Results for 'Lydia Jeschke'

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  1. Grenzfeuer der Utopie. Neueste Musik zwischen Krieg und Frieden.Lydia Jeschke - 2010 - In Hartmut Lück & Dieter Senghaas (eds.), Den Frieden komponieren?: ein Symposium zur musikalischen Friedensforschung, Bremen, 16. bis 18. Januar 2009. Mainz: Schott.
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    Den Frieden komponieren?: ein Symposium zur musikalischen Friedensforschung, Bremen, 16. bis 18. Januar 2009.Hartmut Lück & Dieter Senghaas (eds.) - 2010 - Mainz: Schott.
    Den Freiden komponieren? Einführung aus der Sicht des Friedensforschers / Dieter Senghaas -- Musik als Botschaft, Frieden als Thema / Frank Schneider -- Musikalische Darstellungen des Friedens in Geschichte und Gegenwart / Hartmut Lück -- "Dona Nobis Pacem". Schrei und Utopie bei Ludwig van Beethoven, Bernd Alios Zimmermann, Heinz Holliger und Klaus Huber / Nicolas Schalz -- Begegnung der Kulturen. Ästhetik und Engagement bei Isang Yun, Younghi Pagh-Paan und Toshio Hosokawa / Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer -- Grenzfeuer der Utopie. Neueste Musik zwischen (...)
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    (1 other version)Lydia Maria Child on German philosophy and American slavery.Lydia Moland - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (2):259-274.
    As editor of the National Anti-Slavery Standard in the early 1840s, Lydia Maria Child was responsible for keeping the abolitionist movement in the United States informed of relevant news. She also...
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    Xanthus of Lydia and the invention of female eunuchs.Lydia Matthews - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):489-499.
    Two fragments of the Lydiaca attributed to Xanthus of Lydia preserve a curious claim that a king of Lydia was the first person to make eunuchs of women. In an attempt to make sense of these passages, it has been suggested that εὐνουχίζειν here refers not to castration, but rather to female genital cutting. If correct, this would provide our first evidence of this practice in Lydian culture or indeed anywhere in Anatolia. However, the assumption that what Xanthus (...)
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  5. The Quest for Voice: Music, Politics, and the Limits of Philosophy.Lydia Goehr - 2000 - Mind 109 (436):913-916.
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  6. Hegel on Political Identity: Patriotism, Nationality, Cosmopolitanism.Lydia L. Moland - 2011 - Northwestern University Press.
    In Hegel on Political Identity, Lydia Moland provocatively draws on Hegel's political philosophy to engage sometimes contentious contemporary issues such as patriotism, national identity, and cosmopolitanism. Moland argues that patriotism for Hegel indicates an attitude toward the state, whereas national identity is a response to culture. The two combine, Hegel claims, to enable citizens to develop concrete freedom. Moland argues that Hegel's account of political identity extends to his notorious theory of world history; she also proposes that his resistance (...)
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    Dying in the twenty-first century: toward a new ethical framework for the art of dying well.Lydia S. Dugdale (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Physicians, philosophers, and theologians consider how to address death and dying for a diverse population in a secularized century.Most of us are generally ill-equipped for dying. Today, we neither see death nor prepare for it. But this has not always been the case. In the early fifteenth century, the Roman Catholic Church published the Ars moriendi texts, which established prayers and practices for an art of dying. In the twenty-first century, physicians rely on procedures and protocols for the efficient management (...)
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  8. Lydia Amir.Lydia B. Amir - 2013 - In Bresson Ladegaard Knox, Berg Olsen Friis & J. Kyrre (eds.), Philosophical Practice: 5 Questions. Automatic Press. pp. 1-14.
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    Paul of Venice and the Plurality of Forms and Souls.Thomas Jeschke - 2023 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 97 (4):555-575.
    In this paper, I focus on Paul of Venice’s plurality of forms and souls, i.e., his “two total souls” theory. I argue that this specific theory is a result of Paul’s reception of various positions originating from fourteenth-century Parisian philosophers like John of Jandun, the Anonymous Patar, Nicole Oresme, John Duns Scotus, and Walter Burley. By receiving these positions and by making use of merely parts of their doctrines, Paul creates a theory of the hylomorphic compound that fits well within (...)
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    The lost art of dying: reviving forgotten wisdom.Lydia S. Dugdale - 2020 - New York, NY: HarperOne.
    A Yale physician's fascinating and wise exploration of why so many people die poorly and how a medieval bestseller on the art of dying well holds important lessons for today.
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  11. Bilder im Wartestand. Vorspiel zu einer kritischen Philosophie der Geschichte und der Kunst.Lydia Goehr - 2018 - In Thomas Khurana, Dirk Quadflieg, Juliane Rebentisch, Dirk Setton & Francesca Raimondi (eds.), Negativität: Kunst - Recht - Politik. Berlin: Suhrkamp. pp. 147-168.
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  12. Theology bulletin and medieval philosophies.Thomas Jeschke, Christian Rode & Guy Guldentops - 2011 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 78 (2):507-545.
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    Early Thirteenth-Century English Franciscan Thought.Lydia Schumacher (ed.) - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    The thirteenth century was a dynamic period in intellectual history which witnessed the establishment of the first universities, most famously at Paris and Oxford. At these and other major European centres of learning, English-born Franciscans came to hold prominent roles both in the university faculties of the arts and theology and in the local studia across Europe that were primarily responsible for training Franciscans. This volume explores the contributions to scholarship of some of the leading English Franciscans or Franciscan associates (...)
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  14. Hermann von Helmholtz.Lydia Patton - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) participated in two of the most significant developments in physics and in the philosophy of science in the 19th century: the proof that Euclidean geometry does not describe the only possible visualizable and physical space, and the shift from physics based on actions between particles at a distance to the field theory. Helmholtz achieved a staggering number of scientific results, including the formulation of energy conservation, the vortex equations for fluid dynamics, the notion of free energy (...)
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    Expanding theory testing in general relativity: LIGO and parametrized theories.Lydia Patton - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 69:142-53.
    The multiple detections of gravitational waves by LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), operated by Caltech and MIT, have been acclaimed as confirming Einstein's prediction, a century ago, that gravitational waves propagating as ripples in spacetime would be detected. Yunes and Pretorius (2009) investigate whether LIGO's template-based searches encode fundamental assumptions, especially the assumption that the background theory of general relativity is an accurate description of the phenomena detected in the search. They construct the parametrized post-Einsteinian (ppE) framework in response, (...)
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  16. Elective Affinities: Musical Essays on the History of Aesthetic Theory.Lydia Goehr - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    As illustrated in Goethe's famous novel of the same name, elective affinities are powerful relationships that crystallize under changing conditions. In this new book, Lydia Goehr focuses on the history of elective affinities between philosophy and music from German classicism, romanticism, and idealism to the modernist aesthetic theory of Theodor W. Adorno and Arthur C. Danto. Aesthetic theory, she argues, depends on a dynamic philosophy of history centered on tendencies, yearnings, needs, and potentialities. With this in mind, she recasts (...)
  17. Taking the History of Philosophy on Humor and Laughter Seriously.Lydia B. Amir - 2014 - Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal 5:43-87.
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    Dall'atarassia alla fuga dal mondo: i greci, i latini e la filosofia nell'età ellenistica e nell'età imperiale.Lydia Allione - 2009 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    Аспекти осягнення суспільного ідеалу в сучасній україні.Lydia Chorna - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 67:81-88.
    The article is devoted to the research of Social Ideal comprehension and its exceptional role in Social Development of modern Ukraine. There is outlined the significance of Social Ideal for society and state through understanding the phenomenon of the Social Ideal and Civil Idea as its quintessence. The article highlights the criteria of ideals misuse and the reasons given for leveling its role. There is explicated the necessity of harmonious spiritual and the material filling the content of the ideal. The (...)
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    Ideal as a functional system: theoretico-methodological analysis.Lydia Chorna - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 65:177-185.
    Проблема ідеалу залишається у ХХІ столітті актуальною для дослідження. Взаємовідносини між ідеалом та його практичним втіленням є гострою темою для дискусій в сучасній філософії, політології, теорії державного управління. Мета статті - надати теоретико-методологічний аналіз розуміння ідеалу, розглянути ідеал як функціональну систему. Тому основним методом – є метод системно-структурного аналізу. Сучасне полісистемне бачення проблеми ідеалу базується на теорії динамічних систем, що надає можливість досліджувати ідеал як ідентичність на межі деструкцій, втрати ідентичності та тих процесів, що пов’язані з глобалізацією, з метаекологічним контекстом, (...)
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    Architecture, Means and Ends.Lydia G. Cochrane (ed.) - 2010 - University of Chicago Press.
    Vittorio Gregotti—the architect of Barcelona’s Olympic Stadium, Milan’s Arcimboldi Opera Theater, and Lisbon’s Centro Cultural de Belém, among many other noted constructions—is not only a designer of international repute but an acclaimed theorist and critic. _Architecture, Means and Ends _is his practical and imaginative reflection on the role of the technical aspects of architectural design, both as part of the larger process of innovation and in relation to the mythic opposition between vision and construction. Interweaving the seemingly irreconcilable concerns of (...)
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    The Legend of the Middle Ages: Philosophical Explorations of Medieval Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.Lydia G. Cochrane (ed.) - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    This volume presents a penetrating interview and sixteen essays that explore key intersections of medieval religion and philosophy. With characteristic erudition and insight, Rémi_ _Brague focuses less on individual Christian, Jewish, and Muslim thinkers than on their relationships with one another. Their disparate philosophical worlds, Brague shows, were grounded in different models of revelation that engendered divergent interpretations of the ancient Greek sources they held in common. So, despite striking similarities in their solutions for the philosophical problems they all faced, (...)
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    Xy: On Masculine Identity.Lydia Davis (ed.) - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    Examining changing role models for masculine identity--from cowboy in the 1950s to Terminator in the 1990s, from flesh-and-blood man to machine--this book suggests that men need new role models and that sufficient room needs to be left for the expression of male vulnerability, a psychic space that would accept attitudes and behaviors traditionally labeled as "feminine." This new model, Badinter argues, may reduce the profound effects of homophobia and misogyny.
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    In primum librum Sententiarum, Teil 1: Prol., Dist. 1–3, Q. 4, by Robert Cowton.Thomas Jeschke - 2024 - Vivarium 62 (4):363-369.
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  25. Angenommene Verantwortung. Wie die EKD registriert, dass sie politisch Einfluss nimmt.Lydia Lauxmann - 2019 - In Christian Albrecht & Reiner Anselm (eds.), Aus Verantwortung: der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Platonism and Cartesianism in the philosophy of Ralph Cudworth.Lydia Gysi - 1966 - Bern,: Lang.
  27. Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century German Patriotism: Virtue, Cosmopolitanism, and Reform.Lydia L. Moland - 2020 - In Mitja Sardoč (ed.), Handbook of Patriotism. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    The early history of German patriotism is complex and illuminates many of patriotism’s potential virtues as well as its dangers. Throughout the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, patriotism’s overarching connotation was devotion to the greater good, but whether that greater was local, national, or global varied dramatically. Early uses of patriotism were devoid of national or military connotations and instead denoted local engagement in public projects and willingness to aid to those in need. The patriot moreover worked for enlightened (...)
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  28. Moral integrity and regret in nursing.Lydia L. Moland - 2006 - In Sioban Nelson & Suzanne Gordon (eds.), The Complexities of Care: Nursing Reconsidered. Cornell University Press.
    Nurses all too often experience situations that threaten their identification with the caring aspect of their profession. This article examines systematic reasons for the loss of integrity they describe as their lived work experience conflicts with their self-conception. I examine Ruth Barcan Marcus' description of moral dilemmas and the role of regret, arguing that the real experience of regret should not be associated with a lack of integrity. I conclude that a more complex understanding of care in nurses' self-understanding is (...)
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    Educazione e conoscenza.Lydia Tornatore - 1974 - Torino: Loescher.
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    Rethinking philosophers' responsibility.Lydia Amir - 2017 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Calling on philosophers as the custodians of rationality to reconsider their responsibility toward their communities and the state of civilization at large, this book considers philosophy to be a practical discipline. Largely foreign to philosophers and non-philosophers alike, this conception of philosophy discloses the relevance of its unique contributions to contemporary society. The book offers a compelling and accessible analysis of philosophy also in relation to religion, psychology, the New Age Movement, and globalization, and exemplifies through a wide range of (...)
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  31. Philosophy’s Attitude towards the Comic. A Reevaluation.Lydia B. Amir - 2013 - European Journal of Humor Research 1 (1):6-21.
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  32. The imaginary museum of musical works: an essay in the philosophy of music.Lydia Goehr - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is the difference between a performance of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and the symphony itself? What does it mean for musicians to be faithful to the works they perform? To answer this question, Goehr combines philosophical and historical methods of enquiry. She describes how the concept of a musical work emerged as late as 1800, and how it subsequently defined the norms, expectations, and behavior characteristic of classical musical practice. Out of the historical thesis, Goehr draws philosophical conclusions about the (...)
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  33. Dissonant Works and the Listening Public.Lydia Goehr - 2004 - In Tom Huhn (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Adorno. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 222--47.
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    New frontiers in philosophical practice.Lydia Amir (ed.) - 2017 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In this volume, an international group of prominent philosophical practitioners brings new methods, aims, problems and audiences to the practice of philosophy. The twelve chapters here exemplify how philosophers can fulfill their responsibility towards their communities, and, ultimately, towards civilization at large. This anthology will prove to be valuable not only to philosophers, both practical and theoretical, but also to professionals and students in education and the helping disciplines. Written in a clear and engaging style, it will be of interest (...)
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  35. When Nietzsche Laughed: The Sanctification of Laughter in Nietzsche’s Thought.Lydia B. Amir - 2006 - Metaphora 6:109-125.
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    (1 other version)The Law of God: The Philosophical History of an Idea.Lydia G. Cochrane (ed.) - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    The law of God: these words conjure an image of Moses breaking the tablets at Mount Sinai, but the history of the alliance between law and divinity is so much longer, and its scope so much broader, than a single Judeo-Christian scene can possibly suggest. In his stunningly ambitious new history, Rémi Brague goes back three thousand years to trace this idea of divine law in the West from prehistoric religions to modern times—giving new depth to today’s discussions about the (...)
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    (1 other version)What is the Good Life?Lydia G. Cochrane (ed.) - 2005 - University of Chicago Press.
    Has inquiry into the meaning of life become outmoded in a universe where the other-worldiness of religion no longer speaks to us as it once did, or, as Nietzsche proposed, where we are now the creators of our own value? Has the ancient question of the "good life" disappeared, another victim of the technological world? For Luc Ferry, the answer to both questions is a resounding no. In _What Is the Good Life? _Ferry argues that the question of the meaning (...)
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    Franklin G. Miller works in the.Lydia S. Dugdale - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  39. in practice: A Thousand Little Deaths.Lydia S. Dugdale - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  40. Le pacte pictural: sur trois tableaux de Denyse Willem.Lydia Flem - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:129-136.
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  41. Die Meistersinger: Wagners voorbeeldige les.Lydia Goehr - 1997 - Nexus 19.
    Verschillende personnages uit de Meistersinger worden getoetst aan wat Goehr de "esthetiek der ontkenning" noemt, waarbij ook de interpretatie van verschillende musicologen wordt behandeld.
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    Einstein, Polanyi, and the Laws of Nature.Lydia Jaeger - 2010 - Templeton Press.
    What is the relationship between religious belief and the study of nature, between theology and science? This is the fundamental preoccupation of the three different studies brought together in _Einstein, Polanyi, and the Laws of Nature._ By exploring the highly original yet little known thought of Michael Polanyi, Jaeger highlights the inherent personal investment in any quest for knowledge, including the scientific enterprise, thus raising the question of the objectivity of human knowledge. Considered to be the greatest mind of the (...)
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    Die Lehre von den Seelenpotenzen bei Durandus von Saint-Pourçain: Eine philosophische Psychologie im Übergang vom Hoch- zum Spätmittelalter.Thomas Jeschke - 2021 - Leiden; Boston: Brill.
    Durandus of Saint-Pourçain’s doctrine of the soul and its faculties is paradigmatic for a philosophical psychology at the turn from High to Late Middle Ages. For, on the one hand, Durandus discusses and adopts many peculiarities of 13th-century doctrines of the soul; on the other hand, Durandus’s doctrine of the soul is much more in line with late 14th-century positions. Even if he treats the theories of Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus or Henry of Ghent and partly adopts their views, (...)
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    Deus ut tentus vel visus: die Debatte um die Seligkeit im reflexiven Akt (ca. 1293-1320).Thomas Jeschke - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    This book sheds light on the 13th/14th-century debate about whether beatitude is a reflexive act. It reconstructs this discussion on the basis of the original sources. Furthermore it investigates into hermeneutical matters of medieval text interpretation.
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    John Capreolus.Thomas Jeschke - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 606--608.
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  46. Reflecting on time while moving: dance notations from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century.Claudia Jeschke - 2018 - In Patrizia Veroli & Gianfranco Vinay (eds.), Music-dance: sound and motion in contemporary discourse. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  47. Historical Inquiry.Lydia McGrew - 2013 - In Charles Taliaferro Victoria Harrison & Stewart Goetz (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Theism.
    Two different types of objections to the historical investigation of miracles imply that such investigation is inappropriate or can never lead to rational belief that a historical miracle has occurred. The first objection concerns the alleged chasm between the rational realm of history and the realm of faith. The second objection alleges that God is, or would be if he existed, too much unlike ourselves for us reasonably to use Divine action as an explanatory hypothesis. Both objections involve a tacit (...)
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  48. Hegel and Global Justice.Lydia L. Moland - 2012
    According to Thomas Pogge’s theory of human rights, those of us in the developed world have a negative duty to the global poor. In other words, our responsibility to them is not merely to help them but to stop harming them by hoarding natural resources and imposing unfair institutional structures. I argue that Hegel would agree that we have a responsibility to the global poor and that he would also agree with some of Pogge’s institutional diagnosis. Hegel thought that civil (...)
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  49. Dérision, portée critique et interrogation éthique.Lydia Papandreou - 2013 - In Charles Guérin, Gilles Siouffi & Sandrine Sorlin (eds.), Le rapport éthique au discours: histoire, pratiques, analyses. Bern: Peter Lang.
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    Divine illumination: the history and future of Augustine's theory of knowledge.Lydia Schumacher - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Takes an original approach to reading Augustine's theory of divine illumination and shows how the theory was transformed and reinterpreted in medieval ...
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