Michelle Beer [5]Max Beer [4]M. Dominic Beer [2]Michelle C. M. Beer [2]
Michelle Clara Marthe Beer [1]Michael Beer [1]Moshe Beer [1]M. Beer [1]

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  1. Temporal indexicals and the passage of time.Michelle Beer - 1988 - Philosophical Quarterly 38 (151):158-164.
  2. Tense and truth conditions.Michelle Beer - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (2):265-269.
    The B-theory of time holds that McTaggart’s A-series of past, present, and future is reducible to the B-series of events running from earlier to later. According to the date-theory—originally put forth by J.J.C. Smart and later endorsed by by D.H. Mellor—the truth conditions of tensed or Asentence-tokens can be given in terms of tenseless or B-sentences and, therefore, A-sentence-tokens do not ascribe any A-determinations of pastness, presentness, or futurity. However, as Nathan Oaklander has argued, the date-theory does not provide an (...)
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    A Defense of the Co-Reporting Theory of Tensed and Tenseless Essences.Michelle Beer - 2007 - Philo 10 (1):59-65.
    The co-reporting theory holds that for every A-sentence-token there is a B-sentence that differs in sense but reports the same event orstate of affairs. Thus, if it is now t7, what is reported by now tokening “It is t7 now” is identical with what is reported by tokening “It is t7 at t7.” Quentin Smith has argued that the fact that the sentence-tokens differ in sense but are co-reporting is compatible with the A-theory supposition that their difference in sense consists (...)
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    Christian Choices in Healthcare.M. Dominic Beer - 1995
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    Is Temporal Becoming Mind-Dependent?Michelle C. M. Beer - 1989 - Southwest Philosophy Review 5 (1):63-69.
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    On the Individual Essences of Moments of Time.Michelle Beer - 2007 - Philo 10 (1):69-71.
    In “Can the New Tenseless Theory of Time be Saved by Individual Essences?” Smith objects to the co-reporting theory on the groundsthat, since it grants that every time “now” is tokened it expresses a unique individual essence of that time which can be apprehended only at that time, the co-reporting theory is consistent with an A-theory of time that holds that each moment of time acquires its own particular property of presentness. I argue that Smith’s conclusion does not follow, since (...)
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  7. Prior's' Thank Goodness that's Over'Objection to the B-theory.Michelle Beer - 2008 - In L. Nathan Oaklander (ed.), The philosophy of time. New York: Routledge.
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  8. Schopenhauer.Margrieta Beer - 1914 - New York,: Dodge publishing co..
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    The nature, causes and types of ecstasy.M. Dominic Beer - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (4):311-315.
  10. Les Antinomies Socialistes et l'évolution du socialisme français.J. Delevsky, Max Beer, F. Engels & G. Plekhanov - 1931 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 111:308-311.
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    Review of M. Beer and R. H. Tawney: A History of British Socialism[REVIEW]M. Beer & R. H. Tawney - 1941 - Ethics 51 (2):234-236.
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    Fish-Eating (D.) Mylona Fish-eating in Greece from the Fifth Century B.C. to the Seventh Century A.D. (BAR International Series 1754.) Pp. viii + 171, b/w & colour ills. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2008. Paper, £31. ISBN: 978-1-4073-0193-. [REVIEW]Michael Beer - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):587-.
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    Other Times: Philosophical Perspectives on Past, Present and Future. [REVIEW]Michelle C. M. Beer - 1999 - International Philosophical Quarterly 39 (1):112-113.
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