Results for 'Léon Delhoume'

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  1. Science in the Age of Algorithmic Chrysopoeia?Nadisha-Marie Aliman & Leon Kester - manuscript
    This commentary analyzes different past approaches to scientific evaluation frameworks given algorithmic superintelligence claims and discusses guidelines for more rigorous solutions avoiding overhasty and damaging epistemic self-sabotage tendencies. Effects of spreading the misconceived idea of the epistemic perpetuum mobile are elucidated.
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  2. The Deepfake Universe Apocalypse?Nadisha-Marie Aliman & Leon Kester - manuscript
    Could 2024 be the year heralding what one could term the deepfake universe apocalypse scenario or could it be the year that a future history of science may e.g. interpret as the year of the first literally universe-sized algorithmic hype bubble? This commentary introduces the metaphor of "GPT-Universe" and the assumptions hidden beneath it.
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    Una amistad filosófica. Cioran y su amigo italiano Mario Andrea Rigoni.Alberto Pinzón León - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (105).
    El artículo muestra las relaciones de amistad que se van tornando en reflexiones filosóficas entre Cioran y el escritor italiano Mario Andrea Rigoni, a partir de su obra: Cioran dans mes souvenirs. Nuestro interés está en dar a conocer las reflexiones que hace Rigoni sobre la obra y el carácter humano de Cioran.
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    Right Actions and Motives.P. Leon - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (30):191 - 204.
    CAN actions be right irrespective of the motives from which they come? Can an action be right though coming from a bad or an ‘indifferent’ motive?
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  5. Discussioni e postille-A proposito >.Leon Pompa & Fulvio Tessitore - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (2):383.
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  6. (1 other version)Histoire de la philosophie grecque.Léon Robin - 1926 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 102:463-471.
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  7. Philosophie religieuse.Léon Robin, Ernest Fraenkel, E. Unger, Guéroult, G. Gusdorf & E. Duprat - 1936 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 122 (7):100-110.
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    Heidegger and Plato and the Good.Leon Rosenstein - 1978 - Philosophy Today 22 (4):332-354.
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  9. (1 other version)Spinoza, Descartes and Maimonides.Leon Roth - 1924 - Mind 33 (132):456-459.
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    The Goodness of God.Leon Roth - 1927 - Humana Mente 2 (8):503-515.
    The problem to which the present paper is addressed is one aspect of that of the relationship between Religion and Morality. That God is good is a proposition which presents itself to many with axiomatic force, and by its help the path is traced which leads directly either from Religion to Morality or from Morality to Religion. Yet the reflective mind may well ask: By what evidence, or in what way, do we know that God is good? If the proposition (...)
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  11. Dimensiones de la célula primitiva.León Garzón Ruipérez - 1978 - El Basilisco 2:4-11.
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    De la estética como fisiología en Nietzsche a la curación como obra de arte en Gadamer.Lourdes Otero León - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13.
    RESUMENPara Gadamer, la medicina es un arte que, a diferencia de las otras artes (las artes de los artistas), no produce obras de arte. Pero en este saber hacer, vacío de arte, «sin obra» radica su valor hermenéutico más propio. Esto da lugar a una declaración gadameriana que, en la época del positivismo científico, parece una ofensiva injuria: «La medicina es un arte». Estos vínculos entre Estética y Medicina nos pueden parecer sorprendentes, sin embargo ya en Nietzsche existen, pero en (...)
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    God Had to Create the World.Leon Pearl - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (3):331 - 333.
    In a recent paper T. D. J. Chappell advances the thesis that orthodox Christianity is incompatible with consequentialism. 1 His thesis is grounded on a number of premises; I shall, however, confine my criticism to only one of them, i.e. a consequentialist God could not possibly have created a world. Here is his argument.
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    Objective and subjective duty.Leon Pearl - 1971 - Mind 80 (319):413-417.
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    Polemika Romana Witolda Ingardena z Leonem Chwistkiem.Roman Witold Ingarden & Leon Chwistek - 2020 - Ruch Filozoficzny 76 (1):105.
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  16. An Existentialist "Proof of the Existence of God".P. Leon - 1952 - Hibbert Journal 51:24.
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    Dialogues d'amour.Dok Leon - 1974 - Chapel Hill,: University of North Carolina Press. Edited by T. Anthony Perry.
  18. Transitions: Crossing Boundaries in Japanese Philosophy.Leon Krings, Francesca Greco & Yukiko Kuwayama (eds.) - 2021 - Nagoya: Chisokudō.
    The tenth volume of the Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy focuses on the theme of “transition,” dealing with transitory and intermediary phenomena and practices such as translation, transmission, and transformation. Written in English, German and Japanese, the contributions explore a wide range of topics, crossing disciplinary borders between phenomenology, linguistics, feminism, epistemology, aesthetics, political history, martial arts, spiritual practice and anthropology, and bringing Japanese philosophy into cross-cultural dialogue with other philosophical traditions. As exercises in “thinking in transition,” the essays reveal novel (...)
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    Natur bei Zeami: „Von selbst“ als Vollzugsqualität leibgeistiger Praxis (行 gyō).Leon Krings - 2024 - In Ryosuke Ohashi, Die „Natur“ in Buddhismus und Christentum. Tokyo: pp. 125-144.
    Zeami Motokiyo 世阿弥 元清 (1363–1443) gilt als Schöpfer des klassischen Nō-Theaters und war nicht nur ein herausragender Darsteller, sondern auch Autor vieler Stücke, die noch heute aufgeführt werden. Neben diesen Stücken hat Zeami aber auch theoretische Traktate zur Übungspraxis des Nō-Theaters verfasst, die über viele Jahrhunderte hinweg geheim überliefert wurden und als Anweisungen für seine Nachfolger gedacht waren. In diesen Traktaten reflektiert Zeami auf seine Kunst und stellt sie als einen Übungsweg nach buddhistischem Vorbild dar, als eine ästhetische, aber auch (...)
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    The what and the why of history: philosophical essays.Leon J. Goldstein - 1996 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    A collection of papers dealing with history as a way of knowing, not a mode of discourse.
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  21. How Abstraction Works.Leon Horsten & Hannes Leitgeb - 2009 - In Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb, Reduction, abstraction, analysis: proceedings of the 31th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2008. Frankfurt: de Gruyter. pp. 217-226.
    In this paper we describe and interpret the formal machinery of abstraction processes in which the domain of abstracta is a subset of the domain of objects from which is abstracted.
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  22. (2 other versions)La Philosophie de Fichte, ses rapports avec la conscience contemporaine.Xavier Léon & M. Emile Boutroux - 1902 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 10 (3):2-2.
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    Selected papers of Léon Rosenfeld.Leon Rosenfeld - 1979 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. Edited by R. S. Cohen & John J. Stachel.
    The decision to undertake this volume was made in 1971 at Lake Como during the Varenna summer school ofthe Italian Physical Society, where Professor Leon Rosenfeld was lecturing on the history of quantum theory. We had long been struck by the unique blend of epistemological, histori cal and social concerns in his work on the foundations and development of physics, and decided to approach him there with the idea of publishing a collection of his papers. He responded enthusiastically, and agreed (...)
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    Space and social theory.Andrzej Jan Leon Zieleniec - 2007 - London: SAGE.
    Giving an essential and accessible overview of social theories of space, this books shows why it matters to understand these theorists spatially.
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    The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law.Leon Wiener Dow - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    In a work that casts philosophical and theological reflections against a backdrop of personal experience, Leon Wiener Dow offers a learned discourse that elucidates the telos of Jewish law and the philosophical-theological commitments that animate it. To the reader gazing upon the halakha from the outside, this book offers a glimpse of its central, orienting concepts. To the reader who lives amidst the rigor of halakha, this book bestows an insightful glance at the law's orienting ethos and higher aspirations that (...)
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    Romantic love and the first-person plural perspective.Felipe León - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    On the assumption that romantic partners tend to act from a first-person plural perspective, how should the love that binds them be understood? This paper approaches this question by focusing on romantic practical integration, understood as the tendency of romantic partners to integrate their practical perspectives in such a way that allows them to have ‘reasons-for-us’: reasons for action that apply to them as a group, in a collective and non-distributive sense (Westlund Citation2009). After dispelling some reservations about the connection (...)
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    La justification des postulats de la raison.P. Leon Veuthey - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 4:37-42.
    Aristote, tout aussi bien que Descartes et Kant, fonde en fait la science sur les exigences ou postulats de la raison. L’idéalisme moderne justifie ces postulats en considérant le monde comme l’expression de l’esprit; c’est là une solution traditionnelle remontant à l'antique théorie du Logos ; seulement les idéalistes nient la dualité de l’être et de la pensée ; à cette doctrine d’immanence, on oppose une doctrine ou l’etre et la pensée tirent leur unité ou homogénéité relative d’une unité transcendante, (...)
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    Haití como no-lugar: la revolución racializada y la filosofía hegeliana de la historia.Angelo Narváez León - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):55-66.
    En este artículo analizaremos los posibles criterios epistemológicos que, en el contexto de la filosofía hegeliana de la historia mundial, circunscriben el largo proceso revolucionario haitiano en un no-lugar narrativo. Contrario al imaginario político, económico y cultural europeo de fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX, que vio en la Revolución haitiana un acontecimiento que directa o indirectamente repercute en las transformación geopolítica global, en los discursos abolicionistas y en la flujos comerciales a través del Atlántico, Hegel parece (...)
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    Principes généraux de pédagogie: Avec une introd.Henri Frédéric Amiel & Léon Bopp - 1925 - F. Alcan.
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    La soberanía: su razón y sus fundamentos hoy.Jorge León Arango Franco - 2007 - Ratio Juris 2 (5):27-35.
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    Secularidad y enseñanza de la religión en España.Juan Luis de León Azcárate, Francisco José Ruiz Pérez & Luzio Uriarte González - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (309):651-677.
    La relación entre el fenómeno religioso y el marco de la secularidad o la postsecularidad se hace presente en el ámbito de la escuela pública y, en cierta medida, reproduce las tensiones que tiene la sociedad a la hora de situar esa relación. El objetivo de este texto es presentar y valorar esa relación en el caso español, el cual posee un modelo de tipo confesional de la enseñanza de la religión en la escuela pública. La descripción del modelo debe (...)
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    Opvoeding langs nieuwe wegen: eerbied, liefde, leven.Max Leon Stibbe - 1980 - Katwijk aan Zee: Servire.
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    Daily Bread.Marc Kaminsky & Leon Supraner - 1982 - University of Illinois Press.
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    Copies de statues sur les monnaies des Séleucides.Léon Lacroix L. - 1949 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 73 (1):158-176.
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    Les statues de la Grèce ancienne et le témoignage des monnaies.Léon Lacroix L. - 1946 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 70 (1):288-298.
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    Nietzsche crítico de Wagner prolegómenos de la transformación del arte en espectáculo.Francisco Cruz León - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):707-722.
    El presente ensayo explora el itinerario de la crítica que Nietzsche ejerció sobre el arte de Wagner en tres pasos. Primero, se trata de reconocer la juvenil admiración del filósofo por la ópera wagneriana entendida como un renacimiento del drama musical antiguo. Luego, se explora el tránsito hacia su desilusión en la clave de la influencia de Schopenhauer sobre Wagner. Finalmente, el ensayo remata en la crítica madura de Nietzsche sobre Wagner, donde se advierten los prolegómenos decimonónicos de la transformación (...)
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    La noción de verdades en la filosofía de Alain Badiou: un análisis de su concepción del conocimiento y la realidad.Eduardo Alberto León & Jhonatan Mauricio Salazar Achig - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):341-349.
    La noción de verdad ha sido siempre el tesoro de la filosofía, su objeto de estudio y debate durante siglos, sin embargo, en la actualidad hay numerosas perspectivas que ofrecen respuestas innovadoras a la relación entre verdad, conocimiento y realidad, pero ninguna de ellas tiene una claridad abrumadora como la que nos ofrece la filosofía de Alain Badiou. Es que no se queda en poner su postura frente al debate, sino que resuelve lo que a las otras perspectivas les faltaba. (...)
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    Una relectura antihumanista del concepto de sujeto en Badiou y Žižek.Eduardo Alberto Leon - 2021 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 23:255-275.
    En este artículo se expondrá en primer lugar la crítica de Badiou sobre el sujeto humanista y su propio concepto de sujeto, un sujeto que está claramente inspirado en Lacan pero que va más allá de la subjetivación de la falta de este. Luego me dirigiré al colega de Badiou en el campo antihumanista, Slavoj Žižek, y su crítica lacaniana de Badiou. Se afirmará que es su interpretación diferente del Real lacaniano lo que explica la disputa subyacente entre ellos. Mientras (...)
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    25 Quantity Has a Quality All Its Own.Leon Horsten - 2024 - In Mirosław Szatkowski, Ontology of Divinity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 511-530.
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    The nature of intelligence.Louis Leon Thurstone - 1924 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Russell and Fine on Variable Objects.Leon Horsten & Ryo Ito - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte, Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 691-704.
    In this article we compare Fine’s theory of arbitrary objects with the theory of variables that Russell formulated in his Principles of Mathematics. We argue that Russell’s early theory of variables can be seen as a prefiguration of Fine’s theory of arbitrary objects. The main difference between Russell’s theory and Fine’s account lies in their account of dependence relations between variables. Fine develops a stable view of dependence between arbitrary objects, whereas no such view is presented in Principles of Mathematics. (...)
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  42. On the Exclusivity Implicature of ‘Or’ or on the Meaning of Eating Strawberries.Liza Verhoeven & Leon Horsten - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (1):19-24.
    This paper is a contribution to the program of constructing formal representations of pragmatic aspects of human reasoning. We propose a formalization within the framework of Adaptive Logics of the exclusivity implicature governing the connective ‘or’.Keywords: exclusivity implicature, Adaptive Logics.
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    Zur Evaluation von Videoüberwachung. Methoden, Standards und Beispiele aus der Bewertungspraxis.Leon Hempel - 2007 - In Nils Zurawski, Surveillance Studies: Perspektiven eines Forschungsfeldes. Farmington Hills [MI]: Budrich. pp. 117--147.
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    Leblanc Hugues. The semiotic function of predicates. The journal of philosophy, vol. 46 , pp. 838–844.Leon Henkin - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):213-213.
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    On a Theorem of Vaught.Leon Henkin - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (1):58-58.
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    Sets and Probability.Leon Horsten & Hazel Brickhill - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (8):3137-3162.
    In this article the idea of random variables over the set theoretic universe is investigated. We explore what it can mean for a random set to have a specific probability of belonging to an antecedently given class of sets, or, in other words, to have a specific probability of having a given set-theoretic property.
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    Scope and rigidity.Leon Horsten - 1992 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 25 (4):353-372.
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    Biographies des Moines Éminents (Kao seng tchouan) de Houei-kiaoBiographies des Moines Eminents (Kao seng tchouan) de Houei-kiao.Leon Hurvitz & Robert Shih - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):223.
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    Critical Account of the Journal DD.Leon Jaurnow & Kim Ravn - 2001 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2001 (1):453-461.
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    Critical Account of the Journal EE.Leon Jaurnow & Steen Tullberg - 2002 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2002 (1):443-449.
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