Michael Decker [21]M. Decker [2]Matthew Decker [1]Marie Christin Decker [1]
Michael P. Decker [1]
  1.  32
    Teaching Scientific Integrity in Academia: What and How Students Want to Learn?N. Sira, M. Decker, C. Lemke, A. Winkens, C. Leicht-Scholten & D. Groß - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-20.
    Training in scientific integrity continues to be an important topic in universities and other research institutions. Its main goal is to prevent scientific misconduct and promote good scientific practice. However, there is still no consensus on how scientific integrity should be taught. Moreover, the perspective of those who receive such training is often underrepresented. Yet it is precisely their interests and needs that must be considered when developing educational programs. Against this backdrop, we conducted a mixed-methods study with the goal (...)
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    Ethics and HTA: some lessons and challenges for the future.Rob Reuzel, Wija Oortwijn, Michael Decker, Christian Clausen, Pedro Gallo, John Grin, Armin Grunwald, Leo Hennen, Gert Jan van der Wilt & Yutaka Yoshinaka - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 2 (2-3):247-256.
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    Robo- and informationethics: some fundamentals.Michael P. Decker & Mathias Gutmann (eds.) - 2012 - Zürich: Lit.
    This book focuses on some of the most pressing methodological, ethical, and technique-philosophical questions that are connected with the concept of artificial autonomous systems. (Series: Hermeneutics and Anthropology / Hermeneutik und ...
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    The role of ethics in interdisciplinary technology assessment.Michael Decker - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 2 (s 2-3):139-156.
    Technology Assessment (TA) is a problem oriented endeavour dealing with political, societal, ecological, etc. problems. Only in rare cases is one individual scientific discipline sufficient to assess these problems. Usually the perspectives of different scientific disciplines have to be combined in order to develop interdisciplinary based recommendations to act. In this paper a quality controlled interdisciplinary discussion process is described which encourages an expert group to generate argumentation chains cross-cutting the disciplinary boundaries. The role of ethical reflection in this procedure (...)
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    Service robotics: do you know your new companion? Framing an interdisciplinary technology assessment.Indra Spiecker Genannt Döhmann, Ingrid Ott, Mathias Gutmann, Martin Fischer, Thomas Dreier, Rüdiger Dillmann & Michael Decker - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (1):25-44.
    Service-Robotic—mainly defined as “non-industrial robotics”—is identified as the next economical success story to be expected after robots have been ubiquitously implemented into industrial production lines. Under the heading of service-robotic, we found a widespread area of applications reaching from robotics in agriculture and in the public transportation system to service robots applied in private homes. We propose for our interdisciplinary perspective of technology assessment to take the human user/worker as common focus. In some cases, the user/worker is the effective subject (...)
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  6. Ethics and HTA: some lessons and challenges for the future.Rob Reuzel, Wija Oortwijn, Michael Decker, Christian Clausen, Pedro Gallo, John Grin, Armin Grunwald, Leo Hennen, GertJan van der Wilt & Yutaka Yoshinaka - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis: International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science 2 (2):247-256.
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    Service robots in the mirror of reflective research.Michael Decker - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 9 (3):181-200.
    Service robotics has increasingly become the focus of reflective research on new technologies over the last decade. The current state of technology is characterized by prototypical robot systems developed for specific application scenarios outside factories. This has enabled context-based Science and Technology Studies and technology assessments of service robotic systems. This contribution describes the status quo of this reflective research as the starting point for interdisciplinary technology assessment (TA), taking account of TA studies and, in particular, of publications from the (...)
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    Introduction.Wija Oortwijn, Rob Reuzel & Michael Decker - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 2 (s 2-3):97-101.
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    Procedural fairness in algorithmic decision-making: the role of public engagement.Marie Christin Decker, Laila Wegner & Carmen Leicht-Scholten - 2025 - Ethics and Information Technology 27 (1):1-16.
    Despite the widespread use of automated decision-making (ADM) systems, they are often developed without involving the public or those directly affected, leading to concerns about systematic biases that may perpetuate structural injustices. Existing formal fairness approaches primarily focus on statistical outcomes across demographic groups or individual fairness, yet these methods reveal ambiguities and limitations in addressing fairness comprehensively. This paper argues for a holistic approach to algorithmic fairness that integrates procedural fairness, considering both decision-making processes and their outcomes. Procedural fairness (...)
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    Service robots on their way? First steps of an interdisciplinary technology assessment.Michael Decker & Ulrike Henckel - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 9 (3):177-180.
    Interdisciplinary research calls together different scientific disciplines in order to answer a research question which cannot be answered by an individual discipline alone. Technology Assessment (TA) is a problem-oriented approach (Bechmann and Frederichs 1996) dealing with the non-technical aspects of technology development, in order to gain knowledge about the (un-)intended consequences, the (un-)desired impacts, the main and side-effects and the chances and risks of (new) technologies. Moreover, by applying TA, scientists can develop potential solutions to solve societal or political problems (...)
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  11. The Authorship and Context of Early Byzantine Farming Manuals.Michael Decker - 2007 - Byzantion 77:106-115.
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    When should there be which kind of technology assessment? A plea for a strictly problem-oriented approach from the very outset.Michael Decker & Torsten Fleischer - 2010 - Poiesis and Praxis 7 (1-2):117-133.
    Technology assessment is generally classified as problem-oriented and thus transdisciplinary research. This is due to the fact that the aim of TA is to work out solutions for problems outside science in order to offer advice to its addressees, namely those working in politics and science and members of society in general. In this paper, we propose that the problem-oriented approach also be used as the basis for the decision regarding when a TA should be conducted in a particular situation, (...)
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  13. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Cognitive Conditions and Tools.Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Nancy Nersessian, Jan C. Schmidt, Michael Decker & Paul Hirsch - 2010 - White Paper for Nsf's Sbe 2020: Future Research in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences.
    Interdisciplinary collaboration figures centrally in frontier research in many fields. Participants in inter-disciplinary projects face problems they would not encounter within their own disciplines. Among those are problems of mutual understanding, of finding a language to communicate both within projects and with the scientific community and society at large, and of needing to master concepts and methods of different disciplines. We think that a concentrated research and development effort is necessary to analyze, on the one hand, cognitive conditions of successful (...)
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  14. Ethical inquiry and (health) technology assessment: The social shaping perspective.W. Oortwijn, R. Reuzel & M. Decker - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 2:91.
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  15.  39
    Bone Marrow Micro‐Environment in Normal and Deranged Hematopoiesis: Opportunities for Regenerative Medicine and Therapies.Shawn M. Sarkaria, Matthew Decker & Lei Ding - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (3):1700190.
    Various cell types cooperate to create a highly organized and dynamic micro-environmental niche in the bone marrow. Over the past several years, the field has increasingly recognized the critical roles of the interplay between bone marrow environment and hematopoietic cells in normal and deranged hematopoiesis. These advances rely on several new technologies that have allowed us to characterize the identity and roles of these niches in great detail. Here, we review the progress of the last several years, list some of (...)
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  16. Caregiving robots and ethical reflection: the perspective of interdisciplinary technology assessment. [REVIEW]Michael Decker - 2008 - AI and Society 22 (3):315-330.
    Autonomous robots that are capable of learning are being developed to make it easier for human actors to achieve their goals. As such, robots are primarily a means to an end and replace human actions. An interdisciplinary technology assessment was carried out to determine the extent to which a replacement of this kind makes ethical sense in terms of technology, economics and legal aspects. Proceeding from an ethical perspective, derived from Kant’s formula of humanity, in this article we analyse the (...)
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    Armin Grunwald: Technik f�r die Gesellschaft von morgen. M�glichkeiten und Grenzen gesellschaftlicher Technikgestaltung. [REVIEW]Michael Decker - 2003 - Poiesis and Praxis 1 (3):231-238.
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    Armin Grunwald: Technik fr die Gesellschaft von morgen. Mglichkeiten und Grenzen gesellschaftlicher TechnikgestaltungCampus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, 2000, 314 pp (ISBN 3-593-36750-5), Euros 34.90. [REVIEW]Michael Decker - 2003 - Poiesis and Praxis 3.
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  19.  77
    Participation in 'big style': first observations at the German citizens' dialogue on future technologies. [REVIEW]Michael Decker & Torsten Fleischer - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 9 (1):81-99.
    In 2010, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research started a series of citizens’ dialogues on future technologies. In the context of the German history of public participation in technology-oriented policy making, these dialogues are unique for at least two reasons: The Federal Ministry retains the responsibility for the entire process and is heavily involved in its planning, organization and communication, and the number of participants and process elements is significantly higher than in most other participative events. The paper (...)
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