 - In Karl H. Potter, The encyclopedia of Indian philosophies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
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  26. Preryvnoe i nepreryvnoe: materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika.M. D. Akhundov, Mikhail Alekseevich Parni︠u︡k, V. V. Kizima & V. A. Ryzhko (eds.) - 1983 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  27.  20
    Genealogy as Paradigm:: The Example of Bellerophon.M. Alden - 1996 - Hermes 124 (3):257-263.
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  28. Les reliefs de la Sainte-Sophie de Trébizonde.M. Alpatov - 1927 - Byzantion 4:407-18.
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  29. (1 other version)Our Goal Must Not Be Revenge.M. A. M. A. - 1982 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 53:150.
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  30.  7
    Teorii︠a︡ vremeni, ili, Print︠s︡ip stanovlenii︠a︡ form materii.M. R. Amirbegov - 2002 - Moskva: Izd-vo FGUP "Shcherbinskai︠a︡ tipografii︠a︡".
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  31. Libertad informatica y nuevos derechos.M. R. A. Amoros - 1993 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 33.
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  32. P. Garavaso, N. Vassallo, Filosofia delle donne.M. C. Amoretti - 2007 - Epistemologia 30 (2):365-366.
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  33.  9
    2. Triangulation between Externalism and Internalism.M. Cristina Amoretti - 2011 - In Maria Cristina Amoretti & Gerhard Preyer, Triangulation: From an Epistemological Point of View. de Gruyter. pp. 47-68.
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  34. Questioni aperte nel dibattito sull'antispecismo.M. Andreozzi - 2012 - In Marco Celentano, Barbara De Mori, Paolo Zecchinato & E. Alleva, Etologia ed etica. Roma: Aracne. pp. 163--175.
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  35. Artificial intelligence and autonomous car.M. Ariturk, S. Yavuz & T. Allahviranloo - 2020 - In Snehashish Chakraverty, Mathematical methods in interdisciplinary sciences. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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  36. Revue Des livres-histoire de l'art.M. Arnold, M. Chevallier & R. Gounelle - 2007 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 87 (1):82.
  37. Rekursivno perechislimye mnozhestva i stepeni nerazreshimosti.M. M. Arslanov - 1986 - Kazanʹ: Izdatelʹstvo Kazanskogo universiteta.
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  38.  73
    Naive realism and illusions of reflection.M. Arthadeva - 1957 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 35 (3):155 – 169.
  39. Ajaran moral dalam perspektif Sidharta Gautama dan Al-Ghazali.M. Asyur - 2009 - In Ahmad Syukri Saleh, Ahmad Syukri Baharuddin & A. A. Miftah, Islam and contemporary issues on Islamic education, law, philosophy, and economy. Jambi: PPs IAIN STS Jambi.
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  40.  50
    The Relativistic Geometry and Dynamics of Electrons.M. F. Atiyah & J. Malkoun - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (2):199-208.
    Atiyah and Sutcliffe made a number of conjectures about configurations of N distinct points in hyperbolic 3-space, arising from ideas of Berry and Robbins. In this paper we prove all these conjectures, purely geometrically, but we also provide a physical interpretation in terms of Electrons.
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  41. Abd-El-Khalick, F., 787 Adúriz-Bravo, A., 27 Allchin, D., 315 Astore, WJ, 185.M. W. Aulls, M. Ben-Ari, A. Berarroch, M. Bunge, L. M. Burko, L. Cardellini, M. Cini, A. Cordero, K. C. De Berg & J. Dodick - 2003 - Science & Education 12:807-808.
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  42. Double effect, principle or doctrine of.M. P. Aulisio - 2003 - Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3:685-90.
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  43. La destruction de l'icône du Christ de la Chalcé par Léon III: Propagande ou réalité?M. -F. Auzépy - 1990 - Byzantion 60:445-492.
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  44. Die Apostasie des Elischa ben Abuya L'apostasie d'E. ben A.M. Ayali - 1988 - Kairos (misc) 30:31-40.
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  45.  38
    ¿ Por qué ocurre la extinción de las especies?(What causes species extinction?).M. H. Badii & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):614-622.
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  46. ' 'Relativism: A Brief History.M. Baghramian - 2010 - In Michael Krausz, Relativism: A Contemporary Anthology. Columbia University Press.
  47.  11
    Vsi︠a︡koe dykhanie.M. I︠U︡ Bakulin - 2016 - Tiumenʹ: Russkai︠a︡ nedeli︠a︡.
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  48. B. Ochino, Laberinti del libero arbitrio.M. Baldi - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 21 (3):569-573.
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  49. Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay," Les Voyages de Cyrus";" Les principes philosophiques".M. Baldi - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2004 (3):837-839.
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  50.  25
    Caritas italiana e Fondazione Emanuela Zancan, Ripartire dai poveri. Rapporto 2008 su povertà ed esclusione sociale in Italia.M. Baldini - 2009 - Polis (Misc) 23 (1):157-158.
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