Results for 'Métaphysique, Métaphysics, Thomas d'Aquin, Thomas Aquinas, Thomisme, Thomism, Aristote, Aristotle, Théologie, Theology'

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  1.  4
    Reading Aristotle with Thomas Aquinas: His Commentaries on Aristotle’s Major Works by Leo J. Elders (review).O. P. Efrem Jindráček - 2024 - The Thomist 88 (4):718-722.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reading Aristotle with Thomas Aquinas: His Commentaries on Aristotle’s Major Works by Leo J. EldersEfrem Jindráček O.P.Reading Aristotle with Thomas Aquinas: His Commentaries on Aristotle’s Major Works. By Leo J. Elders. Edited by JÖrgen Vijgen. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023. Pp. xi + 560. $75.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 978-0-8132-3579-0.The prolific Thomistic scholar Jörgen Vijgen has edited a new book by the well-known and (...)
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  2. Une métaphysique propre à Thomas d’Aquin?Guy-François Delaporte - 2017 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 73 (2):167-180.
    Résumé : Le thème de la Métaphysique de l’acte d’être a connu un succès jamais démenti au cours du siècle dernier, avec des auteurs comme Gilson, Maritain ou Fabro, pour ne citer que les plus célèbres. Pourtant, des questions de fond n’ont jamais reçu de réponse satisfaisante, et ont laissé le sentiment d’une doctrine inachevée et inachevable. Trois observations contribuent à cette insatisfaction : la quasi-absence d’une telle problématique chez Thomas d’Aquin, les désaccords entre certains points de la théorie (...)
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    Traité de l'interprétation d'Aristote: commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin (complément de Thomas de Vio dit Cajétan).Thomas D'Aquin & Thomas Cajetan - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Guy-François Delaporte & Tommaso de Vio Cajetan.
    " En écrivant son Traité de l'Interprétation, Aristote a trempé sa plume à l'encre de son esprit! " L'antique remarque de Cassiodore vaut encore aujourd'hui tant la matière étudiée est complexe et le style ramassé. Aristote démonte les mécanismes du langage philosophique, aux confins de la linguistique et de la métaphysique. Il offre à cette occasion des développements fondateurs sur la formulation de la vérité, les règles de mise en contradiction, les propositions universelles, la contingence des jugements sur le futur, (...)
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    La « Somme théologique » de Thomas d'Aquin aux xvie-xviiie siècles.Philippe Lécrivain - 2003 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 3 (3):397-427.
    On discerne habituellement trois grands moments dans l’histoire du thomisme : les cent cinquante années qui suivirent la mort de Thomas d’Aquin , les efflorescences des XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, et le temps qui suivit l’encyclique Aeterna Patris de Léon XIII. A quoi s’ajoute un quatrième moment, celui des dernières décennies, dont rend compte dans ce dossier J.-P. Torrell. La contribution de Ph. Lécrivain s’en tient à ce moment où, poussés par l’humanisme et l’ « évangélisme », les théologiens souhaitent une (...)
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    Thomas, Thomisms, and Truth.Bruce D. Marshall - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):499-524.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THOMAS, THOMISMS, AND TRUTH BRUCE D. MARSHALL Saint Olaf College Northfield, Minnesota I HE GREAT, as Hegel's dictum has it, condemn the rest f us to the task of understanding them. We take our evenge upon the great, especialy upon great thinkers, by enlisting them for our own purposes, as our supporters and defenders in conflicts perhaps quite different from those in which they themselves were engaged. (...) Aquinas was a master, virtually without peer, at the intellectual enlistment of the great, and he himself has been perhaps as widely and variously recruited as any of those to whom he devoted his own attentions. When we enlist Thomas for our own purposes with some consistency and success, the result is a " Thomism," of which there have been many, sometimes quite conflicting varieties. My article " Aquinas as Postliberal Theologian " does not propose anything so developed as a Thomism, but perhaps at most a fragment of one.1 In their responses to it, Frederick J. Crosson and Louis 1 The Thomist 53 (1989) : 353-402. The interpretation of Thomas proposed there bears a family resemblance to that of some recent Thomisms and so is not wholly without precedent. Cf. Michel Corbin, Le chemin de la theologie chez Thomas D'Aquin (Paris: Beauchesne, 1974); Otto Herman Pesch, Die Theologie der Rechtfertigung bei Martin Luther und Thomas von Aquin (Mainz: Matthias-Grunewald-Verlag, 1967) ; idem, Thomas von Aquin: Grenze und Grosse mittelalterlichen Theologie, 2nd ed. (Mainz: MatthiasGrunewald -Verlag, 1989); Gerhard Ludwig Muller, "Hebt das Sola-FidePrinzip die Moglichkeit einer naturlichen Theologie auf? Eine Ruckfrage bei Thomas von Aquin," Catholica 40 (1986) : 59-96; Victor Preller, Divine Science and the Science of God (Princeton: University Press, 1967). Reference to these Thomisms should not, of course, be taken to constitute agreement with any particular claim one of them may make. 499 500 BRUCE D. MARSHALL Roy, O.P., argue that as a piece of Thomism-as the enlistment of Thomas in defense and support of a particular contemporary view of truth, meaning, and epistemic justification-it is at best unpromising. In so doing, they indicate, at least in part, what views on these matters they think Thomas can plausibly be enlisted to support, that is, the sort of Thomism they find more convincing. Great thinkers are not, however, defenseless against our efforts to recruit them for our ends. Especially in the case of one whose thought is as ramified, precise, and historically distant as is that of Thomas Aquinas, these efforts are likely to meet with some resistance. (Indeed, we will be inclined to distrust them if they claim not to.) We may even find ourselves compelled to refashion our own ends in order not to forgo plausible appeal to his precedent and support. Sometimes different Thomisms will no doubt include purposes distant enough from Thomas's own (as best we can grasp them) that it may be impossible to adjudicate conflicts between them by appeal to his texts. But in many cases it ought to be possible to decide reasonably between competing Thomisms (that is, to decide which more plausibly enlists Thomas for its own purposes) by assessing the amount and type of resistance each meets from the text of Thomas (of course this includes the possibility that competition between Thomisms reflects unresolved conflict within Thomas's own thought). In the present case the prospect of reasonable adjudication seems much increased by the fact that the large issues with which it is concerned -truth, meaning, and justification-tend to coalesce around what seems to be a straightforward matter of fact: whether Thomas taught that persons without Christian faith, and especially pre-Christian philosophers, knew, or were even able to know, God. Crosson and Roy both argue that the implausibility of my interpretation of Aquinas on these larger issues-the linking of a comprehensively coherentist account of justification an~ a contextualist account of meaning to Thomas's correspondence notion of truth-is especially clear in its attribution to Thomas of a posi- THOMA$, THOMISMS, AND TRUTH 501 tion he manifestly rejects: that a pre-Christian philosopher like Aristotle did not, and indeed could not, know God. This seems obvious to most modern Thomisms, which, however... (shrink)
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    Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil by Camille de Belloy.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):472-476.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil by Camille de BelloyThomas M. Osborne Jr.Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil. By Camille de Belloy, O.P. Paris: Vrin, 2014. Pp. 297. €32.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-2-7116-2605-2.This book is a discussion of La Structure de l’âme et l’expérience mystique (1927) by (...)
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  7. Supposition, Signification, and Universals: Metaphysical and Linguistic Complexity in Aquinas.Eileen Sweeney - 1995 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 42 (3):267-290.
    Etude de la théorie de la supposition développée par Saint Thomas d'Aquin dans le cadre de ses réflexions sur les universaux. Distinguant les différents types de supposition et leur relation avec la signification, l'A. montre que la théorie thomiste de la supposition illustre la position théologique et métaphysique de Saint Thomas concernant l'unité du divin.
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    Théologie révélée versus théologie philosophique : Siger de Brabant renverse Thomas d'Aquin.Fabienne Pironet - 2004 - Philosophiques 31 (2):311-347.
    Dans les quelques paragraphes qu’il consacre à la comparaison entre la théologie révélée et la théologie philosophique, Siger de Brabant procède à de nombreux écarts par rapport au texte de Thomas d’Aquin qui lui sert de modèle. Cet article a pour but de montrer comment dans le même mouvement par lequel Siger reconnaît la supériorité de la théologie révélée sur plusieurs points, il en limite pourtant aussitôt, et assez strictement, le champ aussi bien du point de vue de la (...)
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  9.  22
    Commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin sur le Traité de l'âme d'Aristote.Guy-François Delaporte - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Guy-François Delaporte.
    Le Commentaire du Traité de l'âme d'Aristote par Thomas d'Aquin est le cinquième des commentaires fondamentaux des oeuvres d'Aristote traduits en langue française. Avec celui des Physiques, de la Métaphysique, de l'Interprétation et des Analytiques, il fonde l'édifice de la philosophie de Thomas d'Aquin et assure les contreforts de sa théologie. Ce traité se présente comme un vaste essai de définition de l'âme et principalement de l'âme humaine, avec en filigrane, une question lancinante : cette âme est-elle immortelle? (...)
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    Quelques observations sur la réception du livre XII de la Métaphysique chez Thomas d’Aquin.Ruedi Imbach - 2016 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 99 (3):377-407.
    Cette étude est consacrée à la réception du livre XII de la Métaphysique aristotélicienne dans l’œuvre de Thomas d’Aquin. Après une brève analyse de toutes les références à ce livre chez Thomas, l’auteur compare la manière dont Averroès, Albert le Grand et Thomas d’Aquin structurent leurs Commentaires du livre Lambda. Finalement, l’auteur analyse le commentaire thomasien des chapitres du texte aristotélicien où il est question de la connaissance divine.
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    Autour de Saint Thomas d 'Aquin Recueil d'études sur sa pensée philosophique et théologique, 2 vols. [REVIEW]E. de Jong - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (1):137-140.
    This collection of essays by the well-known Aristotle and Aquinas scholar, presented to him at the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, forms a good overview of his broad scholarship. The two volumes, entitled The Commentaries on Aristotle: The Metaphysics of Being and Moral Action. Theological Approaches, contain twenty-two articles of which fourteen are written in French, six in English, one in German, and one in Spanish.
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    The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas: Introductory Readings ed. by Christopher Martin.Robert D. Anderson - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (1):149-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 149 temporary, might he an eyeopener to young Thomists who know so little about his work. In the meantime, however, in this English version of The Eyes of Faith a primary source of first importance has come our way. Catholic libraries should definitely have it on hand for philosophers and theologians to consult. Fordham University Bronx, New York GERALD A. McCooL, S.J. The Phuosophy of Thomas (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) and Mulla Sadra Shirazi (980/1572–1050/1640) and the Primacy of esse/wujûd in Philosophical Theology[REVIEW]Thomas D.-Aquin - 1999 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 8:207-219.
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    Substance et essence, entre Aristote et Thomas d’Aquin.Enrico Berti - 2020 - Chôra 18:351-368.
    The article shows that Thomas Aquinas in many of his works interprets the passage Aristot. Metaph. II 1, 993 19‑31, as expounding a theory of degrees of truth and of being, which is not the true Aristotelian doctrine. This is due to the fact that he interprets ≪the eternal things≫, mentioned by Aristotle in that passage, as the heavenly bodies, and their principles as the unmoved movers, while Aristotle is speaking of the eternal truths, i.e. the truths of scientific (...)
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    The metaphysics of love.Frederick D. Wilhelmsen - 1962 - New York,: Sheed & Ward.
    The Metaphysics of Love develops the existential metaphysics of St. Thomas Aquinas, applying it to explore the ontological structure of the human person. Published first in 1962, this book demonstrates the fertility of Thomistic metaphysics and the enduring influence of Thomism on Western philosophy. It uncovers the ecstatic structure of human existence, in dialogue with philosophers ranging from Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas, to Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Tillich, Zubiri, and Ortega y Gassett, as well as theologians and historians Romano Guardini, (...)
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    Was St. Thomas Aquinas a Platonist?Luis Cortest - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):209-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WAS ST. THOMAS AQUINAS A PLATONIST? FORTY YEARS AGO, few students would have called St. Thomas Aquinas a Platonist. At that time he was almost universally recognized as a brilliant exponent of medieval Aristotelianism. In fact, St. Thomas was considered by many to be a " pure " Aristotelian. This position was aptly expl'essed by Bertrand Russell, in his History of Western Philosophy : Aquinas, unlike (...)
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  17.  70
    Psychology and Theodicy in Aquinas.John R. Bowlin - 1998 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 7 (2):129-156.
    Throughout much of this century the most prominent exegetes maintained that Aquinas’s mature moral psychology is fundamentally voluntarist, that he considers the will an independent cause of action, most conspicuously in his later works. Disagreement over the character of the will’s causal authority and the composition of the list of later works did little to unsettle their shared conviction that Aristotle’s intellectualist moral psychology was improved, indeed saved, by Aquinas’s insistence that the will can move itself, at least in some (...)
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    Die Metaphysik des Thomas von Aquin in historischer Perspektive, II.Teil by Leo J. Elders. [REVIEW]Joseph Owens - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (2):337-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 887 could also be useful in a science course as an outside reading for those interested in expanding their intellectual horizons in an inter· disciplinary way. F. F. CENTORE St. Jerome's College U. of Waterloo, Ontario Die Metaphysik des Thomas von Aquin in historischer Perspektive, ILTeil. Salzburger Studien zur Philosophie, Band 17. By LEO J. ELDERS. Salzburg/Miinchen: Verlag Anton Pustet, 1987. Pp. 331. Paper, DM 54. (...)
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    Saint Thomas d'Aquin et le Mal. [REVIEW]Joseph D'Amécourt - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):162-165.
    This volume is the published version of a dissertation presented for the Doctorate in Theology at the Institut Catholique of Paris. The author has chosen a historical method to investigate this complex question. His main thesis is that Aquinas is free from the unacceptable position held by Leibniz concerning the necessity of evil in the created world. In order to make his point, Sentis divides his work into four different chapters preceded by a lengthy introduction. Chapter 1 and 2 (...)
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  20. Lecture du commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin sur le traité de la démonstration d'Aristote: Savoir, c'est connaître la cause.Guy-François Delaporte - 2005 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    C’est un véritable Discours de la Méthode qu’Aristote nous livre avec son traité de la démonstration intitulé Seconds Analytiques. Avec lui, l’auteur parvient au sommet de l’art logique dont il est le véritable inventeur.
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  21. L'amitié et la fragilité chez Aristote et Thomas d'Aquin.Gaëlle Fiasse - 2012 - In Jacques Fierens (ed.), Jérusalem, Athènes et Rome. Liber amicorum X. Dijon. pp. 109-129.
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    Dieu et l’être d’après Thomas d’Aquin et Hegel by Emilio Brito.Thomas O'meara - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):706-708.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:706 BOOK REVIEWS struments of redemption for others. Mary is the primary exemplar of receiving her Son's redeeming love in freedom and of wholeheartedly mediating his graces to all he has redeemed. The final essay, "Mary and Modernity," is most timely for American Christians and ecumenists. It is a very worthwhile attempt to compare and contrast the secular triad of virtues, liberty, equality, and fraternity with the Christian triad (...)
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    La Doctrine de la Revelation Divine de Saint Thomas D’Aquin: Actes du Symposium sur la Pensée de Saint Thomas d’Aquin ed. by Léon Eldeks, S.V.D. [REVIEW]Joseph D'amecourt - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):141-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:nooK itEVIEWS 141 La Doctrine de la Revelation Divine de Saint Thomas D'Aquin: Actes du Symposium sur la Pensee de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, recueil puhlie sous la direction de LfoN ELDERS, S.V.D. in Studi Tomistici 37. Pontificia Academia di S. Tommaso, Lihreria Editrice Vaticana, 1990. Pp. 278. 30,000.00 lire. This collection of essays by distinguished scholars presents the acts of a conference on the doctrine of Revelation (...)
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    Motifs PS.-Dionysiens dans la démonologie de Thomas d’Aquin.Marta Borgo - 2021 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 3:465-500.
    Après avoir situé la démonologie de l’Aquinate par rapport à son angélologie et au dogme, l’article étudie les notions de bonté et intégrité de la nature des anges déchus, que Thomas d’Aquin élabore en s’appuyant sur le quatrième chapitre du De divinis nominibus. L’enquête est conduite à partir de l’examen du riche dossier angélologique constitué à l’occasion de la rédaction du De substantiis separatis et vise à préciser le rôle que la (re)lecture de Denys joue dans l’élaboration de la (...)
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    Les fondements de la théologie : Ou le fond manquant à la théologie.François Nault - 2004 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 60 (1):81-95.
    Résumé Le problème d’un « discours sur Dieu » aujourd’hui ne se pose plus dans le cadre aristotélico-thomiste où il se posait hier. Walter Kasper le rappelle fréquemment. Ce qui n’interdit pas la lecture de saint Thomas, mais la requiert au contraire. C’est donc en partant de Thomas d’Aquin que je voudrais proposer quelques réflexions sur le discours théologique, sur une certaine manière de « dire Dieu ». Je voudrais aussi montrer comment le « problème théologique » doit (...)
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    Aquinas and Suarez on the Essence of Continuous Physical Quantity.David Lang - 2002 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 58 (3):565-595.
    The development of the notion of continuous physical quantity is traced from Aristotle to Aquinas to Suarez. It is concluded that Aristotle’s divisibility definition fails to excavate the ontological core of material quantification. Although the basic germ of the solution to the problem is discovered in Aquinas, it is Suarez who fully articulates the essence of continuous physical quantity with his explicit concept of aptitudinal extension — which has crucial theological implications. Résumé Nous considérons ici le développement de la notion (...)
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  27.  42
    La Métaphysique d'Aristote dans le Commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin au Ier livre des Sentences de Pierre Lombard.Marta Borgo - 2007 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 4 (4):651-692.
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    Thomas d'Aquin et les thomismes: essai sur l'histoire des thomismes.Géry Prouvost - 1996 - Paris: Cerf.
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    Attentio infima. Prière et attention virtuelle chez Thomas d’Aquin et Francisco Suárez.Olivier Dubouclez - 2024 - ThéoRèmes 20 (20).
    This article focuses on the problem of oratorical attention as it was formulated and transmitted by medieval theologians. Since a continuous attention is humanly impossible and the degradation of attention inevitable, how can one ensure the moral and religious value of prayer? The notion of virtual attention is an answer to that problem, allowing a certain persistence of attention within distraction itself. The article focuses on the building of this notion in Thomas Aquinas and on its more systematic development (...)
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    De la Connaissance selon S. Thomas d’Aquin. [REVIEW]D. J. M. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (4):795-796.
    Moreau sketches here with enthusiasm the large features of Aquinas’s epistemology. He is not, as he makes clear, a Thomist either by training or by avowal. The book is not, then, a specialist’s monograph or dogmatic treatise. It is Moreau’s attempt to hear what Aquinas will say to the great questions. The attempt is largely successful in attending to Aquinas’s remarks, though it does not catch their ambiguities.
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    Thomists at War: Pierre Mandonnet, Étienne Gilson, and the Contested Relationship between Aquinas's and Dante's Thought (1879-2021). [REVIEW]George Corbett - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1053-1096.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomists at War:Pierre Mandonnet, Étienne Gilson, and the Contested Relationship between Aquinas's and Dante's Thought (1879-2021)*George CorbettAt the turn of 1921, the French Dominican Pierre Mandonnet (1858–1936) helped to launch a new historical institute for Thomistic Studies at the Dominican study house of Le Saulchoir in Belgium. One of the pressing purposes of the foundation of the Institut historique d'études thomistes was to provide a properly historical approach to (...)
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    Did Aquinas Change his Mind about the Will?Daniel Westberg - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):41-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DID AQUINAS CHANGE HIS MIND ABOUT THE WILL? DANIEL WESTBERG University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia 0 NE OF THE MOST fundamental and challenging problems in the interpretation of St. Thomas is the proper relationship of intellect and will, on which so much of moral theology (and thus of the Summa Theologiae) hinges. As Alasdair Macintyre indicates in both After Virtue and Whose Justice? Which Rationality? the problem (...)
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    Aquinas and Heidegger: The Question of Philosophical Theology.Vincent Guagliardo - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (3):407-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS AND HEIDEGGER: THE QUESTION OF BIDLOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY VINCENT GUAGLIARDO, O.P. Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, Oalifornia I N IDS BOOK, Hediegger and Aquinas: An Essay on Overcoming Metaphysics, John D. Caputo recommends a " deconstruction" of Aquinas' philosophical theology in order to let.the true ·element orf his thought, mysticism, come to the fore. Caputo argues persuasively that Aquinas' thought, expressed (...)
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    La métaphysique de la création : Jean Ladrière interprète de Thomas d’Aquin.Louis Perron - 2009 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 65 (2):349-361.
    Au nombre des sources philosophiques majeures de l’oeuvre de Jean Ladrière se trouve celle de Thomas d’Aquin. La notion de création est l’un des lieux où cette influence se laisse voir de manière particulièrement prégnante. Le traitement ladriérien se présente comme une reprise herméneutique de la doctrine thomiste de la création à la lumière des développements contemporains de la science. Cet article se propose de manifester les axes directeurs de cette réinterprétation.
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  35. Saint Thomas d'Aquin et les problèmes actuels de la théologie du sacerdoce.E. Marcus - 1999 - Revue Thomiste 99 (1):11-32.
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    Essence, individualité et personne chez Thomas d’Aquin.Eleni Procopiou - 2020 - Chôra 18:579-598.
    The rediscovery of the Hellenic philosophy, but also of the Patristic thinking is a typical feature of Thomistic thought, which consists of a new synthesis of Hellenism and Christianity that raises anew the issue of the relation between Christianity and philosophy as a focal point of medieval philosophy. Acknowledgement of Hellenic Patristic thought that focuses primarily on man as an inseparable union of body and soul, joined in a whole, has been a determining factor in the Thomistic approach of being, (...)
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    An Important New Study of Thomas Aquinas: Jean-Pierre Torrell’s Initiation À Saint Thomas d’Aquin.Walter H. Principe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):489-499.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN IMPORTANT NEW STUDY OF THOMAS AQUINAS: JEAN-PIERRE TORRELL'S INITIATION A SAINT THOMAS D'AQUIN WALTER H. PRINCIPE, C.S.B. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Toronto, Canada BEFORE BECOMING professor of theology at the Universite de Fribourg, Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P., was a member of the Leonine Commission. This editorial experience, together with his continuing association with members of the commission, enables him in his new work, Initiation a (...)
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    Analogy after Aquinas: logical problems, Thomistic answers.Domenic D'Ettore - 2019 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    Since the first decade of the 14th Century, Thomas Aquinas’s disciples have struggled to explain and defend his doctrine of analogy. Analogy after Aquinas: Logical Problems, Thomistic Answers relates a history of prominent Medieval and Renaissance Thomists’ efforts to solve three distinct but interrelated problems arising from their reading both of Aquinas’s own texts on analogy, and from John Duns Scotus’s arguments against analogy and in favor of univocity in Metaphysics and Natural Theology. The first of these three (...)
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    Du rythme et des opposés.David Lévystone - 2022 - Philosophie Antique 22:213-233.
    Les interprétations et traductions habituelles de l’affirmation d’Aristote en Métaphysique Λ, 1075b12-13 πάντες δ᾽ οἱ τἀναντία λέγοντες οὐ χρῶνται τοῖς ἐναντίοις, ἐὰν μὴ ῥυθμίσῃ τις se fondent sur une compréhension contestable de la signification du verbe ῥυθμίζω. Une brève analyse de la signification et de l’usage du verbe au ve et ive siècle av. J.-C., ainsi qu’une étude des principaux interprètes anciens et médiévaux (le Ps.-Alexandre, Thomas d’Aquin, Averroès, Thémistius), dévoilent les difficultés que la compréhension de ce passage d’Aristote (...)
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    Nature et suppôt. Du thomisme moderne aux lectures contemporaines du Quodlibet II de Thomas d’Aquin.Igor Agostini - 2022 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 141 (2):109-141.
    Cet article se propose de retracer quelques étapes essentielles du grand débat du thomisme des xvi e et xvii e siècles sur la question de la distinction entre essence et suppôt chez Thomas d’Aquin et, notamment, sur le problème de la conciliation entre l’enseignement de l’article 3 de la quaestio III de la Prima Pars de la Summa theologiae et la doctrine du Quodlibet II. Le but est de reconstruire un moment crucial de l’histoire du thomisme et, en même (...)
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    Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues by Angela McKay Knobel.Thomas M. Osborne - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):144-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues by Angela McKay KnobelThomas M. Osborne Jr.KNOBEL, Angela McKay. Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021. 214 pp. Cloth, $65.00This book is the first substantial English monograph on Aquinas's account of the infused virtues in many years, and the most significant treatment of the issue since Gabriel Bullet, Vertus morales infuses et vertus morales (...)
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  42. The Modes of Thomistic Discourse: Questions for Corbin's "Le chemin de la théologie chez Thomas d'Aquin".Mark D. Jordan - 1981 - The Thomist 45 (1):80.
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    La métaphysique de Saint Thomas d'Aquin dans une perspective historique.Leo Elders - 1994 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Apres avoir esquisse la reconstitution du processus de perte de sa position dominante de le part de la metaphysique au sein des disciplines philosophiques, le present ouvrage montre que la metaphysique de Thomas d'Aquin, solidement ancree dans l'experience et les lois de l'etre, echappe a ces critiques et temoigne de ce que l'on serait tente de nommer la metaphysique naturelle de l'esprit humain. L'auteur y etudie l'etant et ses proprietes, ainsi que les premiers principes; les divisions de l'etant - (...)
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  44. La théologie de la vérité dans la Lectura super ioannem de saint Thomas d'Aquin.Serge-Thomas Bonino - 2004 - Revue Thomiste 104 (1-2):141-166.
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  45. Aristote au latran: Eucharistie et philosophie selon Thomas d'aquin et Dietrich de Freiberg.Ruedi Imbach & Catherine König-Pralong - 2012 - Revue Thomiste 112 (1):9-30.
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  46. Why the Five Ways?: Aquinas’s Avicennian Insight into the Problem of Unity in the Aristotelian Metaphysics and Sacra Doctrina.Daniel D. De Haan - 2012 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 86:141-158.
    This paper will argue that the order and the unity of St. Thomas Aquinas’s five ways can be elucidated through a consideration of St. Thomas’s appropriation of an Avicennian insight that he used to order and unify the wisdom of the Aristotelian and Abrahamic philosophical traditions towards the existence of God. I will begin with a central aporia from Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Aristotle says that the science of first philosophy has three different theoretical vectors: ontology, aitiology, and theology. (...)
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    Le jugement par inclination chez Saint Thomas D'Aquin. [REVIEW]O. J. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (2):369-370.
    This interesting study deals with the topic of affective knowledge--or, knowledge by connaturality--in Aquinas. For some decades now, as is well enough known, Thomistic scholars have been deeply dissatisfied with the all too speculative cast given to Aquinas's moral doctrine by commentators since the days of John of St. Thomas. The problem is accordingly important and timely. Caldera's investigation takes its starting point from a cycle of thought that begins with M.-D. Noble and H.-D. Simonin, and that closed upon (...)
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    Immediacy and Mediation in Aquinas: “In I Sent.,” Q. 1, A. 5.Douglas C. Hall - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):31-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IMMEDIACY AND MEDIATION IN AQUINAS: Introduction "IN I SENT.," Q. 1, A. 5 DOUGLAS c. HALI, Louvain Universtiy Belgium ] ] HE PURPOSE of the present essay is to provide an nalysis of the dialectically related notions of " immediacy " and "med:ia1tion" in Question I, Art~cle 5 of Aquinas' Commentary on the Sentences. "Immediacy" here refers to the non-mediated " light of inspiration " which Aquinas proposes as (...)
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    Metaphysics between Experience and Transcendence: Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics as a Science by Rudi A. te Velde. [REVIEW]Philip-Neri Reese - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):162-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Metaphysics between Experience and Transcendence: Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics as a Science by Rudi A. te VeldeO.P. Philip-Neri ReeseVELDE, Rudi A. te. Metaphysics between Experience and Transcendence: Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics as a Science. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2021. vii + 246 pp. 38,00€In the opening chapter of Metaphysics 4, Aristotle states not only that there is a science of being as being and its per se (...)
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    Balthasar’s use of the Theology of Aquinas.James J. Buckley - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (4):517-545.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BALTHASAR'S USE OF THE THEOLOGY OF AQUINAS }AMES J. BUCKLEY Loyola College in Maryland Baltimore, Maryland T HE AIM OF THIS essay is to raise some questions about the internal consistency of Hans Urs von Balthasar's use of the theology of Thomas Aquinas. These are genuine questions. That is, they are not questions ("Is Balthasar's use of Aquinas consistent?") disguising or masking answers ("Balthasar's use of (...)
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